Classified Evalution - Tech Support
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Employee Name:
Work Site/Department:
Position/Job Title:
The classified employee was regularly observed during the school year. A conference was held with the classified employee to review and sign this document.
RENEWAL (One Year) NON-RENEWAL (Staff Reduction, Other)
CONDITIONAL RENEWAL NON-RENEWAL FOR CAUSE The employee is in Progressive Discipline Non-renewal request based upon attached Procedure. Renewal is with conditions as documentation. Forward to the Classified specified by attached documents. Personnel Office, Department of Human Resources, for presentation to the Superintendent for final determination of contract status.
Supervisor’s Signature ______Date
Employee’s Signature: ______Date
Employee Number:
1 of 6 The work performance of all classified personnel staff shall be evaluated annually. Written evaluations are to be submitted to the Department of Human Resources on or before April 15 th of each school year Each evaluatee’s performance shall be evaluated by his/her immediate supervisor. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. For each performance indicator listed, use a rating scale of 1 to 5 to describe and score the degree to which the evaluatee meets work expectations. Use the comments section to expand or clarify any additional issues and/or concerns. The 1 to 5 rating scale is defined as follows: 1 to 5 RATING DEFINITIONS 1 – Unsatisfactory: Fails to meet job requirements. Unacceptable performance which may Indicate a lack of willingness and/or ability to perform the requirements of the position. Work performance below competent level. 2 – Needs Improvement: Not fully satisfactory. Performs many duties capably, meets some goals and objectives, but requires improvement to fully meet standards; may require more supervision than expected for assignments. Work performance is approaching competent level. 3 – Fully Satisfactory: Meets the job requirements needed to capably handle all work related goals, responsibilities and duties. Work performance is at the competent level.
4 – Exceeds Standards: Meets and in most cases, exceeds the normal expectations for all work related goals, responsibilities and duties. Work performance noticeably better than competent level.
5 – Far Exceeds Standards: Consistently exceeds all work related requirements. Significantly exceeds expectations and all work related goals, responsibilities and duties, with exceptional quality, quantity, and timeliness of work. 2. The evaluator shall discuss the work performance evaluation with the evaluatee in a conference. In each case where the evaluatee receives a rating of a “1” or “2” on any performance indicator, the evaluator shall explain verbally and/or in writing specifically what improvement(s) are expected to meet satisfactory work performance. 3. The evaluator and evaluatee shall both sign below. The evaluatee’s signature means that he/she has had his/her evaluation reviewed with the evaluator. It does not imply that he/she agrees or disagrees with the evaluation. 4. One copy of the complete evaluation, including the Contractual Status Recommendation form, shall be provided to the evaluatee. 5. One copy of the complete evaluation, including the Contractual Status Recommendation form, shall be retained and filed by the evaluator. 6. The complete original evaluation, including the Contractual Status Recommendation form, shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources, where it shall be filed in the employee’s personnel file.
WORKSITE/DEPARTME NT: JOB KNOWLEDGE: 1 2 3 4 1. Operates within scope of job description 2. Possesses technical knowledge of current operating systems or device control software 3. Possesses technical knowledge of end user and application software 4. Possesses technical knowledge of current network and district infrastructure technologies 5. Possesses technical knowledge of district hardware Additional Evaluator Comments:
PRODUCTIVITY/ 1 2 3 4 5 WORK QUANTITY 1. Is proactive in addressing and resolving issues prior to becoming customer issues 2. Possesses knowledge of tools or technologies used to automate support tasks 3. Meets all deadlines; shifts to new 3 of 6 tasks when priorities change
Additional Evaluator Comments:
PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS RELATED TO JOB/WORK (Includes responsibility, 1 2 3 4 5 integrity, initiative, dependability, work ethic, attitude, leadership, adaptability): 1. Exhibits a professional and positive attitude 2. Maintains confidentiality of school related business 3. Operates within established policy guidelines 4. Listens to and accepts instruction 5. Demonstrates care in use of board equipment/supplies 6. Works well independently or in groups depending upon nature of the task 7. Shows initiative, seeks responsibility and is willing to take on additional tasks 8. Responds promptly for requests for assistance 9. Performs necessary follow-through to insure job completion 10. Communicates to appropriate personnel open issues that need to be covered in the event of an absence 11. Exhibits a positive customer service attitude with co-workers, parents, staff and students Additional Evaluator Comments: DECISION MAKING/JUDGEMENT (Includes planning and organizational skills): 1 2 3 4 5 1. Maintains an orderly workplace 2. Can easily locate necessary information or tools 3. Adequately plans for short-term projects while working toward long-term goals 4. Makes dependable decisions, renders judgments, takes action 5. Develops alternative courses of action based upon logical assumptions which reflect factual information 6. Makes decisions based upon the best interests of the district
Additional Evaluator Comments: INTERPESONAL RELATIONSHIPS: 1 2 3 4 5 1. Is tactful, friendly, and courteous with co-workers and the public 2. Motivates and develops others 3. Works well as a team member 4. Exhibits cooperation with co-workers 5. Exhibits cooperation with others outside of department
Additional Evaluator Comments: WORK QUALITY: 1 2 3 4 5 1. Successfully meets all the needs of the customer 2. Maintains a high level of attention to detail in performing job tasks 3. Resolves customer issues in a timely fashion
Additional Evaluator Comments:
COMMUNICATION SKILLS (Verbal and written) 1 2 3 4 5 1. Is clear and concise in both written and oral communications 2. Uses proper grammar and spelling in both written and oral communications 3. Uses appropriate communication methods (e-mail, phone, face to face) 4. Uses professional tone in communications 5. Practices active listening
Additional Evaluator Comments:
ATTENDANCE/PUNCTUALITY: 1 2 3 4 5 1. Reports to work on time 2. Adheres to assigned schedule and seeks preapproval for deviations 3. Is punctual in returning from breaks and meal time 4. Uses sick and other leave time appropriately 5. Submits leave request timely and appropriately 6. Maintains and submits attendance records and documentation as required
Additional Evaluator Comments:
PROFESSIONAL GROWTH: 1 2 3 4 5 1. Accurately and readily assesses own strengths and identifies areas for improvement 2. Is continually striving to improve upon professional growth areas 3. Demonstrates curiosity and the desire to learn more 4. Independently seeks out answers and looks for improved methods of work 5. Seeks appropriate professional development as needed 6. Completes all required professional development
Additional Evaluator Comments:
Areas in this employee’s performance which need improvement are: 5 of 6 Improvement can be achieved by doing the following:
Evaluatee’s Comments:
I have read this work performance evaluation and have had an opportunity to discuss it in a conference with my immediate supervisor. My signature does not imply agreement or disagreement with the content of this report.
Signature of Evaluatee ______Date ______
I have discussed the content of this evaluation in a conference with the evaluatee.
Signature of Evaluator ______Date ______
REMINDER: Contractual Status Recommendation must also be signed.
NOTE: If the evaluatee believes the work performance evaluation is inaccurate and/or has failed to take extenuating circumstances into consideration, he/ she may make a written rebuttal to the evaluation. The evaluator is then obligated to attach the rebuttal to the original evaluation, which shall be filed in the evaluatee’s personnel file, located in the Department of Human Resources. In a case where the evaluatee feels that his/her evaluation has been unjust, he/she may appeal it via the established grievance procedure as set forth in the Classified Employee Handbook.
I understand that I have the option to attach a written rebuttal to this evaluation and that I may appeal the results through the district’s grievance procedure.
Signature of Evaluatee ______Date ______