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Tulsa Community College s3

English 1113-Composition I TCC-Northeast Campus Fall 2008 Professor: Justin Schell MAME, MAR.

General Information Attendance Policy August 18-December 12 Attendance will be taken at the beginning of M/W 9:30-10:50 Room 2367 each class. More than 3 hours of T/R 9:30-10:50 Room 2312 unexcused absence is considered Instructor: Justin Schell excessive and will result in a grade Office Hours: M T 8:30-9:30 in FACET Center penalty of 2.5% for every 3 hours of Phone: 508.843.5965 absence. Three late arrivals are Email: [email protected] equivalent to one absence. The Catalog Description student is responsible for obtaining English 1113 (Freshman Composition I) provides all assignments and completing any instruction in standard usage and essential work missed. Absences Do NOT expository writing skills. It is the first in a affect due dates. The Final Exam sequence of two freshman composition courses. may NOT be made up. Lecture 3 hrs. Laboratory self-paced. Course Objectives Required Text 1. Produce clear sentences that -Maimon and Peritz Writing Intensive demonstrate word choice, tone, and subject -Kirszner & Mandell: The Blair Reader. 6th matter appropriate to most college classes. Edition 2. Practice Standard English usage and, Suggested (Optional) Materials over the space of the semester, reduce the -A standard college dictionary and thesaurus number of errors in your writing. -Lined, loose-leaf notebook paper (not optional) 3. Plan, write, and revise both -USB Drive freestanding and connected paragraphs that -Package of 3” X 5” index cards contain a topic sentence (thesis statement) -9” x 11” manila envelopes and two to four supporting points. -English Grammar for Language Students by 4. Use the MLA documentation system to Francis Xavier Braun (available for purchase compile a Works Cited page and show that online). you have quoted or paraphrased material from a source. Teaching Methods 5. Recognize and avoid plagiarism in any Activities will include brief lectures, discussions, writing. group projects, tests/quizzes, various writing 6. Apply the basic research process to assignments, and editing/rewriting assignments. find sources in the Northeast LRC or other Free Tutoring: Students arrange their own libraries. tutoring sessions. 7. Use word processing to help you Departmental Plagiarism Policy improve your writing. Definition of Plagiarism: According to author 8. Present your research or other ideas in and Professor Robert Harris, “Plagiarism is using a PowerPoint slideshow. another person’s words or ideas without giving Grading Scale & Evaluation Techniques credit to the other person. When you use A ------90—100% someone else’s words, you must put quotation B ------80—89% marks around them and give the writer or speaker C ------70—79% credit by revealing the source in a citation. Even D ------60—69% if you revise or paraphrase the words of someone F ------below 60% else or just use that person’s ideas, you still must give the author credit in a note. Not giving due credit to the creator of an idea or writing is very much like lying. [. . .] Plagiarism is using any Grading Evaluation

words or ideas without giving credit to the Three essays 5 pages each 15%

source. If the plagiarizer copies material that is 5 Short Writing Assignments 15%

also copyrighted, then the wrongdoing is In Class Writing Assignments 10%

potentially enhanced by the additional crime of 3 Pop Quizzes 10% copyright infringement” (25-6). Editing/Revision Assignments 10% Penalties for Plagiarism: Suspected plagiarism in PowerPoint Presentation 10% this course will result in a score of 0 on the any FACET Center Work 5% given assignment. Further discipline may be Class Participation ☺

taken including either or both of the following: Research Paper 10-12 pages 15%

dismissal and failure of class and/or dismissal Final Exam 10% from the institution. The quizzes and final exam are cumulative. Harris, Robert A. The Plagiarism Handbook. They may include information not only from Los Angeles: Pyrczak Publishing, 2001. other assignments, but also from lectures and See PDF on Blackboard for more plagiarism info readings. During the second week, you will including how to recognize and avoid it. receive a detailed schedule of course topics, assignment due dates, etc. Format for Written Work To receive a grade on an assignment, the Late Assignments and Make-up Policy minimum length requirements must be met. All The Final Exam may NOT be made up. assignments are to be completed using Times All work must be submitted on the date that it New Roman 12-point font only. All margins is due. should be 1 inch. You may use Microsoft Word, a. Students must submit assignments at the Works, OpenOffice, or any other word processing beginning of the class meeting the work is due. program of your choice. Do not write on the b. Work NOT submitted by its due date will backs of any pages. Turn in a hard copy of each be accepted at the next class meeting only and assignment. Also, email a copy of each will be assessed a 20% penalty. assignment to the instructor. If you have c. Work NOT submitted by the next class absolutely no access to a personal or TCC meeting following the due date will receive computers, talk with the professor. 0% for the assignment grade. Emergencies In case of emergencies, please give your family or daycare provider the following number for NEC Campus Police: 595-7562. If you are needed because of an emergency, Campus Police will come to the classroom.

Course Withdrawal: The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student. Please talk with me before withdrawing from this class.

Communications: Email communications: All TCC students receive a designated “MyTCC” email address (ex: [email protected]). All communications to you about TCC and course assignments will be sent to your MyTCC email address; and you must use MyTCC email to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this course.

Inclement Weather: TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted on the TCC website (www.tulsacc.edu).

General Education Goals: General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.

Classroom Etiquette: Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn from each other. Use of any electronic device is at the discretion of the instructor.

Syllabus Changes: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the syllabus in writing.

Students with Disabilities: TCC provides accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For information, students may contact the disabled Student Resource Center, 918-595-7115, or the Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 918-595-7428V, 918-595-7434TTY.

Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member may: -Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a substitute assignment or test; -Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question; -Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively withdraw the student from the class; -Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. -Faculty may request that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by submitting such request to the Dean of Student Services. Institutional Statement: Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC website: www.tulsacc.edu.

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