Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time s9
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Mass Intentions - There are some openings between now and the end of year if you are wanting to schedule Mass Intentions for your loved ones. The recommended stipend per mass is $10.00. To check availability, call the rectory office at 302-654-5519 or email [email protected]. Thank you and God bless you.
SPONSORS/GODPARENTS To be a godparent for Baptism, a person must be 16 years or older and a practicing and fully initiated Catholic, having completed the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. If married, the union must be recognized by the Catholic Church. One godparent is required; 2 godparents (one male & one female) is the ordinary practice. Keep in mind the purpose of a sponsor is to give good example and support in the Catholic faith of the baptized. Documentation of eligibility for godparents are required from the Catholic Church where they are registered and attend weekly mass. If you have questions, please call (302)654-8504. The next required Baptism Prep class is scheduled for Thursday, July 14th at 7pm in the school library. To register, call the rectory at (302)654-5519 or [email protected].
Save the Date for the St. Ann’s Novena - -July 26-28, (Tuesday through Thursday). Devotions each night at 7pm. Check the bulletin and website for more details.
Annual Appeal Update - The 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal was conducted in all diocesan parishes the weekend of April 9 and 10. St. Ann’s is truly blessed with many generous people, who, despite many economic challenges, have supported this year’s campaign with their pledges and gifts. To date, St. Ann’s has pledges of $133,355.00 towards a target of $141,000. If you have given to this year’s campaign, please know that your participation is gratefully appreciated. If you have not yet done so, please consider supporting this important effort with a pledge or one-time contribution. The diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal provides financial support that enables more than thirty ministries throughout our diocese to bring a glimpse of God into the lives of many. If you would like more information about the Annual Catholic Appeal, go to and click on Giving - Annual Catholic Appeal. May God bless you for your goodness!
The Very Very First St. Ann School Musical Ever - We are looking for adult volunteers to help with planning and producing a musical for St. Ann’s School. The show we are considering is Disney’s Aladdin, Jr. and would be performed sometime around the end of March in our social hall. Help needed would include areas in choreography, stage crew, publicity/tickets, set design, costumes, sound/lighting, vocal and much more. Auditions for the show would be held before the end of 2016 with rehearsals beginning in January 2017. Children eligible to tryout, would be any 4-8th grader enrolled in St. Ann School for the 2016-17 year, St. Ann’s PREP children in the same grades, or any child who is a parishioner of St. Ann’s in grades 4-8. If you are interested in learning more or want to volunteer, please email [email protected] or call the rectory at 654-5519 and ask for Jane.
The Fortnight for Freedom: Witnesses to Freedom –is taking place now through July 4th. Learn about religious liberty and how we as Christians, can be witnesses to freedom at On July 4th at 12pm, Cardinal Donald Wuerl will celebrate Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh will be the homilist at the July 4 Mass. EWTN will televise both Mases nationwide and you are invited to attend. For more info, visit Thank you for your prayers and support for the 2016 Fortnight for Freedom.
The rectory will be closed Monday July 4th in observance of Independence. Daily mass that day will be at 9am only. We will reopen at 9am on Tuesday, July 5th. 302 ann1 From the Office of Religious Ed…
Saturday July 2 Confirmation - We are now registering 8:00 A.M. Georgina Sheing & Henry Salacki candidates for our next Confirmation program. 5:00 P.M. Thomas W. Faulkner, Sr. Parishioners who are entering the 8th grade in Sunday July 3 September (or older) are eligible. Registration 7:30 A.M. DeNobile & Spira families forms can be found on the parish website at 9:30 A.M. Parishioners under Religious 11:30 A.M. Intentions of Rev. Lance S. Martin Education or call Pat Walker at 654-8504. Monday July 4 Independence Day 9:00 A.M. Charles Ronald McGuinnis, Sr. First Communion/Reconciliation/Religious Tuesday July 5 Education Classes - The Religious Education 6:30 A.M. Gabriel McFadden Office is currently taking registrations for First 8:00 A.M. Intentions of Millie & Bill Mentzer Communion/ Reconciliation and Sunday Wednesday July 6 Religious Education classes for 2016-17. The 6:30 A.M. Gina Marie Delledonne forms can be found at 8:00 A.M. William R. Hitchens, Jr. under Religious Education. Thursday July 7 6:30 A.M. Intention of Rita Henry HELP IS NEEDED! The Sunday morning PREP program is looking for dedicated and enthusiastic 8:00 A.M. Kazimeris & Eva Puchinskas men and women who want to share the joy of Friday July 8 their faith with the youngest disciples of our 6:30 A.M. Rose Hazzard Potts parish. Specifically, we have teaching openings 8:00 A.M. Charles & Helen Wasilauskas in pre-school (4 and 5 year old classes), second, Saturday July 9 third and fifth grades. Please contact Pat Walker 8:00 A.M. Jack Carney for more information at 654-8504. Thank you! 5:00 P.M. Barbara Ferguson Sunday July 10 RCIA – DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO…has 7:30 A.M. Irena Lapurka expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? 9:30 A.M. Joseph & Julie Gesto Was baptized Catholic but has never celebrated 11:30 A. M. Rev. Msgr. Paul J. Taggart the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation? Pray for the sick, shut-ins and elderly of our The sessions for discernment and faith formation Parish. will begin soon! You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights WE CONGRATULATE…GRACE ANNA, and your faith story in a warm, accepting setting. daughter of Ryan & Nina Cowles who was Please contact Pat Walker at 654-8504 for more welcomed into the Christian community through information. Baptism. Bishop’s 5K Run – Save the Date – Saturday, The Chapel of Divine Mercy is open 6am to November 19th, 2016 at Bellevue State Park 10pm, 7 days a week with the Blessed Sacrament benefiting Catholic Charities outreach efforts. exposed. Can you offer an hour of your time? Visit Runners and walkers will compete to see who to sign up. You can makes the best time, and will be awarded some also call Chris at 584-1422 or Nan at 656-8438. great prizes. Did you know that one out of every 10 residents of the diocese receive at least one ST. ANN’S PRAYER LINE – to place a name or service from Catholic Charities each year? The special request on the prayer line email Joe/Shirley Bishop’s 5K is a great way to get parishioners Ackerman at [email protected] or 384-7513. involved in the mission of Catholic Charities. If you know of an individual or business who would be willing to become an event sponsor, please contact Hospital Visitations – Make sure to call the Xavi DeCaire at 302-658-0218. There are three Rectory at 654-5519 if you are in the hospital and levels of sponsorship available – Believer - $1000, would like a priest to visit. Mentor - $500 and Supporter - $250. More info will follow throughout the summer. Bishop Malooly will be at the starting line AND finish line – will you? 302 ann2 Religious Vocations –Through the prophecy of Family Service Day for the Year of Mercy - The Isaiah, God promises His people that “as a mother Office for Marriage and Family life, in conjunction comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” In the last with Immaculate Heart of Mary, is planning a two thousand years, God has called countless Family Service Day on Saturday, July 23rd. They women and men to bring comfort to His people as will begin with continental breakfast and a brief religious sisters and brothers, as deacons and as prayer at IHM parish at 9am before beginning the priests. Could He be calling you to comfort His missions. If interested, contact the Office for people in this generation? Call or write Fr. Norm Marriage and Family Life at 302-296-0667 with your Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious name, phone number, number coming and ages of Vocations at 573-3113 or [email protected]. children and if they will be volunteering. Possible service includes painting, cleaning, stocking of food Catholic Radio - Listen to Catholic forum every pantries, gardening etc. Sunday morning at 10:05am on WDEL 101.7FM, 1150AM and Next Sunday, July Catechists Needed for Pre-Cana and 10th, tune in to hear an interview with Fr. Glenn Remarriage Classes – The Diocesan Office for Evers, Associate Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Marriage and Family Life is looking for Catechists Parish in Easton, MD and Associate Director of for the above names classes. If interested, call Rita Vocations for the Diocese of Wilmington. Listen to McDowell at 302-295-0667. past episodes of Catholic forum online at or search “Catholic Worldwide Marriage Encounter- In today’s forum Radio” on iTunes podcasts. Gospel, Jesus sends the 72 out to tell the people the good news. We are each called by Christ to go Catholic Charities – Spring cleaning? Catholic out to all the world and tell the good news of the Charities can turn the household goods you no Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do we reflect the love of longer use into a welcome addition for a household Christ in our relationships, especially our marriage? in need. They need your clean and useable Strengthen, renew and rekindle your marriage by furniture, appliances, bed, mattresses and attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter household goods. Bring them to the Wilmington Weekend scheduled for November 4-6 In Rehoboth Thrift Center, 1320 E. 23rd St in Wilmington. Store Beach, De. For more information, visit the website hours are Monday through Saturday from 9am- or to register, call 4pm. Have large items? They can pickup! Just Tony/Linda Massino at 302-220-9833. call 302-764-2717 or email [email protected]. All donations are tax deductible. Diocesan Respect Life Committee Save the Date – Saturday September 17th, at St. Helena’s The Diocesan Vocations Guild is open to Church on Philadelphia Pike. There will be Catholics from within or with ties to the Diocese of workshops at 3pm and Mass at 5pm followed by Wilmington. Members pray for an increase in dinner. The proceeds from the dinner will go to priestly/religious vocations and the success of support the work of 40 Days of Life and Rachel’s priestly/religious ministry in the diocese. They may Vineyard. The main speaker at the dinner, Homilist also participate in a variety of programs to promote/ at Mass and leader of one of the workshops will be affirm vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Fr. Paul Schenck, director of Pro-Life Activities for For more information, contact Mary Ann Peirson at the Diocese of Harrisburg and a long-time veteran 302-573-3113 or [email protected]. of the Pro-Life Movement.
Annual St. Joseph Parish Carnival – Middletown Coming Up: Tuesday July 19th through Saturday July 23rd. 7/4 Rectory closed Exciting rides, games and nightly entertainment 7/4 9am Daily Mass Only under the big top. Special children’s game area. 7/11 7pm Knights of Columbus Mtg Nightly raffles and delicious meals in the air 7/14 7pm Baptism Prep Meeting conditioned Parish Hall beginning at 5:30pm 7/15 10am Kentmere Mass Tuesday through Friday. For more info, call 378- 5800 or