Ottumwa High School Jrotc
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ATOW-KJIA-CC 3 June 2016
SUBJECT: 15th Annual Iowa National Guard Red Bull Raider Challenge
1. Purpose: The purpose of this letter is to publish the events, guidance and sequence of events for the 15th Annual Iowa National Guard Red Bull Raider Challenge hosted by the Des Moines Central Campus JROTC Red Bull Battalion and the Iowa Army National Guard (IANG). This event will be held on 24 September 2016 at Camp Dodge in Johnston, Iowa.
2. Scope: This letter is applicable to all JROTC units participating in this event.
3. General:
a. Entry Requirements:
(1) Teams will consist of a 9-member team (8 will participate in an event at a time).
(2) Entry fee will be $125.00 per team.
b. Events will include: The Army Physical Fitness Test (Modified), 1- Rope Bridge, Biathlon, 10-KM Road March, Raider Challenge Course, 1-Mile Ruck Run and a 2 Cadet Litter Relay. Guidance and descriptions of these events are attached. In the event of any and all ties, the 10-KM Road March will be the tie breaker.
c. Judging: Non-commissioned Officers from the IANG and ROTC Cadets from Iowa State University will serve as evaluators.
d. Awards: (d.1) Team: 1st through 5th place trophies will be awarded to teams in each major event. 1st through 5th place overall team trophies will be awarded.
(2) A medal will be awarded to each member on the 1st through 3rd place overall teams.
SUBJECT: 15th Annual Jean Kaplan Memorial Red Bull Raider Challenge cont.
(3) All cadets will receive a certificate of participation. e. Logistics:
(1) Check-in will be in Building S-53
(2) Bunks and showers are available in BLDG S-53 for teams wishing to arrive the night before. There are separate bays for males and females.
(3) The hosting unit will provide meals on the day of competition: The IANG will provide a catered breakfast and pizza and drinks after the closing ceremony. The host school will provide MRE/Heater Meal for lunch.
4. Our number one priority during this event will be safety. Our number two priority is to have fun and share camaraderie. Anytime we can get JROTC Cadets together is a great training day.
5. POC this memo is SFC (Ret.) Robert A. Webb at cell (319) 215-1729 or e-mail at [email protected]
6. Thank you.
ROBERT A. WEBB SFC (Ret.), USA Army Instructor
15TH Annual Jean Kaplan Memorial Red Bull Raider Challenge
232000SEP15 Commanders’ Call
240530SEP15 Movement to Freedom Center
240545SEP15 APFT
240730SEP15 Breakfast, issue lunch rations, prep time and move out to 10 KM start point. Teams must be cleared of the billets before they leave for the 10 KM Road March.
240850SEP15 Teams report to the 10 KM Road March SP. First team will depart at 0900 and the rest of teams will be staggered 2 minutes apart. Upon completion of the road march, teams will go immediately either to the 1 Rope Bridge or the Biathlon.
241500SEP15 Closing and award ceremonies
Someone will be at BLDG S-53 to register teams throughout the day and evening hours of the 23rd and up until 30 minutes prior to the APFT event.
3 At commanders call each team leader will draw a number from a container. This will be the team’s number throughout the event and will determine their order in the rotation. Teams will draw in order of distance they traveled. Longest distance traveled drawing first.
Upon completion of Closing Ceremony, pizza and pop drinks will be served.
Registration can be done by mail or in person prior to the APFT event.
Each cadet must have release forms complete and signed prior to competing. (Encl. #2 & 2A)
Uniform for this event is ACU complete. For the APFT, cadets will wear ACU undershirt or team t-shirts, belt, ACU trousers and boots.
Each team please bring two reflective road guard vests, canteens/web belts or camelbacks, a rucksack, and rope bridge equipment.
Vehicles will be parked in the lot adjacent to the 1-Rope Bridge site and teams will walk to events.
SCHOOL: ______
ADDRESS: ______
PHONE: ______FAX: ______E- MAIL: ______
NAME (FIRST, LAST MI) GENDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Encl. #1 (Team registration Form)
COVENANT NOT TO SUE OFF CAMPUS TRAINING AND PRACTICAL FIELD/HIGH RISK TRAINING ______DATA REQUIRED FOR PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 1. Authority: Title 10, U.S. Code 2301. 2. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE (S): To release the U.S. Government, the host institution and the state in which said institution is located from liability for injury, death, or damages for JROTC cadets participating in voluntary off-campus training programs, practical field and high risk training. 3. ROUTINE USES: Normal personnel actions. Disclosures of information may be provided to proper authorities in actions regarding law enforcement, legal actions as a result of injury or death, and investigations of accidents resulting from such voluntary off-campus training, practical field, and high risk training. 4. MANDATORY OR VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE AND EFFECT ON INDIVIDUAL NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: Voluntary. Failure to complete form will disqualify JROTC cadet from participating in specific voluntary training exercises.
I,______, residing at______(Type of Print full name) (Address) ______,______. (City) (State) do hereby agree that in consideration for being allowed to participate in the Central Campus Raider Challenge conducted by Central Campus JROTC Instructors and cadre and members of the Iowa National Guard on 23 and 24 September, 2016, an Army supervised activity, and whereas I am dong so entirely on my own initiative, risk and responsibility; and being fully aware of the risks adhering to this type of training, I hereby RELEASE AND DISCHARGE FOREVER, the United States Army, the State of Iowa and Des Moines Central Campus and all of its officers, agents and employees, acting officially or otherwise, from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action, on account of myself or on account of any injury to me which may occur from any cause during said activity or continuances thereof, and I do further covenant and agree to hold the said Government of the United States, the State of Iowa and Des Moines Central Campus blameless for any and all damages I may cause either intentionally or through my negligence.
______Typed/Printed Name of Parent or Guardian if Signature of Parent of Guardian if Participant Participant is a Minor is a Minor
______Relationship to Cadet Date
______Age/ Period Covered
______Signature of Cadet
Statement of Physical Condition For: DES MOINES CENTRAL CAMPUS JROTC “Red Bull Battalion” 1800 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50309 (515) 242-7315
Cadet’s Name:
To the best of my knowledge, my son/daughter/ward is in good physical condition. Participation in the Jean Kaplan Memorial Red Bull Raider Challenge Raider Challenge, in my opinion, will not have an adverse effect on his/her health and well-being. I will inform his/her JROTC Instructor of any changes. OR
My son/daughter/ward has a history of: (please list or if none, so state)
Heart problems, Asthma, Overweight, Sinus, Rheumatic Fever, Ear Infections, Headaches, Stomach Problems, ______or other ailments, and is on ______medication.
7 He/she is allergic to ______medication.
NOTE: Students that are found to have previous history of any type of illness, past injury, and/or symptoms of suspected medical ailment, will be returned home if treatment is needed or desired.
______(Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Signature of JROTC Instructor)
Encl. 2A
TASK: All team members will line up behind the start/finish line. On the command of “GO”, the clock will start and the first team member runs around the course twice carrying a 10 kg heavy bag back to the starting line where they will put the bag down. The second team member then picks up the bag and runs the course twice to the start line. This process will continue until all eight team members have completed the course. Time will stop when the eighth team member crosses the finish line.
1. Uniform: The assigned uniform for the entire event (ie, ACUs, Cap, Pistol Belt with Canteen, etc.)
2. Rucksack: May be left at the start/finish line during this event.
3. Weight: Each team member will carry a 10 kg heavy bag from the start/finish line to the firing line and bring the ball back to the start/finish line.
1. Official Team Time: Will be from the command of “GO” until the eighth team member crosses the finish line plus any penalty time added.
3. Penalties:
a. Dropped Equipment (ie, ACU Cap, Canteen, etc): 10 seconds added to the overall time for each item. This INCLUDES dropping the medicine ball.
8 b. Forgetting a ball: If the next runner steps out of the start box without having received the ball, 30 seconds will added for taking off without the ball. The handoff MUST occur within the start box.
9 Encl. #3 (Biathlon) 1-ROPE BRIDGE
1. This is a timed, event. The team crossing an obstacle IAW instruction in the fastest time will be the winner. 2. Each team must properly construct a one-rope bridge using the proper knots and equipment. 3. The time will start went the grader says “GO” and the time will stop when all team members have crossed the obstacle, all knots on the one-rope bridge have been untied, and all team members Swiss-seats and Aussie seats have been untied. 4. The lane grader will establish the boundaries and answer any questions prior to evaluating the team. 5. Requirements: a). Far-side anchor must have at a minimum two (2) round turns and two (2) half hitches. b). Near-side anchor: any safe transport system. c). All team members must wear properly constructed Swiss-seats with locking snap-links. The only persons exempt from wearing a Swiss-seat are the anchors. They can wear an Aussie seat. They must be clipped in when crossing the obstacle. d). Every member of the team must cross the obstacle or risk being forfeited in this event. e). A non-anchor cadet must carry the rucksack across the bridge. f). After crossing each cadet must remove their Swiss-seats and anchors must remove their Aussie seats before the time is stopped. 6. Penalties: a). A thirty (30) second penalty will be assessed for every knot improperly tied. b). A thirty (30) second penalty will be assessed for every member of the team that crosses the obstacle and touches the ground, or any part of their equipment touches the ground. c). A thirty (30) second penalty will be assessed for every member crossing the restricted boundary established by the lane grader. d). A ten (10) second penalty will be assessed for every equipment drop while negotiating the obstacle (i.e., headgear, canteen).
10 NOTE: Cadets will report to evaluator at a briefing point. The bridge rope will be packed in the rucksack. Swiss seats will be affixed to cadets such as in the manner they carry them on the 10 KM Road March (whatever your standard is). Once the briefing is complete teams will be given the command “GO”. At that time the team will immediately go into action and cross the bridge. Time will stop when all cadets and equipment have crossed the obstacle, all knots are removed from the main bridge rope, and all the cadets’ Swiss-seats and Aussie seats have been removed.
Encl. #4 (Rope Bridge) 10 KILOMETER ROAD MARCH
1. Uniform will be ACU, boots, pistol belt, and canteen, with canteen full of water. Each team will have two reflective vests and carry their rope bridge equipment 2. All eight-team members will finish together within a 10-meter mark on the ground and in full and proper uniform. 3. Members crossing the finish line without all members within the 10-meter mark will be assessed 5 minutes to their time for each member outside the mark.
Safety is always our #1 priority. Start point is adjacent to 1-Rope bridge site. All non-vested team members will stay in between cadets with road guard vests There will be guides and water points along the route Instructors are authorized on the course
11 Encl. #5 (10 Kilometer Road March) MODIFIED ARMY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST
1. This event will be a conducted IAW with TC 3-22.20 The events will include:
Push-ups Sit-ups 1- Mile Run
2. Standards will be scored IAW the 17-21 age group 3. Scorecards will be issued out at registration and will become the responsibility of the team captains. Ensure they are filled out IAW to instructions and that they are brought to the APFT. 4. Uniform: ACU or team t-shirt, ACU trousers w/belt and boots.
Instructions will not be read prior to start. Ensure cadets are familiar with push-up and sit-up standard IAW TC 3-22.20. Modification: 1-mile run times will be doubled and calculated as so. Max score is 300.
1. This is a timed event. Teams will be ranked in this event according to lowest times. Lowest total time averaged in all course events being 1st place. 2. Upon the start command teams will move out on the course carrying assigned equipment and a weighted litter (approximately 100 lbs.) and an additional rucksack issued at start point. Teams will negotiate several obstacles to include: inverted wall, island hopper etc. 3. Throughout the course, teams will encounter stations where they will have to perform skills of strength, endurance, accuracy and knowledge. Penalty and bonus seconds will be added to course run time according to performance of team at each station. Stations will include:
Ball Throw Board Walk Knot tying Rope Climbing HUMMV Pull Pipe sit-ups/bench press
4. Time will end when team crosses finish line with all equipment. 5. This event will be held on the Camp Dodge Confidence Course. 6. Uniform for this event is ACU with pistol belt and canteen.
13 1. At this station there will be a container with 8 standard softballs. Each team member will take one softball and from behind a barrier, one person at a time, will throw the baseball on one knee at a 10-meter circle approximately 25 meters from the barrier. 2. In the center of the circle will be a large trash receptacle and 3 randomly placed silhouettes. 3. Seconds will be deducted from each team’s score when:
a. a ball lands in the 50-gallon drum (-60 seconds) b. a ball hits a silhouette (-20 seconds) c. a ball remains in the circle (-10 seconds)
4. Seconds will be added to team score when a ball does not land in circle (+10 seconds)
NOTE: Ball that hits silhouette and bounces out of circle still counts as -20 seconds.
1. At this station each team member will tie one of the following knots:
Bowline, Double Fisherman’s, Prusik, Square, Double Sheet Bend, Clove Hitch, Figure Eight Slipknot and Butterfly. 2. Each team member will randomly draw a card with one of the above knots on it. It will be the responsibility of the team member to correctly tie that knot. Individual must tie his or her own knot. 3. Thirty (+30) seconds will be added on to team score for each incorrect knot.
1. At this station all members of the team will be required to climb a 25-foot rope. Team members may assist as long as their feet do not leave the ground. 2. Penalties: 2 Minutes will be added to course run time for each member who fails to comply with instructions in above requirements.
1. Team will be on 2 each 2x12’s with ropes attached to each end. Team will walk on these boards approximately 25 meters. Teams will action boardwalk upon encountering them. 2. Penalties: A ten (10) second penalty will occur each time a member(s) of the team steps of board. Team will restart at the point of touch.
1. Team will secure all equipment in rear of HUMMV. All team members will pull the HUMMV from the front. Distance is approximately 100 meters. Team will perform these actions upon encountering the vehicle. When front bumper crosses end point, team will secure their equipment and continue the course.
1. There will be two PVC pipes filled with sand. Teams will divide into two groups of four. Simultaneously (for 1 minute), one group will do sit-ups the other bench presses on their back. There will be personnel there to help each group get situated. For each repetition there will be 1 second subtracted from total course time.
Encl. # 7 (Raider Skills Course)
1. At the start point two cadets will secure a litter weighted with approximatley100 pounds in the carry position. 2. Upon the command “Go” they will move out with the litter approximately 100 meters where they will come to an orange square painted on the ground near a rope climb. 3. They will place the litter in the orange square and each cadet will individually climb the rope and touch a designated spot near the top of the rope. (This is a team effort) 4. When the second cadet has finished climbing the rope they will secure the litter and return to the start point where they will hand off to the next two cadets. During hand-off the litter cannot touch the ground. 5. This relay will end when the last pair crosses the start point/finish line. At this point the litter can be grounded. 6. Penalties: a). A 1-minute penalty will be assessed for every each time litter is not fully placed in orange square. b). A 1-minute penalty will be assessed for each cadet that fails to touch the designated spot near the top of the rope. c). A 1-minute penalty will be assessed if the litter touched the ground during hand-off. The only cadets allowed on the hand of are the ones returning and going.
Uniform: Complete with team rucksack.
Note: One cadet must carry the rucksack once during the relay.
15 Encl. # 8 (2-Cadet Litter Relay)
1. Uniform will be ACU, boots, pistol belt, and canteen, with canteen full of water. 2. Time will begin on the command "GO." and time will stop when the last team member crosses the finish line. 3. Penalties: 5 minutes assessed to end time for finishing without all equipment started with.
Start/finish point is on the North side of the Camp Dodge 1-mile running track. Start/finish point can be found by traveling South on the trail behind the rappel tower. Teams will carry 4 rucksacks with them on course; one being their rope bridge rucksack and 3 rucksacks (weight approximately 30 lbs.) issued at start/finish point.
16 Encl. #9 (1-Mile Ruck Run) Encl. # 10 (Strip Map)