Global History and Geography I Name: ______

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Global History and Geography I Name: ______

A Matching Exercise Global History and Geography I Name: ______E. Napp Date: ______

A. The Nile River Valley had a major Hunters and Gatherers influence on the development of this civilization. B. It can best be defined as producing just Neolithic Revolution enough food for a family’s survival. There is no surplus. C. It is the continent where humans first Mesopotamia appeared. It is the birthplace of humanity.

D. It separated cultures of Europe and Asia. Egyptian It hindered invaders from entering India. It was terraced to farm. E. It is the land between the Tigris and Huang He Euphrates Rivers. Sumerian civilization and writing developed in this land. F. It is best defined as the belief that one’s Code of Hammurabi culture is superior to all other cultures. It increases tensions between cultures. G. The archaeological evidence gathered Mountains by these individuals suggests that early humans developed in the Great Rift Valley. H. Civilizations developed as a result of this Location turning point, the turning point when people learned to farm and domesticate animals. I. The earliest humans were nomads. They Louis and Mary Leakey searched for food. They were ______. J. South America’s economic and political Ethnocentrism development has been influenced by this geographic feature and the Amazon River. K. The spread of iron-making technology in Subsistence Farming Africa is an example. Buddhism in China is an example. Cultural exchanges occur. L. This geographic factor directly Andes Mountains influenced the early interactions between China and Korea. M. Early civilization in China developed in Africa the valley near this river. It is also known as the Yellow River. N. It was the first written law code. It had Cultural Diffusion harsh punishments and class divisions. Wealthy individuals could pay. A. This Chinese belief stated that the gods Geography chose the emperor to rule but could remove a corrupt emperor. B. They were philosophers of ancient Athens Greece. One of these philosophers said, “Know thyself.” C. His conquests led to the expansion of the Parthenon Hellenistic culture. Greek ideas spread to new lands. D. Invaders, corrupt emperors, and high Sparta taxes were causes of this turning point in world history. E. These were written Roman laws. It Helots included principles like innocence until proven guilty and equality before the law. F. It affects human behavior. An example Socrates, Plato, Aristotle is the most densely populated area of India is the Ganges River Valley. G. Paper, the compass, and gunpowder are Alexander the Great examples. Cultural diffusion led to their spread. H. It was a militaristic city-state. All males Hellenism were soldiers. Slaves farmed.

I. The Romans were known for this Italian Peninsula accomplishment as were the Incas in the Andes Mountains in South America. J. Its geographic location contributed to Roman Empire Roman control of the Mediterranean Sea. It was centrally located in the sea. K. It is a Greek-like culture. “Hellas” was Twelve Tables the Greek word for Greece and “Hellenes” meant Greeks. L. This society practiced direct democracy. Road System Only free men born in Athens voted. Women, slaves, and foreigners could not. M. It was a temple to Athena. Its columns Fall of Rome have been studied and copied by architects around the world. N. They were slaves in Sparta. They farmed Mandate of Heaven and often were abused by their Spartan overlords. O. In Western Europe, feudalism developed Chinese Inventions after the fall of this empire. Serfs, manors, and fiefs came into existence. A. It is the belief in many gods. Great Wall Practitioners of animism and Shinto are polytheists. B. It is the belief in one God. Judaism, Pillars of Asoka Christianity, and Islam share this belief as well as moral and ethical conduct. C. This text is essential to the practice of Gupta Islam. Muslims believe it contains God’s words to his Prophet Muhammad. D. It is a monotheistic belief. In fact, it is Animism the world’s first, lasting monotheistic belief. The Torah is important. E. Brahma, dharma, and moksha are Polytheism associated with it. It is the dominant religion of India. F. The Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Shinto Path, and nirvana are associated with it. Desires cause suffering but suffering can end. G. It is a fixed class system. It lacks social Judaism mobility. Birth determines “class”. A person cannot change his “class”. H. It is the oldest religion of Japan. The Monotheism worship of spirits in nature is important. It is similar to animism. I. It is the world’s oldest belief system. The Qu’ran (Koran) worship of spirits in nature is important. It is similar to Shinto. J. After a violent battle, a Mauryan king Five Pillars renounced violence and ordered the construction of columns with words of peace K. The development of the concept of zero Ka’aba and the use of the decimal system were achievements of this Indian Empire. L. It was built to protect China from Hinduism nomadic invaders. Many workers died during construction. M. Principles include life has suffering, Caste System desire causes suffering, suffering can end, and follow the Noble Eightfold Path. N. The belief in one God, prayer, charity, Buddhism fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca are important. O. This cube-shaped structure in Mecca, Four Noble Truths Arabia is an important part of the pilgrimage or Hajj. A. It is best defined as land is exchanged for Emperor Constantine military service. Lords exchange land to vassals in return for their soldiers. B. It was the most important force in Confucianism providing unity and stability throughout western Europe during the Middle Ages. C. The Eastern Orthodox religion, the Filial Piety Cyrillic alphabet, and different styles of architecture were adopted. D. In China, the development of a civil Byzantine Empire service examination and a belief in filial piety reflect the influence of it. It provided a basis for social order. E. It was a thriving city in the 1200s mainly Emperor Justinian because of its location on a major trade route between Asia and eastern Europe. F. It was formerly the Eastern Roman Code of Justinian Empire. It preserved Greek and Roman culture. E. Sons must honor and obey parents. This Hagia Sophia principle can be found in the Five Relationships (i.e. father and son). G. It was the part of a fief (the lord’s land) Byzantine Influence on Russia where the people lived and worked. It was self-sufficient. It produced its needs. H. He preserved and transmitted Greek Constantinople and Roman culture. He collected Roman laws and conquered land. I. He was bound to his Lord’s land. He Feudalism worked in exchange for protection and could not leave his Lord’s land. J. He owned land and exchanged land for Roman Catholic Church soldiers. Loyalty was owed him. He also protected his serfs. K. It was a collection of Roman laws. The Middle Ages collection was ordered by Emperor Justinian. L. This period developed after the Roman Serf Empire collapsed (in the West). Feudalism developed during this period. M. It was a beautiful Byzantine church in Lord Constantinople. Its architecture is studied.

Manor N. This Roman emperor converted to Christianity and named a city for himself. Word Bank:

South America, Primary Source, Code of Hammurabi, Cultural Diffusion, Confucianism, Guild, Roman, Buddhism, Mediterranean, Neolithic  Word Bank: Economics, Mountains, Leakeys, Neolithic, Subsistence, Islam, Gupta, Byzantine, Feudalism, Crusades 

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