Related Resources: “A Teacher’S Guide To Opening Centers,” “Heritage Tree Parent Handout,” “Read Aloud Planning Forms,” “Super Readers… Book Handling Rules,” “Sample Of School Newsletter”

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Related Resources: “A Teacher’S Guide To Opening Centers,” “Heritage Tree Parent Handout,” “Read Aloud Planning Forms,” “Super Readers… Book Handling Rules,” “Sample Of School Newsletter”

Theme: Water, Wind & Weather (week 1)

Center/Classroom: Teachers: Week of: (A) General Information Key vocabulary: Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week: This theme is all about weather and the seasons. 1. Hot, cold, chilly, freezing, warm, cool 1. Children will observe and chart the weather daily and Calor,Frio,Congelacion,Tibio,Fresco will explore how the weather affects us: for example, we 2. Sunny, bright 2. Soleado, Luminoso wear warm clothes when it’s cold and lighter clothes 3. Overcast, cloudy 3. Nublado, Nuboso when it’s hot, and we can do different things outside as 4. Foggy, clear 4. Brumoso, Claro the weather changes. This week children will also take a 5. Raining, snowing, storm, shower 5. Lloviendo, Nevando, Tormenta, walk to observe the environment and collect natural Lluvia items. 6. Thunder, lightening 6. Trueno, Relampango

“To Do” List: - Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once. - Review Small Group Activity forms and gather/create materials, including paper-doll templates and clothing; playdough and ABC cookie cutters; collections of natural objects. - Review lyrics for this week’s weather-related songs and poems; create song charts. - Gather/create materials for centers and circle time, including clothes for variety of weather (in dramatic play) and items that sink or float. - Second Step (SS) Week- Support for To help DLLs become familiar with theme-related vocabulary (such as how we describe the weather), you can use gestures to illustrate word Dual Language meanings—for example, shivering for “cold,” fanning hand in front of face for “hot.” Whatever gestures you choose, use them consistently when Learners: emphasizing those words. Have picture-cards available to illustrate key concepts in English and children’s home language. Family/ Encourage parents to talk to their children about the weather, using words like overcast, foggy, bright, sunny, pouring rain, drizzling, breezy, chilly, Community warm, etc. Suggest that they ask their children what they think they should wear for school each day (long pants or shorts, sweater or t-shirt) Involvement: based on the weather.

TEACHERS: Review this lesson plan thoroughly in advance. If you make any modifications (only if needed for your children), these must be approved by Education Manager/Supervisor. You also need to complete the Individualized Learning Plan. Last updated: 06/08/2016 Families can do further explorations with their child. For example, talk about what it smells like after it rains; go on a walk with their child in their neighborhood or a nearby park, and talk about what they see; notice the changes of the seasons and what it means to their child. Encourage families to donate natural items for your collections – e.g., sticks, rocks, pinecones, etc. At the end of the week, post the results of “Charting the Weather” (see circle time/opening meeting) with a caption for parents explaining the activity, and suggesting that they could continue it at home too. (B) Materials to Enhance Children’s Play Blocks Dramatic Play Toys and Games Keep any items from previous week(s) that children Add: Add: were particularly engaged with. Clothes for different weather—e.g., raincoats, Paper-doll figures; variety of paper clothing rain boots, mittens/gloves of different size and appropriate for both cold and warm weather. See colors, sweaters, sunglasses, beach shirt, etc. “Getting Dressed for the Weather” small-group activity.

Art Library/Writing Discovery/Science Keep any items from previous week(s) that children Add: Add: were particularly engaged with. Read-aloud books from this week Collections of natural objects (sticks, leaves, Add: Nonfiction books about different types of rocks, etc.) - see Nature Walk under Outdoors Playdough weather, animal shelters, or other related topics Balance scales ABC cookie cutters Sand and Water Music and Movement Computers Add: Add: Sinking/floating experiment: have a variety of natural items (rocks, leaves, sticks, etc.) and two bins labeled “sink” and “float.” Encourage children to experiment with items, and then sort them into appropriate bins.

Outdoors Cooking (C) Group Experiences Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Arrival Arrival: Arrival: Arrival: Arrival:

Morning Morning Circle: Morning Circle: Morning Circle: Opening Circle Circle: Welcome Song Welcome Song Welcome Song Welcome Movement Song Chart Weather (see Chart Weather (see Tues.) Chart Weather & Tues.) Review** After Relaxation Begin to Song – “Sunny” QOTD: “Did you see the sun on tallying today’s Chart http://www.preschooledu your way to school?” (Y/N) weather, look back at Weather: Chart children’s responses on the week and make Transitions Make a chart ml whiteboard. Review results comparisons. E.g., with columns with the full group, counting how many days was Closing Circle or rows Transition: “How did the each column and writing the it sunny this week? labeled Sunny, weather feel on your way numeral. Were there more Rainy, to school?” (Hot/ warm/ rainy days or sunny Overcast, cool/ cold) Have children Review daily schedule and days? What kind of Snowy (or answer rules now and throughout weather happened other options individually/graph their the day the least? Etc. appropriate to answers your location). Transition: Review daily Each day ask Review daily schedule schedule and rules children what and rules now and Music & Movement- now and the weather is throughout the day throughout the day like today, and Relaxation: make a tally Transition: Transition: SS Skill mark (or add Transition: SS Brain Builder- Activity - a sticker, etc.) Music & Movement: in that SS Song- Closing Circle: Music & Movement: column. SS Song- Display at Relaxation: children’s eye Relaxation: level. Transition: Transition: Review daily Closing Circle: schedule and Closing Circle: rules now and throughout Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday the day

Transition: SS Brain Builder-

Music & Movement: Mr. Sun, SS Song-



Closing Circle: Read-Alouds Group 1- The Group 1-- SS Puppet Group 1- SS Story and Group 1- SS- Snowy Day by Script Discussion Ezra Jack Group 2- SS- Group 2- SS Story Keats Group 2- The Snowy Day and Discussion AND/OR by Ezra Jack Keats The Wind AND/OR Blew by Pat The Wind Blew by Pat Hutchins Hutchins (read (read either/both, but not either/both, too in-depth: the point is but not too in- to show different depth: the weather) point is to show different weather) Group 2- SS Puppet Script Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Small-Group Group 1 – Group 1 – Favorite Thing Group 1 – Weighing & Group 1: : SS Skill- Activity Play dough to Do Outside (See Comparing Natural Items (See Practice Activity ABC (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Activity Guide)TS Gold Activity Objectives- Objectives- 22,24,28 Group 2 – Weighing Guide)TS Gold 19b,s19b,37,38 & Comparing Natural Objectives- Group 2: SS Skill-Practice Items (See Activity 7a,16a,s16a Group 2 – Play dough Activity Guide) TS Gold ABC (See Activity Guide) Objectives- 22,24,28 Group 2 – TS Gold Objectives- Favorite 7a,16a,s16a Thing to Do Outside (See Activity Guide)TS Gold Objectives- 19b,s19b,37,3 8 Special Activities Tangible Acknowledgement System Inclement Weather System Emergency Drills Outside Nature Walk Encourage children to notice to collect the weather, how their bodies natural feel outside, etc. objects – see Small-Group Activity Guide

Individual Child Planning Form

Teachers: Classroom: Week of: School Readiness Goal Why Chosen? CHECK Focus Domain(s) Strategy/Activity when Focus TS (IFSP, implement GOLD observation/assessment NOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated ed Objective(s) instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small , family input conference Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings. goal, etc.)

A L p a p C n r o g o g u Child’s a n. a Focus Date c / g Name h G e e e

s n. & Physical t K

o n L L o i e w t a le e r d r n g a i e c n y g









3. 1.














3. IFSP Child Planning

Child’s School Readiness Goal Focus TS IFSP Strategy/Acti Possible CHECK when implemented Focus Domain(s) GOLD GOAL vity small- Name Objective(s) group? NOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings. A p p r o a c S h o e c- s E Cogn./ Gen. m Language & Literacy Physical t Knowledge ot o io

n L al e a r n i n g







*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.

*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist

*If you have additional goals, highlight the last row for that child, right click with mouse, scroll to Insert rows, scroll to insert row below. Do this as many times as needed.

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