AN10006BA/AN1005OMA/Advanced Writing and Composition/2017Spring
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AN10006BA/AN1005OMA/Advanced Writing and Composition/2017Spring
Course format: 2 hours/week, seminar, graded Time & Venue: Thursday, 12.00-13.40, R 121 Tutor: Fekete Adrienn Office: Main building, R 113 Office hours: WED 13.00-13.45 ; THU, 14.00-14.45 (R 113) e-mail: [email protected] Description and aims: After the first term’s introductory course into writing, which focused on paragraph writing and individual genres (rhetorical strategies, treatment of material), this course moves beyond, but relies on what has been covered in the first term’s material. After two weeks dedicated to revision, an in-depth treatment of, and practice in argumentation (supporting claims with evidence, being mindful of audience and purpose, strategies as well as fallacies of argumentation) will follow. The third part of this course deals with the theory and practice of summary writing, a skill tested in the end-of-year EYE examination. The fourth major part of the course is the research paper, (library search, documenting sources, etc.). Course Outline
Topic To do To read Week 1 Introduction, The mechanics (23/02) of the course, how to avoid https: / /owl. e n g l i sh.pur d ue . e du/o plagiarism, Reviewing the wl/res o urce / 5 8 9/1/ writing process - Planning and Drafting WR: pp. 3-20 Week 2 Revising and Paragraph WE: pp. 16-17 WR: pp. 20-45 (02/03) Writing Week 3 Punctuation WE: p. 40; WE: pp. 28-41 (09/03) Structure and Cohesion AW: p. 29: Practice 1.0, p. 34: Pr AW: pp. 29-37 1.5 Paragraph is due AWC: pp. 8-9 AW: pp. 19-28 Week 4 The Argumentative Essay The CEFR – C1 level (writing): (16/03) (AE)1 Appendix D: The ALTE ‘Can Do’ WR: pp. 78-91 Strategies and fallacies of statements reasoning; Pros and cons; s/28906-alte-can-do-document.pdf
Week 5 Argumentative Essay 2 Intro guide to the CEFR: WE: pp. 87-88 (23/03) WR: pp. 92-100 f/GuideToCEFR.pdf
Week 6 Argumentative Essay 3 - First draft of AE is due (30/03) Workshop Print and bring to class: EYE (EYE assessment criteria, peer Writing assessment scale response session in class) http://ieas.unideb.h u / i n d ex.php ? p =9 1 3
Week 7 Summary writing 1: Stages Final draft of AE is due. (06/04) and strategies of effective summary writing; EYE assessment criteria. Week 8 Consultation Week No class (13/04)
Week 9 Summary 2- Mock exam First draft of Summery is due (20/04) (EYE assessment criteria, peer Print and bring to class: EYE response session in class) http://ieas.unideb.h u / i n d ex.php ? p AN10006BA/AN1005OMA/Advanced Writing and Composition/2017Spring Week 10 Research Paper 1-structure Final draft of Summary is due https:// o wl.english. p urdue . edu (27/04) Topic for the RP is due /owl/reso u rce/65 8 /01/ WE: pp. 89-99 Week 11 No class WE: pp. 100-116 (04/05) Week 12 RP 3 – using quotations and RP bibliography – list of WE: pp. 117-128 (11/05) documenting sources academic sources Week 13 RP 4 - style WE: pp. 136-158 (18/05) Conferencing, peer response RP first draft session Week 14 Conclusion, evaluation, RP is due (25/05) grading