Host List for Summer 2018 Program (June 25 – July 20, 2018) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Ms. Floy Chen, Ms. Jennifer Hu, Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. Frank Jiang, Ms. Sally Zhang, & Ms. Rose Zhu (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)


• Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas, Chairman, Science & Space Subcommittee of the Commerce, Science, & Transportation (“Commerce”) Committee (also serves on the Committees for Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry (“Agriculture”); Environment & Public Works (“EPW”); and Veterans’ Affairs);

• Sen. of , Ranking Member, Environment & Public Works Subcommittee on Fisheries, Water, & Wildlife (also serves on the Commerce, Energy & Natural Resources, and Small Business Committees).

• Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, Minority Whip (Sen. Durbin has served as the #2 Democratic leader in the Senate since January 2005; he also serves on the Appropriations, Judiciary, and Rules Committees).

• Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, Member, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Flake previously served in the House);


• Ms. Adrian Arnakis, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, Republican Conf. Chair);

• Ms. Hazeen Ashby, Minority General Counsel, Commerce Committee (Sen. Bill Nelson of );

• Ms. Chanda Betourney, Minority Dep. Staff Director, Appropriations Committee (Sen. of Vermont);

• Mr. Chris Bates, Chief Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. / Chairman Chuck Grassley);

• Mr. Walton Chaney, Legislative Aide, Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi;

• Mr. David Cleary, Majority Staff Director, Health/Educ/Labor (HELP) Committee (Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tenn.);

• Mr. Mike Davis, Majority Chief Counsel for Nominations, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa);

• Mr. Chris Day, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida);

• Ms. Reema Dodin, Floor Director, Office of Assistant Majority Leader Richard Durbin of Illinois (#2 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Mike Evans, Minority Chief Counsel, Finance Committee (Sen. of Oregon);

• Mr. Christopher Farrar, Legislative Aide, Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas;

• Mr. Peter Feldman, Majority Senior Counsel, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, Republican Conf. Chair);

• Mr. Robert Frisby, Majority Detailee from FTC, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, Republican Conf. Chair);

• Mr. Michael Hermann, Military Legislative Assistant, Sen. Joe Donnelly of ;

• Ms. Shannon Hines, Majority Staff Director, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama);

• Ms. Elizabeth Hira, Legislative Assistant, Sen. Kamala Harris of California; All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 1 of 70 See

• Mr. Chris Hixon, Majority Staff Director, Homeland Security & Government Affairs Cmte (Sen. Ron Johnson of WI);

• Mr. Josh Hsu, General Counsel, Sen. Kamala Harris of California;

• Mr. Wally Hsueh, Deputy Chief of Staff, Sen. Steve Daines of Montana;

• Ms. Annie Humphrey, Legislative Correspondent, Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas;

• Ms. Rita Lari Jochum, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa);

• Ms. Andrea Jones, Legislative Aide, Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona;

• Mr. Jay Khosla, Chief Economic Counsel, Office of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of KY (#1 Republican Leader);

• Mr. Dan Kunsman, Chief of Staff, Sen. John Barrasso & Sen. Republican Policy Committee (Chair Barrasso: #4 leader);

• Ms. Stacie Oliver, Majority Professional Staff, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee);

• Ms. Monica Popp, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Mark Powden, Minority Staff Director, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Ms. Stacy Rich, Staff Director, Office of Assistant Democratic Leader Patty Murray of WA (#3 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Gregg Richard, Majority Staff Director, Banking Committee (Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho);

• Mr. Nick Rossi, Majority Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, Republican Conf. Chair: #3 leader);

• Mr. Evan Schatz, Minority Staff Director, HELP Committee (Sen. Patty Murray of Washington: #3 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Michael Schiffer, Minority Senior Advisor & Counselor, Foreign Relations Cmte (Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland);

• Mr. Josh Smith, Minority Policy Director, Budget Committee (Sen. of Vermont);


• Rep. Don Beyer of , Vice Ranking Member, Science, Space, & Technology Committee (former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland & Liechtenstein).

• Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Vice Chairman, Judiciary Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security Subcom (former Army JAG officer and Texas state judge, including Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Steve King of Iowa, Chairman, Judiciary Constitution & Civil Justice Subcommittee (Iowa State Senator from 1977 until his election to Congress in 2002; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Darin LaHood of Illinois, Republican Co-Chair, US-China Working Group (also serves on the Natural Resources Committee and chairs the Science, Space & Technology Oversight Subcommittee);

• Rep. Rick Larsen of Washington, Democratic Co-Chair, US-China Working Group (also a senior member of the Armed Services Committee and the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee);

• Rep. Grace Meng of New York, Member, Foreign Affairs Committee (she is a , a former NY state lawmaker, the first Asian-American elected to Congress from NY, and the new Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee);

• Rep. Dina Titus of Nevada, Member, Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (a former political science professor and Nevada state senator, Rep. Titus is serving her second stint in Congress).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 2 of 70 See Staff:

• Mr. Brian Allen, Counsel, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas (senior member of Judiciary Committee);

• Mr. Gary Andres, Majority Staff Director, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas);

• Mr. Perry Apelbaum, Min. Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. of );

• Mr. Alex Burkett, Min. Chief Counsel, Transportation & Infrastructure Cmte (Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon);

• Mr. Jonathan Burks, Chief of Staff, Office of Speaker of (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Machalagh Carr, Majority General Counsel, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas);

• Mr. Brandon Casey, Minority Chief of Staff, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Richard Neal of );

• Ms. Karen Christian, Majority General Counsel, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon);

• Ms. Sheria Clarke, Majority Staff Director, Oversight & Govt Reform Cmte (Rep. Trey Gowdy of S.C.);

• Ms. Molly Cole, Legislative Aide, Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia;

• Ms. Carrie Colla, Health Policy Fellow, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. David Dorfman, Legislative Counsel, Rep. Brad Sherman of California;

• Ms. Betsy Dudley, Legislative Assistant, Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee;

• Ms. Julia Garrison, Counsel, Rep. Jim Cooper of Tennessee;

• Mr. Brett Horton, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Whip of Louisiana (#3 Republican leader);

• Mr. Bill Hughes, Policy Director, Office of Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana (#3 Republican leader);

• Ms. Shelley Husband, Maj. Chief of Staff & General Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Bob Goodlatte of VA);

• Ms. Barrett Karr, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of CA (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Chris Krafchak, State Department Fellow, Rep. Adam Schiff of California (Ranking on Intel Committee);

• Ms. Karen Brown McAfee, Min. Gen. Counsel & Oversight Staff Dir, Ways & Means Cmte (Rep. Richard Neal);

• Ms. Rricha Mathur, Legislative Counsel, Rep. Judy Chu of California;

• Ms. Bess McWherter, Legislative Assistant, Rep. Jim Cooper of Tennessee;

• Mr. Luke Murry, Nat’l Security Advr, Office of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of CA (#2 Republican leader);

• Ms. Wyndee Parker, Nat’l Security Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Wendell Primus, Senior Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Dave Rapallo, Min. Staff Director, Oversight & Govt Reform Cmte (Rep. Elijah Cummings of MD);

• Mr. Tim Robinson, Minority Chief Counsel, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey);

• Ms. Rachana Shah, Sr. Policy Advisor, Rep. Grace Meng of New York;

• Mr. Tom Sheehy, Majority Staff Director, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 3 of 70 See • Mr. Jason Steinbaum, Minority Staff Director, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Eliot Engel of New York);

• Mr. Doug Thomas, Deputy Chief of Staff, Rep. Randy Hultgren of Illinois;

• Mr. Tom Van Flein, Chief of Staff, Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona;

• Mr. Chris Vieson, Majority Staff Director, Transportation & Infrastructure Cmte (Rep. Bill Shuster of Penn.);

• Ms. Rachel Wagley, Legislative Director, Rep. Ann Wagner of Missouri;

• Mr. Danny Weiss, Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader).


• Mr. Wayne Morrison, Specialist in Asian Trade & Finance, Congressional Research Service.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Amb. Sam Brownback, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large, U.S. Department of State (Amb. Brownback runs the Office of International Religious Freedom; he began his career practicing law in the State of , then became state Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Representative, U.S. Senator, and Governor of Kansas before his current ambassadorial appointment);

• Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (prior to this appointment by President Trump in early 2017, Secretary Carson ran for President in the Republican primaries; for thirty years, he had served as the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital; his lifelong achievements in medicine earned him over 60 honorary doctorates as well as the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor awarded by the );

• Steve Censky, Deputy Secretary (#2), U.S. Department of Agriculture (prior to this appointment by President Trump in 2017, Mr. Censky was CEO of the American Soybean Association; he began his career as an aide on Capitol Hill and served in the Administrations of Reagan and Bush I, including as Administrator of the Foreign Agricultural Service);

• Mr. Robert Davis, Communications Director, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice;

• Mr. Richard Daynes, Resident Legal Advisor, U.S. Embassy Beijing, U.S. Departments Justice and State;

• Mr. John Gibbs, Senior Advisor, Community Planning & Development, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development;

• Ms. Michele Greenstein, Acting Director, Office of Criminal Justice Assistant & Partnership, Bureau for International Law Enforcement & Narcotics Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Bryan Grulkowski, Justice Advisor, Bureau for International Law Enforcement & Narcotics Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Noel Francisco, Solicitor General of the United States, U.S. Department of Justice (prior to this appointment in 2017, Mr. Francisco served as Principal Deputy Solicitor General; previously he was a partner with Jones Day and served in the White House and Justice Department of President George W. Bush; he also clerked for Justice );

• Mr. Alan Hanson, Acting Assistant Attorney General for Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (a Georgetown law grad and five-time host of our program, Mr. Hanson joined DOJ in Jan 2017; earlier he served the U.S. Senate for years, including as Chief of Staff to Senator Richard Shelby and as Legislative Director to now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions; he soon will move to the Department of Transportation to serve as Deputy Chief of Staff under Secretary Elaine Chao);

• Mr. James Heller, Director, Office of Taiwan Coordination, Bureau of East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State (a career Foreign Service Officer, married to Lisa Heller, below, Mr. Heller served in Taipei, Kyiv, Seoul, China 3X, and in D.C.) (and was the terrific control officer for Matthew’s first congressional delegation to China in Jan 2002);

• Dr. Lisa Heller, Director, Office of Public Diplomacy, Bureau of East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State (having chosen the U.S. Foreign Service over NASA, Ms. Heller has served in Shenyang, Taipei, Kyiv, Seoul, and Beijing– three times–most recently as the Acting Deputy Chief of Mission, and in Washington, D.C.);

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• Mr. Matt Hennessy, Program Analyst, Policy Development & Research, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development;

• Ms. Lauren Lambert, Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice;

• Mr. Mark Lambert, (A) Deputy Assistant Secretary for Korea, Bureau of East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State (a Baylor Law grad and career Foreign Service Officer, Mr. Lambert has served in Colombia, Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Washington, D.C., and now serves as a lead diplomat regarding North Korea);

• Ms. Karin Lang, Director of Policy Coordination & Public Affairs, Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State (previously Ms. Lang served as the State Department’s Director for Executive Secretariat Staff);

• Mr. Jonathan Morrison, Chief Counsel, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation (a Notre Dame Law grad, he previously served in legal compliance and regulatory affairs in California);

• Ms. Jennifer Newstead, Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State (as Legal Adviser, Ms. Newstead is the top lawyer at State, overseeing its legal department; a Yale Law grad, she most recently served as a partner in Davis, Polk & Wardwell; her prior government roles include General Counsel of the Office of Management & Budget, Principal Deputy Assistant AG for the Office of Legal Policy, Associate Counsel to the President, and to Justice );

• Mr. Hanscom Smith, Director, China Desk, Bureau of East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State (a career Foreign Service Officer, Mr. Smith most recently served as the U.S. Consul General in Shanghai; his prior postings include the U.S. Embassies in Yaounde, Copenhagen, Phnom Penh, Bangkok, and Kabul);

• Ms. Margaret Peterlin*, Immediate Past Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of State (a last-minute conflict prevented Ms. Peterlin from meeting us last year) (a Naval Officer and former clerk to Fifth Circuit Judge Jerry Smith, Ms. Peterlin has held many positions in government, including leadership aide on Capitol Hill and Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce);

• Mr. Todd Richardson, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development & Research, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (Mr. Richardson previously served as the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy);

• Mr. Carl Risch, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State (a former practicing attorney and Foreign Service Officer, Mr. Risch has served as Acting Chief of Staff at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, USCIS Field Office Director at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, and immigration officer at the U.S. Embassy in Manila);

• Ms. Laura Rogers, (New) Acting Assistant Attorney General for Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (previously the Director of SMART: Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking);

• Mr. David Rybicki, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice (a Stanford law grad, Mr. Rybicki previously served as Counselor to the Attorney General, Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Assistant U.S. Attorney for D.C., lawyer in private practice, and law clerk to Fifth Circuit Chief Judge );

• Ms. Susan Thornton, (A) Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State (a career Foreign Service Officer, Ms. Thornton has held significant East Asian portfolios at Main State in D.C. when not serving overseas in parts of China and the former Soviet Union, including as the Deputy Chief of Mission in Turkmenistan);

• Mr. Eric Ueland*, Nominee for Under Secretary for Management, U.S. Department of State (Mr. Ueland is a senior strategy officer for the Millennium Challenge Corporation; his previous positions include Staff Director for the Senate Budget Committee and Chief of Staff for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and for Assistant Majority Leader Don Nickles).

• Ms. Amanda Wall, Special Assistant, Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State (a grad of Georgetown Law, Ms. Wall previously served in the Human Rights and Refugee Law section and has served on U.S. Delegations to the United Nations, including the Human Rights Council, General Assembly Third Committee, Committee Against Torture);

• Mr. Dara Yin, International Relations Officer for China, Malaysia, & Regional Maritime Issues, Bureau for International Law Enforcement & Narcotics Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Kyle Zebley, Senior Advisor, Office of Global Affairs, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (Mr. Zebley’s duties include coordinating the Secretary’s foreign travel and bilateral meetings, and briefings for HHS counselors).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 5 of 70 See *Placed in this section for reasons of relevance.


• Sr. Judge John Bates, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2001, Judge Bates served in the U.S. Army, including a tour in Vietnam, practiced law with Miller & Chevalier, and served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., including as Chief of the Civil Division; during his tenure on this Court, Judge Bates also served as Presiding Judge of the F.I.S.A. Court from 2009-2013, under an appointment by Chief Justice Roberts);

• Judge James (“Jeb”) Boasberg, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Obama in 2011, Judge Boasberg also currently serves on the F.I.S.A. Court as of his May 2014 appointment by Chief Justice Roberts; previously, Judge Boasberg served on the D.C. Superior Court under an appointment by President Bush in 2002; earlier in his career, he practiced law in S.F. and D.C., served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., and played basketball at Yale);

• Judge Tanya Chutkan, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Chutkan was a career litigator with the D.C. Public Defender Service and then with the law firm of Boies Schiller);

• Judge Gerald Fisher, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2001, Judge Fisher practiced law with his current judicial colleague Judge Morin, below; Judge Fisher has served in the Civil and Criminal Divisions of this Court, as well as its Probate & Tax Division, where he currently is the Presiding Judge);

• Judge Thomas Griffith, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2005, Judge Griffith practiced law with the law firms of Robinson Bradshaw and Wiley Rein and served as Senate Legal Counsel of the United States and as Assistant to the President and General Counsel of Brigham Young University);

• Sr. Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1999, Judge Huvelle served on the D.C. Superior Court under an appointment by President Bush in 1990; earlier in her career, Judge Huvelle practiced law with the law firm of Williams & Connolly);

• Judge Amy Berman Jackson, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2011, Judge Jackson served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C. and practiced law with Trout Cacheris and with Venable Baetjer);

• Judge , U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Jackson clerked for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, worked as counsel for the U.S. Sentencing Commission, served in the Office of the in D.C., and practiced law with several law firms);

• Judge Timothy Kelly, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Trump in 2017, Judge Kelly’s prior positions include Chief Counsel for National Security and Senior Crime Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, trial attorney in the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section, and Assistant U.S. Attorney for D.C.);

• Sr. Judge , U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1987, Judge Lamberth served as its Chief Judge from 2008-2013; he also served as Presiding Judge of the F.I.S.A. Court from 1995- 2002, including on 9/11, under an appointment by Chief Justice Rehnquist; previously, Judge Lamberth was an Army JAG Officer, including in Vietnam, and was Chief of the Civil Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C.);

• Judge , U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Mehta served as a staff attorney with the D.C. Public Defender Service and practiced law with Zuckerman Spaeder);

• Chief Judge Robert Morin, Superior Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Clinton in 1996 and elevated to Chief Judge in June 2017, Chief Judge Morin has served as an Associate and Presiding Judge in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions of this Court; previously, he practiced law, specializing in defending against death penalty prosecutions);

• Judge Randolph Moss, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Moss clerked for Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, practiced law at Wilmer Cutler, served the U.S. Justice Department as Deputy, Acting, and Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, then returned to Wilmer Cutler);

• Judge Cornelia “Nina” Pillard, U.S. Court of appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Pillard served as Assistant to the U.S. Solicitor General, Deputy Asst. AG in the Office of Legal Counsel, and Professor of Law at Georgetown, including Academic Co-Director of its Center for Transnational Legal Studies);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 6 of 70 See • Judge , U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Srinivasan clerked for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, practiced law with O’Melveny & Myers, including chairing the firm’s Supreme Court practice, and was the Principal Deputy Solicitor General of the United States);

• Judge David Tatel, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1994, Judge Tatel was General Counsel for the Legal Services Corporation, was Civil Rights Director for the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and practiced law with Sidley & Austin and with Hogan & Hartson);

• Sr. Judge , U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2001, Judge Walton served on the D.C. Superior Court under appointments by President Reagan in 1981 and President Bush in 1991; Judge Walton also served on the F.I.S.A. Court from 2007-2014, including as Presiding Judge, under an appointment by Chief Justice Roberts; earlier, he served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., including as Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney).


• Ms. Mira Gur-Arie, Director of International Judicial Relations, (the research and educational agency of the federal judiciary) (previously she served in Russia with the ABA/CEELI and Ford Foundation; before that, she was a Clinical Education Professor at Cardozo Law School, and an Assistant Public Defender in New York);

• Mr. George Everly, Budget Director, U.S. Supreme Court (previously served as chief counsel for the Senate Budget Committee and a Supreme Court Fellow).


• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program);

• Mr. Javade Chaudhri, Head of Africa Practice, Jones Day (a Georgetown law grad, Mr. Chaudhri previously served as General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, and Chief Environmental Officer for Sempra Energy, a Fortune 250 company; he is a member of the Board of Trustees of US-Asia Institute, the general host of this program);

• Mr. Donald Clarke, Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School (Harvard law grad);

• Mr. Andrew Coflan, Asia Associate, Eurasia Group;

• Mr. Robert Daly, Director, Wilson Center’s Kissinger Institute on China and the United States (his previous roles include U.S. diplomat in Beijing, American Director of the Johns Hopkins-Nanjing University, and interpreter for Chinese and U.S. leaders, including President Carter and Secretary of State Kissinger);

• Mr. David Dollar, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute (Mr. Dollar previously served as the U.S. Treasury’s economic and financial emissary to China; before that, he spent 20 years at the World Bank, serving as country director for China and Mongolia, with other assignments focused on South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Bangladesh, and );

• Mr. Robert Jordan, Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program) (Mr. Jordan was a career Foreign Service Officer in the State Department);

• Mr. Glenn Lau-Kee, Partner, Kee & Lau-Kee (a BU Law grad, Mr. Lau-Kee is an Executive Committee Member and past-President of the New York State Bar Association; he serves on the Board of Directors for the Legal Services for New York City and the Fund for Modern Courts as well as Chairman of the US-Asia Institute, the main host of this program);

• Mr. Stuart Kerr, Counsel, Jones Day (a Georgetown law grad, Mr. Kerr was the Executive Director of the International Law Institute and the Legal & Regulatory Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. gov’t agency that provides large grants to developing countries that demonstrate better governance practices than their peer countries);

• Mr. Jinhai Lin, Secretary of the Fund, International Monetary Fund (Dr. Lin oversees the Secretary’s Department, is the official contact for all 189 IMF member countries, and organizes the Spring and Annual Meetings; earlier he held other positions in IMF; he studied at University of California-Berkeley and earned his Ph.D. at George Washington University);

• Ms. Yan Liu, Assistant General Counsel, International Monetary Fund (Ms. Liu has served in IMF’s Legal Department for 17 years, currently overseeing its Financial Integrity Group; she previously practiced law with Milbank Tweed and Fried Frank, and holds laws degrees from Peking University and University of Illinois and an M.A. from University of Chicago);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 7 of 70 See • Ms. Regan Ralph, President & CEO, The Fund for Global Human Rights (a Yale Law grad, Ms. Ralph previously served as Vice President for Health and Reproductive Rights at the National Women’s Law Center; earlier in her career, she directed the Women’s Rights division of Human Rights Watch);

• Ms. Clarine Nardi Riddle, Chair of the Government Affairs and Strategic Counsel Practice Group, Kasowitz Benson Torres (Ms. Riddle served as the first female Attorney General of Connecticut and a judge on its Superior Court before she became the Chief of Staff to U.S Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut);

• Mr. Robert Tyrer, Co-President of the Cohen Group (Mr. Tyrer previously served as the Chief of Staff of the Department of Defense under Defense Secretary Richard Cohen).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 8 of 70 See US-ASIA INSTITUTE SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for Summer 2017 Program (June 26 – July 21, 2017) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Ms. Alice Hu, Ms. Kelly Kou, Ms. Dannie Lv, Mr. Christopher Sun, Mr. Jerry Wu, & Ms. Doris Zhao (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)


• Sen. Steve Daines of Montana, Chairman, Energy & Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks (also serves on the Agriculture, Appropriations, and Homeland Security Committees).

• Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, Ranking Member, Environment & Public Works Subcommittee on Fisheries, Water, & Wildlife (also serves on the Commerce, Energy & Natural Resources, and Small Business Committees).

• Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, Minority Whip (Sen. Durbin has served as the #2 Democratic leader in the Senate since January 2005; he also serves on the Appropriations, Judiciary, and Rules Committees).


• Ms. Adrian Arnakis, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, Republican Conf. Chair);

• Mr. Chris Bates, Counsel to Sen. Orrin Hatch, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa);

• Ms. Gabrielle Batkin, Minority Staff Director, Environment & Public Works Cmte (Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware);

• Mr. Sam Beaver, Policy Advisor, Office of Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Lane Bodian, Legislative Aide, Office of Minority Leader of New York (#1 Democratic Leader);

• Mr. Joe Carapiet, Majority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho);

• Mr. David Cleary, Majority Staff Director, Health/Educ/Labor (HELP) Committee (Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tenn.);

• Ms. Michaeleen Crowell, Chief of Staff, Sen. Bernie Sanders of VT (Ranking on Budget; former presidential candidate);

• Mr. Chris Day, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida);

• Mr. Robert Etter, Minority Chief Counsel, Budget Committee (Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont);

• Mr. Bruce Evans, Majority Staff Director, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi);

• Mr. George Everly, Majority Chief Counsel, Budget Committee (Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming);

• Ms. Ann Marie Hauser, Deputy Staff Director, Sen. Republican Conference (Chairman John Thune: #3 leader);

• Mr. Travis Hill, Majority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho);

• Mr. Chris Hixon, Majority Staff Director, Homeland Security & Government Affairs Cmte (Sen. Ron Johnson of WI);

• Mr. Wally Hsueh, Deputy Chief of Staff, Sen. Steve Daines of Montana;

• Mr. Mike Jones, Min. Dep. Staff Director, Budget Committee (Sen. Bernie Sanders, former presidential candidate);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 9 of 70 See • Mr. Jay Khosla, Majority Staff Director, Finance Committee (Sen. Orrin Hatch, Senate President Pro Tem);

• Mr. Chuck Kieffer, Minority Staff Director, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Mr. Mike Kuiken, National Security Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of NY (#1 Democratic Leader);

• Mr. Dan Kunsman, Chief of Staff, Sen. John Barrasso & Sen. Republican Policy Committee (Chair Barrasso: #4 leader);

• Ms. Kim Lipsky, Minority Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida);

• Ms. Emily Manning, Majority Policy Advisor, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee);

• Ms. Jessica McBride, Legislative Director, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Republican Conference Chair: #3 leader);

• Ms. Stacy McBride, Chief of Staff, Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri (#5 Republican leader);

• Mr. Jonathan Nabavi, Majority Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa);

• Ms. Monica Popp, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas (#2 Republican leader);

• Ms. Maria-Paula Ramos, Legislative Correspondent, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida (former presidential candidate);

• Ms. Stacy Rich, Staff Director, Office of Assistant Democratic Leader Patty Murray of WA (#3 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Scott Riplinger, Dep. LD for Sen. Dean Heller, and Maj. Staff Dir for Banking Securities Subcom (Crapo/Heller);

• Mr. Nick Rossi, Majority Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, Republican Conf. Chair: #3 leader);

• Mr. Richard Russell, Majority Staff Director, Environment & Public Works Cmte (Sen. John Barrasso of WY: #4 leader);

• Mr. Evan Schatz, Minority Staff Director, HELP Committee (Sen. Patty Murray of Washington: #3 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Michael Schiffer, Minority Senior Advisor & Counselor, Foreign Relations Cmte (Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland);

• Mr. Josh Sheinkman, Minority Staff Director, Finance Committee (Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon);

• Ms. Laura Swanson, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Mr. Elisha Tuku, Minority Chief Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Mr. Eric Ueland, Majority Staff Director, Budget Committee (Sen. Mike Enzi) (Eric nominated as U/S of State).


• Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Vice Chairman, Judiciary Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security Subcommittee (former Army JAG officer and Texas state judge, including Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, Chairman, Natural Resources Energy & Mineral Res. Subcom (Dr. Gosar is a dentist);

• Rep. Steve King of Iowa, Chairman, Judiciary Constitution & Civil Justice Subcommittee (Iowa State Senator from 1977 until his election to Congress in 2002; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Darin LaHood of Illinois, Republican Co-Chair, US-China Working Group (also serves on the Natural Resources Committee and chairs the Science, Space & Technology Oversight Subcommittee);

• Rep. Rick Larsen of Washington, Democratic Co-Chair, US-China Working Group (also a senior member of the Armed Services Committee and the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee);

• Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida, Chairman, Foreign Affairs Asia & Pacific Subcommittee (Dr. Yoho is a veterinarian).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 10 of 70 See Staff:

• Ms. LaVerne Alexander, Chief of Staff, Rep. Donald Payne, Jr. of New Jersey;

• Mr. Doug Anderson, Majority General Counsel, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Mr. Geoff Antell, Counsel, Office of Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Ashley Antoskiewicz, Legislative Director, Rep. Darin LaHood (Co-Chair, US-China Working Group);

• Ms. AnneMarie Anzalone, District Chief of Staff, Rep. Joe Crowley of NY (Chair, Dem. Caucus: #4 Dem. leader);

• Mr. Perry Apelbaum, Min. Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. John Conyers of Michigan);

• Mr. Joe Barry, Legislative Aide, Rep. Steve King of Iowa (senior member of Judiciary Committee);

• Mr. Joe Carlile, Min. Staff Director, Appropriations Transportation Subcommittee (Ranking: Lowey / Price);

• Mr. Brandon Casey, Minority Chief of Staff, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts);

• Ms. Karen Christian, Majority General Counsel, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon);

• Mr. Doug Disrud, Maj. Clerk/Staff Director, Appropriations Transp. Subcom (Chairs: Frelinghuysen / Diaz-Balart);

• Mr. Darrell Doss, Dep. Chief of Staff, Leg. Dir., & Counsel, Rep. Dwight Evans of Pennsylvania;

• Ms. Angela Ellard, Maj. Chief Trade Counsel & Staff Dir., Ways & Means Trade Subcom (Chairs: Brady / Reichert);

• Mr. Nadeam Elshami, Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Joe Graupensperger, Min. Staff Director, Judiciary Crime Subcommittee (Ranking: Conyers / Jackson-Lee);

• Mr. Sean Griffin, Counsel, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas (senior member of Judiciary Committee);

• Ms. Allison Halataei, Majority General Counsel, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas);

• Ms. Elizabeth Heng, Maj. Chief of Protocol & Member Outreach, Foreign Affairs Cmte (Rep. Ed Royce of CA);

• Mr. Brett Horton, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana (#3 Republican leader);

• Ms. Shelley Husband, Maj. Chief of Staff & General Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Bob Goodlatte of VA);

• Ms. Barrett Karr, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of CA (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Jason Kearns, Minority Staff Director, Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee (Ranking: Neal / Pascrell);

• Mr. Peter Kielty, Maj. Dep. General Counsel, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon);

• Ms. Karen Brown McAfee, Min. Gen. Counsel & Oversight Staff Dir, Ways & Means Cmte (Rep. Richard Neal);

• Mr. Dick Meltzer, Policy Director, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. James Park, Minority Chief Counsel, Judiciary Constitution Subcommittee (Ranking: Conyers / Cohen);

• Mr. Bobby Parmiter, Majority Chief Counsel, Judiciary Crime Subcommittee (Chairs: Goodlatte / Gowdy);

• Mr. Tim Robinson, Minority Chief Counsel, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey);

• Ms. Terra Sabag, Legislative Director, Rep. Rick Larsen of Washington (Co-Chair, US-China Working Group);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 11 of 70 See • Mr. Tom Sheehy, Majority Staff Director, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Mr. Dave Stewart, Majority Staff Director, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas);

• Mr. Hunter Strupp, Maj. Staff Director, Foreign Affairs Asia & Pacific Subcommittee (Chairs: Royce / Yoho);

• Ms. Katherine Tai, Min. Chief Trade Counsel, Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee (Ranking: Neal / Pascrell);

• Mr. Paul Taylor, Maj. Chief Counsel, Judiciary Constitution Subcommittee (Chairs: Goodlatte / Steve King);

• Ms. Jennifer Hendrixson-White, Minority Prof. Staff, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Eliot Engel of New York);

• Mr. Jeremy Woodrum, Dep. Chief of Staff, Rep. Joe Crowley of NY (Chair, Dem. Caucus: #4 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Tom Van Flein, Chief of Staff, Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona;

• Mr. Jake Vreeburg, Staff Dir., Republican Policy Cmte Chairman Luke Messer of IN (#5 Republican leader).

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Mr. Chris Grieco, Associate Counsel to the President, White House (a Stanford law grad, Mr. Grieco joined White House staff in Jan 2017; previously, he served as Majority Counsel for the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security & Investigations, and practiced law in D.C. with Boies, Schiller & Flexner);

• Mr. Alan Hanson, Acting Assistant Attorney General for Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (a Georgetown law grad and five-time host of our program, Mr. Hanson joined DOJ in Jan 2017; earlier he served the U.S. Senate for years, including as Chief of Staff to Senator Richard Shelby and as Legislative Director to now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions);

• Mr. Brian Hook, Director of Policy & Planning, Office of the Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State (Mr. Hook’s prior positions include: Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, Senior Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and Special Assistant to President George W. Bush);

• Mr. Chris Klein, Deputy Executive Secretary, Office of the Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State (previously, Mr. Klein served as Acting Director of the Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs, at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, and at the U.S. Embassies in Ashgabat, Baghdad, Beijing and Paris);

• Mr. Geoffrey Okamoto, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of International Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury (before joining Treasury in May 2017, Mr. Okamoto served on Capitol Hill for many years, most recently as the Staff Director for the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection);

• Chairman Ajit Pai, Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) (a University of Chicago law grad and six-time host of our program, Chairman Pai previously served in private practice and in all three branches of the U.S. government, including as Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution);

• Ms. Laura Stone, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State (Ms. Stone oversees Chinese and Mongolian affairs and Taiwan coordination; over her foreign service career, she has specialized in East Asian economic issues, with postings in Hanoi, Beijing, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Washington, D.C.);

• Ms. Susan Thornton, Acting Assistant Secretary for East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State (a career Foreign Service Officer, Ms. Thornton has held significant East Asian portfolios at Main State in D.C. when not serving overseas in parts of China and the former Soviet Union, including as the Deputy Chief of Mission in Turkmenistan);

• Mr. Robert Turner, Acting United States Marshal for the District of Columbia, U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Department of Justice (Marshal Turner has served in the U.S. Marshals Service since 1998);

• Mr. Kyle Zebley, Senior Advisor, Office of Global Affairs, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (“HHS”) (in Jan 2017, Mr. Zebley joined his Capitol Hill boss, Rep. Tom Price, at HHS when Dr. Price became the Secretary; Mr. Zebley’s duties include coordinating the Secretary’s foreign travel and bilateral meetings, and briefings for HHS counselors).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 12 of 70 See JUDICIAL BRANCH

• Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., U.S. Supreme Court (prior to this appointment by President George W. Bush in 2006, Justice Alito served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit under an appointment by President George H.W. Bush in 1990; earlier, Justice Alito served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, an Assistant to the U.S. Solicitor General, a Deputy Assistant U.S. Attorney General, and the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey) (this was his 2d year to host);

• Sr. Judge John Bates, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2001, Judge Bates served in the U.S. Army, including a tour in Vietnam, practiced law with Miller & Chevalier, and served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., including as Chief of the Civil Division; during his tenure on this Court, Judge Bates also served as Presiding Judge of the F.I.S.A. Court from 2009-2013, under an appointment by Chief Justice Roberts);

• Judge James (“Jeb”) Boasberg, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Obama in 2011, Judge Boasberg also currently serves on the F.I.S.A. Court as of his May 2014 appointment by Chief Justice Roberts; previously, Judge Boasberg served on the D.C. Superior Court under an appointment by President Bush in 2002; earlier in his career, he practiced law in S.F. and D.C., served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., and played basketball at Yale);

• Judge Russell Canan, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1993, Judge Canan helped establish the Southern Center for Human Rights and practiced law with partners such as Greta Van Susteren; Judge Canan has served in several divisions of this Court, including as Presiding Judge of its Criminal Division);

• Judge Tanya Chutkan, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Chutkan was a career litigator with the D.C. Public Defender Service and then with the law firm of Boies Schiller);

• Judge Gerald Fisher, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2001, Judge Fisher practiced law with his current judicial colleague Judge Morin, below; Judge Fisher has served in the Civil and Criminal Divisions of this Court, as well as its Probate & Tax Division, where he currently is the Presiding Judge);

• Sr. Paul Friedman, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1994, Judge Friedman served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in D.C., an Assistant to the U.S. Solicitor General, an Associate Independent Counsel for the Iran-Contra Investigation, and practiced law with White & Case);

• Judge Thomas Griffith, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2005, Judge Griffith practiced law with the law firms of Robinson Bradshaw and Wiley Rein and served as Senate Legal Counsel of the United States and as Assistant to the President and General Counsel of Brigham Young University);

• Sr. Judge Thomas Hogan, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1982, Judge Hogan served as its Chief Judge from 2001-2008, including on 9/11, presiding during an era of challenging new national security issues; earlier, Judge Hogan served as counsel to the National Commission for the Reform of Federal Criminal Laws and practiced law in the D.C. area for many years);

• Chief Judge Beryl Howell, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Obama in 2010 and elevated to Chief Judge in March 2016, Chief Judge Howell began her career in private practice and then served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of New York (including Deputy Chief of its Narcotics Section), as General Counsel of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, and as Executive Director of a cybersecurity and digital forensics consulting firm);

• Sr. Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1999, Judge Huvelle served on the D.C. Superior Court under an appointment by President Bush in 1990; earlier in her career, Judge Huvelle practiced law with the law firm of Williams & Connolly);

• Judge Amy Berman Jackson, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2011, Judge Jackson served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C. and practiced law with Trout Cacheris and with Venable Baetjer);

• Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Jackson clerked for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, worked as counsel for the U.S. Sentencing Commission, served in the Office of the Federal Public Defender in D.C., and practiced law with several law firms);

• Judge , U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (prior to this appointment in 2006 by President George W. Bush, Judge Kavanaugh served the President as Staff Secretary and Senior Associate Counsel; earlier in his career, he was an attorney in the Office of the Solicitor General and a law clerk to Justice Anthony Kennedy);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 13 of 70 See • Sr. Judge Royce Lamberth, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1987, Judge Lamberth served as its Chief Judge from 2008-2013; he also served as Presiding Judge of the F.I.S.A. Court from 1995- 2002, including on 9/11, under an appointment by Chief Justice Rehnquist; previously, Judge Lamberth was an Army JAG Officer, including in Vietnam, and was Chief of the Civil Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C.);

• Judge Amit Mehta, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Mehta served as a staff attorney with the D.C. Public Defender Service and practiced law with Zuckerman Spaeder);

• Judge , U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Millett served in the U.S. Justice Dept, mostly with the Solicitor General, practiced law with Miller Chevalier and with Akin Gump, and argued 32 cases in the U.S. Supreme Court; she holds a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do);

• Chief Judge Robert Morin, Superior Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Clinton in 1996 and elevated to Chief Judge in June 2017, Chief Judge Morin has served as an Associate and Presiding Judge in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions of this Court; previously, he practiced law, specializing in defending against death penalty prosecutions);

• Judge Randolph Moss, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Moss clerked for Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, practiced law at Wilmer Cutler, served the U.S. Justice Department as Deputy, Acting, and Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, then returned to Wilmer Cutler);

• Sr. Judge David Sentelle, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1987, Judge Sentelle was its Chief Judge from 2008-2013, and was Presiding Judge of the “Special Counsels” Division from 1992-2006; he was a U.S. District Judge in North Carolina from 1985-1987, under an appointment by President Reagan; earlier, Judge Sentelle practiced law, served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and served as a state judge, all in N.C.);

• Judge Sri Srinivasan, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Srinivasan clerked for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, practiced law with O’Melveny & Myers, including chairing the firm’s Supreme Court practice, and was the Principal Deputy Solicitor General of the United States);

• Judge Emmet Sullivan, U.S. District Court for D.C. (a judge since 1984, Judge Sullivan was appointed to the D.C. Superior Court by President Reagan in 1984, then to the D.C. Court of Appeals by President Bush in 1991, and then to this Court by President Clinton in 1994; earlier, Judge Sullivan practiced law with , Sullivan & Gardner).

• Judge David Tatel, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1994, Judge Tatel was General Counsel for the Legal Services Corporation, was Civil Rights Director for the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and practiced law with Sidley & Austin and with Hogan & Hartson);

• Sr. Judge Reggie Walton, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2001, Judge Walton served on the D.C. Superior Court under appointments by President Reagan in 1981 and President Bush in 1991; Judge Walton also served on the F.I.S.A. Court from 2007-2014, including as Presiding Judge, under an appointment by Chief Justice Roberts; earlier, he served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., including as Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney).


• Ms. Mira Gur-Arie, Director of International Judicial Relations, Federal Judicial Center (the research and educational agency of the federal judiciary) (previously she served in Russia with the ABA/CEELI and Ford Foundation; before that, she was a Clinical Education Professor at Cardozo Law School, and an Assistant Public Defender in New York).


• Ms. Leora Ben-Ami, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis law firm (NYC trip) (Ms. Ben-Ami is an intellectual property/litigation partner in Kirkland’s NYC office, in all areas of technology, including biotech, medical devices, pharmaceuticals and chemistry, mechanical devices, and electronics);

• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program);

• Mr. Javade Chaudhri, Head of Africa Practice, Jones Day (a Georgetown law grad, Mr. Chaudhri previously served as General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, and Chief Environmental Officer for Sempra Energy, a Fortune 250 company; he is a member of the Board of Trustees of US-Asia Institute, the general host of this program);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 14 of 70 See • Dean James Feinerman, Professor of Law, Director of Law Asia, and Associate Dean for Transnational Programs, Georgetown University Law Center (Dr. Feinerman has a long history with East Asia and China, including prior stints studying and teaching in China; he earned his Ph.D. at Yale and J.D. at Harvard);

• Mr. Thomas Fleming, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis law firm (NYC trip) (Mr. Fleming is an intellectual property/litigation partner in Kirkland’s NYC office, with extensive experience in complex IP, commercial, and patent litigation);

• Mr. Jeffrey Huvelle, Partner, Covington & Burling law firm (longtime federal benefits litigator);

• Mr. Robert Jordan, Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program) (Mr. Jordan was a career Foreign Service Officer in the State Department);

• Mr. Stuart Kerr, Counsel, Jones Day (a Georgetown law grad, Mr. Kerr was the Executive Director of the International Law Institute and the Legal & Regulatory Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. gov’t agency that provides large grants to developing countries that demonstrate better governance practices than their peer countries);

• Mr. Jinhai Lin, Secretary of the Fund, International Monetary Fund (Dr. Lin oversees the Secretary’s Department, is the official contact for all 189 IMF member countries, and organizes the Spring and Annual Meetings; earlier he held other positions in IMF; he studied at University of California-Berkeley and earned his Ph.D. at George Washington University);

• Ms. Yan Liu, Assistant General Counsel, International Monetary Fund (Ms. Liu has served in IMF’s Legal Department for 17 years, currently overseeing its Financial Integrity Group; she previously practiced law with Milbank Tweed and Fried Frank, and holds laws degrees from Peking University and University of Illinois and an M.A. from University of Chicago);

• Mr. Söla Paterson-Marke, Associate, Kirkland & Ellis (NYC trip) (law degrees from the U.K. and the U.S.–Stanford);

• Mr. Mark McLennan, Associate, Kirkland & Ellis (NYC trip) (law degrees from Australia and the U.S.–Columbia);

• Ms. Ashley Ross, Associate, Kirkland & Ellis (NYC trip) (Georgetown law grad);

• Ms. Meredith Sumpter, Asia Practice Director, Eurasia Group (earlier, she served as a senior director at BowerGroupAsia, as a diplomat in Beijing, and in various roles at the Asia Foundation, International Crisis Group, and U.S. Senate);

• Ms. Liza Walsh, Founding Partner, Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP (a Seton Hall law grad, Ms. Walsh has been named to Best in America in the fields of Commercial Litigation, Patent Law, and ERISA Litigation; she also currently serves as a Trustee at the US-Asia Institute, the general host of this program);

• Mr. Tao Zhang, Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (Dr. Zhang previously served as the Executive Director for China at the IMF and the Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China, capping a long career at the Bank; he also held positions at the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank; he earned B.S. and M.S. degrees at Tsinghua University and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at University of California-Santa Cruz).

• Mr. Justin You Zhou, Associate, Kirkland & Ellis (NYC trip) (law degrees from China and the U.S.–Columbia);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 15 of 70 See US-ASIA INSTITUTE SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for Summer 2016 Program (June 27 – July 22, 2016) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Mr. Mario Dong, Ms. Livia Li, Mr. Dewey Song, Ms. Anqi Wei, Ms. Claire Wu, & Ms. Athena Yu (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)


• Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, Minority Whip (Sen. Durbin has served as the #2 Democratic leader in the Senate since January 2005; he also serves on the Appropriations, Judiciary, and Rules Committees);

• Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, President Pro Tempore (#1 Ranking Senator and #4 U.S. official; he also currently chairs the Finance Committee, and he previously chaired the Judiciary Committee for 9 years).


• Mr. Mike Ahern, Senior Financial Advisor, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee (Chair of Foreign Relations Committee);

• Ms. Erum Ibrahim Ali, Foreign Policy Aide, Assistant Minority Leader Richard Durbin (#2 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Fred Ansell, Majority Chief Constitution Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa);

• Ms. Adrian Arnakis, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, Republican Conf. Chair);

• Mr. Pinto Ashok, Majority Chief Investigator, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune of S.D., #3 Republican leader);

• Mr. Dan Ball, Detailee from the Federal Communications Commission, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune);

• Mr. Chris Bates, Counsel to Sen. Orrin Hatch, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa);

• Mr. Chris Campbell, Majority Staff Director, Finance Committee (Sen. Orrin Hatch, Senate President Pro Tem);

• Mr. Bill Castle, Chief Counsel, Office of President Pro Tempore Orrin Hatch of Utah (#1 Ranking Senator);

• Ms. Megan Cheney, Minority Legislative Assistant, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Mr. David Cleary, Chief of Staff, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee (Chairman of HELP Committee);

• Mr. Chris Day, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida);

• Mr. Bruce Evans, Majority Staff Director, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi);

• Ms. Lara Flint, Minority Chief Counsel for National Security, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Mr. Chapin Gregor, Majority Investigative Counsel, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, #3 Republican leader);

• Mr. Chris Hixon, Maj. Staff Director, Homeland Security & Government Affairs Cmte (Sen. Ron Johnson of WI);

• Mr. Josh Hsu, Minority Senior Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Mr. Mike Jones, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Budget Committee (Sen. Bernie Sanders, former presidential candidate);

• Mr. Jay Khosla, Majority Policy Director, Finance Committee (Sen. Orrin Hatch, Senate President Pro Tem);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 16 of 70 See • Mr. Chuck Kieffer, Minority Staff Director, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland);

• Ms. Julie Klein, Deputy National Security Advisor, Office of Minority Leader (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. David McCallum, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Gregg Nunziata, General Counsel, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida (former presidential candidate);

• Ms. Susan Olson, Deputy Chief of Staff, Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas;

• Mr. Gregg Orlando, Majority Telecom Counsel, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, #3 Republican leader);

• Ms. Monica Popp, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Rob Porter, Chief of Staff, Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah (President Pro Tempore, #1 Ranking Senator);

• Ms. Jeanette Quick, Minority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Mr. Phil Rudd, Minority Legislative Assistant, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Mr. Evan Schatz, Min. Staff Director, Health/Educ/Labor/HELP Committee (Sen. Patty Murray of Washington);

• Ms. Rebecca Seidel, Majority General Counsel, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, #3 Republican leader);

• Ms. Sharon Soderstrom, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Rob Strayer, General Counsel & Leg. Dir., Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee (Chairman of Foreign Relations);

• Ms. Erica Suares, Policy Advisor, Office of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Laura Swanson, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Ms. Kate Taylor, Maj. Law Clerk, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, Republican Conf. Chair);

• Ms. Margaret Taylor, Min. Chief Counsel & Acting Staff Dir., Foreign Relations Cmte (Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland);

• Mr. Paul Teller, Chief of Staff, Sen. of Texas (former presidential candidate);

• Ms. Stephanie Trifone, Counsel to Sen. Richard Durbin, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Mr. Elisha Tuku, Minority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Mr. Chris Tuttle, Majority Staff Director, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee);

• Mr. Eric Ueland, Majority Staff Director, Budget Committee (Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming);

• Mr. Jason Van Beek, Maj. Deputy General Counsel, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, #3 Republican leader);

• Mr. Paul Vinovich, Majority Chief Counsel, Rules Committee (Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri);

• Mr. Todd Womack, Chief of Staff, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee (Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee).


• Rep. Madeleine Bordallo of Guam, Member, Committees on Armed Services and Natural Resources (US-China IPE);

• Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas, Vice Chair, Democratic Steering & Policy Committee (he also serves on Appropriations, is a former Texas state lawmaker and secretary of state, and holds both a J.D. and a Ph.D.);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 17 of 70 See • Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Vice Chairman, Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security (former Army JAG officer and Texas state judge, including Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, Member, Armed Services Subcommittees on Military Personnel and Tactical Air & Land Forces (he served in the North Carolina state legislature until his first election to Congress in 1994);

• Rep. Darin LaHood of Illinois, Republican Co-Chair, US-China Working Group (also serves on the Natural Resources Committee and the Science, Space & Technology Committee);

• Rep. Rick Larsen of Washington, Democratic Co-Chair, US-China Working Group (also serves on the Armed Services Committee and the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee);

• Rep. Grace Meng of New York, Member, Foreign Affairs Committee (she is a lawyer, a former NY state lawmaker, the first Asian-American elected to Congress from New York, and the new Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee);

• Rep. Ed Royce of California, Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee (also a senior member of the Financial Services Committee and a former California state senator);

• Rep. Steve Russell of Oklahoma, Vice Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security, Committee on Government Oversight & Reform (also serves on the Armed Services Committee and the Education & Workforce Committee);

• Rep. Dina Titus of Nevada, Member, Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (a former political science professor and Nevada state senator, Rep. Titus is serving her second stint in Congress).


• Mr. Keith Abouchar, Sr. Policy Advisor, Office of Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland (#2 Democratic leader);

• Ms. LaVerne Alexander, Chief of Staff, Rep. Donald Payne, Jr. of New Jersey;

• Mr. Perry Apelbaum, Min. Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. John Conyers of Michigan);

• Mr. Carl Barrick, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky);

• Mr. Tim Berry, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California (#2 Republic leader);

• Mr. Jeff Billman, Legislative Assistant, Rep. of Illinois;

• Mr. Rob Borden, Legal Counsel, Office of the Clerk of the House (Mr. Borden participated in previous programs as Oversight Director for Majority Leaders Kevin McCarthy & Eric Cantor) (US-China IPE);

• Mr. Matt Bravo, Floor Director, Office of Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana (#3 Republican leader);

• Mr. Jonathan Burks, National Security Advisor, Office of Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Karen Christian, Majority General Counsel, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan);

• Mr. Clark Fonda, Legislative Director, Rep. Robert Pittinger of North Carolina;

• Mr. Nick Gwyn, Minority Staff Director, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan);

• Ms. Allison Halataei, Maj. General Counsel & Parliamentarian, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas);

• Mr. Matthew Herrmann, Chief of Staff, Rep. Madeleine Bordallo of Guam (US-China IPE);

• Ms. Jenny Hollrah, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky);

• Mr. David Hoppe, Chief of Staff, Office of Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Brett Horton, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana (#3 Republican leader); All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 18 of 70 See • Ms. Shelley Husband, Maj. Chief of Staff & General Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Bob Goodlatte of VA);

• Mr. Alex Hutkin, Deputy Chief of Staff & Legislative Director, Rep. Steve Russell of Oklahoma;

• Ms. Jessica Kelch, Majority General Counsel, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Mr. Joe Lillis, Chief of Staff, Rep. Billy Long of Missouri;

• Ms. Charlene MacDonald, Senior Advisor, Office of Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland (#2 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Jason McMahon, Legislative Assistant for Military Affairs, Rep. Madeleine Bordallo of Guam (US-China IPE);

• Ms. Lauri Ng, Financial Services Fellow, Rep. Grace Meng of New York;

• Ms. Wyndee Parker, National Security Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Wendell Primus, Senior Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Tim Robinson, Minority Chief Counsel, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey);

• Mr. David Rosenbaum, Legislative Director, Rep. Dina Titus of Nevada;

• Mr. Brad Ryon, Legislative Director, Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina;

• Mr. Daniel Silverberg, National Security Advisor, Office of Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (#2 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Austin Smythe, Policy Director, Office of Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Shelley Su, Majority Professional Staff, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Mr. Matt Weidinger, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas);

• Ms. Jennifer Hendrixson White, Minority Prof. Staff, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Eliot Engel of New York);

• Mr. Joby Young, Chief of Staff, Rep. Austin Scott of Georgia.


• Mr. Michael Danis, Executive Director, United States-China Economic & Security Review Commission;

• Dr. Scott Flipse, Director of Policy & Media Relations, Congressional-Executive Commission on China;

• Mr. Wayne Morrison, Specialist in Asian Trade & Finance, Congressional Research Service;

• Mr. Paul Protic, Staff Director, Congressional-Executive Commission on China;

• Ms. Jennifer Salen, Research Associate, Congressional-Executive Commission on China.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Mr. Aaron Ament, Chief of Staff, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Education;

• Mr. Bruce Andrews, Deputy Secretary (#2 official), U.S. Department of Commerce (“DOC”) (a Georgetown law grad, Secretary Andrews previously served as Chief of Staff for DOC, General Counsel for the Senate Commerce Committee, Vice President of Governmental Affairs for the Ford Motor Company, and a lawyer with the law firm of Arnold & Porter);

• Mr. Seth Bailey, Bilateral Unit Chief, Chinese & Mongolian Affairs, EAP Bureau, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Jay Chen, Senior Counsel, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Education;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 19 of 70 See • Mr. Jonathan Cordone, Deputy Under Secretary, Farm & Foreign Agricultural Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) (Mr. Cordone previously served as Principal Deputy General Counsel at USDA and as Deputy Staff Director and Chief Counsel at the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry);

• Mr. Jonathan Elkind, Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) (Mr. Elkind previously served as a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary at DOE, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Director for Russian, Ukrainian, & Eurasian Affairs at the U.S. National Security Council);

• Mr. Kyle Flood, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Education;

• Ms. Caroline Hong, General Attorney, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Education;

• Mr. Corey Jennings, Special Counsel, Office of Int’l Corp. Finance, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (“SEC”);

• Mr. Matthew King, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Law Enforcement Policy, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) (a former Naval aviator and Justice Department trial attorney, Mr. King worked for 16 years in Customs enforcement before taking several senior roles at DHS);

• Ms. Adina Kole, General Attorney, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Education;

• Ms. Amy Chang Lee, Director for Asia & the Pacific, Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance & Training, U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) (previously served as the Assistant Chief of the Organized Crime & Racketeering Section at DOJ, and spent 3 years as Resident Legal Advisor at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing);

• Ms. Elizabeth McFadden, Deputy General Counsel, U.S. Department of Education (a UVA law grad, Ms. McFadden previously served as an Assistant General Counsel in the Department and as an attorney in private law practice);

• Mr. Victor Mendez, Deputy Secretary (#2 official), U.S. Department of Transportation (“DOT”) (acts as chief operating officer for DOT and its 55,000 employees nationwide and overseas; Secretary Mendez previously served as the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration and Director of the Arizona Department of Transportation);

• Ms. Emily Merolli, General Attorney, Division of Legislative Counsel, U.S. Department of Education;

• Commissioner Ajit Pai, Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) (a University of Chicago law grad and former private sector attorney, Commissioner Pai has served in all three branches of the U.S. government, including as Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution);

• Ms. Hilary Tompkins, Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior (“DOI”) (as Solicitor, Ms. Tompkins serves as the chief general counsel for DOI; previously, she served as Chief Counsel to New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, as an attorney in private law practice, and as a trial attorney in DOJ’s Honors Program);

• Ms. Naomi Wilson, Deputy Director for Asia & Pacific Policy, Office of Policy, U.S. Department of Homeland Security;

• Mr. Tim Wineland, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, Executive Office of the President.


• Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., U.S. Supreme Court (prior to this appointment by President George W. Bush in 2006, Justice Alito served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit for 16 years under an appointment by President George H.W. Bush in 1990; earlier, Justice Alito served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, an Assistant to the U.S. Solicitor General, a Deputy Assistant U.S. Attorney General, and the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey);

• Judge James (“Jeb”) Boasberg, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Obama in 2011, Judge Boasberg also currently serves on the F.I.S.A. Court as of his May 2014 appointment by Chief Justice Roberts; previously, Judge Boasberg served on the D.C. Superior Court under an appointment by President Bush in 2002; earlier in his career, he practiced law in S.F. and D.C., served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., and played basketball at Yale);

• Judge Russell Canan, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1993, Judge Canan helped establish the Southern Center for Human Rights and practiced law with partners such as Greta Van Susteren; Judge Canan has served in several divisions of this Court, including as Presiding Judge of its Criminal Division);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 20 of 70 See • Judge Gerald Fisher, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2001, Judge Fisher practiced law with his current judicial colleague Judge Morin, below; Judge Fisher has served in the Civil and Criminal Divisions of this Court, as well as its Probate & Tax Division, where he currently is the Presiding Judge);

• Sr. Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1999, Judge Huvelle served on the D.C. Superior Court under an appointment by President Bush in 1990; earlier in her career, Judge Huvelle practiced law with the law firm of Williams & Connolly);

• Sr. Judge Royce Lamberth, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1987, Judge Lamberth served as its Chief Judge from 2008-2013; he also served as Presiding Judge of the F.I.S.A. Court from 1995- 2002, including on 9/11, under an appointment by Chief Justice Rehnquist; previously, Judge Lamberth was an Army JAG Officer, including in Vietnam, and was Chief of the Civil Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C.);

• Judge Patricia Millett, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Millett served in the U.S. Justice Dept, mostly with the Solicitor General, practiced law with Miller Chevalier and with Akin Gump, and argued 32 cases in the U.S. Supreme Court; she holds a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do);

• Chief Judge Robert Morin, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1996, Judge Morin practiced and taught law, specializing in defending against death penalty prosecutions; this past June, he was named the new Chief Judge of the whole Superior Court, having previously served in its Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions);

• Judge Cornelia “Nina” Pillard, U.S. Court of appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Pillard served as Assistant to the U.S. Solicitor General, Deputy Asst. AG in the Office of Legal Counsel, and Professor of Law at Georgetown, including Academic Co-Director of its Center for Transnational Legal Studies);

• Sr. Judge David Sentelle, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1987, Judge Sentelle was its Chief Judge from 2008-2013, and was Presiding Judge of the “Special Counsels” Division from 1992-2006; he was a U.S. District Judge in North Carolina from 1985-1987, under an appointment by President Reagan; earlier, Judge Sentelle practiced law, served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and served as a state judge, all in N.C.);

• Judge Sri Srinivasan, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Srinivasan clerked for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, practiced law with O’Melveny & Myers, including chairing the firm’s Supreme Court practice, and was the Principal Deputy Solicitor General of the United States);

• Judge Emmet Sullivan, U.S. District Court for D.C. (a judge since 1984, Judge Sullivan was appointed to the D.C. Superior Court by President Reagan in 1984, then to the D.C. Court of Appeals by President Bush in 1991, and then to this Court by President Clinton in 1994; earlier, Judge Sullivan practiced law with Houston, Sullivan & Gardner).


• Commissioner Rachel Barkow, U.S. Sentencing Commission (she also currently serves as the Segal Family Professor of Regulatory Law & Policy at NYU Law School, and previously clerked for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia);

• Ms. Mira Gur-Arie, Director of International Judicial Relations, Federal Judicial Center (the research and educational agency of the federal judiciary) (previously she served in Russia with the ABA/CEELI and Ford Foundation; before that, she was a Clinical Education Professor at Cardozo Law School, and an Assistant Public Defender in New York).


• Ms. Anna Ashton, Director of Business Advisory Services, US-China Business Council;

• Ms. Jean Baker, Vice President of Commercial Practice, American Arbitration Association (Cal-Western law grad);

• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program);

• Mr. Javade Chaudhri, Head of Africa Practice, Jones Day (a Georgetown law grad, Mr. Chaudhri previously served as General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, and Chief Environmental Officer for Sempra Energy, a Fortune 250 company; he is a member of the Board of Trustees of US-Asia Institute, the general host of this program);

• Mr. Yang Chen, Executive Director, Asian American Bar Association of New York (NYU law graduate);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 21 of 70 See • Mr. Jason Chung, Director of Asian Pacific American Initiatives, Republican National Committee;

• Mr. Donald Clarke, Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School (Harvard law grad);

• Mr. David Eppstein, Legislative Counsel, American Bar Association (Cleveland-Marshall law grad);

• Dean James Feinerman, Professor of Law, Director of Law Asia, and Associate Dean for Transnational Programs, Georgetown University Law Center (Dr. Feinerman has a long history with East Asia and China, including prior stints studying and teaching in China; he earned his Ph.D. at Yale and J.D. at Harvard);

• Ms. Claire Gutekunst, President, New York State Bar Association (a Yale law grad, Ms. Gutekunst serves as chief executive of the NYSBA, with its 74,000 attorney members);

• Ms. Vanessa Hunsberger, Sr. Program Officer, Rule of Law Initiative, American Bar Ass’n (Univ. of Wash. law grad);

• Ms. Claudia James, Principal, Podesta Group (a Georgetown law grad, Ms. James previously served as vice president for government relations and associate general counsel at the American Newspaper Publishers Association);

• Mr. Robert Jordan, Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program) (Mr. Jordan was a career Foreign Service Officer in the State Department);

• Mr. Glenn Lau-Kee, Partner, Kee & Lau-Kee (past president of the New York State Bar Association and Trustee of the US-Asia Institute, main D.C. host of this program) (host/organizer of our meetings in NYC this summer);

• Mr. Stuart Kerr, Counsel, Jones Day (a Georgetown law grad, Mr. Kerr was the Executive Director of the International Law Institute and the Legal & Regulatory Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. gov’t agency that provides large grants to developing countries that demonstrate better governance practices than their peer countries);

• Mr. John Kiernan, President, New York City Bar Association (a Harvard law grad, Mr. Kiernan serves as chief executive of the NYCBA, with its 24,000 attorney members; he also is the co-chair of the Litigation Department at Debevoise & Plimpton, an Adjunct Professor at NYU Law School, and the former Mayor of Pelham Manor, NY);

• Ms. Natalie Lichtenstein, General Counsel, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (a Harvard law grad, she is an Adjunct Professor of China Studies at Johns Hopkins SAIS and a former Assistant General Counsel at the World Bank);

• Mr. John McConnell, Counsel, Office of Court Administration, Unified Court System of the State of New York;

• Mr. Bret Parker, Executive Director, New York City Bar Association (a Fordham law grad, he previously was VP and Associate General Counsel at Elizabeth Arden, Inc., and President at the International Trademark Association);

• Mr. Neil Quartaro, Chair, International Section, New York State Bar Association (a Fordham law grad, he also is of counsel to the Maritime Services Group in the New York office of Watson Farley & Williams);

• Ms. Meredith Sumpter, Asia Practice Director, Eurasia Group (earlier, she served as a senior director at BowerGroupAsia, as a diplomat in Beijing, and in various roles at the Asia Foundation, International Crisis Group, and U.S. Senate);

• Ms. Liza Walsh, Founding Partner, Walsh Pizzi O’Reilly Falanga LLP (a Seton Hall law grad, Ms. Walsh has been named to Best Lawyers in America in the fields of Commercial Litigation, Patent Law, and ERISA Litigation; she also currently serves as a Trustee at the US-Asia Institute, the general host of this program);

• Mr. David Wertime, Senior Editor, Foreign Policy magazine (a Harvard law grad, Mr. Wertime also serves on the Council on Foreign Relations; he practiced law in New York and Hong Kong before founding Tea Leaf Nation);

• Dr. Richard Wike, Director of Global Attitudes Research, Pew Research Center;

• Ambassador Rufus Yerxa, President, National Foreign Trade Council (with law degrees from Cambridge and Puget Sound, Ambassador Yerxa previously served as a Deputy Director General of the WTO, a Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, a partner with Akin Gump, and the Staff Director of the House Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 22 of 70 See US-ASIA INSTITUTE SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for Summer 2015 Program (June 29 – July 24, 2015) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Mr. Eric Cheng, Ms. Amy Han, Ms. Helen Jiang, Ms. Carrie Ruan, Ms. Ann Zhang, & Mr. David Zhou (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)


• Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, Minority Whip (Sen. Durbin has served as the #2 Democratic leader in the Senate since January 2005; he also serves on the Appropriations, Judiciary, and Rules Committees);

• Sen. of Illinois, Chair, National Security, International Trade, & Finance Subcommittee of the Banking Committee (also serves on the Committees for Appropriations and for Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (“HELP”)).


• Ms. Erum Ibrahim Ali, Foreign Policy Aide, Assistant Minority Leader Richard Durbin (#2 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Stacy Amin, Majority Chief Counsel, HELP Committee (Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee);

• Mr. Chris Bates, Counsel to Sen. Orrin Hatch (#1 Senator), Judiciary Committee (Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa);

• Mr. Jonathan Burks, Policy Advisor, Office of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Chris Campbell, Majority Staff Director, Finance Committee (Sen. Orrin Hatch, Senate President Pro Tem);

• Mr. Marc Cheatham, Director of Casework, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia (meeting in Richmond, Virginia);

• Mr. David Cleary, Chief of Staff, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee (Chairman of HELP Committee);

• Ms. Keyanna Conner, Community Affairs Director, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia (meeting in Richmond, Virginia);

• Mr. Bill Dauster, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Chris Day, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida);

• Mr. Rick Dearborn, Chief of Staff, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama (senior member of the Judiciary Committee);

• Mr. Brendan Dunn, Counsel, Office of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Charlie Ellsworth, Policy Advr, Dem. Policy & Comms. Cmte. (“DPCC”) (Sen. Chuck Schumer: #3 Dem. leader);

• Mr. Bruce Evans, Majority Staff Director, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi);

• Ms. Lara Flint, Minority Chief Counsel for National Security, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Mr. David Hallock, Chief of Staff, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia (serves on Finance, Banking, & Intelligence);

• Mr. Mike Henry, Chief of Staff, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia (serves on Foreign Relations & Armed Services);

• Ms. Jodi Herman, Minority Staff Director, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland);

• Mr. Dean Hingson, Chief of Staff, Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana (previous U.S. service: Army, House, Senate, Ambassador);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 23 of 70 See • Mr. Chris Hixon, Maj. Chief Counsel, Homeland Security & Government Affairs Cmte (Sen. Ron Johnson of WI);

• Mr. Josh Hsu, Minority Senior Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Mr. Jim Jeffries, Majority Communications Director, HELP Committee (Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee);

• Mr. Mike Jones, Min. Deputy Staff Director, Budget Committee (Sen. Bernie Sanders, presidential candidate);

• Mr. John Kachtik, Legis. Counsel, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Republican Conference Chairman: #3 leader);

• Ms. Ayesha Khanna, Chief Counsel, Office of Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Jay Khosla, Majority Policy Director, Finance Committee (Sen. Orrin Hatch, Senate President Pro Tem);

• Mr. Chuck Kieffer, Minority Staff Director, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland);

• Mr. John Knapp, State Director, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia (meeting in Richmond, Virginia);

• Ms. Carolyn Leddy, Majority Sr. Professional Staff, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee);

• Mr. Brian Lewis, Counsel, Office of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Jessica Lewis, Sr. National Security Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Harry Reid (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Michael Linden, Minority Senior Advisor, HELP Committee (Sen. Patty Murray of Washington);

• Mr. Josh Lucas, Sr. Advisor, Sen. Jean Shaheen of N.H. (serves on Foreign Relations, Armed Services, & Approps.);

• Ms. Kristine Lucius, Minority Staff Director, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Mr. Hazen Marshall, Policy Director, Office of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Allison Martin, Legis. Dir. & Counsel, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee (Chairman of HELP Committee);

• Mr. Dave McCallum, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Bobby McMillin, Majority Counsel, HELP Committee (Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee);

• Mr. Ryan Mulvenon, Policy Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Les Munson, Majority Staff Director, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee);

• Mr. Jonathan Nabavi, Majority Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa);

• Mr. Andrew Newton, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi);

• Mr. Gregg Nunziata, General Counsel, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida (current presidential candidate);

• Ms. Stacie Oliver, Majority Professional Staff, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee);

• Ms. Susan Olson, Dep. Chief of Staff, Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas (serves on Agriculture, Approps., & Environment);

• Mr. Max Pappas, Senior Economist, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas (current presidential candidate);

• Mr. Brendon Plack, Staff Director, Sen. Republican Conference (Chairman John Thune: #3 leader);

• Ms. Monica Popp, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas (#2 Republican leader);

• Ms. Jeanette Quick, Minority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 24 of 70 See • Ms. Melanie Rainer, Minority Senior Counsel, HELP Committee (Sen. Patty Murray of Washington);

• Mr. Justin Riemer, Majority Counsel, Rules Committee (Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri);

• Mr. Nick Rossi, Maj. Dep. Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, Republican Conf. Chair: #3 leader);

• Mr. JR Sanchez, Senior Advisor, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida (current presidential candidate);

• Mr. Evan Schatz, Minority Staff Director, HELP Committee (Sen. Patty Murray of Washington);

• Mr. Will Scheffer, Legis. Asst., Sen. Jean Shaheen of N.H. (serves on Foreign Relations, Armed Services, & Approps.);

• Mr. Michael Schiffer, Minority Senior Advisor, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland);

• Mr. Dave Schwietert, Maj. Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune, Republican Conf. Chair: #3 leader);

• Ms. Sharon Soderstrom, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Graham Steele, Minority Chief Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Ms. Erica Suares, Policy Advisor, Office of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Laura Swanson, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Mr. Sam Taylor, District Aide, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia (meeting in Richmond, Virginia);

• Mr. Paul Teller, Chief of Staff, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas (current presidential candidate);

• Ms. Meghan Taira, Legislative Director, Sen. Chuck Schumer (Chairman of Rules & DPCC: #3 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Russ Thomasson, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Mike Thorpe, Policy Counsel, Sen. Republican Policy Committee (Chairman John Barrasso of WY: #4 leader);

• Ms. Lynn Tjeersdma, Senior Advisor, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Republican Conference Chairman: #3 leader);

• Mr. Will Todd, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi);

• Ms. Stephanie Trifone, Counsel to Sen. Richard Durbin, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Mr. Elisha Tuku, Minority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio);

• Mr. Eric Ueland, Majority Staff Director, Budget Committee (Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming);

• Mr. Paul Vinovich, Majority Chief Counsel, Rules Committee (Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri);

• Ms. Portia White, Senior Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Drew Willison, Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Todd Womack, Chief of Staff, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee (Chairman of Foreign Relations);

• Mr. Jeff Wrase, Majority Chief Economist, Finance Committee (Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, Sen. Pres. Pro Tem);

• Mr. Nick Wyatt, Maj. Prof. Staff for Tax & Nominations, Finance Committee (Sen. Orrin Hatch, Sen. Pres. Pro Tem);

• Mr. John Zadrozny, Majority Counsel, Sen. Ted Cruz & Judiciary Committee (Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 25 of 70 See LEGISLATIVE BRANCH (CONGRESS) – THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

• Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas, Vice Chair, Democratic Steering & Policy Committee (he also serves on Appropriations, is a former Texas state lawmaker and Secretary of State, and holds both a J.D. and a Ph.D.);

• Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Vice Chairman, Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security (former Army JAG officer and Texas state judge, including Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, Member, Armed Services Subcommittees on Military Personnel and Tactical Air & Land Forces (he served in the North Carolina state legislature until his first election to Congress in 1994);

• Rep. Billy Long of Missouri, Member, Energy & Commerce Committee (former small business owner of real estate and auction business, and a radio talk show host);

• Rep. Adam Schiff of California, Ranking Member, Intelligence Committee (a Harvard-trained lawyer, Rep. Schiff was a federal prosecutor and California state lawmaker before his election to Congress, where he previously served on Judiciary and International Relations and remains on leave of absence from Appropriations; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Dina Titus of Nevada, Member, Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (a former political science professor and Nevada state senator, Rep. Titus is serving her second stint in Congress).


• Mr. Perry Apelbaum, Min. Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. John Conyers of Michigan);

• Mr. Vishal Amin, Majority Senior Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia);

• Mr. Darren Achord, Deputy Chief of Staff, Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana (Majority Whip: #3 Republican leader);

• Mr. Tim Berry, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Jeff Billman, Legislative Assistant, Rep. Peter Roskam of Illinois;

• Mr. Eric Bohl, Chief of Staff, Rep. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri;

• Mr. Rob Borden, Oversight Director, Office of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif. (#2 Republican leader) (Mr. Borden participated in the US-China IPE);

• Ms. Danielle Brown, Min. Chief Leg. Counsel & Parliamentarian, Judiciary Cmte (Rep. John Conyers of MI);

• Mr. Doug Campbell, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Elliot Engel of New York);

• Ms. Amy Chang, Majority Staff Director, Foreign Affairs Asia Subcommittee (Rep. Matt Salmon of Arizona);

• Ms. Kelly Craven, House Operations Director, Office of Speaker of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Doug Disrud, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky);

• Mr. Jason Everett, Minority Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. John Conyers of Michigan);

• Mr. John Groch, State Department Fellow, Rep. Adam Schiff of California (Ranking on the Intelligence Committee);

• Ms. Alli Hallataei, Maj. General Counsel & Parliamentarian, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Bob Goodlatte of VA);

• Ms. Cindy Herrle, Policy Advisor, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Jenny Hollrah, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky);

• Mr. Brett Horton, Floor Director, Office of Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana (#3 Republican leader);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 26 of 70 See • Mr. Bill Hughes, Policy Director, Office of Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana (#3 Republican leader);

• Ms. Shelley Husband, Maj. Chief of Staff & General Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Bob Goodlatte of VA);

• Mr. Joe Keeley, Majority Senior Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia);

• Ms. Jessica Kelch, Majority Counsel & Policy Coordinator, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Mr. Keenan Keller, Minority Senior Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. John Conyers of Michigan);

• Ms. Maria Lohmeyer, Public Liaison Director, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Roger Mahan, Policy Advisor, Office of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif. (#2 Republican leader);

• Ms. Janice Mays, Minority Staff Director, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan);

• Ms. Joyce Meyer, Majority Staff Director, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin);

• Mr. David Mork, Chief of Staff, Rep. Peter Roskam of Illinois;

• Mr. Jeff Lowenstein, Chief of Staff, Rep. Adam Schiff of California (Ranking on the Intelligence Committee);

• Ms. Charlene McDonald, Senior Advisor, Office of Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland (#2 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Wyndee Parker, National Security Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Reva Price, Sr. Advr. & Public Liaison Dir., Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Wendell Primus, Senior Advisor, Office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Craig Roberts, Chief of Staff, Rep. of Illinois;

• Mr. Tim Robinson, Minority Chief Counsel, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey);

• Mr. Josh Rogin, Chief of Staff, Rep. Ted Deutch of Florida;

• Mr. David Rosenbaum, Legislative Director, Rep. Dina Titus of Nevada;

• Mr. Brad Ryon, Legislative Assistant, Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina;

• Mr. Tom Sheehy, Majority Staff Director, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Mr. Daniel Silverberg, Senior Advisor, Office of Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland (#2 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Austin Smithson, Legislative Director, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas;

• Mr. Austin Smythe, Majority Policy Director, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin);

• Mr. Mike Sommers, Chief of Staff, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Perry Stamp, Executive Assistant, Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois;

• Ms. Lydia Strunk, Deputy Floor Director, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Shelley Su, Majority Prof. Staff, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Mr. Tanner Warbinton, Legislative Assistant, Rep. Billy Long of Missouri;

• Ms. Jennifer Hendrixson White, Minority Prof. Staff, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Eliot Engel of New York);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 27 of 70 See • Ms. Yijiao Zhuang, Executive Assistant, Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas.


• Ms. Kelly Buchanan, Chief of the Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Division I, Law Library of Congress;

• Mr. Bill Reinsch, Chairman, U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission (longtime member of this U.S.-China Commission and a former Under Secretary of Commerce);*

• Mr. Peter Roudik, Director of Global Legal Research, Law Library of Congress;

• Ms. Laney Zhang, Senior Foreign Law Specialist, Law Library of Congress.

Notes: (1) *Mr. Reinsch participated in his private capacity as president of the National Foreign Trade Council. (2) The notation “US-China IPE” herein means participation in the Speaker’s US-China Interparliamentary Exchange between 2002-2006, the period chaired by Rep. and managed by Matthew Szymanski. During this period, the comparable Senate-NPC Interparliamentary Group was co-chaired by Sen. Daniel Inouye and Sen. Ted Stevens. (3) For some of the below hosts from the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Private Sector, relevant biographical information is noted, where known.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Ms. Kristin Amerling, Deputy General Counsel, U.S. Department of Transportation (a UC Berkeley-trained lawyer, Ms. Amerling previously served as Chief Investigative Counsel for the Senate Commerce Committee and as Chief Counsel for the House Energy & Commerce Committee and the House Government Reform & Oversight Committee);

• Mr. Bruce Andrews, Deputy Secretary (#2 official), U.S. Department of Commerce (“DOC”) (a Georgetown law grad, Secretary Andrews previously served as Chief of Staff for DOC, General Counsel for the Senate Commerce Committee, Vice President of Governmental Affairs for the Ford Motor Company, and a lawyer with the law firm of Arnold & Porter);

• Ms. Lyn Schlitt, Executive & International Liaison, U.S. International Trade Commission;

• Mr. Peter Hammond, Director, Office of Chinese & Mongolian Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Ryan Hass, Director for China, Taiwan, & Mongolia, National Security Council Staff, The White House (a career Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. State Department, Mr. Hass was Political Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing);

• Mr. Matthew King, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Law Enforcement Policy, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) (a former Naval aviator and Justice Department trial attorney, Mr. King worked for 16 years in Customs enforcement before taking several senior roles at DHS);

• Ms. Susan Kurland, Assistant Secretary for Aviation & International Affairs, U.S. Department of Transportation (a Univ-trained lawyer, Ms. Kurland was Assoc. Adm’r for Airports for the Federal Aviation Administration);

• Mr. Zhao Li, Deputy Director of International Relations, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor;

• Mr. Chris Lu, Deputy Secretary (#2 official), U.S. Department of Labor (a Harvard law grad, Secretary Lu was White House Cabinet Secretary and Assistant to President Obama, Legis. Director and Acting Chief of Staff for then-Sen. Obama, Deputy Chief Counsel of the House Oversight & Gov’t Reform Committee, and a litigation attorney with Sidley & Austin);

• Commissioner Ajit Pai, Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) (a University of Chicago law grad and former private sector attorney, Commissioner Pai has served in all three branches of the U.S. government, including as Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution);

• Mr. Patrick Santillo, Deputy Assistant Secretary for China Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce (a member of the Senior Foreign Service, Mr. Santillo has held many DOC posts in D.C., Canada, Europe, and Asia & the Pacific);

• Mr. Scott Tatlock, Executive Director for China, U.S. Department of Commerce (a George Washington Univ-trained lawyer, Mr. Tatlock lived in China and Taiwan before joining DOC several years ago);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 28 of 70 See • Ms. Susan Thornton, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State (a career diplomat, Ms. Thornton has served in many posts in D.C., China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and elsewhere);

• Ms. Naomi Wilson, Deputy Director for Asia & Pacific Policy, Office of Policy, U.S. Department of Homeland Security;

• Mr. Tim Wineland, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, Executive Office of the President.


• Sr. Judge John Bates, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2001, Judge Bates served in the U.S. Army, including a tour in Vietnam, practiced law with Miller & Chevalier, and served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., including as Chief of the Civil Division; during his tenure on this Court, Judge Bates also served as Presiding Judge of the F.I.S.A. Court from 2009-2013, under an appointment by Chief Justice Roberts);

• Judge James (“Jeb”) Boasberg, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Obama in 2011, Judge Boasberg also currently serves on the F.I.S.A. Court as of his May 2014 appointment by Chief Justice Roberts; previously, Judge Boasberg served on the D.C. Superior Court under an appointment by President Bush in 2002; earlier in his career, he practiced law in S.F. and D.C., served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., and played basketball at Yale);

• Judge Russell Canan, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1993, Judge Canan helped establish the Southern Center for Human Rights and practiced law with partners such as Greta Van Susteren; Judge Canan has served in several divisions of this Court, and currently is the Presiding Judge of its Criminal Division);

• Judge Raymond Chen, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Chen worked as a scientist with the law firm of Heckman & Harriman, practiced law with Knobbe Martens, served as a Technical Assistant to this Court, and served in senior positions at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office);

• Judge Tanya Chutkan, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Chutkan was a career litigator with the D.C. Public Defender Service and then the law firm of Boies Schiller);

• Judge Timothy Dyk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2000, Judge Dyk practiced law with the law firm of Jones Day; he began his legal career by clerking for three Supreme Court Justices: Justice Stanley Reed, Justice Harold Burton, and then Chief Justice Earl Warren);

• Mr. Derek Webb, Supreme Court Fellow, Office of the Counselor to the Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court (Prof. Webb is a lecturer in law at the Constitutional Law Center);

• Judge Gerald Fisher, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2001, Judge Fisher practiced law with his current judicial colleague Judge Morin, below; Judge Fisher has served in the Civil and Criminal Divisions of this Court, as well as its Probate & Tax Division, where he currently is the Deputy Presiding Judge);

• Judge Thomas Griffith, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2005, Judge Griffith practiced law with the law firms of Robinson Bradshaw and Wiley Rein and served as Senate Legal Counsel of the United States and as Assistant to the President and General Counsel of Brigham Young University);

• Sr. Judge Thomas Hogan, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1982, Judge Hogan served as its Chief Judge from 2001-2008, including on 9/11, presiding during an era of challenging new national security issues; earlier, Judge Hogan served as counsel to the National Commission for the Reform of Federal Criminal Laws and practiced law in the D.C. area for many years);

• Sr. Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1999, Judge Huvelle served on the D.C. Superior Court under an appointment by President Bush in 1990; earlier in her career, Judge Huvelle practiced law with the law firm of Williams & Connolly);

• Judge Amy Berman Jackson, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2011, Judge Jackson served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C. and practiced law with Trout Cacheris and with Venable Baetjer);

• Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Jackson clerked for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, worked as counsel for the U.S. Sentencing Commission, served in the Office of the Federal Public Defender in D.C., and practiced law with several law firms);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 29 of 70 See • Judge Ann O’Regan Keary, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 1992, Judge Keary served in various public service roles associated with mental health; as a judge of this Court, she has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions, including as Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division);

• Sr. Judge Royce Lamberth, U.S. District Court for D.C. (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1987, Judge Lamberth served as its Chief Judge from 2008-2013; he also served as Presiding Judge of the F.I.S.A. Court from 1995- 2002, including on 9/11, under an appointment by Chief Justice Rehnquist; previously, Judge Lamberth was an Army JAG Officer, including in Vietnam, and was Chief of the Civil Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C.);

• Judge Amit Mehta, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Mehta served as a staff attorney with the D.C. Public Defender Service and practiced law with Zuckerman Spaeder);

• Judge Patricia Millett, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Millett served in the U.S. Justice Dept, mostly with the Solicitor General, practiced law with Miller Chevalier and with Akin Gump, and argued 32 cases in the U.S. Supreme Court; she holds a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do);

• Judge Randolph Moss, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Moss clerked for Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, practiced law with Wilmer Cutler, and served in the U.S. Justice Department, including as Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Office of Legal Counsel);

• Judge Robert Morin, Superior Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1996, Judge Morin practiced and taught law, specializing in defending against death penalty prosecutions; he has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions of this Court, and is the incoming Presiding Judge of its Criminal Division);

• Judge Judith Rogers, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1994, Judge Rogers served on the D.C. Court of Appeals under an appointment by President Reagan in 1983, including as Chief Judge; earlier Judge Rogers served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., in the Justice Department, as General Counsel to the congressional commission on the organization of D.C., and as D.C. Corporation Counsel);

• Sr. Judge David Sentelle, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1987, Judge Sentelle was its Chief Judge from 2008-2013, and was Presiding Judge of the “Special Counsels” Division from 1992-2006; he was a U.S. District Judge in North Carolina from 1985-1987, under an appointment by President Reagan; earlier, Judge Sentelle practiced law, served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and served as a state judge, all in N.C.);

• Judge Sri Srinivasan, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2013, Judge Srinivasan clerked for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, practiced law with O’Melveny & Myers, including chairing the firm’s Supreme Court practice, and was the Principal Deputy Solicitor General of the United States);

• Judge Emmet Sullivan, U.S. District Court for D.C. (a judge since 1984, Judge Sullivan was appointed to the D.C. Superior Court by President Reagan in 1984, then to the D.C. Court of Appeals by President Bush in 1991, and then to this Court by President Clinton in 1994; earlier, Judge Sullivan practiced law with Houston, Sullivan & Gardner);

• Judge David Tatel, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1994, Judge Tatel was General Counsel for the Legal Services Corporation, was Civil Rights Director for the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and practiced law with Sidley & Austin and with Hogan & Hartson);

• Judge Reggie Walton, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2001, Judge Walton served on the D.C. Superior Court under appointments by President Reagan in 1981 and President Bush in 1991; Judge Walton also served on the F.I.S.A. Court from 2007-2014, including as Presiding Judge, under an appointment by Chief Justice Roberts; earlier, he served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., including as Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney);

• Judge Robert Wilkins, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2014, Judge Wilkins served as a U.S. District Judge in D.C. under an appointment by President Obama in 2010; earlier Judge Wilkins served as a career litigator with the D.C. Public Defender Service and the law firm of Venable LLP).


• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program);

• Ms. Debra Bollinger, Senior Counsel, Virginia State Corporation Commission (meeting in Richmond, Virginia);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 30 of 70 See • Mr. Javade Chaudhri, Head of Africa Practice, Jones Day (a Georgetown law graduate, Mr. Chaudhri previously served as General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, and Chief Environmental Officer for Sempra Energy, a Fortune 250 company; he is a member of the Board of Trustees of US-Asia Institute, the general host of this program);

• Mr. Mark Christie, Chairman, Virginia State Corporation Commission (meeting in Richmond, Virginia) (a Georgetown law graduate, Mr. Christie previously served on the Virginia Board of Education, as the Chief Legal Counsel and Director of Policy for the Governor of Virginia, and in the U.S. Marine Corps);

• Mr. Kenneth Driver, Partner, Jones Day law firm (a Georgetown law graduate, Mr. Driver specializes in representing electric and natural gas utilities before U.S. federal agencies and courts);

• Ms. Caroline Edsall, Associate, Jones Day law firm (former law clerk for U.S. Chief Justice );

• Dean James Feinerman, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Transnational Programs, Georgetown University Law Center (Dr. Feinerman has a long history with East Asia and China, including prior stints studying and teaching in China);

• Ms. Rebecca Gale, Opinion Editor, newspaper (previously served as a press secretary or communications director for several members of the U.S. House and Senate);

• Mr. Carlos Hopkins, Counselor to the Governor, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (meeting in Richmond, Virginia) (a former Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney and Deputy City Attorney for Richmond, Lt. Col. Hopkins also has served for 17 years as a JAG officer in the Virginia Army National Guard);

• Mr. Robert Jordan, Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program) (Mr. Jordan was a career Foreign Service Officer in the State Department);

• Mr. Stuart Kerr, Counsel, Jones Day law firm (a Georgetown law grad, Mr. Kerr was the Executive Director of the Int’l Law Institute and the Legal & Regulatory Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. gov’t agency that provides large grants to developing countries that show better governance practices than their peer countries);

• Mr. Fred Lederer, Chancellor Professor of Law and Founding Director of the Center for Legal and Court Technology, College of William and Mary Law School;

• Governor Terry McAuliffe, Governor of Virginia (meeting in Richmond, Virginia) (a Georgetown law grad, Governor McAuliffe previously served as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 2001 to 2005, was co-chairman of President 's 1996 re-election campaign, and was chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign);

• Mr. Paul Reagan, Chief of Staff to Gov. Terry McAuliffe (meeting in Richmond, VA) (a George Mason law grad, Mr. Reagan was Chief of Staff for Sen. Jim Webb and Rep. Jim Moran and Communications Director for Gov. Mark Warner);

• Secretary Nancy Rodrigues, Secretary, Virginia Department of Administration (meeting in Richmond, Virginia) (former Virginia State Board of Elections Secretary and the founding executive director of DRIVE SMART Virginia).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 31 of 70 See US-ASIA INSTITUTE SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for Summer 2014 Program (June 23 – July 18, 2014) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Ms. Angel Chen, Ms. Ivy Chen, Mr. Chao Song, Mr. Gary Song, & Ms. Penny Zheng (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)


• Sen. Barbara Boxer of California, Chairwoman, Environment & Public Works (“EPW”) Committee (also serves on the Foreign Relations Committee and the Ethics Committee);

• Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Chairwoman, Emerging Threats & Capabilities Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee (also serves on the Committees for Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs (“Banking”); Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (“HELP”); and Small Business & Entrepreneurship (“Small Business”).


• Ms. Kristin Amerling, Chief Investigator, Commerce Committee (Sen. of West Virginia);

• Ms. Karen Billups, Minority Staff Director, Energy & Natural Resources Committee (Sen. of Alaska);

• Mr. Adam Bramwell, General Counsel, Office of the Secretary of the Senate;

• Ms. Jane Campbell, Majority Staff Director, Small Business Committee (Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana);

• Mr. Bill Dauster, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Reema Dodin, Floor Director, Office of Assistant Majority Leader Richard Durbin of Illinois (#2 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Skiffington Holderness, Minority Staff Director, Small Business Committee (Sen. James Risch of Idaho);

• Mr. John Kachtik, Legislative Assistant, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Republican Conference Chairman: #3 leader);

• Ms. Jessica Lewis, National Security Advisor, Office of Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Dana McCallum, Superintendent of Public Records, Office of the Secretary of the Senate;

• Mr. Pat McCormick, Minority Chief Counsel, Energy & Natural Resources Committee (Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska);

• Mr. Michael Merrell, Minority General Counsel, HELP Committee (Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee);

• Mr. Andrew Newton, Professional Staff Member, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Richard Shelby);

• Ms. Susan Olson, Deputy Chief of Staff, Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas;

• Mr. Doug Pack, Defense Fellow, Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi (Ranking on Agriculture Committee);

• Mr. David Ramseur, Chief of Staff, Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska (Chairman of Democratic Steering Committee);

• Mr. Gregg Nunziata, General Counsel, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida;

• Mr. Jeff Siegel, Majority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 32 of 70 See • Ms. Sharon Soderstrom, Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Russ Thomasson, Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Whip John Cornyn of Texas (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Will Todd, Dep. Legislative Director, Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi (Ranking on Agriculture Committee);

• Ms. Bevin Wilkinson, Legislative Aide, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi (Ranking on Armed Services Airland Subcom);

• Mr. Jeff Wrase, Chief Economist, Finance Committee.



• Mr. Chris Armstrong, Counsel, Ways and Means Committee;

• Ms. Maryam Brown, Policy Advisor, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Doug Disrud, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee;

• Mr. Darrell Doss, Economic Policy Counsel, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas (serves on Judiciary Committee);

• Mr. Towner French, Majority Deputy Chief of Staff, Rules Committee (Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas);

• Ms. Alexa Marrero, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan);

• Mr. Jedd Moskowitz, Chief of Staff, Rep. Grace Meng of New York (serves on Foreign Affairs Committee);

• Mr. Matt Mulder, Counsel, Financial Services Committee;

• Mr. Jonathan Nabavi, Legis. Dir., Rep. George Holding of North Carolina (serves on Judiciary & Foreign Affairs);

• Mr. Ed Rice, Minority Senior Professional Staff, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Eliot Engel of New York);

• Mr. Branden Ritchie, Majority Deputy Chief of Staff, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia);

• Mr. Scott Shiller, Chief of Staff, Rep. Billy Long of Missouri (serves on Energy & Commerce Committee);

• Mr. Tom Sheehy, Majority Staff Director, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Mr. Dave Stewart, Policy Director, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Ms. Julie Tagen, Chief of Staff, Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida (serves on Foreign Affairs Committee);

• Ms. Anne Thorsen, Floor Director, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader).


• Mr. Lawrence Liu, Staff Director, Congressional-Executive Commission on China (“CECC”);

• Mr. Michael Martin, Ph.D., Asia Specialist, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress;

• Mr. Wayne Morrison, Asia Specialist, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress (US-China IPE);

• Ms. Laney Zhang, Senior Foreign Law Specialist, Library of Congress.

Notes: (1) The notation “US-China IPE” herein means participation in the Speaker’s US-China Interparliamentary Exchange between 2002-2006, the period chaired by Rep. Don Manzullo and managed by Matthew Szymanski. During this period, the Senate- NPC Interparliamentary Group was co-chaired by Sen. Daniel Inouye and Sen. Ted Stevens. (2) For some of the below hosts from the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Private Sector, relevant biographical information is noted, where known. All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 33 of 70 See EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Ms. Carol Bascom, Counsel, Office of Regulatory Policy, U.S. Department of Labor;

• Mr. Aubrey Carlson, Director, Office of Chinese & Mongolian Affairs, Bureau of East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Ms. Kathleen Franks, Director, Office of Regulatory Policy, U.S. Department of Labor;

• Mr. Corey Jennings, Special Counsel, Office of Int’l Corp. Finance, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (“SEC”);

• Mr. Christopher Kang, Special Assistant to the President & Senior Counsel for Judicial Nominations, The White House (prior to joining White House staff in 2009, Mr. Kang was Floor Director for Senate Democratic Whip Richard Durbin);

• Mr. Matthew King, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Int’l Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security;

• Ms. Amy Chang Lee, Director for Asia & the Pacific, Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance & Training, U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) (previously served as the Assistant Chief of the Organized Crime & Racketeering Section at DOJ, and spent 3 years as Resident Legal Advisor at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing);

• Commissioner Ajit Pai, U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (a U. of Chicago-trained lawyer, he practiced law and served in all three branches, including as Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution);

• Mr. Gautam Raghavan, Associate Director of Public Engagement, The White House;

• Ms. Rita Min Rui, Deputy Director of Chinese Language Instruction, Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State;

• Ms. Lisa Stuart, Economist, Office of Regulatory Policy, U.S. Department of Labor;

• Mr. Tim Wineland, Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, Executive Office of the President.


• Judge Russell Canan, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1993, Judge Canan helped establish the Southern Center for Human Rights and practiced law with partners such as Greta Van Susteren; he has served in several divisions of this Court, and currently is the Presiding Judge of its Criminal Division);

• Judge Timothy Dyk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2000, Judge Dyk practiced law with the law firm of Jones Day; he began his legal career by clerking for three Supreme Court Justices: Justice Stanley Reed, Justice Harold Burton, and then Chief Justice Earl Warren);

• Mr. George Everly, Supreme Court Fellow, Office of the Counselor to the Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court (Mr. Everly is a counsel for the U.S. Senate Budget Committee);

• Judge Gerald Fisher, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2001, Judge Fisher served in the law firm of Fisher, Morin, & Kagan-Kans with his current judicial colleague Robert Morin, below; Judge Fisher has served in the Criminal and Civil Divisions of this Court, as well as its Domestic Violence Unit);

• Sr. Judge Henry Greene, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Reagan in 1981, Judge Greene served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., including Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney; he served in all major divisions of this Court before taking senior status in 2000; he continues to preside over criminal jury trials);

• Judge Ann O’Regan Keary, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 1992, Judge Keary served in various public service roles associated with mental health; as a judge of this Court, she has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions, including as Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division);

• Sr. Judge Royce Lamberth, U.S. District Court for D.C. (prior to this appointment by President Reagan in 1987, Judge Lamberth was an Army JAG Officer, including a tour in Vietnam, and was Chief of the Civil Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C.; during his tenure on this Court, Judge Lamberth served as its Chief Judge from 2008-2013 and also served as Presiding Judge of the F.I.S.A. Court from 1995-2002 under an appointment by Chief Justice Rehnquist);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 34 of 70 See • Judge Robert Morin, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1996, Judge Morin practiced and taught law, specializing in defending against death penalty prosecutions; he has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions of this Court, and currently is the Deputy Presiding Judge of its Criminal Division);

• Judge Emmet Sullivan, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (a judge since 1984, Judge Sullivan was appointed to the D.C. Superior Court by President Reagan in 1984, then to the D.C. Court of Appeals by President Bush in 1991, and then to this Court by President Clinton in 1994; earlier, Judge Sullivan practiced law with Houston, Sullivan & Gardner).


• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program);

• Mr. Javade Chaudhri, Partner, Jones Day Law Firm;

• Mr. LIN Hang, First Secretary, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China;

• Mr. Robert Jordan, Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program) (Mr. Jordan was a career Foreign Service Officer in the State Department);

• Dean Alexandra Martinez, Dean for Diversity & Inclusion, Kennedy School of Government, ;

• Mr. Arthur Rynearson, Adjunct Professor, Washington College of Law, ;

• Mr. Charles “Cully” Stimson, Manager of National Security Law Program & Senior Legal Fellow, Heritage Foundation;

• Mr. Rod Woodson, Partner, Holland & Knight law firm.

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 35 of 70 See US-ASIA INSTITUTE SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for Summer 2013 Program (June 24 – July 19, 2013) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Mr. Roger Li, Ms. Gabriella Cai, Mr. Alex Li Mr. Arron Xiao, & Mr. Joe Lin (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)


• Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Ranking Member, Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (“HELP”) Committee (also serves on Committees for Appropriations; Energy & Natural Resources (“ENR”); and Rules & Administration (“Rules”));

• Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, Ranking Member, Foreign Relations Committee (also serves on the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (“Banking”) Committee and the Special Committee on Aging);

• Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, Majority Whip / Assistant Majority Leader (#2 Democratic leader in the Senate since Jan 2005; he also serves on the Committees for Appropriations; Foreign Relations; Judiciary; and Rules);

• Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Chairwoman, Emerging Threats & Capabilities Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee (also services on the Committees for Banking; HELP; and Small Business & Entrepreneurship);

• Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Ranking Member, National Security and International Trade and Finance (“NSITF”) Subcommittee of the Banking Committee (also serves on the Appropriations Committee and the HELP Committee);

• Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado, Chairman, Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee (also serves on the ENR Committee and the Intelligence Committee);

• Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi, Ranking Member, Armed Services Airland Subcommittee (also on Committees for Budget; Commerce, Science, & Transportation (“Commerce”); and Environment & Public Works (“EPW”)).


• Mr. Fred Ansell, Minority Senior Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa);

• Ms. Adrian Arnakis, Minority Counsel, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune of South Dakota; #3 Republican leader);

• Ms. Brooke Bacak, Legislative Director, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas (Ranking on Constitution & Human Rights Subcom);

• Ms. Karen Billups, Minority Staff Director, Energy & Natural Resources Committee (Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska);

• Ms. Jan Brunner, Senior Policy Advisor, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia (chairs Armed Services Airland Subcom);

• Ms. Kristen Bushnell, Majority Staff, Small Business Committee (Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana);

• Ms. Jane Campbell, Majority Staff Director, Small Business Committee (Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana);

• Mr. Glen Chambers, Chief of Staff, Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri (#5 Republican leader);

• Mr. Don Cravins, Chief of Staff, Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana (chairs Small Business Committee);

• Mr. Bill Dauster, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Mr. Jon Davidson, Chief of Staff, Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado (chairs Tax & IRS Oversight Subcom);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 36 of 70 See • Mr. Greg Dean, Minority Chief Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho) (Dean: US-China IPE);

• Mr. Rick Dearborn, Chief of Staff, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama (Ranking on Budget Committee);

• Ms. Reema Dodin, Floor Director, Office of Assistant Majority Leader Richard Durbin of Illinois (#2 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Lara Flint, Majority Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont; #1 Senator as Pres. Pro Tem);

• Mr. Jamie Fly, National Security Counselor, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida (Ranking on East Asia & Pacific Subcom);

• Mr. Alan Hanson, Chief of Staff, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama (Ranking on Appropriations Committee);

• Mr. Mike Henry, Chief of Staff, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia (chairs Near Eastern/South Asian Subcom);

• Mr. Dean Hingson, Chief of Staff, Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana (Ranking on Appropriations Homeland Security Subcom);

• Mr. Bruce Hirsh, Majority Chief International Trade Counsel, Finance Committee (Sen. Max Baucus of Montana);

• Mr. Mike Hybl, Chief of Staff, Sen. Deb Fischer of Nebraska (Ranking on Emerging Threats & Capabilities Subcom);

• Mr. Markus Hybner, Legislative Assistant, Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Chairman of the Finance Committee);

• Mr. John Kachtik, Legislative Assistant, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Republican Conference Chairman: #3 leader);

• Mr. Scott Keller, Chief Counsel, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas (Ranking on Constitution & Human Rights Subcom);

• Mr. Rick Kessler, Majority Staff Director, Homeland Security & Govt Affairs Committee (Sen. Tom Carper, Del.);

• Mr. Joseph Lai, Foreign Policy Aide, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi (Ranking on Armed Services Airland Subcom);

• Ms. Jessica Lewis, National Security Advisor, Office of Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada (#1 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Heather O’Laughlin, Legislative Director, Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Chairman of the Finance Committee);

• Mr. Michael Merrell, Minority General Counsel, HELP Committee (Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee);

• Ms. Leigh Owano, Legislative Aide, Sen. Mark Kirk (Ranking Member on the NSITF Subcom);

• Ms. Anya McMurray, Majority Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy; #1 Senator as President Pro Tem);

• Mr. Bill Murat, Chief of Staff, Sen. Tammy Baldwin (former 7-term House member elected to the Senate in 2012);

• Mr. Brendon Plack, Legis. Director, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Republican Conference Chairman: #3 leader);

• Ms. Jeannette Quick, Majority Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota);

• Mr. David Ramseur, Chief of Staff, Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska (Chairman of Democratic Steering Committee);

• Ms. Laura Rauch, Military Legislative Assistant, Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Chairman of the Finance Committee);

• Mr. Gregg Richard, Minority Staff Director, Banking Committee (Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho);

• Mr. Hayden Rogers, Chief of Staff, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia (chairs Armed Services Airland Subcom);

• Mr. Dan Sainz, Foreign Policy Advisor, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia (chairs Near Eastern/South Asian Subcom);

• Ms. Lauren Santabar, Legislative Aide, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia (chairs the NSITF Subcom);

• Mr. Michael Schiffer, Majority Senior Advisor, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 37 of 70 See • Mr. David Schwietert, Min. Staff Director, Commerce Committee (Sen. John Thune of South Dakota; #3 Republican);

• Mr. Jeff Siegel, Majority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota);

• Mr. Mark Simakovsky, National Security Fellow, Sen. Mark Warner of VA (chairs the NSITF Subcom);

• Ms. Pam Smith, Majority Staff Director, HELP Committee (Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa);

• Ms. Sharon Soderstrom, Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Russ Thomasson, Chief of Staff, Office of Minority Whip John Cornyn of Texas (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Will Todd, Dep. Legislative Director, Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi (Ranking on Agriculture Committee);

• Mr. Greg Tosi, Legislative Counsel, Sen. Mark Kirk (Ranking Member on the NSITF Subcom);

• Mr. Eric Toy, Legislative Assistant, Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio (Ranking on Federal Programs & Workforce Subcom);

• Mr. Steven Wall, Minority General Counsel, Agriculture Committee (Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi);

• Ms. Bevin Wilkinson, Legislative Aide, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi (Ranking on Armed Services Airland Subcom);

• Mr. Charles Yi, Majority Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota).

Note: Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio; Mr. Luke Albee, Chief of Staff for Sen. Mark Warner; Mr. Michael Bright, Senior Advisor for Sen. Bob Corker; Ms. Sally Canfield, Deputy Chief of Staff for Sen. Marco Rubio; Ms. Amber Cottle, Staff Director for the Senate Finance Committee; Mr. Alex Herrgott, Legislative Director for Sen. James Inhofe; Mr. Rob Lehman, Chief of Staff for Sen. Rob Portman; Mr. John Lipsey, Chief Counsel for Sen. Bob Corker; Mr. Albert Martinez, Deputy Chief of Staff for Sen. Marco Rubio; and Mr. Paul Wilkins, Chief of Staff for Sen. Max Baucus were all unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts. We thank them for any past participation in this program, and hope they all will participate next summer.


• Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Vice Chairman, Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee (former Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals of Texas; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia, Ranking Member, Interior, Environment, & Related Agencies Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee (also serves on the House Democratic Steering & Policy Committee).


• Mr. Doug Anderson, Majority General Counsel, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Mr. Timothy Aiken, Legislative Director, Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia (senior member on Appropriations);

• Mr. Tommy Binion, Legislative Director, Rep. Steve King of Iowa (senior member of Judiciary Committee);

• Mr. Rob Borden, Oversight Director, Office of Maj. Leader Eric Cantor (#2 Republican leader) (Borden: US-China IPE);

• Mr. Neil Bradley, Deputy Chief of Staff/Policy, Office of Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia (#2 Republican leader);

• Ms. Alexis Covey-Brandt, Chief of Staff, Office of Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland (#2 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Maryam Brown, Policy Advisor, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Aaron Cutler, Policy Advisor, Office of Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia (#2 Republican leader);

• Mr. Jeff Dobrozsi, Chief of Staff, Rep. Charles Boustany of Louisiana (chairs Ways & Means Oversight Subcom);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 38 of 70 See • Mr. Towner French, Majority Deputy Chief of Staff, Rules Committee (Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas);

• Mr. Doug Heye, Deputy Chief of Staff/Comms, Office of Majority Leader Eric Cantor of VA (#2 Republican leader);

• Ms. Shelley Husband, Maj. Chief of Staff & General Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Bob Goodlatte of VA);

• Mr. Charlie Keller, Deputy Chief of Staff, Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia (chairs the Judiciary Committee);

• Ms. Amy Lozupone, Director of Admin. Operations, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Tom Mahr, Policy Director, Office of Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland (#2 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Alexa Marrero, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan);

• Mr. Jonathan Nabavi, Legis. Dir., Rep. George Holding of North Carolina (serves on Judiciary & Foreign Affairs);

• Mr. Ed Rice, Minority Senior Professional Staff, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Eliot Engel of New York);

• Ms. Gisele Roget, Majority Professional Staff, Financial Services Committee (Rep. Jeb Hensarling);

• Mr. Steve Ruhlen, Chief of Staff, Rep. Pete Olson of Texas (serves on Energy & Commerce Committee);

• Mr. Ta’afili Sagapolutele, Legislative Counsel, Rep. Eni Faleomavaega of American Samoa;

• Mr. Tom Sheehy, Majority Staff Director, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ed Royce of California);

• Ms. Neena Shenai, Majority Trade Counsel, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan);

• Mr. Austin Smithson, Legislative Director, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas (Vice-Chair of Crime/Terrorism Subcom);

• Ms. Anne Sokolov, Legislative Assistant, Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio (serves on Appropriations and Budget);

• Ms. Jo-Marie St. Martin, General Counsel & Chief of Legislative Operations, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader) (St. Martin: US-China IPE);

• Mr. Jonathan Stivers, Senior Advisor, Office of Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California (#1 Democratic leader);

• Ms. Julie Tagen, Chief of Staff, Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida (serves on Foreign Affairs Committee);

• Ms. Anne Thorsen, Floor Director, Office of Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (#1 Republican leader);

• Mr. Chris Vieson, Floor Director, Office of Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia (#2 Republican leader).

Note: Rep Eni Faleomavaega of American Samoa; Rep. George Holding of North Carolina; Rep. Steve King of Iowa (US-China IPE); Rep. Pete Olson of Texas; and Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio (US-China IPE) were unavailable due to the House voting schedule. Mr. Geoff Antell, Trade Counsel for the Ways & Means Committee; Mr. Doug Disrud, Professional Staff for the Appropriations Committee, Ms. LaDavia Drane, Executive Director for the Congressional Black Caucus; Mr. Dave Stewart, Policy Director for Speaker John Boehner; and Mr. Nien Su, Professional Staff for the Foreign Affairs Committee were unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts. We thank them for any past participation in this program, and hope they all will participate next summer.


• Ms. Sabrina Hsu, Supervisor of Law Library Stack Services, Library of Congress;

• Mr. Lawrence Liu, Staff Director, Congressional-Executive Commission on China (“CECC”);

• Mr. Bill Reinsch, Chairman, U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission (longtime member of this U.S.-China Commission and a former Under Secretary of Commerce);*

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 39 of 70 See • Ms. Laney Zhang, Senior Foreign Law Specialist, Library of Congress.

Notes: (1) *Mr. Reinsch participated in his private capacity as president of the National Foreign Trade Council. (2) The notation “US-China IPE” herein means participation in the Speaker’s US-China Interparliamentary Exchange between 2002-2006, the period chaired by Rep. Don Manzullo and managed by Matthew Szymanski. During this period, the comparable Senate-NPC Interparlia- mentary Group was co-chaired by Sen. Daniel Inouye and Sen. Ted Stevens. (3) For some of the below hosts from the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Private Sector, relevant biographical information is noted, where known.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Mr. Craig Allen, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Asia, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce (career Foreign Service Officer and Asia expert with 16 years in Japan and 11 years in China and Taiwan);

• Mr. Daniel Baer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State (former professor of business ethics at the Georgetown University School of Business);

• Ms. Vanessa Balgobin, Analyst, Office of Aviation Analysis, U.S. Department of Transportation;

• Mr. Matthew Berry, Chief of Staff for Commissioner Ajit Pai, U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (a Yale- trained lawyer, Mr. Berry previously served as the FCC’s General Counsel and as a Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. Adam Bobrow, Deputy General Counsel for Strategic Initiatives, U.S. Department of Commerce (supports the General Counsel on matters related to privacy, intellectual property, cybersecurity, and China policy);

• Mr. Aubrey Carlson, Director, Office of Chinese & Mongolian Affairs, Bureau of East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Yam Ki Chan, International Economist, U.S. Department of the Treasury;

• Mr. John Cobau, Chief Counsel for International Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce (former Director for International Trade and Investment at the National Security Council, in the White House);

• Mr. Fred Eberhart, Acting Director, Office of International Transportation & Trade, U.S. Department of Transportation;

• Ms. Heather Fernuik, Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Aviation & International Affairs, U.S. Department of Transportation;

• Mr. Ryan Fioresi, Foreign Affairs Officer, U.S. Department of State (also a Presidential Management Fellow);

• Mr. Jeffrey Gaynes, Assistant Director for Regulatory Affairs, Office of International Aviation, U.S. Department of Transportation;

• Mr. Paul Gretch, Director, Office of International Aviation, U.S. Department of Transportation (a Harvard-trained lawyer who has served in his current role since 1986, Mr. Gretch has helped to expand opportunities for international aviation);

• Ms. Kathleen Felton, Deputy Chief, Criminal Appellate Section, U.S. Department of Justice (also a longtime adviser to the Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Judicial Conference of the United States);

• Mr. Donald Horn, Assistant General Counsel for International Law, U.S. Department of Transportation (a Harvard-trained lawyer who has served in this role since 1988, Mr. Horn also has helped to expand opportunities for international aviation);

• Ambassador Janice Jacobs, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State (joined the U.S. Foreign Service in 1980 and served in many posts, including U.S. Ambassador to Senegal and to Guinea-Bissau);

• Mr. Corey Jennings, Special Counsel, Office of Int’l Corp. Finance, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (“SEC”);

• Ms. Anna Jewel, International Economist, U.S. Department of the Treasury;

• Mr. Christopher Kang, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Counsel for Judicial Nominations, White House (prior to joining White House staff in 2009, Mr. Kang was Floor Director for Senate Democratic Whip Richard Durbin);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 40 of 70 See • Mr. Brendan Kelly, Policy Advisor for China and the Strategic & Economic Dialogue (S&ED), U.S. Department of the Treasury (previously served as China Country Director at the Pentagon and as an aide to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist);

• Secretary Cameron Kerry, Acting Secretary (#1), U.S. Department of Commerce (when not the Acting Secretary, Mr. Kerry is the chief legal advisor and #3 official in the Department; he also is the brother of Secretary of State John Kerry);

• Ms. Susan Kurland, Assistant Secretary for Aviation & International Affairs, U.S. Department of Transportation (a Boston Univ-trained lawyer, Ms. Kurland was Assoc. Adm’r for Airports for the Federal Aviation Administration);

• Mr. James Lewis, Senior Business Officer for Asia-Pacific, Export-Import Bank of the United States;

• Mr. Ken Lin, Staff for the U.S.-China Strategic & Economic Dialogue, U.S. Department of the Treasury;

• Director Patricia Loui, Member of the Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank of the United States;

• Ms. Susan O’Sullivan, Director, Office of East Asia & Pacific Affairs, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State;

• Commissioner Ajit Pai, U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (a U. of Chicago-trained lawyer, he practiced law and served in all three branches, including as Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcom on the Constitution).

Note: Ms. Lynne Halbrooks, Acting Inspector General of the Defense Department; Mr. Fred Hochberg, Chairman of the Export- Import Bank; Ms. Amy Chang Lee, Asia Director for OPDAT at the Justice Department; and Ms. Claire Reade, Assistant USTR for China, were unable to participate due to scheduling or administrative reasons. We hope they all will participate next summer.


• Judge Russell Canan, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1993, Judge Canan helped establish the Southern Center for Human Rights and practiced law with partners such as Greta Van Susteren; he has served in several divisions of this Court, and currently is the Presiding Judge of its Criminal Division);

• Judge Timothy Dyk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2000, Judge Dyk practiced law with the law firm of Jones Day; he began his legal career by clerking for three Supreme Court Justices: Justice Stanley Reed, Justice Harold Burton, and then Chief Justice Earl Warren);

• Judge Gerald Fisher, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2001, Judge Fisher served in the law firm of Fisher, Morin, & Kagan-Kans with his current judicial colleague Robert Morin, below; Judge Fisher has served in the Criminal and Civil Divisions of this Court, as well as its Domestic Violence Unit);

• Sr. Judge Henry Greene, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Reagan in 1981, Judge Greene served in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C., including Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney; he served in all major divisions of this Court before taking senior status in 2000; he continues to preside over criminal jury trials);

• Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1999, Judge Huvelle served on the D.C. Superior Court under an appointment by President Bush in 1990; earlier in her career, Judge Huvelle practiced law with the law firm of Williams & Connolly);

• Judge Ann O’Regan Keary, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 1992, Judge Keary served in various public service roles associated with mental health; as a judge of this Court, she has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions, including as Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division);

• Chief Judge Royce Lamberth, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Reagan in 1987, Judge Lamberth was an Army JAG Officer at Fort Bragg, in Vietnam, and at the Pentagon, and was Chief of the Civil Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C.; by appointment of Chief Justice Rehnquist, Judge Lamberth also served as Presiding Judge of the F.I.S.A. Court from 1995-2002; he became Chief U.S. District Judge in 2008);

• Sr. Judge , U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1999, Judge Linn practiced law for more than 20 years with the law firms of Marks & Murase and Foley & Lardner; early in his career, he served as a Patent Examiner, Patent Agent, and Patent Advisor with various federal agencies);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 41 of 70 See • Judge Robert Morin, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1996, Judge Morin practiced and taught law, specializing in defending against death penalty prosecutions; he has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions of this Court, and currently is Deputy Presiding Judge of its Criminal Division);

• Ms. Stephanie Newbold, Supreme Court Fellow, Office of the Counselor to the Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court (Prof. Newbold is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Affairs at American University);

• Judge , U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2001, Judge Prost served as Chief Counsel of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chief Labor Counsel of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, and Acting Solicitor of the National Labor Relations Board) (became Chief Judge in 2014);

• Judge Emmet Sullivan, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (a judge since 1984, Judge Sullivan was appointed to the D.C. Superior Court by President Reagan in 1984, then to the D.C. Court of Appeals by President Bush in 1991, and then to this Court by President Clinton in 1994; earlier, Judge Sullivan practiced law with Houston, Sullivan & Gardner).

Note: Judge Brett Kavanaugh (a participant in 2011 and 2012) and Judge Harry Edwards of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit were unable to participate due to their summer schedules. We hope they both will participate next year.


• Mr. Vic Bernson, Senior Officer and Associate General Counsel, Pew Charitable Trusts (former official at the White House, Defense Department, and Justice Department);

• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program);

• Mr. Norm Coleman, Former U.S. Senator from Minnesota;

• Mr. Jason Dugas, Director of Admissions, University of Virginia Law School (Charlottesville trip);

• Mr. Noel Francisco, Partner, Jones Day law firm (former White House and Justice Department official, and Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. Marty Gold, Partner and Co-Chair of Government Affairs Practice, Covington & Burling law firm (served as Counsel to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker, and Senator Mark Hatfield);

• Mr. A.E. Dick Howard, Prof. of Law, Univ. of Virginia Law School (a well-known expert in constitutional law and comparative constitutionalism, adviser to government officials, and consultant to the media) (Charlottesville trip);

• Mr. Jeffrey Huvelle, Partner, Covington & Burling law firm (longtime federal benefits litigator);

• Mr. Jeff Johnson, Attorney, Jones Day law firm (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. Robert Jordan, Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general D.C. host of this program; Mr. Jordan was a career Foreign Service Officer in the State Department);

• Ms. Julia Leighton, General Counsel, D.C. Public Defender Service (former trial attorney in the Environmental Crimes Section of the Justice Department);

• Mr. Henry Lunardi, Law Office of Henry J. Lunardi, Esq. (career trial lawyer from the Philadelphia area);

• Mr. John Norton Moore, Prof. of Law & Director of the Center for National Security Law, Univ. of Virginia Law School (expert in international law and national security law, with six prior presidential appointments) (Charlottesville trip);

• Mr. Thomas Nachbar, Prof. & Sr. Fellow at Center for National Security Law, Univ. of Virginia Law School (also Brigade Judge Advocate, U.S. Army Reserves, and editor of Rule of Law Handbook) (Charlottesville trip);

• Mr. Warren Postman, Attorney, Jones Day law firm (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Ms. Mary Purdy, Senior Advisor, US-Asia Institute (general D.C. host of this program; Ms. Purdy was a career officer in the U.S. Navy and a Senior Military Fellow at the National Defense University);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 42 of 70 See • Mr. John Ragosta, Resident Fellow, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities (expert in early American history, constitutional law, and international relations) (Charlottesville trip);

• Mr. Bruce Stokes, Director, Global Economic Attitudes Project, Pew Research Center (former trade columnist for the National Journal, Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund, and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations);

• Lt.Col. Elek (Lex) Szkalak, USMC-Ret. (general host with wife Mary Sue of USAI, above, and employed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security);

• Ms. Caryn Voland, Director of Graduate Admissions, Georgetown University Law Center;

• Ms. Susan Roosevelt Weld, JD/PhD, Executive Director, Georgetown Law-Asia (great-granddaughter of the 26th U.S. President; also former First Lady of Massachusetts, China expert at Harvard, and General Counsel for the CECC);

• Ms. Gaye Wilson, Senior Historian, International Center for Jefferson Studies (Charlottesville trip);

• Mr. Ben Wu, Vice Chairman of the Board and former President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 43 of 70 See US-ASIA INSTITUTE SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for Summer 2012 Program (June 25 – July 20, 2012) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Ms. Cherry Chen, Mr. Derek Zhu, Ms. Lola Zhou, Ms. Amy Cui, Mr. Tony Shen, & Ms. Julia Yuan (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)

Note: The notation “US-China IPE” means participation in the Speaker’s US-China Interparliamentary Exchange between 2002- 2006, the period chaired by Rep. Don Manzullo and managed by Matthew Szymanski. During this period, the comparable Senate- NPC Interparliamentary Group was co-chaired by Sen. Daniel Inouye and Sen. Ted Stevens.


• Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas, Ranking Member, Science & Space Subcommittee of the Commerce, Science, & Transportation (“Commerce”) Committee (also serves on the Committees for Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry (“Agriculture”); Environment & Public Works (“EPW”); and Veterans’ Affairs);

• Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, Majority Whip / Assistant Majority Leader (#2 Democratic leader in the Senate; he also serves on the Committees for Appropriations; Foreign Relations; the Judiciary; and Rules & Administration (“Rules”));

• Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming, Ranking Member, Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (“HELP”) Committee (also serves on the Committees for Budget; Finance; and Small Business);

• Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, President Pro Tempore and Chairman of the Appropriations Committee (#1 Ranking Senator & #4 U.S. official; he also serves on the Committees for Commerce; Rules; and Indian Affairs; and he is the former leader of the Senate-NPC Interparliamentary Group with China);

• Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, Ranking Member, Emerging Threats & Capabilities Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee (also serves on the Committees for Budget; Energy & Natural Resources (“Energy”); and Homeland Security & Government Affairs (“HSGAC”));

• Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado, Chairman, National Parks Subcommittee of the Energy & Natural Resources Committee (also serves on the Committees for Armed Services; Intelligence; and Aging);

• Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi, Ranking Member, SeaPower Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee (also serves on the Committees for Banking; Commerce; and Veterans’ Affairs).


• Mr. Michael Alexander, Majority Staff Director, Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee (“HSGAC”) (Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut);

• Ms. Adrian Arnakis, Minority Professional Staff for the Commerce Committee and Legislative Counsel to Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Chairman, Sen. Republican Conference);

• Ms. Martina Bradford, Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms (deputy chief protocol & law enforcement officer of the U.S. Senate);

• Mr. Michael Bright, Sr. Policy Advisor, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee (senior member of Foreign Relations Committee);

• Mr. Joe Britton, Legislative Director, Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado (Chairman of National Parks Subcommittee);

• Ms. Sally Canfield, Deputy Chief of Staff, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida;

• Mr. Bill Dauster, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Majority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 44 of 70 See • Mr. Jon Davidson, Chief of Staff, Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado (chairs Agriculture Subcom on Conservation);

• Mr. Greg Dean, Minority Chief Counsel, HELP Committee (Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming) (US-China IPE);

• Mr. Jeff Farrah, General Counsel, Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts (Ranking on HSGAC Contracting Subcom);

• Mr. James Fitzpatrick, S.E. Pennsylvania Regional Manager, State Office of Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania;

• Mr. Patrick Grant, Majority Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota);

• Mr. David Hallock, Deputy Chief of Staff, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia (Chairman of Security & Int’l Trade Subcom);

• Mr. Alan Hanson, Chief of Staff, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama (Ranking Member of Banking Committee);

• Mr. Terrell Henry, National Security Aide, Office of the Majority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada;

• Mr. Bruce Hirsh, Majority International Trade Counsel, Finance Committee (Sen. Max Baucus of Montana);

• Ms. Erum Ibrahim, Foreign Policy Aide, Office of the Assistant Majority Leader, Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois;

• Ms. Imani Johnson, Constituent Service Advocate, State Office of Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania;

• Ms. Rachelle Johnson, Minority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi);

• Mr. Marc Labonte, Majority Senior Economist, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota);

• Mr. Joseph Lai, Foreign Policy Aide, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi (Ranking, Armed Services Seapower Subcom);

• Mr. John Lipsey, Chief Counsel, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee (Ranking on Foreign Relations in 113th Congress);

• Mr. Keith Luse, Minority Senior Professional Staff, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana);

• Ms. Diane Miyasato, Staff Dir., Office of the President Pro Tem., Sen. Daniel Inouye (also Chairman of Appropriations);

• Ms. Alexandra Nunez, Political Director, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts (Chairman of Foreign Relations Cmte);

• Ms. Susan Olson, Counsel, Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas;

• Mr. David Ramseur, Chief of Staff, Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska (Chairman of Democratic Steering Committee);

• Ms. Amanda Renteria, Chief of Staff, Sen. Debbie Stabenow (Chair of Agriculture & Vice Chair of Dem. Policy Cmte);

• Mr. Gregg Richard, Min. Prof. Staff for the Banking Committee and Senior Policy Adviser to Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho;

• Mr. Jon Selib, Chief of Staff, Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Chairman of the Finance Committee);

• Mr. Jeff Siegel, Majority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota);

• Ms. Vanessa Sinders, Chief of Staff, Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts (Ranking on HSGAC Contracting Subcom);

• Ms. Sharon Soderstrom, Chief of Staff, Office of the Minority Leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky;

• Ms. Laura Swanson, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota);

• Mr. Will Todd, Foreign Affairs Aide, Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi (Ranking on Appropriations Committee);

• Mr. Paul Vinovich, Minority Chief Counsel, Rules & Administration Committee (Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee);

• Mr. Matt Walker, Min. Dep. Staff Dir., Small Business Committee (Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine) (US-China IPE);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 45 of 70 See • Mr. Steven Wall, Legislative Director & Counsel, Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi (Ranking on Appropriations);

• Mr. Charles Yi, Majority Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of S.D.);

• Ms. Mary Yoshioka, Foreign Affairs Aide, Sen. Daniel Inouye (President Pro Tem. & Chairman of Appropriations).

Note: Ms. Reema Dodin, Floor Director for Assistant Majority Leader Richard Durbin, Beth Jafari, Chief of Staff for Sen. John Cornyn, Mr. Rob Lehman, Chief of Staff for Sen. Rob Portman, and Ms. Jessica Lewis, National Security Advisor for Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, were unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts. We thank them all for their past participation in this program, and hope they will participate again next summer.


• Rep. Madeleine Bordallo of Guam, Ranking Member, Readiness Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee (former Senator, Lieutenant Governor, and First Lady of Guam; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Vice Chairman, Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee (former Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals of Texas; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Randy Hultgren of Illinois, New Majority Member of the Committees on Agriculture; Science, Space, & Technology; and Transportation & Infrastructure (brief meeting) (former member of the Illinois State House & Senate);

• Rep. Steve King of Iowa, Vice Chairman, Immigration Policy & Enforcement Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee (Iowa State Senator from 1977 until his election to Congress in 2002; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Don Manzullo of Illinois, Chairman, Asia, the Pacific, & Global Environment Subcommittee of the Foreign Affairs Committee (also a senior member of Financial Services, and was Chairman of the US-China IPE from 1999-2007);

• Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, current Minority Leader and former Speaker of the House (brief meeting) (Ms. Pelosi is the only woman to have served as Speaker, and remains the highest ranking female politician in U.S. history);

• Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, Co-Chairman, Congressional Manufacturing Caucus (also serves on the Armed Services Committee and Budget Committee; former Ohio State Senator; US-China IPE);

o Former Speaker Dennis Hastert, Office of the Former Speaker (as Speaker from 1999-2007, he was the longest serving Republican Speaker in U.S. history; he created the US-China IPE in 1999).


• Mr. Geoff Antell, Majority Trade Counsel, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan);

• Mr. Rich Beutel, Maj. Senior Counsel, Oversight & Govt Reform Cmte (Rep. Darrell Issa of CA) (Beutel: US-China IPE);

• Ms. Molly Boyl, Maj. Counsel & Parliamentarian, Oversight & Government Reform Cmte (Rep. Darrell Issa of Calif.);

• Ms. Susan Blavin, Majority Counsel, Financial Services Committee (Rep. Spencer Bachus);

• Mr. Neil Bradley, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, Office of the Majority Leader, Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia;

• Ms. Ashley Callen, Maj. Investigative Counsel, Oversight & Government Reform Cmte (Rep. Darrell Issa of Calif.);

• Mr. Ed Cassidy, Director of House Operations, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner (Cassidy: US-China IPE);

• Mr. Marty Dannenfelser, Majority Senior Advisor, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan);

• Mr. Sean Deverey, Legislative Director, Rep. Robert Andrews of New Jersey (Deverey: US-China IPE);

• Mr. Doug Disrud, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Rep. Hal Rogers / Rep. Tom Latham);

• Mr. Phil Eskeland, Legislative Director for Rep. Donald Manzullo, who chaired the US-China IPE from 1999-2007;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 46 of 70 See • Ms. Terri Fish, Legislative Director, Rep. Charles Boustany of Louisiana;

• Mr. Dennis Halpin, Maj. Senior Professional Staff, Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida);

• Ms. Cindy Herrle, Policy Advisor, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Mr. Richard Hertling, Majority Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Rep. of Texas);

• Mr. John Hughes, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Democratic Whip, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland;

• Mr. Barry Jackson, Chief of Staff, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Mr. Ryan Keating, Legislative Director, Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio;

• Mr. Phil Kiko, Maj. Staff Director & General Counsel, House Administration Committee (Rep. Dan Lungren of Calif.);

• Mr. Brett Loper, Policy Director & Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Ms. Amy Swisher Lozupone, Director of Administrative Operations, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Mr. Adam Magary, Chief of Staff for Rep. Don Manzullo, who chaired the US-China IPE from 1999-2007;

• Ms. Karin Moore, Majority Elections Counsel, House Administration Committee (Rep. Dan Lungren of California);

• Ms. Kristin Nelson, Majority Counsel, Oversight & Government Reform Committee (Rep. Darrell Issa of Calif.);

• Mr. Kyle Nevins, Dep. Chief of Staff, Office of the Majority Leader, Rep. Eric Cantor of VA (Nevins: US-China IPE);

• Ms. Sara Peters, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Rep. Hal Rogers / Rep. Tom Latham);

• Mr. Curtis Philp, Legislative Director, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas;

• Mr. George Rogers, Counsel, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Mr. Mike Russell, Majority Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Homeland Security Committee (Rep. Peter King of NY);

• Ms. Neena Shenai, Majority Trade Counsel, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan);

• Ms. Jo-Marie St. Martin, General Counsel & Chief of Legislative Operations, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio (St. Martin: US-China IPE);

• Ms. Heidi Stirrup, Majority Policy Coordinator, Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee (Rep. Joe Pitts of Penn.);

• Mr. Jonathan Stivers, Senior Advisor, Office of the Democratic Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California;

• Mr. Alex Teel, Majority Professional Staff, Financial Services Committee (Rep. Spencer Bachus);

• Mr. Warren Tryon, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Financial Services Committee (Rep. Spencer Bachus).

Note: Mr. Rob Borden, Majority General Counsel for the Oversight and Government Reform Committee (and former participant in the US-China IPE), Ms. Shuwanza Goff, Deputy Director of Legislative Operations for the Democratic Whip, Mr. Tom Mahr, Political Director for the Democratic Whip, Ms. Yleem Poblete, Majority Staff Director for the Foreign Affairs Committee, Ms. Susan Ross, Majority Professional Staff for the Appropriations Committee, and Ms. Jen Stewart, Policy Advisor to the Speaker, were unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts. We hope they all will participate next year.


• Ms. Sabrina Hsu, Supervisor of Law Library Stack Services, Library of Congress;

• Ms. Susan Lawrence, China Specialist, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress; All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 47 of 70 See • Mr. Lawrence Liu, Deputy Staff Director, Congressional-Executive Commission on China (“CECC”);

• Ms. Shameema Rahman, Senior Legal Reference Librarian, Library of Congress;

• Mr. Bill Reinsch, Vice Chairman, U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission (longtime member and past chairman of this U.S.-China Commission and a former Under Secretary of Commerce);*

• Mr. Peter Roudik, Director, Global Legal Research Center, Library of Congress;

• Ms. Laney Zhang, Senior Foreign Law Specialist, Library of Congress.

Note: *Mr. Reinsch participated in his private capacity as president of the National Foreign Trade Council. For some of the below hosts from the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Private Sector, relevant biographical info is noted, where known.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Mr. Daniel Baer, Dep. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State (former professor of business ethics at the Georgetown University School of Business);

• Mr. Matthew Berry, Chief of Staff for Commissioner Ajit Pai, U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (Mr. Berry previously served as the FCC’s General Counsel and as a Supreme Court law clerk);

• Secretary Steven Chu, Secretary (#1 official), U.S. Department of Energy (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2009, Mr. Chu taught at Berkeley and directed the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; he won a Nobel Prize in Physics);

• Mr. Fred Drummond, Captain, U.S. Navy, and Professor, National Defense University, U.S. Department of Defense;

• Mr. Fred Eberhart, Acting Director, Office of International Transportation & Trade, U.S. Department of Transportation;

• Ms. Victoria Espinel, U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, Executive Office of the President (Ms. Espinel previously served as the Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Intellectual Property & Innovation);

• Ms. Kathleen Felton, Deputy Chief, Criminal Appellate Section, U.S. Department of Justice (also a longtime adviser to the Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Judicial Conference of the United States);

• Mr. Brett Gerson, Attorney, Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce;

• Mr. William Isasi, Senior Attorney, Office of Chief Counsel for Import Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce;

• Ambassador Janice Jacobs, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State (joined the U.S. Foreign Service in 1980 and served in many posts, including U.S. Ambassador to Senegal and to Guinea-Bissau);

• Mr. Corey Jennings, Special Counsel, Office of Int’l Corp. Finance, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (“SEC”);

• Mr. Christopher Kang, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Counsel for Judicial Nominations, White House (prior to joining White House staff in 2009, Mr. Kang was Floor Director for Senate Democratic Whip Richard Durbin);

• Mr. Ken Kellner, Attorney-Advisor, Office of Legislative Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ);

• Mr. Brendan Kelly, Policy Advisor for China and the Strategic & Economic Dialogue, U.S. Department of the Treasury (previously served as China Country Director at the Pentagon and as an aide to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist);

• Mr. Cameron Kerry, General Counsel (#3 official), U.S. Department of Commerce (chief legal advisor for the Department of Commerce; also the brother of Senator John Kerry);

• Secretary Ray LaHood, Secretary (#1 official), U.S. Department of Transportation (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2009, Secretary LaHood was a Republican Congressman representing part of the State of Illinois);

• Mr. Jeffrey Lane, Assistant Secretary of Energy for Congressional & Intergovernmental Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy (previously served as Chief of Staff for three different U.S. Senators);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 48 of 70 See • Ms. Amy Chang Lee, Director for Asia & the Pacific, Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance & Training, U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) (previously served as the Assistant Chief of the Organized Crime & Racketeering Section at DOJ, and spent 3 years as Resident Legal Advisor at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing);

• Mr. Kirby Lee, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of U.S. IP Enforcement Coordinator, Executive Office of the President;

• Ms. Patricia Loui, Member of the Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank of the United States;

• Ms. Shawne Carter McGibbon, General Counsel, Administrative Conference of the United States (previously served as Chief Counsel for Advocacy in the U.S. Small Business Administration);

• Ms. Joan Maginnis, Assistant General Counsel for Finance & Litigation, U.S. Department of Commerce;

• Ms. Gwenann Manseau, Senior Attorney, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Commerce;

• Mr. Kin Moy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian & Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State (previously served as Deputy Executive Secretary to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton);

• Ms. Susan O’Sullivan, Director, Office of East Asia & Pacific Affairs, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State;

• Commissioner Ajit Pai, U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (previously practiced law and served in all three branches of the U.S. Government, including as Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcom. on the Constitution);

• Mr. Gautam Raghavan, Associate Director of Public Engagement, White House;

• Ms. Courtney Reinhard, Legal Advisor to Commissioner Ajit Pai, U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (Ms. Reinhard previously spent 15 years as a congressional aide in the House and the Senate);

• Mr. Jeremy Sharpe, Chief of Investment Arbitration, Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State (previously practiced law in New York and Washington, D.C., and served as the Legal Adviser to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad);

• Ms. Marlise Streitmatter, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation (previously served in various other posts in Washington, D.C., including the Pentagon, the World Bank, and Capitol Hill);

• Mr. Jerry Traughber, Colonel, U.S. Air Force, and Professor, National Defense University, U.S. Dept. of Defense;

• Mr. Daniel Watson, Dep. Asst. U.S. Trade Rep. for S.E. Asia & the Pacific, Executive Office of the President;

• Mr. Hillel Weinberg, JD/PhD, Asst Inspector General (IG), Office of the Special IG for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR), U.S. Dept. of Defense (SIGIR reports directly to the Secretaries of Defense and State and the relevant Committees of Congress; Mr. Weinberg was Staff Director for the House International Relations Committee, and a US-China IPE participant);

• Mr. Matt Wiener, Executive Director, Administrative Conference of the United States (previously practiced law and served on Capitol Hill as General Counsel to Sen. and Counsel to the House Judiciary Committee);

• Mr. Tim Wineland, Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, Executive Office of the President.

Note: Dr. Rebecca Blank, Acting Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Chris Lu, Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary, and Mr. Eric Richardson, Special Assistant to Under Secretary of State Maria Otero, were unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts.


• Mr. Michael Duggan, Supreme Court Fellow, Office of the Counselor to the Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court (Mr. Duggan is a career employee of the U.S. Supreme Court, where he serves in library collection management and supervises the staff that aid the Justices during oral argument and conferences);

• Judge Timothy Dyk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 2000, Judge Dyk practiced law with the law firm of Jones Day; he began his legal career by clerking for three Supreme Court Justices: Justice Stanley Reed, Justice Harold Burton, and then Chief Justice Earl Warren);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 49 of 70 See • Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (a judge since 1990, Judge Huvelle practiced law with the law firm of Williams & Connolly before her appointment to D.C. Superior Court by President George H.W. Bush in 1990, followed by her appointment to this Court by President Clinton in 1999);

• Judge Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (prior to this appointment in 2006 by President George W. Bush, Judge Kavanaugh served the President as Staff Secretary and Senior Associate Counsel; earlier in his career, he was an attorney in the Office of the Solicitor General and a law clerk to Justice Anthony Kennedy);

• Judge Ann O’Regan Keary, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President George H.W. Bush in 1992, Judge Keary served in various public service roles associated with mental health; as a judge of this Court, she has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions, including Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division);

• Chief Judge Royce Lamberth, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (appointed to this Court by President Reagan in 1987, and became Chief Judge in 2008; also served as Presiding Judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court from 1995 to 2002, by appointment of Chief Justice Rehnquist; earlier, Judge Lamberth was an Army JAG Officer at Fort Bragg, in Vietnam, and at the Pentagon, and Chief of the Civil Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C.);

• Judge Richard Linn, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1999, Judge Linn practiced law for more than 20 years with the law firms of Marks & Murase and Foley & Lardner; early in his career, he served as a Patent Examiner, Patent Agent, and Patent Advisor with various federal agencies);

• Judge Robert Morin, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (prior to this appointment by President Clinton in 1996, Judge Morin practiced and taught law, specializing in defending against death penalty prosecutions; he has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions of this Court, and currently is Deputy Presiding Judge of its Criminal Division);

• Judge Sharon Prost, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (prior to this appointment by President Bush in 2001, Judge Prost served in many federal posts, including Chief Counsel of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chief Labor Counsel of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, and Acting Solicitor of the National Labor Relations Board);

• Judge Emmet Sullivan, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Judge Sullivan practiced law with Houston, Sullivan & Gardner until his appointment to the D.C. Superior Court by President Reagan in 1984, followed by his appointment to the D.C. Court of Appeals by President Bush in 1991, and to this Court by President Clinton in 1994).

Note: Judge Gerald Fisher of the D.C. Superior Court was unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts. We hope he will participate next year.


• Mr. Vic Bernson, Deputy General Counsel, Pew Charitable Trusts (former official at the White House, Defense Department, and Justice Department);

• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program);

• Mr. Bill Bonner, Attorney, Media, Pennsylvania;

• Mr. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Former U.S. Senator and Representative from Colorado;

• Mr. James Christophersen, Executive Director, Judicial Action Group;

• Mr. David Cohen, Member, Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg law and advisory firm;

• Rev. Joe Eldridge, D.Min., University Chaplain and Adjunct Professor, American University (and human rights expert);

• Mr. Noel Francisco, Partner, Jones Day law firm (former White House and Justice Department official, and Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. Marty Gold, Partner and Co-Chair of Government Affairs Practice, Covington & Burling law firm (former Counsel to Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist, Sen. Majority Leader Howard Baker, and Sen. Mark Hatfield);

• Mr. Jonathan Henry, Director of Development, Yuying School;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 50 of 70 See • Mr. David Hunter, Professor of Law and Director of the International & Comparative Environmental Law Program, American University School of Law;

• Mr. Jeffrey Huvelle, Partner, Covington & Burling law firm (longtime federal benefits litigator);

• Mr. Leon Irish, JD/PhD, Co-founder (with wife Karla Simon, below), International Center for Not-for-Profit Law ( and International Center for Civil Society Law ( (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. Paul Joffe, Senior Foreign Policy Counsel, World Resources Institute (former congressional staffer and Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting General Counsel at the Department of Commerce);

• Mr. Robert Jordan, Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general D.C. host of this program; Mr. Jordan was a career Foreign Service Officer in the State Department);

• Dean Susan Karamanian, Associate Dean for International and Comparative Legal Studies, George Washington University Law School;

• Mr. Kenneth Lieberthal, Senior Fellow and Director of the John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution (former Special Assistant to the President for National Security and Senior Director for Asia on the National Security Council; former professor at the University of Michigan; and author of 24 books and monographs, mostly about China);

• Mr. Jeff Lubbers, Professor of Practice in Administrative Law, American University School of Law (also Special Counsel to the Administrative Conference of the United States);

• Mr. Chris McCannell, Vice President, APCO Worldwide (former Chief of Staff to Rep. Mike McMahon and to Rep. Joe Crowley, co-leader of the US-China IPE, and helped staff the US-China IPE);

• Mr. Sandy Merber, Counsel, International Trade Regulation & Sourcing, GE (previously served at the and the U.S. Department of the Treasury);

• Mr. Hashim Mooppan, Attorney, Jones Day law firm (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. David Olave, Director, Trade & Legislative Affairs, Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg law and advisory firm;

• Dean Matt Parker, Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs, University of Pennsylvania Law School;

• Mr. Eric Pelletier, Global Executive Leader, Government Affairs, GE Capital (former White House roles include Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs and Associate Director of the Office of Management and Budget for Legislative Affairs; also served as Deputy Staff Director for the House Rules Committee);

• Mr. Warren Postman, Attorney, Jones Day law firm (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Ms. Mary Purdy, Senior Advisor, US-Asia Institute (main D.C. host of this program; Ms. Purdy was a career officer in the U.S. Navy and a Senior Military Fellow at the National Defense University);

• Ms. Cathy Schenker, Associate Director, International Legal Studies Program, American University School of Law;

• Mr. Luke Schoen, Associate, Climate & Energy Program, World Resources Institute;

• Ms. Karla Simon, Professor of Law, Catholic University School of Law (also co-founder, with husband Dr. Leon Irish, above, of the Int’l Center for Not-for-Profit Law,, and Int’l Center for Civil Society Law,;

• Lt.Col. Elek (Lex) Szkalak, USMC-Ret. (general host with wife Mary Sue of USAI, above, and employed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security);

• Ms. Susan Roosevelt Weld, JD/PhD, Executive Director, Georgetown Law-Asia (great-granddaughter of the 26th U.S. President; also former First Lady of Massachusetts, China expert at Harvard, and General Counsel to the CECC);

• Judge Charles Wang, Qingdao Maritime Court, People’s Republic of China;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 51 of 70 See • Ms. Andrea Worden, Professor of Chinese Law, American University College of Law (fluent in Mandarin, Prof. Worden previously served as General Counsel to the CECC);

• Ms. DeAnn Work, Vice President & Deputy General Counsel, Broadcom Corporation;

• Mr. Ben Wu, Vice Chairman of the Board and former President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program);

• Mr. Ken Yale, DDS, JD, Vice President of Clinical Solutions, Active Health Management;

• Ms. Ailun Yang, Senior Associate, Climate & Energy Program, World Resources Institute.

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 52 of 70 See US-ASIA INSTITUTE* SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for Summer 2011 Program (June 27 – July 22, 2011) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Ms. Cheryl Liu, Ms. Megan Zheng, Mr. Colin Xu, Ms. Carol Lin, Mr. Adam Bao, & Ms. Sarah Fu (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)

Notes: *USAI adopted this program in the fall of 2011* “US-China IPE” means participation in the US-China Interparliamentary Exchange between 2002-2006, the period chaired by Rep. Don Manzullo and managed by Matthew Szymanski. During this period, the comparable Senate-NPC Interparliamentary Group was co-chaired by Sen. Daniel Inouye and Sen. Ted Stevens.


• Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, Majority Whip / Assistant Majority Leader (#2 Democratic leader in the Senate; he also serves on the Committees for Appropriations; Foreign Relations; the Judiciary; and Rules & Administration);

• Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, President Pro Tempore and Chairman of the Appropriations Committee (#1 Ranking Senator & #4 U.S. official; he also serves on the Committees for Commerce; Rules; and Indian Affairs; and he is the former leader of the Senate-NPC Interparliamentary Group with China);

• Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Ranking Member, Military Construction & Veterans Affairs Subcom. of the Appropriations Committee (also on the Committees for Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs; and Health, Education, Labor & Pensions);

• Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado, Chairman, National Parks Subcommittee of the Energy & Natural Resources Committee (also serves on the Committees for Armed Services; Intelligence; and Aging);

• Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi, Ranking Member, SeaPower Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee (also serves on the Committees for Commerce; Foreign Relations; Small Business; and Veterans’ Affairs).

Note: Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, a participant in the past two programs and author of a support letter, was unable to participate this year due to last minute scheduling conflicts. We thank her and her staff for their multiple attempts to reschedule.


• Ms. Adrian Arnakis, Legislative Counsel, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Vice Chair, Sen. Republican Conference);

• Mr. Dan Barron, Min. Prof. Staff, Environment & Public Works Committee (Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma);

• Ms. Martina Bradford, Deputy Senate Sergeant-at-Arms (deputy chief protocol & law enforcement officer);

• Mr. Jeremy Brandon, Legislative Counsel, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts (Chairman of Foreign Relations and Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Mr. Michael Bright, Senior Policy Advisor, Sen. Bob Corker of Tenn. (Ranking on Int’l Dvlpmt & Foreign Asst Subcom);

• Mr. Joe Britton, Legislative Director, Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado (Chairman of National Parks Subcommittee);

• Ms. Annie Caputo, Min. Prof. Staff, Environment & Public Works Committee (Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma);

• Mr. Mike Castellano, Senior Counsel & Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada;

• Mr. Bill Dauster, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Majority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada;

• Mr. Jon Davidson, Chief of Staff, Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado (chairs Agriculture Subcom on Conservation);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 53 of 70 See • Mr. Greg Dean, Minority Chief Counsel, HELP Committee (Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming) (US-China IPE);

• Mr. Rick Dearborn, Chief of Staff, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama (Ranking on Judiciary Committee);

• Ms. Reema Dodin, Floor Director, Office of the Assistant Majority Leader, Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois;

• Mr. Alan Elias, Foreign Policy Aide, Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin (Member of State & Foreign Operations Subcom);

• Mr. Jeff Farrah, Counsel, Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts (Ranking on HSGAC Contracting Subcom);

• Ms. Beth Grossman, Majority Deputy Staff Director & Chief Counsel, HSGAC (Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut);

• Mr. Alan Hanson, Chief of Staff, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama (Ranking on Banking Committee);

• Mr. Colin Hayes, Min. Professional Staff, Energy & Natural Resources Committee (Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska);

• Mr. Dimitri Karakitsos, Min. Prof. Staff, Environment & Public Works Committee (Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma);

• Ms. Marni Karlin, Majority Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Ms. Maura Keefe, Chief of Staff, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire (Chair of Foreign Relations Europe Subcom);

• Ms. Kristen Kreple, Majority Counsel, Judiciary Committee (Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont);

• Mr. Joseph Lai, Foreign Policy Aide, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi (Ranking, Armed Services SeaPower Subcom);

• Mr. Rob Lehman, Chief of Staff, Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio (Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Mr. John Lipsey, Chief Counsel, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee (Ranking on Int’l Dvlpmt & Foreign Asst Subcom);

• Mr. Keith Luse, Minority Senior Professional Staff, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana);

• Mr. Pasha Majdi, Min. Professional Staff, Energy & Natural Resources Committee (Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska);

• Mr. Scott McCandless, Min. Tax Counsel, Small Business Committee (Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine);

• Ms. Diane Miyasato, Staff Dir., Office of the Sen. President Pro Tem Daniel Inouye (also Chairman of Appropriations);

• Mr. Tim Morrison, National Security Policy Advisor, Office of the Minority Whip, Sen. John Kyl of Arizona (who also is a Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Ms. Christine Muchanic, DOC Congressional Fellow, Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan (Chairman of Armed Services);

• Mr. Andrew Newton, Legislative Asst., Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama (Ranking on Banking Committee);

• Ms. Heather O’Loughlin, Legislative Asst., Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Chairman of Finance Committee and Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Mr. Andrew Person, Legislative Asst., Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Chairman of Finance Committee and Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Mr. David Ramseur, Chief of Staff, Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska (Chairman of Democratic Steering Committee);

• Mr. Adam Reece, Min. Professional Staff, Small Business Committee (Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine);

• Ms. Amanda Renteria, Chief of Staff, Sen. Debbie Stabenow (Chair of Agriculture & Vice Chair of Dem. Policy Cmte);

• Ms. Clarine Nardi Riddle, Chief of Staff, Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut (Chairman of HSGAC);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 54 of 70 See • Mr. Jon Selib, Chief of Staff, Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Chairman of Finance Committee and Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Mr. Jeff Siegel, Majority Senior Counsel, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota);

• Ms. Vanessa Sinders, Chief of Staff, Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts (Ranking on HSGAC Contracting Subcom);

• Mr. Matt Sonnesyn, Chief of Staff, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee (Chairman, Sen. Republican Conference);

• Mr. Will Todd, Foreign Affairs Aide, Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi (Ranking on Appropriations Committee);

• Mr. Paul Vinovich, Minority Chief Counsel, Rules & Administration Committee (Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee);

• Mr. Matt Walker, Min. Dep. Staff Dir., Small Business Committee (Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine) (US-China IPE);

• Mr. Steven Wall, Counsel, Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi (Ranking on Appropriations Committee);

• Mr. Tom Walls, Chief Counsel, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia (Chairman of Security & Int’l Trade Subcom);

• Ms. Molly Wilkinson, Minority General Counsel, HSGAC (Sen. Susan Collins of Maine);

• Mr. Nick Wyatt, Minority Professional Staff, Finance Committee (Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah);

• Mr. Charles Yi, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Banking Committee (Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota);

• Ms. Mary Yoshioka, Foreign Affairs Aide, Sen. Daniel Inouye (President Pro Tem. & Chairman of Appropriations).

Note: Mr. Michael Alexander, Staff Director for the HSGAC, Ms. Ryika Hooshangi, Min. Prof. Staff for the Finance Committee, Ms. Beth Jafari, Chief of Staff for Sen. John Cornyn, Mr. Don Kent, Chief of Staff for Sen. Ron Johnson, and Ms. Jessica Lewis, National Security Advisor for Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, were unable to participate due to last minute scheduling conflicts. We thank Ms. Hooshangi, Ms. Jafari, and Ms. Lewis for their past participation in this program, and Mr. Alexander and Ms. Jafari for their multiple attempts to reschedule.


• Rep. Jo Bonner of Alabama, Chairman, Ethics Committee (also serves on the Appropriations Committee);

• Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Senior Republican Member, Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security Subcom. of the Judiciary Committee (Mr. Gohmert was Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals of Texas; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Peter King of New York, Chairman, Homeland Security Committee (brief meeting);

• Rep. Steve King of Iowa, Senior Republican Member, Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security & International Law Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee (Mr. King served in the Iowa Senate; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Don Manzullo of Illinois, Chairman, Asia, the Pacific, & Global Environment Subcommittee of the Foreign Affairs Committee (also a senior member of the Financial Services Cmte, and Chairman of the US-China IPE from 1999-2007).


• Mr. Tom Alexander, Maj. Senior Counsel, Oversight & Government Reform Committee (Rep. Darrell Issa of California);

• Mr. Gary Andres, Majority Staff Director, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, Chairman, who also is a Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Mr. Geoff Antell, Majority Trade Counsel, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, Chairman, who also is a Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Ms. Cameron Arterton, Ways & Means Counsel, Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 55 of 70 See • Mr. Brien Beattie, Maj. Prof. Staff, Oversight & Government Reform Cmte (Rep. Darrell Issa of Cal.) (US-China IPE);

• Mr. Rich Beutel, Maj. Sr. Counsel, Oversight & Govt Reform Cmte (Rep. Darrell Issa of CA) (fmr staff, US-China IPE);

• Mr. Tim Bergreen, Chief of Staff, Rep. Adam Schiff of California (former staff, US-China IPE);

• Mr. Neil Bradley, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, Office of the Majority Leader, Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia;

• Mr. Sean Deverey, Legislative Director, Rep. Robert Andrews of New Jersey (former staff, US-China IPE);

• Ms. Terri Fish, Legislative Director, Rep. Charles Boustany of Louisiana;

• Mr. Mike Gruber, Majority Senior Advisor, Energy & Commerce Committee (Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, Chairman, who also is a Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Mr. Michael Hare, Foreign Affairs Aide, Rep. Charles Boustany of Louisiana;

• Mr. Richard Hertling, Majority Deputy Chief of Staff, Judiciary Committee (Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas);

• Mr. John Hughes, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Democratic Whip, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland;

• Mr. Barry Jackson, Chief of Staff, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Mr. Phil Kiko, Staff Director & General Counsel, House Administration Committee (Rep. Dan Lungren of California);

• Mr. James Koski, Deputy Chief of Staff, Rep. Earl Blumenauer of Oregon (Rep. Blumenauer: US-China IPE);

• Mr. Terry Lierman, Chief of Staff, Office of the Democratic Whip, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland;

• Ms. Amy Swisher Lozupone, Director of Administrative Operations, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Mr. Adam Magary, Chief of Staff for Rep. Don Manzullo, who chaired the US-China IPE from 1999-2007;

• Mr. Matt McCabe, Majority Senior Counsel, Homeland Security Committee (Rep. Peter King of New York);

• Mr. Kyle Nevins, Dep. Chief of Staff, Office of the Majority Leader, Rep. Eric Cantor of VA (Nevins: US-China IPE);

• Mr. Jacob Parker, Legislative Director, Rep. Tom Latham of Iowa;

• Ms. Sara Peters, Majority Professional Staff, Appropriations Committee (Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky);

• Mr. Curtis Philp, Legislative Director, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas;

• Mr. Abbas Ravjani, Minority Deputy Chief Counsel, Intelligence Committee (Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland);

• Mr. George Rogers, Counsel, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Mr. Mike Russell, Majority Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Homeland Security Committee (Rep. Peter King of NY);

• Ms. Neena Shenai, Majority Trade Counsel, Ways & Means Committee (Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, Chairman, who also is a Member of Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction);

• Mr. David Skillman, Senior Counsel, Rep. Earl Blumenauer of Oregon;

• Ms. Jo-Marie St. Martin, General Counsel & Chief of Legislative Operations, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio (St. Martin: US-China IPE);

• Mr. Jonathan Stivers, Senior Advisor, Office of the Democratic Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 56 of 70 See • Mr. Warren Tryon, Majority Deputy Staff Director, Financial Services Committee (Rep. Spencer Bachus);

• Ms. Callie Varner, Senior Legislative Assistant, Rep. Dennis Cardoza of California.

Note: Mr. Jim Barnette, Majority General Counsel for the Energy & Commerce Committee, Mr. Ed Cassidy, Director of House Operations for the Speaker, and Ms. Susan Ross, Majority Professional Staff for the Appropriations Committee, all of whom were past participants in the US-China IPE, were unable to participate due to last minute scheduling conflicts. Mr. Brett Loper, Policy Director for the Speaker, was similarly prevented. We hope they all will participate next year.


• Ms. Sabrina Hsu, Supervisor of Law Library Stack Services, Library of Congress;

• Ms. Susan Lawrence, China Specialist, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress;

• Mr. David Mao, Law Librarian of Congress, Library of Congress;

• Mr. Bill Reinsch, Chairman, U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission (longtime member of this U.S.-China Commission and a former Under Secretary of Commerce);*

• Ms. Laney Zhang, Senior Foreign Law Specialist, Library of Congress (also Adjunct Law Prof., Georgetown Univ.).

Note: *Mr. Reinsch participated in his private capacity as president of the National Foreign Trade Council. For some of the below hosts from the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Private Sector, relevant biographical info is noted, where known.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Mr. Andrew Baluch, Director, Office of U.S. IP Enforcement Coordinator, Executive Office of the President;

• Mr. Adam Bobrow, Senior Advisor for China, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce;

• Mr. David Donahue, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Fred Drummond, Captain, U.S. Navy, and Professor, National Defense University, U.S. Department of Defense;

• Ms. Victoria Espinel, U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, Executive Office of the President;

• Mr. Thomas Hamm, Public Diplomacy Coordinator, Office of Chinese & Mongolian Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Cameron Kerry, General Counsel (#3 official), U.S. Department of Commerce (chief legal advisor for the Department of Commerce; also the brother of Senator John Kerry);

• Mr. Joshua Klein, Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Ms. Lisa Konwinski, Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, West Wing, White House;

• Secretary Ray LaHood, Secretary (#1 official), U.S. Department of Transportation (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2009, Secretary LaHood was a Republican Congressman representing part of the State of Illinois);

• Ms. Joan Maginnis, Assistant General Counsel, U.S. Department of Commerce (brief meeting);

• Mr. John Meier, Captain, U.S. Navy, and Professor, National Defense University, U.S. Department of Defense;

• Mr. Eric Richardson, Special Assistant to Under Secretary for Democracy & Global Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Charles Snyder, Dep. Asst. Sec. of State for Int’l Narcotics & Law Enforcement, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Daniel Watson, Dep. Asst. U.S. Trade Rep. for S.E. Asia & the Pacific, Executive Office of the President;

• Mr. Tim Wineland, Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, Executive Office of the President.

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 57 of 70 See Note: Ms. Kathryn Ruemmler, White House Counsel, and Mr. Arif Alikhan, Professor at National Defense University, were unable to participate due to last minute scheduling conflicts. We hope they will participate next summer.


• Ms. April Christine, Supreme Court Fellow, U.S. Supreme Court (Ms. Christine is a career prosecutor with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Central California; she also lectures at the University of Southern California Law School);

• Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (a judge since 1990, Judge Huvelle served on the Superior Court for the District of Columbia until her appointment to U.S. District Court in 1999);

• Judge Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (prior to his appointment to this Court in 2006, Judge Kavanaugh served as Assistant, Staff Secretary, and Senior Associate Counsel to the President; also previously served as an attorney in the Office of the Solicitor General and as law clerk to Justice Anthony Kennedy);

• Judge Ann O’Regan Keary, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (since 1992, Judge Keary has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions of the Court, including former Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division).

Note: Our thanks to U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan for inviting us to attend a proceeding in his courtroom and to Chief U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, who expressed his desire to participate in next summer’s program.


• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general host of this program);

• Rev. Joe Eldridge, D.Min., University Chaplain and Adjunct Professor, American University (and human rights expert);

• Mr. Charles Fewell, Partner, NYC Office of Eaton & Van Winkle law firm (NY City Office, where meeting was held);

• Mr. Fred Fleitz, Global Analyst, Newsmax Media (formerly served: House Intelligence Committee; Central Intelligence Agency; Defense Intelligence Agency; and State Department, as Chief of Staff to Under Secretary John Bolton);

• Mr. Noel Francisco, Partner, Jones Day law firm (fmr White House & Justice Dept. official, & Supreme Court clerk);

• Judge Bernard Fried, Supreme Court of New York (prior to his first judicial appointment in 1980, Judge Fried was the Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York);

• Mr. Marty Gold, Partner and Co-Chair of Government Affairs Practice, Covington & Burling law firm (former Counsel to Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist, Sen. Majority Leader Howard Baker, and Sen. Mark Hatfield);

• Mr. David Hunter, Prof. and Director of Int’l & Comparative Environ. Law Program, American Univ. School of Law;

• Mr. Jeffrey Huvelle, Partner, Covington & Burling law firm (longtime federal benefits litigator);

• Mr. Robert Jordan, Senior Advisor, US-Asia Institute (main D.C. host of this program; Mr. Jordan was a career Foreign Service Officer in the State Department);

• Mr. Glenn Lau-Kee, Partner, Kee & Lau-Kee (past president of the New York State Bar Association and current Trustee of the US-Asia Institute, main D.C. host of this program) (host/organizer of our meetings in NYC this summer);

• Mr. Kent Lucken, President, US-Asia Institute (main D.C. host of this program) (former career Foreign Service Officer in the State Department);

• Mr. Vincent McGill, Partner, NYC Office of Eaton & Van Winkle law firm (NY City Office, where meeting was held);

• Mr. Hashim Mooppan, Attorney, Jones Day law firm (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. Warren Postman, Attorney, Jones Day law firm (former Supreme Court law clerk);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 58 of 70 See • Ms. Mary Purdy, Senior Advisor, US-Asia Institute (main D.C. host of this program; Ms. Purdy was a career officer in the U.S. Navy and a Senior Military Fellow at the National Defense University);

• Ms. Cathy Schenker, Associate Director, International Legal Studies Program, American University School of Law;

• Mr. Ted Semaya, Partner, Eaton & Van Winkle law firm (NY City Office, where meeting was held);

• Mr. Andrew Shore, Partner, Jochum Shore Trossevin (former Chief of Staff for House Republican Conference);

• Mr. Bruce Stokes, Senior Fellow for Economics, German Marshall Fund (also a contributing editor for National Journal, consultant for Pew Research Center, and former Senior Fellow at Council on Foreign Relations);

• Lt.Col. Elek (Lex) Szkalak, USMC-Ret. (general host with wife Mary Sue of USAI, above, and employed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security);

• Ms. Susan Roosevelt Weld, PhD, JD, Executive Director, Georgetown Law-Asia (great-granddaughter of the 26th U.S. President; also former First Lady of Massachusetts, China expert at Harvard, and General Counsel of the CECC);

• Mr. Bill Wichterman, Senior Legislative Advisor, Covington & Burling law firm (former Special Assistant to President Bush, Policy Advisor to Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist, and Chief of Staff to Rep. Joe Pits and Rep. Bill Baker);

• Mr. Marlon Young, Chairman, US-Asia Institute (main D.C. host of this program).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 59 of 70 See SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for Summer 2010 Program (June 21 – July 16, 2010) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Ms. Sarah Sun, Ms. Isabelle Shi, Mr. Brad Liu, & Mr. Rains Xiao (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)

Note: The notation “US-China IPE” herein means participation in the Speaker’s US-China Interparliamentary Exchange between 2002-2006, the period chaired by Rep. Don Manzullo and managed by Matthew Szymanski. During this period, the comparable Senate-NPC Interparliamentary Group was co-chaired by Sen. Daniel Inouye and Sen. Ted Stevens.


• Sen. Daniel Akaka of Hawaii, Chairman, Veterans’ Affairs Committee (also serves on Committees for Armed Services; Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs (“Banking”); and Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs (“HSGAC”));

• Sen. Roland Burris of Illinois, Member of the Armed Services Committee and the HSGAC;

• Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, Ranking Minority Member, Special Committee on Aging (also serves on the Committees for Banking; Foreign Relations; and Energy & Natural Resources (“ENR”));

• Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, Majority Whip / Assistant Majority Leader (#2 Democratic leader in the Senate; he also serves on the Committees for Appropriations; Judiciary; and Rules);

• Sen. Russell Feingold of Wisconsin, Chairman, Constitution Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee (also serves on the Committees for Budget; Foreign Relations; and Intelligence);

• Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Member of the Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (“HELP”) Committee (also serves on the Committees for Armed Services and Small Business & Entrepreneurship);

• Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, President Pro Tempore and Chairman of the Appropriations Committee (#1 Ranking Senator & #4 U.S. official; he also serves on the Committees for Commerce; Rules; and Indian Affairs; and he is the former leader of the Senate-NPC Interparliamentary Group with China);

• Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, Ranking Minority Member, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee (also serves on the Committees for Commerce; Finance; and Intelligence);

• Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman of the Democratic Steering Committee (#6 Democratic leader in the Senate) and the Agriculture Committee (also serves on the Committees for Budget; ENR; and Finance);

• Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado, Chairman, National Parks Subcommittee of the ENR Committee (also serves on the Armed Services Committee and Special Committee on Aging);

• Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi, Ranking Minority Member, SeaPower Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee (also serves on the Committees for Commerce; Foreign Relations; Small Business; and Veterans’ Affairs).


• Mr. Luke Albee, Chief of Staff, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia;

• Ms. Adrian Arnakis, Legislative Counsel, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Vice Chair, Sen. Republican Conference);

• Ms. Michelle Barlow, Chief of Staff, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 60 of 70 See • Mr. Jason Bohrer, Foreign Affairs Aide, Sen. Jim Risch of Idaho;

• Mr. Joe Britton, Legislative Director, Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado;

• Mr. Hugh Carroll, Policy Counsel, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi;

• Mr. Mike Castellano, Senior Counsel & Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada;

• Mr. Jim Catella, Foreign Affairs Aide, Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine (Ranking Member of Small Business Committee);

• Mr. Greg Dean, Minority Chief Counsel, HELP Committee (Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming) (US-China IPE);

• Ms. Jessica Fuller, Assistant Chief of Staff, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama (Ranking Member of Banking Committee) (Ms. Fuller substituted for Chief of Staff Alan Hanson, due to his last-minute scheduling conflict);

• Mr. Dean Hingson, Legislative Director, Sen. Judd Gregg of N.H. (senior member on Appropriations & Banking);

• Ms. Linda Hoffa, Senior Prosecutor/Detailee from U.S. Justice Dept., serving as Counsel to the Judiciary Committee;

• Ms. Ryika Hooshangi, Lawyer/Fellow from U.S. State Dept., serving as Foreign Affairs Advisor to Sen. Orrin Hatch;

• Ms. Beth Jafari, Chief of Staff, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas;

• Mr. John Kachtik, Foreign Policy Aide, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota (Vice Chair, Sen. Republican Conference);

• Ms. Marni Karlin, Majority Counsel, Judiciary Committee;

• Mr. Phil Karsting, Chief of Staff, Sen. Herb Kohl of Wisconsin;

• Mr. Dan Katz, Chief of Staff, Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey;

• Ms. Kristen Kreple, Majority Counsel, Judiciary Committee;

• Mr. Joseph Lai, Foreign Policy Aide, Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio;

• Ms. Krista Lamoreaux, Foreign Policy Aide, Sen. Tim Johnson of S.D. (senior member on Appropriations & Banking);

• Ms. Jessica Lewis, National Security Advisor, Office of the Majority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada;

• Mr. John Lipsey, Legislative Counsel, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee;

• Mr. Keith Luse, Minority Senior Professional Staff, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Richard Lugar);

• Mr. Ben Moncrief, General Counsel, Sen. George LeMieux of Florida;

• Mr. Geoff Moulton, Chief Counsel (& former Supreme Court law clerk), Sen. Ted Kaufman of Delaware;

• Mr. David Morgenstern, Chief of Staff, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee (Chairman, Sen. Republican Conference);

• Mr. Tim Morrison, National Security Policy Advisor, Office of the Minority Whip, Sen. John Kyl of Arizona;

• Ms. Tonya Newman Mullins, Deputy Chief of Staff, Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana;

• Mr. Matt Nelson, Foreign Policy Aide, Sen. (Chair of Intelligence Committee);

• Mr. Roger Peña, Senior Foreign Policy Aide, Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina;

• Ms. Sara Peters, Legislative Counsel, Sen. Thad Cochran (Ranking Member on Appropriations);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 61 of 70 See • Mr. David Ramseur, Chief of Staff, Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska;

• Ms. Clarine Nardi Riddle, Chief of Staff, Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut (Chairman of HSGAC);

• Mr. Michael Sozan, Chief of Staff, Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado;

• Mr. Will Todd, Foreign Affairs Aide, Sen. Thad Cochran (Ranking Member on Appropriations);

• Ms. Jennifer Tyree, Deputy Chief of Staff, Sen. Daniel Akaka of Hawaii (Chairman of Veterans’ Affairs);

• Ms. Mary Yoshioka, Foreign Affairs Aide, Sen. Daniel Inouye (President Pro Tem. & Chairman of Appropriations).


• Rep. Michael Capuano of Massachusetts, Senior Democratic Member of Financial Services Committee (US-China IPE);

• Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Senior Republican Member, Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security Subcom. of the Judiciary Committee (Mr. Gohmert was Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals of Texas; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Steve King of Iowa, Senior Republican Member, Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security & International Law Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee (Mr. King served in the Iowa Senate; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Don Manzullo of Illinois, Chairman, Asia, the Pacific, & Global Environment Subcommittee of the Foreign Affairs Committee (also a senior member of Financial Services Cmte, and Chairman of the US-China IPE from 1999-2007);

• Rep. Dennis Moore of Kansas, then-Chairman, Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the Financial Services Committee (Mr. Moore was a District Attorney in Kansas; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Lee Terry of Nebraska, Republican Member of the Energy & Commerce Committee.


• Mr. Timothy Aiken, Legislative Director, Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia (senior member of Appropriations);

• Mr. Jaryd Bern, Senior Legislative Assistant, Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma;

• Mr. Tom Duncan, Minority General Counsel, Financial Services Committee (Rep. Spencer Bachus) (Mr. Duncan previously served as Deputy Parliamentarian of the House; US-China IPE);

• Mr. Phil Eskeland, Legislative Director for Rep. Donald Manzullo, who chaired the US-China IPE from 1999-2007;

• Mr. Mike Holland, Legislative Counsel, Rep. Devin Nunez of California;

• Mr. Barry Jackson, Chief of Staff, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Mr. Terry Lierman, Chief of Staff, Office of then-Majority Leader, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland;

• Ms. Amy Lozupone, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

• Mr. Adam Magary, Chief of Staff for Rep. Don Manzullo, who chaired the US-China IPE from 1999-2007;

• Mr. Chris McCannell, Chief of Staff, Rep. Mike McMahon (Mr. McCannell was Chief of Staff to Rep. Joe Crowley, co- leader of the US-China IPE, and helped staff the US-China IPE);

• Mr. Ken Nealy, Chief of Staff, Rep. André Carson of Indiana;

• Mr. Jeff Siegel, Counsel, Rep. Mike McMahon;

• Ms. Jennifer Stewart, Foreign Policy Advisor, Office of the Speaker, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 62 of 70 See • Mr. Jonathan Stivers, Senior Advisor, Office of then-Speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California.


• Mr. Richard Beutel, General Counsel, U.S. Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq & Afghanistan (previously served as senior counsel to committees in both the House and the Senate, and helped staff the US-China IPE);

• Mr. Michael Martin, Ph.D., Asia Specialist, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress;

• Ms. Charlotte Oldham Moore, Staff Director, Congressional-Executive Commission on China (“CECC”);

• Mr. Wayne Morrison, Asia Specialist, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress (US-China IPE);

• Mr. Jonathan Weston, Congressional Liaison, U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission.

Note: For some of the below hosts from the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Private Sector, relevant biographical info is noted, where known.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Ms. Nancy Eyl, Attorney, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction;

• Mr. Thomas Hamm, Public Diplomacy Coordinator, Office of Chinese & Mongolian Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Ambassador Janice Jacobs, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Joshua Klein, Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Secretary Ray LaHood, Secretary (#1 official), U.S. Department of Transportation (prior to this appointment by President Obama in 2009, Secretary LaHood was a Republican Congressman representing part of the State of Illinois);

• Mr. Peter Secor, Chairman, Economic Bureau China Working Group, U.S. Department of State;

• Ms. Marlise Streitmatter, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation;

• Mr. Travis Sullivan, Director of Policy & Strategic Planning, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce;

• Ambassador Melanne Verveer, Ambassador-At-Large for Global Women’s Issues, U.S. Department of State;

• Mr. Hillel Weinberg, PhD, JD, Assistant Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (former Staff Director for the House International Relations Committee, and a US-China IPE participant);

• Mr. Tim Wineland, Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, Executive Office of the President.


• Mr. Jonathan Bond, Law Clerk to Justice Antonin Scalia, U.S. Supreme Court;

• Mr. Daniel Epps, Law Clerk to Justice Anthony Kennedy, U.S. Supreme Court;

• Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (a judge for over 20 years, Judge Huvelle served on the Superior Court for the District of Columbia until her appointment to the U.S. District Court in 1999);

• Judge Ann O’Regan Keary, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (since 1992, Judge Keary has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions of the Court, and former Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division);

• General William Suter, Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court (retired from the U.S. Army, Gen. Suter has served as Clerk of the Supreme Court, managing its docket and calendar and overseeing its bar, since 1991).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 63 of 70 See PRIVATE SECTOR & OTHER NON-US GOVERNMENT PARTICIPANTS

• Mr. Bjorn Arp, Visiting Professor of Law, American University;

• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general D.C. host of this program);

• Ms. Lily Fu Claffee, Partner, Jones Day law firm (former General Counsel of the Commerce Department);

• Col. Michael DeYoung, USA-Ret., Strategic Marketing Innovations (as longtime chief of the U.S. Army Liaison Office in the House of Representatives, Col. DeYoung constantly staffed and supported the US-China IPE);

• Rev. Joe Eldridge, University Chaplain and Adjunct Professor, American University (and human rights expert);

• Mr. Noel Francisco, Partner, Jones Day (former White House and Justice Dept. official, and Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. Brian Jaskot, export compliance manager, Cummins Engines (as a Navy Liaison Officer and committee staffer in the House of Representatives, Lt. Jaskot often staffed the US-China IPE);

• Mr. George Lowe, President, Lowe Strategies (former Chief of Staff to Sen. Ted Stevens);

• Mrs. Jennifer Mies Lowe, Govt Affairs Director, Boeing Co. (former Director of the Senate President Pro Tem. Office, Chief of Staff to Sen. Norm Coleman, and key participant in House US-China IPE and lead staffer for Senate program);

• Mr. Bruce Mehlman, Partner, Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti (former Assistant Secretary of Commerce);

• Mr. Hashim Mooppan, Attorney, Jones Day law firm (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Ms. Cathy Schenker, Associate Director, International Legal Studies Program, American University School of Law;

• Mr. Tom Sullivan, Of Counsel, Nelson Mullins Riley (former Chief Counsel at the Small Business Administration);

• Mr. Steve Suranovic, Professor, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University;

• Ms. Susan Roosevelt Weld, PhD, JD, Executive Director, Georgetown Law-Asia (great-granddaughter of the 26th U.S. President; former First Lady of Massachusetts, China expert at Harvard, and General Counsel of the CECC);

• Mr. Ben Wu, President, US-Asia Institute (general D.C. host of this program).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 64 of 70 See SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for Summer 2009 Program (June 1 – 30, 2009) Washington, D.C.

Participating Students: Ms. Catherine Sun & Ms. Emily Chang (The following list was prepared for their benefit.)

Note: The notation “US-China IPE” herein means participation in the Speaker’s US-China Interparliamentary Exchange between 2002-2006, the period chaired by Rep. Don Manzullo and managed by Matthew Szymanski. During this period, the comparable Senate-NPC Interparliamentary Group was co-chaired by Sen. Daniel Inouye and Sen. Ted Stevens.


• Sen. Barbara Boxer of California, Chairwoman, Environment & Public Works (“EPW”) Committee (also serves on the Commerce Committee, Foreign Relations Committee, and Ethics Committee);

• Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, Majority Whip / Assistant Majority Leader (#2 leader in the Senate; he also serves on the Appropriations Committee, Judiciary Committee, and Rules Committee);

• Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, Ranking Minority Member, Economic Policy Subcommittee of the Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs (“Banking”) Committee (also serves on Commerce and Foreign Relations Committees);

• Sen. Michael Enzi of Wyoming, Ranking Minority Member, Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (“HELP”) Committee (also serves on the Budget Committee, Finance Committee, and Small Business Committee);

• Sen. Russell Feingold of Wisconsin, Chairman, Constitution Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee (also serves on the Budget Committee, Foreign Relations Committee, and Intelligence Committee);

• Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, Ranking Minority Member, Commerce, Science, & Transportation (“Commerce”) Committee (also serves on the Appropriations Committee, Banking Committee, and Rules Committee);

• Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, Chairman, Appropriations Committee (also serves on the Commerce Committee, Indian Affairs Committee, and Rules Committee, and leads the Senate’s Interparliamentary Group/IPG with China);

• Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Chairman, Green Jobs & New Economy Subcommittee of the EPW Committee (also serves on the Budget Committee, ENR Committee, HELP Committee, and Veterans’ Affairs Committees);

• Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, Ranking Minority Member, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee (also serves on the Commerce Committee, Finance Committee, and Intelligence Committee);

• Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman, Water & Power Subcommittee of the ENR Committee (also serves on the Agriculture Committee, Budget Committee, and Finance Committee).


• Ms. Adrian Arnakis, Legislative Counsel, Sen. John Thune, Ranking Member of the Air-Land Subcommittee;

• Mr. Michael Castellano, Senior Counsel and Policy Advisor, Office of the Majority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid;

• Ms. Troy Cribb, Counsel, Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee (“HSGAC”) (Sen. Joe Lieberman);

• Mr. Greg Dean, Minority Chief Counsel, HELP Committee (Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming) (US-China IPE);

• Mr. Rick Dearborn, Chief of Staff, Sen. Jeff Sessions, Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee;

• Mr. Richard Fontaine, Minority Deputy Staff Director, Armed Services Committee (Sen. John McCain);

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 65 of 70 See • Mr. Huck Gutman, Chief of Staff, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Chairman of the Green Jobs & New Economy Subcommittee;

• Mr. Alan Hanson, Chief of Staff, Sen. Richard Shelby, Ranking Member of the Banking Committee;

• Ms. Rachelle Johnson, Foreign Affairs Advisor, Sen. Cochran, Ranking Member of Appropriations (US-China IPE);

• Mr. Chris Joyner, Chief of Staff, Sen. Richard Burr, Ranking Member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee;

• Mr. Joseph Lai, Foreign Policy Advisor, Sen. Voinovich, Ranking Member of the Clean Air & Nuclear Safety Subcom;

• Mr. Janis Lazda, Majority International Trade & Economic Advisor, Finance Committee (Sen. Max Baucus);

• Mr. Daniel Keeney, Legislative Aide, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Chairman of Green Jobs & New Economy Subcommittee;

• Ms. Jessica Lewis, National Security Advisor, Office of the Majority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid;

• Mr. Keith Luse, Min. Senior Professional Staff, Foreign Relations Committee (Sen. Richard Lugar);

• Ms. Dahlia Reed, Leg. Aide, Sen. Evan Bayh, Chairman of the Security & International Trade & Finance Subcommittee;

• Mr. Ted Serafini, Staff Director, International Trade Subcommittee of the Finance Committee (Sen. Blanche Lincoln);

• Ms. Meghan Simonds, Leg. Aide, Sen. Susan Collins, Ranking Member of the Homeland Security/HSGAC Committee;

• Mr. Dylan Williams, Counsel for Foreign Relations & Trade, Sen. Snowe, Ranking Member of Small Business Cmte.;

• Ms. Mary Yoshioka, Legislative Assistant, Sen. Daniel Inouye, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee.


• Rep. of Illinois, Ranking Minority Member, Financial Institutions & Consumer Credit Subcommittee of the Financial Services Committee (Ms. Biggert was an Illinois state lawmaker; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Ben Chandler of Kentucky, Majority Member, Appropriations Committee, including its State & Foreign Operations Subcommittee (Mr. Chandler was Attorney General of Kentucky; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Ranking Minority Member, Crime, Terrorism & Homeland Security Subcom. of the Judiciary Committee (Mr. Gohmert was Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals of Texas; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, Majority Leader (Mr. Hoyer is the #2 House leader and longest serving member from Maryland in House history; he previously served in the Maryland Senate, and was its youngest president);

• Rep. Dennis Moore of Kansas, Chairman, Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the Financial Services Committee (Mr. Moore was a District Attorney in Kansas; US-China IPE);

• Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia, Chairman, Interior, Environment, & Related Agencies Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee (Mr. Moran also serves on the House Democratic Steering & Policy Committee);

• Rep. Bill Pascrell of New Jersey, Majority Member, Ways & Means Committee (Mr. Pascrell previously served as a state lawmaker and mayor in New Jersey; US-China IPE);

• Rep. of Indiana, Chairman, House Republican Conference (also serves on the Foreign Affairs Committee);

• Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, Majority Member, Appropriations Cmte. (Mr. Ryan served in the Ohio Senate; US-China IPE);

• Rep. of Illinois, Chief Deputy Whip and Senior Majority Member of the Energy & Commerce Committee and Intelligence Committee (Ms. Schakowsky was an Illinois state lawmaker; US-China IPE).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 66 of 70 See Staff:

• Mr. Timothy Aiken, Legislative Director, Rep. Jim Moran;

• Mr. Tom Duncan, Minority General Counsel, Financial Services Committee (Rep. Spencer Bachus) (Mr. Duncan previously served as Deputy Parliamentarian of the House; US-China IPE);

• Ms. Zahava Goldman, Senior Legislative Assistant, Rep. Henry Waxman, Chairman of Energy & Commerce Committee;

• Mr. Bentley Graves, Legislative Director, Rep. Steve King;

• Mr. Terry Lierman, Chief of Staff, Office of the Majority Leader, Rep. Steny Hoyer;

• Mr. Greg Louer, Policy Director, Rep. Marsha Blackburn;

• Mr. Adam Magary, Chief of Staff for Rep. Donald Manzullo, who chaired the US-China IPE from 1999-2007;

• Mr. Chris McCannell, Chief of Staff, Rep. Mike McMahon (Mr. McCannell was Chief of Staff to Rep. Joe Crowley, then- Vice Chair (now Chair) of the US-China IPE, and helped staff the US-China IPE);

• Mr. Kyle Nevins, Director of Floor Operations, Office of the Minority Whip, Rep. Eric Cantor (Nevins: US-China IPE);

• Ms. Paula Nowakowski, Chief of Staff, Office of the Min. Leader, Rep. John Boehner (Nowakowski: US-China IPE);

• Mr. Jonathan Stivers, Senior Advisor, Office of the Speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi;

• Mr. Nien Su, Min. Prof. Staff, East Asia & Pacific Subcom. of the Foreign Affairs Committee (Rep. Don Manzullo);

• Mr. David Thurow, Foreign Policy Leg. Aide, Rep. Dave Camp, Ranking Member of the Ways & Means Committee.


• Mr. Richard Beutel, General Counsel, U.S. Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq & Afghanistan (previously served as senior counsel to House and Senate committees, and helped staff the US-China IPE);

• Michael Martin, Ph.D., Asia Specialist, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress.

Note: For some of the below hosts from the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Private Sector, relevant biographical info is noted, where known.

EXECUTIVE BRANCH (ADMINISTRATION) (including independent agencies & commissions)

• Ms. Shawne Carter McGibbon, Chief Counsel for Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration;

• Mr. Bernard “Bud” Cole, PhD, Professor, National War College of the United States;

• Mr. Joshua Klein, Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Justice Department (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Ms. Ying Lowrey, PhD, Senior Economist, U.S. Small Business Administration;

• Mr. Ning Lu, Senior Int’l Trade Specialist, U.S. Commerce Department (also manages Chinese rule of law issues);

• Ms. Catherine Newcombe, Director for China & Eurasia, Overseas Legal Development, U.S. Justice Department;

• Mr. David Sedney, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia, U.S. Department of Defense (former Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and frequent supporter of the US-China IPE);

• Ms. Cynthia Watson, PhD, Professor, National War College of the United States;

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 67 of 70 See • Mr. Hillel Weinberg, PhD, JD, Assistant Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (former Staff Director for the House International Relations Committee, and a US-China IPE participant);

• Mr. Tim Wineland, Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, Executive Office of the President.


• Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (a judge for 20 years, Judge Huvelle served on the Superior Court for the District of Columbia until her appointment to the U.S. District Court in 1999);

• Judge Ann O’Regan Keary, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (since 1992, Judge Keary has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Family Divisions of the Court, and currently is Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division).


• Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, Executive Vice President, US-Asia Institute (general D.C. host of this program);

• Mr. Pieter Bottelier, Senior Adjunct Professor of China Studies, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (“SAIS”) (former senior official at the World Bank);

• Ms. Lily Fu Claffee, Partner, Jones Day law firm (former General Counsel of the Commerce Department);

• Ms. Elaine Chao, Former U.S. Secretary of Labor (married to Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell);

• Mr. Scott Feeney, Manager of International Government Relations, Rockwell Collins (former Taiwan Country Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense);

• Mr. Noel Francisco, Partner, Jones Day (former White House and Justice Dept. official, and Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. Charles W. Freeman III, Freeman Chair in China Studies, Center for Strategic & International Studies (“CSIS”) (former Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China, and senior Senate staff for foreign affairs and trade);

• Mr. Brian Jaskot, export compliance manager, Cummins Engines (as a Navy Liaison Officer and committee staffer in the House of Representatives, Lt. Jaskot often staffed the US-China IPE);

• Mr. Steve King, Partner, Gammon & Grange law firm (a key host of last summer’s program);

• Mr. Hashim Mooppan, Attorney, Jones Day law firm (former Supreme Court law clerk);

• Mr. Matthew Oresman, Attorney, Patton Boggs law firm (studied at Tsinghua and Fudan Universities in China);

• Mr. David Ohrenstein, Director of Public Policy & Emerging Markets, Business Software Alliance (former Executive Director of the U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission; US-China IPE participant);

• Mr. Steve Suranovic, PhD, Professor, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University;

• Ms. Susan Roosevelt Weld, PhD, JD, Executive Director, Georgetown Law-Asia (great-granddaughter of the 26th U.S. President; former First Lady of Massachusetts, China expert at Harvard, and General Counsel of the CECC).

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 68 of 70 See SZYMANSKI RULE OF LAW PROGRAM FOR CHINESE LAW STUDENTS

Host List for 2008 Program (June 17 – July 16, 2008) Washington, D.C.

Participating Student: Mr. Zheng Zhenhua (The following list was prepared for his benefit.)

Note: The notation “US-China IPE” means participation in the Speaker’s US-China Interparliamentary Exchange between 2002- 2006, the period chaired by Rep. Don Manzullo and managed by Matthew Szymanski. During this period, the comparable Senate- NPC Interparliamentary Group was co-chaired by Sen. Daniel Inouye and Sen. Ted Stevens. For some of the below hosts, relevant biographical info is noted, where known.

Beutel, Rich …………… Sr. Counsel, Sen Homeland Security & Govt Affairs Com. (fmr staff, US-China IPE) Bergreen, Tim ………… Chief of Staff, Rep. Adam Schiff of California (fmr staff, US-China IPE) Bezas, Tom …………… VP, AEROFlex Corp. (fmr staff, US-China IPE) Bhatia, Amb. Karan …... VP & Sr. Counsel, General Electric (former Deputy U.S. Trade Representative) Bissell, Mary Sue ……... VP & Executive Director, US-Asia Institute (key D.C. host of this program) Blackburn, Rep. Marsha Member of Congress from Tennessee (US-China IPE) Blumenauer, Rep. Earl … Member of Congress from Oregon (US-China IPE) Cassidy, Ed …………… Sr. Advisor & Floor Asst, Office of the House Minority Leader (US-China IPE) Chandler, Rep. Ben …… Member of Congress from Kentucky (former AG of Kentucky) (US-China IPE) Chen, Guomin ………… Congressional Affairs, Chinese Embassy in the United States Crowley, Rep. Joe …… Member of Congress from New York (US-China IPE) Damich, Edward Hon. … Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Federal Claims (mtg plus trial observation in his court) Dean, Greg …………… General Counsel, Sen. Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions Cmte (US-China IPE) Deason, Ian …………… Director of Alliances & Partnerships, JetBlue (former staff, US-China IPE) Deverey, Sean ………… Govt Affairs Advisor, Koch Industries (former staff, US-China IPE) Duncan, Tom ………… General Counsel, House Financial Services Committee (US-China IPE) Fitch, Wray …………… Principal, Gammon & Grange law firm Francisco, Noel ……… Principal, Jones Day firm (fmr Justice Dept & White House official; SCT clerk) Gohmert, Rep. Louie … Member of Congress from Texas (former state appellate judge) (US-China IPE) Hinojosa, Rep. Rubén … Member of Congress from Texas (US-China IPE) Kelner, Robert ………… Principal, Covington & Burling firm (political/elections law expert) Kiko, Phil …………… Of Counsel, Foley & Lardner firm (fmr Chief of Staff, House Judiciary Committee) King, Rep. Steve ……… Member of Congress from Iowa (US-China IPE) King, Steve …………… Principal, Gammon & Grange law firm Knox, Brad …………… Counsel, AFLAC (fmr Chief Counsel, House Small Business) (US-China IPE) Koski, James ………… Deputy Chief of Staff, Rep. Earl Blumenauer of Oregon Kraft, Kenny ………… Approps. Counsel and Legis. Director, Rep. Dave Hobson of Ohio (US-China IPE) Lambright, Hon. Jim … Chairman, Export-Import Bank of the United States Leahy, Chris ………… VP, Peabody Energy (fmr Counsel, Energy & Commerce Cmte) (US-China IPE) Lieberman, Sen. Joe … U.S. Senator from Connecticut (brief meeting) Lowe, George ………… Chief of Staff, Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska, Co-Chairman of Senate-NPC IPG Lowe, Jennifer ………… Chief of Staff, Sen. Norm Coleman (fmr lead staffer, Sen-NPC IPG; US-China IPE) Manzullo, Rep. Don … Member of Congress from Illinois (Chairman of the U.S.-China IPE, 1999-2007)

All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 69 of 70 See Martin, Dr. Michael …… Asia Specialist, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress McCannell, Chris ……… Director, Quinn Gillespie (fmr CoS, Rep. Joe Crowley & fmr staff, US-China IPE) Mehlman, Bruce ……… Principal, Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti firm (fmr Assistant Secretary of Commerce) Moore, Rep. Dennis …… Member of Congress from Kansas (former District Attorney) (US-China IPE) Mooppan, Hashim …… Attorney, Jones Day firm (former U.S. Supreme Court law clerk) Morrison, Wayne ……… International Trade Specialist, Congressional Research Service (US-China IPE) Nevins, Kyle ………… Director of Floor Operations, Office of the House Minority Whip (US-China IPE) Nowakowski, Paula …… Chief of Staff, House Minority Leader, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio (US-China IPE) Ohrenstein, David …… Sr. Counsel, Fontheim Int’l (fmr Exec. Dir., US-China Com’n; US-China IPE) Osika, Jennifer ………… Assoc. Director for China, U.S. Chamber of Commerce (US-China IPE) Pei, Dr. Minxin ……… China Expert, Carnegie Endowment (former Director of the China Program) Phillips, Chas ………… Counsel, House Government Reform & Oversight Committee (US-China IPE) Plague, Geoff ………… Chief of Staff, Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York Prakash, Hon. Anoop … Associate Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration Replogle, Stephen …… Senior Policy Advisor, Senate Republican Conference (US-China IPE) Rogers, George ……… Policy Advisor & Counsel, Office of the House Minority Leader Ross, Kimberly ……… Staff Director & Counsel, House Veterans Affairs Subcom on Disability Assistance Ryan, Rep. Tim ……… Member of Congress from Ohio (US-China IPE) Sanders, Sen. Bernie … U.S. Senator from Vermont (US-China IPE) Schakowsky, Rep. Jan … Member of Congress from Illinois (US-China IPE) Schiff, Rep. Adam …… Member of Congress from California (former federal prosecutor) (US-China IPE) Sheiowitz, Gregg ……… Legislative Director, Rep. Joe Crowley of New York Stratford, Hon. Tim …… Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China, Executive Office of the President Sullivan, Hon. Tom …… Chief Counsel for Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration Walker, Matt ………… Deputy Staff Director & Counsel, Senate Small Business Cmte (US-China IPE) Weinberg, Dr. Hillel … Asst Inspector Gen. for Iraq Recon. (fmr StfDir, Intl Relations Cmte; US-China IPE) Deputy Director, Georgetown Law-Asia (former General Counsel, Congressional- Weld, Dr. Susan Roosevelt Executive Commission on China; China expert at Harvard) Wilkinson, Paul ……… Sr. Advisor to the Chairman, Securities & Exchange Com’n (US-China IPE) Wright, Dr. Daniel …… Sr. Advisor, Strategic Economic Dialogue, U.S. Treasury Dept. (US-China IPE) Yeo, Peter …………… Deputy Staff Director, House Foreign Affairs Committee (US-China IPE) Zischkau, Hon. Jonathan Chairman, D.C. Contract Appeals Board


All Meeting/Event Hosts for Chinese Law Student Program in Washington, D.C. Updated 11/1/2018 Page 70 of 70 See