Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP) Template s28
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Domain/Standard Code: 2.NBT.2 Author Name: Caitlin Hynst Page 1
Title of Task: _Skip Counting Basketball ______
Adapted from: Smith, Margaret Schwan, Victoria Bill, and Elizabeth K. Hughes. “Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol: Successfully Implementing High-Level Tasks.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 14 (October 2008): 132-138.
PART 1: SELECTING AND SETTING UP A MATHEMATICAL TASK (PREPARE) What are your mathe m a t ical g oals Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s. for the lesson? (i.e., what do you want students to know and understand about mathematics as a result of this lesson?) What are your expecta t ions for Students will skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s. students as they work on and complete this task? What r esou r ces or tools will Students will use pencils, paper, and any math tools they need (a hundreds chart, cubes, or place value students have to use in their block may be useful). work that will give them entry into, and help them reason through, the task? How will the students work— Students will work in small groups (3-5 students in a group). independently, in small groups, or in pairs—to explore this task? How will students record and Students will record their work in their math journal. report their work?
How will you introduce students to the LAUNCH activity so as to provide access to all Have students discuss what happens when someone makes a basket in a basketball game (scores students while maintaining the increase by 2 or 3 depending on the shot). Inform students that they will get to shoot baskets today that cognitive demands of the task? will be worth different amount of points based on how hard the shot is. Teacher will write the task on a ball and toss it to a student. Teacher will clarify any questions. Domain/Standard Code: 2.NBT.2 Author Name: Caitlin Hynst Page 2
Title of Task: _Skip Counting Basketball ______
PART 2: SUPPORTING STUDENTS’ EXPLORATION OF THE TASK (EXPLORE) As stuPAdReTn 3:ts wSHoArkR iINGnde pANDend eDnItlySC UorSS inING THE TASK (DISCUSS/DEBRIEF) smallHow gr woups,ill you w ohat r c h es q u t re a st te i ons the classwill you d askiscussion to— so that you accomplish your How are you recording your thinking? What strategy works best for you? mathematical help a group goals? get started or make proWgrhessich on so ltheution task? paths do you want Teachers should choose students that came up with different models of skip counting. For focutos stuhavdee sharednts’ thinking durin gon the the example, first have students share that used blocks or cubes. Next, have a group that used What observations do you have about your numbers? Do you notice any patterns? keyclass mathemat discussion?ical ide aIns inwh theat order will pictures. Last, have a group that used a hundreds chart. Use the hundreds chart to discuss the taskthe? solutions be presented? Why? patterns people have noticed. assess students’ understanding of What specific questions will youDoes ask your answer make sense? Can you explain how you got your answer? keyso m athatthemat studicalents id will—eas, problem- solv1i.n g ma stratke esgeinsees, orof the Why did you choose the method you did? represemathematicalntations? ideas that you advancew astuntd tehemnts’ toun learn?derstanding of the2. maexpathematnd on,ical de ibdaetaes?, and question the solutions being shared? 3. make connections among the Is there a method that someone else used that you like better than your own? different strategies that are Would you solve it differently next time? presented? How will y4ou. enslooku rfore t hatpat tsetruns?dents What patterns did you notice when each basket was worth 5 points? What about when each remain e nga5. g begined in theto f otask?rm generalizations? basket was worth 10? What about 100? What assistance will you give or Are them some manipulatives you could use to help you keep track of your team’s score? what questions will you ask a What strategy do you think would work best for you? Whatstu wdillen ty ou(or s greeo orup) hear who that becomes lets you knowquic thatkly alfrlust sturadteednts an ind rtheequests class Each student will be able to explain how they solved the task. undmerstaore dnirectd theion ma andthemat guidiacalnce i diseas that yousol intevingd edthe f ortask? them to learn? What will you do if a student (or group) finishes the task almost What would your results be if you’d been given one minute per person (instead of 30 seconds)? immediately? How will you How would your team results change if the points assigned were 50, 100, and 1000 (instead of 5, extend the task so as to provide 10, 100)? additional challenge? Domain/Standard Code: 2.NBT.2 Author Name: Caitlin Hynst Page 3
Title of Task: _Skip Counting Basketball ______You are going to take turns tossing a ball into a basket. Each team member will have 30 seconds to see how many baskets you can make. Each basket is worth five points. Points for each individual count towards your team points. Each individual will record the team points in their math journal. You can use any math tools that would help you.
Now the basket will move back one foot. Points are now worth ten points. Each team member will get another turn and everyone will record team results in their math journal.
Move the basket back two feet. Points are now worth one hundred points! Each team member will get another turn and everyone will record team results in their math journal.