Minutes of Meeting s17
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2015 Council Minutes of Meeting October 13, 2015 7:00 PM
Present: Chuck Ullrich, Bob Cook, Pastor Joe Poppino, Jim Jacobs, Charlie Garrison, Marlene Evans, Barb Martin, Stephanie Adelsperger, Fred Guthrie, Corey and Gail Garrison.
Meeting Called to Order: Chuck U, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Pastor Joe sent around one thank you notes for all of us to sign.
Devotions: Stephanie A. read Romans 14:8-18, 23. God calls us to walk in faith.
Council then read the entire Relational Covenant as a group.
Jim J. then opened our meeting with prayer.
Good God Moments: Pastor Joe Council began with sharing various times during the last month when they experienced God moments. Jim J shared his experience of giving the eulogy at his brother’s funeral where he was able to share the Gospel with his entire family. He shared that many of his family were very touched and shared that with him. Pastor Joe spoke of his work with the Nominating Committee and told us all eight persons asked to serve have agreed to be on our ballot this year. Pastor Joe noted that those Council positions will not be listed on ballot. o Marlene Evans - Adult Ministries o Jim Fields – Treasurer o Susan Zaffiro – Vice Chair o Denny Crutcher – Chair o Jean Haley – Nominating Committee o Bob Cook – Nominating Committee o Suzy Fields – Nominating Committee, Alternate o Donna Welker – Nominating Committee, Alternate Bob Cook mentioned what an inspiration Liz Robinson has been to all of us during her illness. Gail mentioned how wonderful the time with the women was at their fire pit last Friday. Marlene mentioned two times when she has felt God over this last month, especially when she came to the church to prepare communion. She calls it the silence of the church. Corey told us that just being on staff at our church is his God Moment. He said Shelby also feels the same.
Page 1 of 7 Stephanie shared how just being outside last weekend with her family brought God closer. She also mentioned that her friend Shannon that she has been mentoring has begun going to church and is participating in bible studies with her husband. Chuck noted that Kathy’s daughter and son-in-law are looking for a new church for him to minister to. They have contacted him about a church in Kona, Hawaii.
Meeting Minutes: Chuck U Meeting minutes from the September 8, 2015 Council meeting were approved as amended (Correct meeting date). Motion to approve made by Pastor Joe, second by Charlie G. Meeting minutes from our September 8, 2015 Closed Council Meeting were approved with no objections. Motion to approve made by Charlie G, second by Jim J.
Action Items: All Action Items were updated.
Financial Report: Art T. to Marlene E. via email October 3, 2015 Giving for the month was $42,792, which is $8,670 higher than budget and $7,415 higher than September 2014. On a year-to-date basis Giving totals $397,748, which is $90,651 higher than budget and $18,628 higher than 2014. Total expenses for September are $35,951, which is $205 over budget. Note that the Pastor’s Compensation expenses have been grouped on lines 41 through 49 of the detail “Offerings and Expenditures” statement because the 2015 budget was developed assuming a full-time pastor would be hired January 1, 2015. Since our senior pastor was not hired until June 1st, the combined costs of the Senior Pastor, Interim Pastor and an Assistant Pastor are being compared with the total compensation budget for the full-time pastor. On that basis, the total pastors’ compensation for August is $2,122 over budge due to the payment of four months pension contribution. On a year-to-date basis, total pastoral compensation expenses are $2,211 under budget. On a year-to-date basis, total expenses are $313,536 which is $8,187 under budget for the period. Mission Outreach expenses, which are based on a percentage of Giving, are over budget due to higher-than-budgeted giving for the period. At the July 12, 2015 congregational meeting, the budget for Worship Setting was increased by $19,000 to cover the cost of upgrading the worship setting – primarily the audio and visual equipment. To date $8,571 of these monies has been spent. The net result is that offerings exceed expenditures by $85,491 through the end of September. 1) Balance Sheet: At the end of September, we have a cumulative surplus of $178,613 in the General Fund. This is an increase of $85,491 from the balance at December 31, 2014. 2) Through September 30, 2015, Special Offerings totaling $23,831 have been received for short- term mission trips ($14,531.67 for Megan Peterson; $8,049.50 for Carissa Zaffiro and $1,250 for Shelby Langford). In addition, the Missions Committee has transfer $1,000 each to support Megan and Carissa. Through the end of July, $15,481.67 has been distributed for Megan’s trip, $8,999.50 has been paid out for Carissa’s trip and $1,150 has been paid out for Shelby’s trip. As a result, the balances in each person’s account as of August 31, 2015 are:
Megan Peterson $50.00 Page 2 of 7 Carissa Zaffiro 50.00 Shelby Langford 100.00
Ministry Reports – Issues Pastors Report
o No questions.
Treasurers Report
o No questions
Christian Formation
o No questions
Adult Ministries
o No questions
o No questions.
Stewardship and Properties
o No questions.
Evangelism and Outreach
o No questions.
Worship Committee
o No questions
Old/Unfinished Business No old business at this time
New Business
Dan Nikolich – Pastor Joe Dan is a Covenant Minister who left ministry for a time. He is now in Ministry again in Kentucky at another denomination and would like to re-activate his credentials in the Covenant church. In order to do this he needs to be a member of a Covenant Church. He had hoped to
Page 3 of 7 be here tonight so that we could meet him and he could answer any question regarding his membership interview. Garth McGrath has asked if we would allow him to become a member in our church so that he can begin the process to re-activate his Covenant credentials. Pastor Joe is recommending that we honor Garths request but this will require us to make an exception to our by-laws.
Charlie G made a motion that we table this discussion until Dan is able to attend our meeting. Stephanie A seconded the motion. Motion carried with no objections.
Posture Shift Report– Pastor Joe Pastor Joe began by giving us a brief history of the Covenant Church and LGTBQ persons. In 1996, the ECC at the Annual Meeting adopted a resolution regarding human sexuality. The ECC position is that “Celibacy in singleness and fidelity in a heterosexual marriage constitutes the Christian standard. In 2004 it came up again, they reaffirmed this statement. In 2009, a blog was started that was used by many Covenant persons to share their stories of Coming out. It is still active. Our Country has shifted drastically since that time which has brought this conflict to the forefront within our church. Pastor Joe noted that in the last two years the Covenant has pulled funding from two churches due to this issue. This year at Mid-Winter the resolution was re-affirmed and this still remains our position. They did note that we have not done a good job of reaching out to the community and apologized for that. Pastor Joe stated that he is in full alignment with the ECC guidelines regarding human sexuality. He feels that our church should show our love for all people while still maintaining and living our position regarding human sexuality. Chuck thinks that the Congregation needs to be reassured that our church will not be in any danger by refusing to perform a same sex marriage. Bob C notes that we should not judge – they still need to be led to the Lord. Pastor Joe sees a split coming within the Denomination over this but the Denomination will not change their position. He noted that ECC leadership is in agreement but there are Pastors who read the scriptures differently and do not agree with leadership. Pastor Joe is concerned that we will lose a lot of young pastors over this issue. We need our church to be a safe place for all who are seeking God to come and find him without fear.
Pastors Housing Allowance– Chuck U Pastor Joe has asked that his housing allowance remain at $22,000 per year for 2016.
Marlene E made a motion to approve Pastor Joe’s housing allowance at the rate of $22,000 for the year of 2016. Stephanie seconded the motion. Motion carried with no objections.
Pastors Housing Allowance– Chuck U Page 4 of 7 Discussion to add $200 to the Confirmation budget line for 2016. Discussion to raise Kingdom Kids budget line to $1700 for 2016 to allow for a cubby system for better organization. Council discussed the budget to clarify any questions prior to accepting any changes.
Charlie G made a motion to accept the adjusted budget as noted. Marlene E seconded the motion. Motion carried with no objections.
Council Confidentiality – Jim J Jim J is concerned that our current policy on confidentiality does not allow us to discuss our council meetings with our mates. This can often cause issues of trust with someone we have the ultimate trust in. After discussion, it was decided that meeting confidentiality is at each member’s discretion. Spouses must agree to the same confidentiality that we do. We asked that names be used with care.
Website/email update – Pastor Joe Pastor Joe apologized that the old emails no longer work. When the old website was brought down this immediately disabled the old emails. The Website is now being maintained in house. Reports should be sent to Regina in the future to be placed on the website. Prayer requests when email is not an option may go through either Chuck Welsh or Pastor Joe.
Calendar Review – Pastor Joe Pastor Joe and Amber will be at the Pastor Retreat 10/20-10/21/15. Kathy Kaminsky will be riding with them. Trunk or Treat on 10/31/15 Stewardship Event on 11/8/15, right after service
Other Business Given the lack of handicap parking spaces, Charlie is asking that someone who is here early on Sundays take responsibility of unlocking the double doors in the fellowship hall early. Fred G volunteered. Prayer request for surgery – Charlie G on 10/28/15 and 11/17/15 and Gail on 11/5/15.
Chuck U closed in prayer. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.
Next Regular Council meeting – November 10, 2015
Devotions – Barb Martin Page 5 of 7 Minutes Submitted by:
Gail Garrison
Recording Secretary
Action Items
No. Activity Responsibility Status Comments Due Date
1 QuickBooks Chuck U Closed Chuck will contact 9/22/15 Art T to set up 2 Audit 2013 & 2014 Jim J Open Jim and Jerome to 08/12/15 begin audit and report back to Council 3 Designated Funds Chuck U Open Returned to Art T 09/08/15 with Council recommendations for his review 4 August Financials to be Marlene E Closed Marlene to email 09/09/15 sent to Council August Financials to Council 5 Designated Funds Chuck U Open Add to October 10/06/15 Agenda 6 Confidentiality Chuck U Closed Add to October 10/06/15 Agenda 7 Pastor Mike’s question #3 Chuck U Open Add to October 10/06/15 Agenda 8
9 10 11 12 13 14
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