Bartow Collaborative Meeting Minutes
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Bartow Collaborative Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2014
Meeting was called to order by Kelly Whitmire, Vice Chair at 8:35am.
Approval of January 23, 2014 Agenda and December 6, 2013 Minutes. Scott Sherwin motioned for approval. Kathy Barmore second the motion. Kathy Barmore, Treasurer, presented the December 2013 Financial Report. Ted Smith motioned for approval. Carolyn Johnson second the motion.
Kathy Barmore passed the $1.00 donation basket for a gift card from CiCi’s Pizza and a Chick-fil- a gift card.
Heather Barnes, Family Advocate with Family Intervention Specialists presented an overview of services she represents. Advising applications for services are available online. Services are free, funded by federal grant.
Tina Grubbs provided blank index cards on each table for members to provide feedback in gaps of resources offered and additional training.
Strategy Team Updates were presented:
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Task Force – Angie Robinson mentioned Bartow County is making progress per 2011 Stats, a 5 year decline. National shows decrease due to community effort, teen funding and placing resource leaders in schools.
Mental Health and Addictive Diseases – Scott Sherwin expressed mentoring is the key to helping our teens. Discussed the Bartow Youth Action Team amongst other topics such as tobacco policy, assessment in all four High Schools, poverty and mentoring. Angie Robinson shared a mentoring program has started. Both city and county schools are on board with the Bartow Teen Maze program. This program is a life board, plays out various life scenarios and consequences. Scott Sherwin shared 1,000+ students pledged as alcohol free. The teens signing up for this pledge also receive alcohol free text reminders. A meeting with the commissioner is in the works. One of the topics is the responsibility of server training of alcohol.
Tina ask members to also talk with Kathleen Varda and Molly Schultz regarding additional updates. Homelessness – Jessica Mitcham discussed the Family Promise program. Currently eight churches are on board to help. Would like to have 13 – 14 churches committed to this program to help house homeless people. Support churches are needed. Also searching for a day care center for the children of the homeless. The Family Promise meeting is held every third Thursday at 6pm. The meeting location rotates monthly. For more information, visit Family Promise of Bartow County on Facebook.
Jessica shared with members, the upcoming fundraiser Dancing with the Stars. The funds will go towards Good Neighbor Homeless shelter and other non profits. Encouraged text votes, cost of $1 per vote.
Jessica also encouraged members to help get the word out of Dolly Pardon’s Imagination Library Program. Designed for ages, birth to five years old. To partner with this program, the cost is $25. Currently the Cartersville Rotary is offering to sponsor membership.
Tina reminded partners that Strategy Team Updates will be posted on the Collaborative website.
Executive Director Report
Tina advised members the Bartow Collaborative website icons such as the calendar is under maintenance. Tina also shared of the overwhelming grant opportunities online. Ask members to please forward to appropriate resource groups from weekly eblast and on website.
Tina asked Jon Collins to share input from the state Georgia Family Connection Partnership. Jon shared with members that Joey Mullins was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. The mass is localized and he has a 100% chance of recovery, to keep him in our prayers. Tina passed a card around for members to sign.
Tina reminded members to check weekly eblast emailed for events, legislative updates, etc. and to also check the Bartow Collaborative website for information. Tina reminded members to confirm their information in the Resource Directory is correct, if not let her know as soon as possible.
All members participated in the Partner Introductions and Announcements.
Linda Rollins won the drawing for a CiCi’s Pizza and Chick-fil-a gift cards.
Meeting was adjourned by Kelly Whitmire at 9:42am Board Members Present: Kelly Whitmire, Bartow County School (Vice- Collaborative Members Present: Chair) Christa Gilmore, Coalition for the Misuse of Deborah Sexton, Sexton Adminsrative Services, Alcohol (Secretary) Kerry Defoe, NWGa Council on Aging Jon Collins – Chattahoochee Technical College Beth Ray, Must Ministries Carolyn Johnson, Bartow County Juvenile Courts Susan Ollis, Bartow County DFCS Dan Armstead, Synergy Home Health Care Ted Smith, First Presbyterian Church Scott Sherwin, Coalition for the Misuse of Angie Robinson, NW Ga. Public Health Alcohol Heather Barnes, Family Intervention Specialist Kathy Floyd, UGA Cooperative Extension Linda Owens, Rollins Child Development Center Julie Haigler, Bartow County Alaina Price, Rollins Child Development Center Richard Osborne, Cartersville City Anne Rapp , Georgia Department of Labor Jessica Mitcham, Good Neighbor Homeless Shelter Rebecca Hickom , Action Ministries Khristie Staines, Footprints of the Heart Jose and Jessica Santos, Liberty Square Church Marian Barber, Advocates for Children Kathi White, Cartersville School System Amy Brockman, Personal Coaching Anna Rodriquez, Cartersville City Schools Marie Hoffman, Cartersville City Schools Tiana Brachel, Episcopal Church Paula Camp, Bartow County School System Jolene Gleen, Atlanta Food Bank Sylvia Chester, Bartow Collaborative Intern Tina Grubbs, Executive Director, Collaborative
December Financial Report
Family Connection Grant $45,000.00 Grant Award $21,944.95 Total Funds Expended (July 1, 2013- Dec. 31, 2013) $23,055.05 Total Funds Remaining
United Community Bank $49,626.42 Account Balance as of Dec. 31, 2013
$ 43,742.59 Balance Sheet by Specified Community Initiative (LIPT, Back Pack Buddies, Bartow Give a Kid a Chance) $ 4,129.53 Family Connection $ 1,754.30 Designated Family Connection Funds
Petty Cash Fund $131.40