Portobello South Community Development Association


Re: Meeting of May 9, 2013

Location: Francois Dupuis Recreation Centre - Provence Room Portobello and Brian Coburn Blvds, Orléans

Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

In attendance: Guest : Pamela Moss Danick LaFrance Jason Coulas, Assistant to Councillor Blais Patricia Joyce André Arsenault Rachelle Lecours Valérie Assoi

Regrets: Pierre Letendre

1. Welcome The President welcomed everyone. 2. Potential new member Valérie Assoi A motion to accept Ms. Valérie Assoi as a Director to fill a vacant Director position on the Board of Directors for the PSCDA was proposed by Pamela Moss and seconded by Danick LaFrance. All in favour. Motion carried. The President welcomed Ms. Assoi as a new Director and mentioned that another person may want to join the Board of Directors. Action Item: Rachelle is to send a copy of the minutes and the next agenda to Mr. Jason McDonald. 3. Approval of Agenda The agenda was approved as is. 4. Reading of action items of last meeting All action items resulting from the April meeting were completed. 5. The Treasurer’s Report The Treasurer had nothing new to report. The account shows a balance of $835.04

6. Briefing from Councillor Blais’s office Jason thanked the association on behalf of Mr. Blais for their support at the Ground Breaking Ceremony for Habitat for Humanity.

1 The official opening for the François Dupuis Centre is scheduled for June 16th. The agenda will be forwarded as soon as it is formalized. Pamela suggested that Mr. Blais briefly mention the Association. The Association will set up a table to advertise the PSCDA at the opening. Action Item: Patricia to post the agenda for the opening of the François Dupuis Centre on the web site once received. A map of the parks (existing and proposed) in the surrounding area was circulated and discussed. Funds are available to develop Evangeline Park. Once the city develops the plans further, they will be presented to the Association for further comments. Action Item: Pamela is to canvas the neighbours around the park to get ideas and forward to Mr. Blais’s office. Action Irem: Jason to provide an updated map of the park and bring it to the next meeting. It was asked if more could be done to discourage people from dumping their yard waste at the entrance of the park. Jason suggested leaving a note to Stephanie at: Stephanie.Brown@ ottawa.ca Action Item: Pamela to follow-up with Stephanie.

7. Insurance Renewal The Executive is covered for $2M personally and for activities sponsored by the PSCDA. A motion was proposed by Danick to cover the expense for the insurance renewal at a cost of $334.80. Seconded by Valérie. All in favour. Motion carried. The Treasurer prepared a cheque and handed it to the President. Action Item: Pamela to forward the cheque to pay the premium.

8. Update on Sponsorship Lavergne Western Beef has agreed to provide us with a pig for the BBQ. He will need two to three months notice. Action Item: Rachelle or Pierre to confirm with Mario Erikson at the end of June. It was suggested that the association offer marketing perks on the PSCDA web site. Action Item: Pamela is to meet with Christie Shayler of Minto to discuss this year’s sponsorship and offer the additional marketing perk.

9. Publicity for PSCDA Everyone agreed that brochures providing information on the PSCDA should be available at key areas such as The Community Resource Centre, the Public Library and possibly the François Dupuis Recreation Centre.

2 Action Item: Pamela to drop off brochures at the Community Resource Centre. She will check with the Library and the François Dupuis Recreation Centre if we can leave brochures there.

10. Garage Sale Update decision on stickers for signs The estimated cost for the new stickers is $400.00 and therefore too expensive for this year. The association will look into getting two big signs next year. The cost to publish an ad in the Citizen was estimated at $125.00 and this was also judged too expensive. Action Item: Patricia to send the advertising poster for the garage sale to Danick for translation and then post on the web. Action Item: Pamela, Valérie, Danick and Patricia will put up the signs a few days before the garage sale weekend. Pamela will coordinate this effort.

11. Initial Planning for Community BBQ The next meeting scheduled for June 13th will deal only on planning the BBQ. Action Item: Rachelle is to forward all the cheques received from the sponsors to André at his home. Action Item: Rachelle is to send sponsorship letters to Oil Changers and Mr. Galipeau.

12. Lalande Conservation Park Official Opening and “des Sentiers School Fête Champêtre” The official opening of the Lalande Conservation Park and the “des Sentiers Fête Champêtre” will be held May 24th. The President was asked to speak for two minutes at the ceremony. Danick and Patricia will set up a table to advertise the association. It was suggested getting complementary passes for four at the Calypso Park as an incentive for people to sign up on the web site. Action Item: Pamela to inquire on the possibility of getting 4 passes to give away.

13. Other Business 1. Proposal to Join the Orléans Chamber of Commerce The benefits and drawbacks of joining the Orléans Chamber of Commerce were discussed. The cost is $100.00 annually. Patricia volunteered to sit as the association’s representative with Valérie as the alternate. A motion was presented by Pamela to pay the membership for the PSCDA to join the Orléans Chamber of Commerce. Seconded by Valérie. All in favour. Motion carried. Action Item: Patricia is to prepare the membership application. 2. PSCDA Boundaries Discussion This proposal will be placed on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting since this is the only forum to approve the change. 3. Proposal for Gardening Workshop

3 Additional information was requested before a decision can be made. Action Item: Valérie is to contact the members with more details. 4. Orléans Community Alliance Update It was suggested to host a meeting with other community associations (approx. 30 people). A venue has to be found to host that many people. No decision was made on this proposal. 5. Neighbourhood Watch Update This item was postponed to another meeting. 6. Algonquin Volunteer Update This item was postponed to another meeting. 7. Updates on Cardinal Creek Association AGM, Spoonity, City Consultation on Consultations These items were postponed to another meeting.

14. Closed Discussion on Proposed Letter to Councillors

The City is moving ahead with a suburb site plan without the input of community associations. There has been no opportunity for public consultation. A draft letter was prepared to be sent to Councillor Blais on behalf of the PSCDA. The template could also be used by other community associations to send to their respective Councillors. The letter was discussed briefly and it was decided that the President look into it in greater detail.

Action Item: Pamela to review the content of the letter and provide her comments to the Executive for a decision.

15. Round table No additional information was discussed. 16. Date of next meeting The next meeting will be held June 20, 2013 at the new François Dupuis Centre – Provence Room. 17. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.