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Illinois Reading Recovery® Center for Literacy
Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy National Louis University
District Literacy Coach Leader Application and Commitment Forms 2016-2017 School Year Application Deadline: June 15, 2016
Submit forms, vita, photo copy of transcripts and $1000 non-refundable deposit payable to National Louis University to:
Dr. Mary Ann Poparad Director and University Trainer National Louis University Reading Recovery 850 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532
[email protected] Phone and Fax: 630-874-4120
The Illinois Reading Recovery® Center for Literacy at National Louis University, a nationally recognized PCL training center, is committed to preparing school based teacher leaders through graduate coursework that focuses on the specialized roles and responsibilities of a literacy coach leader. The Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) model features literacy coaches as agents of school renewal. PCL Literacy coach leaders enroll in post-graduate level courses at National Louis University. District Literacy Coach Leaders earn 18 semester credit hours. After successfully completing their course work, District Literacy Coach Leaders provide initial course work and continuing professional development for School Literacy Coaches.
The District Literacy Coach Leader (DLCL) training is a year-long program of study designed for individuals who already have a master’s degree including a minimum of 12 hours of appropriate graduate level reading coursework. The training is limited to candidates employed as literacy coaches in school systems that elect to partner with National Louis University’s Reading Recovery Center for Literacy. Coaches complete the first 4 credit hours through participation at two 3 day summer institutes.
District Literacy Coach Leaders attend training with Strategic Processing-Special Education Coaches and collaborate with Reading Recovery Teacher Leaders and district leadership teams to implement the Comprehensive Intervention Model.
Admission requirements include: • Application that demonstrates background experiences and dispositions for becoming a literacy coach, including a curriculum vita of professional experiences • Experience in leadership roles in a school, e.g., teacher leader, staff developer, peer mentor, or similar role • Application from district and school administrators providing assurances that the candidate will be able to perform the roles and responsibilities of the Literacy Coach, including support for attending all classes during the training year.
In addition, the district literacy coach candidate must meet all university requirements for admission to NLU Graduate School: • A valid teaching license • Master’s degree (or higher) from an accredited institution with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0.
Graduate Program Requirements To meet the International Reading Association (IRA) Standards for Reading Professionals, the Literacy Coach program of study focuses on five major areas of preparation: 1) literacy theory and research, 2) literacy curriculum and instruction, 3) literacy assessment; 4) literacy coaching, and 5) supervising and coordinating a school’s literacy program. The program of study includes a focus on teaching diverse learners, including research-based interventions for working with struggling readers. The responsibilities of the literacy coach are organized to include: 1) 50-80% of time working with teachers, including sustained coaching cycles, demonstration lessons, professional learning communities, and other related experiences; 2) 10-25% of time teaching small groups of struggling readers; and 3) 10-20% of time coordinating, monitoring, and assessing the school’s literacy program, including designing curriculum, analyzing data, and sharing results. Additional information on the Literacy Coach program can be obtained at
Contact Information 2016-2017 School Year
Supervisor’s Name: ______
School Name: ______Grades: ______
Work Full Address: ______
Phone (W): ______
Work E-mail: ______
SECTION II --- IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: District Literacy Coach Leader
Coach’s Name: ______
Phone (H): ______Phone (Cell): ______
Home E-mail: ______
Home Full Address: ______
School Name: ______
Phone (W): ______
Work E-mail: ______
School Full Address: ______
A minimum of three years of teaching experience is required.
Total number of years of teaching experience in the following:
Pre-K ___ K-2 ___ 3-5 ___ 6-8 ___ 9-12 ___ RR ___ RR Teacher Leader ___ Title 1 ___
Page 3 of 9 Curriculum Vita’
Please fill out the curriculum vita. You can use more than one page to complete the form.
Academic Degrees/Preparation Programs:
Teaching License (additional certifications)
Academic Awards or Honors (e.g, scholarships, National Board, recognitions, etc):
Membership in Professional Organizations:
Presentations or Other Professional Accomplishments:
Service to the Teaching Profession (e.g., school committees, professional offices, etc):
Reading Courses:
Additional Comments:
Page 4 of 9 ASSURANCES: DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT Superintendent Commitment Form 2016-2017 School Year
School/District: ______Reading Recovery Teacher Leader:______
Superintendent: ______Superintendent’s Email: ______
Demonstrates knowledge of the ten features of the Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) model, the PCL Guidelines and Standards, and understands the importance of implementing the model with fidelity.
Commits to funding a Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM) for struggling readers across the grades, including implementation of Reading Recovery in first grade and a menu of research-based, small group interventions for struggling readers in other grades.
Supports funding for the necessary materials to implement the PCL and CIM programs with fidelity at the district level.
Supports funding for the District Coach to participate in all training requirements and university graduate coursework, resulting in a Literacy Coach certificate.
Supports funding for School Literacy Coaches to participate in all training requirements and university graduate coursework.
Supports funding for the District Literacy Coach to attend all PCL professional development and the annual Illinois Reading Recovery Comprehensive Literacy conference and the Spring Literacy Academy.
Supports PCL administrators in attending the Network of Literacy Administrators (NLA) organization (usually held within the district) or other leadership events related to the effective implementation of the model.
Supports Literacy Coach in performing the roles and responsibility as outlined in the Guidelines and Standards for Literacy Coaches.
Supports funding for a Model School Clinical Training Site to be used for training coaches and hosting visitors to spotlight the model.
Supports the implementation guidelines and standards for as long as the district is affiliated with the National Louis University Center, including supporting literacy coaches to attend professional development and providing funding for site visits from PCL Trainers to support schools.
Ensures PCL schools make a minimum of a three-year commitment to the model.
______Superintendent’s Signature Date
Page 5 of 9 ASSURANCES: BUILDING PRINCIPAL Where coach will practice during training year Principal Commitment Form, 2016-2017 School Year School: ______
Principal: ______
Principal e-mail: ______Phone: ______
BUILDING PRINCIPAL IN A DISTRICT PCL SITE Demonstrates knowledge of the ten features of the Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) model, the PCL Guidelines and Standards, and understands the importance of implementing the model with fidelity.
Demonstrates knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of a Literacy Coach and supports the coach in implementing these roles with consistency and integrity.
Commits to funding a Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM) for struggling readers across the grades, including full implementation of Reading Recovery in first grade and a menu of research-based, small group interventions for struggling readers in other grades.
Secures funding for the building coach to participate in all training requirements offered by the PCL District Coach, including appropriate coursework for the preparation of literacy coaches.
Secures funding for the building coach to purchase professional materials for the teachers, including individual copies of core texts and checkout copies of videos publications.
Secures funding for the development of a school-wide curriculum room, including leveled texts, Big Books, and sets of books organized by genre, type, or other literacy characteristics.
Secures funding for the building coach to attend PCL professional development, including the Illinois January Literacy Conference.
Secures funding for some teachers to attend professional development opportunities related to the successful implementation of the PCL model.
Supports the implementation of professional learning communities across the school, including literacy team meetings, intervention meetings, book studies, cluster observations, and action research; participating in the events and providing release time for teachers to attend.
Collaborates with the literacy coach on designing a school-wide literacy plan, including details for implementing a comprehensive literacy model across the grades.
Collaborates with the literacy coach on designing a seamless assessment system, including a comprehensive portfolio of formative assessments for informing instruction.
Collaborates with the building coach on data collection and analysis, including preparing an annual report on student achievement; and submits the report to the district coach, who compiles all building-level data into a district report.
Participates in conferences, institutes, or other professional development relevant to the successful implementation of the Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) model.
Participates in the Network of Literacy Administrators (NLA) organization and attends meetings in affiliated PCL sites within the district or other regions. ______
Page 6 of 9 Principal’s Signature Date
District Literacy Coach Leader Commitment Form 2016-2017 School Year
School: ______
District Level Coach: ______
Demonstrates knowledge of the ten features of the Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) model, the PCL Guidelines and Standards, and understands the importance of implementing the model with fidelity.
Demonstrates knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of a Literacy Coach and implements these roles with consistency and integrity.
• Enrolls in Year 1 coursework for the specialized program of study for the preparation of literacy coaches at National Louis University, earning 18 graduate credit hours and a certificate of completion as a literacy coach.
Graduate credit course work focuses on clinical field-based experiences based on an apprenticeship framework for learning-on-the job, including establishing model classrooms for observing teaching and learning; implementing a seamless literacy model across classrooms and supplementary programs; and working with struggling learners in research- based intervention groups; theoretical models for understanding change over time in literacy processing, theories of apprenticeship learning and transfer, contingent scaffolding, reading and writing processes, comprehension, and the development of self-regulated learners; and leadership models with an emphasis on supervising and coordinating a school’s literacy program, coaching continuum, professional learning communities, designing a literacy curriculum, and data analysis for continuous school improvement. Attends additional professional development on implementing, coordinating, and assessing a district-level literacy model.
• Makes arrangements for a minimum of one full-day site visit by the National Louis University Trainer. Prepares to be observed in a variety of situations, including teaching an intervention group, coaching teachers, leading a professional learning community, working with the administration, and other relevant experiences.
Begins plans for offering graduate coursework (one class per semester) for school-based literacy coaches or special education teachers in the district. Collaborates with National Louis University on the process and ensures that courses are in place prior to the first training class for building coaches or special education teachers.
Collaborates with appropriate administration to create a Clinical Model School for training new coaches, including establishing the roles and responsibilities of a clinical training site.
Page 8 of 9 Presents awareness sessions on the model to schools within the district and works with PCL applicants on school plans and other transitional processes to prepare the school for a quality implementation.
• Attends CIM and PCL Summer Institutes (in Year 1), annual Illinois Reading Recovery Comprehensive Literacy Conference, and UALR Spring Literacy Academy.
Prepares an annual report on the PCL model in the district and shares information with all stakeholders, including National Louis University.
• Attends all required professional development at National Louis University for as long as the district remains a PCL site.
• Spotlights and advocates for the PCL model with parents, staff, district administrators, and school board members.
______District Literacy Coach Signature Date
Please forward the completed application form, commitment forms, applicant’s vita, readable photocopy of transcripts and $1000 non-refundable deposit (payable to National Louis University) by June 15, 2016 to:
Dr. Mary Ann Poparad, Director and University Trainer National Louis University Reading Recovery Center 850 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532
[email protected] Phone and Fax: 630-874-4120
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