UNIT 4 Reconstruction U.S. History 2001-2002

A. THE POLITICS OF D. THE COLLAPSE OF RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION pp. 350-355 pp. 366 - 373 Document: Lincoln's Second Inaugural 1. Identify: Ku Klux Klan, Address Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871, 1. Identify: Andrew Johnson, Amnesty Act, Credit Mobilier, Whiskey Reconstruction, Ten Percent Plan, Ring, William Belknap, election of Radical Republicans, Thaddeus 1872, Panic of 1873, Specie Stevens, Wade Davis Bill, pocket veto, Resumption Act, redemption, Election Johnson's Plan, 13th Amendment, of 1876, Compromise of 1877, home Freedmen's Bureau, blacks codes, Civil rule Rights Act of 1866, 14th Amendment, Reconstruction Act of 1867, Tenure of E. SEGREGATION AND Office Act, Edwin Stanton, 15th DISCRIMINATION Amendment, pp. 473-477 2. How did the Radicals view of 1. Identify: Ida B. Wells, literacy test, Reconstruction differ from Lincoln's? poll tax, grandfather clause, Jim Crow How did the Radicals block Lincoln's laws, segregation, Plessy v. Ferguson, plan? Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, debt peonage, Chinese Exclusion Act of B. RECONSTRUCTING SOCIETY 1882. pp. 356-365 (Examine diagram on p. 2. Compare the ideas and methods of 364) Ida B. Wells, Booker T. Washington, 1. Identify: scalawag, carpetbagger, and W.E.B. DuBois. Hiram Revels, 40 acres and a mule, sharecropping, tenant farming ASSESSMENT: Web Board and Multiple- 2. How did the goals of scalawags, Choice Quiz carpetbaggers and African Americans conflict? What effect did this have on the Republican Party in the South? C.