Course Syllabus s4

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Course Syllabus s4


Course Syllabus Zion Bible College OT3222-01, 2 Credits Spring Semester, 2011 Monday 2:45 – 4:35: Room 111

Rev. James T. Pierce, Professor Office: (508) 697-6625 Home: (508) 947-1464 Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM


The study of Genesis is an attempt to give a scholarly, theological and readily practical study of the Book of Beginnings. It is explored expositorily, yet also in view is the culture, history, canonical setting, and archaeological data.

OBJECTIVES: Students will:

1. Relate the beginning of the world in its theological context. 2. Explore the beginnings of the human race (primeval history) in its redemptive context. 3. Trace the beginnings of the Hebrew race (patriarchal history) through its first four patriarchs. 4. Understand the greatness of God in relation to His sovereignty in human history. 5. Appreciate the uniqueness of man and his God-ordained purposes as revealed through early human history. 6. Build credibility to the divine inspiration of Scripture as revealed through Genesis.


1. The Holy Bible , King James Version 2. Phillips, John Exploring Genesis, Moody Press, Chicago, 1980


Examination : There will be four (4) Examinations: 1) A test covering chapters one through four, Creation up to Abraham- 2.) A test on the material covering the life of Abraham (Chapter 5) 3) A test on the materials covering the lives of Isaac and Jacob (Chapters 6,7) 4) A test on the material covering the life of Joseph. (Chapters 8,9) Paper: A ten (10) page paper (in depth research) covering one of the main characters of Genesis . (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or Joseph)

Reading : The Book of Genesis in Scripture (Any version) Exploring Genesis , John Phillips (In its entirety)

Spring 2011 OT3222-01 2 J. Pierce


Part I - THE BEGINNINGS OF THE HUMAN RACE - PRIMEVAL HISTORY 1. The Creation (1:1-2:25 2. The Curse (3:1-4:15) 3. The Catastrophe (4:16-9:29) 4. The Coalition (10:1-11:32) Part II - THE BEGINNINGS OF THE HUMAN RACE - PATRIARCHAL HISTORY 5. The Progenitor (ABRAHAM) (12:1-25:18) 6. The Pilgrim (ISAAC) (25:19-27:46) 7. The Propagator (JACOB) (28:1-35:19) 8. The Provider(JOSEPH) (36:1-47:26) 9. The Conclusion (47:27-50:26) POLICIES: Attendance : Students are expected to attend all class periods. Four absences are granted. (Because the class is offered back to back, one extra absence is granted.) Please refer to the Student Handbook for information on excessive absences. Extension/Late Paper Policy: All papers are due at the beginning of class with no exceptions. Extensions will only be granted for the following four reasons: 1) hospitalization for illness. A doctor’s note confirming such is required; 2) extended serious illness that prevents a student from attending class. This requires a doctor’s note and signature of verification from the student’s Resident Director; 3) funerals or family emergencies granted as an approved absence by the Academic Dean and Dean of Students; 4) school-approved activities. If the student meets one of these exceptions, a “Request for Extension Form” must be filled out. The form can be obtained from the Office of Admissions or the Office of the Academic Dean. If your paper is turned in after attendance is taken, you will receive an automatic point deduction of five (5) points. Each twenty-four hour period (this includes Saturday’s, Sunday’s and school breaks) the paper is not turned in; there will be a forfeiture of another five (5) points from the total points. If the paper is not turned in within five twenty-four hour periods after the due date and time, an automatic score of zero (0) will be entered for the grade with no chance of making up the paper/grade. If a hard copy cannot be presented by the specified time and hour (if submitted over the weekend), then an email copy may be presented for verification of completion with a hard copy following.

Examinations: Any missed exam may be made up if the exam was missed due to illness or other excused absence (see Student Handbook). A make-up exam must be approved by the Academic Dean. A student must fill out the make-up exam form located in the office of Admissions and Records. All approved make up exams must be taken within seven days of the original exam.

Plagiarism : A student who submits written material as his own work that has been copied in whole or in part from another person's paper without acknowledgment is guilty of plagiarism. Material whether published or unpublished, copied from another writer must be identified by the use of quotation marks and documentation with specific citation of the source. Paraphrased material must likewise be attributed to the original author. Copying another student's paper, with or without his permission, or using his ideas with only minimal reworking is plagiarism, as is the copying of material from printed books and magazines without giving credit to the original source. Any student who submits a plagiarized paper or who permits another person to copy his work is subject to any of the following actions: .

Spring 2011 OT3222-01 3 J. Pierce

.GRADING CRITERIA: 1. Due Dates: A. No credit will be given for tests not made up with the terms found outlined in the Handbook. B. Every assignment must be handed in on time unless a grace period has been granted to the student by the Professor himself. 2. There will be no make-up on quizzes not taken on the assigned date. Emergency cases will be considered. 3. Each examination is worth 20% of the total grade. 5 Bonus points for reading textbook in its entirety. Paper is worth 20% of the total grade. . SEMESTER SCHEDULE DATES CHAPTERS 01/24/11 1 & 2 01/31/11 3, 4 02/07/11 TEST Ch. 1-4 Chapter 5A 02/14/11 5B 02/21/11 5C 03/07/11 TEST Ch. 5 Chapter 6 03/14/11 6 03/21/00 7 03/28/11 7 04/04/11 TEST Ch. 6 & 7 Chapter 8 A & B 04/11/11 PAPER DUE 8 C 04/18/11 Chapter 9 05/02/11 FINAL EXAM Ch. 8 & 9

BIBLIOGRAPHY: The Genesis Record, Henry M. Morris Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 . Exploring Genesis, John Phillips Moody Press, Chicago, 1980 . Genesis, A Self Study Guide, Irving L. Jensen The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, 1967 . Genesis, Volume I, Edited by H.D.M. Spence & Joseph S. Excell , MacDonald Publishing Company, McLean, Virginia

Genesis, (Tyndale Commentary), Derek Kidner Inter Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois . Paradise to Prison, John J. Davis, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1989

Spring 2011

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