Pax Christi International Newsletter Nr

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Pax Christi International Newsletter Nr

Pax Christi International Newsletter nr. 163 of 1 August 2007

Table of Contents

1. Africa 2. America’s & Caribbean 3. Asia & Pacific 4. Middle East 5. Europe

6. Disarmament & Demilitarisation 7. Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Violent Conflict 8. Human Security & Violent Conflict

9. Conflict Transformation 10. Peace Building 11. Reconciliation Processes 12. Education and Youth Work for Peace 13. Nonviolent Social Change 14. Interfaith and Intercultural Cooperation for Peace 15. Developing Peace Spirituality and Theology 16. International Advocacy & Campaigning 17. Networking 18. International Calendar


Sudan: National Petroleum Commission’s Resolutions Publicly Available

A copy of the resolutions of the Sudanese National Petroleum Commission, numbers 5 and 7- 11, has been made available on Hopefully, the release of the resolutions by the NPC marks an end to the lack of transparency in the way Sudan’s oil industry is run. The resolutions base the exploitation of Southern Sudan’s natural wealth on solid legal grounds, which is vital to the creation of an attractive investment climate. Huge challenges remain, though. The social and environmental performance of Sudan’s oil industry is abysmal and its political leadership fails to take appropriate action. The European Coalition on Oil in Sudan of which Pax Christi International is a member, issued a press release on this on 13 th July 2007, more at

EurAC Reviews Action Plan at General Assembly in Madrid

The General Assembly of the European Network on Central Africa (EurAC) met in Madrid on 25th May 2007 to discuss various issues facing the region and to develop strategies and actions to respond to the challenges ahead for those countries emerging from years of war. The previous day included training sessions on (1) the impact on Africa of trade liberalisation and Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and (2) policy considerations for the exploitation of natural resources in the DRCongo. Pax Christi International is a member of EurAC; Mark Barwick of the International Secretariat participated in the two-day gathering and reported on Pax Christi’s involvement in the region. The network plans to step up its activities for 2007 and to strengthen its presence toward European institutions. For more information on EurAC, see

Colloquium Examines Interface between Peace and International Justice in Africa

Mark Barwick of the International Secretariat participated in a high-level Pan-African conference (22nd-23rd June 2007 in Accra, Ghana) on the complex and evolving relationships between peacemaking efforts and international justice in Africa. The event was organised upon the request of H.E. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and in cooperation with Africa Legal Aid. Other participants included additional ICC high officials, representatives of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the UN

1 Special Envoy for Darfur. For more information on this conference, contact [email protected].

Americas & Caribbean

Catholic Peacebuilding Network in Colombia

The Fourth Annual International Conference of the Catholic Peacebuilding Network (CPN) took place in Bogotá, Colombia, 24th – 29th June 2007. One of the resource persons, Fr. Mauricio García Durán, S.J., contributed on the subject “Peace Mobilization in Colombia and the Role of the Roman Catholic Church (1978-2006).” Fr. Durán holds a PhD in Peace Studies from University of Bradford in the UK and is a researcher at the Centre of Research and Popular Education, CINEP, in Bogotá. Read Fr. Durán’s paper in 07-0699.

CPN issued a press release on 12th July 2007 which can be viewed in 07-0726. Pax Christi International was represented by Marie Dennis (Co-President elect), Claudette Werleigh (Secretary General elect), Martha Inés Romero (member of the Executive Committee elect), Bishop President Antonio Ledesma and Cesar Villanueva (National Coordinator), both from Pax Christi Philippines. More at

Colombia: Another Peace Community Leader Murdered

On 13th July 2007, Dario de Jesús Torres, coordinator for the humanitarian zone of Alto Bonito, was murdered on the road between San José de Apartadó and the municipality of Apartadó, Colombia. In a letter issued on 23rd July 2007, Pax Christi International expressed its concern to H.E. Alvaro Uribe, President of the Republic of Colombia, for persons, organisations and displaced communities whose physical safety is under threat due to their work in defence of human rights. It is regrettable that guarantees for the protection of community leaders are still lacking. Read Pax Christi’s letter in 07-0796.

Annual Report on Land Conflicts 2006 in Brazil

The Pastoral Land Commission, CPT, a Brazilian member organisation of Pax Christi International, issued its Annual Report for 2006 on Land Conflicts in Brazil on 16th April 2007. The conflicts it refers to are related to the issues/rights of land, water, workers and persons. The report also includes some important statements, correspondence with authorities and statistics about different actions taken by the regional CPT offices. More at

Statistics and Observations Violations Human Rights in Haiti

The Commission Episcopal Nationale Justice et Paix d’Haiti, a member organisation of Pax Christi International, issued a report on the use of violence in the metropolitan zone of Port- au-Prince, the capital of the country, between April and June 2007. The report also includes a reflection on making observations of violence in Port-au-Prince over the last 5 years. Read in Creole and French in 07-0728.

Situation of Human Rights in Guatemala

Pax Christi International’s member organisation in Guatemala, Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo (GAM), issued a report on human rights’ violations committed in the first part of 2007. The report, released on 16th July 2007, contains statistics of violence perpetrated against different professions and also covers the impact of violence on women and children. The final part contains informations about the different types of violations. Read more in Spanish in 07-0738 or go to the website

Dubious Application of Anti-terrorism Law in El Salvador

2 On 12th July 2007, Tutela Legal, the Human Rights Office of the Archdiocese of San Salvador, member organisation of Pax Christi International, issued a press statement analysing social disturbances that occurred in Suchitoto (northwest from the Capital). During a visit of the President on 2nd July, social movements holding public demonstrations were confronted by anti-riot forces. 14 people were arrested and have been charged under the Special Law Against Terrorism approved in 2006. Tutela Legal believes that the police used disproportionately excessive force while Army presence was unnecessary and intimidating. There were violations of rights and individual guarantees of civil society as well as improper judicial performance during the aforementioned events. The statement demands that the authorities revise the facts and procedures and quickly and correctly apply justice to those irregularities. Read the statement in Spanish at Tutela Legal also co-signed a statement issued by more than 100 social Salvadoran organisations ( International organisations have also expressed their concerns about this problem (a statement issued by Amnesty International can be read in Spanish at

Case of Msgr. Romero: Adverse Response from El Salvador State

In a working session held on 19th July 2007, the State of El Salvador refused to comply with recommendations from the Inter American Commission of Human Rights (ICHR). In addition, it refused to offer reparations for the case of extrajudicial execution of Msgr. Óscar Romero. Representatives of the State denied having any responsibility for the execution. They stated that the process after Romero's murder was effective because it succeeded in identifying one of the perpetrators and they affirmed that the Amnesty Law is one of the pillars in the country's present peace. Surprisingly and ironically, they also stated that this procedure to the ICHR could interfere with the ongoing process of Romero's beatification. Tutela Legal, the Human Rights Office of the Archdiocese of San Salvador, member organisation of Pax Christi International, and the Center for Justice and International Law are the human rights organisations litigating the case. Read the statements from both organisations at and ICHR's recommendations can be read at

Pax Christi USA Celebrates 35 Years of Peace Making

This year Pax Christi USA celebrates 35 years of working for peace with justice. Since its inception, Pax Christi USA has been rooted in the call to Christian nonviolence, the practice of prophetic criticism and the primacy of conscience, seeking to be peacemakers and justice- seekers in a world that worships the power of war-making, violence and domination. Members of Pax Christi USA have dreamed of and worked for a world that is more just, peaceful and sustainable. Today Pax Christi USA is committed to transforming this movement into a truly anti-racist, multicultural Catholic movement for peace with justice.

Confirmed special guests for the anniversary celebration, scheduled to take place on 11 th and 12th August 2007, include Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, founding bishop- president of Pax Christi USA, Sr. Mary Evelyn Jegen, SND, former PCUSA National Coordinator, Joseph Fahey, first general-secretary of the Pax Christi USA Executive Committee (forerunner of the PCUSA National Council), Marie Dennis, co-president elect of Pax Christi International, Ambassadors of Peace - Janice Vanderhaar, Bill and Mary Carry, Cathy Crayton, Tom Cordaro, Tony Malone, and Rev. Joe Nangle. Etienne De Jonghe, Secretary General of Pax Christi International will also be present.

Asia & Pacific

Basilan: the Challenge of Justice, Peace and Reconciliation

The National Coordinating Committee of Pax Christi Pilipinas met in Manila on 27 th July 2007. The Committee issued a statement on the situation in Basilan, an island province of the Philippines located in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao; its capital being Isabela City. It is hoped that the escalating all-out war in Basilan can be stopped. A continuation of

3 the tensions might bring serious difficulties to on-going peace talks between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in. Read the statement in 07-0809.

The Philippines’ Petitions to Retain Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution

Pax Christi Pilipinas made use of the symbolism on the 22nd April, 2007 – Earth day and a day within the International Week of Reconciliation to draw attention to a number of their concerns. Along with the Interfaith Center for the Culture of Nonviolence, the Center for Peace Education, and the Young Moro Professionals Network, Pax Christi Pilipinas organised a number of activities at the Quezon Memorial Circle Park. One of these was a signature campaign for the retention/protection of Article 9 of the Japanese constitution. This campaign was organised to show solidarity with peace advocates from the Catholic Council for Justice and Peace, another member organisation of Pax Christi International in Japan. The groups in the Philippines were able to gather more than 200 signatures during the event. They wrote a letter to the Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines which can be read in 07-0696.

Pakistan: NCJP Report on Political Processes In preparation for the next general elections, voter lists have been put on display throughout Pakistan, exposing discriminatory practices against religious minorities among other questionable irregularities. The report by the National Commission for Justice and Peace makes recommendations to address minority exclusion and lack of participation. The NCJP is a member organisation of Pax Christi International in Pakistan. For more information, visit

Human Rights in Bangladesh

In July 2007, Rosaline Costa, Director of the Hotline Human Rights Bangladesh, a member organisation of Pax Christi International, was campaigning in the USA with various persons and departments of the State to draw attention to the human rights situation in Bangladesh. She had a very productive meeting with the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, having shared information on the political and human rights situation of all Bangladeshis, but particularly of the religious and ethnic minorities. At present, Bangladesh is in a state of Emergency and all political movement as well as all protests against human rights violations are banned. No specific date or time for the next election has been fixed.

Commemoration of Hiroshima Day in Bangladesh

The Bangladesh Inter-Religious Council for Peace and Justice, BICPAJ, a member organisation of Pax Christi International, is planning to commemorate Hiroshima Day on 6 th August 2007. The programme includes deep reflection, prayers for peace and silence while street children who belong to the organisation will be asked to create spontaneous Art and Drawings for peace.

Two schoolgirls, associated with BICPAJ, will attend the International Girls Camp organised by Milijuli in Kathmandu, Nepal. At least two members expect to join the international meeting of Engaged Buddhists to be held in Taiwan. BICPAJ itself will be organising a two-day training in Conflict Resolution which will take place in Chittagong most probably.

APSOC Condemns Arrests of Tribal Council Members in West Papua

The Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC) expressed its indignation over the recent arrests of civil society leaders in West Papua. In a press release, issued on 10 th July 2007, APSOC called for the immediate release of the six male and two female tribal council members. Pax Christi Aotearoa-New Zealand is a member of the coalition. Details are available in the release 07-0731.

Middle East

4 WCC General Secretary Visits EAPPI in West Bank

Rev. Dr. Sam Kobia, the Secretary General of the World Council of Churches, WCC, visited projects in West Bank, Palestine from 21st – 26th June 2007. In Jayyous, the General Secretary saw, first hand, how the townsfolk have been cut off from their land by the separation barrier. He spoke with a farmer returning from his fields that are located on the other side of the barrier as he passed through a gate monitored by members of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI). In Hebron, the delegation visited a family under constant harassment from Israeli settlers living illegally in the city. The delegation travelled from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, walking through the terminal when Palestinian workers were returning home at the end of the day. They then visited Aida Refugee camp and witnessed how the wall has cut children off from their playing areas.

The EAPPI Jerusalem-based staff hosted a reception with the Jerusalem Inter-Church Centre for the General Secretary’s delegation, Church leaders, Church Related Organisations, and Israeli and Palestinian EAPPI partners. Pax Christi International and some of its member organisations regularly participate in EAPPI activities. EAPPI is seen as an important vehicle for the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum’s (PIEF) work and more support and investment in the programme is anticipated.

Open Border at Rafah, Palestine for Humanitarian Reasons

On 3rd July 2007, Pax Christi Austria sent a letter to Dr. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the Austrian Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy Commission of the European Commission, expressing its concern for the humanitarian crisis at the Rafah border between Gaza and Egypt. More than 6000 Palestinians have been blocked at this border and the human conditions are terrible. More at

Obstacles Freedom of Movement Mordechai Vanunu Israel

Pax Christi International is following Mr. Mordechai Vanunu’s situation in Israel very closely. The International Secretariat has been informed by reliable sources of the sentencing of Mr. Vanunu, a nuclear whistle-blower who, for over twenty years, has been campaigning for the right of every individual to live in a peaceful world and has been defending the principle of individual moral responsibility towards humanity. According to information received, the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court sentenced Mr. Vanunu to six months’ imprisonment on 2nd July 2007 for “violating an administrative order” which aims at hindering his capacity to leave the country and to talk to foreign journalists. The International Secretariat sent a letter to H.E. Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel, urging the Israeli authorities to cancel the administrative order against Mr. Vanunu as it is contrary to internationally recognised human rights standards. Read the letter in 07-0739.

Torture Prevention in Lebanon

On the Occasion of the "United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture", 26th June 2007, Association Libanaise pour l’Education et la Formation (ALEF), together with Restart Center and Khiam Rehabilitation Centre, launched their project on "Torture Prevention and Monitoring in Lebanon" at the European Commission Headquarters in Beirut. This project, which is funded by the European Union (EU) and co-funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is implemented in partnership with IKV Pax Christi - Netherlands and Pax Christi International. The project targets all groups vulnerable to torture, previous victims of torture, present detainees subject to torture and potential victims living on Lebanese territory. In the first phase, 3 training sessions on torture prevention will be organised in Lebanon. This will be followed by the publication of a report, and advocacy work on national and international level. For more information on this project, contact Lara Arabian, project co-ordinator at [email protected].

Sign the USA Petition to End the War in Iraq

5 Pax Christi USA with NETWORK and Catholics United launched a new effort on 12th July 2007 to raise Catholic voices and bring the war in Iraq to an end. This new effort follows up on the call from Catholic members of Congress imploring the U.S. bishops to be their allies in stopping the Iraq war and comes up as members of the U.S. Congress debated on a new plan to end military operations in Iraq.

"The launch of the Catholics for an End to the War in Iraq Campaign marked a milestone in the growing movement for a new direction in Iraq," said Dave Robinson, Executive Director of Pax Christi USA. "The campaign offered a broad spectrum of Catholics an effective way to make their voices and the voice of our faith tradition heard by those who need to hear it the most." To read further and sign up, go to

Iraqi Civil Society Delegation in Europe

IKV/Pax Christi has invited a delegation from Iraq composed of politicians, members of civil society and academics to carry out advocacy visits in the Netherlands and the European Union. The dates are fixed for 9th – 14th September 2007. The main topics for discussion will be sectarian violence and the need for national reconciliation in the country. Such a process of reconciliation could lead to more stability and peace in Iraq. The role of civil society and the European Union will be discussed in detail. More info via Naglaa Elhajj, e-mail [email protected]


Study Visits to the Balkans

Pax Christi Germany, in close collaboration with Forum Civil Peace Services, is planning a study visit to the Balkans from 21st to 30th September 2007. The aim is to visit different projects of Civil Peace Services in Serbia, Sandzak, Kosovo and Macedonia and to learn about the present political situation. The visit of a trauma-centre for former combatants in Novi Sad is included in the programme. More at

Disarmament & Demilitarisation

Nearly 90 Governments made Submissions on Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)

During the Global Week of Action against Gun Violence and leading up to the 20 th June 2007 deadline for submissions, IANSA members – including Pax Christi International’s member organisations - around the world worked hard to ensure maximum participation by governments in the UN process. Their efforts have been visibly rewarded: the number of government responses is much higher than normal for UN consultations. In addition, majority of the submissions support the need to take into account impacts on human rights and humanitarian law when considering requests for arms transfers. Though the official deadline has passed, governments can still send their views on an ATT to the UN. More at

The Gothenburg Process on Arms Trade

The Gothenburg Process is an ecumenical initiative gathering churches and church-related organisations together around the issue of the arms trade. The Gothenburg Process is planning an international ecumenical conference on arms trade scheduled to take place between 8th and 10th October 2007 in Nairobi, Kenya. The planned conference will be hosted by four ecumenical organisations based in Sweden, including Life and Peace Institute, which is a member organisation of Pax Christi International. Peter Brune, Director of Life and Peace Institute and Consultant with the ExCom of Pax Christi International, will also represent our network. More at

Belgian City Bans Gun Display in Shops

6 The Antwerp city council has banned the display of guns in shop windows. The intention is to reduce impulse buying of guns. Shops in the city are banned from displaying weapons (guns and knives) and pictures of weapons. Flemish IANSA members, including Pax Christi Flanders, have welcomed the move and said it should be extended beyond the city limits to other parts of the country.

Belgian Peace Movement on Security Policies

On the occasion of the formation of a new Belgian federal government and its policies on defence, development and foreign affairs, Pax Christi Flanders and some other NGOs issued a joint statement on 24th July 2007. The Belgian NGOs are urging the new government to take a broad peace and security concept into consideration, which includes economic, political, and diplomatic, and development aspects. The debate about the “responsibility to protect” should not only incorporate the “responsibility to react”, but should certainly include the “responsibility to prevent and to rebuild.” The NGOs are calling for a broad public debate before reforming the Belgian army. Read in Dutch 07-0801.

Pax Christi Italy on Nuclear Disarmament

Pax Christi Italy issued a new publication on the issue of the Roman Catholic Church and nuclear disarmament. Visit

A seminar is being organised in Vicenza on 5th and 6th August 2007 to discuss the issue of nuclear disarmament. On 9th August 2007, a commemoration for the victims of the Nagasaki bombings will be held at the air base of Aviano. More info, via e-mail from [email protected]

Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Violent Conflict

Actions against Torture in USA

Pax Christi USA members across the country took part in a number of actions during “June torture awareness month”, promoted by the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition (TASSC), which then culminated in activities in Washington, D.C,. from 23rd – 26th June 2007, commemorating the annual United Nations International Day in Support of Torture Victims and Survivors.

On 23rd June, Pax Christi USA members joined Sister Dianna Ortiz and other torture survivors from TASSC in a vigil outside of the White House. Ray McGovern, PCUSA member, as well Eric LeCompte, SOAWatch national organiser and former PCUSA National Council Chair, were among those addressing the gathering. On 26th June, Pax Christi members joined thousands of others in the nation’s capital to fight for the end of U.S.-sponsored torture, impunity, and the reinstating of constitutional rights such as habeas corpus. Bishop Walter Sullivan, former Bishop President of Pax Christi USA, represented PCUSA by speaking at an interfaith press conference organised by the National Religious Campaign against Torture, NRCAT. Bishop Sullivan also offered the opening prayer for a rally outside the Capitol for the “Return of Law and Justice” campaign.

TASSC survivors from around the world also visited Congressional offices, calling for repeal of the Military Commissions Act, signed into law last October. TASSC also organised a butterfly releasing ceremony in front of the Supreme Court as part of their focus to “release the world from torture.” More at

Against Slave Labour in Brazil

“ Bound by promises” is the title of a video about contemporary slavery in rural Brazil, co- produced by the Pastoral Commission on Land (CPT), a member organisation of Pax Christi International, WITNESS ( and the Center for Justice and International

7 Law ( production backs the National Campaign against Slave Labour. Slavery was abolished two centuries ago in Brazil. However, every year, over 25,000 workers are enslaved in rural areas, especially the Amazon region. Attracted by lucrative promises of work, men between 18 and 40 leave their homes with the hope of leaving poverty behind as well. One worker put it this way: “Law here is gunfire. Food can be scarce but not bullets to shoot workers.” Brazilian authorities acknowledge the problem and they have launched different initiatives to solve it, but there still seems to be a long way to go. Links to the video and more resources are available, in Portuguese, on CPT’s website: Resources in English can be found on the WITNESS website (see above).

Special Representative on Violence against Children

Pax Christi International and a number of its member organisations have co-signed the NGO Petition calling for the establishment of a Special Representative on Violence against Children to ensure effective follow-up to the UN Secretary General’s Report on Violence against Children. The statement will be presented at the UN during the General Assembly to demonstrate the strength of NGO support for a Special Rapporteur. More at or [email protected]

PC USA Statement Regarding the Failed Immigration Reform Bill

Bishop Gabino Zavala, Bishop President of Pax Christi USA and an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles forwarded the statement from Archbishop Roger Mahony to Pax Christi USA. Bishop Zavala, Archbishop Mahony and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have spoken out prophetically on the issue of immigration and continue to stand in solidarity with immigrants. This statement was issued 29th June 2007. Read in English 07-0691 and in Spanish

Economic Social and Cultural Rights

Pax Christi International gave accreditation to three delegates of the network ‘Social Alert’ (of which Pax Christi International is a member organisation) for the meetings of the Optional Protocol – International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights. These delegates are Prof. Wouter Vandenhole, Bart Verstraeten (coordinator of Social Alert) and Isabel Maté Sobrino. The meetings took place between 16th and 27th July 2007 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

Human Security & Violent Conflict

PC USA: Add Your Voice to Save Our Planet

Members of Pax Christi USA received a special newsletter highlighting the global climate crisis, offering resources for prayer, study and action. Pax Christi USA released a sign-on statement “People of Faith Speak Out on Global Climate Change.” This prophetic statement will serve as a centrepiece for the organising efforts on global climate change in the near future. The 4th of September is the “give up food for a day”- “so others might eat” and sends a powerful message on global warming. More at

Education and Youth Work

Pax Christi France: Youth pilgrimage in Lourdes “Those who counsel peace have joy.”(Proverb 12,20) 16 young people coming from all over France gathered for a Youth camp in Lourdes from 6th – 15th July 2007. During the first 3 days, they took part in the Youth Festival of Solidarity organised by Caritas-France. It was a great moment of sharing and celebration. For the rest of the camp, the participants were volunteers at the “Cité saint Pierre” - a little paradise of Solidarity, which is a huge place that welcomes poor pilgrims. Every morning, the youth helped clean the rooms, cook and do gardening. In the afternoon, they were involved in different activities for peace: meetings with peace workers, walks in the mountain and

8 celebrations. During the youth camp, the participants experienced the spirit of peace and sharing of Lourdes. A report in French can be found here:

A new Peace Blog and Forum The French Youth section has just launched a Peace blog on the net. Visit it to chat with them in any language.

Nonviolent Social Change

UN Declares International Day of Nonviolence

The United Nations General Assembly has decided to observe the International Day of Nonviolence each year on October 2nd – the anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, the spiritual and political leader of India who led the struggle for India’s independence from the British Empire. For details, visit:

Award for Valerie Flessati and Bruce Kent

During the weekend of 21st and 22nd July 2007, the joint annual National Justice and Peace Commissions / Pax Christi UK conference took place in Swanwick with almost 400 people. During the final liturgy, at which Valerie Flessati and Bruce Kent gave wonderful reflections, participants presented a special award to them for a lifetime of peacemaking. It was all a total surprise to the two speakers Read more at:

Developing Peace Spirituality and Theology

International Day of Peace

On 21st September 2007, churches and communities throughout the world are committing to the International Day of Peace through prayer, meditation and other forms of spiritual observance. For 2007, the WCC office for the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) has made prayer and liturgical resources available which are developed in the context of this year's DOV focus on Europe. The theme is “Make me an instrument of your peace”. Several member organisations of Pax Christi International are participating. More information on the International Day of Prayer for Peace on the DOV website . In addition, visit the website of the United Nations International Day of Peace Vigil.

Franz Jägerstätter Beatification

Franz Jägerstätter, the Austrian farmer, was beheaded in Brandenburg, Germany on 9 August 1943 for refusing to fight in Hitler’s army. His cause for beatification has been long promoted by different member organisations of and by Pax Christi International.

The celebration of the beatification of Franz Jägerstätter will take place on 26th October 2007 in Linz, Austria, at 10 am. A seminar will be held on 27th October in Ostermiething while the village of St. Radegund celebration is on 28th October. For those friends willing to attend, please contact Pax Christi Austria at e-mail: [email protected]. For more about the diocese of Linz and the beatification go to

40 th Year of the Papal encyclical Populorum Progressio

The year 2007 is a historic year for the Catholic Church and its organisations involved in international development and peace work as it is the 40th anniversary of the publication of the

9 Papal encyclical Populorum Progressio. The Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace is planning an international conference to celebrate the anniversaries of the Populorum Progressio and the Sollicitudo rei socialis, 22 – 24 November 2007, in Rome. To mark this anniversary, CIDSE (International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity) is organising a visionary conference on the identity and future of Catholic development and peace work entitled “Working Together for Global Justice – Celebrating 40 years of Populorum Progressio” on 24 – 26 October 2007, in the Netherlands. Etienne De Jonghe, Secretary General and Claudette Werleigh, Secretary General elect of Pax Christi International are invited.


New Ecclesiastic Delegate Pax Christi France

From 1st September 2007 onwards, Fr. Jean Guellerin (fils de la charité) will be the new Ecclesiastic Delegate for Pax Christi France. He will work closely with Jean-Pierre Rougeot who remains responsible for Lay Delegates of the section. Fr. Jean replaces Fr. Michel Martin who will remain active within Pax Christi in Lourdes.

Lessons Learned in Ukraine

The Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions meet in Kyiv, Ukraine, from 21st – 25th September 2007. Mr. Jef Felix, member of the Executive Committee of Pax Christi International, will represent the movement. An international workshop will be held on “Unity in precarious diversity. Learning from the experiences of Ukraine, a former Soviet country, on its way to coming to terms with its history.” The workshop will be followed by the Annual General Assembly. More via [email protected]

60 th Annual DPI/NGO Conference New York

Delegates of Pax Christi International will be present at the 60 th Annual DPI/NGO Conference at the United Nations in New York, 5th – 7th September 2007. The issue tackled will be “Climate Change: how it impacts us all!” DPI is the Department for Public Information services at the United Nations. More at

International Calendar

1 – 10 August 2007 Youth Exchange Mesen Programmes Pax Christi Belgium Flanders 2 – 16 August 2007 Accompaniment Palestine [email protected] programme Pax Christi Italy Occupied Palestinian Territories 6 – 9 August 2007 Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan Commemorations 9 August 2007 Franz Jägerstätter Ostermieth Memory Day ing Austria 9 – 16 August 2007 Peace Pilgrimage Pax Holy Land [email protected] Christi Italy 10 – 12 August 2007 National Conference and Seattle 35th Anniversary University Celebrations Pax Christi Seattle USA USA 20 – 24 August 2007 Biological Weapons Geneva Convention Meeting of Experts 23 – 24 August 2007 Regional Meeting Cluster Costa Rica Thomas@stopclustermunitions. Munitions org

10 27 – 30 August 2007 Latin American Lima – [email protected] Consultation Pax Christi Peru International 30 – 31 August 2007 United Nations and the European [email protected] role of Civil Society in Parliament Israel and Palestine Brussels 31 August – 4 Sept 2007 Council on Christian Birmingha [email protected] Approaches to Defence m – UK and Disarmament 4 – 9 Sept 2007 3rd European Ecumenical Sibiu Assembly Romania 5 – 7 Sept 2007 60th DPI/NGO Conference New York United Nations on Climate Change 9 – 14 Sept 2007 Visit Delegation Iraq to the IKV/Pax 11 [email protected] Netherlands and EU Christi 10 – 28 Sept 2007 Regular Session of the Geneva UN Human Rights Council 12 Sept 2007 Coordination Europe & Brussels alessandra.spalletta@broederlij Haiti 13 Sept 2007 International Catholic Paris [email protected] NGOs France 14 – 15 Sept 2007 Seminar International Rome Italy E-mail: [email protected] Humanitarian Law Pontifical Council Justice and Peace

15 – 23 Sept 2007 Annual Peace Week IKV Netherland Pax Christi Netherlands s 17 – 18 Sept 2007 Palestine Israel WCC [email protected] Ecumenical Forum Core Geneva Group 20 – 22 Sept 2007 5th Migration Forum Lisbon Caritas Europe Portugal 21 Sept 2007 International Day for Global Peace United Nations 21 Sept 2007 International Day of Global [email protected] Prayer for Peace WCC 21 – 22 Sept 2007 International Seminar on Rome Italy E-mail: [email protected] Humanitarian Law Pontifical Council Justice and Peace 21 – 25 Sept 2007 Conference of European Kyev [email protected] Justice and Peace Ukraine Commissions 22 – 23 Sept 2007 National Congress Pax Paris Christi France 24 – 25 Sept 2007 ExCom International Paris Coalition for the Decade France 28 Sept 2007 Ecumenical Prayer for Vienna [email protected] Peace Pax Christi Austria Austria 28 – 30 Sept 2007 ExCom International Geneva Peace Bureau 30 Sept 2007 Annual Peace Week Pax Wallonie – [email protected] Christi Wallonie Bruxelles Bruxelles 28 Sept – 7 Oct 2007 Annual Peace Week Pax Flanders [email protected] Christi Flanders Belgium 1 – 5 Oct 2007 Parliamentary Assembly Strasbourg

11 Council of Europe France 2 Oct 2007 International UN Day for Global Nonviolence orld/200706/16/content_895617 .htm 4 – 5 Oct 2007 Informal Interactive UN [email protected] Hearing with Civil Society General Assembly New York 8 – 10 Oct 2007 International Ecumenical Nairobi Conference on Arms Kenya Trade 12 – 13 Oct 2007 Study Days on Rome [email protected] Disarmament Pont. Council Justice and Peace 14 – 21 Oct 2007 Right To Food Global WCC http://www.e- Week of Action 6700.pdf

16 Oct – 3 Nov 2007 UNESCO General Paris [email protected] Conference France

22 Oct – 5 Nov 2007 Accompaniment Palestine [email protected] Programme Pax Christi Italy in Palestine

24 – 26 Oct 2007 40 Years Populorum The [email protected] Progressio CIDSE Netherland s 25 Oct 2007 UNESCO International Paris [email protected] Forum on Civil Society France 26 Oct 2007 Beatification Franz Linz Jägerstätter Austria 29 Oct 2007 ExCom Pax Christi Torhout [email protected] International (Old Belgium composition) 30 Oct 2007 Extraordinary GA of Pax Torhout [email protected] Christi International Belgium 30 Oct – 3 Nov 2007 Triennial World Assembly Torhout [email protected] Pax Christi International Belgium 4 Nov 2007 Celebratory Day PCI “The Bruges [email protected] Journey Continues” Belgium 5 – 6 Nov 2007 Seminar on (1) Human Brussels [email protected] Security with Social Alert and (2) Radicalisation 7 Nov 2007 Seminar Human Security Brussels [email protected] from Bellow Middle East IKV/Pax Christi Netherlands 9 Nov 2007 International Day Against Global Fascism and Anti- Semitism 11 – 12 Nov 2007 IPB Seminar Alexandria Disarmament for Egypt Development: “Books or Bombs?” 13 Nov 2007 IPB Council and ExCom Alexandria

12 Egypt 13 Nov 2007 Study Day 40 Years Leuven www.rechtvaardigheidenvrede.b Populorum Progressio Belgium e 16 – 18 Nov 2007 Study Days on Kortenberg Constructive Alternatives Belgium for Violence Pax Christi Flanders 18 – 22 Nov 2007 8th Meeting of State Amman Parties to the Mine Ban Jordan r Treaty 19 Nov 2007 World Day for Prevention Global of Child Abuse 22 – 24 Nov 2007 International Conference Rome Italy E-mail: [email protected] Populorum Progressio and Sollicitudo rei socialis Pontifical Council Justice and Peace 24 Nov 2007 General Assembly Pax Antwerp Christi Flanders Belgium 25 Nov 2007 International Day for the Global Elimination of Violence Against Women 26 – 30 Nov 2007 International Conference Geneva Red Cross 29 Nov – 1 Dec 2007 Article 9 Asia Tokyo [email protected] . Interreligious Congress Japan 5 – 7 Dec 2007 General Assembly Geneva CONGO 5 – 7 Dec 2007 Vienna Conference Vienna Thomas@stopclustermunitions. Cluster Munitions Austria org 10 Dec 2007 International Human Global Rights Day United Nations 10 – 14 Dec 2007 Session Human Rights Geneva Council 10 – 14 Dec 2007 Meeting of State Parties Geneva on the Convention against Biological Weapons 11 Dec 2007 Ambassadors for Peace Pax Christi Award Flanders 16 Dec 2007 Peace Sunday Pax Christi France France 28 Dec 2007 – 2 Jan Pax Christi Germany Auschwitz E-mail: pax-christi.aachen@t- 2008 Retreat in Auschwitz Poland 2008 Commemorations M. Global Gandhi (1948) and M.L. King (1968) 1 Jan 2008 World Day of Peace Global 12 – 17 Jan 2008 Peace Pilgrimage Holy Holy Land [email protected] Land Coordination

29 – 31 Jan 2008 Congress on Peace and Sewagram [email protected] Non-Violence Gandhi , Wardha, 2008 International India 18 – 22 Feb 2008 Wellington Conference Wellington Thomas@stopclustermunitions. Cluster Munitions New org Zealand 3 – 28 March 2008 Human Rights Council Geneva 8 March 2007 International Day for Global

13 Women’s Rights women/womday97.htm 1 – 10 April 2008 Peace Pilgrimage Holy Holy Land Brigitte.Herremans@paxchristi. Land Pax Christi Flanders be 3 April 2008 60th Anniversary Pax Kevelaer [email protected] Christi Germany Germany 4 – 6 April 2008 60th Anniversary Congress Berlin [email protected] Pax Christi Germany Germany 7 – 18 April 2008 Second Review The Hague [email protected] Conference Chemical – the Weapons Convention Netherland United nations s 12 April 2008 Pax Christi Flanders Family Day 13 – 15 April 2008 Annual Conference University Catholic Peace Building of Notre Network Dame USA 28 April – 9 May 2008 Second Session PrepCom Geneva 2010 Review Conference Parties Treaty NPT

1 May 2008 60th Anniversary Pax Bühl - Christi Freiburg/Germany Germany

20 – 21 May 2008 Days of Prayer & Action Global for Peace in Colombia 21 – 25 May 2008 Katholikentag Osnabrück Germany [email protected] 30 – 31 May – 1 June 3rd International Salon for Paris 2008 Peace France 2 June – 13 July 2008 Human Rights Council Geneva 20 June 2008 International Refugee Day Global 30 June – 4 July 2008 Seventh Annual Melbourne [email protected] Conference “Globalisation Australia for the Common Good – An Interfaith Perspective” 6 – 10 Oct 2008 International Network of Kyoto [email protected]. Museums for Peace Japan uk Conference 7 – 9 Nov 2008 General Assembly Pax Kevelaer Christi Germany Germany 11 Nov 2008 Pax Christi Peace Route France – [email protected] 2008 Belgium e 4 – 15 May 2009 Third Session PrepCom New York 2010 Review Conference Parties Treaty NPT 2010 IPB Nobel Centenary Global 26 April – 21 May 2010 2010 Review Conference New York Parties Treaty NPT 4 – 11 May 2011 International Ecumenical Global Peace Convocation WCC pc

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Pax Christi is the International Catholic Peace Movement with Members Worldwide


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