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Curriculum Framework s4

Theatre K-8

Fine Arts Curriculum Framework

Revised 2014 Theatre K-8

The Arkansas Theatre K-8 Framework is designed to give students a rigorous education in theatre, while allowing teachers to be creative in their instructional program. The student learning objectives of the framework embody key concepts of the discipline and are designed to guide the learning process. The standards support cross-curricular integration as well as diverse student needs in both instruction and assessment. Teachers should feel free to use these standards to support student achievement at whatever experience level the student brings to the classroom.

Strand Content Standard Creating 1. Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. 2. Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work. 3. Students will refine and complete artistic work. Performing 4. Students will analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for presentation. 5. Students will develop and refine artistic work for presentation. 6. Students will convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. Responding 7. Students will perceive and analyze artistic work. 8. Students will interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. 9. Students will apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. Connecting 10.Students will synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art. 11.Students will relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding. Notes: 1. Each level continues to address earlier Student Learning Expectations (SLEs) as needed. 2. SLEs may be taught in any sequence. 3. Italicized words in this document appear in the glossary. 4. All items in a bulleted list are required to be taught. 5. The examples given (e.g.,) are suggestions to guide the instructor. 6. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) alignment key, CCRA.R.1 =.College and Career Ready Anchor Standard.Reading.1

1 Theatre K-8 Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014 Strand: Creating Content Standard 1: Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Imagine CR.1.K.1 CR.1.1.1 CR.1.2.1 CR.1.3.1 CR.1.4.1 CCRA.R.3 Imitate, with guidance, Describe potential Describe potential Participate in Develop characters people, creatures, or choices plot adaptations that cooperative writing through writing or things, using body and characters could could occur in a or improvisations improvisations that facial expression make in a guided guided drama that include the include who, what, drama experience who, what, when, when, where, and experience or where, and why why story

Design CR.1.K.2 CR.1.1.2 CR.1.2.2 CR.1.3.2 CR.1.4.2 CCRA.SL.5 Create, with guidance, Create props, Explore how mood Explore how mood Propose design props, puppets, or puppets, or and environment and environment ideas that support costume pieces for costume pieces (e.g., color, light, (e.g., color, light, the story and given dramatic play by using for dramatic play lines, shape) lines, shape) circumstances in a available materials or a guided affect props and affect props, drama/theatre work drama costumes in a costumes, and experience guided drama scenery in a guided through experience or drama experience collaboration with adaptation of or adaptation of peers classroom literature classroom literature

Characterize SLE introduced in CR.1.1.3 CR.1.2.3 CR.1.3.3 CR.1.4.3 CCRA.R.3 Grade 1 Identify the five Describe ways in Indicate with Determine through senses and the which gestures, guidance how a peer collaboration actor’s tools movement, voice, character might how characters (e.g., body, and sound may be move or speak in a move or speak in a imagination, used in a guided story story voice) drama experience (e.g., gestures, (e.g., gestures, or with an pitch, posture, rate, pitch, posture, rate, adaptation of tone, volume) tone, volume) classroom literature

2 Theatre K-8: Creating Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014 Key: CR.1.K.1 = Creating.Content Standard 1.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Creating Content Standard 2: Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Develop CR.2.K.1 CR.2.1.1 CR.2.2.1 CR.2.3.1 CR.2.4.1 CCRA.SL.1 Contribute with Retell familiar Develop a story with Explore the story Use the story CCRA.L.3, 6 guidance to stories to identify a beginning, middle, elements of elements in a guided dramatic play character, setting, and end through adaptations of drama experience (e.g., and conflict collaboration with dramatic or  character adaptations of peers classroom literature  dialogue classroom  character  plot literature, fairy  dialogue  setting tales, nursery  plot rhymes)  setting through interaction with peers

Cooperate SLE introduced CR.2.1.2 CR.2.2.2 CR.2.3.2 CR.2.4.2 CCRA.SL.1 in Grade 1 Express original Contribute to group Participate in group Make decisions ideas in dramatic decision making in a decision making to (e.g., character, play or a guided guided drama advance the plot of a dialogue, plot, drama experience experience story in a guided setting) drama experience as a group that will enhance and deepen a drama/theatre work

3 Theatre K-8: Creating Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CR.2.K.1 = Creating.Content Standard 2.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Creating Content Standard 3: Students will refine and complete artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Rehearse CR.3.K.1 CR.3.1.1 CR.3.2.1 CR.3.3.1 CR.3.4.1 CCRA.W.5 Respond with Adapt with Develop with Adapt with guidance Revise an guidance to questions guidance a guidance dialogue through improvised or about a familiar story familiar story in a improvised scenes collaboration with scripted guided drama with a defined peers drama/theatre work experience beginning, middle, through through and end collaboration with collaboration with peers peers

CR.3.K.2 CR.3.1.2 CR.3.2.2 CR.3.3.2 CR.3.4.2 CCRA.SL.6 Use with guidance Communicate Develop physical Use a variety of Use facial expression and ideas and and vocal vocal tones to developmentally movement to feelings using techniques demonstrate a appropriate voice demonstrate emotion body and voice (e.g., articulation, character’s mood and movement to and feeling gestures, refine a character movement, volume)

SLE introduced in SLE introduced in SLE introduced in SLE introduced in SLE introduced in CCRA.W.6 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5

4 Theatre K-8: Creating Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CR.3.K.1 = Creating.Content Standard 3.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Performing Content Standard 4: Students will analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for presentation.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Choose P.4.K.1 P.4.1.1 P.4.2.1 P.4.3.1 P.4.4.1 CCRA.R.8 Identify, with guidance, Identify, with Describe character Dramatize a story Discuss how characters guidance, actions and with specific underlying thoughts and setting in dramatic characters, dialogue in a guided characters, and emotions affect play, an adaptation of relationships, and drama experience relationships, and what characters say classroom literature, or setting in or an adaptation of setting and do a guided drama dramatic play, an classroom literature experience adaptation of classroom literature, or a guided drama experience

SLE introduced in P.4.1.2 P.4.2.2 P.4.3.2 P.4.4.2 CCRA.R.8 Grade 1 Explore with Demonstrate how Select specific vocal Make physical and CCRA.SL.6 guidance ways to body, face, changes and body vocal choices to express gestures, and voice movements to develop a character character traits are used to express demonstrate in a drama/theatre and emotions in a character traits and character traits and work guided drama emotions in a emotions experience guided drama experience

5 Theatre K-8: Performing Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: P.4.K.1 = Performing.Content Standard 4.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Performing Content Standard 5: Students will develop and refine artistic work for presentation.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Prepare P.5.K.1 P.5.1.1 P.5.2.1 P.5.3.1 P.5.4.1 CCRA.SL.1 Demonstrate with Demonstrate, Develop cooperative Participate in a Practice a variety of guidance a variety of with guidance, skills and variety of physical physical, vocal, and voices and sounds in voices, sound, concentration by and vocal exercises cognitive exercises dramatic play, an and physical participating in a (e.g., improvisation, (e.g., improvisation, adaptation of movement of a variety of physical theatre games, theatre games, classroom literature, or character in and vocal exercises vocal and physical vocal and physical a guided drama dramatic play, an (e.g., improvisation, warm-ups) warm-ups) experience adaptation of theatre games, that can be used in that can be used in classroom vocal and physical a group setting a group setting literature, or a warm-ups) guided drama experience

P.5.K.2 P.5.1.2 P.5.2.2 P.5.3.2 P.5.4.2 CCRA.R.7 Use, with guidance, Use, with Identify basic Identify specific Utilize selected CCRA.L.6 costumes or props in guidance, technical elements technical elements technical elements dramatic play costumes, or essential to a required for a given in a given props to portray a drama/theatre work drama/theatre work drama/theatre work character in (e.g., costume, (e.g., costume, (e.g., costume, dramatic play lighting, makeup, lighting, makeup, lighting, makeup, set, sound) set, sound) set, sound)

6 Theatre K-8: Performing Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: P.5.K.1 = Performing.Content Standard 5.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Performing Content Standard 6: Students will convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Share P.6.K.1 P.6.1.1 P.6.2.1 P.6.3.1 P.6.4.1 CCRA.SL.1 Imitate, with guidance, Communicate, Assume a specific Practice Share small group people, creatures, or with guidance, role in a guided drama/theatre work drama/theatre work things using voice and emotions through drama experience (e.g., creative (e.g., creative sound through movement, (e.g., creative drama, drama, dramatic play, an gestures, voice, drama, improvisation, improvisation, adaptation of and sound in improvisation, process drama, process drama, classroom literature, or dramatic play, an process drama, story drama) story drama) a guided drama adaptation of story drama) individually or in with an audience of experience classroom small groups peers literature, or a guided drama experience

7 Theatre K-8: Performing Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: P.6.K.1 = Performing.Content Standard 6.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Responding Content Standard 7: Students will perceive and analyze artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Evaluate R.7.K.1 R.7.1.1 R.7.2.1 R.7.3.1 R.7.4.1 CCRA.SL.1, Express emotional Recognize when Examine artistic Determine why Identify artistic 2, 3, 4 response in a guided artistic choices choices made in a artistic choices are and/or technical drama experience are made in a guided drama made in a guided choices made in a guided drama experience or a drama experience drama/theatre work experience drama/theatre work or drama/theatre through participation work or observation

8 Theatre K-8: Responding Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: R.7.K.1 = Responding.Content Standard 7.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Responding Content Standard 8: Students will interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Appreciate SLE introduced in R.8.1.1 R.8.2.1 R.8.3.1 R.8.4.1 CCRA.R.6 Grade 1 Recognize Recognize feelings Identify personal Compare personal personal feelings of peers in a guided preferences in a preferences to those in a guided drama experience guided drama of others in a drama experience guided drama experience experience

SLE introduced in R.8.1.2 R.8.2.2 R.8.3.2 R.8.4.2 CCRA.R.3, 6 Grade 1 Describe Identify causes and Compare and Explore ways to characters in a effects of character contrast develop a character guided drama actions in a guided characteristics (e.g., experience drama experience associated with characteristics, (e.g., adaptations (e.g., adaptations of different cultures in costume design, of classroom classroom literature, a guided drama physical movement, literature, creative drama, experience props) creative drama, process drama, (e.g., adaptations of that reflect cultural process drama, story drama) classroom literature, perspectives in a story drama) creative drama, drama/theatre work process drama, story drama)

SLE introduced in SLE introduced in SLE introduced in R.8.3.3 R.8.4.3 CCRA.R.1 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Explain how Identify changes in personal emotions the actor’s body that connect to a are associated with character’s the character’s emotions in a emotions in a drama/theatre work drama/theatre work

9 Theatre K-8: Responding Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: R.8.1.1 = Responding.Content Standard 8.Grade 1.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Responding Content Standard 9: Students will apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Critique R.9.K.1 R.9.1.1 R.9.2.1 R.9.3.1 R.9.4.1 CCRA.SL.2 Recognize appropriate Demonstrate Demonstrate the Respond Use appropriate CCRA.L.3 audience etiquette appropriate appropriate appropriately to a audience skills and listening, listening, observing, theatrical peer management observing, and and behavior skills experience as an in order to watch behavior skills of an audience audience member and listen critically member in presentations, rehearsals, and live performance settings

SLE introduced in SLE introduced in SLE introduced in SLE introduced in SLE introduced in CCRA.L.3 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5

Impact SLE introduced in SLE introduced in R.9.2.3 R.9.3.3 R.9.4.3 CCRA.R.3 Grade 2 Grade 2 Describe how Observe the Observe how a CCRA.SL.3 characters respond response of an character’s choices to challenges in a audience to a impact an guided drama drama/theatre work audience’s experience response in a drama/theatre work

10 Theatre K-8: Responding Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: R.9.K.1 = Responding.Content Standard 9.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Connecting Content Standard 10: Students will synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Relate CN.10.K.1 CN.10.1.1 CN.10.2.1 CN.10.3.1 CN.10.4.1 CCRA.R.3 Identify character Identify, with Recognize, with Relate character Use personal CCRA.SL.3 emotions in a guided guidance, guidance, experiences to experiences and drama experience similarities similarities between personal knowledge to make between a story and a experiences in a connections to characters and personal experience dramatic play or a family and culture in self guided drama a drama/theatre experience work

11 Theatre K-8: Connecting Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CN.10.K.1 = Connecting.Content Standard 10.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Connecting Content Standard 11: Students will relate artistic ideas and works to societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Alignment Incorporate CN.11.K.1 CN.11.1.1 CN.11.2.1 CN.11.3.1 CN.11.4.1 CCRA.SL.1, Use, with guidance, Use knowledge Incorporate skills Incorporate Identify connections 6 appropriate group from other and knowledge from cultural/historical to social issues skills content areas in a other art forms and traditions (e.g., bullying, (e.g., taking turns, guided drama other content areas (e.g., celebrations, environment, listening to others) experience in a guided drama clothing, dance, equality, social in dramatic play experience food, greetings, media) holidays, music) in drama/theatre in a guided drama work experience

Research SLE introduced in CN.11.1.2 CN.11.2.2 CN.11.3.2 CN.11.4.2 CCRA.R.9 Grade 1 Identify, with Identify similarities Explore stories Dramatize stories CCRA.SL.1, guidance, stories and differences in and/or folktales from and/or folk tales 4, 6 that are different stories from multiple various cultures or from various from one another cultures time periods cultures or time periods

SLE introduced in SLE introduced in CN.11.2.3 CN.11.3.3 CN.11.4.3 CCRA.SL.1, Grade 2 Grade 2 Tell, with guidance, Collaborate on the Collaborate on the 4, 6 a short story in creation of a short creation of a short dramatic play or a scene based on a scene based on a guided drama fictional literary historical or cultural experience source literary source

12 Theatre K-8: Connecting Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CN.11.K.1 = Connecting.Content Standard 11.Kindergarten.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Creating Content Standard 1: Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Imagine CR.1.5.1 CR.1.6.1 CR.1.7.1 CR.1.8.1 CCRA.R.3 Identify physical Develop character Identify what stage Conceptualize possible stage qualities and movement through script movement movement for a drama/theatre movements that writing or improvisations communicates about work reveal character that include who, what, characters, traits, thoughts, when, where, and why relationships, and the feelings, and story as a whole actions

Design CR.1.5.2 CR.1.6.2 CR.1.7.2 CR.1.8.2 CCRA.SL.5 Design one or Identify design and Analyze potential Design elements of a more costumes, technical challenges solutions to design drama/theatre work for a props, or scenic (e.g., lighting/sound and technical specific theatre space through elements for a design, prop/set challenges collaboration with peers and drama/theatre placement, space (e.g., lighting/sound by using available technology work through limitations, staging, design, prop/set (e.g., editing and design collaboration with non-representational placement, space software, sound and lighting peers materials) limitations, staging, equipment, web resources) presented by a non-representational drama/theatre work materials) through collaboration with presented by a peers drama/theatre work through collaboration with peers

Characterize CR.1.5.3 CR.1.6.3 CR.1.7.3 CR.1.8.3 CCRA.R.3 Explain how a Explore multiple Analyze how a Analyze a character’s inner character’s inner characters’ movement, character’s thoughts, objectives, and thoughts impact a speech, and inner background affects motivation in a drama/theatre story in a thoughts in a movement, speech, work drama/theatre drama/theatre work and inner thoughts in work a drama/theatre work

13 Theatre K-8: Creating Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CR.1.5.1 = Creating.Content Standard 1.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Creating Content Standard 2: Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Develop CR.2.5.1 CR.2.6.1 CR.2.7.1 CR.2.8.1 CCRA.W.3 Write with Write a dramatized Write scenes or one- Write original scenes or one- CCRA.L.3, 6 guidance a version of a familiar story, act plays based on act plays that include dramatized personal experience, or a familiar stories that monologue and/or dialogue, version of a historical or cultural event include monologue action, and setting familiar story using dialogue and/or dialogue and using dialogue action through collaboration with peers

Cooperate CR.2.5.2 CR.2.6.2 CR.2.7.2 CR.2.8.2 CCRA.SL.1 Identify, through Collaborate with peers by Demonstrate mutual Cooperate as a creative team collaboration with contributing ideas, as well respect for self and to share leadership roles and peers, the as accepting and others in their defined responsibilities to prepare for responsibilities of incorporating ideas of theatre roles in a drama/theatre work defined theatre others, in defined theatre preparing or devising roles required to roles, in preparing or drama/theatre work present a devising drama/theatre (e.g., director, stage drama/theatre work manager, designers) work  actor  designer  director  playwright  producer  stage manager  technician

14 Theatre K-8: Creating Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CR.2.5.1 = Creating.Content Standard 2.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Creating Content Standard 3: Students will refine and complete artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Rehearse CR.3.5.1 CR.3.6.1 CR.3.7.1 CR.3.8.1 CCRA.W.5 Revise an Demonstrate focus and Refine an ensemble Refine an ensemble improvised or concentration in rehearsal performance through performance through scripted for an ensemble peer evaluation and repetition and reflection drama/theatre drama/theatre work self-evaluation work through repetition and collaboration

CR.3.5.2 CR.3.6.2 CR.3.7.2 CR.3.8.2 CCRA.SL.6 Use physical and Identify effective physical, Develop effective Refine effective character vocal exploration vocal, and emotional traits character traits in a traits in a scripted or for character of characters in a scripted scripted or improvised drama/theatre development in a or improvised improvised work scripted or drama/theatre work drama/theatre work improvised drama/theatre work CR.3.5.3 CR.3.6.3 CR.3.7.3 CR.3.8.3 CCRA.W.6 Analyze a Refine a planned Apply solutions to Refine a planned technical planned technical technical design design and technical design using available design (e.g., costume design, problems that arise technology during the (e.g., costume makeup design, scene during the rehearsal rehearsal process for a design, makeup design) process for a drama/theatre work design, scene for a scripted drama/theatre work (e.g., editing and design, design) drama/theatre work through collaboration software, sound and lighting for a scripted with peers and by equipment, web resources) drama/theatre using available work technology (e.g., editing and design, software, sound and lighting equipment, web resources)

15 Theatre K-8: Creating Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CR.3.5.1 = Creating.Content Standard 3.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation 15 Theatre K-8: Creating Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CR.3.5.1 = Creating.Content Standard 3.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Performing Content Standard 4: Students will analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for presentation.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Choose P.4.5.1 P.4.6.1 P.4.7.1 P.4.8.1 CCRA.R.8 Analyze the Identify the key events Consider various Make staging choices in a motivation and that advance the story in staging choices drama/theatre work emotion that a drama/theatre work (e.g., blocking, (e.g., blocking, movement, shapes dialogue movement, non-representational and action in a non-representational materials) drama/theatre materials) work to enhance a discuss drama/theatre work

P.4.5.2 P.4.6.2 P.4.7.2 P.4.8.2 CCRA.R.8 Experiment with Use physical and vocal Use physical and Apply a character’s CCRA.SL.6 various physical choices to show vocal choices to show motivation, objectives, and and vocal choices motivation and emotions a character’s tactics in a drama/theatre to communicate a behind the individual motivation, work to overcome obstacles character in character’s actions objectives, and by making vocal/physical diverse ways in a emotions in a choices drama/theatre drama/theatre work work

16 Theatre K-8: Performing Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: P.4.5.1 = Performing.Content Standard 4.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Performing Content Standard 5: Students will develop and refine artistic work for presentation.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Prepare P.5.5.1 P.5.6.1 P.5.7.1 P.5.8.1 CCRA.SL.1 Practice selected Participate in a variety of Apply various Choose acting exercises that exercises in a acting exercises that can techniques and can be applied to a group setting for a be applied to rehearsal or exercises to increase drama/theatre work drama/theatre performance acting skills in (e.g., improvisation, work (e.g., improvisation, rehearsal or physical/vocal warm-ups, (e.g., physical/vocal warm-ups, performance theatre games) improvisation, theatre games) (e.g., improvisation, physical/vocal physical/vocal warm- warm-ups, ups, theatre games) theatre games)

P.5.5.2 P.5.6.2 P.5.7.2 P.5.8.2 CCRA.R.7 Identify Identify appropriate Apply technical Design technical elements CCRA.L.6 appropriate vocabulary to describe elements to be used in a formal or vocabulary to various types of stage in a formal or informal informal drama/theatre work, describe various spaces drama/theatre work, using appropriate vocabulary stage directions  apron using appropriate  center  arena vocabulary stage  back stage  stage left  black box  stage  grand drape right  house  upstage  on/off stage  downstag  proscenium e  thrust and technical  wings elements  makeup  costume  lighting  sound  set  publicity 17 Theatre K-8: Performing Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: P.5.5.1 = Performing.Content Standard 5.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation 17 Theatre K-8: Performing Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: P.5.5.1 = Performing.Content Standard 5.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Performing Content Standard 6: Students will convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Share P.6.5.1 P.6.6.1 P.6.7.1 P.6.8.1 CCRA.SL.6 Present a Perform a drama/theatre Perform a rehearsed Perform a scripted drama/theatre work drama/theatre work drama/theatre work work (e.g., monologue, one-act (e.g., monologue, (e.g., monologue, one-act (e.g., play, reader’s theatre, one-act play, reader’s play, reader’s theatre, scene) improvisation, scene) theatre, scene) for a specific audience monologue, informally or formally for for an audience reader’s theatre, an audience scene) informally to an audience

18 Theatre K-8: Performing Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: P.6.5.1 = Performing.Content Standard 6.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Responding Content Standard 7: Students will perceive and analyze artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Evaluate R.7.5.1 R.7.6.1 R.7.7.1 R.7.8.1 CCRA.SL.1, Explain personal Compare personal Use given criteria to Use student-created criteria to 2, 3, 4 reactions to reactions to a evaluate the artistic evaluate the artistic and/or artistic and/or drama/theatre work and/or technical technical choices in an technical choices (e.g., live/recorded choices in an individual or ensemble made in a performance, individual or performance of a drama/theatre formal/informal ensemble drama/theatre work work through performance) performance of a participation to the reactions of others drama/theatre work and/or observation

19 Theatre K-8: Responding Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: R.7.5.1 = Responding.Content Standard 7.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Responding Content Standard 8: Students will interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Appreciate R.8.5.1 R.8.6.1 R.8.7.1 R.8.8.1 CCRA.R.6 Recognize a Describe a response Identify how artistic Justify artistic choices based response based based on a personal choices are made on personal experiences when on a personal experience when based on personal participating in a experience when participating in or experience when drama/theatre work participating in or observing a participating in a observing a drama/theatre work drama/theatre work drama/theatre work R.8.5.2 R.8.6.2 R.8.7.2 R.8.8.2 CCRA.R.3, 6 Explain how Identify cultural Describe how cultural Analyze how cultural artistic and/or perspectives that may perspectives can perspectives influence the technical choices influence the influence the interpretation of a (e.g., costume interpretation of a interpretation of a drama/theatre work design, drama/theatre work drama/theatre work movement, physical characteristics, props, set) made in a drama/theatre work reflect cultural perspectives

R.8.5.3 R.8.6.3 R.8.7.3 R.8.8.3 CCRA.R.1 Explore the Identify personal Recognize how the Apply personal aesthetics, effects of emotion aesthetics, preferences, use of personal preferences, and beliefs to on the body and and beliefs when aesthetics, evaluate a drama/theatre work voice in a participating in or preferences, and drama/theatre observing a beliefs are used to work drama/theatre work discuss a (e.g., breathing, drama/theatre work gestures, intonation, 20 Theatre K-8: Responding Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: R.8.5.1 = Responding.Content Standard 8.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation posture)

20 Theatre K-8: Responding Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: R.8.5.1 = Responding.Content Standard 8.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Responding Content Standard 9: Students will apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Critique R.9.5.1 R.9.6.1 R.9.7.1 R.9.8.1 CCRA.SL.2 Describe why and Evaluate a drama/theatre Develop a plan to Implement a plan to evaluate CCRA.L.3 how groups work as an audience evaluate a a drama/theatre work using evaluate a member based on simple, drama/theatre work, supporting evidence, personal drama/theatre given criteria using evidence to aesthetics, and artistic criteria work support given criteria

R.9.5.2 R.9.6.2 R.9.7.2 R.9.8.2 CCRA.SL.2 Describe why and Evaluate the technical Develop a plan to Implement a plan to evaluate CCRA.L.3, 6 how groups elements in a evaluate the technical the technical elements of a evaluate the drama/theatre work based elements of a drama/theatre work using technical on simple, given criteria drama/theatre work, supporting evidence, personal elements in a using given criteria aesthetics, and artistic criteria drama/theatre work

Impact R.9.5.3 R.9.6.3 R.9.7.3 R.9.8.3 CCRA.R.3, 6 Express how the Identify a specific Examine the Examine methods CCRA.SL.3 problems and audience or purpose for a relationship between (e.g., applause, situations in a drama/theatre work the purpose of a work postproduction discussion, drama/theatre and a specific audience feedback) work impact an audience of determining the degree to audience which a drama/theatre work impacts a specific audience

21 Theatre K-8: Responding Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: R.9.5.1 = Responding.Content Standard 9.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Connecting Content Standard 10: Students will synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Relate CN.10.5.1 CN.10.6.1 CN.10.7.1 CN.10.8.1 CCRA.R.3, 6 Explain the Recognize various Examine the impact Incorporate multiple cultural CCRA.SL.3 connection cultural perspectives, of cultural perspectives, global formed between community beliefs, and perspectives, global perspectives, community personal beliefs personal beliefs perspectives, beliefs, and personal beliefs in and community (e.g., adaptation of community beliefs, a scripted or improvised beliefs in a classroom literature, and personal beliefs drama/theatre work drama/theatre live/recorded on a drama/theatre work performance, monologue work script, scene) (e.g., adaptation of in a drama/theatre work classroom literature, live/recorded performance, monologue script, scene)

22 Theatre K-8: Connecting Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CN.10.5.1 = Connecting.Content Standard 10.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Connecting Content Standard 11: Students will relate artistic ideas and works to societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.

THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. CCSS Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Alignment Incorporate CN.11.5.1 CN.11.6.1 CN.11.7.1 CN.11.8.1 CCRA.SL.1, Respond to social Investigate universal Dramatize universal Incorporate relevant music, 6 issues themes themes and/or social dance, art, and/or media into a (e.g., bullying, (e.g., good, evil, love, issues drama/theatre work with a environment, pride, prejudice, joy, (e.g., good, evil, love, particular cultural, global, or equality, social sorrow) pride, prejudice, joy, historical context media) from a particular cultural, sorrow) in a global, or historical from a particular drama/theatre perspective in a cultural, global, or work drama/theatre work historical perspective in a drama/theatre work

Research CN.11.5.2 CN.11.6.2 CN.11.7.2 CN.11.8.2 CCRA.R.9 Dramatize with Compare cross-cultural or Investigate historical Research one or more CCRA.SL.1, prompting historical approaches to context and/or sources 4, 6 improvised storytelling cultural influences on (e.g., script context, stage scenes based on (e.g., fables, legends, oral the work of a directions) information about history, myths, playwright to determine how a playwright various historical playwriting) (e.g., Sophocles, intended a drama/theatre or cultural in a drama/theatre work William Shakespeare, work to be produced perspectives Oscar Wilde, Neil Simon, August Wilson) CN.11.5.3 CN.11.6.3 CN.11.7.3 CN.11.8.3 CCRA.R.9 Examine how Identify historical sources Investigate important Compare the various CCRA.W.7, artists have that explain theatre time periods in the dramatic/theatrical 8, 9 historically terminology and history of theatre conventions of different time presented the conventions (e.g., Greco-Roman, periods same stories Elizabethan, (e.g., ancient theatre, using different art Renaissance) commedia dell’arte, farce, forms or genres kabuki, melodrama, (e.g., ballet, pantomime) literature, play, puppetry, musical) 23 Theatre K-8: Connecting Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CN.11.5.1 = Connecting.Content Standard 11.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation 23 Theatre K-8: Connecting Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

Key: CN.11.5.1 = Connecting.Content Standard 11.Grade 5.1st Student Learning Expectation Glossary for Theatre K-8

Character trait Physical characteristic or action that reveals a character’s personality, values, beliefs, and history Creative drama A form of theatre in which students are guided through the process of imagining and acting in an informal dramatic experience Director The individual who interprets a script and oversees the entire production team and process Drama/theatre work A theatrical script or live/recorded performance Dramatic play A form of interacting where participants naturally assign and accept roles and act them out by pretending to be something or someone else Dramatize To express or act out Genre A specific type or classification of drama and theatre (e.g., tragedy, comedy, farce, drama, melodrama) Guided drama Imaginative play facilitated by a trained leader who does not stop, but rather guides, the action in order to coach experience Improvisation/improvise A form of theatre in which a scene is created without scripting, planning, or rehearsing d Motivation The inner drive that causes a character to say or do something Non-representational An object which is used to represent various props and set pieces through the use of imagination material Objective A goal, need, or want of a character Process drama A form of theatre in which the facilitator and participants work together to create an imaginary world and work within that world to explore an issue, story, theme, problem, or idea in an informal dramatic experience Stage direction In a script, the playwright’s written instruction; in staging, an area of the stage designated as center stage, upstage, downstage, stage right, or stage left Stage manager The individual who provides practical and organizational support to the director by overseeing the production process Stage movement The intentional movement of an actor on stage including elements such as combat, blocking, stage direction, and body position Staging The process of selecting, designing, and preparing theatrical elements, such as technical components, blocking, and stage business, for a production Story drama A form of theatre in which the specific details, characters, and setting of existing literature are used in an informal dramatic experience Tactic A way a character seeks to achieve his/her objective Technical element An element of spectacle that is a part of a theatrical production (e.g., set, sound, costumes, lights, props, makeup) Theatrical convention An accepted practice, technique, and/or device used in the theatre Theatre game An Informal game or technique used to develop or enhance performance skills (e.g., creative drama, improvisation, pantomime, creative movement, storytelling)

24 Theatre K-8: Glossary Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014 Contributors

The following people contributed to the development of this document:

Dr. Claudia Beach – Henderson State University Anne O’Neill – Warren School District

Cortnie Devore – Hot Springs School District Hannah Sawyer – Cabot School District

Anna Gouveia – Bentonville School District David Schwope – Nashville School District

Danny Hobson – Springdale School District Helen Strickland – Little Rock School District

William Ivey – Osceola School District Dawn Tucker – Jonesboro School District

Sophia Moser – Clarendon School District

25 Theatre K-8: Contributors Fine Arts Curriculum Framework Arkansas Department of Education Revised 2014

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