APES Ecosystems Project Page 1

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APES Ecosystems Project Page 1

APES Ecosystems Project Page 1

1. Terrestrial Ecosystems/Biomes Project For this project you will research an ecosystem/biome and create a power point or web page presentation (Glogster, Prezi, Google presentation, etc). You may use clip art, graphics from the Internet or photos that you scan but remember to site your sources in your bibliography. We will need between 7-9 groups.

Your project will include: Ecosystem Name: A title page. Location: A world map with your ecosystem/biome clearly highlighted. Environment: A description of climatic conditions in this ecosystem: seasonal temperature ranges rainfall patterns topography elevations latitude **You will also need to include a climatograph for your ecosystem *You will need to do this for each of the regions that fall into your broad category, but You’ll probably need just one. Flora: A description of the plant life found here. Characteristics of the plants, adaptations for survival, pollination and seed dispersal strategies, any interesting symbiotic or other relationships with insects or animals. And a list of at least 8 species of plants indigenous to your ecosystem. Fauna: A description of the animal life found in this region. Describe the animals' characteristics and adaptations for survival in this habitat. Also include a list of 8 specific animals. Food Webs: Identify the main predators and illustrate food webs with at least 10 species. The food web should include all trophic levels; try to include decomposers/recyclers. Threats: Identify and describe threats or problems in this ecosystem created by humans, and attempted or possible solutions. Importance: Describe the implications to our planet if this ecosystem is lost. An example would be climatic changes from loss of tropical rainforests. Quiz – Your group will need to write a 5 question multiple choice style quiz based on the information you present to the class. Yes, you should have the answers to your questions. Short Response (think Mini FRQ) – Your group will need to write 2 open-ended style questions that could be used as potential short response questions. Try to think of concepts or issues that are interrelated that students can elaborate upon to show their understanding. Bibliography: your sources on information, and graphics. Credits: a page that lists your group members names and the role each had in the project.

Assessment: Your grade will consist of 2 parts: An overall grade based on the criteria in the rubric and the presentation of the ecosystem/biome. A participation score according to your groups’ assessment of your participation. This will be an average of the scores (including your eval of yourself) out of 10 points APES Ecosystems Project Page 2

2. Project Rubric Projects will be graded according to these criteria unless a more specific rubric has been attached to your instructions.

Format and Presentation (20): Format Format is followed Much of the format was Students did not follow the (see assignment) according to the directions followed, but some directions for format. 5 points given. components are missing. 0 - 2 points 5 points 2-4 points Creativity/Neatness Exceptional, students strive Project is creative and neat. Minimal creativity, 10 points for originality 5 - 9 points apparently little effort made 10 points on presentation. 0 - 5 points Presentation All students participating. All students participating. Not all students participate 5 points Members have clear Some members seem strong Sounds week in information understanding of than others in comfort level 0 - 5 points information 5 - 9 points 10 points

Content (40): Accuracy All content is accurate, and Most of the content accurate, Content is largely incorrect; 15 points demonstrates mastery of the with some shows major subject matter. misunderstandings and misunderstandings of the 13-15 points inaccuracies. material. 5-12 points 0 - 5 points Clarity Material is written and Topics are mostly Unclear; difficult to follow 10 points displayed in VERY clear understandable, but and understand. and understandable occasionally unclear or 0 - 5 points language. confusing. 13-15 points 5 - 12 points Thoroughness/ ALL topics are addressed in Most components are Topic is inadequately Completeness a thorough but concise included: some information discussed; incomplete work. 15 points manner. may be left out. 0 - 5 points 15 points 5 - 10 points

Questions (20): Multiple Choice Questions Questions demonstrate Questions show moderate Questions show minimal 10 points understanding of details understanding but effort and understanding and interconnectedness of somewhat confusion only drawing upon the ecosystem/biome and/or simplistic most simple concepts 10 points 5-9 points 0-5 points FRQ Questions Questions demonstrate Questions show moderate Questions show minimal 10 points understanding of details understanding but effort and understanding and interconnectedness of somewhat confusion only drawing upon the ecosystem/biomes and/or simplistic most simple concepts 10 points 5-9 points 0-5 points

TOTAL = 80 points

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