Boyer Valley High School

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Boyer Valley High School

BOYER VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Course Description Handbook

This course description handbook is provided to help students in the selection of classes to complete their high school education. Boyer Valley strongly encourages all students to take a challenging schedule that not only meets graduation requirements, but that is also outside of their comfort zones and helps them to become well-rounded individuals. Students that have additional questions about courses or their schedule are encouraged to meet with the school counselor.

2 Table of Contents Graduation Requirements...... 2 Art Classes...... 3 Foreign Language Classes...... 4 Health Classes...... 4 Language Arts Classes...... 4 Math Classes...... 6 Music Classes...... 7 Online Classes...... 7 Physical Education Classes...... 8 Science Classes...... 8 Social Studies Classes...... 9 Technology Support Services Class...... 10 Tutoring Class...... 10 Vocational Agriculture Classes...... 10 Vocational Business Classes...... 12 Vocational Industrial Classes...... 13 Vocational Information Technology Classes...... 14

3 BOYER VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Graduation Requirements 2016-2017 CREDIT REQUIREMENTS: 46 semester credits are required for all 2017 graduates 48 semester credits are required for all 2018 graduates 50 semester credits are required for all 2019 graduates 54 semester credits are required for all 2020 graduates and after COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Language Arts 8 credits English 9 (2 Semesters) English 10 (2 Semesters) English 11 (2 Semesters) English Electives (2 Semesters)

Mathematics 6 credits Pre-Algebra (2 Semester) Algebra 1 (2 Semesters) Geometry (2 Semesters) Personal Finance / Statistics (2 Semester) Algebra 2/Algebra 2 Concepts (2 Semesters)

Science 6 credits Physical Science (2 Semesters) Biology (2 Semesters) Science Elective (2 Semesters)

Social Studies 6 credits Social Studies Elective (2 Semesters) U.S History (2 Semesters) IA/US Government or AP Government (2 Semesters)

Physical Education 8 semesters (unless excused by Principal)

Career Life Skills 2 credits NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION Parents/Guardians of the Boyer Valley Community District prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender (sex), race, religion or creed, color, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender age, socio-economic status or disability in its educational programs, activities or employment policies as required by Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Educational Amendments, and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Any student, parent of a student, or employee of the district shall have the right to file a formal complaint alleging noncompliance with regulations outlined in the above–named acts. Inquiries or concerns regarding the grievance procedure may be directed to Mike Weber, Principal/Equity Coordinator, Boyer Valley School, 212 S School St. Dow City, IA 51528 (712-674-3248), to the Director of the Civil Rights Commission, Des Moines, or to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 8930 Ward

4 Parkway, Suite 2037, Kansas City, Mo, 64114 (816-268-0550), Telecommunication Device for the Deaf: 800-437-0833, E-MAIL: [email protected], Website:

5 Art Classes Ceramics Ceramics will provide students with a conceptual and manual foundation in the field of ceramics. Students will learn the properties of clay, its preparation, hand and wheel techniques, surface design, firing methods, fundamental ceramic terms, principles of design and introductory ceramics history. Students will also be oriented in safe practices of the ceramic artist. Emphasis will be on developing skills appropriate to the beginning student for the purpose of creative expression and technical understanding of the clay as medium.

Commercial Art & Graphic Design Students will compile a portfolio of works using the principles of composition and 2-dimensional design for commercial applications. The five-step design process will be emphasized. Projects will include illustration, typography, logo/branding design, iconography/pictograms, caricature, product packaging, and advertising. Most of the class will involve traditional media like drawing, painting and collage, but students will be introduced to digital techniques; hardware and software applications.

Digital Photography An exploration of the fundamental principles, techniques and application of camera-based image making. Explores the techniques and applications for acquiring, manipulating and preparing photographic images for publication or sharing on digital platforms.

Drawing & Seeing You don’t need to know how to draw already- the whole point of this class is to teach you how to draw. This course is recommended for any student intending to take any other art courses. Emphasis will be placed on brain research and visual thinking modes. All students should have this course or Art Fundamentals prior to any other art course. This class will introduce students to thinking visually, solving problems creatively, and expressing themselves in fresh, new ways.

Drawing 2 This course is for drawing students who would like to expand and improve their skills. Emphasis will be put on drawing from real life, including the human figure, the skeleton, and portraits. Figure Drawing students will hone and practice perception and drawing skills, and learn additional techniques. Students will experiment with a variety of drawing media including charcoal, conté, and pastel.

Painting This course will explore a variety of painting media, Art history and design and expressive concepts. Students will examine a variety of different styles and techniques. It is my hope that students will develop the skills necessary for “life-long learning,” in art appreciation, creativity and painting.

Web Design Fundamentals of Web Programming teaches how to create, design, publish, and maintain a web site. Students learn HTML, DHTML and CSS using web site creation software. Design considerations such as usability, download time and aesthetics are emphasized.

Yearbook Students should be hard working, self-motivated, and responsible with immense school pride and interest in the well-being of this school and the community. This will be a professionally run publication staff. The ‘Archive’ staff will make decisions about coverage and content, sell and distribute books, sell

6 advertising, maintain finances, and gain experience and skills applicable in college and the work-force. The ‘Archive’ chronicles the academic school year of Boyer Valley Community Schools.

Foreign Language Classes Spanish 1 Spanish 1 presents the basics of the Spanish language – both written and spoken. Since a language is a reflection of the culture or cultures that speak it, elements of Spanish and Latin American culture will be integrated into the teaching of the language.

Spanish 2 Spanish 2 continues from Spanish 1 by expanding on the present tense used with conversations about invitations, food, gift-giving, shopping, body parts and emotions. Students learn more idiomatic expressions, the simple future and the present progressive tense, and they will begin to talk about past events. Speaking, listening, writing and reading skills will continue to grow. Cultural aspects will be studied along with grammar and vocabulary.

Spanish 3 Spanish 3 furthers the study of advanced Spanish grammar and culture. Students will review the tenses they’ve already learned. They will also learn about reflexive verbs and informal commands as they continue to build their vocabularies. The imperfect tense will be added and used with the preterit tense from level 2. Students will be able to read and speak in Spanish at a more advanced level than they have before.

Spanish 4 Spanish 4 furthers the study of advanced Spanish grammar and culture. Students will review the past tenses, add vocabulary related to fairy tales/fables, study the present perfect tense, the future tense, formal commands related to travel, the subjunctive mood, and idioms. Students will work to attain more proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Health Classes Health This course teaches students to make healthy choices about their mental, social, and physical well beings. Along with understanding your human development and the effects of nutrition, fitness, substance abuse, safety and first aid.

Language Arts Classes Applied Writing Students will learn how to write various practical documents such as resumes, cover letters, thank you letters, etc.

British Literature This is a survey course of British literature beginning with the earliest known manuscripts of English literature.

Creative Writing 1 & 2

7 This is a course designed to aid writing development. Unlike the more structured writing of composition, this course will focus on poetry, short stories, and drama and the literary elements employed in each.

Diverse Literature This course has the same aim as general literature courses (to improve students’ language arts and critical-thinking skills), but use literature written by authors who share minority and diversity characteristics. Students determine the underlying assumptions and values within the selected works, reflect upon the influence of a common characteristic, and compare the points of view of various authors.

English 9 This course includes work in literature, grammar, and writing. Types of literature covered are short story, biography, poetry, novel, essay, and drama. Writing experience will include work in correct usage, organization, and content.

English 10 This course includes a review and extension of grammar and mechanics, a technical study of various forms of literature, and instruction in several types of writing.

English 11 - Advanced This class will focus on the English skills needed for those who will be pursuing post-secondary education; students will need to read and write outside of class time. Emphasis will be placed on writing for various purposes and audiences using Standard English and expanding vocabulary for college level reading. During the second semester, the emphasis will shift toward a survey of American literature ranging from the Puritans to modern day writers.

English 11 - Basic This class will focus on the English skills needed for those who will be pursuing careers directly out of high school or that do not require four years or more of college. Emphasis will be placed on writing for various purposes and audiences using Standard English and expanding vocabulary for grade level reading. During the second semester, the emphasis will shift toward a survey of American literature ranging from the Puritans to modern day writers.

English Test Preparation This semester course is designed to prepare students for the English parts of standardized tests with an emphasis on ACT assessments. Improving grammar and usage is a significant part of this class.

Modern Literature This semester course is designed to survey modern literature through the 21st century. Emphasis is placed on the development of critical reading skills. Instructional practices incorporate integration of cultural diversity awareness and genre awareness. Students will read books of their choice (with teacher approval) and work independently on projects.

Mythology 1

8 This course is a study of Edith Hamilton’s Book of Mythology, and myths of other cultures. This class will entail reading, analyzing (orally and written), writing papers, essay tests, and creating myths and other projects.

Mythology 2 This course is a continuance of Mythology 1, using Edith Hamilton’s Book of Mythology and World Mythology texts. The class will entail reading, analyzing (orally and written), writing papers, essay tests, and creating myths and other projects.

Novels This course is an overview of the development and themes of novels. The course includes reading and analyzing three books per quarter. The novels will include various themes and various types of novels, ranging from science fiction to mysteries. The class will read works from American and foreign authors.

Short Story This course is a study of various short stories to understand the literary elements that are involved in comprehending and enjoying literature. This class will entail reading, analyzing, discussing, writing papers, and other projects.

Strategic Reading This course is intended to improve a student’s vocabulary, critical-thinking and analysis skills, or reading rate and comprehension level. During the first semester, emphasis is on fiction; during the second semester, emphasis is on non-fiction. The course will also have a time-management focus, offering strategies for note-taking or for understanding and evaluating the important points of a text. This class counts as an elective credit, not as a language arts class.

Math Classes Algebra 1 Algebra I courses include the study of properties and operations of the real number system; evaluating rational algebraic expressions; solving and graphing first degree equations and inequalities; translating word problems into equations; operations with and factoring of polynomials; and solving simple quadratic equations.

Algebra 2 Algebra 2 course topics typically include field properties and theorems; set theory; operations with rational and irrational expressions; factoring of rational expressions; in-depth study of linear equations and inequalities; quadratic equations; solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; graphing of constant, linear, and quadratic equations; properties of higher degree equations; and operations with rational and irrational exponents.

Algebra 2 Concepts The purpose of this course is to prepare the student for graduation and the math that they will use in college or later in life. This course is designed for those who are somewhat proficient in the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers and fractions. Students will continue to learn and build on the Algebra skills learned in previous math classes.

Calculus This course introduces calculus and includes the following topics: elementary functions; properties of functions and their graphs; limits and continuity; differential calculus (including definition of the 9 derivative, derivative formulas, theorems about derivative, geometric applications, optimization problems, and rate-of-change problems); and integral calculus (including anti-derivatives and the definite integral).

Geometry This course in geometry covers the required concepts of Euclidean geometry including definitions, postulates, and theorems. Areas of study include angles, parallel lines, congruent and similar triangles, polygons, circles and arc, and the Pythagorean Theorem. Special topics covered include coordinate and spatial geometry, introductory trigonometry, and constructions. In addition to including problems which serve to review algebra, the process of “proving” theorems is introduced.

Pre-Calculus Pre-Calculus courses combine the study of Trigonometry, Elementary Functions, Analytic Geometry, and Math Analysis topics as preparation for calculus. Topics typically include the study of complex numbers; polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, rational, right trigonometric, and circular functions, and their relations, inverses and graphs; trigonometric identities and equations; solutions of right and oblique triangles; vectors; the polar coordinate system; conic sections; Boolean algebra and symbolic logic; mathematical induction; matrix algebra; sequences and series; and limits and continuity.

Music Classes Instrumental Music Instrumental Music (Band) is open to any student grades 9-12 with previous instrumental experience. Students with no instrumental background may request to join the ensemble at the director’s discretion. Students enrolled in this course are required to participate in the concert band as well as the football/basketball pep band. CONCERT BAND is required of all members and rehearses every day. Emphasis is placed on the development of a good ensemble sound as well as individual growth through weekly private lessons. Performances include: Winter, Pops, and Spring Concerts, Veteran’s Day Ceremony, State Large Group Contest, and Graduation. Members are encouraged to participate in the Solo and Small Ensemble Contest, All-State Auditions, and various honor bands. FOOTBALL PEP BAND is required of all members and meets during regular class time throughout the first quarter. Performance is required at all home football games as well as the Homecoming Parade. BASKETBALL PEP BAND is required of all members and meets on designated regular class days throughout second and third quarter. Performances include all double varsity home basketball games (excluding weekend games and tournaments).

Vocal Music Vocal Music (Choir) is open to all student grades 9-12 who demonstrate a sincere desire to sing. Students in this course are required to perform in 3-4 concerts per year, State Large Group Competition, and Graduation as well as attend a weekly vocal lesson. Members are also encouraged to participate in the Solo and Small Ensemble Contest as well as numerous district, regional, and state honor choirs. Vocal music is designed to help students gain confidence and skill in singing. Emphasis is placed on the development of good vocal technique, exposure to a wide variety of music, development of basic music literacy, and a lifelong love of music. Extra-curricular ensembles (ie: show choir) may be formed based on interest and numbers.

Online Classes College Level Classes 10 Online college level classes are available for juniors and seniors (exceptions can be made due to academic performance). These classes offer students the opportunity to take classes that will count for high school and college credits. College level classes are available through Iowa Learning Online and Iowa Western Community College; however exceptions can be made at the school counselor’s discretion if a class is not offered through either of these providers. Students are not allowed to take classes online if we offer a comparable course at our school. Course descriptions for these classes may be found at,, or at the other course provider’s website.

High School Level Classes Online high school level classes are available for juniors and seniors (exceptions can be made due to academic performance). These classes offer students the opportunity to take classes not available at Boyer Valley and count only for high school credit (students are not allowed to take classes online if we offer a comparable course at our school). High school level classes are available through Iowa Learning Online. Iowa Learning Online offers courses in a variety of subjects with a wide array of classes. Course descriptions for these classes may be found at .

Physical Education Classes Physical Education Physical education is taught three days per week and meets the state requirement for physical activity. This course consists of team and individual sports and games with an emphasis on personal fitness and lifelong activity. This course also consists of a variety of muscular and cardio-respiratory training activities and programs designed to improve and increase student fitness now and develop health fitness habits for the future. All activities are co-ed.

Science Classes Accelerated Biology This is an advanced biological course that will focus on botanical studies the first semester and knowledge of the animal kingdom during the second semester. Emphasis is placed on morphology, taxonomy, reproduction and ecology or the representative groups. This course will prepare the student to cope with the science-based world of today.

Anatomy & Physiology Anatomy and Physiology is a college preparatory course designed to focus on the structure and function of the human body systems. There will be memorization, the necessary attitudes and study habits needed for a student to succeed in higher education. The course presents practical information relevant to health/science occupational areas.

Biology Biology is the study of life itself. Studies include the characteristics of life and the life processes that apply to humans, plants and animals. Such characteristics are the chemical compounds of life, cellular functions of life, genetics and classifications. The student will also obtain other less specific objectives such as: positive attitudes about science, positive attitudes about themselves and life in general, appreciation of the role of science in society and an interest in biologically related occupations.

Chemistry This course is an introductory chemistry course designed to provide the student a basic understanding of chemical principles and chemistry related issues. This course is for students who are seeking an overview of the discipline of chemistry, or those needing a third year of science to fulfill their graduation

11 requirements. Emphasis will be placed on the conceptual understanding of chemistry principles and problems solving those principles. Completion of this course will help to prepare students who plan to enroll in a college level chemistry course, nursing program, and/or medical field.

Environmental Science This course focuses on the understanding of life forms, resources and the systems and relationships which emerge through the interactions of the inhabitants of the plant earth. It will also include current environmental issues and policies, and positive alternatives for dealing with water, air, land, ecosystems and population issues.

Forensics The course is designed to give a basic introduction to the discipline of forensic science and crime scene investigation. This course is designed to prepare students who wish to enroll in a crime scene investigation and/or criminal justice program, or those needing a third year of science to fulfill their graduation requirements. Labs will be used to reinforce the concepts and the problem solving.

Origins of Science This class will explore the development of science and technology (S/T) through a historical perspective. Students will develop an understanding how advancements in S/T have allowed humans to shape the world and move from small tribes of hunter-gatherers to the modern global society of today. Specific areas of focus will be: Communication, Agriculture, Medicine, Warfare, Transportation, Materials, and Energy. In this course, original experiments may be replicated, and students may study primary materials.

Physical Science The course is designed to give an introduction to chemistry and physics. The year will be divided into two parts. The first semester will concentrate on the very basic principles of chemistry and its uses in the world today. The second semester will concentrate on some of the basic principles in physics. The students will gain a basic understanding of lab procedure, lab safety, and beginning problem solving techniques. The knowledge gained will carry the students into biology, chemistry & physics.

Physics The course is designed to cover kinematics and the dynamics of moving objects. This is to include advanced discussions of motion, forces, conservation of energy and momentum, wave motion, and basic electricity. A student who completes the course will be prepared to enroll in courses such as physics, engineering, chemistry and medical related fields. Emphasis will be placed on the conceptual understanding of physics principles and problems solving those principles. Labs will be used to reinforce the concepts and the problem solving.

Social Studies Classes Geography The first quarter consists of several map skills worksheets to get students familiar with maps: How to read and locate places on a map. The second quarter and the 2nd semester are spent going over Latin American countries, Europe, Asia, Canada, and U.S. Students will be required to know capitals of countries and where these countries, bodies of water, rivers, and mountain ranges are located on a map.

Human Behavior

12 This course focuses on the behavior of people. We will look at perception, memory, sensation, consciousness, unconsciousness, learning, sleep, dreams, and the effects of drugs on the body and how and why people might behave the way they do.

Social Problems A course designed to study topics, share viewpoints and suggest alternatives faced by teenagers and society as a whole. Topics covered are drug and alcohol abuse, gangs, domestic abuse, date rape, eating disorders, and sexually transmitted diseases, especially AIDS, and discrimination with hate crimes that are committed.

United States History This history course includes a brief survey of American history from the pre-colonial period through World War I for the first semester. The second semester focuses on the Roaring Twenties, Great Depression to Vietnam War and present. This course is required to meet requirements for graduation.

United States/Iowa Government American Government is a required course taught at the senior level. The course covers the origins, foundation and basic functions of our political system. Special attention is given to the rights of citizens and how they have changed, especially voting. We will look at the responsibilities of the three branches of government and the operation of government on a local, state, and national level, along with the electoral process and the Constitution.

World History This history course examines the development of civilization from prehistoric time to the present. The primary focus of the course is on western civilization. Units include study of prehistoric people, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the development of European nation-states in the modern era, World War I, and World War II. Students taking this course should be strong readers or be willing to work hard on their reading skills. The text and supplemental readings for this course are challenging.

Technology Support Services Class Technology Support Services Information Support and Services courses often conducted with instructors as mentors, enable students to explore topics related to computer information support and services. These courses may serve as an opportunity for students to expand their expertise in a particular specialization, to explore a topic in greater detail, or to develop more advanced skills.

Tutoring Class Elementary Tutoring Tutoring practicum courses provide students with the opportunity to offer tutorial assistance to younger students. Students engage in tutoring and assisting others at the elementary school. Elementary tutors must be in good academic standing and a positive role model to young students. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the elementary school and it’s essential that they work diligently with the elementary students each day.

Vocational Agriculture Classes Agricultural Business 13 Agribusiness Management courses provide students with the information and skills necessary for success in agribusiness and in operating entrepreneurial ventures in the agricultural industry. These courses may cover topics such as economic principles, budgeting, risk management, finance, business law, marketing and promotion strategies, insurance, and resource management. Other possible topics include developing a business plan, employee/employer relations, problem-solving and decision-making, commodities, and building leadership skills. These courses may also incorporate a survey of the careers within the agricultural industry.

Animal Science Animal Production/Science courses impart information about the care and management of domestic and farm animals. These courses may cover animal nutrition, health, behavior, selection, reproduction, anatomy and physiology, facilities, product processing, and marketing. Students may study a particular species (swine, cattle, horses, fowl, sheep, and so on), or they may learn how to care for and maintain livestock as a more inclusive study.

Farm Business Management (Dual Credit) A study of the use of the principles of farm management in developing a farm or farm business operation. Laboratory work will be used to increase the understanding of key concepts. Prerequisite: AGB-470.

Introduction to Agriculture This course is an introductory course designed to expose students to different facets of FFA and the agriculture industry. Students will gain knowledge in animal science, plant science, leadership skills, public speaking, FFA opportunities, and agricultural mechanics. Instruction and student learning will occur through lectures, student projects, group discussions, hands on experiences, FFA experiences, CDE participation, and their SAE program.

Natural Resources Soil Science courses involve the study of soil properties, including soil chemistry, biology, fertility, mineralogy, and hydrology. Topics covered may also include soil conservation, irrigation, and management.

Plant Science General Horticulture courses expose students to the art and science of growing plants, shrubs, trees, flowers, fruits, and vegetables. In doing so, they cover a wide variety of topics, including greenhouse and nursery operations, soils and media mixtures, fruit and vegetable production, turf/golf course management, interior and exterior plantscaping, irrigation systems, weed and pest control, and floral design. Similar to General Horticulture, Ornamental Horticulture courses provide information regarding the care and propagation of plants, flowers, trees, and shrubs, but place a special emphasis on those used for decorative and aesthetic purposes. Because of this particular emphasis, Ornamental Horticulture courses usually concentrate on nurseries and greenhouses and on the floristry industry.

Principles of Agronomy (Dual Credit) Principles of Agronomy is a lab/lecture foundation course that covers agronomy applying crop, soil, and environmental sciences in understanding agricultural systems in the world. Includes introductory concepts of plant, soil, tillage, pest, environmental, and sustainable aspects of crop production. Off- campus version offered through internet by interactive computer courseware.

Small Animal Science 14 This Small Animal Care course focuses on the care and management of small animals. Animal nutrition, health, behavior, reproduction and breeding, anatomy and physiology, facilities, handling and training, care, safety, small animals as pets, animal rights and animal welfare, careers in small animal care and grooming are typical areas of study. Course topics may include kennel operations and sales.

Survey of the Animal Industry (Dual Credit) The course explores issues impacting the United States and the international animal industry. The main emphasis of the course is on the animal industry in the global market, animal production management, anatomy and physiology, and marketing of farm animals. The animals of focus include beef and dairy cattle, companion animals, horses, poultry, sheep, swine and their products.

Veterinary Science Veterinary Science courses impart information about the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals, typically emphasizing domestic and farm animals. Course topics focus on anatomy and physiology, nutrition, behavior, and reproduction, but may also include other areas of study as appropriate.

Vocational Business Classes Accounting 1 Accounting 1 is a class designed to teach basic accounting principles and their application to the modern business world. Its main purpose is to prepare the student for their financial future, at a personal and business level. Realism is created through the use of standard forms, standard procedures, and approved business practice sets. These worksheets & mini practice sets provide the “Learning by Doing” aspect of the course. This semester deals with the accounting cycle in its simplest form and then with combination journal and subsidiary ledgers. Mini practice sets and a checkbook simulation combine all the material learned into hands-on, practical application.

Accounting 2 Accounting 2 is a continuation of Accounting 1. This semester deals with financial statements for a sole proprietorship, and completing the accounting cycle with closing entries, payroll accounting, accounting for sales & cash receipts, accounting for purchases & cash payments & special journals. Realism is created through the use of standard forms, standard procedures, and approved business practice sets. The students will all spend considerable time learning how to do accounting using computer software.

Advanced Computer Applications This course will place emphasis on the use of computer as a main tool for carrying out the assignments. Students will continue to learn more about the software programs of Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, and CorelDraw on the PC format. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on their own work as well as their peers and other professionals. Other forms of technology will also be utilized in the classroom such as: digital cameras, scanners, and printers. Along with learning design, we will also produce the school newspaper. These students will be responsible for completely laying out the paper. They will also do all the photography and most of the writing for the biweekly paper.

Career Life Skills This class prepares students for life after high school. In addition to career education and selecting education and/or training after high school, students learn to manage their lives as consumers and wage earners. Other topics discussed include interpersonal relationships, decision-making skills, networking

15 skills, personal finance and on-the-job training. The students will also be introduced to the importance of giving back to the communities in which they live. Each student will be required to come up with a project that will benefit their community. They will be required to put in at least twenty hours of community service toward that project and then present to the class the impact they had.

Computer Applications This course will place emphasis on the use of computer as a main tool for carrying out the assignments. Students will learn the software programs of Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, and CorelDraw on the PC format. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on their own work as well as their peers and other professionals. Other forms of technology will also be utilized in the classroom such as: digital cameras, scanners, and printers. Along with learning design, we will also produce the school newspaper. We will learn to take pictures and develop them through Photoshop. We will learn layout design and work on our writing skills as we fill the paper with stories and photos throughout the year.

Entrepreneurship This is a project-oriented course that introduces the student to advantages & disadvantages of small business ownership. Introduction to marketing, finances, management functions of planning, organizing, & leading, as well as team work, & time management.

Introduction to Business In this class we will take a close look at all aspects of business. This course introduces students to the concepts and skills required for success in today’s workplace. This course provides practical applications that connect students to the business world. Topics include finance, marketing, production, and management to explore the foundations of business operations. The topics of ethics, economics, career planning, and technology which will take them beyond the basics are also covered.

Introduction to Marketing This course will provide students an opportunity to explore the world of business. Topics will include powerful marketing skills, traditional marketing with brands, e-commerce marketing, sports & entertainment marketing, college & amateur sports, marketing products & services through sports & entertainment industry. The course will be based on a hands-on learning. A field trip is also used as practical learning experience.

Sales & Merchandising In this class we will take a close look at Sales & Merchandising from the sports and entertainment fields. We will focus on the function, careers, consumer buying behaviors, advertising, techniques, and different ways to promote products. This class will be involved with several marketing and sales projects, including a project with a community based business.

Vocational Industrial Classes Advanced Processes (Independent Study Only) Processing/Production—Independent Study courses, often conducted with instructors as mentors, enable students to explore topics of interest related to processing and production. Independent Study courses may serve as an opportunity for students to expand their expertise in a particular specialization, to explore a topic in greater detail, or to develop more advanced skills.

Consumer Maintenance

16 An exploratory level course designed to introduce the learner to consumer knowledge and maintenance skills in the areas of: masonry, carpentry, plumbing, electricity, insulation, drywall, interior wall finish, exterior wall finish and repair, appliance repair, furnace maintenance, small engines, and basic auto repair. This class will also explore career opportunities in these areas.

Design Processes A class used to teach students the aspects of design and functionality of products. The Cad software will introduce students to product design and development technology used by many of the world’s leading manufacturing, architectural, and construction companies. The coursework will help prepare students to develop technical drawings and plans to build everything from microchips to skyscrapers. This high-tech software allows companies to build better products faster, saving them valuable time and money. This course expands on theory and application of covered in Material Processes.

Materials and Processes This course involves a careful examination of drafting as a tool of technical communication and for solving graphical problems. Sketching, multi-view drawing, and dimensioning are area that will be covered. AutoCAD is the software that will be used. Emphases are on development of basic drafting skills, visualization, and solution of spatial problems. This class is also designed to give the students the experience with working with materials. This includes different types of materials and their uses, as well as, the processes to change the materials to useful products. An emphasis is placed on safety, a variety of safety will be covered followed by both written and practical safety tests. Another area of focus is employability skills. Good work habits and quality of work is at utmost importance.

Vocational Information Technology Classes Introduction to Computers We will develop marketable skills and understandings required for a rapidly changing workplace. We will focus on technological changes and capabilities in the workplace. After learning the Microsoft Office software in Intro to Computers I, the students will expand their knowledge of software to the Adobe products. They will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop and InDesign to create usable documents to enhance the presentation of materials.

Introduction to Computers 2 Students will learn a variety of techniques in producing videos. Students take footage with their own video cameras or digital camera with a video feature (cellphones cannot be used as video cameras) and then utilize Windows Movie Maker as video editing software. Students will also learn Adobe Photoshop skills. They will take photos and enhance them by using Photoshop techniques.

PLTW Introduction to Computer Science Designed to be the first computer science course for students who have never programmed before, Introduction to Computer Science is an optional starting point for the PLTW Computer Science program. Students work in teams to create apps for mobile devices using MIT App Inventor®. They explore the impact of computing in society and build skills in digital citizenship and cybersecurity. Beyond learning the fundamentals of programming, students build computational thinking skills by applying computer science to collaboration tools, modeling and simulation, and data analysis. In addition, students transfer the understanding of programming gained in App Inventor to text-based programming in Python® and apply their knowledge to create algorithms for games of chance and strategy.

Web Design 17 Fundamentals of Web Programming teaches how to create, design, publish, and maintain a web site. Students learn HTML, DHTML and CSS using web site creation software. Design considerations such as usability, download time and aesthetics are emphasized.


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