Name: ______Class Pd: ______

“The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst

“Pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death.” 1. What are some differences between the narrator and his brother at the beginning of the story? The narrator is a healthy boy. His brother is born with complications and they do not think he will ever live a normal life. 2. What is the narrator’s initial reaction to his new brother? He wanted a brother that could play with him and act like him. He does not like that his brother cannot do these things. 3. What did the doctors say about William Armstrong when he was born? They did not think that William would live very long. If he did, they did not think that he would be able to walk, stand on his own, or even communicate. 4. What incident changed the way the narrator looked at his brother? When he went to his bed to smother him with a pillow, Doodle smiled at him. This showed the narrator that his brother can do more than what the doctors and his parents thought was possible. It made the narrator see that his brother has a personality. 5. How did Doodle get his nickname? What is the significance of William Armstrong’s full legal name versus his nickname? When doodle crawled, he crawled backwards as if he were in reverse. Crawling backwards made him look like a doodlebug. His name, William Armstrong, was formal and made it seem like he was more of a statue in the house instead of a family member. (“Such a name sounds good only on a tombstone.” p. 316) The name Doodle gave him personality and made the narrator see him as his brother and friend. 6. Explain the relationship between the narrator and Doodle. The narrator wants his brother to be a “normal” boy. Doodle loves his brother and will go anywhere and do anything with him. 7. Why does the narrator cry when everyone congratulates him for teaching Doodle how to walk? He knows that he taught his brother how to walk out of selfishness and not compassion. He is ashamed that he did it for himself instead of for Doodle. 8. Describe the death of the scarlet ibis. How is this significant to the end of the story? The death of the scarlet ibis was graceful and delicate. It was described as a broken vase of red flowers that had exotic beauty. The scarlet ibis looked fragile and small. At the end of the story Doodle’s death is compared to the death of the scarlet ibis. Just as the scarlet ibis looked in death, Doodle looked small, thin and fragile. He was bright red (color of the scarlet ibis) as the rain poured down. 9. Find 3 examples of foreshadowing of Doodle’s death in the story. a. When the narrator shows Doodle his coffin.

b. The death of the scarlet ibis in their yard.

c. “Dead bird is bad luck” said Aunt Nicey, “Specially red dead birds!” Name: ______Class Pd: ______A symbol is a thing or idea that stands for something else. Authors use symbols to enhance the theme or to give readers a greater understanding of a key idea in the story. The main symbol is the scarlet ibis itself. The author implies that the bird is like Doodle, and at the end of the story, the narrator tells us himself that his brother looks just like the sad, lifeless bird.

To get us ready for this symbol, the author “paints” his story red. Skim through the story and find as many things, images, ideas that are red and record them in the chart below. Follow the example given for you.


“bleeding tree” p. 315, col. 1; p. 316, col. 1; p. 321, col. 2

“broken vase of red flowers” (describing the death of the scarlet ibis) p. 32,1 col. 2

“ a tiny body which was red and shriveled” (describing Doodle as a p. 316, col. 2 newborn baby)

“ build a little mahogany coffin for him” p. 316, col. 2

“weak heart….turning first red” (describing Doodle trying to pull p. 317, col. 1 himself up)

“perched like a cardinal” p. 319, col. 1

“scarlet feathers” p. 321, col. 2

“making his vermilion” (vermilion – bright red) p. 323, col. 2

What emotions are the color red generally associated with? Anger, Passion, Love, Danger, Intensity. Warmth

What things in ordinary life are red? Blood, Hearts, Stop Signs, Fire

Why do you think the author chose to use the color red as a symbol in his story? It symbolizes the feelings the narrator has for his brother. He is angry that he cannot do things easily, but he still loves him. It also symbolizes Doodle’s character that is warm and loving and has a passion for learning new things.