November 15, 2016 Dear Parent or Guardian:

My students will soon begin reading the first novel of the semester. The novel is titled The Witch of Blackbird Pond and it is written by Elizabeth George Speare. This book is Speare's second novel, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, is a romantic, historical tale about a young girl's rebellion against bigotry and her Puritan surroundings. Kit is a free-spirited sixteen-year-old colonial girl from Barbados who comes to live with relatives in the solemn, hard- working town of Wethersfield, Connecticut. Kit feels trapped and lonely in her new life until the day she finds refuge in the Meadows. There she meets an old Quaker woman named Hannah, who is known as the Witch of Blackbird Pond. Uncle Matthew forbids Kit to see Hannah, but Kit persists in visiting her friend and even helps an abused child named Prudence find solace there. When an epidemic causes the townspeople to go after Hannah for practicing witchcraft, Kit helps her escape. Then Kit herself becomes the subject of the witch hunt. Her incarceration and trial force her to reexamine her feelings towards two young men and her future. In the end, Kit must choose the direction her life will take. The reasons this book has been selected as part of my curriculum are 1.) It is a well written, sensitive portrayal of self-identity 2.) It raises political, social, and human issues that are important and relevant. I am asking that you purchase a copy of this novel for your child. We will be annotating the novel throughout the unit and examining personal connections. You may find it at Amazon, Barns and Nobles, or any other site you prefer. It ranges from $8.99 up to S10.00 plus shipping. We will begin reading upon the return of Thanksgiving break. Please note that research has shown that a student who owns their own book(s) will often return to them and make personal connections through their lifetime.

Sincerely, Gloria Palomares 6th Grade Reading (915) 937-6800 [email protected]