Engineering Design Challenge

Step 1: Identify the need or problem and your constraints.

Step 2: Research the need or problem.

 See attached form to fill in. Remember you can search the internet for ideas on models to use.

Step 3: Brainstorm.  See attached form to draw 3 different possible solutions. You may attach your sketches on a separate paper (every team member should have 3 separate sketches attached). Step 4: Select the best possible solution.  Pick the solution in Step 3 that your team selected. Why did you select that solution?

Step 5: Construct a prototype.  Draw & label a detailed picture of what your prototype looks like. Use a ruler and graph paper. Label all measurements using the metric system. Step 6: Test & evaluate the solution.  How far does your catapult launch the marshmallow? This test may be performed a minimum of 5 times when we go outside. Record the distance each time. Test # 1 2 3 4 5 Distance

What went well?

What didn’t go well?

What are you going to do to address any challenges you have faced in your construct? Describe.

Step 7: Communicate the solution.  Present your prototype to the class on the second test day.

Step 8: Redesign.  How would you plan to redesign your catapult to make it even better? Discuss alternative materials that would mke your catapult even better. Marshmallow Catapult: Researching the Problem Worksheet

Directions: Each student in the team should include their own worksheet that they filled out themselves. This part of the assignment is not a team effort; it is independent research so that you have something different to contribute to the group when you first meet together. You may use the powerpoint presentation to answer some questions. However, you will need to conduct your own research to get ideas as to your catapult designs and what materials you propose your team should use. This worksheet is graded on an individual basis. If you do not have this worksheet filled out before your team meets, YOU WILL NOT PARTICIPATE as you have nothing to contribute to the group as a whole.

What is a catapult?

How does a catapult get its energy to launch items?

What type of materials do you think you’ll be using for the different parts of your catapult?

Attach 3 sketches of different catapult designs you thought up yourself or found on the internet.