To Be Read and Used in the Context of the Programme Mandate
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PROJECT OUTLINE: TARGETED PROFESSIONALS To be read and used in the context of the Programme Mandate
VERSION CONTROL STATEMENT Sponsor Sharon Robson Director Pam Palmer Document Name MCA IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME: PROJECT OUTLINE TARGETED PROFESSIONALS Purpose This outline described the main features of the project and includes the Project Plan against which progress will be evaluated and reported.
Creation Date (version 0.1) November 2014
CHANGE CONTROL STATEMENT (Significant Changes since last version) Date Version Action Required Change Details 25/01/2015 0.2 Sponsor to confirm Sponsor adds to Board brief with confirmation of requirements, budget, plan etc.
29/01/2015 0.3 Board agreement to Sponsor process amendments
Other Minor Changes in Italics Project manager to revise in final edition
Item Page
Project Outline ………………………………………….. 1
1. Project match with NHS England’s Requirements 4
2. Project Plan (for Board Sign Off) ……………….. 5
1 023739d03cd3ffbdcf33b4761231e64b.docx Project 6: Targeted Professional Groups Duration: 6 months Start: Feb 2015 End: July 2015
Sponsor: S Robson Director – P Palmer Manager – to be confirmed from each Target Group
Aim: Bespoke face-to-face training sessions and professional development for identified target groups in health and adult care - in the first instance, Care Homes, Police, Primary Care/GPs - enhancing professional delivery and User experience across the pathways of care. Benefits: Assurance that the widest range of professional groups understand and implement MCA - ultimately demonstrating best practice with the full continuum of users reporting better quality experience and service. Outputs: 1. Known range of responsible occupations mapped against Safeguarding Adults Competence framework 2. Target professional groups prioritised with methodology for competence development (and link with Leadership at All Levels) 3. Target groups competent and integrated into MCA Staff Exchange
Objectives: 1. Scoping of identified occupational groups against Safeguarding Adults Capability/Competence Framework 2. Identification of, and engagement with, target groups re methodology for training delivery. 3. Implementation and evaluation of training to pilot groups and subsequent rollout. 4. Integrate professionals trained into MCA Staff Exchange. Primary Stakeholders/Target Audience: Primary care/GPs; Nursing and Residential Care Homes/Domiciliary providers; Police. Secondary Stakeholders: Organisations and agencies whose professionals receive the targeted development. Users
The following section was part of the original plan for this group … so create from new as your Team sees fit.
Deliverable Delivery Date (£000s)
1. Project Director will coordinate and advise on all aspects (and Jan 2015 progress in delivery with) the Project. (S)he will be responsible for confirming three Project Managers (Step 2) and ensuring delivery of all programmes on time and to specification, drawing together a task group as required. Feb 2015 2. Project Managers Confirmed – one manager for each Professional Target Group [Group], responsible to the Project Sponsor for leading all facets of the project and process and ‘benefits delivery’ as outlined above.
The manager will be required, as a minimum and throughout the Project’s life, to: liaise with their Group - appropriate professional body(-ies) and their professional colleagues - regarding all aspects of the project - as well as Staff and User Exchange Projects commission and monitor delivery by providers of customised Face-to-Face Development Programmes for their Group; report progress to the Project Director and/or Sponsor as required on progress - and contribute (and link Project monitoring aspects) to the Evaluation Project.
Project Managers will ideally have (or at least have access to) expertise in commissioning development programmes as well as established networks and reputation with their peers. Estimated time requirements 7-10 days Or will Pam undertake this?
1 3. Specification and selection process agreed – drawn up by Early March Project Managers, in liaison with each other and agreed with 2015 Project Sponsor, Area Leads and Programme Director (finance, SFIs etc). A prerequisite for entry onto the Project’s development initiatives will be the mandatory completion of MCA E-learning prior to attendance.
Having identified prospective programme participants from their professional community and their associated development requirements (beyond existing system provision), each project manager’s specification will outline programme requirements, numbers and timeframes for delivery and indicative budget for their Groups: Care Homes, Police, Primary Care/GPs.
Providers will be required to: demonstrate confluence with existing development programmes; method of attracting and enrolling target audience, dovetail within existing workplace and development programme opportunities; liaise with any other development providers and (as appropriate) employing organisations; confirm of monitoring and evaluation to evidence delivery of benefits; provide assurance of mainstream and/or exit strategy at the conclusion of
1 A tendering process will not be required given the short time frame for delivery which also demands locally-based partners with readily established MCA reputation and links for speedy
3 the programme – as a minimum, linking participants with the staff and user exchanges and recording of practitioner stories and case studies as well as lessons for the future. All within the timetable set out in this Project Outline.
4. Preferred Provider(s) Commissioned and Plan for Delivery End March Available via selection process managed by the Project 2015 Commissioner ie Development Providers (Universities – local, MCA providers) respond to specification, interviewed as required by Area partners.
5. Development Programme(s) delivered (detail to be provided within April – July the Plan for Delivery, above) 2015
6. Exit Strategy Delivered by Project Managers ensuring with mainstreaming July - August of viable projects including full integration of leadership within identified supporting structures and the Staff Exchange Estimated at £100,000: Budget: Based on initial face to Budget detail to follow at £30,000 per group face estimates (Face to Face Stage 4 Project Page, Summer 2014 £ 5,000 programme admin
Structure - Leader: Project Director Team: (minimum) 3 Group Project Managers (with programme administration assistant)
Additional reporting arrangements
Other additional requirements:
Y : A contribution will be made
National Requirements 1: Source: Letter from the Chief Nursing Officer, NHS England, 29/01/2014
1. A development programme for MCA leaders across the system to understand their local issues Y and explore best practice 2. An increase in patient/carer experience events to ascertain real time feedback 3. Identification of specific local requirements and consideration of short term secondments/pump Y prime initiatives – with CCG Colleagues, provider organisations and local authority partners
National Requirements 2: Source: Letter from the Chief Nursing Officer, NHS England, 21/07/2014
A. Awareness raising and training activity – with specific areas for improvement identified as Y raising awareness across those services that are directly commissioned by NHS England including GPs, other primary care services like dentists and specialised services. This includes training for commissioners and providers who both share responsibility for ensuring these services are MCA compliant. B. BIA Trainers: Re-training health professionals whose BIA status has lapsed and training of additional numbers of health professionals from provider services as best interest assessors. C. Raising awareness of advance decisions and embedding discussions about patients wants ? and wishes into relevant patient pathways and increasing awareness of frontline staff of Lasting Power of Attorneys (LPAs) and deputyships including promoting use of the electronic register of these when this becomes available in late 2014. D. Development of local assurance mechanisms that provide feedback on the degree to which compliance is in place across the local system as well as identifying any themes or gaps to be addressed through the national programme. E. Identifying and contributing to a repository of best practice including capturing case studies to Y be shared more widely. F. Supporting local networks and groups of professionals to come together to share expertise, Y ideas and best practice. G. Developing and sharing mechanisms to use the commissioning process to improve outcomes for individuals lacking capacity – through joined up working between commissioners and providers which ensures patients at the heart of decision-making
Appendix 2 PROJECT PLAN (FOR BOARD SIGN OFF once the approach has been agreed)
All dates refer to 2014/15 unless shown otherwise. Ref – Deliverable reference (for reporting against); EST – Earliest Start Date; LFD – Latest Finish Date; > is dependent of ; < has a dependent called PS = Project Sponsor PC = Programme Manager PL = Project Lead PM = Project Manager Colour coding – Programme Plan; Specific to THIS PROJECT [Add additional lines and deliverables with dates in BLACK ]
Ref Phase [* dependencies) EST LDD Dependenty S N D J F A M A S O
1.0 PHASE 1: Programme Design 2.0 PHASE 2: Project Design 2.1 Shadow User & Staff Exchange in place 2.2 Project & Exchange Priorities confirmed >4.2 2.3 All Projects Designed & Plans available <5.1 3.0 PHASE 3: Project Delivered 3.1 Launched 3.2 Advice & Information Exchange 3.3 Implemented 3.4 Evaluation of Benefits Realisation 4.0 PHASE 4: Evaluation (and benefits realisation) Complete 4.1 Commissioned 4.2 Baseline and Gap Analysis complete <2.2 4.3 Monitoring and Evaluation conducted
Ref Phase [* dependencies) EST LDD Dependenty S N D J F A M A S O
5.0 PHASE 5: Programme Close 5.1 Project Sponsor & Exit Strategy in place >2.3 5.2 Project Exit Strategies delivered 5.3 Product Adoption