Technology Literacy Final Projectinternet Safety
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Technology Literacy – Final Project-Internet Safety
You will research a topic on Internet Safety and choose one of the projects below to present your information.
Cyber Bullying Netiquette BrainPOP: Watch video under Digital BrainPOP: Watch video under Digital Citizenship called Cyberbullying Citizenship called Digital Etiquette Questions
1. Define cyberbullying. Questions:
Define netiquette. 2. Give an example of a flame war and one of impersonation. 1. What is the basic rule of netiquette? 3. Name two things you should do if you are being cyberbullied. 2. Name two things you should remember about being online related to netiquette. 4. What percentages of students, grades 6-8, have responded that they have been 3. Why should you stay away from using all cyberbullied? capital letters?
5. Name two things you can do to prevent 4. What is an emoticon and why would you cyberbullying. use them? Give an example.
6. If someone sends you a mean or 5. What should you do before forwarding threatening message, explain why you personal emails to others? shouldn't respond. What should you do instead? 6. What should you do with emails from people you don't know? 7. Who can you share your passwords with? 7. How can you protect your identity?
8. Other notes: stop-cyberbullying/ qt.htm campaigns/cyberbullying fing/netiquette_kids.html s-of-bullying.aspx 05-wt2/www/D_Jackson/prevent.htm g/ Social Networking Online Safety BrainPOP: Watch video under Digital Citizenship called Social Networking BrainPOP: Watch video under Digital Questions: Citizenship called Information Privacy
1. What is a social network website? Questions: 2. Give two social network website 1. Name 4 examples of private examples. information that should not be posted or given out. 3. What is one good thing about social networking? 2. What kind of information is okay to give out over the internet? 4. Who should you add as friends? 3. If you ever get involved in a chat room 5. Why should you be careful about conversation that makes you feel what types of photos you post? uncomfortable or in danger for any For example, why would it be bad reason, what should you do? to post a photo of yourself wearing a school t-shirt? 4. Name two ways you and other students can reduce the risk of being 6. What can you do to keep others targeted by an online predator. from contacting you or looking at your information? 5. What should you do if someone online asks you to meet him or her in 7. What specific information should person? What does LMIRL stand for? you not post or give out? 6. List three safety tips you learned about 8. What should you do if someone is through your research. making you feel uncomfortable? 7. When creating a screen name, what should you consider? Give an example of a good and bad screen name for tips/ yourself. networking/ et_safety.html rking_youth.html page=webSafetyQuiz space/index.html age_teachers/risks_predators.cfm Name#Steps Poster using Paint program – Exemplars -
Making A Poster : Internet Safety Tips
Teacher Name: Mrs. McCrary/Mrs. Malec
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Content - At least 7 accurate 5-6 accurate facts are 3-4 accurate facts are Less than 3 accurate Accuracy facts are displayed on displayed on the displayed on the facts are displayed on the poster. poster. poster. the poster. Title Title can be read from Title can be read from Title can be read from The title is too small 6 ft. away and is quite 6 ft. away and 4 ft. away and and/or does not creative. describes content describes the content describe the content of well. well. the poster well. Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate to Graphics do not relate Relevance related to the topic related to the topic the topic. Most to the topic OR several and make it easier to and most make it borrowed graphics borrowed graphics do understand. All easier to understand. have a source not have a source borrowed graphics All borrowed graphics citation. citation. have a source have a source citation. citation. Labels All items of Almost all items of Several items of Labels are too small to importance on the importance on the importance on the view OR no important poster are clearly poster are clearly poster are clearly items were labeled. labeled with labels labeled with labels labeled with labels that can be read from that can be read from that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. at least 3 ft. away. at least 3 ft. away.
Required The poster includes All required elements All but 1 of the Several required Elements all required elements are included on the required elements are elements were as well as additional poster. included on the missing. information. poster.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly messy or attractive in terms of design, layout and though it may be a bit very poorly designed. design, layout, and neatness. messy. It is not attractive. neatness.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes grammatical mistake grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes on the poster. on the poster. on the poster. on the poster. Movie maker Video Exemplar:
Create an informational video that would serve as a 2-3 minute public service announcement about the importance of internet safety. Be sure to use some statistics in your examples. As with all video projects, be sure to tell a message without speaking a word. Use music or sound effects as you see fit. Video may be edited in Windows Movie Maker,or may be created with stills in PowerPoint (with appropriate timings). Area of Awesome! 20 pts Okay...15-19 pts Needs Work! 0- Evaluation 14 Length Finished project is Finished project goes Finished project is between 2-3 minutes over the required under 2 minutes long in length length Information Video uses timely Video uses minimal Few or no statistical information and information and/or information is shared statistics to get the could contain better with the viewer point across sources Audience Video reaches Video reaches Video is either too appropriate audience appropriate simplistic or too and is motivational or audience, but it complex and does not “makes you think needs more “shock” reach target audience twice” value to be effective Quality Camera angles are Camera angles are Entire project is shot in varied, shots are varied, shots are one room and/or effective, and editing is effective, but editing camera angles are not clear glitches are varied; or severe noticeable editing difficulties exist Music/Sound Music or sound effects Music or sound No effects are used or Effects add to the overall effects are used, but copyright laws are project and selections they should have violated in the were appropriate, been used differently selection of music following copyright to better impact the laws finished project OVERALL 100 pts
Web Page Stay Safe Online Web Site Requirements Criteria Format, colors, navigation and layout are those chosen by the Web Design Team and are consistent throughout the site.
The dangers and risks of the topic are fully explained in the student’s own words.
Approved video is linked or embedded into the page Sources for information and media are cited correctly on a sources page.
All elements are appropriate for to middle school students Pages are saved appropriately. Brochure
Making A Brochure: Internet Safety #2 Teacher Name: Mrs. McCrary/ Mrs. Malec______Student Name: ______
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Sources Careful and accurate Careful and accurate Careful and accurate Sources are not records are kept to records are kept to records are kept to documented accurately document the source of 95- document the source of 94- document the source of or are not kept on many 100% of the facts and 85% of the facts and 84-75% of the facts and facts and graphics. graphics in the brochure. graphics in the brochure. graphics in the brochure.
Multimedia Each slide of the Almost all slides of the Most slides of the Less than half of the Presentation multimedia presentation multimedia presentation multimedia presentation slides of the multimedia has a clear purpose. have a clear purpose. have a clear purpose. presentation have a clear purpose. Spelling & Proofreading No spelling errors remain No more than 1 spelling No more than 3 spelling Several spelling errors in after one person other than error remains after one errors remain after one the brochure. the typist reads and person other than the typist person other than the corrects the brochure. reads and corrects the typist reads and corrects brochure. the brochure.
Attractiveness & The brochure has The brochure has attractive The brochure has well- The brochure's formatting Organization exceptionally attractive formatting and well- organized information. and organization of formatting and well- organized information. material are confusing to organized information. the reader. Presentation Well rehearsed with smooth Rehearsed with fairly Delivery not smooth, but Delivery not smooth and delivery that holds audience smooth delivery that holds able to maintain interest audience attention often attention. audience attention most of of the audience most of lost. the time. the time.
Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well with the Graphics go well with the Graphics go well with the Graphics do not go with text and there is a good mix text, but there are so many text, but there are too few the accompanying text or of text and graphics. that they distract from the and the brochure seems appear to be randomly text. "text-heavy". chosen.
Multimedia Each slide of the Almost all slides of the Most slides of the Less than half of the Presentation multimedia presentation multimedia presentation multimedia presentation slides of the multimedia has a clear purpose. have a clear purpose. have a clear purpose. presentation have a clear purpose.
Wiki Blog
Unsatisfactory Partially Proficient Proficient Advanced Criteria (1 or 0) (2) (3) (4)
2-Column Notes 2-column notes are 2-column notes are 2-column notes 2-column notes are well-organized disorderly or somewhat organized are well- and detailed, but do not include incomplete. and include most of organized and unnecessary information. the information. complete. Blog on advertising You blogged only 1 You blogged only 1-2 You blogged You blogged multiple times, included time, included only times. You included multiple times, insightful information and specific, information already only basic included some related responses to other students’ stated, did not information and/or good comments, and demonstrated respond to other did not respond to information and appropriate blog etiquette. students’ comments, other students’ responded to or demonstrated comments. You other students’ inappropriate blog demonstrated comments, and etiquette. appropriate blog demonstrated etiquette. appropriate blog etiquette.. Blog on You blogged only 1 You blogged only 1-2 You blogged You blogged multiple times, included Cyberbullying time, included only times. You included multiple times, insightful information and specific, and positive information already only basic included some related responses to other students’ choices on the stated, did not information and/or good comments, and demonstrated internet respond to other did not respond to information and appropriate blog etiquette. students’ comments, other students’ responded to or demonstrated comments. You other students’ inappropriate blog demonstrated comments, and etiquette. appropriate blog demonstrated etiquette. appropriate blog etiquette.. Workload The workload was not The workload was The workload is The workload is divided and shared divided OR several divided, but one divided and equally by all team members. people in the group person in the group is shared fairly are viewed as not viewed as not doing by all team doing their fair share his/her fair share of members, of the work. the work. though workloads may vary from person to person.