Commissioners Present: Anna H. Baucom, Chair s1

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Commissioners Present: Anna H. Baucom, Chair s1

THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 4, 2011 beginning at 6:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Suite 209 of the Anson County Government Center.

Commissioners present: Anna H. Baucom, Chair Ross Streater, Vice Chair Bobby Sikes Dr. Jim Sims Claude Spencer Jarvis Woodburn

Staff members present: Lawrence R. Gatewood, County Manager Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, NCCCC, Clerk to the Board Rita James, Data Processing Robert Thomas, Finance Officer Mike Sessions, Utilities Administrator Larry Newton, Assessor Jennifer Baptiste, Planning Tommy Allen, Sheriff Carol Ann Gibson, Interim Health Director Ryan Teal, EMS/Safety

Chairman Baucom called the meeting to Order stating this was the first meeting for 2011. Chairman Baucom noted we had our new County Manager in his seat and were without a County Attorney but the board has done that before and managed to get through it without breaking any major laws. Chairman Baucom offered hope that everyone had a wonderful Holiday time and were settling in to a New Year. Pastor Iris Tillman, Church of God of Prophecy in Morven delivered the Invocation.

Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Chairman Baucom called for any additions or changes to the Agenda. Motion by Vice Chair Streater, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to approve the Agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing – Crowder Rezoning 10-001246: Chairman Baucom stated that this issue was on the Agenda last month but at that time it had not been heard by the Planning Board. Chairman Baucom noted the Board wanted to hear from them before addressing the issue. Chairman Baucom called for a motion to open the Public hearing. Motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to open the Public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. In the Public hearing, Ms. Baptiste stated this was a rehearing from last month. Ms. Baptiste noted they did not have a quorum at the December Planning Board meeting when the item was first presented. Ms. Baptiste stated that they had an emergency Planning Board meeting on December 16th with a unanimous recommendation to forward this to the Board of Commissioners with a favorable recommendation. Chairman Baucom asked if there had been any changes since last month with Ms. Baptiste answering no. Ms. Baptiste reported the property owner was in the hospital and not present tonight but the purchaser of the one acre of property was in attendance. Chairman Baucom stated that as she recalls this was to allow the sale of one acre rather than five acres. Ms. Baptiste shared that the property owner only has six acres with a primary structure and this will allow him to sell one acre. Vice Chair Streater asked if the Zoning Board voted to approve this with Ms. Baptiste answering yes. Chairman Baucom called for questions or comments from the public. Hearing none, motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to close the Public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Vice Chair Streater, to approve the Crowder Rezoning. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Baucom referred to the State Government Ethics Act and reminded each Board member that is was their duty to avoid both conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict. Chairman Baucom asked if any board members had any known conflicts of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the Board this evening to identify the conflict and reframe from any undue participation in the matter involved. Chairman Baucom asked if anyone was aware of any conflicts with no one answering.

Appearances: Vancine Sturdivant: Ms. Sturdivant thanked everyone for helping to make Christmas for so many kids in Anson County a success. Ms. Sturdivant felt the secret Santa was a good idea and so many kids were blessed. Ms. Sturdivant thanked the Sheriff for all he did during that time. Ms. Sturdivant referred to the group that appeared in November regarding child welfare and introduced Rose Townsend, Director of Eckerd Community Care. Ms. Townsend shared that Eckerd Community Care was a program provided by Eckerd Youth Alternatives, Inc., a national nonprofit leader in helping youth and families succeed. A handout of information regarding Eckerd Community Care was given each Board member. Ms. Townsend explained that currently they offer two services, one being Reunification Services and Intensive Family Preservation Services. Ms. Townsend explained that with the Preservation Service they go into the home to provide stability to help maintain the family. Ms. Townsend stated that referrals could come from DSS, DJJ and Mental Health Centers. Ms. Townsend stated that they also provide unification services and that is where the child has been removed from the home and is in DSS custody and they provide the service during the transition from the child moving from the foster or group home back into the home with the family. Ms. Townsend shared that they utilize evidence base curriculums with a highly trained staff. Ms. Townsend shared that the founder of Eckerd Community Care was also the founder of Eckerd Drugs. Ms. Townsend explained that their staff provides 10 direct hours in the home with the child to make sure the social worker or the referred agent was sure this was a safe environment. Ms. Townsend shared that their vision was that every child has an opportunity to succeed. Ms. Townsend stated that they provide individual family counseling and they link them to community resources. Ms. Townsend announced that this was a free service. Ms. Townsend shared that they have not received referrals from Anson County and they were here today to let their presence be known. Ms. Townsend shared that they serve Richmond, Anson, Montgomery, Cumberland, Hoke, Scotland, Johnston and Lee counties. Chairman Baucom asked Ms. Townsend of she had communicated with our DSS Director with Ms. Townsend answering that she met with the DSS Director and the DJJ Director. Chairman Baucom stated that she was aware there were families in trouble in Anson County and wondered why there had been no referrals. Ms. Townsend stated that Ms. Kendall felt only substance abuse assessments were needed. Ms. Sturdivant offered that Ms. Townsend was told their services were not needed in Anson County. Ms. Sturdivant stated that she had invited parents to be in attendance tonight as she feels this is a very much needed program. Ms. Sturdivant referred to the group that came before the Board a few months ago stating the cost for each child would be around $980 and this is a free service. Chairman Baucom voiced that Social Services has its own Board of Directors and they need to be aware and have this information. Vice Chair Streater is a member of that Board and invited Ms. Townsend to attend their next board meeting. Chairman Baucom asked Ms. Sturdivant to introduce Ms. Townsend to the Circles Program.

Sheriff Allen: Sheriff Allen presented the following annual report: Tonight I want to give you the Readers Digest version of my usual update and touch on several important issues.

As with probably everyone sitting in this room our work volume has increased. This past year the Sheriff’s Office handled 12,249 calls, a slight increase over last year’s 11,767 calls. Our 911 Operations Center handled 23,413, a 27% INCREASE over last year’s 18,513.

The Sheriff’s Office and Jail underwent a complete upgrade in our software and computer hardware for the records management systems and 911 Operations Center for their telephone and computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems. The switchover is complete except for the final phase for mobile data terminals (MDTs). We expect that to begin in the next two weeks. This will allow calls to be given directly to the cars on their computer terminals; allow officers to run their own license, tags, record checks and do reports from their Sheriff’s vehicles. Of course this all required training on the new systems and that has been completed as well in all three operations.

Speaking of training, in addition to training on these new systems, each department successfully completed their in-service training requirements which included 24 hours for each Deputy and 16 hours for each Detention Officer and Telecommunicator. These are state requirements. All are state certified personnel. At 911 we also implemented EMD – Emergency Medical Dispatch which required three days of training for each dispatcher and successfully passing a state administered test. This allows the 911 dispatchers to dispatch calls in a certain priority that is the emergency ambulance calls so that we are now running lights and sirens for nonemergency calls. Dispatchers can now give out medical advice over the phone as preapproved by the county’s Medical Director and set in Standard Operating Procedure. At this point Sheriff Allen recognized Ryan Teal, EMS/Safety Director, who shared that last Friday one of our Telecommunicators delivered our first baby over the telephone.

We recently successfully closed out one $280,590 grant which we worked with for the past three years. We are still administering a total of $806,408 grants, including the $500K Pictometry grant, where we are just beginning phase 2 which will be the multi-county fly-overs later this months. We expect delivery of the product to the county in April. Things have been made a little complicated with the loss of Jim Kennedy but hopefully we can make it work. The remaining $300K+ of grants involve COPS Technical grant ($200K); a US Dept. of Justice Grant $25K+ and our Governor’s Highway Safety Program $81K+.

By the way, in 2010 we had NO murders in Anson County. We did have seven (7) traffic fatalities. (2009-6, 2008-6)


January 4, 2011

1. As of 3:00pm today (January 4, 2011) the Anson County Jail (capacity of 60) held 60 inmates in Anson County; 0 inmates housed in the other County Jails; 0 inmate in DOC/Raleigh for medical/safe-keeping; for a total of 60 inmates in custody. Nine (9) inmates are in custody that have been backlogged (4 weeks) awaiting transfer to DOC. Six will go out this week. Other three remain on backlog.

2. The following is a breakdown of the Average Daily Population:

Year ADP Total Booked Booked/Month

2003 51 1920 160 2004 54 1954 163 2005 58 2119 177 2006 55 2027 169 2007 55 ------2008 53 1707 142 2009 62 1919 160 2010 68 1483 124

3. 2010 Totals:

Jan. 53 114 Feb. 51 118 March 62 149 April 66 157 May 51 131 June 69 122 July 79 161 August 85 81 September 80 103 October 79 125 November 74 109 December 66 113

Sheriff Allen voiced that currently those receiving a sentence of less than 120 days serve that in the county jail and he is concerned that the state may bump this to 6 months and then our jail population would increase 20- 25%. Chairman Baucom stated that the state no longer pays or reimburses us the cost with Sheriff Allen adding that they used to but they don’t now. Sheriff Allen stated that we charge then $40/day per inmate when they are on back log but he can’t schedule them until they have the judgment in hand. Sheriff Allen stated that they still have 3 or 4 murder suspects that have been there for over a year. Sheriff Allen was of the feeling that the Sheriff’s Office and jail folks have a special challenge due to the type work they do. Sheriff Allen stated that they work 24/7 like EMS when most go home in the afternoon and enjoy holidays at home and feels it takes a special person to do this type work. Sheriff Allen voiced appreciation for all the Board has done for them. County Manager Gatewood asked Sheriff Allen to share with those present the roll of the newly hired Pretrial Coordinator. Sheriff Allen stated that he hired Cindy Jenkins, who recently retired from the District Attorney’s office. Sheriff Allen stated that she was very familiar with how the court system works and very knowledgeable of the jail staff, the attorneys, clerks in the courtroom and the District Attorney’s office. Sheriff Allen shared that he had a brief discussion with the new District Attorney and he will work with us closely in dealing with not only jail cases but with individuals in jail that can’t make bond to try to expedite those cases as well as being receptive to any prerelease conditions that we may recommend. Sheriff Allen shared that he and Ms. Jenkins met with the Jail Administrator today to go over the jail list person by person and identified 20 people that might qualify for release. Sheriff Allen will give a progress report on this position in a couple of months. Sheriff Allen stated that they will work with the District Court Judges and the Magistrates to try and have a streamline system that is fair to everyone coming through the system. Chairman Baucom voiced appreciation to Sheriff Allen and his personnel for all they do.

Carol Gibson-Health Department: Ms. Gibson shared that last September County Manager Gatewood introduced her to Ms. Susan Richardson with the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Fund. Ms. Gibson stated that she had never written a grant but she was encouraged to try and as a team at Anson County Health Department they put together a grant to provide medical care for low income citizens in Anson County. Ms. Gibson stated that she received the envelope last Wednesday and since it was not a telephone call she felt it would be bad news. Ms. Gibson stated that she opened the envelope to read congratulations you’ve received $194,000 over a two year period to provide medical care for the low income people in Anson County. Ms. Gibson stated that the Board has been very kind to them by providing funding for them to hire a Family Nurse Practitioner and now they have the additional funds to take care of her for two years. Ms. Gibson shared that they also received $17,000 to purchase medical equipment and they plan to replace equipment that has been there over 26 years. Ms. Gibson stated that they were all excited and had a good outlook for 2011. Ms. Gibson stated that the new Nurse Practitioner reported for work today and invited Board members to come by and meet her. Ms. Gibson feels she will be an asset to Anson County. Ms. Gibson stated that they re-advertised the position of Health Director and they hope this time will be the charm. Ms. Gibson voiced hope that the board will continue to support them and they will see good things from them in 2011. Chairman Baucom voiced appreciation for all they do. Commissioner Sims commented that he was not surprise the department was doing well with Ms. Gibson in charge. Commissioner Sims asked Ms. Gibson why she could not be the director with Ms. Gibson answering that State Personnel now requires a M.D. or Master’s in Public Health Policy or Public Policy. Ms. Gibson stated that she was willing to remain in the Interim position until a director is hired.

Public Addresses to the Board: Chairman Baucom stated that since there was no one to speak to the board in this section she wanted to take this opportunity to offer congratulations to Commissioner Woodburn on his election to serve as a Director for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, District 10. Chairman Baucom felt this put us in another leadership position with the State. Chairman Baucom noted there were eighteen districts and we were in the 10th district with Montgomery, Moore and Richmond. Chairman Baucom noted this was a time commitment for Commissioner Woodburn in addition to him serving as our legislative liaison.

Administrative Matters: Codification Adoption: Chairman Baucom asked about this with County Manager Gatewood suggesting holding this to the next meeting to have Ms. Baptiste present to explain. Chairman Baucom stated that it sounds like our Ordinances have not been ratified and asked if they were enforceable. Chairman Baucom asked if a vote was needed to take the County Manager’s suggestion with those present feeling one was not needed.

Tax Issue Related to Universal Fibers, LLC: Mr. Newton made reference to a letter from McLeod & Company dated November 16, 2010 to Chairman Baucom. Mr. Newton stated that this started with a letter from McLeod & Company to his office on December 11, 2009. Mr. Newton explained that two accountants visited his office in 2009 and presented information to amend the business personal property tax returns for Universal Fibers for years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Mr. Newton stated that they said they listed assets such as machinery, equipment, etc. in the plant that actually was not in the plant. Commissioner Sims commented that these were called ghost items. Mr. Newton stated that according to the accountants the assets were situs or said to be located here but they were sitting somewhere else or should have been situs elsewhere or they had sold them and had not removed them from the books. Mr. Newton stated that they were asking to amend their 2007, 2008 and 2009 returns based on these perimeters. Mr. Newton stated that the assets totaled approximately seventeen million dollars. Mr. Newton stated that based on their calculations of listing improperly with the county, if the county were to reimburse Universal Fibers for the ghost assets we would owe them $266,088. Mr. Newton stated that in addition to questioning the assets they listed with the tax office they had an issue with the tax office not using the appropriate depreciation schedule for their equipment based on it being textile equipment. Chairman Baucom asked about this with Mr. Newton answering they were using the appropriate schedule now and they were then. Chairman Baucom asked why they thought they were not using the appropriate schedule with Mr. Newton answering that in the 90’s with the closing of textile mills and factories, the Department of Revenue generated a more favorable appreciation schedule for the operations left. Mr. Newton stated that with all the plants shutting down there was an abundance of equipment so they issued a more aggressive depreciation line and they felt their equipment should have been under this schedule rather than the standard depreciation schedule for normal equipment. Chairman Baucom asked why their equipment was not under the more aggressive depreciation line with Mr. Newton answering the schedule was generated to handle old equipment and we are talking about equipment purchased or acquired 1999 forward. Mr. Newton stated that he received a comment from the Department of Revenue stating that they feel like the schedule generated at that time was no longer useful in the current environment we have in the textile industry. Mr. Newton stated that Universal Fibers wanted their equipment depreciated under the accelerated level. Mr. Newton noted an issue in the accelerated level was that under normal textile depreciation schedules the residual value of textile equipment would bottom out at 25%, which means if the equipment was there after it depreciated a year or more it would never go below 25% of its value. Mr. Newton explained that the aggressive schedule generated by the Department of Revenue left a 5% residual. Mr. Newton shared that the state gives them a depreciation schedule for all types of equipment every year and they make it clear to the counties that what they provide is what they recommend but the county could generate its own depreciation schedule. Mr. Newton stated the problem with generating our own schedule is that we would have to defend it rather than asking the state to help us defend theirs. Mr. Newton shared that we’ve always used the state criteria for depreciating equipment in the county so we could lean on them if needed. Chairman Baucom noted their issue was that they reported property and paid taxes on that property for two years and now they say they don’t have the property and asked what this had to do with the Board. Mr. Newton stated that in the letter addressed to Chairman Baucom they were asking the Board to give them the consideration to amend their return for 2007, 2008 and 2009. Mr. Newton referred to General Statutes 105.317 that reads that once you receive your tax bill you have been notified of your assessment and you have thirty days to appeal. Chairman Baucom asked if they appealed with Mr. Newton answering no. Mr. Newton referred to information received from Dave Duty with the Department of Revenue stating that they have no grounds for appeal and lists the consequences in disrupting a current year budget. County Manager Gatewood asked Mr. Newton for his recommendation. Mr. Newton recommended that the business personal property stands as it is listed with Anson County from 2007, 2008 and 2009. Motion by Vice Chair Streater, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to accept the Assessor’s recommendation. Commissioner Woodburn asked if now that they recognize their mistake could we expect the values to go down with Mr. Newton feeling we could expect the values to decrease. Mr. Newton was of the opinion that a formal audit of this company should be done for 2011 or 2012 to verify what is in place. Mr. Newton stated that their $266,000 request in 2009 was now a $94,000 refund. Motion carried unanimously.

Manager’s Report: County Manager Gatewood commented that after one day on the job he had a report. County Manager Gatewood recognized Ryan Teal for a job extremely well done. County Manager Gatewood shared that one of the goals at Anson EMS was to respond to every call as quickly as possible. County Manager Gatewood reported that two months ago the Board approved basing an EMS ambulance at the Polkton Fire Department. County Manager Gatewood shared the following heartwarming success story: Our Anson EMS received a call from the Polkton area concerning a case of a person experiencing chest pains and it turned out to be a case of cardiac arrest. The response time from the time 911 received the call to the time the ambulance arrived on the scene was five minutes. In this case the caller was a physician and the patient was his father. After the father was stabilized the physician was very appreciative of the quick response and asked the following question: How did you get here so quickly? County Manager Gatewood voiced concern for coverage in the Morven, McFarlan and Pee Dee Area noting that he had asked Mr. Teal to develop a proposal to place an ambulance in the Morven area for presentation at the February meeting. Commissioner Sims was of the opinion that the reorganization might have possibly saved a life. Vice Chair Streater thanked County Manager Gatewood and Mr. Teal for their work and agreed that an ambulance was needed in the Morven area. County Manager Gatewood reported that as of yesterday we increased our total deposits with Anson Bank & Trust from $1,250,000 to $1,750,000. County Manager Gatewood noted that he received a call from Mr. Maness stating that the funds would be put to use in the county immediately. Chairman Baucom commented that initially the board agreed to put 10% of our fund balance in that bank in a money market. Chairman Baucom felt this was a good move and reported that within two weeks of the initial deposit in the money market at Anson Bank & Trust, 80% of that money was put back into the community as loans. County Manager Gatewood reported that North Carolina was expecting a budget shortfall of 3.7 billion dollars. County Manager Gatewood stated North Carolina was not alone and there were 46 states that will have a significant budget shortfall in the next couple of years. Commissioner Sims commented that California and New York were on the verge of bankruptcy. County Manager Gatewood commented that every penny in Anson County will count over the next 12-25 months. County Manager Gatewood stated this would affect our school system, Parks and Recreation and certainly municipalities and county governments across our state. County Manager Gatewood stated that he does not want to see a single employee laid off because we have mismanaged funds. Chairman Baucom added that we would all work together and do the best we can. Chairman Baucom called for a ten minute break.

After the break, Chairman’s Report was the next topic of discussion. Chairman Baucom stated that there was mention of meeting with the Planning Board on the 26th and asked if it was agreed that we would meet with them at our retreat. The Clerk stated that Board members were invited to the meeting on the 26th but was of the opinion the Board had said they would meet with them on February 12th.

Old Business: Water Tower Attachment Communication Site Agreement: County Manager Gatewood asked for discussion of all Old Business in closed session. Commissioner Sims asked if any of this would affect the ability of those living in the Burnsville area to have better reception. County Manager Gatewood commented that it was his understanding it would help significantly. Chairman Baucom noted this item as well as the Union County Water Contract and the Agreement with Anson Rescue Squad, Inc. would be held for closed session.

Consent Agenda: Motion by Vice Chair Streater, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

Minutes: Approved meeting minutes dated December 7, 17 and 28, 2010 and closed session minutes dated December 7, 2010.

Tax Releases: Property Tax Releases/Refunds/Adjustments 01/04/11

19384 Allen, Jason M 2010 5,876.52 106-164 Real Taxes Release Appraisal Error 19370 Allison, Harvey 2010 183.66 108-DF27179 Real Taxes Release Eligible for Farm Exemption 19371 Allison, Harvey 2009 131.92 108-DF27180 Real Taxes Release Eligible for Farm Exemption 19372 Allison, Harvey 2008 136.94 108-DF27181 Real Taxes Release Eligible for Farm Exemption 19373 Allison, Harvey 2007 147.41 108-DF27182 Real Taxes Release Eligible for Farm Exemption 19383 Hyatt, Sara P ET AL 2007 9.29 102-DF27202 Real Taxes Release Billed in Error 19382 Hyatt, Sara P ET AL 2008 8.63 102-DF27201 Real Taxes Release Billed in Error 19381 Hyatt, Sara P ET AL 2009 7.98 102-DF27200 Real Taxes Release Billed in Error 19380 Hyatt, Sara P ET AL 2010 12.25 102-DF27199 Real Taxes Release Billed in Error 19374 Jacobs, Renee 2010 13.49 103-8968 Real Taxes Release MH moved in prior year 19379 Sikes, Brett 2010 245.35 102-15857 Real Taxes Release Billed in Error 19367 Teal, Ralph 2010 610.03 107-17249 Real Taxes Release Adjusted per Appeal 19368 Teal, Ralph 2010 198.29 107-17253 Real Taxes Release Adjusted per Appeal 19375 Yeakle, Michael 2009 480.17 106-DF27019 Real Taxes Release Eligible for Farm Exemption 19376 Yeakle, Michael 2008 520.74 106-DF27020 Real Taxes Release Eligible for Farm Exemption

$ 8,582.67 Real Taxes Refund

$ - 19982 Bracey, Phyllis 2010 189.35 1011-000158 Vehicle Taxes Release Proration 19974 Hildreth, Daniel J 2010 25.98 1008-000723 Vehicle Taxes Release Proration 19980 Hough, Anthony 2010 9.72 1011-000832 Vehicle Taxes Release Proration 19378 Howells Child Care 2010 13.99 1011-000845 Vehicle Taxes Release Billing Error - Non Profit 19369 Lowery, Willie D 2010 16.13 1011-001091 Vehicle Taxes Release Adjust to Bill of Sale 19981 McDonald, Gondry 2009 52.60 0910-001349 Vehicle Taxes Release Proration 19975 McLendon, Samuel 2009 7.35 0908-001272 Vehicle Taxes Release Proration 19976 McLendon, Samuel 2010 20.50 1006-001270 Vehicle Taxes Release Proration 19385 Poplin, Sherry 2010 54.96 1011-001344 Vehicle Taxes Release Situs 19978 Randall, Lauri 2009 9.27 0907-001616 Vehicle Taxes Release Proration 19576 Smith, James T 2010 28.10 1010-001688 Vehicle Taxes Release Proration 18899 Southeast Poultry 2010 8.19 1010-001714 Vehicle Taxes Release Adjust to Cost 19366 Taylor, Kimberly P 2010 119.93 1007-001788 Vehicle Taxes Release Situs

$ 556.07 19979 Billingsley, Marilyn 2009 14.66 1003-000130 Vehicle Taxes Refund Proration 19577 Preslar, Edmunc F 2009 3.68 1003-001730 Vehicle Taxes Refund Proration 19578 Thomas, Charles E 2009 86.16 1002-001344 Vehicle Taxes Refund Proration

$ 104.50 19385 Poplin, Sherry 2010 5.54 1011-001344 Vehicle Taxes Adjustment Situs

$ 5.54

9,248.78 Tax Collector’s Report: Real Property Taxes FY 2010-2011 Current Year Ad Valorem - 2010 December 31, 2010 (Total $$ Collections) May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 2010 - - 64,025.06 698,291.83 1,078,301.02 727,146.32 1,834,033.24 8,467,126.13 Year 2009 87,022.22 149,915.40 75,012.59 562,659.35 1,317,720.88 681,923.36 1,487,890.82 8,128,729.39 Year 2008 145,103.87 144,764.28 82,074.70 1,509,823.05 750,653.41 705,888.42 1,308,422.04 7,772,676.85 Year 2007 101,440.48 92,036.48 284,567.14 1,310,396.82 788,895.51 539,491.44 912,342.12 7,198,087.81 Year 2006 135,565.80 99,256.26 52,974.73 1,152,305.43 871,645.87 600,534.92 1,229,982.74 6,661,857.22 Year 2005 171,399.92 94,007.06 58,888.18 1,286,770.17 844,543.25 513,758.67 1,053,007.12 6,399,381.90 Year 2004 166,740.16 98,027.24 31,501.49 29,589.10 920,928.61 1,063,954.78 1,436,775.51 5,765,881.05 Of Total Collections County Taxes & Late List May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 2010 - - 47,746.47 560,283.83 894,518.98 605,605.64 1,479,716.19 7,135,832.26 Year 2009 63,406.87 112,505.37 52,118.13 460,019.34 1,104,190.36 561,891.76 1,192,815.02 6,849,076.69 Year 2008 107,874.15 104,520.34 61,341.51 1,218,671.84 633,646.80 574,997.79 1,046,831.34 6,643,082.02 Year 2007 72,638.39 71,653.77 228,499.71 1,083,649.84 612,969.68 452,661.26 714,929.80 6,145,385.34 Year 2006 111,677.89 73,463.10 36,851.87 923,498.88 726,149.72 502,659.49 1,013,901.27 5,543,430.26 Year 2005 138,753.30 70,311.83 42,348.90 1,051,972.16 678,094.34 428,210.56 841,956.15 5,377,552.13 Year 2004 128,246.79 67,904.90 23,159.24 21,109.46 728,428.46 890,702.33 1,182,963.26 4,785,897.41 Current Year (2010) Ad Valorem Collections % May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 2010 4.90% 13.35% 15.95% 27.10% 84.77% Year 2009 93.11% 93.78% 4.47% 12.81% 17.03% 26.88% 84.98% Year 2008 94.15% 94.62% 12.88% 15.53% 20.18% 29.04% 85.89% Year 2007 94.78% 95.25% 12.95% 16.08% 19.69% 25.78% 79.39% Year 2006 95.28% 95.78% 9.72% 15.87% 20.69% 30.37% 84.55% Year 2005 95.85% 96.43% 11.83% 17.64% 21.77% 30.22% 84.70% Year 2004 95.47% 96.05% 1.32% 7.59% 16.65% 29.10% 79.55% Year 2003 95.74% 96.66% 3.58% 12.64% 18.90% 27.62% 82.59% Year 2002 94.09% 95.66% 4.89% 11.67% 12.65% 23.68% 80.46% Year 2001 95.06% 96.91% 6.34% 18.94% 23.85% 32.90% 80.25% Current Year (2010) Accounts Receivable Balance Remaining For County Taxes ONLY - Including Late Penalties May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 2010 - - 6,847.17 9,730,558.67 8,865,833.89 10,243,265.68 8,883,658.36 1,857,343.24 Year 2009 811,612.36 732,900.66 32,526.38 9,309,025.66 10,257,601.76 9,763,301.52 8,627,953.83 1,770,470.81 Year 2008 680,072.63 625,589.94 9,545,565.61 8,349,408.41 9,819,865.74 9,285,824.84 8,256,793.08 1,642,118.89 Year 2007 596,247.17 542,585.29 9,342,496.07 8,313,081.26 9,561,679.05 9,154,950.65 8,485,904.80 2,356,403.72 History of Past Due Mailings 01/08/10 03/01/10 06/01/10 11/10/10 COLLECTOR DID NOT MAIL # $$ # $$ # $$ 5,218 3,447,837.09 3,877 2,793,611.39 2,743 2,175,384.80 2,177 1,837,679.92 Tax Scroll Billings Tax Rate Taxed Value County Tax Late List City Taxes Fire Taxes Total Billed Year 2010 0.767 1,327,866,369 10,184,743.25 15,890.10 1,629,828.36 503,371.31 12,333,833.02 Year 2009 0.894 1,074,350,757 9,604,696.60 38,844.26 1,596,904.94 419,657.98 11,660,103.78 Year 2008 0.894 1,067,095,405 9,539,833.35 15,293.61 1,587,401.81 418,342.90 11,560,871.67 Year 2007 0.894 1,057,504,045 9,454,086.99 36,594.58 1,567,062.65 417,392.35 11,475,136.57 Year 2006 0.894 1,031,311,772 9,219,927.97 30,747.75 1,470,983.74 413,585.67 11,135,245.13 Year 2005 0.875 1,011,277,231 8,848,717.58 15,868.51 1,441,260.16 405,725.04 10,711,571.29 Year 2004 0.875 979,835,115 8,573,598.20 17,026.60 1,421,427.19 386,288.56 10,398,340.55 Utilities County Tax City Taxes Fire Taxes Total Billed Year 2010 1,909,334.87 96,146.67 110,638.22 2,116,119.76 Year 2009 1,997,433.34 93,637.75 102,680.57 2,193,751.66 Year 2008 2,036,138.47 80,919.31 104,766.86 2,221,824.64 Year 2007 1,845,058.15 752,396.25 36,424.77 2,633,879.17 Year 2006 866,105.28 128,816.34 34,170.91 1,029,092.53 Year 2005 794,788.24 72,326.24 36,058.48 903,172.96 Year 2004 736,236.96 75,904.11 33,245.94 845,387.01 Sep 2010 Oct 2010 Nov 2010 Dec 2010 Accounts Receivable by Type # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now Active Garnishments 296 98,778.24 294 101,614.47 291 99,314.19 317 110,512.37 Accts with Agreements 107 33,921.05 107 33,903.83 102 31,562.38 97 29,484.76 Accts in Foreclosure 90 14,413.20 92 15,385.70 90 15,095.55 89 14,758.79 Bankruptcies 161 88,919.03 159 88,836.19 156 86,276.23 153 85,597.22 Remaining Accts Collectible 7,423 2,065,395.98 7,331 2,038,271.68 6,907 1,881,796.22 6,559 1,779,164.32 Current Year Ad Valorem(All) 16,439 10,715,849.15 15,438 12,192,815.51 13,303 10,522,265.03 5,699 2,228,662.70 **Red = AR Dollars 24,516 13,017,276.65 23,421 14,470,827.38 20,849 12,636,309.60 12,914 4,248,180.16 # $$ # $$ # $$ # $$ $$ Pd/Foreclosures/ by Mo 14 2,240.35 1 81.52 4 1,045.10 3 898.78 # Accts Given to ParaLegal ------Garnishments Executed 11 4,982.18 8 5,788.72 13 6,198.71 45 19,640.14 Debt Setoff Letters Mailed - - 8 5,788.72 13 5,885.62 44 20,050.42 Balance owed on Debt Setoff(Call DSC239) 450,554.02 449,831.84 441,001.26 426,214.22 One Year Ago Sep 2009 Oct 2009 Nov 2009 Dec 2009 Accounts Receivable by Type # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now Active Garnishments 310 104,143.38 322 107,768.32 320 108,125.58 304 100,500.26 Accts with Agreements 162 57,522.13 159 55,564.25 153 49,681.78 152 49,440.39 Accts in Foreclosure 143 26,508.96 135 23,799.95 135 23,395.20 127 18,448.71 Bankruptcies 183 91,379.43 176 88,914.43 172 88,676.19 192 100,235.16 Remaining Accts Collectible 6,364 1,644,168.09 6,198 1,550,594.21 6,123 1,521,417.85 6,039 1,533,256.53 Current Year Ad Valorem(All) 15,982 12,187,840.10 14,804 11,606,769.95 12,760 10,207,214.38 5,363 2,101,424.46 **Red = AR Dollars 23,144 14,111,562.09 21,794 13,433,411.11 19,663 11,998,510.98 12,177 3,903,305.51 # $$ # $$ # $$ # $$ $$ Pd/Foreclosures/ by Mo 5 1,251.26 2 116.97 2 639.97 8 5,491.43 # Accts Given to ParaLegal ------Garnishments Executed - - 21 6,487.00 3 648.26 1 1,650.84 Debt Setoff Letters Mailed ------Balance owed on Debt Setoff(Call DSC239) 531,259.61 525,984.60 523,961.52 512,686.07 Remaining Accts Collectible 6,364 1,644,168.09 6,198 1,550,594.21 6,123 1,521,417.85 6,039 1,533,256.53 Current Year Ad Valorem(All) 15,982 12,187,840.10 14,804 11,606,769.95 12,760 10,207,214.38 5,363 2,101,424.46 **Red = AR Dollars 23,144 14,111,562.09 21,794 13,433,411.11 19,663 11,998,510.98 12,177 3,903,305.51 # $$ # $$ # $$ # $$ $$ Pd/Foreclosures/ by Mo 5 1,251.26 2 116.97 2 639.97 8 5,491.43 # Accts Given to ParaLegal ------Garnishments Executed - - 21 6,487.00 3 648.26 1 1,650.84 Debt Setoff Letters Mailed ------Balance owed on Debt Setoff(Call DSC239) 531,259.61 525,984.60 523,961.52 512,686.07 Vehicle Property Taxes FY 2010-2011 - Current Ad Valorem Year - 2010 December 31, 2010

(Total $$ Collections) May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2010 113,210.20 99,617.63 105,412.14 120,638.72 102,776.37 132,099.43 2009 92,017.58 142,346.13 122,954.66 105,356.06 126,604.54 148,976.92 109,246.46 165,750.40 2008 140,891.81 125,895.94 116,814.90 143,009.05 133,467.18 143,135.63 113,001.20 193,942.28 2007 123,039.32 123,109.03 122,820.41 170,641.96 123,647.78 146,325.19 147,290.59 166,118.52 2006 142,012.85 137,987.50 99,740.59 116,768.90 92,961.20 129,893.08 114,626.08 157,960.67 2005 139,331.91 116,190.58 96,266.34 97,198.40 118,779.31 131,088.21 93,076.77 131,539.48 2004 123,011.08 130,505.94 97,963.54 103,036.42 94,384.83 126,013.19 104,588.40 137,468.27

Of Total Collections County Taxes May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2010 - - 92,298.88 81,964.93 83,870.76 96,381.18 83,476.51 107,502.33 2009 76,374.99 115,523.99 100,380.49 84,903.01 100,742.46 121,008.41 89,356.91 134,554.58 2008 114,310.48 102,403.58 96,140.94 114,934.99 107,462.61 116,225.68 90,925.14 155,695.83 2007 99,394.36 101,296.97 100,892.19 136,693.09 98,711.37 118,921.05 118,540.93 134,593.33 2006 114,089.37 112,058.69 81,031.47 94,236.09 74,206.32 106,168.06 93,444.65 127,794.21 2005 113,044.97 94,873.96 78,713.00 79,310.02 95,162.00 106,353.71 76,792.22 106,670.91 2004 102,338.16 107,013.99 78,487.99 82,464.83 76,171.24 101,087.18 83,920.25 110,578.39

Current Year (2010) Ad Valorem Collections % May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2010 49.60% 53.28% 55.79% 60.46% 61.74% 67.57% 2009 75.90% 81.22% 51.33% 51.04% 56.71% 61.37% 61.15% 69.32% 2008 78.93% 82.75% 49.30% 54.00% 58.06% 61.79% 62.00% 70.89% 2007 79.80% 83.27% 48.56% 56.62% 58.75% 62.74% 66.28% 72.39% 2006 79.28% 83.28% 44.96% 51.40% 53.34% 57.96% 59.93% 66.77% 2005 81.44% 84.88% 62.89% 63.59% 66.63% 70.26% 69.72% 74.22% 2004 82.41% 86.46% 59.82% 62.70% 64.56% 69.64% 71.97% 77.53% 2003 83.82% 87.55% 65.61% 63.87% 69.45% 69.96% 67.97% 76.97% 2002 84.59% 87.92% 66.92% 66.85% 65.99% 66.69% 68.42% 74.78%

History of Past Due Mailings 01/08/10 03/01/10 06/01/10 10/01/10 # $$ # $$ # $$ # $$ 7,165 465,898.35 6,379 409,871.61 6,042 388,149.72 7,810 471,356.74 COLLECTOR DID NOT MAIL Total Monthly Veh Billings May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2010 120,478.19 119,999.02 107,672.23 117,140.95 97,615.33 90,680.69 2009 140,069.44 125,068.34 143,621.80 130,748.72 142,216.63 149,233.48 103,692.98 100,434.86 2008 143,902.71 133,231.36 147,096.09 146,173.32 155,143.04 148,373.75 113,200.10 108,876.07 2007 154,241.50 139,609.75 152,547.25 147,152.11 159,800.15 150,609.76 122,374.37 115,257.50 2006 158,391.01 140,952.25 132,157.86 126,655.92 150,995.18 145,191.02 120,878.86 115,964.90 2005 143,633.83 132,673.79 124,463.66 120,410.49 122,643.27 124,605.81 103,827.15 98,486.93

Sep 2010 Oct 2010 Nov 2010 Dec 2010 Accounts Receivable by Type # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now Active Garnishments 444 30,335.30 416 28,631.96 402 27,810.82 387 25,989.71 Bankruptcies 5 376.06 4 230.45 4 231.73 4 233.01 Remaining Accts Receivable 5,380 330,859.48 4,922 302,965.67 4,570 282,052.27 4,214 260,055.77 Current Year AR (Taxes/Int) 3,768 226,204.98 4,225 248,786.24 4,868 288,803.38 4,886 281,762.97 **Red = AR Dollars 9,597 587,775.82 9,567 580,614.32 9,844 598,898.20 9,491 568,041.46

Garnishments Served by Mth 3 119.80 3 318.24 2 253.58 18 1,274.23 Garnishments Matured by Mth 3 119.80 1 104.14 2 255.03 18 1,274.23

One Year Ago Sep 2009 Oct 2009 Nov 2009 Dec 2009 Accounts Receivable by Type # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now # $$ Due Now Active Garnishments 949 57,814.77 848 51,765.29 817 50,360.51 741 45,050.25 Bankruptcies 20 3,345.60 20 3,357.68 20 3,369.84 20 3,254.97 Remaining Accts Receivable 4,539 289,466.72 4,097 260,550.55 3,850 245,655.93 3,518 223,228.39 Current Year AR (Taxes/Int) 3,561 228,444.24 4,026 261,773.09 4,761 322,714.21 4,507 293,034.81 **Red = AR Dollars 9,069 579,071.33 8,991 577,446.61 9,448 622,100.49 8,786 564,568.42

Garnishments Served by Mth 229 17,152.31 157 10,100.09 148 9,598.89 139 9,265.06 Garnishments Matured by Mth 151 10,334.15 99 6,975.12 82 5,210.68 69 5,248.26 Budget Expense Report and Fund Balance Update: Fund Balance Calculation Last Year Two Months Last As of 12-31-10 Same Month Ago Month Now As of As of As of As of 12/31/09 10/31/10 11/30/10 12/31/10 Available Fund Balance Cash & Investments (General) $ 10,925,717 $ 6,207,069 $ 7,189,130 $ 11,457,619 Cash & Investments (22 Fund) $ 6,833 $ 9,342 $ 9,344 $ 9,845 Less Cash from General (other funds) $ - $ - $ - $ - Less Liabilites (w/out deferred revenue) $ (20,214) $ 74,178 $ 75,398 $ 68,171 Less Deferred Revenue (from cash receipts) $ (58,291) $ (53,476) $ (53,476) $ (53,476) Less Encumbrances $ (229,273) $ (107,626) $ (41,003) $ (373,845)

Total Available $ 10,624,773 $ 6,129,487 $ 7,179,392 $ 11,108,314

General Fund Expenditures Total Expenditures (Adopted Budget) $ 27,428,189 $ 26,226,323 $ 26,226,323 $ 26,226,323

Total Available for Appropriation Total Available $ 10,624,773 $ 6,129,487 $ 7,179,392 $ 11,108,314 Total Expenditures $ 27,428,189 $ 26,226,323 $ 26,226,323 $ 26,226,323

Total % Available Fund Balance 38.74% 23.37% 27.37% 42.36%

Available Fund Balance Requirement 8% 8% 8% 8% Per LGC $2,194,255 $2,098,106 $2,098,106 $2,098,106

% Undesignated Fund Balance 30.74% 15.37% 19.37% 34.36% $ 8,430,518 $ 4,031,381 $ 5,081,287 $ 9,010,208

12/31/09 10/31/10 11/30/10 12/31/10 1100001100 10,925,716.54 6,207,068.64 7,189,130.25 11,457,618.89

Budget Amendment – DSS: To recognize and appropriate additional funding from North Carolina DHHS through Federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Funds to Anson County Department of Social Services for the Crisis Intervention Program. AMENDMENT Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2010/11 BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2010/11 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows: Section 1. General Fund Expenditures: Increase: 11-5310-5580 Social Services $ 8,309 Total Increase: $ 8,309 Section 2. General Fund Revenues: Increase: 11-5310 Social Services Administration $ 8,309 Total Increase: $ 8,309 Adopted this 4th day of January, 2011.

Budget Amendment – Administration Building: To recognize additional funding from contingency-Emergencies Fund to cover final cost of Administration Building closeout. AMENDMENT Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2010/11 BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2010/11 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows: Section 1. General Fund Expenditures: Increase: 11-4162 Administration Building $ 20,944 Total Increase: $ 20,944 Section 2. General Fund Expenditures: Decrease: 11-9912 Contingency-Emergencies $ (20,944) Total Decrease: $ (20,944) Adopted this 4th day of January, 2011.

Budget Amendment – Health Department: Appropriate additional funding for North Carolina System for Public Health Emergency Response for H1N1 for Anson County health Department from North Carolina Department of Epidemiology/PHP&R. AMENDMENT Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2010/11 BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2010/11 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows: Section 1. General Fund Expenditures: Increase: 11-5110-5181 Health Programs $ 64,000 Total Increase: $ 64,000 Section 2. General Fund Revenues: Increase: 11-5100 Health – All Programs $ 64,000 Total Increase: $ 64,000 Adopted this 4th day of January, 2011.

Budget Amendment – Health Department: Appropriate additional funding for North Carolina System for public health Emergency Response for H1N1 for Anson County health Department from North Carolina Department of Epidemiology/PHP&R. AMENDMENT Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2010/11 BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2010/11 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows: Section 1. General Fund Expenditures: Increase: 11-5110-5181 Health Programs $ 16,000 Total Increase: $ 16,000 Section 2. General Fund Revenues: Increase: 11-5100 Health – All Programs $ 16,000 Total Increase: $ 16,000 Adopted this 4th day of January, 2011.

Budget Amendment – Health Department: To appropriate additional funding from Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust a Two year Grant for the Anson County health Department to provide a medical home for low-income individuals in Anson County. AMENDMENT Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2010/11 BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2010/11 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows: Section 1. General Fund Expenditures: Increase: 11-5110-5181 Health Programs $ 194,150 Total Increase: $ 194,150 Section 2. General Fund Revenues: Increase: 11-5110 Health – All Programs $ 194,150 Total Increase: $ 194,150 Adopted this 4th day of January, 2011.

Appointment: Environmental Impact, Inc. Chairman Baucom noted this was a nonprofit group with the Clerk thinking that former Commissioner Lear served on this Board. Chairman Baucom asked if they were looking for a Commissioner with the Clerk feeling they were looking for a volunteer to represent Anson County. Vice Chair Streater stated that according to their letter they would be interested in individuals of Hispanic, African American, American Indian or Asian background to diversify their membership. Vice Chair Streater felt Ms. Sturdivant would make a good representative. Chairman Baucom voiced that she had someone in mind but would like the opportunity to speak with her before making the appointment. This matter will be placed on the February Agenda awaiting more information.

Commissioner Concerns: Commissioner Spencer shared that he received several calls from citizens on Davidson Drive and Fire Tower Road voicing a concern for the lack of fire hydrants. Commissioner Spencer stated there was a hydrant across the highway from the Fire Department on Fire Tower Road and the next one was at highway 74 by Almond’s Garage. Commissioner Spencer stated that their homeowner’s insurance was high because of this and they were asking for assistance. Chairman Baucom asked who was responsible for installing the hydrants with Commissioner Spencer answering that they pay their water bill to the Town of Lilesville. Commissioner Spencer stated that he met with them about three times last year and was told by Ms. Whitlock that they had a grant in the amount of $13,000 for hydrants then Governor Perdue froze the money. Chairman Baucom asked if they were in a fire district and paying a tax for fire protection with Commissioner Spencer stating they were in Lilesville’s district. Ms. James shared that they do not pay a fire tax. Ms. James explained that with the location of the line you were either in the town or the fire district and if they live in the town limits they were not paying a fire tax. Vice Chair Streater stated that both Davidson Drive and Fire Tower Road were out of the town limits. Chairman Baucom again asked who was responsible with Vice Chair Streater answering it was Lilesville’s line but it was located in the county. Chairman Baucom asked if the county installs fire hydrants with County Manager Gatewood answering yes and we maintain them. County Manager Gatewood stated that he would like to bring this to the attention of Mike Sessions and discuss it with Ms. Whitlock and come back with a recommendation.

Commissioner Sikes referred to the issue at SPCC that was brought before the Board at the last meeting and asked for an update. Commissioner Sikes stated that the request passed because he did not vote which was counted as a yes and he wanted to know what was going on. Commissioner Sikes was of the opinion we could not afford to put up a building they were not using. County Manager Gatewood will follow up and report back to the Board. Commissioner Woodburn referenced the copy of the Legislative Goals from the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. Commissioner Woodburn voiced one goals of concern was ensuring adequate Mental Health funding and how this goes in line with what Sheriff Allen spoke about and law enforcement handling mental health patients. Commissioner Woodburn stated that this was an issue across the state and the Association has taken this on to try to make sure the state provides funding and something is put in place to deal with this issue to not be a burden on counties. Commissioner Woodburn stated that another concern was the possibility of the state transferring the responsibility of roads to counties. Commissioner Woodburn shared that the Association was not in favor of this and their one concern was that this may be something the larger counties want and counties like Anson would get left behind. Commissioner Woodburn stated another goal was to reinstate the ADM and lottery funds for school construction and asked Board members when given the opportunity to speak with Representative Gibson or Senator Purcell to mention this.

Commissioner Sims stated that he heard from a reliable source that the state was looking at everything they could send to the county. Chairman Baucom was of the opinion that Representative Gibson would be in Monroe next Sunday and she plans to attend and she would not pass up the opportunity to remind him to not shove things down to the county. Commissioner Woodburn mentioned that Centralina COG was hosting an event on a Wednesday and he was hopeful someone from Anson County could attend.

Closed Session: Motion by Commissioner Woodburn, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to go into closed session pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 143-318.11(a)(5) to establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning the negotiations of the amount of compensation or other terms of an employment contract and to discuss a contract. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to come out of closed session. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Vice Chair Streater, to authorize the County Manager to negotiate a contract with the candidate for County Attorney. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Commissioner Sikes, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to approve the County Manager continuing negotiations on the contract with the Burnsville water tower. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Vice Chair Streater, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted: Bonnie M. Huntley, NCCCC Clerk to the Board

Meeting time: 2 hr.

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