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PRESENT: Judy Day-Janz, Sara Dias, Jan Kowbel, Lauri-Ann Marshall, Ramona Barclay, Cheryl Gervais, Sandi Tankard and Sandra Danco (E.D.) REGRETS: Jack Martin INTRODUCTION of LisaMoncrief and Alison Smith.
1) Call to Order: 5:15pm
2) AGENDA: Request to introduce ourselves to Lisa and Alison, and to addthe December Financials to the Committee Reports.
3) Declaration of CONFLICT of INTEREST: None.
4) Approval of Previous MINUTES: a) Minutes of October 25, 2012 “That the Minutes of the Meeting of Thursday, October 22nd be approved. MOVED: Ramona Barclay SECONDED: Judy Day-Janz CARRIED b) “Report” of November 22, 2012 “That this Report be accepted.” MOVED: Sandi Tankard SECONDED: Ramona Barclay CARRIED
5) Business Arising: INCAMERA of November 22, 2012:“That the Record of the INCAMERA Session be accepted” MOVED: Sandi Tankard SECONDED: Sara Dias CARRIED
6) ACCEPTANCE of Termination: Two Board Members to leave: LeilaniRedsky has completed her Term, and Donna Morriseau tendered her Resignation. “That these be accepted.” MOVED: Lauri-Ann Marshall SECONDED: Cheryl Gervais CARRIED
7) Chair’s REPORT: Jan appended the Agenda of the Executive Meetings, and spoke briefly about the process of recruiting the new Board Members. Lisa and Alison had been interviewed by Jan and Sandra. “That the Chair’s Report be approved” MOVED: Lauri-Ann Marshall SECONDED: Judy Day-Janz CARRIED 8) Executive Director’s REPORT:Sandra highlighted the updating of information for Revenue Canada. Upcoming plans and programs include “Mothers-in-Mind”, software training at the end of January, Website update, Tax Preparation. Money from United Way of Greater Simcoe County will be used for on-site program presentation. Saakaate House won “Best Tree” in the School category . Sandra spoke at some length concerning the Transitional Housing Project.
1) “That this Board acknowledge the information that this program seeking an alternate tenant for the seven-plex, 2) That we are committed to presenting our funded program here, but women in residence there are welcome to attend, and 3) That we direct Sandra Danco to so inform the Executive Director of Aamikkowiish Housing in writing.” MOVED: Lauri-Ann Marshall SECONDED: Ramona Barclay CARRIED
9) Prospective Board Members: Jan noted the necessary Process.
10) Risk Assessment: Jan read into the record the summary of Karen Stasus’ November 2012 Final Risk Assessment. “That the Board accept this document.” MOVED: Lauri-Ann Marshall SECONDED: Cheryl Gervais CARRIED. Next steps include a Mid-Cycle Review (Fall 2013) and a Self-Report in two years (Fall 2014)
11) Committee Reports: a) Executive Committee: Jan noted that the work of this committee was to set the Agenda for the monthly Board Meeting, and discuss emerging issues. “That the Board accept this Report.” MOVED: Lauri-Ann Marshall SECONDED: Judy Day-Janz CARRIED b) Finance Committee: An Email poll of the Executive had been undertaken concerning the ailing Water Heater; expenditure was in excess of $5000.00 and had been approved. “That the Board ratify this decision.” MOVED: Sara Dias SECONDED: Sandi Tankard CARRIED The need for IT training for the Women-in-Safe-Housing Program was presented by the Executive Committee addressed to incoming Financial Committee. The Finance Commitee approved the expenditure for the WISH Software and training. as the expense is in excess of $5000.00. Other Items for consideration in upcoming Budget process include: improved phone system, a new server, and bathroom updates. Legal costs must also be considered in the renewal of ByLaws and this Corporation. “That the Financial Reports be approved.” MOVED: Lauri-ann Marshall SECONDED: Ramona Barclay CARRIED
12) Board Development: a) ByLaws: A draft of new ByLaws arrived today! Please read!! b) Membership: Sandra Danco led discussion as requested by our legal consultant to place correctly into the Draft. “That the membership of the Board of Directors of Womens’ Shelter / Saakaate House be closed (Members and Directors are one and the same).” MOVED: Judy Day-Janz SECONDED: Cheryl Gervais CARRIED
13) Board Members: Alison and Lisa stepped out for a few moments. Jan and Sandra spoke of their qualifications and commitment to WS/SH goals and objectives. “That the Board accept the nominations of Alison Smith and Lisa Moncrief to serve on the Board.” MOVED: Jan Kowbel SECONDED: Lauri-Ann Marshall CARRIED “That Alison Smith be appointed Treasurer.” MOVED: Jan Kowbel SECONDED: Lauri-Ann Marshall CARRIED *Board Orientation to take place in early February. Alison and Lisa returned, and paid their $2 fee; Record Checks to follow.
InCamera Session
Ajournment at 6:50pm
Respectfully submitted: Received by:
Sandi Tankard, Secretary Jan Kowbel, Chair
Sandra Danco, Executive Director IN CAMERA SESSION
Thursday, January 10, 2013
1) Management Salary Grid: Best-fit that the consultant could present will still need to be reviewed at the time of the next Union Negotiations and Agreement. The salaries proposed are comparable to those in our Region. “That the Board adopt the proposed Management Salary Grid.” MOVED: Ramona Barclay SECONDED: Lauri-Ann Marshall CARRIED
2) Placement of Executive Director: “That the Board place the E.D. appropriately on this grid (Step 5), and that we approve the Annual Increment due December 5, 2012.” MOVED: Sara Dias SECONDED: Judy Day-Janz CARRIED
3) Incorrect Payment / Missing Document: Internet connection at the residence of the former E.D. had been erroneously paid by WS/SH until this month. When updating information for Revenue Canada, it was discovered that the Personnel File for the former E.D. had been removed from the care of the Corporation. “That the Board authorize Jan Kowbel to send a Letter by registered mail to Penny Cummine requesting the return of the Personnel File, and restitution for the expenditure of money for internet connection past her retirement from the organization.” MOVED: Ramona Barclay SECONDED: Sara Dias CARRIED
4) Missing Laptop Computer: “That the Board authorize Sandra Danco to send a Letter requesting the return of said item to the Corporation by Colette Surovy as soon as possible.: MOVED: Sara Dias SECONDED: Ramona Barclay CARRIED
Respectfully submitted,
Sandi Tankard, Secretary.