This Is the House of God . . .This Is the Gate of Heaven! Genesis 28:17-18
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BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH – LC – MS email: [email protected] “This is the House of God . . .this is the Gate of Heaven!” Genesis 28:17-18 3166 McMullen Booth Road, Clearwater, FL 33761 Phone 727 799-3010, Fax 796-4889 Rev. Timothy J. Parsch, D.D., Pastor Home Phone 727 535-5323
2013 “Give thanks to the Lord; call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him; sing praise to Him tell of all His wonderful acts.” Psalm 105:-1-2 What a beautiful passage from the Psalms! Please read it again . . . certainly each and every one of us can reflect upon all the wonderful acts of His love, and not just abstractly, but personally, the things we have felt and experienced in our lives! And if we do know them, certainly we should praise Him, sing to Him, thank Him, and then – and this is important – tell others of our faith and how we feel. That’s the “Good News”. That’s the “Good News” of our Christianity! That’s the “Good News” the world needs to hear! That’s the “Good News”: that we ourselves need to continually hear and be reminded of!!! This month we will celebrate Thanksgiving. We are feeling the beautiful and refreshing “cooling down”: in temperatures. The air is becoming brisk and fresh. Our lives continue to be filled to the brim with schedules, routines, demands and sometimes even survival strategies. But in the midst of it all we can never forget: “Give thanks to the Lord; call on His name, make known among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him; sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts.” I marvel at my God I wonder that the Lord Who called the universe into being, of all creation asks help from us, Who hangs the stars, and bids me go to share my joy Makes seas to rage, in Jesus Christ; And teaches fledgling birds to fly to help a friend reach out and grasp To far off lands. God’s offered hand of love. – Selected As a congregation we have so much to be thankful for. I pray that you continue to love each other and continue to reach out in Christian love to new members and to the many visitors who frequent our services. And, please, keep our ministry – your ministry – at Bethel in your daily prayers. As Christians we have the greatest message in the world – a message of joy, of peace, of certainty, & solidness – the message of Jesus Christ who died to give us life! He doesn’t take us out of those chapters in life that are difficult, but He does walk with us through them! Wow! Oh, give thanks unto the Lord for He is God!!! Have a great month and a blessed Thanksgiving! “Father, you have given us so much! Please, give us one more thing – a thankful heart!” In our Lord’s love, Pastor Parsch Stewardship
Our basic system of living is faith in God; faith in God and faith in God’s Word. What are our problems and concerns? Who is going to solve these issues? How will they solve them? When will we see a resolution? The answers lie in our faith-based lives. That is how we live in good days and in bad days; in health and also when we or our loved ones are stricken with illness; when the checkbook balances in the “black” and when it doesn’t! FAITH! We are a people called to confidence!
Wishful thinking? NO! Pie in the sky ideology? NO! Sticking our heads in the sand? NO!
Our faith is firmly grounded in God’s love. His love is seen in the “giving” of his Son, Jesus Christ, for us. The “debt” of our sins has been erased!
Wow! Now that is a “bail out” plan! It is not a plan to somehow “extract” repayment from us, but a real bail out plan paid in full by our Savior, God’s Son!
Now, to the point of my writing. The purpose of the Church is to get the wonderful message of Salvation through Jesus Christ out and also to keep it in front of us, to live our lives so that others may see the hope that we have through him. As a church, that takes money. That is something that seems to be less available these days. We, in the church, can’t go to the government for a bail out. But we have a better source – people. And, it is you, the people of God, people who believe in God, trust in God, have confidence in God, and love God. As you determine your contribution this year to the church, your church, I know you will do so in faith, because we are faith-based people of God, in Jesus Christ our Lord, who has a future plan for us here, with His “presence” and “presents,” and an “after-life” plan for us that we cannot begin to imagine. We hope we can count on 100% participation of time, talent, and treasure to Bethel! Everyone can give something of themselves.
I write this to you in our Lord’s love and service,
Pastor Parsch STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY – NOVEMBER 10, 2013 November flowers given to the glory of God by the following 3 Dolores Paton in loving memory of her mother, Anna Stryker
10 Anne Koster in loving memory of her mother, Anne Passaro on her 5th anniversary with our Lord
17 Carol Bennett for the blessings granted to her Aunt and Godmother, Marie Riechmann on her 96 th birthday In loving memory of Charles and Florence Wadenklee
24 Bob & Evelyn Cunningham in honor of their 67th wedding anniversary Bruce & Sylvia Strand in honor of their 35th wedding anniversary
Memorial Gifts In Memory of Gina Reading Connie Pantano
In Memory of Loren Imeson Theodore H. Haapala Keith and Kathie Overvold Elsie Van Dusen Anja Mackie and family Farrell and Janet Elliott Gary & Carol Chappell
In Memory of Richard Wohler Jean Wohler
In Memory of William Harpster Miss Barbara McVay
In Memory of Conrad Waldron Bob & Evelyn Cunningham
In Memory of Bonnie Mattox Bob & Evelyn Cunningham
In Memory of Gina Pantano-Reading Connie Pantano Roach Serving our Lord during the month of November 2013 Elders 3 Communion Early: * Lee Tieman Altar Guild Scott Daly Early: Mary & Tim Pupke Paul Martaus Late: Veryl Oberdiek, Wendie Roeper & Late: * Dennis Williams Karen Somers Phil Hubbell Warren Klein Acolytes 3 Early: Makayla Bay 10 Early: * Bill Lueders Late Emily Behnke Tim Pupke 10 Early: Jackson Bjelland Late: * Walt Tabbert Late: Lauren Callahan Wally Gustafson Luis Rodriguez 17 Early: Brett Daly Brian Wolf (reader) Late: Noah Fenton
17 Communion Early: * Paul Martaus 24 Early: AJ Harris Lee Tieman Late: Kate Hubbell Scott Daly (reader) 28 10 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Jesse Jordan Late: * Fred Behnke Greeters Mike Mathews 3 Early: Pat Gerke & Grace Gilbert Paul Blake (reader) Late: Les & Henrietta Beyer 24 Early: * Bob Cunningham 10 Early: Ed & Jan Temme Paul Martaus (reader) Late: Bertha Boyer & Lois Dahl Late: * Will Ausdemore 17 Early: Karen Beck & Marianne Cassidy Tom Sunderman (reader) Late: Bob & Deidra Sorensen Herb Powell 24 Early: Eleanor & Karen Brasted 28 10 a.m.: * Walt Tabbert Late: Tim & Beverly Nehls Thanksgiving Day Worship Scott Daly Ushers Counters 3 Frank & Grace Picardi Early: Bob Cunningham Lee & Nancy Tieman Ralph Laesch Bill Lueders 10 Jeanette Pedroli Dennis Pullen Ed & Jan Temme Paul Saunders
Late: Brad Ausdemore 17 Erling & Helen Rikansrud Scott Ausdemore Portia Watson Dave Camburn Cal Peterson 24 Eleanor & Karen Brasted Margaret Stockhammer LWML (Lutheran Women’s 10 a.m. November Missionary League) 28 LWML FALL RALLY AT GRACE LUTHERAN November 2, 2013: From Our Hearts Flow Living Waters (John 7:38) Registration 8:15-8:45 a.m. in the church narthex. GIVING THANKS Opening service at 9 with Holy Communion led by Giving thanks is a wonderful tradition, but for Rev. Kevin Loughran. Registration and lunch $8. Christians, it is more than just a once a year Gifts from the Heart: D & D Missionary Homes: observance. We live our lives in thankfulness to our Their greatest need is financial assistance for Lord for his salvation, grace and mercy. One way to struggling single parents and missionary families. express that thankfulness is by being a good They can also use Wal-Mart, Target, Publix gift steward. The Lutheran Church Extension Fund cards and pantry items. Checks should be made out offers gift planning, estate planning and investment to D&D Missionary Homes. Make checks payable opportunities for Lutherans. If you would like more to Grace Lutheran LWML. Mail to Donna Tobin, information, please call 1-800-843-5233. There is 8489 Parkwood Blvd., Seminole, FL 33777 no cost to you to obtain professional assistance to your questions. FIRST LUTHERAN LWML HOLIDAY BAZAAR You are invited to attend November 9 from 9 am – 3 pm at First Lutheran Church, 1644 Nursery Road, Clearwater. Fresh salads and sandwiches are available for lunch. A large variety of handmade Loving God, how generous you are; even when items for sale. There will be jewelry, purses, we forget to pray for daily bread, you provide it. cosmetics, collectibles, handmade wooden signs, And so much more than just bread. Even before we doll clothes, baby clothes – many potential pray, you have been providing us all our bodily Christmas gifts!. The LWML ladies will have baked needs, beginning with food and clothing, and goods available for sale. There is no entry fee. expanding to home and possessions, work and the income we derive from it, our family, our community, the nation in which we live. Let us give thanks for the blessings of peace and health, friends and neighbors, our church and pastors, and all that you have provided. Day by day, help us to receive all your glorious gifts with thanksgiving. In Jesus’ Thank you friends of Bethel for your prayers and most precious name we pray. Amen. well-wishes while I was recovering from surgery. Kay Nelson
I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, If you would like to place flowers on the altar, cards, and concern during my recent surgery and please complete a form which may be found on the recovery. table next to the flower book (in the narthex on the Dennis Williams credenza). Place the completed form in the 3-ring flower chart binder. Print your name in the book for the date chosen. Each arrangement is $20 and can be added to your regular contribution. Mark the RUMMAGE SALE COMING “Flower” line with the amount. JANUARY 23, 24, 25, 2014! HOSPICE CAREGIVER COFFEE BREAKS You are invited to stop by for encouragement, information and helpful tips at Suncoast Hospice. Coffees are held at service centers in Clearwater, “Whoever sows sparingly will Palm Harbor and St. Petersburg. These gatherings also reap sparingly, and whoever are provided at no charge and no reservations are required. For more information, call Kelly Carter- sows generously will also reap Feller at 727 523 3435. If you are unable to generously.” participate, please call for additional (2 Corinthians 9:6) support/resources. The next meeting in Clearwater will be held at the Garden House, 5771 Roosevelt Blvd. from 10- 11:30 am November 1. The next meeting in Palm Harbor will be held in Community Room 2, 2675 Tampa Road, from 10- 11:30 am November 14
Stewardship Sunday! You are invited to join us for our Women’s Bible November 10, 2013 Study, “What Happens We encourage 100% participation by When Women Say Yes to our congregation! We need your time, God.” Total obedience to your talents, and your treasure to Christ can transform an ordinary life into a SOW – HARVEST – SHARE! remarkable journey. This is the hope found in the liberating message CELEBRATE! of Lysa TerKeurst – president of Proverbs An exciting celebration of our God and His 31 Ministries. In this study, Lysa shares bountiful blessings. Featuring Clearwater Christian inspiring stories from her own life along College Choir and Orchestra in collaboration with with compelling biblical insights as she several local Christian schools. describes what it means to partner with God November 19, 2013 in all decisions and actions. Thursday, 7 pm Choose Sundays 9:15-10:15 or the first & Clearwater Christian College third Thursday, 9:30-11:30. We will alternate Gymnasium between discussing video segments using the Contact the box office at 727 726 1153 ext. 268 workbook and reading and discussing the from 9am – 4pm. Tickets are $12 for general related chapters in the book. admission, $10 for seniors, alumni, military, students. Find out more about all of Clearwater Christian events at SUNBIRDS/SNOWBIRDS TO HOST THANKSGIVING DINNER SAVE YOUR CLEAN, USABLE AFTER WORSHIP ITEMS FOR THE BETHEL NOVEMBER 28! Please see bulletin and website in the readily state in the Apostles’ Creed. Class begins near future for more information. November 10.
CARELIFT CAN DELIVER CareLift is a free van transportation and community service provided by Morton Plant Mease volunteers. Rides are provided within a defined area around Morton Plant Mease facilities. CareLift serves the following hospitals and centers: BayCare Laboratories Entel Outpatient Surgery Center Check out these new books in our library! Mease Countryside Hospital Fiction: Mease Dunedin Hospital The Appeal F GRI Morton Plant Hospital The Face F KOO Morton Plant Mease East Lake Outpatient Center Non-fiction Palm Harbor Wellness Center An Inconvenient Book 973.92 BEC Call for reservations Monday through Friday, Win 658.45 LUN 9am – 3pm 727 734 6107. The Amateur 973 KLE Morton Plant Mease Volunteers provide this vital Facts & Fallacies 031.02 RD service to our community with support from Morton Moonwalking with Einstein 153.1 FOE Plant Mease Foundation. The Caring Elder 253 CON Simple Government 320.52 HUC Artist Prove Yourself 363.2 CR Original Intent 342.73 BAR Fast & Furious 363.25 DAV Birding 598 FOR Joker One 956.72 CAM Bury Us Upside Down 959.70 NEW Kiss the Boys Goodbye 959.70 JEN New Deal or Raw Deal 973.17 FOL Bushworld 973.93 DOW Table Talk 284.1 LUT NEW ADULT BIBLE CLASS Arguing with Idiots 320.973 BEC BEGINS NOVEMBER 10 See No Evil 327.127 BAE Pastor Havekotte concludes his class on The Bright Future for Florida, etc. 330.9 MCC Parables on Sunday, November 3. On Killing 355.001 GRO For we believers, we pay homage to our God 9/11 Commission Report 973.931 NIN through the profession of our faith when we confess Sleeping with the Devil 953.8 BAE our belief using the words of the Apostles’ Creed. The Real America 973.93 BEC However, do the words come forth with such rapid Culture of Corruption 973.932 MAL fluency that we neglect to reflect on their meaning Obama Zombies 973.932 MAT and take them for granted? Under the leadership of Ted Geheb, a thoughtful review of the statements of the Creed will be offered during the Adult Bible COSTUME JEWELRY NEEDED Class on Sunday mornings, at 9:15 a.m., in the Evelyn Younghouse continues his mission Great Hall. This study is an attempt to remind us ministry selling costume jewelry at local craft and to again appreciate more fully the words we shows and assisted living facilities. She donates all proceeds to missions which have included our youth mission trips. Please bring your donations to Bethel and mark the container FOR EVELYN YOUNGHOUSE. Thank you! Boxes for the Troops!
Your Evangelism Board is collecting donations for our troops. We'll assemble boxes to donate to our troops overseas in time for Christmas. All items should be new and unused.
We need the following items:
Travel size: shampoos/body wash/conditioners/deodorant/hand sanitizer/mouthwash/toothpaste/toothbrushes/shaving cream/lip glosses/sunscreen/disposable razors/baby powder/cotton balls, hair brushes, combs, elastic hair bands, batteries, gift cards for online music stores (i-tunes), puzzle books, small rubber balls, Frisbees, bean bags, decks of cards
Non-perishable food or snack items: beef jerky/sunflower seeds/chips/pretzels/granola bars/trail mix/small packs of cookies/dry soup or microwavable foods/instant coffee/powdered sports drinks/breath mints/instant oatmeal/hot chocolate packets. We also need shoe boxes in good condition with a lid.
There will be a donation box located in the narthex and also in the hallway near the church office. Please place your items in the boxes by November 17th. Thank you for your help in spreading some joy at Christmas to our men and women in uniform!