ISC-2014 Full Paper Writing Guidance

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ISC-2014 Full Paper Writing Guidance

ISC-2014 full paper writing guidance font size of the title is 14 pts

First author1, second author2, third author3* corresponding author is marked using asterisk

1 Affiliation and full address of author(s) *e-mail address of the corresponding author


This guidance is consisted of instructions and format for writing full paper of International Seminar on Chemistry 2014. The content of the full paper is at least 4 pages. The abstract should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should be formatted using 9 pts Times New Roman font, single spaced paragraphs, and only consisted of one paragraph. The abstract should contain short background, methods, results and conclusion of the research. The full paper should be submitted as Microsoft Office Word (.doc) file by e-mail attachment or CD to the secretariat before 23 September 2014. Full paper is started by abstract with font size of 9 pts. The abstract title is written bold, center alignment and 10 pts font size. The abstract should contain short introduction, methods, results and conclusion. Full paper consisted of Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, References, and if available, Acknowledgements.

Keywords: Write five keywords

Introduction page with centralized alignment, bolded font with 14 pts font size. After the title, put a space with 14 pts Write the full paper article using Microsoft Office font size. The name of the author(s) (12 pts), space Word format (not .pdf). The digital version of the (10 pts), and affiliation address of the author(s) (10 article can be sent on the form of CD format or by e- pts) are written with centralized alignment. If there mail to the secretariat. The address where the article are more then one affiliations, the name of authors should be sent is Secretariat of International Seminar with different affiliations is written by different 1 on Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Universitas number superscript corresponding author is marked Padjadjaran, Jln. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km. 21 using an asterisk*. To start abstract writing, two Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia, 45363 empty rows are put with font size of 12 respectively. or e-mail to [email protected]. If there are some subsections, the title of subsection is For easiness of writing the article, this guidance is written italic and after the title of the subsection, set provided in digital version, so authors can write an empty row of 10 pts. directly in this format without worrying the format of Section title of the article is written using 12 pts the article. For those who want to make their own bold fonts. Texts are written using 10 pts fonts. format, this guidance must be read and applied to the Between the last rows of text with section title is set article. an empty row of 16 pts font size. Between section title The Introduction should provide a clear statement and first row of texts is set an empty row of 10 pts of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, fonts. and the proposed approach or solution. It should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of Results and Discussions scientific disciplines. Article must be a research results. Therefore, figures Materials and Methods and/or tables must be included in the results of the research. Size of the paper Table can be illustrated using double (Table 1) or single (Table 2) column, if necessary. Table started by The size of the paper is 21 × 29.5 cm (A4) with table title (10 pts) that set above the table. Table is set margins of 3 cm from left, 2 cm from right and 2.5 cm centered alignment, and table limit must not exceed from top and bottom. Double column format is used margin of the page. If the title of the table more than for writing text. The text is written using Times New one row, the second row should be formatted using Roman font. Title of the article is written on the first hanging indent following the above limit. Table 1 Example of double column table format. Full paper submissio Address Confirmation n method Secretariat of International Seminar on Chemistry 2008, By mail (On CD Department of Chemistry, Universitas Padjadjaran Phone: +62-22-7794391 format) Jln. Raya Bandung Sumedang km. 21 Jatinangor Sumedang-West Java- Indonesia 45363 Digital version using By e-mail [email protected] Microsoft Office Word format

Table 2 Example of single column table format. Acknowledgements No. 1. Please acknowledge anyone who contributed 2. towards the study by making substantial contributions to conception, design, acquisition of Experiment results can be illustrated in the form data, or analysis and interpretation of data, or who of figures (graphics or picture, see example Figure was involved in drafting the manuscript or revising 1). Title of figure (10 pts) is set under the figure. it critically for important intellectual content, but Figure can be formatted single or double column. It who does not meet the criteria for authorship. should set centered alignment, and the resolution of Please also include source(s) of funding. Please also scanned picture has to be not less then 300 dpi. acknowledge anyone who contributed materials essential for the study.


Axcell, B., L. Kruger, & G. Allan. 1988. Some investigative studies with yeast foods, p. 201– 209. In Proceedings of the 20th Convention of the Institute of Brewing (Australia and New Zealand Section). Institute of Brewing, Sydney, Australia. Imai, T., & T. Ohno. 1995. Measurement of yeast intracellular pH by image processing and the change it undergoes during growth phase. J. Biotechnol. 38: 165–172. Warth, A. D. 1988. Effect of benzoic acid on Figure 1 Example of single column figure format. growth yields of yeasts differing in their resistance to preservatives. Appl. Environ. References is placed on the end part of the Microbiol. 54: 2091–2095. article, and written alphabetically. Examples on van Uden, N. 1989. Effect of alcohols on the how to write references can be seen on the last part temperature relations of growth and death in of this guidance. yeasts, p. 77-88. In N. van Uden (ed.), Alcohol toxicity in yeasts and bacteria. CRC Press, Inc., Conclusions Boca Raton, Florida.

This guidance is made to make easier for the authors in writing full paper of this proceeding.

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