Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center

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Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center

Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center

I have received a copy of the Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center and supporting documents:

• Student Handbook 2014-2015 • Information regarding Student Parking Permits and Driving Privileges • Rules and Regulations regarding bus travel • Safety Contract • Attendance Policy and Grade/Hour Requirements • Possession and/or Use of Electronic Devices • Dress Code Rules and Regulations • Photography/Video Release Form (Only Parent Signature REQUIRED) ¤Both parents and students must sign each document except where noted.

I have reviewed all of the materials and the classroom procedures. Furthermore, I have read, understand, and agree to obey the Forrest Center Rules and Regulations and abide by all safety practices and procedures.

Student’s Name: ______(Please Print)

Student’s Signature: ______

As the student’s parent/guardian, I have reviewed all of the materials and the classroom procedures. Furthermore, I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Forrest Center Rules and Regulations and ensure my student complies with all safety practices and procedures.

Parent’s Signature: ______

Date: ______cc: Student Files 2014-2015

Rules and Regulations Signature Form STUDENT DRIVING/PARKING PERMITS Students MAY NOT drive to or from the Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center unless a REGULAR or TEMPORARY parking permit has been issued by the Forrest Center (Refer to Student Handbook 2014-2015).

Driving to the Forrest Center unlawfully is a serious offense. Students who drive unlawfully without prior Forrest Center approval will be assigned one day of ISI. Student Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______

Temporary Parking If a student needs to leave the Forrest Center early for an appointment, and needs to drive, a TEMPORARY parking permit must be obtained AT LEAST TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE. The cost will be $10.00 refundable after the temporary pass is returned. *Any unexpected situation will be handled individually by the Principal.

Local Travel At the Forrest Center, class work is not restricted to the classroom. As part of the learning process, students may receive instruction and application beyond the Forrest Center. Transportation to the work site is provided by bus or school vehicle. A permission form will be provided for field trips out of the area. *If you have any questions, please call (301) 475-0242 during school hours. ______FORREST CENTER STUDENT RULES FOR BUS TRANSPORTATION

* The safety of students during their transportation to and from school is a responsibility which they and their parents share with bus drivers and school officials.

* Students should understand that the driver is in charge except in the presence of a teacher. Students violating the rules will be reported to school officials. Transportation privileges may be withdrawn from violators.

* Students will be permitted to ride only the bus to which they are assigned.

* The bus driver has the right to assign seats. Students must sit in their assigned seats. Any damage to a student’s assigned seat during the trip will be the responsibility of that student. The student is to notify the bus driver if the seat is damaged.

* Students using school bus transportation are under the jurisdiction of the school they are attending, from the time the boarding process begins until the time they are deposited at school.

* Zero tolerance will be in effect for students who break transportation rules. School administrators have been requested to take severe action against violators.

* The school system will provide safe transportation for Forrest Center students. The school system anticipates success from students who safely utilize the bus services that are provided. I agree to and understand the rules and policies mentioned above.

Student Name Student Signature (PLEASE PRINT)

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Rules and Regulations Signature Form Student Name: Grade: ______Class______(Please Print)


If your son/daughter has any health or medical conditions (including pregnancy) that the school should be aware of (acute allergies, asthma, etc.) please indicate below. Include any information that will help us deal with any unusual situations that may arise as a result of the condition.

Health/Medical Concerns: No Yes

(Please explain)

NOTE: If your child requires medications of any kind (an inhaler, Epi-pen for insect bites, etc.) that needs to be available while your child is at the Forrest Center, you must bring this medicine and a completed permission form to the Forrest Center.


The Career and Technology education programs at the Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center involve the use of various types of equipment and machinery. Also, as part of our learning process, students work at project sites, and the need to travel will arise. Although the utmost precautions are taken to assure student safety, we must also be prepared in the event of an emergency.

* If you have Health Insurance for your son or daughter, please complete

Section A below.

Section A: Health Insurance Company Policy Number

*If you would like additional coverage, school insurance is available through the home high school.

* If you DO NOT have insurance and DO NOT wish to purchase school insurance you MUST complete the Health Insurance Waiver in Section B below.

Rules and Regulations Signature Form Section B: Health Insurance Waiver

I, , verify by my signature below that I am fully aware of the availability of school insurance coverage for my child, and I am waiving my right to school insurance. I assume full responsibility for my child in the event of any injury resulting from the occurrence of an accident while attending the Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center.

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

SAFETY CONTRACT This contract is to certify that I have been instructed in the proper safety procedures in order to participate in a program at the Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center. I hereby agree to abide with the rules and regulations, and fully understand that failure on my part may result in my being required to withdraw from the course.

1. Conduct - My conduct in my shop may endanger the safety of others and myself. Any thoughtless or careless act such as running, tripping, pushing, or horseplay may cause an accident and result in serious injury. I will conduct myself appropriately at all times.

2. Dress - I understand that proper attire is required. Safety shoes may be required in the shop areas. Ties, jewelry and rings may need to be removed; hair may need to be tied back.

3. Tools - I understand that I must be properly instructed in the use of all tools utilized in the shop prior to my using them. In addition, some tools may require specific permission from the instructor prior to each use. I also understand that I am not to utilize any broken or damaged pieces of equipment or any equipment that does not have the proper safety guides. I must also report irregularities, defects, deficiencies, or breakage to the instructor in order to avoid injury.

4. Safety Glasses - I am aware of the Education Bylaw 13.05.06 that requires me to wear protective eye devices while engaged in activities in the shop area that involve: hot molten metal or solder and milling, turning, shaping, cutting, or stamping of solid materials. In addition, all work in welding and/or the use of chemicals require appropriate protective devices.

5. “ Right to Know” - I understand that information regarding hazardous, toxic and dangerous materials and chemicals is available to me through the school’s office. I also understand that I am responsible for updating information and reporting to the school nurse any medical conditions (including pregnancy), or allergies that may be aggravated by these materials and chemicals.

6. Precaution - I understand that I am responsible for taking necessary precautions to protect my safety and that of my classmates. This is to include good house-keeping activities, taking care of tools and equipment, and disposal of scraps and waste materials.

6. Accidents - I am responsible for reporting to my teacher any accidents and providing all information necessary to complete the County’s accident report.

8. Safety - I understand that failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action.

Rules and Regulations Signature Form Student Name Student Signature (PLEASE PRINT)

Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Regular School Attendance has a positive impact on school performance. All students at the Forrest Career and Technical Center are expected to be present every day except, for the following valid reasons in accordance with Maryland Public School Law:

Lawful Absences 1. Death in the immediate family 2. Illness of the student 2. Court summons 2. Hazardous weather conditions 3. Work or school activity if approved or sponsored by the school 6. Observance of a religious holiday 7. State emergency 8. Suspension 9. Lack of authorized transportation - this shall not include students denied transportation for disciplinary reasons 10. Other emergencies or circumstances based upon the judgment of the principal or designee

Unlawful Absences An absence for any reason other than those cited above is presumed to be unlawful. Students have three (3) days to turn in an excuse note. This may be done through the online portal, a written note (one for the tech center AND one for the home high school), parent phone call, or e-mail with verifying parent/guardian phone number.

Students Tardy to School Students who are tardy to school must report to the main office and sign in before going to their Forrest Center class. The student will be given a pass to present to their classroom teacher.

Students Leaving School Early Students must check out with the main office secretary. A note or phone call from parent/guardian is mandatory for students to check out of school early. *Parents, please be reminded that the parent or guardian listed in the school record is the ONLY person authorized to check students out of school and excuse a tardy or absence from school.

College Visits A copy of the Request to Visit College Campus (P.S. 143) must be submitted by the parent/guardian to the principal/designee at least five (5) days in advance of the absence. Up to two (2) days will be recorded as a lawful absence. Attendance and Grades Students at the Forrest Center are learning important skills that will enable them to enter the workplace and continue their education upon graduation. One of these skills is good attendance. Employers place a high value on regular school attendance, and so does the Forrest Center. Each student in a Forrest Center program must be present for a certain number of hours in order to fulfill local, state and industry certification requirements.

Student Name Student Signature (PLEASE PRINT) Rules and Regulations Signature Form Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Rules and Regulations Signature Form Possession or use of Portable Electronic Devices (Cell Phones) Students may possess wireless communication devices.

The device must be out of sight and turned off from the beginning of the school day (start of the first class) to the end of the instructional day (end of last class).

The device may not be used or allowed to emit any ringtone or other noise. Students shall not display, operate, or use any camera phone during the school day. In addition to the cell phone policy students are not to be using/displaying IPOD’s or any other portable music player. In an exceptional circumstance, a staff member should send the student to an administrator/main office.

*Unauthorized photography or video recording is a violation of school policy and established law.

Disciplinary Actions 1st offense – confiscation, sealed, and returned upon leaving school. 2nd offense – confiscation, sealed, and returned to parent. 3rd offense – same as 2nd offense, including disciplinary action.

Student Name______Student Signature______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______


1. The Forrest Center follows the dress code established by St. Mary’s County Public Schools, and any additional industry appropriate clothing required by the instructor of the program.

2. It is not proper etiquette to wear a hat or headgear in a public building. Therefore, Forrest Center students are not permitted to wear headgear in hallways, classrooms, or offices. If appropriate, students may wear headgear in a shop situation where the article is part of “the uniform.” a. Other than the above mentioned situations, hats or headgear of any kind are not to be worn in the school building. 1 st offense: Warning 2 nd offense: Hats will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day 3 rd offense: Hats will be confiscated and kept until the end of the quarter (NOTE: Hats not claimed by the end of the year will be donated to a non-profit charitable organization)

3. Pants/shorts are to be worn above the waistline.

4. It is evident that there is a close relationship between pupil dress and behavior. Proper dress is important in setting the pattern for school, social, and career conduct. Parents are asked to cooperate with the dress code.

Students who are in violation of the dress code will be subject to disciplinary action.

Student Name Student Signature (PLEASE PRINT)

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

St. Mary’s County Public Schools Department of Instruction

Rules and Regulations Signature Form Career & Technology Education Office 23160 Moakley Street, Suite 101 Leonardtown, Maryland 20650

I understand that my child may be involved in activities and projects, which may interest the community and promote the schools and instructional programs.

My son/daughter ______has my permission to be photographed or video taped for use in public relations materials for St. Mary’s County Public Schools. The images may appear in printed material, video productions (tape or digital), and digital imaging for websites.

______Parent/Guardian Name (printed)

______Parent/Guardian Signature


Rules and Regulations Signature Form

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