Review Sheet for Chapter 5, text pages 135-151

Name ______Mr. Erwin

As you study for your test on chapter 5, review the following:

1. The timeline on pages 132-133.

2. Main Idea, Why It Matters Now, Terms & Names on pages 135, 141, & 146.

3. Pictures & captions that appear throughout the chapter.

4. Section Assessments on pages 140, 145, & 151.

5. Chapter 5 Assessment on page 152-153: . Terms & Names . Review Questions . Critical Thinking

Chapter 5. section 1, pages 135-140

. Main idea: o The British colonies were shaped by prosperity, literacy, and new movements in religion and thought.

. Key terms: o Apprentice, Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Enlightenment, Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack, John Locke

. Assignments / activities you should review: o Your guided reading homework assignment on chapter 5, section 1. o Poor Richard’s Almanack activity. o PowerPoints and other documents, such as the Great Awakening reading, linked to Mr. Erwin’s Social Studies teacher website.

Chapter 5. section 2, pages 141-145

. Main idea: o Colonists expected their government to protect their basic rights as English subjects.

. Key terms: o Magna Carta, Parliament, Edmund Andros, Dominion of New England, Glorious Revolution, English Bill of Rights, salutary neglect, John Peter Zenger OVER, PLEASE  . Assignments / activities you should review for Chapter 5, section 2: o Your guided reading homework assignment on chapter 5, section 2. o The information you wrote down for our Glorious Revolution simulation – Dominion of New England, Edmund Andros, Increase Mather, John Locke…. o The review handouts for the quiz on chapter 5, sections 1-2. o PowerPoints and other documents, such as the cartoon of the John Peter Zenger Trial, linked to Mr. Erwin’s Social Studies teacher website.

Chapter 5, section 3, pages 146-151

. Main Idea: o Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War forced France to give up its North American colonies, but left Britain with a huge debt it had to pay back.

. Key Terms: o French and Indian War, 1754-1763, Albany Plan of Union, Battle of Quebec, Battle of Quebec, Treaty of Paris, Pontiac’s Rebellion, Proclamation of 1763.

. Assignments / activities you should review: o Your guided reading homework assignments on chapter 5, section 3 o The information that you wrote down for our simulation introducing the French and Indian War – the French vs. the British o Ben Franklin’s Albany Plan “Join or Die” cartoon – shown on page 134 of your textbook and below. o What you wrote down about the video on George Washington and the French and Indian War. o Your reflection on the cartoon history of the French & Indian War. o PowerPoints and other documents linked to Mr. Erwin’s Social Studies teacher website.