Great Yarmouth Youth Advisory Board (YAB)

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Great Yarmouth Youth Advisory Board (YAB)

Great Yarmouth Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Minutes of meeting: Wednesday 20th July 2016 Havenbridge House, Great Yarmouth

In Attendance: Trevor Cockburn - Chair, GYCT Caroline Brand -NCC Lauren Randall – NCC Jill Palmer – Cambridgeshire Community Services Louise Sayer - Business Rep (Sainsbury’s) Maria Watson - Great Yarmouth College Anthony – Youth Representative Jordan - Youth Representative Kirsty – Youth Representative Colin Dutton - MAP Karla George - MAP Dani Murray - MAP (Minutes)


1.Welcome and Introductions

Welcome and introductions were made by Trevor Cockburn

1.1 Apologies were received from Claire Henwood and Amanda Bayfield. Caroline Brand was sent in lieu of Sue Robinson.

1.2 New Young Commissioner Kirsty was introduced to the board and gave an account of her recent experiences and why she is passionate to be a part of the YAB.

2. Upcoming changes

2.1 Karla explained that she will change job roles at MAP as of 1st September, moving from the YAB over to Horizons. Colin will be taking over as the coordinator and will have the support of a team of 3 youth workers. Colin will largely be working on the strategy of the YAB while the other youth workers will be delivering the frontline services. Karla has very much enjoyed her four years with the YAB and thanked the board and the young commissioners for making it a great project.

3. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising – The minutes of the previous meeting were gone through and matters addressed.

3.1 Action points from previous meeting included: a) Attain – Sue Robinson not in attendance but progress is assumed to have been made. SR to update at next meeting. SR b) Proposal – on agenda c) Shelter removal- Penny Carpenter was to find out about this but not in attendance. Assumed to be going ahead. d) Maria had sent the homelessness statistics information to Karla. Karla to check if she had MW received the email. Maria to resend if she could not find the email. e) Tootoot- under progress f) Consultation- complete

3.2 The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed as being correct.

4. Young Commissioner Update

4.1 Anthony- Residential at Walnutree Manor was really good and successful. The training on commissioning and grant giving was really good as well as doing some team building. Main training was on small grants £50-£300, also looked at priorities for funding and grants award scenarios.

4.2 Kirsty- On 12th August the YAB is going to the Wroxham Hotel to have training, a get to know each other session and then a social by taking a boat on the broads. This will help everyone get to know each other and the new youth workers introduced.

4.3 Jordan- Went to visit Project Hustle at Cliff Park which is a project set up by Lola Stafford a provider commissioned by the YAB. Jordan was impressed with its X factor style apprentice show. Karla said it has had impact on the level of NEET, attendance and levels of aspirations in the school. There are also other ideas for Cliff Park including a daily radio show with an agony aunt.

4.4 Kirsty – Being a part of the YAB and the commissioning process is really good as she has been homeschooled for a year and finds the group a good way of getting back into peer situations. She also really likes helping people and enjoys that the YAB can help her do this.

5. Commissioning Priorities

5.1 Early Help Hub- Originally there was an idea to allot £10K to Early Help Hub to create a post however this has now been changed and financed through a different source.

5.2 Tootoot- A Safeguarding semi anonymous flagship app where young people can submit safeguarding concerns online. It can help children and young people report problems or concerns they have including bullying. Karla and Trevor to meet with director of Tootoot on 4th August.

5.3 Great Yarmouth Bike Project- For transport and well-being element of the YAB priorities. Karla and Trevor to meet with Simon Elliott at the GYBP on 26th July.

5.4 East Anglian Complementary Health- As seen in the priorities highlighted by young people and the needs assessment, conduct disorders, wellbeing and anger management were very important to them. East Anglian Complementary Health is an organisation that offers complementary therapies for wellbeing and mental health issues and has reported success and impact with an older adult test group. They have not tried their models on young people yet and this seems like a great opportunity to see whether these therapies can help young people overcome their issues.

Kirsty- Really liked this idea and thought that a taster session would be a good way to roll it out. This way young people can attend for a small session, try the different therapies out and not feel pressured. Kirsty also came up with the idea of a questionnaire after the taster session to evaluate how the young people found the experience.

Karla- Asked Lauren if she knew of any young people that would be interested in helping design the programme.

Trevor- There may be a potential issue as they are therapies. Need to explore the ideas more with Pat the representative from the organisation; maybe the YAB can help fund a pilot project as a research and development project which will help build the capacity of the organisation in delivering its therapies. Trevor asked the board for input on what they thought of the organisation and idea.

Maria- Great Yarmouth College would be supportive of this as there are lots of issues with anxieties at the college.

Collective agreement over East Anglian Complimentary Health involvement.

5.5 Youth and Community Workers Now there are new youth workers in post there is more capacity at MAP however it is still the case that organisations can request work but there may be a fee for it if it does not 1) fall in line with work already done by the YAB 2) requires extra capacity. This means that Momentums request may be agreeable as it does align with work already done by the YAB and is already being done by other YAB boards.

A breakdown of the allocation of this years commissioning fund and actions was read out;-

£5k – Early Help Team- can assist with courses and activities for young people identified through the provision of Early Help.

£10k – To address Bullying, Transport, Mental Health, Anger Management. Meetings are being set up with potential providers to deliver innovative, one off programmes designed with young people.

£20k – Increased capacity of Y&CW offer. Two campaigns will be lead through the extra capacity which address Transport and Safeguarding. In addition the extra capacity will allow the YAB to support Momentum with the delivery of their small grants scheme.

£5k- Unallocated- For emerging issues throughout the year

£5k Grant scheme- To continue the young person’s grant scheme which has been a huge success, with regular applications being received and read at every YAG meeting.

£5k The Outsiders- The delivery of the Time to Change village which aims to tackle the stigma and discrimination associated to mental health. Originally was going to be at Great Yarmouth High however due to recent changes in the schools policies this cannot happen so has been moved across to Cliff Park High instead which the school is really happy about. This will be the first youth led Time To Change village in the country.

£3.5k Physical Health- A pilot project will be delivered over the summer which aims to engage inactive 14-25 year olds in Trampolining. In this year YAB consultation with almost 800 young people trampolining got the highest number of mentions as an activity young people would like to participate in but cannot due to financial reasons. If the programme is successful this will form the evidence required for a bid resubmission to the CSAF.

£5k- Development of young commissioners

Lauren- Happy with trampoline project and Early Help funding

Gill and Sharon- Time to Change Village sounds good

Kirsty- Maybe East Anglian Complimentary Health can participate in the village too?

6. Positive Activities Project

6.1 Horizons

Trevor- Trevor leads this part of the meeting at the request of Karla to ensure accountability. Concerns from Amanda Bayfield YMCA as the numbers are a bit low on the Horizons project.

Karla- Numbers were low this year due to a number of reasons including a period of uncertainty with regards to funding for the project, it was agreed that MAP would stop taking referrals during this time to ensure young people were not left disappointed. Work had been set up in East Norfolk Sixth Form however students didn’t participate highly; the Horizon’s project had also been set up in GY High, however due to staff changes last summer we were unable to continue in the new academic year.

Lauren- It feels really hard to prove criteria of Horizons especially ‘edge of care’ which would ultimately require a referral from a social worker.

Karla- Numbers will improve; Flegg High is now involved and summer opportunities are coming up. May be another period of uncertainty coming up with Norfolk County Council and important to keep dialogue open. Karla would like to come in September and give presentation to the board on Horizons and show the outcomes and outputs it has created.

Lauren- Will the criteria for referral change?

Karla- possibly; potentially covering aspects of mental health, learning disabilities, behavioural problems and young carers too. Any feedback from board?

Maria- Didn’t know about horizons…

Colin- Had been to talk to the college about it in September 2015 but were refused

Karla- Will come back to the board in September in new role to give an update on Horizon’s and plans moving forward.

7. Any Other Business

7.1 PCC Lorne Green has invited the YAB to a consultation on the 5th August 2-4pm at Police HQ, Wymondham. All board members invited, Karla will be taking a group of young people.

7.2 Nearmystreet- has now gone. Sadly missed but the development took too long and there was not enough resources or money for it.

7.3 Karla is very sad to be leaving but excited about her new prospects on Horizons, thanks extended to the group

7.4 Maria commented that Safeguarding and Wellbeing Co-Ordinators are mentoring young people at the College with anxiety throughout the summer.

7.5 There will be a MESH Shrublands Drop In for Cliff Park area after recent events on Fridays and Wednesdays throughout the summer. 9. Dates for future meetings

28th September venue TBC

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