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Barry University EDM 407 MASTER SYLLABI Adrian Dominican School of Education Department of Teaching and Learning

COURSE NUMBER AND NAME: EDM 407: Humanities in the Classroom 3 credit hours

Instructor: Term: Office Location: Class Location: Office Hours: Class Dates: Work Phone: Class Time: Fax: Field Experience: E-mail: Website:

COURSE CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Includes the teaching of the fine arts and the performance arts (music, art, movement/dance). Emphasis is placed on the role of the related arts in the development of the young child and how these can be integrated into the daily curriculum. The humanities course includes cultural studies (history and geography) and language arts. Field experience.

COURSE RATIONALE: Presents a variety of methods for integrating visual arts, music, and movement into the daily curriculum in developmentally appropriate ways. Explores creative methods of designing and presenting materials in the social studies. Utilized knowledge of the cultural characteristics of Florida ELL population to enhance instruction.

COURSE GOALS: 1. To understand the importance of the humanities and fine arts in the development of young children. 2. To provide the student with a variety of activities and materials in the fine arts, creative arts and social studies to enhance the development of the creative process in young children. 3. To provide the student with the ability to promote civic competence in young children. 4. To identify, expose, and reexamine cultural stereotypes in the areas of fine arts, creative arts and social studies.

NATIONAL GUIDELINES: ESL Standards for PreK-12 Students, approved by National TESOL NAEYC – National Association for the Education of Young Children

GUIDELINES USED IN DEVELOPING COURSE OBJECTIVES: Florida Subject Area Competencies (10th edition): Prekindergarten/Primary PK-3 Florida Performance Standards for Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages Florida Sunshine State Standards: K-6 FSSS

Master Syllabus 1 EDM 407 Humanities in the Classroom Revised July 2005 Barry University EDM 407 MASTER SYLLABI Adrian Dominican School of Education Department of Teaching and Learning


Students will be able to: PK-3 ESOL FSSS 1. Demonstrates knowledge of strategies for planning, developing, 4.6 11.5 and implementing appropriate lesson activity plans. 6.11 12.3 2. Identify strategies for organizing the classroom to provide for 4.8 18.4 effective grouping, individualization, and instruction. 3. Identify skills and teaching strategies necessary to integrate 1.5 6.10 content areas in the instructional process. 4. Demonstrates knowledge of the use of developmentally 4.7 15.6 appropriate instructional materials. 17.5 5. Demonstrate knowledge of children’s cognitive development 1.2 and developmentally appropriate practices. 6. Identify strategies and specific learning opportunities for 1.5 5.5 promoting positive self-concept, self-esteem, and prosocial and social-emotional development through child/teacher, teacher/child, and child/child interaction 7. Identify developmentally appropriate and integrative strategies 6.12 5.4 for presenting social studies processes and concepts. 6.10 8. Identify developmentally appropriate activities that support the 6.14 5.4 development of both fine and gross motor skills, as well as 6.10 creative movement and strategies for implementation of these activities. 9. Identify developmentally appropriate and integrative strategies 6.16 5.4 for presenting art, drama, and music processes and concepts. 6.10 10. Demonstrate knowledge of play as related to child development 4.10 and methods of facilitating, observing, and intervening in 4.11 children’s play. 11. Present forms of social studies knowledge of history, geography, 6.12 ALL civics and government, citizenship, and economics appropriate Social for PreK-3 grades. Studies FSSS PreK-3

ACCOMPLISHED PRACTICES: Targeted AP #12 Technology Supplemental AP #5 Diversity Supplemental AP #4 Critical Thinking

COURSE TEXT(s): Edwards, L. C. (2002). The creative arts: A process approach for teachers and children, (3 rd ed.). New Jersey: Merrill-Prentice Hall Seefeldt, C. (2001). Social studies for the preschool-primary child. New Jersey: Merrill.

Master Syllabus 2 EDM 407 Humanities in the Classroom Revised July 2005 Barry University EDM 407 MASTER SYLLABI Adrian Dominican School of Education Department of Teaching and Learning




WEBSITES NOTE: Websites continually change so the information here may not always be available.

 Position Statement on Music in Early Childhood Education:  “Early Childhood Art Lessons”  Encouraging Creativity in Early Childhood Classrooms:  “Creativity in Young Children”  “Creative Art Activities Promote Development”  “Three “Rs” for the Nineties  “Kinderart”

AUDIO/VISUAL/TECHNOLOGY: Overhead Transparencies Pertinent Videos Power Point Presentations

CONTENT OUTLINE: INSTRUCTOR NOTE: The Content Outline must include the following:  Indicate the content covered in each session  Include mid-semester evaluation to indicate student progress  Include Final Exam

The professor reserves the right to make changes in the time frame of topic presentation and assignments to comply with course schedule. (Suggested Format) Session Topic Chapter 1 2 3

Master Syllabus 3 EDM 407 Humanities in the Classroom Revised July 2005 Barry University EDM 407 MASTER SYLLABI Adrian Dominican School of Education Department of Teaching and Learning

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mid-Term Examination 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Final Examination


INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Course requirements must include the following:  The Required Accomplished Practices Assignment designed specifically for this course. This assignment MAY NOT be altered.  You may include additional instructional activities and assignments, however, they MUST meet the course goals and objectives and align with one or more of the Accomplished Practices.  REMEMBER ALL instructional activities and assignments must address the needs of all learners including learners with diverse linguistic backgrounds; exceptional learners.

REQUIRED ACCOMPLISHED PRACTICE ASSIGNMENT Plan, design and implement technology enhanced multicultural arts activities that focus on critical and creative thinking. AP #4, AP #5, AP #12

A completed Accomplished Practice annotation form with the related evidence(s) for the targeted and/or supplemental AP is to be submitted electronically. Completion and submission of the annotation form does not correlate with fulfillment of the Accomplished Practice(s).

Master Syllabus 4 EDM 407 Humanities in the Classroom Revised July 2005 Barry University EDM 407 MASTER SYLLABI Adrian Dominican School of Education Department of Teaching and Learning

AP Assignment Part 1  5.E.1 Possess knowledge of varied cultures and linguistic backgrounds in students’ (P-12) settings  5.E.2 Identify elements of a comfortable, open, and supportive learning environment that fosters acceptance of diversity  12.E.1 Identify technological resources to meet specific teaching and learning outcomes  12.E.2 Identify specific technology applications and resources that maximize students’ learning and address needs of diverse learners  12.E.3 Identify technology resources for instructional and data management uses

Select a multicultural arts topic. Check with the professor to ensure no duplication of topics. Identify resources appropriate for young children to explore related to the multicultural arts topic. This assignment offers everyone the opportunity to identify resources reflective of the integrated approach to teaching both LEP and non-LEP students. Examples of resources include websites, children’s books, songs on CDs, audio tapes and/or records, creative movement and dance resources, plays and skits and arts and crafts resources.

Write a descriptive summary for each of the resources that you have selected and include a suggestion for an instructional activity using the selected resources. Provide a bibliographic citation using APA format (American Psychological Association) for each resource.

AP Assignment Part 2  4.F.1 Develop performance activities, such as realistic projects and problem solving activities, that measure students’ (P-12) higher order thinking skills, as appropriate  5.F.1 Design instruction that applies knowledge of varied cultures, ethnicities, and linguistic backgrounds and diverse needs  12.F.1 Select and demonstrate the use of appropriate technological resources to meet specific teaching and learning outcomes  12.F.2 Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology- enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of students (P-12)

Develop three creative performance activities that focus on the multicultural arts topic and employ the use of technology. All activities should focus on increasing comprehensibility, interaction and thinking skills for both ELL and non-ELL. BE CREATIVE! Examples of activities may include: 1. Artistic Perception: art activities that enhance children’s imagination and creativity 2. Creative Drama Expression: skits, plays or puppet shows 3. Technology Context: a virtual field trip to the county representative of the multicultural topic. 4. Historical and Cultural Context: activities that enhances cultural and global awareness 5. Music Appreciation: songs with words and music representative of a culture 6. Creative Movement Expression: creative movement and/or dances representative of a culture

Master Syllabus 5 EDM 407 Humanities in the Classroom Revised July 2005 Barry University EDM 407 MASTER SYLLABI Adrian Dominican School of Education Department of Teaching and Learning

AP Assignment Part 3  4.F.2 Implement techniques and strategies that promote students’ (P-12) development of critical and creative thinking and independent problem-solving skills, as appropriate  12.F.1 Select and demonstrate the use of appropriate technological resources to meet specific teaching and learning outcomes

Select at least one activity to implement with your Field Experience class. Prepare one activity to present to your peers in the university setting. Write a paper reflecting on the activity implemented with your Field Experience class. Describe the students’ reaction to the activity. Describe what worked well and explain why. Describe how you would modify or adjust the activity the next time you implement it.

MIDTERM EXAMINATION The midterm examination may include multiple choice items, short answer responses and extended response essays emphasizing applications of the principles, concepts and instructional strategies presented in class.

FINAL EXAMINATION The final examination may include multiple choice items, short answer responses and extended response essays emphasizing applications of the principles, concepts and instructional strategies presented in class.

FIELD/CLINICAL EXPERIENCES: Field experiences are a vital component not only of this course but in understanding teaching, as well as the role of the teacher. Experiential learning (“on the job” preparation) is unmatched. As such, passing this course is based on successful completion of all required field experiences. Successful completion includes (but not necessarily limited to) completion of all paperwork, meeting timelines, and professional responsibilities and dispositions associated with field experiences. Receiving an ‘Incomplete” for not completing field experiences in the timelines provided within this syllabus, is not an option. Acting professionally and responsibly also implies adherence to Barry University policies regarding cheating and falsification of reports or documents. Such actions will result in course failure.

METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Methods of instruction may include practical applications, problem solving, lecture, class discussion, cooperative learning, hands-on experience with selected tests, demonstrations, class participation and presentations the needs of all learners including: learners with diverse linguistic backgrounds; exceptional learners.

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TYPES OF ASSESSMENT(s): Final grade will be based on course requirements, and examinations. The graded activities may reflect both alternative and traditional assessments. Graded activities and their relative weight are as follows: ASSIGNMENTS POINTS Accomplished Assignment Field Experience Journal and Completed Forms Midterm Final Examination Total Points 100

GRADING SCALE: The Teaching and Learning Department grading scale will be used. 93-100=A 85-92=B 78-84=C 70-77=D 0-69=F

WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA: Written materials must reflect student’s knowledge of the subject as well as the use of higher thinking skills (analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and evaluation). Assignments must contain correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. All papers must reflect the student’s own thoughts and words unless quotation marks are used. Projects and the final exam are to be completed in a professional manner. All assignments are due on the designated date. Remember: Effort does not necessarily equal achievement!

COURSE POLICIES: 1. Adherence to the Barry University (Dis)honesty Policy as described in the Student Handbook is required. Including policies related to Cheating and Plagiarism and defined as: . Cheating-the attempt, successful or not, to give or obtain aid and/or information by illicit means in meeting any academic requirements, including examinations. Cheating includes falsifying reports and documents. . Plagiarism- the use, without proper acknowledgment, of the ideas, phrases, sentences, or larger units of discourse from another writer or speaker. Plagiarism includes the unauthorized copying of software and the violation of copyrights laws. 2. All assignments, including reading assignments, are due on the designated date. Course work will not be accepted after . 3. Attendance: Regular attendance is critical and may affect your final grade. Students are expected to attend and to be on time for every class. It is the responsibility of the students to initiate the withdrawal during the designated withdrawal period. Otherwise an F will be issued at the end of the term. 4. Respect for the Learning Environment should include, but no limited to turning off all cellular telephones and switching your pagers to “vibrate” mode.

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5. Requests for incomplete grades must be submitted prior to completing two thirds of the course in writing to the professor and should clearly document the reason(s) for requesting an incomplete grade. All requests are subject to review and approval by the professor. 6. All course assignments utilizing any resource including on-line resources must be cited.

DISABILITY STATEMENT: “ It is the policy of Barry University to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. This University adheres to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Disability Services (305-899-3488), located in the R Kirk Landon Student Union. The Office will aid in appropriate accommodations for the student and notify faculty in a timely manner.” This is in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: In addition to the required text students are encouraged to consult professional journals and periodicals such has Young Children, Childhood Educational, Dimensions of Early Childhood, Teaching PreK-8, Journal of Research in Childhood Education, Teacher Magazine and Instructor, as well as the following books:

Contemporary (1999-present)

Barbour, Ann. (2002). Prop box play: 50 themes to inspire dramatic play. Gryphon House, Inc.

Edward, Linda. (2001). The creative arts: A process approach for teachers and children. Pearson Education.

Entz, Susan. (1999). Picture this: digital and instant photography activities for early childhood learning. SAGE Publications.

Erion, Polly. (2000). Drama in the classroom: creative activities for teachers, parents, and friends. Lost Coast Press.

Hussain, Donna. (1999). Art for young children. Incentive Publications, Inc.

Mayesky-Holroyd, Mary. (2001). Creative activities for young children. Delmar Learning.

Making sounds, making music, and other sounds. (2003). Delmar Publishers.

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Classic (Prior to 1999)

Cochran, C. (1989). Strategies for involving LEP students in the all-english-medium classroom: cooperative learning approach. Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education.

Dolinar, K., Boser, C, & Holm, E.(1993). Learning through play: curriculum activities for the inclusive classroom. Albany, N.Y.: Delmar.

Hainer, E., Fagan, B., Bratt, T., Baker, L., & Arnold, N. (1990). Integrating learning styles and skills in the ESL classroom: an approach to lesson planning. Washington, D.C.: National Clearing House for Bilingual Education.

Jalongo, Mary. (1997). The arts in children’s lives: aesthetic education in early childhood. Allyn & Bacon, Inc.

Kamii, C. & Devries, R. (1992). Group games in early education. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young children.

Gardner, H. (1983). Creating minds. New York: Plume.

Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.

Kellogg, R. (1969). Analyzing children’s art. Palo Alto, CA: National Press.

MacDonald, S. (1996). Squish, sort, paint, and build: Over 200 easy learning center activities. Gryphon House, Inc.

Mayesky, M. (1990). Creative activities for young children. (Fourth Edition). New York: Delmar Publishers, Inc.

McKinnon, J. (1988). Small world celebrations: McGraw-Hill

Sunal, C. (1997). Early childhood social studies. Prentice Hall.

Winkelman, W. (1993). Handbook of arts. New York: Brown and Benchmark.

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