Work Programme 2005

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Work Programme 2005




This document sets out the work programme for the Social Platform in 2005, as established by the Social Platform’s members.

This work programme for 2005 was adopted by the Social Platform’s Steering Group on 13 December 2004, on the basis of an extensive consultation and drafting process within the Platform’s working groups and working parties, and a subsequent proposal by the Management Committee. Amendments were made to the proposed document by members. The work programme is subject to formal confirmation by the Social Platform’s next General Assembly meeting. The Social Platform is also developing a strategic planning process to aid the attainment of the objectives set out within its values statement. TABLE OF CONTENTS




3.1 Lisbon Agenda 3.2 Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development 3.3 Public Procurement 3.4 The Future of Cohesion Policies in Europe 3.5 Corporate Social Responsibility 3.6 Social Policy Agenda 3.7 Open Method of Coordination 3.8 Demographic change and the modernisation of social protection 3.9 Employment and Social Protection 3.10 Minimum Income (Wages) 3.11 Services, Social Services, and Services of General Interest 3.12 The Social Inclusion Strategy 3.13 Anti-discrimination policies 3.14 Gender equality 3.15 Integration of Migrants 3.16 Fundamental Rights 3.17 The EU Constitutional Treaty 3.18 Participatory democracy 3.19 Funding of NGOs at local, national and EU level


4.1 Exchanges of experience between social NGOs 4.2 Exchanges with other stakeholders 4.3 Training 4.4 Member support 4.5 Study visits to new Member States and candidate countries


5.1 The European Commission 5.2 The European Parliament 5.3 The Council of the European Union 5.4 Other EU Institutions and International Bodies


6.1 Disseminating information to Social Platform members 6.2 External communication activities: promoting knowledge of the Social Platform and social NGOs



The Social Platform’s aims and objectives are set out in the following statement of values, adopted by its General Assembly in 2004.

Statement of Values

The Social Platform and its members are committed to the advancement of the principles of equality, solidarity, non discrimination and the promotion and respect of fundamental rights for all, within Europe and in particular the European Union.

Our objectives:

We base our common actions upon the following objectives:

The eradication of poverty and the elimination of social exclusion.

The elimination of discrimination in all its forms and the promotion of equality for all

Equality between women and men in all areas of life

The promotion of participatory democracy

The engagement of social NGOs in an enhanced structured civil dialogue at EU level

The involvement of people experiencing or at risk of poverty, exclusion and discrimination in decision-making processes affecting them.

The Social Platform seeks to advance the interests of our members through advocacy of common positions, and through providing opportunities for our members to advance their own work at EU level by engaging with European policy-makers.

disseminates information and promotes understanding of EU policies of concern to social NGOs.

builds solidarity, co-operation and expertise through the exchange of knowledge and experience amongst social NGOs. The Social Platform, through its democratic structure, aims at the full participation of members in transparency and respect for their diversity. We are committed to promoting gender parity and diversity representation in the structures of the Social Platform.

The Social Platform seeks to bring added value to the work of its members.

Whilst the actions of the Social Platform are focused upon the European level, we support the development of these values at the global level.

Within this work programme, the Social Platform’s specific aims and immediate objectives are focused around the following four inter-related activity headings, derived directly from this statement of values: campaigning, capacity building, civil dialogue, and communication.

3 The organigraph on the following page describes how the various activities of the Social Platform relate to these headings.

The following describes the objectives linked with each heading:


 To influence EU policy formulation on a regular basis by promoting the concerted views of member organisations.  To campaign on issues of common interest to its members, especially on social rights, EU social policies and programmes, and on civil dialogue.

Capacity building

 To facilitate the exchange of experience and practices of Social Platform members and enable the mutual exchange of information.  To help social NGOs improve their capacity to contribute to a better future for all, to influence EU policy, and to make meaningful contributions to the civil dialogue.  To build alliances with other relevant stakeholders, including other NGOs and social partners

Civil dialogue

 To facilitate relations with the EU institutions and other International Organisations when there is an appropriate link with EU policies, and to facilitate the process of dialogue and consultation taking account of diversity.


 To promote awareness amongst Social Platform members of relevant EU policy developments.  To promote external awareness of the activities and role of the Social Platform and its members.

4 Exchanges between members and other stakeholders Enlargement visits


Policy Analysis / briefings Capacity-building

Lobbying Training EU Institution meetings / contacts Solidarity & Member support

Information dissemination to members Press / external Civil Dialogue communication

Communication 3. CAMPAIGNING

N.b. All policy-related activities are listed under the heading ‘Campaigning’ for simplicity. However, many of the activities described in this section inter-relate with capacity-building and civil dialogue activity headings, as is indicated by the organigraph. Each activity within this section specifies objectives, and action points summarise the key activities planned.

The Social Platform is an important way of helping bridge the gap between citizens and the EU institutions and therefore of reflecting the views of citizens. It is with this in mind that it will provide, on a regular basis, the relevant European institutions with the views of its members on draft EU policies and on their implementation once adopted. It will also make proposals to the EU institutions to develop certain new policies in the social field that its members consider as important for civil society in Europe. Furthermore, the Platform will campaign to mainstream social policies in other policy fields, in particular in relation to economic policy. The Social Platform also seeks to mainstream campaigning in relation to the accession process within its policy work.

Through its policy campaigning the Social Platform demonstrates the added value of its work by gathering and communicating the views of its members on a wide range of transversal social issues.

Social Platform position papers are developed by the Working Groups, assisted by the Secretariat. Position papers are detailed policy proposals made by European social NGOs on themes relevant to the Social Platform’s mandate.

They are proposed by Working Groups for adoption by the membership as a whole. All Social Platform position papers are subject to full consultation, with comments and amendments submitted by members, and subsequent re-drafting by Working Groups and the Secretariat. The draft documents are then adopted by the Steering Group. Position papers are almost invariably adopted by consensus, although the statutes and internal rules do allow for voting where consensus cannot be reached.

Resolutions are also adopted by the Steering Group, after consultation of all members. Resolutions are shorter joint statements, often drawing upon previously agreed position papers to deliver a contribution from social NGOs at key political moments (the start of a Presidency, the eve of a European Council, etc).

They are proposed by Working Groups or by the Management Committee in collaboration with the Secretariat.

Policy briefings are prepared by the Secretariat. They provide analysis of policy developments for Social Platform members and other actors (including political decision- makers). They may often later serve as the preparatory documents for future common positions.

Advocacy Letters are prepared by the Management Committee, Secretariat, or Working Groups, and are signed by the President, Director, and / or member of the Management Committee. They provide a mechanism for the Social Platform to produce quick responses to political developments when a full position paper cannot be produced in time. Whilst they are not adopted by Social Platform members, they are often the subject of consultation amongst the membership, and are usually based upon existing position papers.

3.1 Lisbon Agenda

Objective: advance the views of social NGOs that a balanced approach to Lisbon must be maintained.

The Social Platform will campaign for a balanced approach to the Lisbon Strategy, based upon the position paper adopted by its members in October 2004. In particular, the Platform in 2005 will focus its message in advance of the mid-term review of the Lisbon Strategy upon the need to take more action to achieve the twin aims of greater social cohesion, and more and better jobs.

Exchanges with the European Trade Union Confederation and the European Environment Bureau will continue to take place to develop better mutual understanding of the positions of stakeholders on this issue, and to exchange information and analysis of policy-documents produced by the EU Institutions.

The Social Platform will produce a position paper outlining the views of social NGOs on the eve of the Spring Summit of the European Council. This will respond to the synthesis report of the Commission expected in December 2004 / January 2005, and will make a series of proposals to the European Council on how to implement a balanced strategy to achieve the Lisbon strategic goals. The Social Platform will also seek to discuss its views with the European Parliament, in particular with the working groups on the Lisbon process set up by the political groups.

The Social Platform will also campaign for the mainstreaming of social goals within EU policies, including within the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines.

Action points  exchanges with ETUC / EEB  position paper for Spring Summit  campaigning to mainstream social goals

3.2 Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development

Objective: develop the knowledge of social NGOs on the use of impact assessment by the European Commission, and facilitate the contribution of their expertise to such assessments.

Impact assessment is a tool which is being used increasingly by the European Commission in the planning of its policy initiatives, and will become increasingly important in light of the mainstreaming provisions for social objectives introduced by the Constitutional Treaty. The Social Platform will promote knowledge of this tool amongst its members by providing briefings on the use of the tool and its importance within the policy-making process. It will also promote exchanges with experts from inside and outside the EU Institutions on the development of impact assessments, and the role which NGOs can play in informing these assessments. These exchanges will take place within the Working Groups of the Platform, and will also include a seminar on Impact Assessment with contributions from the Commission, academics, and NGOs. The Social Platform will also work with the ETUC and EEB to develop knowledge of this policy- making tool.

7 Action points  Briefings for members on Impact Assessment  Exchanges on strenthening Impact Assessment tools

3.3 Public Procurement

Objective: work with other stakeholders to develop knowledge on the inclusion of social clauses in public procurement contracts

The Social Platform will work within the green / social alliance on public procurement during 2005. The campaign will promote the full and rapid transposition of the two directives adopted in 2004 on public procurement. It will also raise awareness and encourage local authorities to include social clauses inside public procurement contracts which give weight to action taken to combat social exclusion and discrimination.

Furthermore, the European Commission will be encouraged to promote social clauses within its own procurement.

Action points  Campaigning with other NGOs and unions for rapid transposition  Awareness-raising on need for social clauses in public procurement contracts  Campaigning for Commission to promote social procurement in its own operations

3.4 The Future of Cohesion Policies and the Structural Funds in Europe

Objective: provide input from social NGOs to the debate on the financial perspective

In 2005 the financial perspective for 2007-2013 will be adopted. The Social Platform will disseminate information to its members on the political process, and provide analysis of the impact of decisions relating to the financial perspective for the issues concerning social NGOs.

The Social Platform will campaign to support social, territorial and economic cohesion, taking an active part in the debate, and will raise the issue of the links between Lisbon goals (and sustainable development strategy) and the financial instrument of the EU.

Exchanges between members will be held on the structural funds, and the Social Platform will campaign for the new regulation to reflect the Lisbon goals, including that of social cohesion, and to recognise the importance of the participation of NGOs.

Action points  Briefings to members on financial perspective  Campaign for financial perspective to reflect Lisbon goals, and for structural funds to recognise participation of NGOs

3.5 Corporate Social Responsibility

8 Objective: brief members on developments in CSR at EU-level; coordinate responses from members to Commission initiatives

Following the completion of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum in 2004, the European Commission will publish a Communication on CSR in 2005. The Social Platform will brief members on the Commission’s proposals, and will coordinate exchanges between social NGOs before producing a position paper to advance the collective views of social NGOs on an EU framework for CSR.

The Social Platform will continue to exchange knowledge and views with other stakeholders involved in the EU debate, principally other NGO sectors, trade unions, and business interests.

Action points  Briefings on Commission proposals  Response paper from Social Platform  Exchanges with other stakeholders

3.6 Social Policy Agenda

Objective: produce an evaluation of the Social Policy Agenda 2001-2005 as it reaches its end; advance the proposals of social NGOs for the next Social Policy Agenda; support an effective and ambitious five-year plan for EU social policy.

The Social Platform will be active in campaigning on the implementation of the current Social Policy Agenda (2001-2005) during 2005. This will include providing provisional input to the Spring Summit, and a fuller and final assessment towards the end of 2005. This will help us to learn valuable lessons to ensure that the next Social Policy Agenda is more effective, and addresses outstanding issues from the first SPA.

In October 2004 the Social Platform produced a detailed set of proposals for the next Social Policy Agenda (2006-2010) in the form of a position paper. The paper was based upon extensive consultations with its members concerning the kind of initiatives and direction which social NGOs would recommend for the next five years of EU social policy. This position paper will continue to form the basis of the Social Platform’s campaign in 2005 for an effective and ambitious EU social policy. The Platform will continue to advance the ideas within this paper to the EU Institutions, in particular the European Commission, in advance of the publication of the Commission’s Social Policy Agenda, expected before the Spring of 2005.

The Social Platform will then disseminate information about this Agenda to its members, brief them upon the content, and undertake a consultation of social NGOs before producing a response to the Commission’s proposals. The campaign will also focus upon engaging in a dialogue with the Luxembourg and UK Presidencies on the priorities of social NGOs, as well as with the European Parliament.

Action points

 Document assessing Social Policy Agenda 2001-2005  Campaigning to support proposals of social NGOs  Disseminating information on new Social Policy Agenda  Response to Social Policy Agenda

9 3.7 Open Method of Coordination

Objective: develop the capacity of social NGOs to engage effectively with the OMC in various policy areas; propose the views of social NGOs to the EU Institutions on how to strengthen this policy tool.

This new social policy tool is becoming of increasing importance for the EU, and of increasing relevance to social NGOs. It is used in relation to the national employment plans, and the social inclusion strategy. In 2005 the first National Strategy Reports on pensions will be produced, and the first OMC on health-care will also take place.

The Social Platform will facilitate exchanges and coordination of the work of members on the various NAPs processes. The Platform’s added value will be to draw together best practices and experiences within the broad social sector in order to strengthen the processes, and campaign for the involvement of a wide range of civil society stakeholders. The Social Platform will also seek to raise awareness of the need to introduce transversal values such asthe eradication of poverty and the fight against social exclusion , gender, non-discrimination, into the process at EU level.

In order to increase the ability of NGOs to understand how the OMC functions, and how NGOs can play a role at European and national level, the Social Platform will carry out activities to build capacity and expertise. This will include providing briefings to members on the tool and its use in different policy areas, and arranging meetings with academic experts and EU and national officials for members.

The Platform will also seek to promote exchanges between members to develop understandings of best practice at national level, both in terms of the involvment of civil society in the OMC, and the innovative use of policies within the OMC. The views emerging from such exchanges will be used to provide an input from the Social Platform to the planned review of OMC to be undertaken by the European Commission.

The Social Platform will link the use of the OMC to the streamlining of social protection, which will bring the different elements of employment, social inclusion, and health and pensions policy closer together.

Action points  Briefing members on the OMC  Exchanges of experience between members  Campaigning for best practice in use of OMC, including transversal values and involvement of NGOs

3.8 Demographic change and the modernisation of social protection

Objective: build the knowledge of members in relation to the impact of demographic change upon their issues of concern.

Knowledge of members on the potential impact of demographic changes and modernisation of social protection will be developed by producing briefing materials on the likely changes, and by holding a seminar for members on this issue. The seminar will include contributions from experts on the issue, including the OECD.

10 The Social Platform will also provide a briefing for members on the proposed Communication on Demographic Change, and provide a response, as appropriate.

Action points:  Briefings and seminar on impact of demographic change  Briefing and possible response to Communication

3.9 Employment and Social Protection

Objective: campaign for quality employment, and social protection systems based upon fundamental rights; promote exchanges between NGOs on the impact of activation policies at national level

A campaign will be carried out on quality employment and the activation of employment, focusing upon the impact of the Making Work Pay approach at national level, and seeking to revive the EU’s commitment to quality employment (‘more and better jobs’).

The Social Platform considers that current employment policies rely too much upon activation measures, and do not focus sufficiently upon the need to provide quality employment. In some member countries employment policy measures have brought about a second-level, low-pay labour market where persons entering the market through unemployment do normal jobs as trainees, on labour support, subsidised employment for a remuneration well below the normal wages in similar jobs. The public sector already depends upon such low-paid jobs and this situation seems to be permanent.The campaign will seek to consider alternatives to activation-only approaches to employment and social protection policies, in order to fully implement the Lisbon strategy.

The Platform will gather evidence from the national level of the impact of these policies upon its target groups and constituencies. It will then compile this information and provide it to the EU Institutions (Council, Commission and Parliament) as part of its campaign, in order to develop understanding of the dangers of the activation-only approach. It will seek to advance proposals from its members for a more balanced approach to employment and social protection. The campaign will particularly aim at engaging in a debate with the Employment Committee (EMCO) created by the Council. The campaign will seek to consider the positive role played by high levels of social protection in supporting people back into employment, as well as ensuring that activation approaches respond to the real needs and realities of people excluded from the labour market.

The campaign will include a seminar to discuss the issue of activation policies with EU Institutional representatives.

Action points  Campaign on quality employment and activation policies  Seminar on activation policies

3.10 Minimum Income (Wages)

Objective: provide analysis to members; coordinate input of views of social NGOs to policy debate.

11 A Communication from the Commission on this issue is expected in late 2004 or early 2005. The Social Platform will provide a briefing for its members on this issue, and will coordinate a response from social NGOs to the Commission’s proposals.

Action points  Briefing for members on Minimum Income  Response from Social Platform to proposals

3.11 Services, Social Services, and Services of General Interest

Objective: develop knowledge through exchange of experience of issues related to social services; campaign to advocate views of members on social services

The Social Platform will continue to provide policy makers with the views of social NGOs on the draft directive on services. Exchanges between members will be held to deepend understanding of the implications of the draft directive, and briefings on the issue will be made for members. Through such exchanges and briefings, the Social Platform will seek to develop a concerted position in relation to the directive, to aid policy-makers who wish to understand the views of social NGOs.

Input will be provided to aid the Commission in developing its Communication on Social Services of General Interest, expected in the Spring or Summer of 2005. The Social Platform will also produce a response to this Communication, drawing upon the views of its members.

Following the publication of the Communication, the Social Platform will organise an expert seminar on social services to debate the relationship between the regulation of services and the status of social services.

Links will be made between social NGOs working on this issue and with trade unions, other NGOs with an interest in the services directive and social services of general interest, and with CELSIG.

Action points  Exchanges between members and briefings on services directive  Advocacy of members’ views on directive  Advancing views to Commission on social SGIs  Response to Commission Communication on Social SGIs  Joint conference on social services of general interest  Exchanges with trade unions and other NGOs

3.12 The Social Inclusion Strategy

Objective: disseminate information to members and facilitate their involvement in EU discussions on the strategy

Follow-up of the implementation of the Community Action Programme on Social Exclusion will be undertaken, to facilitate the involvement of Platform members in its implementation, and to make proposals for improvement.

12 This will include participating in regular meetings with DG EMPL to discuss the implementation of the Action Programme, facilitating the participation of Social Platform members at such meetings, and disseminating information arising from such exchanges to all Social Platform members.

The Social Platform will also campaign for the European Commission to immediately commence the mainstreaming of the promotion of a high level of employment, the guarantee of adequate social protection, the fight against social exclusion, and a high level of education, training and protection of human health throughout EU policies, as included within the Constitutional Treaty.

Action points  Follow-up implementation of Action Programme  Campaigning for mainstreaming of social inclusion objectives

3.13 Anti-discrimination policies

Objective: exchange information on transposition of directives; campaign for further implementation of Art. 13; facilitate involvement of members in EU policy debate

The Social Platform plays a crucial role in bringing together a huge range of European social alliances working to fight discrimination in all of its forms.

It will campaign on the issue of the implementation of the non-discrimination directives (on employment and race), exchanging information between Social Platform members on progress at national level, and campaigning for full and rapid implementation of these important non-discrimination laws.

In addition, the Social Platform will continue to campaign to ‘level up’ protection against discrimination for all grounds under Article 13(TEC) beyond employment, and will provide an input from social NGOs to the proposed Commission feasibility study on non- discrimination in the field of goods, facilities and services.

Furthermore, the Social Platform will continue to represent social NGOs on the Steering Group for the EU ‘For Diversity, Against Discrimination’ awareness-raising campaign. A representative from the Platform will participate in the meetings of the Steering Group, and the feedback of members will be ensured by the Fundamental Rights Working Group.

Multiple discrimination will also be a focus of the Platform’s work, to help member organisations develop a better understanding of the ways in which forms of discrimination can combine together for particular groups. A seminar will be held on this issue to discuss different forms of multiple discrimination, aimed at identifying best practice in this field.

A seminar will also be held on the role of civil society organisations in combating discrimination against the Roma, with a view to awareness-raising and encouraging a broad-based approach to Roma issues within civil society.

Furthermore, the Social Platform will organise a seminar on the mainstreaming of equality, in order to aid its members in addressing this issue within their work.

13 The Social Platform will facilitate the involvement of its members in discussions with DG EMPL on the implementation of the Non-Discrimination Action Programme. This will include participating in regular meetings with DG EMPL to discuss the implementation of the Action Programme, facilitating the participation of Social Platform members at such meetings, and disseminating information arising from such exchanges to all Social Platform members.

Collaboration with the European Trade Union Confederation will take place in order to strengthen the ties between social NGOs and trade unions in relation to the new Article 13 directives. Meetings will be organised between representatives of Social Platform members working on non-discrimination and ETUC representatives in order to exchange views and promote common work on the directives, both in terms of supporting transposition and raising awareness.

The Social Platform will also campaign for the European Commission to immediately commence the mainstreaming of non-discrimination objectives throughout EU policies, as included within the Constitutional Treaty, and will itself mainstream non-discrimination concerns within its policy activities.

Action points  Exchanges and campaigning on transposition of directives  Campaign for equal levels of protection under Article 13  Seminar on multiple discrimination  Seminar on combating discrimination against the Roma  Seminar on equality mainstreaming  Work with ETUC to develop common strategy on non-discrimination  Mainstreaming of non-discrimination throughout the policy activities of the Platform

3.14 Gender equality

The Social Platform will support the mainstreaming of gender equality throughout the EU’s policies, in accordance with the existing Treaty obligations, and the new Constitutional Treaty.

Furthermore, the Platform will monitor the progress of the Article 13 draft directive on gender and services, and will brief members on the progress of this directive and the likely impact upon their areas of concern. The Platform will monitor the transposition, and where necessary alert members about the process, of directive 2002/73/EC amending Council directive 76/207/EEC on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions.

In addition, as the current Framework Strategy for Gender Equality is due to end in 2005, the Social Platform will lobby for the European Commission to draft a new Framework Strategy for Gender Equality and seek to provide the opportunity for its members to discuss this issue with the European Commission.

The Social Platform will support the creation of an EU Gender Institute, as this Institute presents an important opportunity to reinforce EU gender equality actions and will give further political impetus to EU gender equality efforts. Action points

Mainstream gender equality within policy activities of Social Platform Monitor progress of Article 13 directive on gender; monitor transposition of Directive 2002/73/EC, and brief members on progress and impact of these directives upon their areas of work Lobby European Commission to draft a new Frmaework Strategy for Gender14 EqualityMonitor progress and support the creation of an EU Gender Institute 3.15 Integration of Migrants

Objective: provide concerted input to EU debate; exchange knowledge between members on the issue

A Green Paper from the Commission on labour migration is expected early in 2005, and the Social Platform will provide a response from its members to the Commission’s proposals, based upon the expertise of its members in the field of the integration of migrants within the Union.

Exchanges between members of the Working Party on the Social Rights of Migrants will develop the knowledge and capacity of social NGOs in this field. Exchanges will also be promoted with other NGOs working in the field, and with other stakeholders.

Action points  Response to Commission proposals  Exchanges between members and others to develop knowledge and capacity

3.16 Fundamental Rights

Objective: influence the debate on the new Agency; facilitate involvement of members in annual human rights reviews

The Commission published its proposals for a Fundamental Rights Agency in November 2004, following consultation with NGOs. The Social Platform will continue to advance the views of its members in relation to the scope and structure of the new Agency, including by responding to this Communication. In order to further this work a seminar on the new Agency will be held in 2005, to bring together Social Platform members with other NGOs and human rights experts in order to discuss the role of this future Agency.

The Platform will also disseminate information to its members concerning how the new Agency could function, and the impact upon their areas of work.

The Social Platform will organise a conference on ‘Making european Socail Rights a Reality’, in order to contribute to the development of social rights at EU level. The conference will promtoe a rights-based approach to social policy, and will include discussion of the contribution of the EU Charter of Fundamentla Rights and the future Fundamental Rights Agency to the development of social rights. The Platform will seek to co-organise this conference with the involvement of a Member State government, and involving equality agencies with the EU.

15 In organising this conference the Platform will seek to maximise the opportunity for national members of member organisations to attend. Representatives from other stakeholder groups will also be invited to attend.

The Social Platform, depending upon the timing of the adoption of the draft regulation for the future Fundamental Rights Agency, will organise a seminar to debate together with academics, practitioners, national representatives and NGOs what should be the role of the future agency.

In addition the Platform will provide briefings for members on the annual Network of Fundamental Rights Experts Report, and facilitate their input to this process, as well as developing exchanges around other human rights instruments including the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe Revised Social Charter. The Platform will facilitate the involvement of its members in monitoring the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, through the annual human rights reporting process initiated by the European Parliament, and through regular exchanges within its Working Group.

Action points  Respond to Communication  Seminar on future Fundamental Rights Agency  Brief members on new Agency  Brief members and facilitate input to annual human rights reviews

3.17 The EU Constitutional Treaty

Objective : to build the capacity of social NGOs to understand the impact of the Constitutional Treaty upon their areas of interest ; to facilitate the engagement of social NGOs at national level to engage with the debates around the ratification of the Treaty.

Building upon its existing work, the Social Platform will develop expertise on the likely legal impact of the Constitutional Treaty for social policy and other policy areas of interest to social NGOs. The Platform will provide opportunities for members to discuss the Treaty with legal experts, will commission expert opinion, and will disseminate this to its members through Working Group and other meetings, and through other means.

The Social Platform will continue to play an active role in the Civil Society Contact Group, which provides a forum for exchange between NGO sectors on the Future of Europe debate.

Working with the Contact Group, the Platform will provide a toolkit for NGOs, explaining the background to the Treaty, clearly setting out the changes in areas of interest to NGOs, and explaining the ratification process. This toolkit will be aimed at facilitating the involvement of social NGOs in the national ratification debates.

The Platform will also facilitate the involvement of its members at a conference organised by the Contact Group for NGOs on the Constitution, to discuss the role of civil society in the debate, and exchange information on the position of different elements of civil society.

Furthermore, a conference for Social Platform members will be held to discuss the impact of the new Constitutional Treaty, and to discuss how provide high-quality relevant materials for civil society organisations at national level to faciliate their involvement in the ratification debates.

16 Action points  Develop and disseminate legal expertise and analysis  Work with Contact Group to develop toolkit for NGOs  Conference on Constitution with Contact Group  Seminar for Platform members on activating NGOs in ratification debates

3.18 Participatory democracy

Objective: develop knowledge of members on implications of Art.I-47; develop common position on how to implement; campaign for stronger participatory democracy

The Social Platform will promote exchanges between its members concerning the impact of Article I-47 (participatory democracy) of the Constitutional Treaty. Through such exchanges, the Social Platform will develop a common position on how Article I-47 should be implemented. The views of members on this matter will then be advocated to the European Commission, and other Institutions.

The Social Platform will continue to campaign for more structured relations between social NGOs and EU Institutions, including the Parliament, Council and Commission. It will continue to engage with the Democracy and Governance process initiated by the European Commission in 2001, seeking, in particular, the implementation of a partnership arrangement with the European Commission as envisaged in the White Paper for NGOs in certain areas (COM 2001 428). It will also seek to clarify, strengthen, and monitor the implementation of the general principles and minimum standards for consultation (COM 2002, 704).

The Social Platform will also address other issues of relevance to the development of participatory democracy, including access to EU documents, meetings and buildings for NGOs, and the development of structured relations with the bodies such as the Social Protection Committee.

Action points  Exchanges on impact of Art. I-47;  Development of common position on implementation  Campaigning for more structured relations with EU

3.19 Funding of NGOs at local, national, and EU level

Objective: inform members of developments in relation to NGO funding; campaign for secure funding for NGOs to enable them to play a role in developing participatory democracy at local, national, and European level.

The Platform will promote exchanges between its members on current and future funding sources for NGOs, including for both European and national level projects. The Platform will draw upon the expertise of its members in relation to structural funds in order to consider how civil society can be more effectively supported at national level.

17 The PROGRESS Action Programme will be presented for adoption by the EU in 2005, and the Social Platform will provide an input from its members in relation to this programme to both the European Parliament and Council.

Action points  Exchanges on funding of NGOs  Advancing views of members on PROGRESS Programme


Objective: build the capacity of members to make effective contributions to EU policy- making and European civil society development

In order for social NGOs to make an effective contribution to the development of European civil society, it is necessary that they have sufficient capacity to organise and act. The Platform will reinforce this capacity during 2005, providing support to members by sharing best practice and exchanging knowledge, as well as promoting capacity by organising visits, training seminars and meetings. Much of the activities relating to capacity-building are described in the previous section; other activities are outlined here.

4.1 Exchanges of experience between social NGOs

The Social Platform will foster the exchange of experiences and information between Platform members. This exchange on all the aforementioned campaigns will take place in particular in the Working Groups but also in the meetings of the Steering Group and the General Assembly, Seminars and Conferences organised by the Platform and its members.

Exchange will also be promoted through activities falling under the Communication activity heading (see below).

Action points  Exchanges of experiences in Working Groups, seminars and other meetings

4.2 Exchanges with other stakeholders

In addition to its work in the social sector, the Social Platform remains committed to supporting the cross-sectoral network of NGOs and trade unions which together comprise the Civil Society Contact Group.

This group, which was established at the initiative of the Social Platform in 2002, includes representatives from the key European networks in the fields of the environment, social rights, human rights, development policy, women’s rights and culture. The Contact Group will continue to play a key role in developing strong relations between the different constituent parts of European civil society. It has focused largely upon the Future of Europe debate, but has also proved to be the catalyst for common action between several of the members (on sustainability, governance, corporate social responsibility, fundamental rights).

This Group will continue to work together on a number of common campaign issues and will continue the act4europe campaign in 2005, which will focus on strengthening

18 participatory democracy, and encouraging civil society organisations to play a role in the ratification debates. This campaign will involve civil society organisations at European and national level in the debate on the Future of Europe, and developing knowledge, and building capacity, amongst national organisations, particularly within the accession states, to participate in EU policy debate. The Civil Society Contact Group employs a co- ordinator who will be based at the Social Platform’s office. As its contribution to the work of the Contact Group, the Social Platform will supply line-management for the Co- ordinator (together with the Chair of the Contact Group), and will also pay a membership fee to the Contact Group. All other costs relating to this activity are not funded under the Social Platform’s EU grant, however.

The Social Platform will consolidate its relations with the European Trade Union Confederation through regular contact on issues of common interest, which will allow for the development of common campaigns and collaborative agreements. With regard to specific activities, the Platform will continuing to work together on the joint campaign on the Future of Europe – act4europe, and will continue to meet to discuss common concerns within the Civil Society Contact Group (see below). It will also continue to collaborate on the joint campaign on sustainable investment (see above).

As far as the employers’ organisations and business networks (UNICE/CEEP, CSR Europe and others) are concerned, the Platform will continue contacts, in particular through the dialogue around the issue of corporate social responsibility.

Exchanges with other stakeholders will also feature in the work of the Social Platform on public procurement, the Lisbon process, migration, social services, and other areas of activities, as mentioned elsewhere in this work programme.

Action points  Develop common work in Contact Group  support act4europe campaign  consolidate relations with ETUC and other stakeholders

4.3 Training

This form of capacity-building will include training and exchanges of knowledge on specific aspects of running NGO networks (office management, communication, strategic development and others), alongside promoting contacts with national NGOs in the new Member States and candidate countries by organising study visits for its members to these States.

In particular, the Social Platform will organise seminars with facilitators to train NGO representatives on public speaking, press relations, and on communicating their message.

The Platform will also develop the exchanges between NGO administrators to exchange best practice and benefit from external expertise, and will encourage NGO managers to share experiences and best practices with a view to strengthening the management of the social NGO sector.

Action points  Seminar on communication  Exchanges of knowledge and experience on office administration, management, communication

19 4.4 Member support

The Social Platform will also continue to offer practical support to member organisations. In the past this has included consultation on internal governance structures, staff recruitment policies, equal opportunities policies, staff regulations, requirements for AISBLs under Belgian law, and other support. Support is offered by exchanging knowledge between networks, and by drawing upon knowledge within the Secretariat and Management Committee.

The Social Platform will move to new premises in 2005, which will allow additional services to be offered.

A fully-accessible meeting room within the new offices will be available for rent by members of the Platform. The Social Platform will also make available a workstation with internet access for visiting members, in order to support those organisations without an office in Brussels.

Action points  Support members on practical management and governance issues  Make resources available in new offices for members

4.5 Study visits to new Member States and candidate countries

Two study visits will be held in 2005 to allow Social Platform members the opportunity to develop their membership base in new Member States and candidate countries. These visits, to be held in Romania and Bulgaria (to be confirmed), will build the capacity of the Social Platform’s EU membership networks to engage with civil society organisations in these countries. After accession, this work is even more urgent if civil society organisations from the new Member States are to play a full role within European civil society. The visits will include thematic meetings between national and European NGOs, together with meetings with national policy-makers in order to encourage a greater level of support for social NGOs at a national level.

Action points  Study visits to Romania and Bulgaria


Objective: The Social Platform aims to develop a structured civil dialogue to allow for the consistent consultation of civil society by the European Union institutions, in order to strengthen the role of civil society in the fight against social exclusion and discrimination.

The Social Platform’s work in the area of developing civil dialogue ranges from its involvement in regular dialogue and exchange with the European Commission and with the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee, through to offering expertise in the development of specific policy dialogues. All of these forms of exchange

20 and dialogue strengthen the means for Social Platform members to intervene in the EU policy-making process.

The Social Platform’s objectives in this area will be achieved through building structured relations with the EU Institutions, and, where appropriate to EU policy, with other international organisations

5.1 The European Commission

The Social Platform and DG EMPL will maintain a structured and open dialogue on issues of mutual concern, with this relationship being structured in particular around the organisations of two formal bi-annual meetings during the year. These meetings will enable Social Platform members to engage with the European Commission on a range of policy issues, as well as to discuss the modalities of consultation exercises. The meetings will each be co-chaired by the Social Platform President and a high-ranking representative of DG EMPL.

The Social Platform will also arrange meetings with key Commissioners and their Cabinets. It will continue to develop relations with relevant Directorate Generals other than DG EMPL, such as the Secretariat-General (on governance and democracy and SGIs); DG BUDGET (on the funding of NGOs); DG ENVIR (on Spring Summit); DG COMP (on state aid); DG MARKT (on public procurement and the services directive); DG SANCO (on health), and DG JHA (on immigration and fundamental rights), although DG EMPL remains the main Commission contact for the Platform.

Informal consultations as well as other forms of consultation and dialogue such as Social Platform participation in seminars or conferences organised by the Commission and the invitation of the Commission to Platform events will also take place, to complement the more structured forms of dialogue.

Action points  Hold bi-annual meetings with European Commission  Participate in consultations and dialogue on key policy issues

5.2 The European Parliament

Two bi-annual meetings with the Co-ordinators of the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs will take place during 2005. These will provide Social Platform members with the opportunity to meet key political figures in the Parliament, and to discuss the role of civil society in relation to policy-making, as well as providing a context for the development of strong relations between the Committee and European social NGOs.

The Social Platform will also participate in hearings organised by the European Parliament, committees and political groups, whenever appropriate, and will continue to play a role in promoting the involvement of European social NGOs in the work of the Parliament.

The Social Platform will continue to strengthen contacts with relevant EP committees other than the Social Affairs Committee, such as the Committees on Citizens’ Freedoms and Rights, on Constitutional Affairs, and on Budgets, in relation to Platform campaign issues.

21 Social Platform delegates will also go regularly to Strasbourg in order to approach Parliamentarians on Platform campaigns during the plenary sessions.

Action points  Hold two bi-annual meetings with Coordinators of Employment Committee  Partiicpate in debate and hearings on key policy issues

5.3 The Council of the European Union

During 2005 the Social Platform will publish tests in advance of each Presidency, which will seek to inform and influence each Presidency, as well as providing a focus for the Social Platform’s work with the Council during the six-month period of each Presidency. The performance of each of the six-month Presidencies will be assessed against these tests.

The Social Platform will seek to establish strong relations with the Luxembourg and UK Presidencies in 2005, and also with representatives of the Austrian government in preparation for the first semester Presidency of 2006. It will arrange meetings with each Presidency and will seek to provide an input from social NGOs to informal Social Affairs Council meetings through participation in ‘Troika’ meetings and meeting with relevant EU delegations at international fora. It will also establish dialogue with the Secretariat of the Council and develop the existing contacts with the Permanent Representations of the Member States.

Furthermore, the Platform will seek to consult with the Social Protection Committee (SPC) and the Employment Committee (EMCO), in order to advance the views of its members as appropriate.

The Platform will also seek to play a role within the tri-partite social summits where appropriate.

Action points  Publish tests for each Presidency, and assessments  Participate in Troika meetings preceding Informal Social Affairs Councils  Build relations with SPC and EMCO

5.4 Other EU Institutions and International Bodies

The Platform will continue its co-operation with the European Economic and Social Committee, and will participate in meetings and events organised by the Committee in relation to its work as appropriate.

The Social Platform will also follow the work of the Committee of the Regions, and provide an input from social NGOs where appropriate. The Social Platform will disseminate information about the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions to its members, and will participate in seminars and conferences

22 organised by the Foundation where possible. It will also provide ideas and proposals to the Foundation for its work programme in accordance with the interests of social NGOs.

Contacts will also be made with the OECD, and the Social Platform will organise a meeting of its members with representatives from the OECD to understand how their work on international economic policy and research relates to the concerns of social NGOs, in order to broaden the understanding of macro-economic research.


In order to advance the objectives of the Social Platform, and to execute the activities described above effectively, the Social Platform will develop its communication to members and external actors.

6.1 Disseminating information to Social Platform members

In relation to communication with members, the Social Platform will seek to promote awareness amongst Social Platform members of relevant EU policy developments, and to facilitate the exchange of experience and practices of Social Platform members and enable the mutual exchange of information and strengthen their capacity to act.

The main informational tools produced for Social Platform are the Weekly Mailing and the Members’ Room section of the Social Platform website.

The Social Platform will continue to publish the internal Weekly Mailing during 2005. This is an electronic publication which is circulated every week to Social Platform members, and contains Social Platform news regarding campaigns, draft documents, and the activities of Working Groups; EU social policy news (political developments from the EU Institutions, summaries of new Communications, reports, and draft directives); Members’ news (highlighting campaigns and activities of Platform members); together with a calendar of internal and external events, conferences, and meetings.

The Weekly Mailing, and extracts from it, are circulated widely by Social Platform members at a national level, to promote knowledge amongst civil society about EU social issues and campaigns.

The Mailing is integrated with the Social Platform’s website, particularly the Members’ Room on the site, which links documents to the Mailing. This ‘Members’ Only’ section of the site contains internal documents including agendas, minutes, reports, draft common statements, briefings for members, information on forthcoming seminars and conferences, etc.

Exchanges of knowledge will also continue to be promoted through the communication strategy, through the ‘Members’ News’ section in the weekly internal mailing, and special features on members within Social Voices (including the ‘Meet the Members’ profile, and guest articles from members).

6.2 External communication activities: promoting knowledge of the Social Platform and social NGOs

The Social Platform will use the following informational tools to promote knowledge of its activities and role, and those of its member organisations.

23  Social Voices

Social Voices, the Social Platform newsletter, will be published four times during the year, in English and French, to promote knowledge of social issues at EU level, and of the activities of social NGOs. Social Voices is published via the web, email, and through printed copies. It is circulated to a wide audience interested in EU affairs, including key figures within the EU Institutions, social NGOs, media, and civil society. It is also circulated electronically to a large database of individuals and associations who have subscribed via the Social Platform web-site (subscription is free). Social Voices contains news, interviews, and features on issues of current concern.

 Social Platform web-site

The Social Platform web-site receives around 300 individual visitors per day (amounting to over 100.000 ‘hits’ per month). The Social Platform will continue to update the site on a daily basis to provide news and information on Social Platform campaigns. It is integrated with the Social Platform Weekly Mailing for members, and with Social Voices.

The site contains over 250 individual pages and is a major source of information on the activities and views of European social NGOs. It has Campaigns sections for all of the campaign areas listed in this work programme, which gather together links to key EU documents, Social Platform common position papers, letters, speeches, briefings, analysis, and press releases.

Furthermore, the website provides a database of Social Platform members, together with links to their web-sites, and maps the presence of Social Platform members’ national affiliates within the EU Member States. This national level mapping of social NGOs will be revised during 2004.

 Database of political contacts

The Social Platform will continue to maintain its extensive electronic database of key contact persons in the EU institutions, NGOs and other relevant bodies to whom information on Platform activities is distributed. This enables targeted information provision in relation to information and campaign tools.

Using this database campaign tools (position papers, resolutions, briefings, letters) are distributed widely, both through electronic and traditional media in order to raise awareness of the activities of the Social Platform.

 Press releases and media contacts

The Social Platform will maintain contacts with media through press releases, writing articles for media, offering interviews to journalists and reporters, holding briefing meetings with press, and other methods, in order to promote external knowledge of the Social Platform and its members and their concerns. The Platform will monitor press coverage of European social policy for its members, through the weekly mailing in particular, which includes a round-up of stories from European media of interest to members each week.

In addition the Platform acts as a reference point between social NGOs and the press, putting journalists in touch with specialist NGOs in relation to particular stories, and supporting the press work of Social Platform members by providing advice and contacts.


 The Social Platform aims to base its work upon the full democratic consultation and participation of its members. It seeks to ensure representativeness and gender parity within its delegations.

The objectives and activities set out above will be achieved through the structures and working methods set out within this section. These systems ensure the democratic accountability of the Social Platform to its members, and guarantee the added value of the Platform as a representative voice of social NGOs.

The Social Platform is administrated by the following Bodies:  The General Assembly, which will meet once during 2005  The Steering Group which will meet at least 3 times during this period  The Management Committee which will meet at least 6 times the during the year

The General Assembly is the highest authority of the Social Platform. It sets policies guidelines and priorities for the organisation, and adopts the Platform’s annual budget, as well as electing the Management Committee.

The Steering Group adopts policy statements and position papers, and sets up Working Groups and Commissions.

The Management Committee consists of the President, two Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and three other members. The Management Committee supervises the daily management of the Platform, manages the finances of the association, makes decisions on the representation of the Platform in external meetings, and assumes other tasks of the Steering Group as necessary between meetings of the Steering Group.

For more details refer to the statutes of the Social Platform.

 There will be two Social Platform Working Groups in 2005:

Social Policy Working Group

Fundamental Rights and Non-Discrimination Working Group

Each of these Working Groups is chaired by a Member of the Management Committee, responsible together with the Director for the co-ordination of the work and for liaison with the Management Committee. The Working Groups have a flexible structure, allowing for ad hoc or standing Working Parties to be established to deal with specific issues. The main Working Groups will meet between three and six times per year. Between the group meetings, other methods of working will be utilised, for example email consultation or meetings of sub-groups restricted to drafting or the development of strategy proposals.

Sub-groups and working parties include the Social Integration of Migrants Working Party.

The Social Platform’s capacity-building activities in relation to Enlargement will continue in 2005 (see above), but the policy work has now been mainstreamed into the other Working Groups, and the Enlargement Working Group disbanded.

25 A Working Party on the Future of Europe is also jointly convened when necessary by the Social Policy and Civil Dialogue Working Groups.

 The Membership Accreditation Committee, chaired by the Social Platform President will also meet in 2005, in order to finalise proposals for changes to the membership criteria and processes of the Platform, which will then be approved by the appropriate statutory body of the Platform. It will then continue as a standing committee to review membership issues including applications from prospective members.


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