Government of Andhra Pradesh s6
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GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH (POLICE DEPARTMENT) Office of the Dy. Commissioner of Police, Traffic –I, Hyderabad. No. Tr.T8/2027/2012. Date: -08-2012
To, Smt. K. Geetha Murthy, R/o 3-4-23/5, Bharat Buildings, Opp:Reliance Fresh, Kachiguda Station Road, Hyderabad-27.
Sir, Sub:- Hyderabad Traffic Police - RTI Act – Application of Smt. K. Geetha Murthy – Information furnished- Reg.
Ref:- 1) HO Circular Memo: L&O/A6/RTI ACT/1487/2012 dt:19/10/2011 2) Your application, dt.18-07-2012., with H.O. Memo No.L&O/A6/ RTI.ACT/839/2012 dated 26/07/2012 of CP Hyd. . * * *
With reference to the above, Smt. K. Geetha Murthy, r/o 3-4-23/5, Bharat
Buildings, Opp: Reliance Fresh, Kachiguda Railway Station, Hyderabad -27, request to furnish information, in which the following information endorsed to and pertaining to
Traffic Department based issues under Rule 6 (3) of RTI Act.
Q1) what are the total grants that had come to your department since the year of
1. GHMC (Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation)
2. HMDA (Hyderabad Metro Development Authority)
3. HMWW&SB (Hyderabad Metro Water Works & Sewerage Board)
4. R & B (Roads & Buildings)
5. NHAI, AP, Hyderabad (National High Ways Authority of India)
6. APCPDCL (State owned Electricity distribution Co.)
7. BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.)
8. APTD (Andhra Pradesh Transport Department)
9. APPCB (Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board)
10. Weights and Measurements
11. APSRTC (Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation)
12. HMR (Hyderabad Metro Rail Ltd.) 13. M.M.T.S. (Indian Railways)
14. AP Horticulture Department
15. Education Department
Q2) How much expenses incurred for meeting salaries to your staff since 2009 ?
Ans) The matter pertain to Chief Accounts Officer information obtain to the Chief
Accounts Officer of CP’s Office.
Q3) what are the other department you coordinate for traffic hassle free?
Traffic Management measures, basically, through 4 ‘E’s viz., I) Engineering, II)
Education, III) Enforcement and IV) Enablement; are being adopted by the HTP for
improvisation of traffic flow and thus to enhance safety.
I) Engineering:
Engineering works required in the city from traffic point of view, are being
identified, forwarded to the road related agencies, which are listed above, and getting
them done from time to time. Works that are completed are construction of central
dividers, placing of cement barricades, re-designing of junctions etc.
Works those are completed at the behest of Traffic Branch are:
S.No Proposed & Completed Work Units of Completion of Work 1 Construction of Central Dividers along 36 KMs of Road Stretch in the Twin the road fitted with Hazard Markers Cities and Reflective Studs 2 Construction of Central Dividers along 7 Flyovers Flyovers 3 Re-designing of Junctions with Road 30 Junctions Markings 4 Creation of Bus Bays with permanent 50 Bus Bays barricades 5 Creation of Bus Bays with temporary 127 Bus Bays barricades 6 Free left wheeling with Markers, cones 49 junctions and rope 7 Leveling of man holes 49 places 8 AMC of Traffic Light Signals: 138 junctions 9 Posting of Traffic Guards at Metro Rail Existing sites Project sites 10 Procurement of Disaster Management Motor Pumps to drain out Tools water logging, chain saws to cut obstructing tree branches, crow bars to lift the manhole covers in case of emergency, Search lights for night purpose.
11 Traffic Signage Boards 3,500
12 Reflective Hazard Markers on the 1300 Dividers 13 Foot over Bridges 7 places 15 Widening of Lakdi Ka Pool Bridge Under Progress 16 Pre Paid Auto Booth Secunderabad Railway Station on
both the sides
II) Education:
Education of Traffic Rules, Traffic Awareness among the Traffic Staff and Road
Users of all kinds to inculcate Safe Traffic Management and Traffic Sense through
training, counseling, canvassing, advertisement, interaction, workshops and seminars
etc. HTP has got its Website ( and Face book (Hyderabad
Traffic Police) for enabling the civilians to know the current situation, to interact and to
advice mutually.
S.No. Target Audience Number of Persons Trained so far during the year 2012 1 Traffic Officers and Men 3000 2 School children 3350 3 NCC Cadets 1100 4 RTC Drivers 6883 5 Drunk Drivers 3170 6 Under aged Drivers 28,743 7 Police Transport Office 58 Drivers 8 Intelligence Department 41 Drivers 9 Corporate Office Drivers 440 10 Banking Sector Drivers 120
III. Enforcement: Enforcement of Traffic Laws and Local Laws bring the violators to the book and
thus to bring discipline among road users. The enforcement statistics during the last
four years are shown above.
IV. Enablement: Regular Meetings and Inspections are conducted. Responsibility and
accountability in the traffic field officers are enhanced by endorsing specific work
targets and achievements monitored and backlogs if any are pulled up. Enabling them
to identify and solve problems relating traffic at their level. Field staff is equipped with
gadgets like PDAs, Breath Analysers etc, for better enforcement and Mobile barricades,
Umbrellas, reflective batons, reflective cones etc for better traffic regulation. Personal
Safety items like Goggles, Nose Masks, Kit Bag, Water Bottle, Glucose, Rain Coat and
Rain Shoes are issued to the field staff so as to enable them to perform better.
Q4) what is the total amount collected under penalties and challans since 2009?
HTP (Hyderabad Traffic Police) enforces the Motor Vehicle Act 1988, the AP
Motor Vehicle Rules to enforce against traffic violators and the Hyderabad City Police
Act to remove encroachments. The enforcement against Traffic Violations is of two
types viz., 1) Contact Enforcement (direct challan) and 2) Non-Contact Enforcement
{Serving of e-challans through digital cameras, RLVD (Red Light Violation Detection)
Cameras and PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant). Enforcement break up is as follows:
FINE AMOUNT UP TO JULY 2012: - Sl. Year Motor Towing of 39 (b) Court e-Challan Total No Vehicle Vehicles City Fines in Act & Rules RS. Police Drunk RS. RS. RS. Act Driving RS. RS. 1 2009 10,36,55,200 3,25,61,200 18,12,500 71,300 4,32,46,040 18,13,46,240 2 2010 13,83,92,900 3,96,48,600 30,12,900 7,14,760 5,82,13,985 23,99,83,145 3 2011 18,44,10,100 4,09,12,100 35,72,300 31,58,200 11,66,89,905 34,87,42,605 4 2012 12,61,00,100 2,69,78,600 27,80,050 1,07,93,400 6,20,18,545 22,86,70,695 (Up to July)
Q5) What are the measures taken for smooth flow of traffic?
Yours faithfully,
Dy.Commissioner of Police, Traffic-I, Hyderabad. (PIO., RTI Act).
Copies W/Cs submitted for favour of information to the: 1. Addl. Commissioner of Police, Traffic, Hyderabad. 2. Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad City.