PRESS RELEASE February 12, 2009

EMBED Word.Picture.8 VETERANS CORNER By Terry Richards E-mail  [email protected]

Copyright  2008 by Terry Richards. All Rights Reserved. ______


To: All Members of the Press and Grass Roots Veterans Organizations with their own websites and News Media sources.

What does it say about the U.S. Government who would send an American Soldier with a BROKEN NECK into COMBAT...? Laws must be changed so this never happens again...

But the American People have a RIGHT TO KNOW what happened to this American Soldier so that perhaps PUBLIC OPINION will aid in expeditiously changing those laws which were the CULPRIT in allowing something like this to occur. That CULPRIT has a name... Its name is "THE FERES DOCTRINE."

After reading the story, I hope you will seriously consider PUBLISHING THIS STORY in YOUR MEDIA...

Before reading VETERAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY by clicking onto the link below. Please read the letter addressed to Congressman Bob Filner from Robin J. "Rusty" Rustan set forth below.

Feel free to contact Rusty at anytime for further questions you may have. His contact information is also set forth below.


Sincerely, TERRY RICHARDS Vietnam Era Veteran Retired-Disabled Veterans Rights Advocate Main Website: Mailing Address:P.O. Box 66202 - St. Petersburg, FL 33736-6202 TelePhone: 727-288-6129


--- On Wed, 1/28/09, Robin Rustan wrote: From: Robin Rustan Subject: D.C. letter to Filner to Abolish the Feres Doctrine To: "TERRY RICHARDS" Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 10:48 PM

Congressman Bob Filner VOICE FOR VETERANS SERVICES 2428 Rayburn HOB WWW.VFVS.COM Washington D.C. 20515 Honorable Congressman Bob Filner, January 27, 2009 Greetings from Voice For Veterans Services, this letter is in regards to our meeting on April 15, 2008 in the House Cannon Building room 204. I was very pleased to see that you took serious action on FERES DOCTRINE when I personally demanded that Congress abolish the FERES DOCTRINE. It is way over due to make right what is seriously wrong ever since Congress mandated FERES into title 38 law which violated every American solider in Armed Forces the protection of our U.S. Constitution. The very same rights that Armed Services is risking life and limb for they themselves do not have protection from FERES DOCTRINE. For 60 years now our government has been hiding behind FERES DOCTRINE sucking the life right out of Armed Services with no accountability to human life. FERES DOCTRINE is the cancer inside the military hospitals & VA hospitals. FERES DOCTRINE is responsible for killing millions of military service- connected in the past 60 years as our government rights off our deaths and injuries as collateral damage with no accountability to those that serve this Country. I am a victim of FERES DOCTRINE and my story is posted on "VETERAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY" for the world to see how our military treats its former employees, U.S. Veterans as 3rd Class citizens with no Constitutional Rights to protect them from the abuses of federal employees while we serve with a uniform on. The Prisoners in Guantonamo Prison have more rights than our own military? Wake Up America, Abolish Feres Doctrine so that the men and women who serve past, present and future have their Constitutional Rights in force while they serve. You have my full permission to use my story posted on Voice For Veterans Services named "VETERAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY' as a statement to why FERES DOCTRINE should be abolished forever. I was speaking to the Veterans Affairs Committee and they mentioned that so far in the 111th Congress no one has sponsored a bill to Abolish FERES DOCTRINE. I know for sure there was one house bill that you personally co- sponsored to abolish FERES DOCTRINE in the 110th Congress and was seeking information as to which Congressman was responsible for sponsoring this bill in the 110th Congress and when will it be re-introduced to the house floor in the 111th Congress and will you Congressman Bob Filner again be a co- sponsor. I realize that someone from the Armed Services Committee has to get the ball rolling so you can co-sponsor a bill to abolish FEERS Doctrine and I would like you to keep me in the loop on all events that are directed towards abolishing the FERES DOCTRINE. Bests Regards Robin (Rusty) Rustan (949) 705-7009 PO Box 668 Sunset Beach, CA 90742


------Forwarded message ------From: Robin Rustan Date: Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 8:56 AM Subject: Fwd: An Open Letter To: john mccarthy , TERRY RICHARDS , totalchaos76

The Honorable Eric K. Shinseki, I want to bring to your attention that the CANCER inside Military and VA Hospitals is called the FERES Doctrine. The FERES Doctrine is responsible for killing millions of American soilders from lack of care, since 1950 for murder, rape, malpractice all go unchecked inside the VA and Military Hospitals and when these terrible crimes happen its cast off as colerteral damage. The FERES Doctrine blocks all leaglly inducted personell into Armed Forces their Constitutional Rights to sue for grievances caused by the abuses of federal employees. FERES Doctrine is passed onto Congress by Justice Jackson of the Supreme Court bench in 1950 to the VA and Military Hospitals as title 38 law so our government has soverign imunity over all our healthcare needs once injured in combat we have the chilling effects of the FERES Doctrine. Look at website I founded a website called Voice For Veterans Services after I was arrested by Camp Pendleton MPs for using MWR as a mental health treatment option full story posted on link called "VETERAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY" I was told by a civilian DOD worker after 22 years usage of the beach camp that because I was not military retired that all disabled veterans that are military separated are considered "NOT DISABLED ENOUGH TO BECOME A PATRON OF THE MWR FACILITIES" 90% of us are considered military separated go to Math Test in Story Documents for breakdown of Military Retired verses Military Separted on VFVS. I went to San Diego Federal Court on these tresspassing charges and was baned and bared by General Hanlon Jr. General Lynch, and General Reinke for life any usage of MWR at Camp Pendleton. I opened up Voice For Veterans Services shortly after and eveything is posted on VFVS in cronological order in Story Documents of this injustice to our disabled veterans. I would like you to discuss and support Abolishing the FERES Doctrine so that all of Armed Services past, present, and future veterans will all have their Constitutional Rights to protect themselves from the chilling effects of the FERES Doctrine. We all risked life, limb, for the very same rights that Ameican civilians have but we in uniform don't have thanks to Congress taking away our rights while we risk it all for America. ??? By taking away our rights to use MWR as a mental health treatment option was the first land grab by our governrment and its extended into the VALA Facility that Bob Rosenblock and VETERANS from all over is fighting for to keep the sacred land dedicacted to Veterans Healthcare since 1888 and we want Congress to protect it from the hands of civilians who want to convert this land it to public use? Congress Shall Make NO LAW and for the FERES Doctrine to even exzist is by many members of Congress BAD LAW. The residents of the VALA Hospitals were all told that they can not protest the land grab by civilians of Brentwood if they are a resident of the VALA hospital. Veterans Freedom of Speach is stolen time and time again because of bad law with no Constitutional Rights in place to protect us we are treted and will be continued to be treated like 3rd class citizens. Full Mandatory Funding of the VA will never hapen as long as FERES Doctrine is allowed to be title 38 law killing us everyday. I advocate abolishing the FERES Doctrine so we have equal rights as all Amercians and will be able to sue for malpractice, murder, rape among other isuses that happens everyday in the VA and Military Hospitals as collerteral damage is the excuse of the day for our government to continue these abuses becasue CONGRESS does not want to fully fund the VA instead steal the VA healthcare money from assured funding sites like the VA and use this much need funding as pork barrle spending is more important that spending money on much needed healthcare for the VA. ABOLISH FERES go to MANDATORY FULL FUNDING OF THE VA AND CHANGE WILL HAPPEN. If FERES Doctrine is allowed to destroy another 60 years of healthcare it is no doubt and I speak from experience as a victim of FERES Doctrine a 100 times worse than slavery of the cival war because every Amerian soilder is dehumanized by FERES Doctrine with no Constitutional Rights to protect ourselves once injured in combat. Seriously Damaged, 100% disabled by FERES Doctrine abuses and my complaints are filed with Congressman Bob Filner, Veterans Affiars Committee and recently a letter went to President Obama and its time for CHANGE Mr. Robin J. Rustan (RUSTY)