Ecology and Environment Division

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Ecology and Environment Division


1. Name of the Scientist: Dr (Mrs.) PRAFULLA SONI 2. Designation: Scientist- F & Head Ecology and Environment Division 3. Date of Birth: May 14,1951 4. Whether SC/ST/OBC: Not Applicable 5. Date of appointment in the present grade: January ,20031998 6. (i) Scale of Pay Rs. Rs.16,400/--Rs.20,000 /- (ii) Present Basic Pay Rs.19,100/- 7. Research Experience 38 Years Experience After Joining ICFRE

Oct. 1978-Dec. Research Rs.650-1200 Planning, Execution and 1986 Officer coordination of research projects of Environmental Research stations Jun. 1986 - Scientist-SC 2200-4000 Planning, Execution and Dec.1987 coordination of research projects on erosion and ecorestoration Jan. 1988- Dec. Scientist-SD 3000-4500 - do- 1992 Jan. 1993-Jan. Scientist-SE 12000-14500 Planning, Execution and 1998 coordination of research projects on mine area Jan. 1998- Scientist-E 14500-18300 restoration, imparting Dec.2003 training Since Jan.2003 Scientist-F 16,400-20,000 Planning, Execution and coordination of research projects on mine area restoration, imparting training & education

Trainings Abroad Environmental Impact assessment in Forestry at Sabah Forestry Research Institute Malaysia, Malaysia (Organised by FAO) Trainings in India

 Short Course on watershed Management at Central Soil & Water Conservation Institute,Dehradun  Training Course on system-332 –COBOL Programming Basic Programming Language at National Forest Computer Centre,FRI  Orientation course in forestry at IGNFA, Dehradun

 Research Management Training at IWST Bangalore

 Current Trends and Practices in EIA at Wildlife Institute of India

 Computer applications at UPTRON, Dehradun

8. Total field experience along with details of period (entire career): Crop Weed Ecology Research to study the Crop Weed Competition and its Effect on the productive and Mineral structure of Wheat Crop Community was completed leading to the award of Ph.D. degree of Banaras Hindu University Weed Control in Pinus Plantations As Post Doctoral Fellow of CSIR,the project was undertaken at Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. The project work was continued as Pool Scientist also. Published Splash Erosion and Infiltration Capacity under different plantations-Splash Boards were designed and got fabricated. Splash erosion and infiltration capacity of forest floor under different plantations. Erosion Survey under Sal Forests Erosion survey in 10 compartments of Jhajra range in Dehradun was done . Ecorestoration of Rock Phosphate Mines in Doon valley Ecorestoration of rock Phosphate mines was taken up with the collaboration of M/s Pyrites Phosphates and Chemicals Limited, A Govt. of India undertaking. The restoration model was developed which proved to be ecologically, economically and socially viable. Monitoring of ecologically restored rock phosphate mines in Doon Valley Ecorestoration improved the texture of mine spoil by decreasing the sand fraction and increasing the silt and clay fractions. Spoil pH registered an increase making ti favourable for plant growth. Trend of change in spoil nutrients (N,P,K,Ca,mg) was recorded favourable to soil development. Total above ground biomass production in 12- 13 yrs. old ecorestored areas is 44 tons/ha contributed mainly by important tree species viz., Dalbergia sissoo and Acacia catechu and the present monitory value of these standing trees is near 1.5 lakh rupees. Litter production and nutrient turnover studies in these restored areas showed restoration of efficient nutrient cycling process. About 4863 kg./hectare of litter is returned annually on the floor which decomposes and releases significant amount of nutrients to enrich the system for sustaining plant and animal populations. Socioeconomic impact studies of these restored sites show that economy of the people living around the areas improved due to increased fodder availability (22 tons/ha), fuel availability (12 tons/ha) and other NTFP’S. The water quality has improved significantly and the sediment load has reduced from 360 mg/litre (pre restoration stage) to 60 mg/litre in post restoration phase. Restoration and Monitoring of ecologically restored limestone mines in Mussoorie hills Ecorestoration of Limestone mines in the KiarKuli catchment of Mussorie hills was taken up with the collaboration of 127 Infantry battalion UP and at Lambidhar mines as a sponsored project of UP State Mineral Development Corporation. Marked improvement in mine spoils properties recorded with the age of restoration. The C:N ratio tended to increase with age i.e. 13.41 at the age of 8 yrs. as against 7.23 in the pre restoration stage. The availability of nitrogen and phosphorus increased by 38 and 62% respectively after 8 yrs. pH of mine spoil decreased accompanied by enrichment of soil organic matter. Exchangeable K increased significantly but Ca and Mg decreased. Porosity and water holding capacity of the spoils increased with restoration age making the spoils favourable for root penetration and water circulation. The improvement in habitat conditions has occurred not only with reference to mine spoils but also in floristic composition. About 58 species have invaded the area and 75% of these are perennial. Natural succession has started after the 4th yr. of restoration. Biomass production by woody perennials accounts for about 40% of total dry matter as against 95% o undisturbed area. The total biomass on these areas 11.66 tons/ha with most of the species ecologically and economically viable is providing a self-sustaining ecosystem.

Ecorestoration Studies in Iron Ore Mines Under the MOU between Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun and Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL) coordinated the SAIL-ICFRE project on Ecological Appraisal of seven Eastern sector mines of SAIL. Based on this appraisal. Ecorestoration studies in Bolani ore mines (Orissa) were taken up to develop guidelines on mine derelict lands as well as generally degraded lands in the vicinity of mine areas . Ecological impact assessment of bio-reclamation projects in Raibareilly and Sultanpur Districts Ecological Impact Assessment of salt affected lands bioreclaimed through soil treatment and tree plantation has been taken up as a project under an MoU between FRI and IFFDC. Development of Ecorestoration Model for Iron Ore Mines of Bihar and Orissa Project leader in MoEF sanctioned project to develop Ecorestoration Model for Iron Ore Mines of Bihar and Orissa .For the first time, an ecological approach integrating ethnobotanical knowledge has been associated in Ecorestoration of mine areas under this project. UNDP-GEF project As a core group member of the Project data was collected from the villages of Garhwal and Kumaon and for preparation of project on Carbon Sequestration and Biodiversity conservation in Uttaranchal Hills by Holistic Initiates in Village Agro– Ecosystems was prepared and submitted for funding under UNDP–GEF An Interdisciplinary Approach to Analyse the Dynamics of Forests and Soil Degradation and Develop Sustainable Ago-Ecological Strategies for Fragile Himalayan Watersheds EU-Project. 9.Consultancy Projects taken up  Pyrites Phosphates & Chemicals Ltd., Dehra Dun for Phosphate Mines of Dehradun & Mussoorie  Pyrites Phosphates & Chemicals Ltd, Amjhore for Pyrite Mines of Amjhore  127 Infantry Battalion, Eco Task Force, for limestone mines in Mussoorie  U.P. State Mineral Development Corporation, for limestone mine at Hathipaon, Mussoorie  Almora Magnesites, Almora  Cement Corporation of India, for limestone mines, Rajban, Himachal Pradesh  South Eastern Coalfields, Limited Bishrampur, Madhya Pradesh  Northeastern Coalfields, Margherita, Assam.  Regeneration of Sal in ANR areas in Uttaranchal  Environmental audit of Sal in ANR areas in UP  Commonwealth games,DDA,New Delhi  Koteshwar Dam Project,THDC,Uttarakhand  Development of Garden of Great Arc,SOI,Dehradun  Biostabilization of Varunawat landslide,Uttarkashi,SFD,Uttarakhand  Ecorestoration of stone mines of Faridabad Gurgaon Minerals,N.Delhi

10.Collaboration and International Funding

 Pyrites Phosphates & Chemicals Limited  U.P. State Mineral Development Corporation.  Core group member of UNDP-GEF project  127 Infantry Battalion, Eco Task Force  European Union Project  Tehri Hydro Development Corporation  SFD,Uttarakhand  Faridabad Gurgaon Minerals,N.Delhi  Indian Space Research Organisation,Ahmedabad  Bhaba Atomic Research Center,Mumbai  Common Wealth Division,DDA,N.Delhi

11.Trainings Imparted  Training Programmes on “ Environmental Management of Mine Areas” for about 200 senior Executives of Steel authority of India  Short Term Courses for middle and senior level officers on Environmental Protection, Ecorestoration of Wastelands and Ecorestoration of Mined Lands

12. Seminar organized  National seminar on Environmental Perspectives and Strategies for the New Millennium ,Funded by MoEF was organised at FRI, Dehradun (April 14- 15,1999).  National Workshop on Forests and Water Conservation-Myths & Realities,June 8 -10, 2004.  National conference on Forest Ecology & Environment-Prioroties for 21st Century at FRI,Dehradun on 27th and 28th February-2006

13. Miscellaneous . Eleven Ph.D students under the supervision have been awarded degree on different aspects of ecological restoration, pollution and impact assessment. . Deliver lectures to Indian Forest Service & State Forest Service Officers, M.Sc. Environment Management, . Examiner of Ph.D. thesis of Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Kumaon University, Nainital and Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar and FRI Deemed university. . Member Board of Studies, Academic Council,RDC and RAC of FRI Deemed University. . Invited by to deliver special Lectures . Guest/Invited Speaker at Indian school of Mines ,Dhanbad,Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy,State Forest Service College, . Invited by US Dept. of Interiors to present the country in International symposium on degraded lands . Visited France, Netherlands, and U.S.A. and Australasian countries as representative of Forest Research Institute. 14.Major Contributions in the Field of restoration

Restoration Technology developed by the nominee for opencast mined areas has been based on the ecosystem approach i.e. development of a stable self sustaining system using ecologically adopted species of herbs, grasses, shrubs and trees. The four important steps followed for in the ecorestoration programme are :  Assessment of the problem  ecological maintenance of essential processes,  Restoration of biodiversity and  Sustainable utilization of species and ecosystems. The technology thus developed in the rock phosphate and limestone mines is successfully replicated in opencast iron ore mines of Orissa with site specific alterations. The ecorestoration model has applicability to other mine areas also with some modifications to meet ecological, social and other factors of the mined area concerned. Ecological rejuvenation of all the ecosystem components viz., soil, vegetation, water, air as well as needs of local population are given due emphasis. The technology was first developed in collaboration with Pyrites Phosphates & Chemicals Limited (PPCL), Dehradun as a research-cum-extension project. The technology has been transferred to different mining companies according to their site-specific requirements in the mining sites as consultancy.

15. Books, publications (List attached) Research Papers 106 Books 4 16.Awards/ Appreciation work etc., if any; I. ICFRE Cash Award for the year 1991-92 in Forest Conservation

II. S.K. Seth Memorial Prize for the most outstanding paper in the year1997

III. Akhil Bhartiya Vaniki Sahitya Purashkar Yojana 1990 of Forest Research Institute

IV. Women of The Year-2002 by American Biographical Institute, USA

17. Life member / Office bearer of Scientific bodies/learned societies

 Indian Association of Soil & Water Conservationists  Life Member and Secretary, Society of Indian Foresters  Founder Member and President Center for Research Education Training Extension  Editor International Journal of Usufructs  Member Research Board of Advisors American Biographical Institute, USA LIST OF PUBLICATIONS

1. P. Marwah (1971). Vegetation propagation of Cynodon dactylon J. Scientific Research Vol. XXX 233-237.

2. P. Marwah (1972). Community architecture and productivity of wheat crop. Tropical Ecology Vol. 13 (2) 176-182.

3. P. Soni (1977). Weed control in Pinus plantation I. Effect of herbicides on metabolism of weeds. Indian Forester Vol.103 (1) 41-46.

4 P. Soni & R.S. Ambasht (1977). Effect of crop-weed competition on the mineral structure of wheat crop. Agro Ecosystems Vol. III 325-336.

5. H.N. Mathur, P. Soni (1979). Calorific and nutritive value of some tree fodders. Himalaya Man & Nature Vol. III No.2 14-18.

6. P. Soni (1980). Environmental pollution problems in India. Environment 12-15.

7. P. Soni (1980). Weed control in Pinus plantation II Effect of weedicides on the growth of Lantana camara. Indian Forester Vol. 107 No.6. 431-36.

8. P. Soni (1980). Weed control in Pinus plantation III persistence of herbicides in soil. Indian Forester Vol. 107 No.10 758-762.

9. H. N.Mathur & P. Soni (1981). Non wood benefits from forests: An effort at quantification. Environment 5-9.

10. H.N. Mathur & P. Soni (1981). Environmental impact evaluation of tropical pines : research needs and priorities. Proc. Sem. Workshop on tropical pines held at Koraput, Orissa 10-13, November, 1-10.

11. H. N. Mathur, P.Soni & Sanjay Naithani (1982). Erosion under sal forest in Jhajra range a case study. Proc. Sym. on resources survey land use planning & environmental cons. IPI, Dehradun 250-254.

12. P. Soni, Sanjay Naithani & H.N.Mathur (1982). Chemical quality of canal water - A preliminary investigation. Proc. Nat. sym. on chem. Ind. & citizen IPE, Dehradun (Ed. R.K. Suri & K.C. Mathur ) : 163-166. 13. H.N. Mathur P. Soni & Naveen Jain (1983). Preliminary investigation on the effect of burning of splashibility and infiltration capacity of soil under chir pine plantations at New Forest, Dehradun. Indian J. Soil & Water Cons. Vol.11 No. 2&3 48-53.

14. H.N.Mathur & P.Soni (1983). Comparative account of undergrowth under Eucalyptus & Sal in three different localities in Doon Valley. Indian Forester Vol.109 No.12 882-890.

15. Om Kumar, H.B. Vasistha & P.Soni (1984). Phytosociological and standing crop biomass of five different forest types of East Dehradun Forest Division. Indian Forester Vol. 110 No. 8: 791-801.

16. P. Soni, Om Kumar & H.B.Vasistha (1984).Community structure and Biomass production on a northern tropical dry mixed deciduous forest of east Dehradun Division. Indian Forester Vol. 110 No. 9. 954-957.

17. P. Soni & H.N.Mathur (1984). Social forestry and rural women. Himalaya Man & Nature Vol. VIII No.4 7-10.

18. P. Soni & H.N.Mathur (1984). Forests their role in present day life. Himalaya Man & Nature ,Vol. VIII No. 7.

19. H.N. Mathur P. Soni & H.B. Vasistha (1984). Eucalyptus as an ecological entity in Doon Valley. Procd. Sem. on Resources identification and utilization in Doon Valley, Dehradun, 2-10.

20. H.N. Mathur, P. Soni, S. Naithani, Om Kumar & H.B. Vasistha (1984). Environmental impact of resource utilization in Doon Valley. A few case studies. Proc. Seminar on Resource identification and utilization in Doon Valley, Dehradun, 2-8.

21. P. Soni, S.Naithani & H.N.Mathur (1985). Infiltration studies under different vegetational covers. Ind. J. Forestry Vol. 8 No.3, 170-173.

22. P. Soni & H.B.Vasistha (1985). Reclamation of rock phosphate mine at Maldeota. Recent Advance in Plant Sci. Ed. M.R.Sharma & B.K. Gupta Dehradun. 418-424.

23. P. Soni & H.B.Vasistha (1986). Ecological rehabilitation of rock phosphate mine in Doon Valley. Bull Env. Sci. Vol.. III 7-8.

24. P. Soni & H.B.Vasistha (1986). Reclamation of mine spoils for environmental amelioration. Indian Forester Vol. 112 No.7, 621-632. 25. H.N. Mathur, P.Soni (1986). An inventory of forest meteorological observatories in India, their present status and some suggestions for future. Indian Forester Vol. 112 No.(5) 466-472.

26. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1986). Mining and ecology may go side by side. A case study of Maldeota mine. Paper presented at Indo-British Workshop on Mined Land Rehabilitation held at New Delhi.

27. P. Soni, Avtar Singh & H.B. Vasistha (1986). Prototype hydroseeder developed at F.R.I.,Dehradun. Indian Forester Vol. 112 No. 2, 366-368.

28. P. Soni,H.N. Mathur,S.Naithani,Om Kumar & H.B.Vasistha (1987). Rehabilitating mining land in the Doon Valley. Himalaya Man & Nature Vol. IX No. 10, 1-2

29. H.N. Mathur & P. Soni (1986). India's forest resources in Social forestry and tribal development (Ed. Desh Bandhu & R.K. Garg) I.E.S., New Delhi.

30. P. Soni & H.B. Vasistha (1987). Status of plant diversity in a rock phosphate mine after reclamation at maldeota (Doon Valley) Himalaya Man & Nature Vol. X (12).

31. H. N.Mathur, P.Soni, H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1987). Reclamation at Maldeota rock phosphate mine. Project Report 1982-85 Published by P.P.C.L., Dehradun 1-20.

32. H.B.Vasistha & P.Soni (1988). Germination capacity of Trema politoria plant. An economic plant species . Indian Forester Vol. 114 No.2, 102-104.

33. P. Soni & H.B.Vasistha. An approach towards reclamation of mine spoils. A case study. Mineral & Mining World Vol. 1 , 21-27.

34. H.N. Mathur, P.Soni & S.Naithani (1988). Role of forests in the management of water resources. Wasteland News Vol. III No. 4 24-25.

35. H.B. Vasistha & P.Soni (1988). Germination behaviour of Buddleja asiatica" lour - A promising shrub for regreening of degraded habitats. Indian Forester Vol. 115 No. 2, 120-121.

36. P. Soni & Om Kumar (1989). Surface mining - its role on site quality. Indian J. Forestry Vol. 12 (3) 233-235. 37. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha, Om Kumar, V. Bhatt & M. Negi (1989). Revegetation and ecological monitoring of open cast rock phosphate mine. Reclamation : A Global Perspective, Alberta Land Cons. and Recl. Council Report Vol. 2 327- 333.

38. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1989). Biological diversity in surface mined areas after reclamation. Indian Forester Vol. 115 No. 7,475-482.

39. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha, Om Kumar & Veena Bhatt (1989). Successional trends in mined ecosystem. Jr. NATCON. Vol. 1(2) 115-122.

40. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1989). Ecological approach towards reclaiming mined ecosystems. Indian Forester Vol. 115 (2) 875-883.

41. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1990). Environmental conservation of mined ecosystems. Recent Researches in Ecology, Envt. & Pollution ( Ed. G.S.Rajwar) Vol. 6 283- 297.

42. P. Soni, H.B. Vasistha & Mridula Negi (1990). Economic and ecological impact of restoration of derelict mined lands. Price of Forests (Ed.Anil agarwal).

43. Veena Bhatt, P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1991). Preliminary investigation of the status of soil inhabitants in reclaimed mined spoils. Jr. NATCON. Vol. 3 (1) 10-19.

44. P. Soni & H.B.Vasistha (1991). Understorey vegetation in Eucalyptus plantation. Jr. Trop. Forestry Vol. 7(1) 15-26.

45. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha, Mridula Negi & Om Kumar (1991). Productive potential of reclaimed mined lands. Proc. Sem. Forest Productivity 23-24 April,1990 1-6.

46. P. Soni, H.B. Vasistha & Om Kumar (1991). Ecological rehabilitation of surface mined lands. Indian Forester Vol. 117 (6) 485-493.

47. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1991). Ecological answer for mined wastelands ( Report on ecological reclamation of rock phosphate mined area). Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun, 1-16.

48. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1991). Eco-restoration model for surface mined lands. Vth Billings Sym. on Disturbed land rehabilitation. (Reclamation Research Unit Publication) Vol. III No. 90003 15-26. 49. P. Soni, H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1992). Global environmental security : Role of tropical forest therein. Indian Forester Vol. 118, No. 5 367-370.

50. P. Soni, Om Kumar & H.B. Vashistha (1992). Reclaiming mined lands for management of water quality. Indian Jr. Forestry Vol. 15 (1), 9-16.

51 P. Soni H.B.Vasistha & Om Kumar (1992). Surface mined Land Problems and Prospect. I.C.F.R.E.-18. ICFRE Publication. Dehradun, 1-30. p73

52 Veena Bhatt and P. Soni (1992). Revegetation and ant colonization relationships in reclaimed rock phosphate mines. Tropical Ecology 33(2): 223-230.

53. Pandey, D.K., P. Soni & R.C. Dhiman (1993). Effect of different concentrations of distillery effluent on germination behaviour of Acacia catechu" and Dalbergia sissoo. Journal of Tropical Forestry. Vol. 9 (1), 70-77.

54. D.K. Pandey & P. Soni (1993). Physico-chemical quality of Naukuchyatal lake water. Ind. J. Environ. Protection Vol. 13(10),: 726-728.

55. P. Soni, H.B. Vasistha & Om Kumar (1994). Use of non conventional MFP species in mined land restoration. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products, Vol. 1(3/4),222- 225.

56. Pandey, D.K., P. Soni & R.C. Dhiman (1994). Utilization potential of distillery effluent. Yojana 38 (3): 12-13.

57. P. Soni, H.B. Vasistha & Om Kumar (1994). Application of ecological principles in restoration of derelict mined ecosystems in Minerals and Ecology (Ed. S.P. Banerjee) Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi.

58. D.K. Pandey, & P. Soni (1994). Impact of distillary effluent on PV, MDG and time taken for germination of A catechu and D. sissoo. Indian Jr. Forestry 17(1), 35-40.

59. P. Soni (1994). Mineral resources of Himalayas ecological problems and remedies in conference on role of forest in Environment Souvenir Orga. by SIF & ICFRE, Dehradun 40-45.

60. Pandey, D.K. & P. Soni (1994). Distillary effluent- A potential resource for irrigating forest seed beds Ambio. Vol. 23 No. 4-5, 267-268. 61. Pandey, D.K. & P. Soni (1994). Impact of population pressure mediated sewage on physico-chemical and microbial characteristics of two inland fresh water ecosystem of central Himalayas in Advances in For. Res. In India Vol. X, ISSN: 0971-2704, (Ed. R. Prakash), 64-74.

62. Pandey, D.K. & P. Soni (1994). Comparative study of germination of “Acacia catechu" and “Morus alba” seeds under effluent irrigation. Van Vigyan Vol. 32 1&2, 29- 36.

63. P. Soni, H.B. Vasistha & Om Kumar (1994).Agave sislana- A multipurpose species for reclamation of derelict lands. Journ. Trop. Forestry Vol. 10 (II), 120-122.

64 P. Soni, H.B. Vasistha & Om Kumar (1994). Revegetation of an abandoned limestone mine in Mussoorie hills. Adv. For. Res. in India. Vol. XI 25-38. 65. Pandey, D.K. & P. Soni (1994). Response of peak value and Mean Daily Germination of Albizia procera" with various concentrations of distillary effluent. Van Vigyan Vol. 32 No. 4, 72-74.

66. P. Soni & V.P. Sharma (1994). Floristic composition in an age series of restored limestone mine. Jour. Trop. Forestry Vol. 10(III), 182-188.

67. Pandey, D.K & P. Soni (1994). Germination response of Dalbergia sissoo" and Morus alba" in distillery effluent. Jr. of Tree Sciences Vol. 13: 1, 13-20.

68. D.K. Pandey & P. Soni (1994). Germination response of Dalbergia sissoo" and Morus alba" in distillery effluent. Jr. Tree Sci. 13(1): 13-20.

69. P. Soni (1995). Biorestoration of surface mined lands. Van Vigyan Vol. 33 No. 1, 40-52 225.

70. P. Soni & H.B. Vasistha (1995). Biological reclamation and ecorestoration - an overview. Paper presented at Workshop on Possibilities and Technologies for Reclam. & Ecorestor. of mined areas and mine spoils. Dehradun

71. Vasistha, H.B., P. Soni & Om Kumar (1995). Trema politoria- A primary colonizer species suitable for reclamation of mined lands in lower Himalayas. Annals of Forestry Vol. 3 (1),21-25.

72. P. Soni, H.B. Vasistha & V. Bhatt (1995). Mining in Doon- Mussoorie zone: Problems and Prospects in Environment : Some Focal Issues. (Ed. M.M. Srivastava) 175-188, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun

73. Soni,P. & Om Kumar (1995). Mineral occurrence in the Himalayas- Environmental problems & prospects in Himalayan Environment : Threats & Remedies (Ed. B.D. Sharma). Asian Books Private Ltd, New Delhi

74. P. Soni & H.B. Vasistha (1995). Biological reclamation and ecorestoration of mined areas in Mining Evironment and Forests (Ed. R.K.Suri,.O.N.Kaul and S.P.Banerjee), SOFEM, Dehradun.

75. P. Soni, H.B. Vasistha & V. Bhatt (1995). Mining in Doon- Mussoorie zone: Problems and Prospects in Environment : Some Focal Issues. (Ed. M.M. Srivastava) 175-188, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun.

76. H.B. Vasistha., P. Soni & Om Kumar (1996). Buddleja asiatica- A native species for restoration of degraded mined ecosystem. Indian Jr. of Soil Cons. Vol. 24(2): 125-127.

77. Shashi Kumar, P. Soni & H.B. Vasistha (1997). Community structure and biomass production in a restored rock phosphate mined. Indian Forester Vo. 123 No.5: 371-378.

78. Vasistha, H.B., P. Soni & Om Kumar (1997). Wendlandia exserta – A promising tree species for restoration of mined degraded habitats. Indian Jr. Forestry Vol. 20(2): 178-180.

79. S.D.Sharma, P.Soni & Veena Chandra (1998) Amelioration of the overburden of iron ore mine for tree establishment. Ann. For.6(2):239-244.

80. P.Soni, Kamla Uniyal & H.S.Thapar(1998) Successional development of soil fauna and distribution of VAM fungi in ecologically restored mine areas. In: Problems of wasteland development and role of microbes. (ed) Aruna Kumari Misra, Amifem Publication, Bhubaneshwar.

81. Veena Chandra., P.Soni & S.D.Sharma, (1998) Medicinal plants and biodiversity with special reference to ‘HO’ and ‘Munda’ tribes of Bihar and Orissa. Proc. National seminar on biodiversity conservation – challenges and opportunities.

82. P.Soni,T.H.Masoodi & Veena Chandra (1998) Ecological restoration- A step towards restoring biodiversity in mined lands Proc. National seminar on Biodiversity conservation – challenges and opportunities. 83. Veena Chandra, Prafulla Soni & S.D. Sharma (1998). Less known medicinal uses of plants among the tribals of Keonjhar district of Orissa. Van Vigyan Vol. 36, No. 2, 3& 4: 115-118.

84. P.Soni & T.H.Masoodi (1999) Amelioration of physical properties in restored lime stone mine areas. Ind. Jr. of Forestry Vol. 22.

85. T.H. Masoodi & P. Soni (1999). Physical properties of limestone mine soil restored for forest land use. Indian Jr. of Forestry, Vol. 22(1):30-36.

86. Raina, A.K., P. Soni & M.N. Jha (2000). Ecorehabilitation of degraded lands- Mineralogical approach. Proceed .International Conference on Policy Initiatives for Sustainable Development of the Mineral Sector in India held at New Delhi on 8-9 December, 2000.

87. P. Soni, A.K. Raina, T.H. Masoodi Om Kumar (2002) Eco-Geological basis of restoration of degraded lands in Himalayas. In: Watershed Management in Himalaya -Concept and Strategy (Eds: B.P. Pandey, Charu C. Pant, K.L. Arya & A.K. Sharma).

88. Prafulla Soni (2003). Mining Scenario In India – Environmental Problems and Prospects” In: Recent Advances in Environmental Sciences” (Eds. K.G. Hiramath): 52-65.

89. R.P.S.Katwal & Prafulla Soni (2003). Natural resource degradation in Shivalik areas and their management. Sustainable mountain agriculture (Eds. Rakesh Sharma, Prof. R.K. Pande, Dhirendra Shah & Anand Kumar): 117-132.

92. Prafulla Soni (2003). Climate change and restoration of tropical forests. Indian Forester, Vol. 129 No. 7: 865-873.

93. Vasistha, H.B. , Soni P., Om Kumar & Mridula Negi (2004). Trema politoria – A lesser known potential fuel and fodder species of Garhwal Himalaya. Proc. National Workshop on “Conservation & sustainable utilization of lesser know tree species, FRI, Dehradun (submitted for publication).

94. Veena Chandra. P. Soni and S.D. Sharma (2005). Medicinal plants conservation with reference to Ho and Munda Tribals of Bihar and Orissa. Proceedings of The Workshop on Conservation Of Biodiversity in India-Status, Challenges and Efforts: pp 243-246. 96. Prafulla Soni and Lakshmi Rawat (2005). Restoration of Biodiversity in Mine Areas. In mining scenario and Ecorestoration Strategies (eds. Soni P; Veena Chandra & S.D. Sharma). Jyoti Publishers & Distributors, D.Dun

97. P. Soni, T.H. Masoodi and Veena Chandra. (2005). Ecological Restoration-A step towards restoring biodiversity in mined lands. Proceedings of the Workshop on Conservation of Biodiversity in India-Status, Challenges and Efforts: Pp: 247-254.

98. Vasistha, H.B., Om Kumar and Prafulla Soni (2005). Efficacy of mulches on the management of mine spoils. In Mining scenario and Ecorestoration Strategies (eds. Soni P; Veena Chandra & S.D. Sharma). Jyoti Publishers & Distributors, D.Dun

99. Mridula Negi, Prafulla Soni and H.B. Vasistha (2002). Litter production and nutrient in restored mined areas, Van Vigyan, Vol. 40: 1-10. (published in 2005).

100. D.P. Pandey, Prafulla Soni & Veena Chandra (2005). Medicinal Plant Biodiversity in Jharkhand. International Journal of Forest Usufructs Management. Vol. No. 6 (1): 38-52.

101. Prashant K. Verma, P. Soni & B.B. Rana (2001). Strategies for conservation of biodiversity in mined lands. Van Vigyan Vol. 39(1-4): 25-45. (Published in 2005).

102. Ashish Rawat, Lal Singh & Prafulla Soni (2006). Using native plant species in ethnomedicine by some tribal communities of Uttarkashi District of Garhwal Himalaya. Int.J. Usufructs Management vol.7(2): 37-48

103. Ashish Rawat, Lal Singh & Prafulla Soni (2006). Using native plant species in ethnomedicine by some tribal communities of Uttarkashi District of Garhwal Himalaya. Int.J. Usufructs Management vol. 7(2): 37-48

104. Asha Alok, A.K.Tripathi & P. Soni (2007). A review on “Vermicomposting: A better option for organic solid waste management . Allied Journal of Human Ecology. (Communicated)

105. Prafulla Soni & R.P.S. Katwal (2007). Forests and Water Yield- An Overview. Forest Hydrology (Eds: B. Venkatesh, B.K. Purandara & K.S. Ramasastri). Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi.pp. 29-52. 106. A.K.Raina and Prafulla Soni (2006) Clay Minerals in the Soils of Bolani Iron Ore Mines, Keonjhar District, Orissa ,Van Vigyan ( In press) Authored/Edited Book

Prafulla Soni & Om Kumar (1996). Trees For Wasteland Afforestation.Surya International Publications, Dehradun

Prafulla Soni .,Veena Chandra & S.D.Sharma(Ed.) (1997) Environmental Management Concepts, Strategies and Legislations for Mine Areas.ICFRE Press, Dehradun.

Prafulla Soni & Ajit K. Srivastava (Ed.) (2000). Landmarks of Botany in India. Surya International Publication, Dehradun (ISBN 81-852766-800-3.

Soni P; Veena Chandra & S.D. Sharma (2005) Mining Scenario and Ecorestoration Strategies (eds.). Jyoti Publishers & Distributors, D.Dun.

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