1. Meeting Called to Order at 5:10 Pm

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1. Meeting Called to Order at 5:10 Pm

1. Meeting Called to Order at 5:10 pm 2. Roll Call a. Tardy 1. Katie Sears 2. Zach Boring b. Not in attendance for November 18th 1. Nina Kuzniak (Excused) 3. Approval of Minutes a. Alyssa moved to approve the minutes b. Ms. Kyle Cassinelli 2nd the motion c. Voting was all in favor and therefore the minutes were approved 4. Officer Reports a. A Vice: Eric Scrogum Eric reported that 12 of his schools are on track for zone and that he has had $1200 in charitable contributions. b. AA Vice: Amie Serrano Amie reported that she has listed 6 goal packet progress reports and listed one school that did not turn theirs in. c. AAA Vice: Wesley House Wes reported that he has posted all of his school’s progress on the Wiki and that ten of his eleven schools are still eligible for the silver star. His goal for the upcoming months is more communication. He is happy with the progress his schools have made. d. AAAA 1Vice: Alyssa Dangaran Alyssa reported that all of her 23 schools are still eligible for the silver star award. She attached three issues of Alyssa’s addendum to her report for the board to review individually. Her schools have a total of $14,343.91 in charitable contributions on the Wiki as well. e. AAAA 2Vice: Chris Dugan Chris reported that he has recently caught up on where Max left off and also sent reminders to all of his schools. He has posted on the Wiki which schools he received packets from and has set up a new VP email. His goal for the upcoming months is to receive all of his schools’ packets. f. Northern Region Representative: Esmeralda Aguilar Esmeralda reported that she had her first student body presidents meeting on October 1st, and only a few were absent. They discussed RSVP and the presidents agreed to take it back to their councils. They also agreed to increase communication within their region. g. Southern Region Representative: Katie Sears Katie reported that she has had two successful nights for blanket making so far. Their goal is 100 blankets and they are looking for a local family that has had a child in the camp to speak at the conference, and representatives from the camp. She has been keeping a log of all the schools that have made blankets.8 schools haven given her blankets. She has decided on the caterers and some entertainment and wants all JC and workshop applications on December 9, 2008. h. Western Region Representative: Leah Kennedy Leah reported that she had a presidents meeting and a successful JC training on November 1st that most applicants attended. She also created her region award, the Wild West award. She has finished her goody bags and her goal is to have more meetings and to help her schools get the Silver and Blue Stars awards. i. Conference Organizers: Grady McCann, Tess Oliphant and Carissa Mangubat All three conference chairs reported on their conference progress so far. They have booked all 3 speakers, decided on name tag and t-shirt designs and colors, created the JC apps, met with the DJ, photographer, dance groups and entertainment, and have sent out virtual invites. Their current tasks are to find a new location for the Friday of the conference, pick workshops and excursions, find help from western donations, and more. Their goals are to find some performers, create a timeline for general sessions, and finalize decorations. j. Middle Level Liaison: Sabrina Meier She reported on her progress on her November 22 conference and also reported on a workshop she prepared for the middle school presidents to learn about NASC & the Spirit of NV award. k. Newsletter Editor: Zach Boring Zach reported that he sent out the last newsletter and that the November issue will be sent out the week of November 24th. His goal is to have more contact about the newsletter deadlines. He also discussed upcoming State Board deadlines and topics. l. Webmaster: Kwabena Boateng Kwabena reported that only one logo for the NASC logo contest has been submitted (submitted by Ms. Kyle Cassinelli on behalf of one of her students) along with one suggestion. He has posted a bulletin and added a page to the website. His goals are to have 3 web pages, one devoted to each region, as well as a State Conference page and a weekly presidential message from Max. m. State Board of Education Student Representative: Becky Childs Becky reported that a new State Board of Education was elected in November and that the current President has not been attending meetings. She also reported that Yes on 5 was passed and now taxes may be raised 3% from hotels to earn $125 million for education. She also added some statistics to her handout. n. Northern Executive Director: Mr. Hugh Rossolo Mr. Rossolo reported that since September he has made arrangements to go to San Diego in December for an executive directors' national meeting and that he has helped with workshops for regionals. He also held a meeting with and communicated with advisors. o. Southern Executive Director: Ms. Sandy Ginger Ms. Ginger reported on some events she has successfully hosted and attended in the south, and also reported on important upcoming dates. p. Western Executive Director: Ms. Cheryl Stoddard Ms. Stoddard reported on her progress since the September meeting, including successful events and meetings, and progress toward goals. She also reported on her important upcoming events and goals for conference. q. President: Max Dugan Max reported that he has updated all of his schools on the recent position change and he also contacted all schools by email. He will be attending all regional conferences, editing the handbook, and will be contacting Sandy Valley to congratulate them on their National Difference Maker award. 5. Wes moved to recess at 6:15 pm a. Alyssa 2nd b. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed 6. The Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm 7. Old Business a. Presidential Goals - There was discussion on which goals to keep due to the recent officer change. 1. KEEP - Significant increase in Silver Star and Council of Excellence Awards a. There was discussion on the responsibility of this goal and more. The progress of this goal was also examined. b. It was decided that this goal was to be kept. 2. DROP – Edit the Constitution a. There was discussion on the lack of importance of editing the constitution as a Presidential goal. b. Alyssa moved to drop "Edit the Constitution" from the presidential goals. 1. Wes 2nd 2. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed. 3. DROP – Increase NASC voice in Nevada Legislature a. There was discussion on the possibility and probability of this goal being achieved realistically. b. Becky moved to drop "Increase NASC voice in Nevada Legislature" from the presidential goals. 1. Tess 2nd 2. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed. 4. KEEP – Increase communication between Nevada High Schools and the NASC State Board a. It was discussed that this goal is vitally important to the board. b. It was decided that this goal was to be kept. b. State Goals 1. State Charity a. Progress toward $150,000 1. So far we have raised about $37,333 as a state. 2. It’s good progress, and we need to keep going. 3. We need to make sure all progress is reported. 4. We need to add total to website. c. Logo Contest 1. Kwabena talked about what was added. 2. Becky moved to table the Logo Contest Discussion until November 19th. a. Grady 2nd b. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed. d. JC’s for State 1. Grady reviewed the JC apps with the rest of the board. It was discussed and decided that the West will have priority and an earlier deadline. 8. Zack moved to recess at 8:30 pm a. Ms. R Cassinelli 2nd b. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed

9. The meeting was called to order at 8:35 am on November 19th 10. Officer Report a. Region 7 Representative: Nina Kuzniak 1. Nina reported that her last RSVP training went well and that the next training will be April 22nd in the South. Her successor for the south has been chosen from Foothill. She also reported that she presented at the NASA State Administrators conference and attended the Washington State Conference. 11. Logo Contest a. The logo contest was discussed, along with suggestions for a new logo from the board. b. Grady moved that Kwabena will redesign the logo. c. Alyssa 2nd d. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed. 12. New Business a. Presidential Goals 1. Increase Contact with Non-active schools a. There was discussion on a possible NASC introduction video b. Wes moved to adopt "Increase Contact with Non-active schools" as a new Presidential goal. c. Alyssa 2nd d. None abstain, Becky and Alex oppose, the rest were in favor, and therefore the motion passed 2. Recognize School’s special achievements a. Grady moved to adopt "Recognize school’s special achievements" as a new Presidential goal. b. Chris 2nd c. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed. b. Officer Removal/Replacement Procedures 1. There was discussion on the recent officer removal and replacement. The procedure and constitution were reviewed and it was unanimous that it was handled successfully. c. Nomination Procedures 1. Administrator of the Year a. There was discussion on current and possible future requirements. It was decided to keep the same nomination procedures as last year. b. Grady moved to keep the nominating process the same c. Zach 2nd d. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed. 2. Advisor of the Year a. There was discussion on the number of years between receiving awards, the restrictions, and more about nomination of advisors. b. Grady moved to change the minimum time between receiving awards from every 5 years to every year. c. Point of Information from Ms. Ginger: We need a 2/3 vote for a constitutional change. d. Becky 2nd the motion e. There were 5 in favor, 1 abstain and the rest were opposed, therefore the motion did not pass f. There was discussion on the number of years an advisor spends with a council and the appropriate amount of time in between awards g. Becky moved to change the minimum time between receiving awards from every 5 years to every 4 years h. Grady 2nd i. 2 abstained, none opposed, and the rest were in favor, and therefore the motion passed. 3. New Advisor of the Year a. There was discussion on pairs (?) of new advisors and the current nomination procedure. b. Becky moved to keep the nomination procedure the same as last year c. Grady 2nd d. 2 opposed, none abstained, and the rest were in favor and therefore the motion passed 4. Middle Level Advisor of the Year a. There was discussion on which region's nominations can be accepted from, and how it applied to the conferences and region attitudes. b. Eric moved to make all regions eligible for the Middle Level Advisor of the Year award regardless of which region is hosting the conference that year c. Esmeralda 2nd d. 1 opposed, 2 abstained, and the rest were in favor and therefore the motion passed e. Becky moved to change the minimum time between receiving awards from every 5 years to every 3 years 1. Chris 2nd 2. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed 5. Other Changes a. Leah moved that no adult on the State Board should be eligible for the awards. b. Wes 2nd c. 2 opposed, 1 abstained, and the rest were in favor and therefore the motion passed d. Goal Packet Concerns 1. There was discussion on multiple goal packets that were currently undecided and whether or not they were to be accepted based on their unique situations. Goal packet appeals for Legacy & Silverado were discussed. VPs will contact schools directly concerning these decisions. There was also discussion on how schools are listing tasks rather than goals. e. Election and Candidate Procedures 1. There was discussion on other states’ procedures on selecting a board and on our current nomination and election methods. Nina brought a list of Student Body President-suggested ideas for changes and restrictions to review. f. Leah moved to recess at 11:27 am 1. Wes 2nd 2. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion was passed g. The meeting was called back to order at 12:15 pm h. Election and Candidate Procedures continued 1. Leah moved to include advisor recommendations in declaration of presidential candidacy requirements. a. Wes 2nd b. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion was passed 2. Chris moved to include one letter of recommendation from school and 1 letter from the community in declaration of presidential candidacy requirements. a. Leah 2nd b. 1 in favor, 2 abstained, and the rest opposed and therefore the motion did not pass 3. Becky moved to adopt the idea of a detailed essay for every candidate at state to read as part of their declaration of presidential candidacy. a. Chris 2nd b. 1 opposed, none abstained, and the rest were in favor and therefore the motion passed 4. Leah moved to adopt the requirement that at the Presidential speeches, State Board will send in pre-written questions at the Question-and-Answer session a. Esmeralda 2nd b. 1 opposed, none abstained, and the rest were in favor and therefore the motion passed. 5. Becky moved to change presidential speeches from 3 minutes to 2 minutes a. Wes 2nd b. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed. i. Electronic Scrapbooks 1. There was discussion on the possibility of electronic scrapbooks, and discussion on the review and approval of them as well as comparing them to other schools’ work. 2. Grady moved to not accept electronic scrapbooks 3. Wes 2nd 4. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion passed. j. Other New Business 1. Eric created a new award for non-active schools to be recognized for new involvement and minimum new achievements. 2. The board agreed an award did not need to be created and that Eric can recognize school’s achievements individually k. Becky moved to adjourn at 1:55 pm 1. Wes 2nd 2. Voting was all in favor and therefore the motion was passed

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