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“ THE FUELING WORD” Jn.1:1-10 foundational word;fundamental word;fuel;little things little things in the Bible are often found to be very big! Little lad’s lunch;Bethelem;”so”(little spark of a word

That turns out to be a mighty fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I-THE SITUATION INVOLVED A-no other circumstances but Calvary 1-must be viewed in 4 different ways a-man did a work(his depravity)***** b-satan did a work(manifested his enmity against the women’s seed by bruising His heel) c-Jesus did a work(just for the unjust) d-God the Father did a work(exhibited His holiness & satisfied His justice by pouring out His wrath on the One who was made sin for us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B-no other crown but the cross C-no other character but Christ **1-Issac Watts(Was it for crimes that I had done,He groaned upon the tree ?Amazing pity,grace unknown and love beyond degree.*** II-THE SEPERATION INDICATED A-seperated in a social way(Phil.2:6-8;Jn.1:14) 1-from the abode of His Father 2-from the atmosphere of His Father B-seperated in a special way 1-from the majesty of the Godhead 2-from the mystery of the Godhead C-seperated in a spiritual way 1-forsaken by the Father a-the holiness of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1-the seraphim veil their faces 2-Abraham cried;”I am but dust and ashes” 3-Isaiah-“woe is me for I am undone” 4-“He is of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cans’t not look on iniquity.” 2-Jesus left alone with the sinner’s sin!!!!!!!! I-THE SITUATION INVOLVED II-THE SEPERATION INDICATED

III-THE SALVATION INCLUDED A-the plan of God was salvation 1-Calvary shows how far men will go in sin, and hoe far God will go for man’s salvation B-the provision of God was His Son 1-sacrifice was needed 2-substitute was provided a-He bore our sins on yhe cross b-God’s claims against us have been fully met c-forsaken of God for a season that we might enjoy His presence forever d-He was forsaken that I might be forgiven!!!!! C-the program of God was for sinners 1-conceived in glory 2-climaxed at Calvary 3-constituted in the hearts of men CLOSE:here is a so without an as(nuthin can compare)

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