AAC Assessments for Pediatric Clients and Adults with Developmental Disabilities

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AAC Assessments for Pediatric Clients and Adults with Developmental Disabilities

AAC Assessments for Pediatric Clients and Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Assessment: Population: Purpose/Description: Time: More info: Augmentative and Age: 2 - Adult (with Measures subjective, 60-90 minutes http://www.linguisyste Alternative developmental disabilities functional skills for ms.com/products/produ Communication Profile: only) developing ct/display?itemid=10547 A Continuum of Learning communicative (Kovach, 2009) competence using AAC systems; re-evaluates skill level; and monitors progress. Test of Aided Symbol Children – Adult Assesses symbolic skills. 10-20 minutes http://www.mayer- Performance (TASP; Must be able to point and Provides a starting point johnson.com/tasp Bruno, 2010) follow direction for designing or selecting an appropriate AAC device page set.

The Communication Emergent Communicators Online tool. Assesses 10-60 minutes (pending Online assessment: Matrix (Rowland, 1990, Individuals who exactly how a child is how many www.communicationmat 1996) experience any type or currently communicative rix.org degree of disability, communicating. behaviors client uses) including severe and Provides a framework Handbook: multiple disabilities. NOT for determining logical https://www.communica appropriate for communication goals. tionmatrix.org/uploads/ individuals who already Also has “user friendly” pdfs/handbook.pdf use some form of version for parents. language meaningfully and fluently.

Checklist of Adults with multiple and Assesses cognitive and Completed over a 1-2 http://www.scopevic.org Communication severe disabilities communication skills in week period (by 2 .au/wp- Competencies, Revised people who do not different caregivers) content/uploads/2015/0 (Triple C; Bloomberg, 5/5.Triple-C.pdf West, Johnson, & Iacono, demonstrate symbolic 2009) representational ability (e.g., are non-speaking and do no demonstrate comprehension of pictures or photos) Social Networks Individuals age 3 – Adult Determine appropriate 60+ minutes http://www.augcominc.c (Blackstone and Hunt and their family members communication om/index.cfm/social_net Berg, 2012) or caregivers strategies and works.htm technologies for clients to use with their http://www.augcominc.c communication om/newsletters/index.cf partners. m/newsletter_7.pdf

AAC Assessments for Persons with Aphasia

Assessment: Population: Purpose/Description: Time: More info: AAC Aphasia Categories Persons with Aphasia Categorizes Pending completion of http://cehs.unl.edu/docu of Communicators communication ability components used for ments/secd/aac/assessm Checklist (Adapted from and patterns of AAC categorization ent/aphasiachecklist.pdf Garrett, K. & Lasker, J, strategy use. Delineates 2005) between partner- https://aacinstitute.org/le dependent gacy/CAAC/2009/Accepte communicators, or those dSubmissions/Garrett,Kat who require cueing or hryn-ValidationoftheAAC- assistance to utilize AphasiaCategories.pdf strategies in addition to or other than speech, and independent communicators, those who can access and utilize strategies without assistance.

Multimodal Persons with Aphasia Systematically assesses 60+ minutes Stimulus Book: Communication whether people with http://cehs.unl.edu/docu Screening Test – Aphasia severe aphasia can use ments/secd/aac/assessm (Garrett and Lasker, alternative or ent/picture.pdf 1997, 2005) augmentative modalities to communicate via Scoring Form: alternative pictorial http://cehs.unl.edu/docu symbols ments/secd/aac/assessm ent/score.pdf

http://www.tandfonline.c om/doi/abs/10.1080/026 87030500473411? journalCode=paph20

Scanning/Visual Must be able to read at Screen visual abilities 5-10 minutes PDF: Field/Print single word level and attention to task http://cehs.unl.edu/docu Size/Attention Screening ments/secd/aac/assessm Task (Garrett and Lasker, ent/wordscan.pdf revised 2005)

Aphasia Need Persons with Aphasia Informally assess both 30-60 minutes http://cehs.unl.edu/docu Assessment (Garrett and meaningful and ments/secd/aac/assessm Beukelman, revised challenging ent/aphasianeeds.pdf 2006) topics/situations/contex ts/etc for communication

Social Networks Individuals age 3 – Adult Determine appropriate 60+ minutes http://www.augcominc.co (Blackstone and Hunt and their family members communication m/index.cfm/social_netw Berg, 2012) or caregivers strategies and orks.htm technologies for clients to use with their http://www.augcominc.co communication m/newsletters/index.cfm partners. /newsletter_7.pdf

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