A Chapter of the Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association

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A Chapter of the Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association

COLORADO PASOS A Chapter of the Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association October 2006

GW Membership Renewal Time!

It's time to renew your Membership!! Remember, your annual Great Western PFHA Membership expired on September 30th! If you haven't already renewed, please send your Membership Form and payment to Judi Bradbury. The grace period ends Oct. 30! The Membership Form and details appear at the end of this newsletter. Please keep your membership current so that you can continue to receive this (terrific) Newsletter without any interruption!

Colorado Chapter Trail Ride and Meeting Oct 1, 2006 Oct. 1st Trail Ride Notes by Nancy Wenlock

Hidden Mesa in Franktown was the site of the trail ride organized by Suzie Tiller prior to the Colorado Chapter meeting the same day. There was ample parking for trailers, and covered picnic tables for our lunch later on. The terrain started out flat. The "water obstacle" consisted of a little creek that I for one needed to take my horse through several times. My mare got over her fear of the water and even enjoyed wading around in it too. Crossing the bridge was the other option and most of the horses crossed the bridge without a blink of an eye.

The flat ride toward the Mesa was relaxing. The day was sunny, bright and couldn't have been better for a ride! Although there were over 20 riders, people had started off at different times, so the trail ride consisted of several small groups of riders. As we approached the switchback trails going up the side of the Mesa, my horse could see the horses from another group way up ahead. She wanted to push hard and catch up to those horses! But as we started to climb the rocky trail, my horse realized she had enough work to do just going up the side of the hill. It was quite rocky. The horses had to pick their way carefully as they went up the incline. Once at the top, the view of Pike's Peak was spectacular! And looking down toward Franktown was beautiful too. The roads resembled ribbons as they criss-crossed the land below. The clouds came over just about the time we got to the top of the mesa, giving us welcome relief from the direct sunshine, and a light breeze helped as well. Riding over the hard rock surfaces of the mesa summit was a new experience for me. There were a few steps down from rock to rock and I let my horse figure out how she wanted to take each step. She had no shoes on and she did a marvelous job of showing how sure-footed the Paso Fino is!

The way back took us through a high meadow and then back down the same trail we had come up on. It was about an hour and a half or a bit more of riding I think. There were nice places along the plain where people could canter their horses if they chose to.

Altogether it was a more challenging ride than I had expected, but one well worth doing. My horse was unshod, and she did just fine. It was fun to ride with other Paso Fino owners. My photos were sent to Terry Wallace for the coloradopasofinos.com website. If any of you have photos from the ride, please send them to Terry too!

Perhaps we could plan another ride there. I would certainly go again! - Nancy Wenlock

* * * *

Following are the Minutes of the Oct 1st meeting so that everyone who couldn't attend can be informed of the content. Some dates mentioned have already gone by, but the Minutes are being published in total anyway. (Additions/corrections can be brought up at the next meeting. Don't be too harsh on the new Secretary - me!)

Minutes of the Colorado Chapter of the GWPFHA Oct 1, 2006

The meeting was called to order by Suzie Tiller, President, at 2:11 pm following the ride at Hidden Mesa. The President welcomed two new members to the Board: Nancy Wenlock Secretary and Mike Ecker Treasurer. (Mike was unavoidably absent from this meeting.) The sign-in sheet was passed around. Present at the meeting were: Denise Bachmann, Barb Brickley, Stacy and Kenny Curby, Linda Evans, Kathy Fagerholm, Wanda Hobart, Carol and Hank Kuiper, Scott Langdon, Roger Lanphier, Diana Marquardt, Pamela Meister, Helena McIntosh, Carol Pitts, Lynne and Craig Strauss, Harold and Carol Terry, Suzie and Rick Tiller, Doug Torza, Terry Wallace, Nancy Wenlock and a guest at the meeting was Theresa Cavanaugh. The President welcomed everyone to the meeting including a new member: Carol Pitts.

The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting from Feb 2006.

Carol Kuiper has stepped down as Treasurer. She has turned over $ 2000 and has kept between $320-$380 to cover the website costs (4.95 monthly) and the cost of the last newsletter, plus $ 125 to pay for the Parade of Lights in Colorado Springs this December. She will turn over all paperwork as soon as she can.

Carol brought up the $ 10 per Chapter member that she said should come back to the Chapter from GW. The President pointed out that because the Chapter has funds and that GW may need the money more than we do, that we allow GW to keep that money. The members at the meeting concurred so no action will be taken to try to get those funds back to the Chapter.

The President announced that the CO Board will work out a budget for the year and send it out to all members for their info.

The President also suggested that if any members want to spend Chapter funds on something not covered by the budget, anything over $ 100.00 should be voted upon and approved by the Chapter members.

FUN SHOW The President asked whether a Fun Show would be something we'd like to do again this year and the answer was YES! Carol Terry and Lynne Strauss will Co-Chair. Carol Kuiper volunteered to get the clubs representing other breeds to join in. Suzie volunteered to help, as did Nancy. The 4th Sunday in May has been reserved at JeffCo Fairgrounds. (That date is May 27th, 2007). Volunteers are needed to help Lynne Strauss and Carol Terry so please contact them to help. (It is duly noted that Hank WILL work for beer).

Carol Kuiper also said that last year's Fun Show did make money and that is why the Chapter was able to make a $ 400 payment to GW.

CLINICS The President asked if we are interested in having a Paso Fino clinic and the answer was also yes. Terry Wallace offered to contact Betsy McHugh, certified PFHA Judge, Trainer & Clinician in Texas to see about her scheduling, costs, dates, etc. Terry will also check with her neighbor about using the new indoor arena near her.

The Chapter is also interested in having a natural horsemanship type clinic. Diana Marquardt will contact Frank Bell to check on scheduling, location, and costs for a clinic. (Carol Kuiper mentioned that the JeffCo arena where clinics have been held before costs $ 55.)

PARADES Carol Kuiper briefed the members about the Colorado Springs Parade of Lights which costs $ 125.00 per club, that has 100,000 spectators and TV spots. It takes place on Sat. Dec 2nd and is a night parade so parade-safe horses are a must. Carol and Hank have taken part for several years even when it was a blizzard last year. Kenny Curby and others voiced an interest in participating this year so it was agreed to cover the $ 125 entry fee from Chapter funds. It is hoped that we can have a good number of people and horses in this year's parade as it is a great way to promote the PF breed.

Suzie Tiller talked about Western Welcome Week in Littleton in August. The parade entry costs $45.00 and there is also a fun show at the WWW.

Denise Bachmann mentioned that the Parker Carriage Parade is coming up on Dec 9th. There are no automobiles allowed in this parade so it is a great training parade for horses have not been in a parade yet. ("What makes a good parade horse?" will be the subject of an upcoming article in the Newsletter).

Denise also talked about Limon Days, the 2nd weekend in June. It takes place on a Friday with an overnight and then a ride into Limon and then the parade. She said it's a whole lot of fun and she encouraged Chapter members to join in next year. It costs around $ 40, which includes a ranch BBQ dinner, the ranch ride, ride into Limon the next morning and then the parade.

Diana Marquardt talked about her visit to Fort Robinson in Nebraska, where people can bring their horses, have a tour, and Roger Lanphier added to Diana's information and said that there is plenty to do for non horsey people as well. The trip has to be fully reserved and paid for by Jan 1, 2007, and she will get more info for us on that. Nancy Wenlock mentioned the I-70 Corridor area which includes Strasburg, Bennett, Byers and Deer Trail and said that each of these towns has parades during the summer. She will be getting more info on each one and she encouraged anyone who would like to join her riding in them to contact her for info.

Denise Bachmann asked about banners for the Chapter and Suzie said that she is in the midst of gathering up all the Chapter things including banners.

The President thanked several people for their contribution to the Chapter and each person got a round of applause: Carol Kuiper for everything she has done for the Chapter including the Fun Show this year; Denise Bachmann for organizing the trail rides she did last summer; Diana Marquardt for her work to come in organizing a trail ride in her neck of the woods. The President then asked the Chapter members to please keep Meg Purnell in their thoughts and prayers for Meg's upcoming eye surgery later this month. Meg was thanked for putting together the cow sorting/penning clinics and at the Mile Hi, and for promoting the Paso Fino breed through all the various activities she takes part in. (Meg was unable to attend this meeting.) The President thanked Rick, Suzie's husband, for making the chili(s) we all enjoyed today too.

Carol Kuiper announced the Phil Long Ford demo for this year - it takes place on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. Someone is needed as an MC and people are needed to bring their horses for demo rides for those days. Last year it was pretty fun.

April 13-15 was noted as the Gold Cup show in Las Vegas if anyone plans to attend.

Doug Torza talked to the members about the fact that he has joined a bunch of riding clubs and finds it's a great way to promote Paso Finos! He highly recommended people join their local county horse association and mentioned the Front Range Backcountry Horsemen, as an example.

Denise B also mentioned that this coming Saturday, Oct. 7th, is a work day at Indian Creek in order to build pipe corrals for equestrians who ride there. The work day starts at 9:00 till 2:00 or so and anyone who would like to join in would be appreciated and should call her. There will also be an (overnight?) ride. As for the Christmas Party, Suzie Tiller volunteered having it at her house this year, and it was decided to have it at 1:00 Saturday Dec 16th, with the 17th being the snow date. Everyone should bring a $ 15 gift for the gift exchange. Diana Marquardt suggested that gifts be horse related. It will be a pot luck hors d'oeuvre party.

Membership in the Colorado Horse Council was brought up. The President asked if we would like to join it as a group, even though some of us are members individually and the answer was YES. It was felt that it is important to keep up with legislative issues in regards to horses here in the state, so that will be pursued this year.

The President pointed out that several people from our Chapter are included in the PFHA 2006/2007 Horse Directory. Congratulations to you all!

Carol Kuiper as Delegate to PFHA briefed the meeting on why she would like to vote NO on the PFHA budget at this time. There was general agreement to vote NO.

The President also explained why the board voted NO last year on allocating funds for the vet to make a determination on the tail alteration. She explained that the vote was not about tail alteration but only allocating an undetermined amount of money from the budget for the vet work. (The vet work was later paid for by private funding.)

The President showed the members the rhythm beads that she will be making and selling for $ 20 as a fund raiser for the Chapter.

Names were picked for T-Shirt and other prize giveaways so congratulations to those winners.

Memberships need to be renewed, so applications were passed around during the meeting so that people could get those filled out and paid for today. Thank you to all who renewed today.

The President and a couple of other members will be attending the upcoming GW Regional meeting on the 7th of Oct in Grand Junction.

The Chapter meeting was adjourned at 3:20.

(Secretary's note: if anyone feels I left out vital info, I'll include it in the next meeting minutes. Please bear with me. It was a hefty meeting that covered a lot and I have to practice writing and listening at the same time!)

PS I would like to thank Suzie Tiller on behalf of everyone who attended for organizing the meeting and that wonderful trail ride! Thanks to Rick Tiller for making TWO kinds of yummy chili! And thank you to all who brought such scrumptious food! It really made the meeting very enjoyable indeed! - Secretary, Nancy Wenlock

Colorado Chapter of Great Western Officers President Advertising Rates Suzie Tiller Non-members P. O. Box 306 Franktown, CO, 80116 Full Page $40.00 (303) 688-3771 Half Page $25.00 [email protected] Members Secretary Full Page $25.00 Nancy Wenlock Half Page $15.00 4194 Horseshoe Drive Quarter Page $10.00 Strasburg, CO 80136 Classified ad – first one free (303) 622-4123 Second Classified $5.00 (720) 201-9492 [email protected] Please send your ads to: Treasurer Nancy Wenlock Mike Ecker [email protected] PMB 518 PO Box 22000 Telluride, CO 81435 (970) 728-8394 [email protected]

Editorial - National Animal Identification System is bad news for horse owners.

Not only is this something that is NOT market driven, but it will be expensive and cumbersome for horse owners, whether they run a breeding facility or just have pleasure horses like a lot of us.

House Bill 1361 - Animal Identification. Go to this website and get the FACTS about the NAIS. www.farmandranchfreedom.org This is something we cannot afford to be apathetic about. I am not usually an activist but this issue has got to be one of the worst pieces of legislation to come down the pike. It could cause horse owners undue expense and red tape in ways we have never imagined before. Please inform yourself about it.

While we hear that this program is currently voluntary, all signs point to it being mandatory by 2009. That's just over 2 years away! I hope I am wrong!

At our recent meeting, we decided to become a member of the Colorado Horse Council. This is a good first step. I believe it is vital for us to become active and have a united voice in this matter. - Nancy Wenlock, Editor

New Trail by Suzie Tiller

I had the opportunity to go on a trail ride October 14th with the Douglas Elbert County Horse Council. What a wonderful day it was! Dawson Butte will be opening to the public sometime after December of 07. It is located south of Castle Rock off of Tomah Road. There were 47 riders, a Pot Luck lunch, and blue skies all around! This is an amazing piece of land! Over 800 acres are being acquired in the first phase, with another 400 to come later. This is going to become my most favorite place to ride when it becomes open to the public!

Curly and I had a wonderful time, we rode almost 3 hours and never passed a hiker, biker, or motorized vehicle. But let me tell you, we did pass a lot of other horses! Curly was the only Paso Fino. Lots of people asked questions about the Paso Fino and I was glad to share with them what it is I love about the breed.

The DHCHC purpose is to promote and improve the horse industry and it provides emergency related rescue. They are here to educate and report horse related issues. They support trail development, open space, and safety. I became a member of this organization so I might better stay on top of the happenings in the horse industry.

If you would like to find out more about this non-profit organization, please contact Jan Wehrli, 303-688-0553 or [email protected] Calendar of Events

Oct. 27-29 High Desert Classic Paso Fino Show, Hurricane, Utah

October 28, 2006 6:30 PM Great Western Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Banquet at the Washington County Regional Park, Hurricane, UT.

Sat and Sun Nov 4-5 Westernaires' "Horse Capades of 2006" at the National Western Events Center, 47th and Humboldt. Shows at 2pm and 8 pm Nov 4th and 2pm Nov 5. If you would like a chance to win two tickets, email your name to Nancy right away. There will be 2 drawings for 2 tickets each from all the names received by noon Nov 1st! What a perk from reading the newsletter!

Fri and Sat Nov. 24 -25 Paso Fino Demo at Phil Long Ford's Expo Center in Colorado Springs. Contact Carol Kuiper at [email protected] or 719-347-2121 to participate. We will be riding and letting the audience ride our horses for a total of 1 hour each day (in a small indoor arena). Please come and bring a suitable horse! We also need an Announcer each day to help answer questions.

Sat. Dec.2 Festival of Lights Parade, Colorado Springs. Contact Carol Kuiper at [email protected] or 719-347-2121 if you would like to participate. Horses and riders are to be decorated up with lots of lights as this is a night time parade. Only parade safe horses please.

Sat. Dec 9 Parker Carriage Parade. Contact Denise Bachmann [email protected] or 303-646-1531 to participate. No vehicles are allowed so this is a great "starter parade" if you or your horse don't have parade experience!

Dec 16 -Christmas Party--1:00 p.m. Suzie's Place-Franktown. Snow date the 17th. Pot Luck hors d'oeuvres.

Jan 1, 2007 Date by which your payment and reservations are due if you are going to ride at Fort Robinson, NE. See below for details. Contact Diana Marquardt [email protected] or 970-887-2450 April or May, 2007? Possible dates for one more clinic with a Paso Fino Judge and Trainer we are trying to organize.

Apr 13-15, 2007 Gold Cup Show in Las Vegas, NV.

Early May, 2007? Natural Horsemanship Clinic? Diana Marquardt has gathered information about having a clinic with Frank Bell. He is nationally known. The fees for a 2 day clinic would be: Horse and rider-$300 (possible stalls extra) 1 day audit-$25, 2 day audit-$35. We need 8 horses and riders committed to participate. We would need $125.00 up front to reserve your space and this money would not be refunded unless there was a medical emergency. The balance would need to be paid 2 weeks prior to the clinic. We need to hear back from people RIGHT AWAY on this so we can decide to confirm this clinic or not. His calendar is filling up! Visit Frank Bell's website at: http://www.horsewhisperer.com/clinics_and_training.htm Diana is also checking into venues for such a clinic. Contact Diana or Suzie ASAP for riding in or auditing this clinic. If they don't hear back from you it will be assumed there is no interest. Please check out Frank's website and contact Suzie at (303) 688-3771 or [email protected] or contact Diana Marquardt [email protected] or 970-887- 2450

Sunday May 27, 2007 Paso Fino Fun Show at Jefferson Cty Fairgrds. We want your help and input for a great show and good time. Co-chairs Carol Terry and Lynn Strauss [email protected] [email protected]

2nd Weekend in June, 2007 Limon Days. This is a ride on Friday, an overnight, and then a ride into Limon Sat. and the parade. Contact Denise Bachman [email protected] or 303-646-1531

*Date To Be Decided* Fort Robinson, NE. For those of you interested in this "overnight" please let Suzie know. This is also one we need to plan ahead. Even if there are only a few of us we need to make the reservations. Ft Robinson, Nebraska Camping $11-19 per night $15-19 for electrical hook-up Lodging season April-November Cabins sleep 6 $80 per night-sleep 8 $90 per night Lodge rooms Queen $40: 2 twins $45 horse stall rental $10 per night Many sizes of rooms, cabins and bunkhouses More info go to www.ngpc.state.ne.us/parks/permits/fees.asp Reservations can be made up to a year in advance and must be paid in full.

*Date To Be Decided* Winding River Resort, Grand Lake- no openings in July- So looks like August. $15 per horse run, $5 per one additional horse. This facility has 10 Horse camp sites. You can tent camp and they also have full hook-ups for campers. Check out their website http://www.windingriverresort.com Contact Suzie if you are interested in this one!

The first week-end in October 07 - The GW Futurity will be sponsoring a Clinic-Futurity Show-Fun show. This is still in the very early stages of planning so we will keep you posted. But mark your calendar!

Attention Chapter members: New Gaited Horse Club Starting Up

"You are invited to come join a new horse club! It is the Gaited Horse Club of Colorado, and is open to all gaited horse owners and enthusiasts! Please browse our new web site http://www.bialyranch.com/gaitedclub.html (keep in mind it is still in the making). Let us know if you have any questions.

Our vision is to promote all naturally gaited horse breeds in Colorado for pleasure or show; to provide support and encouragement to gaited horse owners and enthusiasts; and to have more versatility events for our beloved gaited horses.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please e-mail me and I will send you our membership form. Our bylaws are almost complete, and we will be having our first monthly meeting the first Thursday in November. Thank you, Lisa Bialy - Gaited Horse Club of Colorado"

Additional info: Lisa says that their club plans to do trail rides twice a month, tack swaps, pot lucks and hopefully a drill team, plus other fun stuff. I have given her our May Fun Show info so she can put it into their newsletter to encourage their members to participate! She is interested in promoting combined gaited horse classes at the State Fair as well. - Editor. Classified Ads

Tibetan Terrier Puppies, ready in Dec. Parents on site. Also FS: gorgeous black 15.1 hand PF gelding. Needs some groundwork and work under saddle. He is full of spirit but very collected. Call Sharon at 303-838-1616 or 303-838-1414. FOR SALE - ROCOCOA DEL HOLANDES, a 1994 bay Tobiano mare. Cocoa (Restless Storm Mako x Darice Mystique) is mostly bay with a white tail and several white markings on the body. Cocoa has had 90 days professional training and the price includes a 30 day refresher course. She is bred to Ghost Dancer of the Wind for a 2007 foal. Cocoa is priced at $6,500 with the foal retained by us or $10,000 including the foal. Please contact Carol Kuiper at 719- 347-2121 or [email protected] for additional information

STANDING AT STUD IN THE SUMMER OF 2007 WIND DANCER OF PASADOR. Wind Dancer, son of Multi Grand National Bella Forma Champion Illuminares, is a dark smutty buckskin dun stallion who exhibits the exceptional conformation and gait of his famous sire. Wind Dancer is also a grandson of Foundation Sire Lunares, the fantastic mare Yoconda, and Foundation Sire Hilachas. He is also the great-grandson of the great stallion Mahoma that Dave Jones imported from Columbia. 100% of his offspring are either palomino, grulla, buckskin or dun. Wind Dancer is also famous from his appearance on America's Funniest Videos where he was cutting butterflies. An article in the Feb. 1998 issue of Paso Fino Horse World was written by a Quarterhorse breeder about his wonderful cutting talent. Normal stallion service fee of $1,000 will be discounted to $500 while standing at Silver Birch Ranch. Extra discounts for more than one mare. Please contact Carol Kuiper at 719-347-2121 or [email protected] to reserve your 2007 breeding.

CONGRATULATIONS TO BETH MARTIN of Albuquerque, New Mexico on the purchase of her Paso Fino gelding, Danza Rayo SKC. Sharon Ryan, Kathy Fagerholm and Carol Kuiper.

For more Classified Advertisements, please go to our website: coloradopasofinos.com



Glenn & Ingrid Davis 29103 N. 152nd Drive 623 931.1337 [email protected] Surprise, AZ 85387 Carol DeNinno PO Box 1593 928 425.2562 [email protected] Globe, AZ 85502

Jamie & Marie Drizin 7850 N. Silverbell #114-289 520 488.7640 [email protected] Tucson, AZ 85743

Judy Ferrigno 4891 N. Quail Ridge Drive 520 579.3467 [email protected] Tucson, AZ 85743 520 245.4214

Cordy & Gail Overgaard 11310 E. Arabian Park Dr. 480 314.0144 [email protected] Scottsdale, AZ 85259


Christina Alicata 19875 E. Top O the Moor Dr. 303-549-5333 [email protected] Monument, CO 80132

Heidi Alles-Steele & Nathan Steele 79 Plum St. 970 927.0254 [email protected] Basalt, CO 81621

Denise Bachmann 285 Stagecoach Tr. 303 646.1531 [email protected] Elizabeth, CO 80107

Billy & Suzi Badrena PO Box 96 303 697.5474 [email protected] Conifer, CO 80433

Georgia Barrentine 2257 Deerpath Rd 303 840.0924 [email protected] Franktown, CO 80116

Barbara Brickley 3884 Longs Peak Circle 303 841.3999 [email protected] Parker, CO 80138-4217

Rafael & Sharon Cubero 8838 Hillview Rd, PO Box 96 303 697.0490 [email protected] Conifer, CO 80433

Kenny & Stacy Curby 8721 Weld County Rd. 25 303 857.2090 [email protected] Fort Lupton, CO 80621

Susan & Joseph Darmofal 14613 Weld County Road 7 [email protected] Mead, CO 80542 Mariann Deering 12345 SW Tooze Rd. 503 799.3279 [email protected] Sherwood, OR 97140

Nell Rose & George Dominguez 1372 Spruce Street 303 388.1275 Denver, CO 80220 303 480.4218 Cathy & Mike Eberhardt 14882 N. 115th 303 485.5931 [email protected] Longmont, CO 80504 303 746.3738

Mike & Kelli Ecker PMB 518 PO Box 22000 970 728.8394 [email protected] Telluride, CO 81435

Linda Evans & Erin Holloway 7337 N. Schumaker Rd. 303 644.4565 [email protected] Bennett, CO 80102

Sue & Michael Fletcher 10390 Berridge Rd. 719 541.3339 [email protected] Calhan, CO 80808

Kandice & Art Greer PO Box 779 303 697.1423 [email protected] Morrison, CO 80465

Jennie Grosslight 7 Garden Drive 719 578.7809 [email protected] Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Loyd & Treva Haney 20387 Co. Rd. 227 719 523.6662 Pritchett, CO 81064-9501

Ann Harper-Howell PO Box 12 540 271.1207 [email protected] Mt. Jackson, VA 22842

Anne Herrington 4111 Christy Ridge Rd. 303 814.2012 [email protected] Sedalia, CO 80135

Wanda Hobart 1236 Woodside Drive 303 838.8983 [email protected] Pine, CO 80470

Denise & Kelly Ireland PO Box 2001 [email protected] Advance, NC 27006

Tom & Marilyn Jansen 4017 Park County Rd 71 719 689.0114 [email protected] Guffey, CO 80820-8606

Sherry Lee Jones 123 Camprobber CT 303 838.1414 Bailey, CO 80421 Raian Kaiser 6025 Otero Ave 970 203.0725 [email protected] Loveland, CO 80538

Laura & Paul Kleinschmidt 10915 Dodge Circle 719 683.7368 [email protected] Peyton, CO 80831

Jennifer Klonowski 5675 Locke Mountain Rd. 719 784-3322 [email protected] Florence, CO 81226

Carol & Hank Kuiper 14151 McClelland Rd. 719 347.2121 [email protected] Calhan, CO 80808

Scott Langdon & Kathy Fagerholm 15385 W. Coachman Dr. 719 495.0515 Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Roger Lanphier 8454 Crestview 303 694.2173 [email protected] Parker, CO 80134

Dianne Leaming 1290 Cody Street 303 237.0620 Lakewood, CO 80215

Diana Marquardt PO Box 90/60 N. 3rd St 970 887.2450 [email protected] Granby, CO 80446

Jennifer Massey PO Box 654 303 810.3048 [email protected] Pine, CO 80470 303 570.442

Helene & Sherman McIntosh 770 Cedar Hills Rd. 719 372.6023 [email protected] Penrose, CO 81240

John & Patricia Mora 32110 Big Springs Rd. 719 478.2227 Yoder, CO 80864

Meg Purnell 937 Granite Ct. 303 651.9627 Longmont, CO 80501

Jean S. Radcliff 12 Reservoir Drive 719 566.1096 [email protected] Pueblo, CO 81005-1349

Robert Reynolds 340 12th Street 719 252.9933 Penrose, CO 81240

Peggy Roos 4190 County Rd 154 303 646.2656 [email protected] Elizabeth, CO 80107

Sharon & Edward Ryan PO Box 747 970 454.2921 Galeton, CO 80622

June & Elmer Schock 6635 West 20th Street 940 330.7348 [email protected] Greeley, CO 80634

Lee & Nancy Snedaker 11491 Panorama Ct. 303 840.4698 [email protected] Parker, CO 80138

Deborah Schmidt, Michael Mosley, 9190 Deer Trail Rd., PO Box 100 & Christina Silber Rye, CO 81069 719 250.0440

Francis Singer 2901 Michener Court 970 690.4719 [email protected] Ft. Collins, CO 80526 970 226.9456

Lynne & Craig Strauss 7771 W. Ottawa Place 720 329.0682 [email protected] Littleton, CO 80128 720 338.0845

Harold & Carol Terry 9209 S. Hillview Rd. 303 697.2979 [email protected] Morrison, CO 80465

Suzie & Rick Tiller PO Box 306 303 688.3771 [email protected] Franktown, CO 80116 303 947.6292

Bruce & Mary Tillotson PO Box 729 308 254.5176 [email protected] Sidney, NE 69162-0729

Doug Torza 13045 W. 86th Ave. 303 424.7879 [email protected] Arvada, CO 80005

Terry & Rick Wallace 4340 Wileys Road 719 683.5761 [email protected] Peyton, CO 80831

Nancy Wenlock 4194 Horseshoe Drive 303 622.4123 [email protected] Strasburg, CO 80136

Dan Willison 123 Camprobber CT 303 838.1414 [email protected] Bailey, CO 80421


Lisa & John Riley 37 Tanglewood Dr. 702 3613.8268 [email protected] Henderson, NV 89014 NEW MEXICO

Jacquee’ Gillespie PO Box 482 505 387.6675 [email protected] Mora, NM 87732


Jennifer Apa 12424 S. Elm Meadows Rd. [email protected] Riverton, UT 84065

Jasmine Baker PO Box 267 435 734.0562 [email protected] Willard, UT 84340

Ruth & Robert Beebe PO Box 583 435 723.7299 Willard, UT 84340

Patti & Jerry Boone PO Box 980430 435 783.5477 [email protected] Park City, UT 84098 801 915.6950

Brad & Judi Bradbury 412 S. Davis Lane 435 837.2125 [email protected] Rush Valley, UT 84069 435 840.0224

Janice Eberhardt PO Box 575708 801 268.6487 [email protected] Salt Lake City, UT 84157-5708

Frank Eliason 4867 S. 6300 W. 801 985.7826 Hooper, UT 84315

Dru Fry 7785 S. Canterwood Lane 801 942.8418 [email protected] Sandy, UT 84093 801 450.6960

Ellie Gallagher 118 Daly Ave. 435 647.3824 [email protected] PO Box 3725 435 901.2587 Park City, UT 84060

Betty Griffis & Brian Sullivan 248 West Street 435 884.5539 [email protected] Grantsville, UT 84029 801 910.3429

Sarah Jennings 5762 S. 4050 W. 801 985.2544 [email protected] Roy, UT 84062 801644.9800 Brian & Rosemarie Littleton PO Box 891 307 883.2801 [email protected] Thayne, WY 83127

Rick Messer PO Box 117 435 789.4038 [email protected] Jensen, UT 84035

Carol Nudell & Arthur Schwedler 4492 Skyline Circle 435 833.9085 [email protected] Erda, UT 84074

Tracy Salberg 1240 E. 1950 N. 435 657.0957 [email protected] Heber Valley, UT 84032 435 901.1556

Anna Siciliano 3666 S. 2455 E. 801 274.5221 [email protected] Salt Lake City, UT 84109 435 901.2650

Janice Stark PO Box 203 435 527.3015 [email protected] Monroe, UT 84754

Thell & Kathleen Stewart PO Box 292 435 835.7594 [email protected] Manti, UT 84642


Joan Bartels 6460-16 E. Trailridge Circle 480 830.2498 [email protected] Mesa, AZ 85215

Jan Gibson 8717 Dewey Road 208 365.3554 [email protected] Emmett, ID 83617

Charlene McFadden 1308 W. Washington 660 493.2310 Waverly, MO 64096555555555555555hu

Pamela Meister 6852 S. Dover Way 303 550.4769 [email protected] Littleton, CO 80128 303 398.1076


MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION All memberships expire on September 30, 2007

Please check one:  New  Renewal REGULAR MEMBERSHIP AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP Voting privileges in Great Western PFHA Non-voting privileges  Individual $30.00  Individual $25.00  Family $35.00  Corporate $30.00

CHAPTER AFFILIATION: Arizona ____Colorado ____ Nevada ____New Mexico ____ Utah ____


FARM/BUSINESS NAME (For Corporate Membership)

JUNIOR MEMBERS (Under 18, include birth date)



PHONE ( ) ______( ) ______E- MAIL______


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______Membership Committee ______Communications Committee (Newsletter)

______Events Committee (host activities) ______Other ______SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT

MAIL COMPLETED APPLICATION & CHECK TO: Please indicate your preference for GW lists:

Judi Bradbury, GWPFHA Membership Chairman Include my phone number 412 S. Davis Lane Do not include my phone number to other GW RushValley, Utah 84069

(435) 837-2125  Include my email address  Do not include my email address Date Received: to other GW members

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