Introduction and Call to Prayer

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Introduction and Call to Prayer

Earth Day Liturgy Introduction and Call to Prayer

Leader: As children of our loving God, we are called to use what we have – time, talent, money (slide 1) and service – in a way that honours God and builds up the Kingdom of God on earth.

This stewardship reminds us that the earth and all that we have is not ours to possess, but is a gift from God. He has entrusted the earth to us, and so we are responsible for how we care for our beautiful planet. We, the staff and students of ______School, play an important role in the care and protection of the environment.

With this responsibility clearly in mind, let us begin our Earth Day liturgy by singing ______.

Leader: Please join me in the sign of our faith. In the name of the Father, …

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the friendship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.

We come together as stewards of the earth to celebrate the gifts of God’s creation. We know that we are not always good care-takers of the environment. Let’s take a moment to ask God’s forgiveness for the times we have not been friends of the earth.

Student: Lord Jesus, you have given us the wonders of the world for the enjoyment of all your people: Lord have mercy.

All: Lord have mercy.

Student: Christ Jesus, you ask us to use the resources of our planet with care: Christ have mercy.

All: Christ have mercy.

Student: Lord Jesus, you are the Son of God who walked this earth and loved it: Lord have mercy.

All: Lord have mercy.

Leader: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to life everlasting.

All: Amen.

Opening Prayer

Leader: God of goodness and beauty, you made the world, filled it with life, and ask us to care for it. Too often, our greed and lack of respect cause us to abuse the earth and all that live on it. For this, we ask for your forgiveness. Help us understand that we are part of the circle of life. May we work with you to help restore balance to the earth. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

1 Reflection (based on Genesis 1: 1 – 31)

Leader: When God began to create all things in the sky and on the earth, there was a great wind (slide 2) that came from God. And God said, “Let there be light”, and light there was. God saw that it was good, oh so good.

(slide 3) Then God said, “Let the sky above be divided from the water below, and let the water come together to let land appear”. And there they were, the sky above, the dry land and the waters below. And what did God see?

All: God saw that it was good, oh so good.

Leader: Then God said, “Let the earth grow grass, plants with seeds in them and fruit trees of all (slide 4) kinds.” And there they were: grass, plants full of flowers and beautiful tress. And what did God see?

All: God saw that it was good, oh so good.

Leader: Then God said, “Let there be a light in the sky during the day and another at night, and let (slide 5) there be stars, so that there will be day and night, light and darkness.” And there they were: the sun, the moon and all the starts in the sky. And what did God see?

All: God saw that it was good, oh so good.

Leader: Then God said, “Let there be lots of fish in the water, and swarms of birds in the sky.” And (slide 6) there they were: fish of all kinds, big whales and tiny fish, and all the kinds of birds that fly across the sky. And what did God see?

All: God saw that it was good, oh so good.

Leader: Then God said, “Let there be every kind of animal on the earth.” And there they were: (slide 7) from the fierce tigers to gentle deer. And what did God see?

All: God saw that it was good, oh so good.


Leader: We have so much to learn from our First Nations sisters and brothers. They understand (slide 8) how the earth and everything on it are so connected that if one thing is hurt, we are all hurt. They understand that we humans are totally dependent on nature and that we must respect and care for all that God, the Creator, has made.

We are now going to take part in a Litany of the Circle, which is based on wise words spoken by Chief Seattle.

Leader: Every part of this earth is sacred. (slide 9)

All: Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore.

2 Leader: Every mist in the dark woods, (slide 10)

All: Every clearing and humming insect is holy.

Leader: The rocky crest, the juices of the meadow, the beasts and all the people, (slide 11)

All: All belong to the same family.

Leader: Teach your children that the earth is our mother. (slide 12)

All: Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth.

Leader: The water’s murmur is the voice of our father’s father. (slide 13)

All: We are part of the earth, and the earth is part of us.

Leader: The rivers are our brothers; they quench our thirst. (slide 14)

All: The perfumed flowers are our sisters.

Leader: The air is precious. (slide 15)

All: For all of us share the same breath.

Leader: The wind that gave our grandparents breath also receives their last sigh. (slide 16)

All: The wind that gave our children the spirit of life.

Leader: This we know, the earth does not belong to us. (slide 17) All: We belong to the earth.

Leader: This we know, all things are connected. (slide 18)

All: Our God is the same God, whose compassion is equal for all.

Leader: God has made everything on the earth. The best way to show our thanks for all of these incredible gifts is to treat the earth with respect and care.

(slide 19) Knowing that we depend on God, on the earth and all that lives on the earth, let us say together the prayer that Jesus taught us. Our Father, …

3 Closing Prayer

Leader: Let us say together this Native American prayer by the Lakota Sioux Chief, Yellow Lark. (slide 20)

All: Oh Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all things, hear me.

I come to you as one of your many children. I am small and weak, I need your strength and your wisdom.

May I walk in beauty. May my eyes ever behold the glorious sunrise, and may they see as much mystery in your small miracles as in your great ones.

(slide 21) Make my hands respect the things you have created, and my ears sharp enough to hear your voice.

Make me wise so that I may know the things you have taught your children, the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

Make me strong, not to overcome my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy: myself.

Make me ever ready to come to you with pure hands and straight eyes, so that when my life fades as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you and stand before you, without shame.

(slide 22)

Leader: As we leave our celebration today, let us remember to appreciate all the beauty God has created, and listen to God’s call to be good stewards of the earth. Let us go forth and renew the face of the earth.

All: Thanks be to God.

Leader: We make this prayer in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.

Leader: Please join in singing ______

4 Possible Songs

Let All the Earth #69 Spiri t& Song I

I Will Lift Up Your Name #91 Spirit & Song I

Morning Has Broken #120 Spirit & Song I

Sing to the Mountains #673 Glory and Praise

Gathered As One P. 8 Move, Celebrate, Pray by John Burland

God’s Love Is … P. 13 Move, Celebrate, Pray by John Burland

Raise Your Voice for Justice P. 50 Move, Celebrate, Pray by John Burland

We Praise You God P. 7 God Loves Me by John Burland

Take Care of Me P. 24 Songs for the Journey by John Burland

This is the Time P. 28 This is the Time by Michael Mangan

Turn Back to God P. 32 This is the Time by Michael Mangan

Cosmic Hymn of Praise #4 Setting Hearts on Fire by Michael Mangan

Make a Little Difference #5 Setting Hearts on Fire by Michael Mangan

Be the Change #8 True Colours Shine by Michael Mangan

Radiating Hope #13 True Colours Shine by Michael Mangan


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