1. I'm Very Interested. I Think the Flat Is Extremely Nice

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1. I'm Very Interested. I Think the Flat Is Extremely Nice

Adjectives and Adverbs 1 Identify: read this notice about a flat for rent. Underline the adjective and circle the adverbs. Then draw an arrow from the adjective or adverb to the word it

2 Complete: Many people went to see the flat described in the advert above. Complete their comments about the flat with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. I'm very interested. I think the flat is extremely nice .

(Extreme / nice)

2. I was expecting much bigger rooms. I was . (Terribl e/ disappointed)

3. I thought the flat would be hard to find but it was .

(Surprising / easy)

4. I was happy to hear that the park is . ( Extreme / safe) 5. It's a great place and the price is reasonable. It will go .

(Incredible / slow)

6. The owner seems nice but she talks .

(Awful /slow)

7. The advert said it was quiet but I heard the neighbours .

(Very / clear)

8. I heard them, too. I thought their voices were .

(Unusual / loud)

9. All in all, it's an place. (Exce ptional /pleasant) 3 Choose: Complete Maggie’s letter with the correct word in bracket». 4 Edit: Read this student's diary entry. Find and correct seven mistake» in the use of adjectives and adverbs. The first mistake has already been corrected.

Adjectives and Adverbs 1 Identify: Read this article on washing powders, Underline all the comparisons with adjectives. Circle the comparisons with adverbs.

2 Complete: Read these conversations. Complete them with (not) as….as …..And the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Thomas: does you new bike handle as comfortably as the old one? a. (hand/comfortable) Dania: It's great. The handlebars and the brakes b. (not be / wide)

to reach. This bike was made for a small person like me. c.(not be/ hard)

2. Charlie: We need a name for this product. It should show that this washing powder the others but to the environment a. (clean / effective) b. (not be /unfriendly)

EVA: I like ‘GreeKleen’. It other product names and c. (sound / exciting) it the message theirs, too. d. (express I dear) SAM: The last group I cycled with a herd of elephants. a. (be / noisy) I prefer to cycle alone but I know it's dangerous. JACK: Come cycling with me next weekend. I a mouse, I promise. b, (pedal! quiet) 3 Compare& complete: Read the chart comparing several models of bicycle. Complete the sentences with (not) as ... as and the correct form of the words in brackets. Choose between affirmative and negative.

1. The Gordo doesn’t stop as quickly as the Trax and the Huff. (Stop / quick) 2. On wet ground, the Huff the Trax. (Stop / slow) 3. The Gordo the Trax and the Huff. (Be / expensive) 4. The Trax the Huff. (Feel / comfortable) 5. The Trax , either. (be/cheap) 6. Even the Gordo the Trax. (Ride / comfortable) 7. On the road, the Gordo the Trax. (Handle / good) 8. Off the road, the Gordo and the Huff the Trax. (Handle/ good) 9. The Gordo's gears the Huff's but the Trax's.

(be / easy to change) (be / easy to change) 4 Edit: Read these forum postings. Find and correct six mistakes in the use of comparisons. The first mistake has already been corrected. Adjectives: Comparatives 1 True or False: Look at these two restaurant ads. Then read the statements below and decide if they are True (T) or False (F).

F 1. Luigi's is older than Antonio's.

2. Antonio's is more romantic than Luigi's.

3. Luigi's is probably less crowded.

4. Antonio's seems cheaper than Luigi's.

5. On Tuesdays, Luigi's has shorter business hours. 2 Compare & Complete: Look at part of Luigi's menu. Then complete the comparisons. Use the comparative form of the words in brackets. 1. The spaghetti primavera is cheaper than the spaghetti arrabbiata. (Cheap) 2. The linguine aglio e olio is the fettuccini Alfredo. (Expensive) 3. The spaghetti arrabbiata is and the linguine aglio e olio. (Hot) (Spicy) 4. The fettuccini Alfredo is the spaghetti primavera. (Fattening) 5. The spaghetti primavera is the fettuccini Alfredo. (Healthy) 3 Complete: Read these comments about a restaurant. 'Complete them with the comparative form of the words in brackets to show cause and effect or a change. 1. A: I can't believe the size of this menu. It's going to take me forever to choose.

B: The longer the menu, the more difficult the choice. (Long) (Difficult) 2. A: they say the food here is getting and .

(good) B: And the food , it is. (Good) (Expensive) 3. A: The service seems a little slow tonight. B: Yes, the restaurant, the service. (popular) (slow) 4. A: The cigarette smoke here is getting and .

(bad) B: the room, my cough gets. (smoky) (bad) 5. A: It's pretty loud in here. B: the restaurant, it is. (crowded) (noisy) 6. A: They certainly give you a lot of food. I can't eat any more.

B:______the portions, ______it is to finish. (big) (hard) 7. A: Their desserts keep getting and .

(delicious) B: And I keep getting and .

(heavy) 4

Edit: Read this restaurant review. Find and correct eight mistakes in the use 01 the comparative of adjectives. The first mistake has already been corrected.

Adjectives :Superlatives 1 Identify: Read this Mother's Day card written by a young child. Underline all the superlative adjectives. 2 Choose & Complete: Read these sentences from Valentine's Day cards. Complete them with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets and the expressions in the box. Of all in the school of my life in our family in the world of the year 1. You are so good to me. I am the luckiest person in the world. (Lucky) 2. The day we were married was day . (happy) 3. You are a terrific teacher. You are teacher . (good) 4. You make me feel warm even in months . I (cold) 5. You are cousin . (nice) 6. Grandma, you are person , Maybe that's why I love you the most (wise)

3 Describe: Look at these items. Write sentences about them. Use the superlative form of the words in brackets. 1. The book is the least expensive gift . (Expensive) 2. The painting . (Unusual) 3. The painting . (Practical) 4. The book . (Small) 5. The painting . (big) 6. The scarf . (Expensive) 7. The toy . (Funny) 4 Edit: Read this paragraph from a student's essay. Find and correct five mistakes in the use of superlative adjectives. The first mistake has already been corrected.

Adverbs: comparatives and superlatives 1 Identify: Read this feature story from the sports section of the newspaper. Underline all the comparative forms once. Underline all the superlative forms twice.

2 Complete: Read this conversation between friends. Complete it with the comparative or superlative forms of the words in brackets. Add the and than where necessary. BILLY: Did you hear about that new speed-reading course? It helps you read faste r and . 1. (Fast) 2.(well) MICHAEL: I don't believe it! The you read, the you understand. 3.(fast) 4.(little) BILLY: The advert says that after the course, you'll read ten times and understand five times more. And the best thing is that you won't 5.(rapidly) have to work any . 6. (hard) MICHAEL: I'd like to see that. When I was at school, I read of any student 7. (slowly) in my class but I also remembered details and of any of my classmates. 9. (long) BILLY: Maybe you could read even that and still remember details. That way, 10. (quickly) you'd have more time to go to the gym. MICHAEL: Did you read the course description properly? BILLY: I read it I read most things. 11. (Thoroughly) 3 Choose & Complete: Look at the chart. Then complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the words in the box .You will use some words more than once.

Far good fast bad slow high

1. Clarke jumped further than Smith. 2. Davies vaulted the highest of all. 3. Rogers ran . 4. Smith ran Davies. 5. Davies jumped . 6. Clarke ran Smith. 7. Davies vaulted Smith. 8. All in all, Davies did . 9. All in all, Smith did . 4 Edit: Read this student's report about a basketball game. Find and correct seven mistakes in the use of adverbs. The first mistake has already been corrected.

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