NIT NO: 04/SE (E)/TEC/BSR/DNIT of 06-07

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NIT NO: 04/SE (E)/TEC/BSR/DNIT of 06-07



NIT NO: 04/SE (E)/TEC/BSR/DNIT of 06-07.


AMOUNT : Rs. 7,23,026/-

Certified that this Draft NIT contains 42 pages & PWD-8 only.

Sub-Divisional Engineer (EP) Surveyor of Works (E.) BSNL Electrical Circle, BSNL Electrical Circle, Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar

Approved For : Rs. 7,23,026/-

Superintending Engineer (E) BSNL Electrical Circle Bhubaneswar


The Executive Engineer (Elect) may kindly attend to the following points before inviting tenders:

1. Time and date of sale, receipt and opening of tenders may be filled in on page nos.1 & 3.

2. Applications for tenders shall be received in the office 4 days before the last date of opening of tenders & issue of tender documents will be stopped 3 days before the date fixed for opening of tenders. The date of receipt of application and the date of issue of tender are to be filled by EE(E) accordingly.

3. Any instructions issued by the Chief Engineer (Elect.) after the approval of the NIT may be included before call of tenders.

4. Any additional specification particular to the locality may be included in the NIT before issuing the same. 5. As per the circular no. 151-08/2002-O&M/38 dated 11.09.2002 from Sr. DDG (O&M), BSNL, Corporate Office New Delhi, The following Guidelines are incorporated for participation of near relatives of the BSNL employee in the tender/execution.

The company or firm or any other person is not permitted to tender for works in BSNL Unit in which his near relative(s) is (are) posted. The unit is defined as SSA/Circle/Chief Engineer/Chief Arch./Corporate office for non-executive employees and all SSA in a circle including circle office/Chief Eng./Chief Arch./Corporate office for executive employees (including those called as Gazetted officers at present).

Therefore, it has been decided by the competent authority that a clause must be added in the tender and other related documents that the tenderer should give a certificate that none of his/her such near relative is working in the units as defined above where he is going to apply for tender work. In case of proprietorship firm certificate will be given by the proprietor, for partnership firm certificate will be given by all the partners and in case of limited company by all the Directors of the company.

Any breach of these conditions by the company or firm or any other person, the tender/work will be cancelled and earnest money/security deposit will be forfeited at any stage whenever it is so noticed. The department will not pay any damages to the company or firm or the concerned person. The company or firm or the person will also be debarred for further participation in the concerned unit.

The executive Engineer shall obtain a certificate in the format as given below from all the firms/persons before the sale of tender documents which shall form the part of the agreement.

Format of the certificate to be given by the firm/person:

I ______S/o______R/o ______here by certify that none of my relative(s) as defined below is/are employed in BSNL unit as per details given in the tender document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/ incorrect, BSNL shall have absolute right to take any action as deemed fit/without any prior intimation to me. The near relatives for this purpose are defined as: a) Members of a Hindu Undivided family, b) They are husband and wife, c) The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother, son(s) & son’s wife (daughter-in-law), Daughter(s) & daughter’s husband (son-in-law), brother(s) & brother’s wife, sister(s) & sister’s husband (brother in-law).

Signature of the firm/person




1 Net Notification 4-5

2 Notice Inviting Tenders (form PWD 6) 6-8

3 Important Terms & Conditions of Contract 9-14

4 Schedule of Quantities 15-17

5 Data Sheet 18

5 Product list. 19

6 Specifications for Engine Alternator set. 20-29 Specifications for sound proof enclosure for 7 30-33 Engine Alternator set 8 Test sheet for Engine Alternator 34-38

9 Correction Slip. 39 Item rate tender and conditions of contract 10 40-42 (Form PWD 8)

This NIT contains 42 pages & PWD-8 only.


NO:- DB/5 (NIT)/TEDS/06-07/654 Dated 09.10.2006

The Executive Engineer (Elec.), BSNL Electrical Division, Sambalpur invites on behalf of the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited sealed item rate tenders for the following work from the contractors satisfying the under mentioned eligibility conditions: - T I M E FOR NAME OF WORK ESTD.COST EMD COMPLETION SITC OF 1NO. 100 KVA (at NTP) “READY TO USE” SILENT TYPE Rs.7,23,026/- Rs.14,461/- 2 Months from ENGINE ALTERNATOR SET WITH date of award CONVENTIONAL CONTROL PANEL FOR T.E. BUILDING AT SUNDERGARH. Eligibility Criteria: - I. Financial: The Contractor should have satisfactorily completed at least three works of RTU type/ RTU Silent/Conventional type EA sets in Central Government / PSU/ State Government and the works execution turnover shall not be less than 30 Lakhs in past 3 years reckoned from the date of NIT. II. Physical: The firm should have successfully completed at least 3 works of RTU type /RTU Silent/ Conventional type EA sets with Equipment Modules of not less than 75 KVA and with Aggregate Capacity of works not less than 300 KVA during the last 3 years in Central Government/ PSU/State Government reckoned from date of NIT. III. The firm should have valid PF , ESI registration (as applicable). OR Class-I contractors of P&T/DOT/BSNL can also quote subject to that the turnover has to be as per the financial norms as applicable for specialized firms with valid PF,ESI registration (as applicable) .

Documentary proof of satisfying above conditions and chartered accountant certificate in regards to IT to be furnished along with application.

Conditions and tender forms can be had from division on payment of Rs.500/-. (Non- refundable).

Last date of receipt of application: 27.10.2006 Last date of issue of tender: 28.10.2006 Last Date of Submission of tender: 31.10.2006 up to 15.00 Hrs Date of opening of tender: 31.10.2006 at 15.30 Hrs.

Validity of tender shall be for 90 days from the date of opening of tender. The tenderer shall submit the tenders in 2 sealed covers marked as cover Ist and 2nd with name of work. Both should be separate & they should not be enclosed in a common 3rd cover. The first cover should contain the earnest money deposited in the shape of a CDR/FDR/DD/BG in favour of A.O. BSNL Electrical Division, Sambalpur is acceptable. However, Bank guarantee as per Performa attached with the Tender Documents towards EMD is also acceptable. The Bank guarantee is to be extended for one year or later date as called for before award of work. The second cover should contain the tender documents. If the Ist cover is not annexed or Earnest Money is not in proper form, the 2 nd cover containing tenders will not be opened at all. Note: (i) The company or firm or any other person is not permitted to tender for works in BSNL unit in which his near relative(s) is (are) posted. (ii)The tender documents shall not be sent through Courier /Post. The tender Documents received through Courier/ Post shall not be opened / Considered at all.

EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (E) B.S.N.L. Elect. Division Sambalpur.


Procedure for submission of tenders downloaded through website.

The tender documents can be downloaded from the website and submitted subject to the following conditions: -

A) The first envelope should contain

i) Credential documents self attested and certified by any officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer / GM /Originals should be produced at the time of opening of tender. ii) Cost of tender paper in the proper shape as per NIT iii) EMD in proper shape as per NIT

In case of any deficiency of any of the above three items the second envelope will not be opened.

B) The second envelope should contain the price bid.

C) If at any stage during the tender process it is found that the tenderer has made any modifications in the NIT then it will be rejected forthwith and the EMD deposited will be forfeited as per rules.

Important Note: -The envelopes shall be clearly super scribed on top as


Executive Engineer (E) BSNL, Electrical Division Sambalpur



Item rate tenders are invited on behalf of the BSNL from eligible contractors for the work of: - SITC OF 1NO. 100 KVA (at NTP) “READY TO USE” SILENT TYPE ENGINE ALTERNATOR SET WITH CONVENTIONAL CONTROL PANEL FOR T.E. BUILDING AT SUNDERGARH.

1.1 The work is estimated to cost : Rs. 7,23,026/-. This estimate however is given merely as a rough guide.

1.2 Tenders will be issued to eligible DOT as well as non DOT contractors, provided they produce definite proof from the appropriate authority of having completed work of magnitude as specified in press notification at page No.4.

2. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful tenderer on prescribed Form No.8 which is available as a Govt. of India Publication, Tenderer shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement.

3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be Two months from date of Award.

4. Receipt of applications for issue of forms will be stopped by 1600 Hrs. four days before the date fixed for opening of tenders. Issue of tender forms will be stopped three days before the date fixed for opening of tenders.

Tender documents consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of the various classes of work to be done and the set of terms and conditions of contract to be complied with by the contractor whose tender may be accepted and other necessary document can be seen in the office of the EE(E),B.S.N.L.ELECTRICAL DIVISION, Sambalpur between hours of 11.00 A.M & 04.00 P.M. every day except on Sunday and Public Holidays. Tender documents, excluding standard form, will be issued from his office, during the hours specified above on payment of Rs.500/-(Five hundred) in cash.

6. The tender must produce an Chartered Accountant certificate in the revised form as modified under Ministry of Finance O.M.No. 67/30/69/ITAL dated 02-07-1970 as amended from time to time before tender papers can be sold to him.

7. Tenders, which should always be placed in sealed envelope, with the name of work and due date written on the envelopes, will be received by the EE(E), B.S.N.L. ELECTRICAL. DIVISION Sambalpur up to 03.00 P.M. on 31.10.2006 and will be opened by him or his authorized representative in his office on the same day at 03.30 P.M.


8. The tender shall be accompanied by earnest money (unless exempted) of Rs.14,461/- in the form of CDR/FDR/DD/B.G.(as specified) of a scheduled Bank issued in favour of Accounts Officer B.S.N.L. .ELECTRICAL DIVISION, Sambalpur the amount being credited to Nationalized Bank/State Bank.

9. The description of the work is as follows:- SITC OF 1NO. 100 KVA (at NTP) “READY TO USE” SILENT TYPE ENGINE ALTERNATOR SET WITH CONVENTIONAL CONTROL PANEL FOR T.E. BUILDING AT SUNDERGARH. Copies of other drawings and documents pertaining to the work will be open for inspection by the tenderers at the office of the above mentioned officer.

It is hereby mentioned that site may be any BSNL Building within the state of Orissa. Therefore Tenderer are advised to Consider all aspects like nature of site, transport, nature of ground and subsoil etc in the state of Orissa before submitting their tenders. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the places of Oruissa and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores , tools and plants, etc. will be issued to him by the Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work

10. The competent authority on behalf of the BSNL does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any other tender, and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without the assignment of a reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.

Tenders with any condition including the conditional rebate shall be rejected forthwith. How ever tenders with unconditional rebate will be considered.

11. Convassing whether directly or indirectly , in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to convassing will be liable to rejection. 12. The competent authority on behalf of the BSNL reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted.

13. The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in the B.S.N.L. Circle (Responsible for award and execution of contracts) in which his near relative is posted as Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Sub-Divisional Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the DOT. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of this Department.


14. No Engineer of gazetted rank or other gazetted officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to work as contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government service, without the previous permission of the Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the contractors service.

15. The tender for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of ninety days from the date of opening of tenders. If any tenderer withdraws his tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the department, then the Government shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest money as aforesaid.

16. The Notice Inviting Tender shall form a part of the contract document. The successful tenderer /contractor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority, shall sign the contract consisting of:-

(a). The Notice Inviting Tender , all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and drawings, if any, forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto.

(b). Standard C.P.W.D. Form 8.

Signature of Divisional Officer ______For and on behalf of B.S.N.L.


1.0 Tax and Duties

The firm shall quote rates for all items inclusive of all taxes, duties , octroi including loading, unloading and transportation upto site.

1.1 Tendered rates will be inclusive of taxes and levies payable under the respective statutes. However, pursuant to the Constitution (Forty six Amendment) Act, 1982, if any further tax or levy is imposed by state after the date of receipt of tenders and the contractor (s) thereupon necessarily and properly pays taxes or levies the contractors (s) will be reimbursed such amounts paid provided such payment if any is not in the opinion of SE (whose decision shall be final and binding) attributable to delay in execution of work.

1.2. The contractor (s) shall keep necessary books of accounts and other documents for the purpose of this condition as may be necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized representative of BSNL and shall furnish such other information/documents as the Engineer-in-Charge may require.

1.3. The contractor (s) shall within a period of 30 days of imposition of any further tax or levy pursuant to the Constitution (Forty Six Amendment) Act 1982 give a written notice thereof to the Engineer-in-Charge that the same is given pursuant to this condition together with all necessary information relating thereto.

1.4 No additional condition whatsoever will be accepted for turnover tax/sales tax on works contract. In case of additional conditions for the payment of such claims by the contractor the tender may be liable to be summarily rejected by the accepting authority.

1.5 No Octroi exemption certificate or any other concessional form except form ‘C ’for sales tax on supply of RTU silent type EA set, will be issued by the Deptt.

2.0 Works Contract Tax

The rates offered by the firm shall be inclusive of the works contract tax as applicable in the State. The BSNL shall deduct works contract tax from payments due to the firm and as per rules of the State Government. The certificates for such deductions will be issued to the firm by the Accounts Officers of the Division.

3.0 Variation in Excise Duty

In case of statutory variation in excise duty in respect of Engine Alternator Set only within the stipulated date of completion of individual agreement, the same shall be paid or recovered as per the actual against documentary proof. However, beyond this period BSNL will take advantage of any duty reduction but will not pay extra on account of duty increase.

4.0 Escalation / Clause 10cc The rates during the entire period of the contract shall remain firm and final except for variation in W.C Tax/ Excise duty. No claim under clause 10cc shall be entertained.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 10 5.0 Earnest Money Deposit 5.1 Firm has option to Deposit Earnest Money in the form of Bank Guarantee in the prescribed format given hereunder.

5.2. The earnest money deposit will be refunded in full after deduction of security deposit for entire quantity.

5.3. In case the work is not started in full or parts (including deviation) by the contractor (s), the EMD will be forfeited for the proportionate quantity of work.

5.4. In case the contract is awarded to more than one agency, the EMD will be adjusted for the part contract awarded. The proportionate EMD for the contract not awarded, will be refunded on demand.

5.5. Model Form Of Bank Guarantee

Whereas______(hereinafter called “the contractor(s)”) has submitted its Tender dated______for______(Name of work) ______known all men by these presents that we ______of ______having our registered office at ______(hereinafter called “the bank”) are bound up to ______(hereinafter called “the BSNL”) in the sum of ______for which payment will and truly to be made of the said BSNL, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents.


 If the Contractor(s) withdrawn its Tender during the period of Tender validity specified on Tender Form : or

 If the Contractor(s) having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the BSNL during the period of Tender validity.

 Fails or refuses to execute the Contract.  Fails or refuses to furnish Security Deposit in accordance with the conditions of Tender document.

We undertake to pay the BSNL up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the BSNL having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand, the BSNL will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions. Specifying the occurred condition or conditions.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 11 This guarantee will remain in force as specified in the tender document up to and including thirty (30) days after the period of the tender validity, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the specified date/dates.

Signature of the Bank

Signature of the Witness

Name of witness

Address of witness

6.1 Performance Bank Guarantee : The contractor is required to furnish bank guarantee for an amount equal to 5% of the contract value on a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in a standard format /CDR /FDR/ DD within two weeks from the date of issue of award letter. The validity period of the performance security in the form of performance bank guarantee shall be one year form the date of actual completion of work.

6.2 Security Deposit : In addition to performance guarantee stated above, a sum of 10% of the gross amount of the bill shall be deducted from each running bill of the contractor till the sum along with the sum already deposited as Earnest Money, will amount the security deposit of 5% to the tendered value of the work.

6.3 Compensation for delay. If the contractor fails to maintain the required progress or complete the work and clear the site on or before the contract or extended date of completion, he has to pay the compensation for delay which is limited to 0.5% per work of work order value for the first 10 week and 0.7% per work for next 10 weeks and thereafter subject to a maximum of 12% of the work order value for the location where the work is delayed and the firm is found responsible for the same. Flow chart of the procurement process / contract shall be supplied by the contractor and approved by Executive Engineer concerned.

6.4 Rejection of Tender The tenders with any condition including the conditional rebates shall be rejected forthwith. However tenders with unconditional rebate will be acceptable.

7. Terms of Payment

Payment to the contractors during progress of work is regulated for all the items as below: a) 80% of prorata of the approved price breakup of contract value on receipt of equipment at site and after satisfactory physical inspection. b)10% of prorata of the approvrd price breakup of contract value after successful installation of equipment. c) 5% of the approved contract value after successful completion fo initial acceptance testing. d) 5% of the approved contract value after successful completion of the final acceptance testing.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 12

8. Program for Execution

The firm shall supply detailed program to Engineer-in-Charge for execution of contract within fifteen days of award of work. The program shall contain details about submission of drawing, supply of materials i/c E/A set, control panel, cables etc. Tentative dates for installation, testing, commissioning and A/T of engine alternator set shall also be submitted.

9. Stores and Safety

All the stores and materials required for the satisfactory completion of the work shall be arranged at site by the contractor from his own sources. Lockable space for storing the material may be provided on request . However, safe custody of the material stored at site will be responsibility of the contractor.

10. Coordination at site

At the site of work more than one agency may be working. Full co-operation shall be extended to other agencies during progress of work. The work will be carried out in such a way so that it may not cause abnormal noise and hindrance to the officers of the BSNL engaged in erection as well as to normal routine work.

11. Test Certificate

The firm will submit following test certificates along with supply of the materials at site. As per provisions of Environment(Protection), Second Amendment Rules, 2002 of Govt. of India, the DG sets must have valid certificates of Type Approval and also valid Certificates of conformity of production with the noise limit specified from following authorized agencies for certification. 1/ Automatic Research Association of India, Pune. 2/ National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. 3/ Naval Science & Technology Laboratory, Visakhapatnam. 4/ Fluid Control Research Institute Palghat. 5/ National Aerospace Laboratory, Bangalore.

 Manufacturer test certificates for Engine, Alternator, E/A set, Control panel.  Routine test certificates for individual items.  BSNL may test each unit at factory with out any extra payment.  Invoice of EA set shall be furnished at the time of supply as proof of factory assembled set.

12. Date of Completion

Date of successful testing at site shall be taken as completion date of the work. The bill shall be finalized immediately after successful A/T.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 13 13. Completion Drawings The firm shall supply three sets of drawings/documents within 30 days after completion of the work as detailed given hereunder  Plan lay out of the EA set indicating various equipments.  Schematic diagram of control wiring.  Operation and maintenance manual.

14. Guarantee and Defect Liability  The guarantee shall be valid for twelve months after successful A/T. The contractor shall guarantee that all equipments are free from any defect and also the equipments work satisfactorily with performance and efficiencies not less than the guaranteed values.  Any part found defective during this period shall be replaced free of cost by the contractor. The service of the contractor’s personnel, if required during this period shall be made available free of cost to the BSNL.  The contractor shall depute his representative within 36 hours of notification of the defect by the BSNL.  A joint report shall be prepared by the representative of BSNL and the contractor regarding nature of defects and remedial action required. Time schedule for such action shall also be finalized.  In case the contractor fails to depute his representative within 36 hours of notification of the defect or fails to cause remedial measure within reasonable time as decided during joint inspection, the BSNL may proceed to do so at the contractor’s risk and expenses and without prejudice to any right of the BSNL to recover such expenses.

15. Test at Site

 A/T in the presence of representative of T& D circle as per A/T schedule.  Resistive load, fuel, oil etc. for successful testing will be arranged by the contractor without any extra cost.

16. Near relative(s) of BSNL employee not permitted to tender:

The company or firm or any other person is not permitted to tender for works in BSNL Unit in which his near relative(s) is (are) posted. The unit is defined as SSA/Circle/Chief Engineer/Chief Arch./Corporate office for non-executive employees and all SSA in a circle including circle office/Chief Eng./Chief Arch./Corporate office for executive employees (including those called as Gazetted officers at present). Therefore, it has been decided by the competent authority that a clause must be added in the tender and other related documents that the tenderer should give a certificate that none of his/her such near relative is working in the units as defined above where he is going to apply for tender work. In case of proprietorship firm certificate will be given by the proprietor, for partnership firm certificate will be given by all the partners and in case of limited company by all the Directors of the company.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 14 Any breach of these conditions by the company or firm or any other person, the tender/work will be cancelled and earnest money/security deposit will be forfeited at any stage whenever it is so noticed. The department will not pay any damages to the company or firm or the concerned person. The company or firm or the person will also be debarred for further participation in the concerned unit.

Format of the certificate to be given by the firm/person:

I______S/o______R/o______here by certify that none of my relative(s) as defined below is/are employed in BSNL unit as per details given in the tender document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/ incorrect, BSNL shall have absolute right to take any action as deemed fit/without any prior intimation to me. The near relatives for this purpose are defined as: a) Members of a Hindu Undivided family, b) They are husband and wife, c) The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother, son(s) & son’s wife (daughter-in-law), Daughter(s) & daughter’s husband (son-in-law), brother(s) & brother’s wife, sister(s) & sister’s husband (brother in-law)

NOTE:_ The above mentioned conditions are in addition to the conditions laid down in PWD 8. If any particular condition is mentioned in both the places, then details of the condition laid down in “ IMPORTANT TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT.” Shall be inforce.

Signature of the firm/person.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 15



S.No. Description of items Qty Rate Unit Amt.

1. SITC of factory assembled and factory tested electric start silent engine alternator set “ready to use” silent type with Conventional Control Panel consisting of following & confirming to specification attached.

a) Water cooled multi cylinder diesel engine capable of delivering minimum 124 BHP at NTP conditions complete with fuel filter, air filter, starter, flywheel, coupling guard, governor, battery charger alternator, fuel/ feed pump, Tacho hour meter complete as per specifications. Engine makes shall be selected from the data sheet.

b) Three phase, 4 Wire, 50 Hz, 415 volts, 1500 r.p.m. Brush less alternator capable of delivering suitable KVA coupled to diesel engine. Alternator makes shall be selected from the data sheet.

c) Sound proof enclosure (canopy) of suitable size for 100 KVA E.A.set with the following salient features as per specifications attached.

(i) The main base shall consist of 3 mm thick MS sheet/ 5mm chequered plate supported on suitable MS section. Over this sheet Common base frame of suitable size fabricated out of 150mm x 75mm MS channel (Web thickness 5.4mm, flange thickness 9.0mm and sectional weight 16.4 Kg per meter). Fuel tank made out of not less than 3mm thick M.S. sheet having capacity for at least 8 hrs. run on full load with inlet connection, drain plug, level indicator, air vent, fuel suction & return connection with suitable size of steel braided pipe etc and provision of filling of the fuel tank from out side.

d) 04 nos. AVM’s in case of single bearing EA set shall be placed above the base frame while in double bearing EA set 06 nos. AVM’s shall be placed below the common base frame.

e) 1x12 Volt 180 amp-hour battery complete with multi strand insulated copper conductor battery leads of required length & sockets/clamps and SDE(EP) SW(E) 16 can be placed on floor of canopy in M.S. tray. f) Residential type exhaust silencer with minimum insertion loss of 25db(A), with suitable length of flexible bellow and required MS ‘A’ class pipe connecting the residential silencer and the flexible bellow duly insulated as per specifications attached. g) Conventional control panel comprising of 200 Amps. rating MCCB with thermal release range of required capacity & other items as per specifications. Panel shall be installed inside the canopy on suitable anti vibration pads, directly connected with the help of flexible copper leads/cable from alternator to panel, complete with battery charger for charging of battery in auto/ trickle/ boost mode, auto changeover from battery charger. h) Rubber pads of size 150mm x 150mm x 20mm to be provided at 6 spots under common base 1 set Set frame in case of single bearing EA set.

i) Rotary Hand pump with three-meter wire braided pipe.

NOTE: i) Form ‘C’ for exemption of sales tax shall be issued to the firm by the department on supply of RTU silent type EA set against item no 1 above. ii) The Engine Alternator and other associated equipments used in the Engine Alternator set shall not have been manufactured earlier than one year from the date of award of work. iii) Certificate from CPCB authorized agencies to be furnished as regards to emission and noise level controls, for sound proof canopy and diesel engines.

iv) Prototype of EA set has to be got approved by successful tenderer within 1 months of acceptance of the tender. Before offering prototype of EA set for approval the firm shall submit detailed drawing showing items, their makes/models & quantity as per the general guidelines given in tender. v) The agency shall furnish the manufacturers test certificate for all major equipment at the time of supply. vi) The department reserve the right to send its representative to the premises of manufacturer / SDE(EP) SW(E) 17 OEM/ Authorized dealer for the inspection of the complete assembled set for testing on load prior to dispatch to site.

(vii) Documentary proof shall be furnished as a proof for factory assembled sets and Excise duty payment by the agency.

(viii) Tenders with any condition including the conditional rebate shall be rejected forthwith. However tenders with unconditional rebate will be considered.

(ix) The complete engine alternator shall be uni- built, ready to use type and no foundation work . required at site. (x) The EA set will be subject to the detailed A/T as per the department procedure & specification at site. The tenderer has to make required arrangement for heater load, fuel, oil etc. for initial testing and till successful A/T, with in reasonable time failing which the Engineer-In- Charge will be at liberty to carry out A/T by the department & in such case Rs. 15000/= will be deducted from the contractor’s bill by the Engineer – In- charge.

(xi) The engine/ alternator may be single/ double bearing. (xii)Tendrerer shall mention the make and model of Engine and Alternator offered from the list attached in the data sheet.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 18


FOR ENGINE ALTERNATOR SET Items covered under schedule of Work: Quantity required for one EA set.

ITEM NO. 1 A. Engine with standard Scope of Supply (1500RPM) With coupling arrangement suitable for single bearing Alternator. Water Cooled Sl Make Model BHP No. a) Greaves 4YDACKMK3 126 c) KOEL 6R1080T 127 d) Cummins 6BTA59G1.1 124

Alternator Model No. (Suitable for 100KVA) Sl. Make No. a) CROMPTON

b) KEC



SDE(EP) SW(E) 19 APPROVED MAKES FOR E/A SET 1. ENGINE Cummins / Ruston / Escorts / Koel / Cater pillar / Ashok Leyland /Greaves / Volvo Pentra ( (200-500)KVA /Other BSNL approved make. 2. ALTERNATOR Kirloskar / NGEF / Leory Somer / Jyoti frame Size PTG (62.5 –500 KVA) / Stamford / Crompton Greaves (Slip Ring / Brushless, 6- 200KVA) / AVK-SEG (Up to 250 KVA) / Electrodyne (up to 100 KVA) Crompton Greaves A1 series ( 15 to 100 KVA) / ELGI (20 to 380 KVA) / KEL (Brushless-up to 1000 KVA) / Other BSNL approved make. 3. ACB L&T / Siemens / Crompton / Control & Switchgear / GE Power Controls/ Other BSNL approved make. 4. MCCB Siemens / L&T / GE Power Controls / Control and Switchgear / Crompton/ Other BSNL approved make. 5. Contactors, Siemens / L&T / GE Power Controls / Crompton / MEI / Laxmi Auxiliary / Other BSNL approved make. 5(a) IDMT Relay AVKC/SEGC. / Other BSNL approved make. 6. C.T AE / MP / Marshal / Pactil / Kappa / L&T / Ashmor / Indcoil / Waco / Meco/ Other BSNL approved make. For Orissa Zone: i) Indotech Devices 7. P.F. Meter IMP /AE / Reshabh / Meco / Universal / Digitron / Other BSNL approved make. For Orissa Zone: i) Indotech Devices 8. Ammeter / AE / IMP / Universal / Reshabh / Kaycee / Meco / Enercom / Other Volmeter BSNL approved make. For Orissas Zone: i) Indotech Devices 9. Selector switch L&T /KAYCEE / AE / IMP / Thakoor / Reco / Vaishno / Selzer / Rass control/ Other BSNL approved make. 10.Indicating lamp Vaishno / Siemens / L&T / AE / IMP / RassControl / Teknic / Crompton / Kaycee / Other BSNL approved make. 11.Frequency meter Digitron / Reshabh / Meco / Keltron / IMP / AE/ Other BSNL approved make.For Orissas Zone: i) Indotech Devices 12. Lead acid Exide / Stanford / Furukawa / AMCO / Pacesetter / NICCO / Prestolite / battery Amara Raja / Standard / Crompton Greaves / Hitachi. / Other BSNL approved make. 13. G.I / M.S.PIPE BST / Tata / ATL / ITC / ATC / IIA / JST / ITS / Jindal / Zenith / GSI / TTA/ Other BSNL approved make.

14. A.V.M Pads Dunlop / Poly Bond/ Other BSNL approved make. 15.Fire ISI mark Extinguishers 16.Rubber Matting ISI mark

17.Cables ISI Mark (a) Up to 1.1 KV ISI mark grade (b) Above 1.1 KV ISI mark grade 18. G.I Valve Kirloskar / Fountain / Trishul / Leader/ Other BSNL approved make. 19.Trivector Meter Sunco / Jaipur / IMP/ Other BSNL approved make. 20. KWH Meter Simco / Jaipur / Universal / Rishabh / AE / IMP/ Other BSNL approved 21. Resin Bonded Fibre Glass/pilkingston/Up Twiga. / Other BSNL approved make. Glass Wool 22.Emergency light BPL/Philips. 22. Asbestos Rope Champion/Turret. Note: Relevant IS standards will apply in case of any ambiguity in items/specifications.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 20



1.0 The EA sets and the associated work shall comprise of items described in the schedule of work and specifications for various items of work detailed in the following sections.


2.1 This section sets out general requirement, methods and guidelines for installation of Engine Alternator sets and provisions of control panel distribution schemes.

2.2 The work shall be carried out as per current CPWD specifications for electrical works and Indian Electricity Rules as amended from time to time.

2.3 Any damage caused to the building during the course of execution of work by the contractor shall have to be made good by the contractor at his risk and cost. If he fails to do so within a reasonable time as determined by Engineer-in-charge, the same will be got done by the BSNL at the risk and cost of the contractor.



3.1.1 The scope of this section covers general requirements for reciprocating diesel engine and alternator complete with drive, safety controls, lubrication system, cooling system, instruments etc. i/c erection, testing and commissioning.

3.1.2 The set may be idle for a long time, except for periodical tests. Whenever there is electrical mains supply failure, the set may be required to run continuously for periods even exceeding 24 hours.


3.2.1 The Engine shall be capable of developing gross BHP (at NTP) at 1500 rpm with overload capacity of ten percent for one hour in every twelve hours of continuous operation at full load 3.2.2 The Engine shall be equipped with the required standard accessories broadly as under  Flywheel,  Flywheel housing,(Wherever reqd.)  Heavy duty air cleaner,  Exhaust turbo charger and after coolers (wherever required)  Flexible coupling,(In case of double bearing EA set)

 Coupling guard,(In case of double bearing EA set)  Lubricating pump,  Fuel Pump.(M/S Mico Mono block or equivalent) SDE(EP) SW(E) 21  Nozzles,  Governor,  Fuel filter,

 Engine starting relay with start push button,  Others as may be provided/recommended by the manufacturers.  Alternator for battery charging during engine run.  Coolant circuit in case of water-cooled Engines.

3.2.3. The lubrication system shall consist of following major components

 Oil pan  Oil pumps  Oil filter  Oil cooler  Piston cooling nozzles  Oil temperature gauge  Oil pressure gauge

3.2.4. Lubricating oil filter shall be provided for operation of 250 hrs. without any necessity of replacement or cleaning.

3.2.5 All standard accessories in respect of radiator like inlet, outlet connections, fill connection, drain plug etc. shall be provided.


4.1 The maximum change in speed of engine shall be not more than 4% when the full load is either taken off or thrown ON temporarily or permanently as the case may be for naturally aspirated engines.

4.2 The maximum change in speed of engine shall be not more than 3% when change in load is about 20% of rated load temporarily or permanently as the case may be for turbo charger/turbo charged after cooled engines. However, total change in speed from zero load to full load or full load to zero load in steps shall not be more than 4%. 4.3 The steady load engine speed shall be maintained within deviation limit of one percent.

4.4 The E.A. set shall be able to attain the steady speed within a time period of not more then 8 seconds from the time load change takes place.

5.0 Provision of Environment (Protection) second Amendment Rules 2002 are reproduced for adherence by the Contractor : “94,.NOISE LIMIT FOR GENERATOR SETS RUN WITH DIESEL

1. 1Noise limit for diesel generator sets (upto 1000 KVA) manufactured on or after the 1st July,2003.

The maximum permissible sound pressure level for new diesel generator (I)(i) sets with rated capacity upto 1000 KVA, manufactured on or after the 1st July, 2003 shall be 75 db (A) at 1 metre from the enclosure surface.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 22 The diesel generator sets should be provided with integral acoustic enclosure at the manufacturing stage itself.

The implementation of noise limit for these diesel generator sets shall be regulated as given in paragraph 3 below.

2. Noise limit for DG sets not covered by paragraph 1.

Noise limits for diesel generator sets not covered by paragraph 1, shall be as follows :

2.1. Noise from DG set shall be controlled by providing an acoustic enclosure or by treating the room acoustically, at the users end.

2.2 The acoustic enclosure or acoustic treatment of the room shall be designed for minimum 25 db(a) insertion loss or for meeting the ambient noise stands whichever is on the higher side ( if the actual ambient noise is on the higher side, it may not be possible to check the performance of the acoustic enclosure/acoustic treatment. Under such circumstances the performance may be checked for noise reduction upto actual ambient noise level, preferably, in the night time. The measurement for insertion loss may be done at different points at 0.5 m from the acoustic enclosure/room, and then averaged.

2.3. The DG set shall be provided with proper exhaust muffler with insertion loss of minimum 25 db (A).

2.4 These limits shall be regulated by the State Pollution Control Boards and the State Pollution Control Committees.

2.5 Guidelines for the manufacturers/users of Diesel Generator sets shall be as under:

0.1 The manufacturer shall offer to the user a standard acoustic enclosure of 25 db(A) insertion loss and also a suitable exhaust muffler with insertion loss of 25 db(A). 0.2 The user shall make efforts to bring down the noise levels due to the DG set out side his premises within the ambient noise requirement by proper and control measures.

0.3 Installation of a DG set must be strictly in compliance with the recommendations of the DG set manufacturer.

0.4 A proper routine and preventive maintenance procedure for the DG set should be set and followed in consultation with the DG set manufacturer which would help prevent noise levels of the DG set from deteriorating with use.


3.1. Applicability

01. These rules apply to DG sets upto 1000 KVA rated out put, manufactured or imported in India, on or after 1st July,2003.

02. These rules shall not apply to :

(a) DG sets manufactured or imported for the purpose of exports outside India; and

(b) DG sets intended for the purpose of sample and not for sale in India.

3.2. Requirement of Certification

Every manufacturer or importer (thereinafter referred to as “supplied” ) of DG set (hereinafter referred to as “product”) to which these regulations apply must have valid certificates of Type Approval and also valid certificates of Conformity of Production for each year, for all the product SDE(EP) SW(E) 23 models being manufactured or imported from 1st July,2003 with the noise limit specified in paragraph 1.

3.3. Sale, import or use of DG sets not complying with the rules prohibited

No person shall sell, import or use of a product model, which is not having a valid Type Approval certificate and Conformity of Production Certificate.

3.4. Requirement of Conformance Labeling.

(i) The supplied of the ‘product’ must affix a conformance label on the product meeting the following requirements :

(a) The label shall be durable and legible.

(b) The label shall be affixed on a part necessary for normal operation of the ‘product’ and not normally requiring replacement during the ‘product’ life.

(ii) The conformance label must contain the following information :

(a) Name and address of the supplier ( if the address is described in the owner’s manual, it may not be included in the label)

(b) Statement “ This product conforms to the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986”

( c) Noise limit viz 75 db(A) at 1 m

(d) Type approval certificate number.

(e) Date of manufacturer of the product.

3.5. Nodal Agency

(i) The Central Pollution Control Board shall be the nodal agency for implementation of these regulations.

(ii) In case of any dispute or difficulty in implementation of these regulations, the matter shall be referred to the nodal agency.

(ii) The nodal agency shall constitute a committee to advise it on all matters including the disputed matters related to the implementation of these regulations.

3.6. Authorised agencies for certifications.

The following agencies are authorized to carry out such tests as they deem necessary for giving certificates for type approval and conformity of production testing of DG sets and to give such certificates :-

(i) Automotive Research Association of India, Pune.

(ii) National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.

(iii) Naval Science and Technology Laboratory, Vishakapatnam.

(iv) Fluid Control Research Institute, Palghat.

(v) National Aerospace Laboratory, Bangalore. 3.7. Compliance and Testing Procedure.

The compliance and testing procedure shall be prepared and published by the Central Pollution Control Board, with the help of Certification Agencies. SDE(EP) SW(E) 24


The emission limits for new diesel engines up to 800 KW for Gensets applications shall be as given in the Table below.


Capacity Date of Emissi Limits Smoke Limit (Light Test cycle cycle of Diesel implementation on hr) f absorption engines (g/kw o coefficient, m-1) - r (at full load) NOx HC CO PM Torque% Weighting Weight factors factor Up to 01.07.2003 9.2 1.3 5.0 0.6 0.7 100 0.05 0.05 19 KW 01.07.2004 9.2 1.3 3.5 0.3 0.7 75 0.25 0.25 >19 KW 01.07.2003 9.2 1.3 5.0 0.5 0.7 50 0.30 0.30 up to 50 KW 01.07.2004 9.2 1.3 3.5 0.3 0.7 25 0.30 0.30 >50 KW 01.07.2003 9.2 1.3 3.5 0.3 0.7 10 0.10 0.10 up to 260 KW >260 kw 01.07.2004 9.2 1.3 3.5 0.3 0.7 up to 800 KW

2. Applicability

These rules shall apply to all new Diesel Engines for gensets applications (hereinafter referred to as ‘engine’) manufactured in India and all Diesel Engines for genset applications and diesel gensets ( hereinafter referred to as ‘product’), imported to India, after the effective date :-

Provided that these rules shall not apply to :-

(a) Any engine manufactured or engine or product imported for the purpose of export out side India or (b) Any engine or product intended for the purpose of sample only and not for sale in India.

3. Requirement of Certification

Every manufacturer of engine or every importer of engine or product must have valid certificates of Type Approval and certificates of Conformity of production for each year, for all engine models being manufactured or for all engine or product models being imported, after the effective date with the emission limit as specified in paragraph 1.

4. Sale, Import or use of engine or product not complying with these rules.

No person shall sell, import or use of an engine or a product which is not having valid Type Approval Certificate and Conformity of Production certificate as per paragraph 3.

5. Requirement of Conformation labeling

i) All the engines ( individually or as part of the product) shall be clarified engraved ‘Genset Engine’ on cylinder block.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 25 ii) The engine or the product must be affixed with a conformation label meeting the following requirements :-

a) The label shall be durable and legible :-

b) The label shall be affixed on a part necessary for normal operation of the engine or the product and not normally required in replacement during the life of engine or the product.

iii) The conformation label must contain the following information :-

a) Name and Address of the Engine manufacturer or the engine or product importer ( if the addressee is given in the owners manual, it may not be included in the label) :-

b) Statement that ‘this engine or product conforms to the environment (protection) Rules-1986’ :-

c) Type approval certificate number :-

d) Date of manufacture of engine or in case of import, the date of import of the engine or the product.

6. Compliance with BIS Specifications. All engines upto 20 KW ( individually or part of the product) shall carry ISI mark and meet relevant BIS Specifications ( IS 10001).

7. Nodal Agency

i) The Central Pollution Control Board shall be the nodal agency for implementation of these rules.

ii) In case of any dispute or difficulty in implementation of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the nodal agency.

iii) The nodal agency shall constitute a committee to advise it on all matters, including the dispute matters, related to implementation of these rules.

8. Authorized agencies for certification.

The following agencies are authorized to carry out such tests as they deem necessary for giving certificates of type approval and conformity of production test for diesel engines and to give such certificates :-

i) Automotive Research Association of India, Pune.

ii) Vehicle Research and Development Establishment, Ahmednagar.

9. Compliance and Testing procedure.

The compliance and testing procedure shall be prepared and published by the Central Pollution Control Board with the help of Certification agencies.

10. Fuel specifications

The specification of commercial fuel applicable for diesel genset shall be the same as applicable for commercial HSD ( High Speed Diesel) applicable for diesel vehicles in the area from time to time.


The engine shall be fitted with Lead Acid Battery of 12 volts/180AH rating complete with multi strand PVC insulated copper conductor battery leads of required length with socket/ clamps. SDE(EP) SW(E) 26


7.1 Engine Protection Cum Shut Down system for (i) Low lube oil pressure (ii) High water temp/ Cylinder Head Temp (iii) Lack of Fuel shall be provided with 12Volts Fuel cut off solenoid and with mechanical shut down for V- belt failure trip (for air cooled Engines) The safety controls supplied by the Engine manufacturer shall be provided and documentary proof for the same shall be submitted alongwith the supply of E/A set by the firm.

7.2 Each engine shall be provided with an instrument panel having following mountings.  Starting switch key (for manually operated sets)  Lubricating oil temperature gauge.  Lubricating oil pressure gauge.  Water temperature gauge (for water cooled engine only)  Tacho hour meter (the firm can supply RPM meter and Hour meter separately also) 8.0 ALTERNATOR

8.1 The alternator shall be copper wound brush less type having class F/H insulation and capable of generating 100 KVA rating at 415 volts,3 phase, 50Hz, 4 wire system A.C. supply for 0.80 lagging power factor load when rotated at1500 rpm. Manual adjustment at all conditions of load and suitable to obtain voltage variation of +/- 5% shall be available. The frequency shall be maintained at 50 Hz +/- 3%.

8.2 The alternator shall be capable of sustaining 10% overload for one hour in every 12 hours continuous operation at full load.

8.3 All the terminal points of the alternator shall be enclosed in a terminal box for connecting the load. The size and shape of the terminal box shall be such as to receive the armoured Al. cables. The neutral terminal of alternator is to be brought out.

8.4 The terminal box if fabricated at site shall be made of minimum 1.6 mm thick M.S. sheet painted in matching color.

8.5 Alternator shall be brush less type with RF suppressor suitable to deliver desired KVA at 415 volts. The alternator shall be suitable for linear as well as non linear loads.


9.1 A name plates showing rating and connection diagram shall be provided on the engine and alternator. All major components shall have labeling in respect of their catalogue number etc.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 27


10.1 The engine and alternator shall be mounted suitably so as to provide no deflections to be dynamically balanced and shall have minimum vibrations, noise under load conditions 10.2 The engine alternator set shall be installed over anti vibration cushy foot mountings. 04 Nos ‘B’ type AVMs in case of single bearing EA set shall be placed above the base frame while in double bearing EA set 06 nos. ‘B’ type AVMs shall be placed below the common base frame.

10.3 The exhaust pipe shall pass through an oversized collar filled with glass wool when crossing brick wall. 10.4 All exposed metal parts shall be suitably painted to prevent corrosion under climatic Conditions at site. The colour shall preferably be gray conforming to no.697 of I.S 5/1961 10.5 Rubber pads at minimum six points will be placed between MS channel and floor/ foundation to stop lateral movement of EA sets.


Consisting of the following fabricated out of 16 SWG CRCA sheet metal adequate size to accommodate various switchgears, metering equipments, protective devices control wiring etc. and suitable for 415V, 3 phase 4 wire, 50 Hz AC supply, dust proof, vermin proof, treated in seven tanks process and powder coating consisting of the following features: -

A. Power Circuit -

i) MCCB: - 1 Nos. 200 Amps 4 Pole for Diesel EA set with breaking Capacity not less than 10 KA.

ii) 20A DP MCB for control circuit ---- 1 No.

iii) 12V DC hooter ---- 1 No.

B. Metering and Controls:

i) Energy meter with all accessories ii) 96 mm sq. ammeter of range 0-200 amps complete with CT’s of ratio 200/5, and selector switch. iii) 0 - 500 V , 96 mm square, Voltmeter complete with selector switch iv) Reed type frequency meter 96 mm square. v) 6 Nos LED lamp for indicating Mains / E/A supply. vi) Connections for control wiring from control panel to the DEA set shall be done with multicore 2.5 PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper conductor armoured cable, with ‘WAGO’ type screw less connector stripes and ferrules for identification on both ends. AC and DC shall be separated distinctly.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 28 vii) Tinned copper busbars of adequate dimensions (current density not exceeding 155 Amps per SQ cm) with superior quality epoxy insulator etc. shall be provided. Earth studs shall be provided on both sides of the panel and shall be interconnected with tinned copper earth bus of 25/3 mm size minimum.


11.1.1 Panels shall be cubicle, indoor type, front operated, fabricated in compartmentalized structure.

11.1.2 The design shall include all provisions for safety of operation and maintenance personnel.

11.1.3 A cork sheet or rubber gasket of 19mm width and 2mm thickness shall be provided between all joints in adjacent units and beneath all the covers in order to render all the joints vermin proof. As an alternative to this U-shape rubber lining can be used for covers.

11.1.4 Each module (cubicle) shall have sufficient working space for making connections and shall be fitted with individual dust proof hinged door provided with insulated thumbscrew at two ends.

11.1.5 Adequate number of suitable sized removable plates shall be fitted at top/bottom for fixing of cables glands while terminating the cables.

11.1.6 The sheet steel work shall be of high quality. All openings and cutouts in the doors shall be machine made and shall be free from burrs. Weld rugs shall be grind smooth.

11.1.7 The entire steel sheet surface shall be free from dents and hammer marks.

11.1.8 The panel shall be provided with 2 nos. tinned copper earth studs of adequate diameter for Earthing.

11.1.9 MCCB trip push button.

11.1.10 Engine start and stop push buttons.

11.1.11Reset, accept and test push buttons.

11.1.12The push buttons will be in metallic enclosure.


Series resistance type LED-indicating lamp shall be provided to indicate the followings.  Mains healthy green lamp  SET RUNNING red lamp.  LOAD ON green lamp.  BATTERY ON CHARGE yellow lamp. SDE(EP) SW(E) 29  R-Y-B phase indication lamps.


11.3.1 Battery charger for charging battery in Auto /Trickle /Boost mode ,auto change over from battery charger shall be provided .Battery charging unit of double rate comprising of suitable rating voltage transformer, semi-conductor rectifier, RC filter network, fuses on AC and DC for protection and trickle/boost charging selector switch with 3 core PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper conductor cable of suitable size along with 3 pin plug of length up to existing 5/15A socket point in the EA set room, shall also be provided in the control panel. The charger should be cut off when engine is started and battery shall be charged from battery charging alternator provided on engine. . 11.5.2 Hooter for audio alarm inside the Control Panel.

11.5.3 Engine starting and stopping shall be from control panel.

11.5.4 Electrical over speed relay (Make: Minilec)


The EA set shall trip and alarm shall sound in addition to an indication on the controller in the event of following  Low lubrication oil pressure.  High water temperature (for water cooled engines).  High cylinder temperature (for air cooled engines)  Lack of fuel in fuel tank.  V-Belt failure device (For air cooled Engines)


The control wiring shall be done with PVC insulated copper wires of minimum 1.5 sq. mm size and provided with identification ferrules at each end. More than two wires shall not be terminated at any one terminal. The wires shall be arranged and supported in such a manner that there shall not be stress on the terminals. Runs of wires shall be neatly bunched and suitably supported and clamped. AC and DC wirings shall be separately bunched. All control wiring meant for external connections are to be brought out on a terminal board. Connections for control wiring from control panel to DEA set shall be done with multicore 2.5 sq. mm pvc insulated pvc sheathed copper conductor armoured cable.


The control panels shall be subjected to following routine tests before commissioning.  Insulation resistance test with 500volts meggar.  Polarity test.  Earth continuity test.  Control circuit-wiring test. SDE(EP) SW(E) 30

11.9 The firm shall supply standard tool kit and operation& maintenance manuals.


INTRODUCTION: The sound proof acoustic enclosure shall be free standing, floor mounting out door weather-proof (water tight) type independent of E/A set. The enclosure shall be pre-fabricated factory built and modular in construction so that it can be easily assembled at site. It should be specially designed for reducing the sound level around the enclosure shall be 75 db(A) at a distance of 1 mtr and 70 db(A) at a distance of 3 m under free field conditions when measured at from the enclosure during the full load and overload conditions. The sound proof enclosure shall be meticulously designed and it’s design, construction etc. shall be based on ventilation requirement and it shall have the following features:

1. DESIGN: The sound proof enclosure shall be designed for minimum 25 db (A) insertion loss (measured at different points at 0.5 mtr, from the enclosure and then averaged). The manufacturer shall offer an acoustic enclosure of minimum 25 db (A) insertion loss and also a suitable exhaust muffler with minimum insertion loss of 25 db (A). In case the ambient sound level is very high then it may not be possible to measure the insertion loss or the sound level in absolute terms. Effort should be made to measure the sound level in the middle of night or during off peak hours.


2.1 Structure: Enclosure shall be made in modular design and shall be suitable for dismantle/assemble at the site. It shall be made out of CRCA sheet sections and reinforced with fabricated super structure. The supporting framework shall be of 2mm thickness. The outside covers and doors shall be of 1.6mm thickness. Inside perforated sheet shall be of 0.8, mm thick, Aluminum or MS duly powered coated.

(i) Doors shall be provided with in-built locking arrangement with keys.

(ii) Poly-urethane foam lining or suitable lining of the glass wool / Mineral wool duly covered with GI /Al. sheet for Inlet/Outlet louvers shall be provided.

(iii) The main base shall consist of 3 mm thick MS sheet/ 5mm chequered plate supported on suitable section. Over this sheet Common base frame of suitable size fabricated out of 150mm x 75mm MS channel (Web thickness 5.4mm and flange thickness 9.0mm, Sectional weight 16.4 Kg per meter). Supported on 4 Nos of AVM pads above the common base frame in case of single bearing EA set and 6 Nos of AVM pads below the common base frame in case of double bearing EA set

(iv) All the doors/Removable panels shall be provided with high quality gaskets.

2.2 ACCOUSTIC INSULATION (Walls, Roof and Doors):

The interior of the enclosure shall be acoustically treated with fire retardant/fire resistant grade materials only. The interior of side panels, roof panels and door shall be filled with special grade high density of mineral rock wool slab (96 Kg/m3 or more) conforming to IS- 8183 of minimum 100mm thick to have good acoustic properties. Aluminum or MS duly powered coated perforated sheet shall be fixed inside the enclosure over the acoustic lining. SDE(EP) SW(E) 31 Suitable moisture and vermin proof EPDM/Butyl rubber gasket shall be provided for sealing the joints with the above treatment. 2.3 AIR INLET & AIR OUTLET:

i) Specially designed suction and exhaust chambers shall be provided in the canopy so as to minimize the sound level. ii) In case of discharge of hot air is from the top of the canopy the top shall be provided with crawl type cover for the rain water protection.


All sheet metal parts shall be processed through 7-tank process. Structural framework shall be Epoxy Painted and all other sheet metal components shall be powder coated.


PVC insulated copper wire concealed in flexible/ M.S, conduit with florescent tube lights and MCB’s shall be provided.


This shall be done with 4 nos. PVC insulated copper conductor wires each of suitable size laid in flexible/ M.S conduit. Control Panel shall be mounted in the canopy itself. All parameters shall be visible from outside and all pushbuttons accessible easily.


The engine exhaust shall consist of suitable dia ‘A’ class M.S. pipe of size as recommended by DG set manufacturer suitably insulated and supported. This pipe shall be suitably brought out at the top of the canopy with suitable rain cover. The Exhaust Silencer with minimum insertion loss of 25db(A) shall be provided.


Suitable G.I busbars shall be provided on the canopy for neutral/ body earthing separately. The neutral busbar shall be connected to the neutral of Alternator with flexible copper wire braided strip. All the Equipments inside the canopy shall be connected together with suitable GI strip and then connected to the Body Earthing busbars.


The system shall be designed to provide air inlet/exhaust acoustic louvers for efficient air circulation and shall have following special features.

(i) A specially designed large pusher fan or AXIAL FLOW fan for forced ventilation inside the canopy shall be provided. The blower fan motor shall be of B.S.N.L. approved make.

(ii) Specially designed circuitry to ensure that this fan starts when the Genset is in operation and when the genset has been switched off, the fan automatically switches over to mains supply and runs for three minutes before stopping to ensure that the heat of engine is dissipated before the set is ready to start in case of another mains failure.

(iii) The temperature inside the enclosure shall not exceed 7 degree Celsius over the ambient temperature during acceptance testing of E/A set continuously at full rated load SDE(EP) SW(E) 32 and 10% overload. The arrangement for tripping of EA set to be provided if it exceeds the above temperature limit.


3.1 Fuel tank of capacity suitable for running the DG Set for 08 hrs. at full load, shall be provided inside the canopy. Provision should be there to fill this tank from outside as in automobiles and this should be with a lockable cap. The tank should have a fuel gauge, which shall show the level of fuel from outside even when DG set is not working. The tank shall be connected to the engine with suitable size of a wire braided fuel pipes for which nothing extra will be paid.

3.2 The battery shall be accommodated in the sound proof enclosure in battery tray.

3.3 The canopy shall have a provision to fill the radiator. (Where applicable) from outside, in case the height of the canopy is less then 2 mtrs.

3.4 Manual/AMF Electric control panel as well as engine control panel shall be inside the canopy with free frontal access.

3.5 The exhaust system shall consist of exhaust pipe, flexible bellow of minimum 150mm length & exhaust silencer of minimum insertion loss of 25db(A).

3.6 The exhaust piping system shall have a provision of suitable pocket for measurement of exhaust gas temperature.

3.7 A plug in the exhaust piping as near to the engine as possible shall be provided for measuring exhaust backpressure.

3.8 The silencer shall be residential type.

3.9 The entire exhaust pipe shall be insulated with a 25mm thick fiber glass wool with minimum of 24 kg/ Density.

3.10 The pipe surface where the insulation is to be applied shall be thoroughly cleaned with wire brush and rendered free from all dust and grease.

3.11 The specified thickness of insulation shall then be stuck to the pipe with a compound recommended by insulation manufacture.

3.12 The insulation shall be covered with 0.63 mm wire mesh with all the joints lashed. The GI wire shall be applied around the insulated pipe.

3.13 Insulation of exhaust pipe shall be finished with 0.63 mm (24 gauge) aluminum sheet cladding.

3.14 Minimum 150 mm length of flexible bellow alongwith Residential silencer insulated with glass wool shall be provided. Silencer can be inside or outside the canopy with suitable mounting arrangement at the option of the tenderer. The silencer shall be covered with 0.63 mm (24guage) Aluminum sheet cladding, in case the Silencer is provided out side the canopy.

3.15 The canopy shall be as compact as possible with good aesthetic look.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 33 3.16 The canopy shall be complete with ducting and radiator bellow.

3.17 The canopy shall have built in receiving tray at base of the genset for any oil spillage.

3.18 The roof of the canopy shall have inbuilt slope so that there is no accumulation/ stagnation of water on the roof of the canopy.

3.19 The installation of DG set must be in compliance with the recommendations of the DG set manufacturer.

3.20 The test certificate for the residential silencer shall be supplied by the firm.


The enclosure shall be compact as for as possible, however all accessories/ components of E.A set shall be accessible/through openable panels doors of the canopy or from in side.

The canopy shall have sufficient space to accommodate the panel board, fuel tank and separate compartment for hot air outlet and cool air inlet. The firm shall prepare the general arrangement drawing and submit the same for approval of the Engineer-in-charge before taking up the fabrication works.


After the erection of the enclosure and the installation of E/A set, the performance of the enclosure for noise level and ventilation requirement as indicated herein will be tested with engine running on full load continuously for six hours and 10% overload for one hour by the AT authorities. The firm shall associate the department during the testing and modification considered necessary to meet the specified requirement and shall be carried out by the firm to the satisfaction of the department without any extra claim

SDE(EP) SW(E) 34

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited






ITEM ENGINE ALTERNATOR Manufacturer's Name Type

Serial No


NOTE: 1. The tests prescribed in this schedule are to be followed generally. In case they are in variation with the manufacturer’s instructions/ manuals, the procedure shall be suitably modified conforming to the manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Testing shall be done considering the Engine capacity as full load i.e. in this case 100 KVA.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 35


Item Remarks

(a) Check the plinth area with the approved plan.

(b) Check whether sand is filled.

(c) Verify level of bed

(d) Check whether anti-vibration pads are provided.

(e) Check firmness of mounting.

(f) Check for verticality

(g) Verify tightness of bolts and nuts and other fitting.

(h) Check whether hot air pipe (if provided is properly led out)

(i) Check whether exhaust pipe is properly lead out and lapping of asbestos rope provided for part of the run.

(j) Check whether proper ventilation is provided.

(k) Check exhaust fans for their proper functioning.

(l) Check whether necessary guard wire nets are provided.

(m) Location of oil tank at a suitable location for early flow of oil, check of loading in pipes.

(n) Check of electrical wiring & suitability of gauge of cables.

(o) Neatness of laying and leads are properly terminated.

(p) Check whether the leads are properly terminated.

(i) Check of fuses.

(ii) Physical checking.

(q) Location of earth for Engine Alternator set.

(r) Type of earth.

(s) Suitability of gauge of leads. SDE(EP) SW(E) 36

(t) Resistance of Engine Alternator earth leads.


The Engine shall be given a test run continuously for atleast 6 hrs with the alternator on full rated load & 10 % overload for 1 Hour . During the load test, record the following observations:

ITEM AFTER DESCRIPTION 1ST hr. 2ND hr. 3RD hr. 4TH hr. 5TH hr. 6TH hr. 7TH hr. Lubricating oil pressure Colour of exhaust gas ( by visual inspection) Speed in RPM ( as on panel meter) Output current (as on panel meter) Output voltage ( as on panel meter) Wattage( as calculated)

3. Temperature rise test for Alternator

Run the alternator at full rated load. Record the reading of the stationary coil/half hour till three consecutive readings in the following tables.


NOTE: Temperature rise will be taken by the thermometer from alternator body and will be recorded.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 37


After steady conditions have been obtained, the fuel consumption at full load for half-hour shall be checked. During this test, the load shall be maintained as early as possible at the test figure.


Immediately after the load test an over-load test by 10% over-load for 1 hour shall be taken. At the end of the over- load run, verify the output voltage and temperature of the starter coil after restoring the load to normal full load.


Immediately after the over-load test, take insulation test. The insulation resistance between the starter coil and the frame when tested with 500 V insulation tester shall not be less than

RATED VOLT ------1000 + (Rated output in KVA or BHP) = ______Mega Ohms


The automatic and manual regulation of the alternator at no load, half load and full rated load shall be tested for a nominal voltage of 230 volts between phase and neutral at Pf 0.8. The variation shall not exceed +/- 5 % of the nominal voltage. The recovery time shall not exceed 3 seconds. Variation in the output frequency should not exceed +/- 3 % of the nominal frequency of 50 CPS. It shall also be verified whether the alternator is capable of being set at nominal frequency.


The engine shall run steadily and load up to its maximum rated load to the standards given below:


Load variation on Temporary change :10% suddenly taking off Permanent change : 4% or throwing on the rated load

SDE(EP) SW(E) 38 On change of load by any step of 20 Temporary change :3% percent of the rated Permanent change : 2% load.

When the engine alternator is delivering 10% and 100% of the rated power output, the steady load speed band shall not exceed 1% of the rated speed.

The recovery time from temporary distribution to the steady load speed band at the new load shall not exceed 3 seconds after taking off or throwing on the rated load.


Measure the insulation resistance of engine alternator O/P wiring control cubical wiring at site with respect to earth with 500V insulation tester. It should be better than one- mega ohms.


Functional tests on the following shall be carried out to re-assess for its proper performance.

1) Mains/standby change over contactors.

2) Type of starting provided for the engine.

3) Visual and audio alarm, if provided.

4) Instruments: The accuracy of the indicating instruments shall be tested by comparing with a standard meter.


The battery shall be tested for three successive attempts for starting the engine in each case to enable for testing healthy condition of battery.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 39


Addendum / Modification to CPWD-8 and CPWD-6 forms conditions of contract definitions

All reference to:-

(I). CPWD/Public Work Department / P&T Department.

(ii). D.G Works Additional Chief Engineer CPWD / Chief Engineer of Zone.

(iii). Administrative Head of CPWD / P&T Department.

(iv). CPWD Circle / Civil Circle.

(v). Ministry of Works, Housing & Supply/D.O.T.

(vi) Govt. Of India./ President of India.

(vii) For and on behalf of President Of India / For and on behalf of Govt. Of India.

In various clauses shall be taken to mean:-

(i). B. S. N. L. (Elect. Wing. ).

(ii). Chief Engineer (Electrical),B.S.N.L.

(iii). Administrative Head of B.S.N.L.

(iv). B.S.N.L. Electrical Circle.

(v). B.S.N.L. (Govt. of India Enterprises).

(vi) B.S.N.L.

(vii) For and on behalf of B.S.N.L.

SDE(EP) SW(E) 40

PROFORMA OF SCHEDULES (Operative Schedules to be supplied separately to each intending tenderer)


Schedule of quantities (as per PWD-3) Attached from page no. to


Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor.

S.No. Description Quantity Rates in figures & Place of Issue of item words at which the material will be charged to the contractor 1 2 3 4 5



Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor.

Sl.No. Description Hire charges per day Place of Issue

1 2 3 4

- NIL -


Extra schedule for specific requirements/document for the work, if any. - NIL -


Schedule of component of Materials, Labour etc. for escalation. - NIL -


Component of materials- “X” expressed as per cent of total value of work. ______%

Component of labour- “Y” expressed as per cent of total value of work. ______%

Component of P.O.L. - “Z” expressed as per cent of total value of work. ______%

SDE(EP) SW(E) 41


Clause 7 Gross work to be done together with net payment/ adjustment of advances for material collected, if any, since the last such payment for being eligible to interim payment. FIVE THOUSAND FOR EACH WORK

Clause 11

Specifications to be followed for execution of work. _As per attached specifications

Clause 12

12.1.2 (iii) Schedule of rates for determining DSR – 94 for Internal rates for additional, altered or DSR – 95 for External substituted items that cannot be determined under 12.1.2 (i) & (ii) 12.1.2 (iii) Plus/minus the % over the rate DSR- 94 for Internal entered in the schedule of rates. DSR- 95 for External

12.1.2 (vi)A Deviation Limit beyond which sub-clauses (i) to (v) shall not apply and clauses 12.2 & 12.3 50% (other than AHR & ALR items) shall apply ______

12.1.2(vi)B(a) Limit for value of any item of any individual trade beyond which sub-clauses (i) to (v) shall not apply 50% (other than AHR & ALR items) and clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply.______

Clause 16 Competent Authority for Deciding reduced rates. Superintending Engineer (E)_

Clause 36(i) Minimum Qualifications & Experience required for Principal Technical Representative. a) For works with estimated cost Put to tender more than

(i) Rs. 10 Lakhs for Civil work Graduate or retired AE possessing (II) Rs. 5 Lakhs for Elec/Mech Works. at least recognized diploma

b) For works with estimated cost put to tender.

(I) More than Rs.5 Lakhs but less Than Rs. 10 Lakhs for Civil Works. Recognized Diploma holder. (II) More than Rs.1 Lakh but less Than Rs.5 Lakh for Elect/Mech. Works. SDE(EP) SW(E) 42

c) Discipline to which the Principal Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Technical Representative should belong.

d) Minimum experience of works. __3____ years.

e) Recovery to be effected from the Rs.4,000/-p.m. for Graduate contractor in the event of not Rs.2,000/- for diploma holder.

Schedule of Rates______printed by C.P.W.D.

ii) Variations permissible on theoretical quantities.

a) Cement for works with estimated 3% plus / minus. - N.A. - Cost put to tender not more than Rs. 5 lakhs.

for works with estimated 2% plus / minus. - N.A. - Cost put to tender not more than Rs. 5 lakhs.

b) Bitumen all works.

2.5% plus only & Nil on minus side.

- N.A. -

c) Steel Reinforcement and structural steel 2% plus / minus. - N.A. - Sections for each diameter, section and category.

d) All other materials. Nil.


Sl. Description of Item Rates in figures and words at which No. recovery shall be made from the Contractor

Excess beyond Less use beyond Permissible the permissible Variation variation

1. Cement

2. Steel reinforcement

3. Structural Sections - NIL -

4. Bitumen issued free

5. Bitumen issued at stipulated Fixed price.

End of the NIT .


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