AK 3005 Early Life History of Fish Literature - Spring 2005

Reproductive classification, embryology and functional development Balon, E.K. 1975. Reproductive guilds of fishes: a proposal and definition. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32: 821-864. Langeland, J. and Kimmel, C. 1997. Fishes. Chapter 19, pp 383 – 408 in: S.F. Gilbert and M.N. Raonio (Eds.), Embryology. Constructing the Organism. Scinauer Ass. Inc. Kjørsvik, E., Pittman, K. And Pavlov, D. 2004. From fertilization to the end of metamorphosis – functional development. Pp. 204-278 in Moksness, E., Kjørsvik, E. and Olsen, Y. (Eds.), Culture of Cold-Water Marine Fish. Blackwell Science, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford. 519 pp. Webb, J.F 1999. Larvae in Fish Development and Evolution. Pp. 109-158 in Hall, B.K. and Wake, M.H. (Eds.), The Origin and Evolution of Larval Forms. Academic Press, San Diego, USA.

Environmental influences on distribution and food intake Fortier L, Harris RP. 1989. Optimal foraging and density-dependent competition in marine fish larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 51:19-33. (13 s) Ottersen, G, Helle, K, and Bogstad, B, 2002. Do abiotic mechanisms determine interannual variability in length-at-age of juvenile Arcto-Norwegian cod? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59: 57-65. (9 s) Sundby S, Ellertsen B, Fossum P. 1994. Encounter rates between first-feeding cod larvae and their prey during moderate to strong turbulent mixing. ICES Marine Science Symposia 198:393- 405. (12 s) Sogard SM, Olla BL. 1996. Food deprivation affects vertical distribution and activity of a marine fish in a thermal gradient: potential energy-conserving mechanism. Marine Ecology Progress Series 133:43-55. (11 s)

Growth, condition and mortality Folkvord A, Rukan K, Johannessen A, Moksness E. 1997. Early life history of herring larvae in contrasting feeding environments determined by otolith microstructure analysis. Journal of Fish Biology 51:250-263. (12 s) Meekan MG, Fortier L. 1996. Selection for fast growth during the larval life of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua on the Scotian Shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series 137:25-37. (12 s) Rooker, J. R., Holt, G. J. & Holt, S. A. (1997). Condition of larval and juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) from estuarine nursery habitats. Marine Biology 127, 387-394. (7 s) van der Meeren T, Næss T. 1993. How does cod (Gadus morhua) cope with variability in feeding conditions during early larval stages? Marine Biology 112:637-647. (9 s)

Parent-offspring relations, recruitment hypotheses Blom G, Svåsand T, Jørstad KE, Otterå H, Paulsen OI, Holm JC. 1994. Comparative survival and growth of two strains of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) through the early life stages in a marine pond. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:1012-1023. (10 s) Chambers, R. and Leggett, W., 1996. Maternal influences on variation in egg sizes in temperate marine fishes. American Zoologist, 36: 180-196. (16 s) Leggett WC, Deblois E. 1994. Recruitment in marine fishes: Is it regulated by starvation and predation in the egg and larval stages? Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 32:119-134. (18 s med kommentarer) Sinclair M, Tremblay M. 1984. Timing of spawning of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus) populations and the match-mismatch theory. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 41: 1055-1065. (8 s) Development of senses, organs and behaviour Osse, J.W.M. and Van den Boogaart, J.G.M. 2004. Allometric growth in fish larvae: Timing and Function. American Fisheries Society Symposium 40: 167-194. Fuiman, L.A. 1994. The interplay of ontogeny and scaling in the interactions of fish larvae and their predators. Journal of Fish Biology 45 (Suppl. A): 55-79. Noakes, D.L.G. and J.-G. J. Godin 1988. Ontogeny of behaviour and concurrent developmental changes in sensory systems in teleost fishes. Pp. 345-396 in W.S. Hoar and D.J. Randall (Eds.): Fish Physiology, XIB. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego.

Nutrition and growth Rainuzzo, J.R., K.I. Reitan and Y. Olsen 1997. The significance of lipids at early stages of marine fish: a review. Aquaculture 155: 103-115. Reitan, K.I., J.R. Rainuzzo, G. Øie and Y. Olsen 1997. A review of the nutritional effects of algae in marine fish larvae. Aquaculture 155: 207-221. Øie, G.,Makridis, P., Reitan, K.L. and Olsen, Y. 1997. Protein and carbon utilisation of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) in first-feeding of turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Aquaculture 153: 103-122.

Tanaka, M., Tanangonan, JB., Tagawa, M., de Jesus, EG., Nishida, H., Isaka, M, Kimura, R. & Hirano, T. 1995. Development of the pituitary, thyroid and interrenal glands and applications of endocrinology to the improved rearing of marine fish larvae. Aquaculture 135(1-3):111- 126 Weyts, FAA., Cohen, N., Flik, G. &Verburg-van Kemenade, BML. 1999. Interactions between the immune system and the hypothalamo-pituitary-interrenal axis in fish. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 9: 1-20

Broodstock, egg and sperm quality Pavlov, D., Kjørsvik, E., Refsti, T. and Andersen, Ø. 2004. Broodstock and egg production. Ch. 5, pp. 142-152 and pp 156-182 in Moksness, E., Kjørsvik, E. and Olsen, Y. (Eds.), Culture of Cold-Water Marine Fish. Blackwell Science, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford. 519 pp.

Literature for laboratory practices Balon, E.K. and C. Flegler-Balon 1985. Microscopic techniques for studies of early ontogeny in fishes: problems and meyhods of composite descriptions. S. 33-56 i Balon, E.K. (ed.) 1985. Early Life Histories of Fishes. New developmental, ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Dr. W. Junk publishers, Dordrecht. 280 pp. Puvanendran, V. and Brown, J.A. 1999. Foraging, growth and survival of Atlantic cod larvae reared in different prey concentrations. Aquaculture 175: 77-92.