Why Do You Think What Would You Do If . What Might
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HISTORICAL Novel Literature Circle
Each novel has been divided into 3 sections. Read each section before your literature circle meets.
Students will meet in their literature circle groups twice a week and will assume one of the roles listed below. Each role requires you to complete a specific assignment based on the section reading and then bring it to your meeting for group discussion.
Questioner – Read the agreed upon section of the book. Before, during and after reading, jot down questions that come to your mind. You must come up with 5 interesting and thought-provoking questions and answer them (use paragraph form and provide supporting evidence from the text). Try to ask “thick” questions such as:
Why do you think… What would you do if…. What might…. How do you think… Do you agree that… If you…
Visualizer – Create a time line for your section of the book. Use pictures and words to capture the plot, characters, setting etc. of your novel. Be creative and use colour.
Researcher – Pick a topic related to your novel and research it (you may use the internet, library, newspaper, magazines etc.) Write out a series of 5 questions that you would like to answer with your research. Conduct the research and then write (in your own words!) a paragraph about that topic.
All assignments must be completed in time for your literature circle meeting.
Students must also complete a Summary/Prediction/Connection Chart for their novel, as well as any other assigned projects. Novel:______
Chapter Summary Prediction Connections (Text to Self, World, Text) RUBRIC 4 3 2 1
U K Thorough evidence of care Considerable evidence of Some evidence of care Limited evidence of n n
d o taken in care taken in taken in w e care taken in r l s
e choosing items (either choosing items (either choosing items (either t choosing items (either a d n g most significant, or most significant, or most significant, or d e most significant, or i & n revealing some pattern, revealing some pattern, revealing some pattern, g or showing cause/effect or showing cause/effect or showing cause/effect revealing some pattern, relationship) relationship) relationship) or showing cause/effect relationship)
T All items in Items in Afew items out of Numerous items out of h i n sequence with care taken sequence; increments sequence; increments sequence; time k i
n on placement within marked increments not marked
g marked increments
K A All paragraphs reflect a All paragraphs reflect a Paragraphs reflect an Paragraphs reflect a n p
o p thorough understanding of considerable understanding of thorough understanding of w l i c l a e appropriate questions and understanding of appropriate questions and appropriate questions and t d i g o answers (thick questions appropriate questions and answers (thick questions answers (thick questions e n
/ and detailed responses) answers (thick questions and detailed responses) and detailed responses) and detailed responses)
Precise, carefully chosen Descriptive, broad range Words may be correct but Limited range of words Word Choice Strong, fresh, vivid of words mundane Some vocabulary misused precision images Word choice energizes No attempt at deliberate effectiveness writing choice imagery High degree of Easy flow and rhythm Some awkward Often choppy Sentence craftsmanship Good variety in length and constructions Monotonous sentence C
o Effective variation in structure Many similar patterns and patterns m Fluency
m sentence patterns beginnings Frequent run-on sentences
u rhythm, flow n i c variety a t i
o Exceptionally strong Strong control of Limited control of Numerous errors distract n Conventions control of standard conventions; errors are conventions; frequent the reader and make the conventions of writing few and minor errors do not interfere text difficult to read with understanding Communicates ideas with Communicates ideas with Some difficulty Great difficulty Oral enthusiasm, proper voice proper voice projection. communicating ideas, due communicating ideas. Presentation projection, appropriate Adequate preparation and to voice projection, lack of Poor voice projection. language, and clear delivery. preparation, or incomplete Little preparation or Skills delivery. work incomplete work.
K Speaker conveys strong Speaker conveys moderate Speaker conveys basic Speaker conveys limited n
o Focus of knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and understanding of novel. w l
e understanding of novel. understanding of novel. understanding of novel. Main ideas are discussed
d Presentation
g Main ideas are discussed Main ideas are discussed Main ideas are not in limited manner. e
in depth. adequately. discussed in depth.
A Identifies precisely 5 Identifies 5 items and Identifies 5 items and Identifies some items and p
p 5 Items items and explains explains significance with explains significance with attempts to explain l i c
a significance with adequate supporting some supporting evidence significance; limited t i
o substantial supporting evidence supporting evidence n evidence
o C A Main idea is specific and Main idea is apparent Main idea is general Main idea is vague n o p m p Visual insightful Selects visuals that are Selects visuals that are Visuals are ineffective l m i c
u a Selects visuals that are appealing and appropriate generally appropriate Messy/lacks visual appeal t n Interpretation i
i o vivid and engaging Neat and attractive Attractive parts c n a
t Professional-looking i Distinguished Proficient Limited Attempted