Ms. Lambert S Junior English

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Ms. Lambert S Junior English

Ms. Lambert’s Junior English


Charissa Lambert

[email protected]


Planning Period- 5th Period

Dear Student,

Welcome to our classroom!!! I hope this year provides as much enjoyment for you as I know it will for me, and I aspire to provide you with a learning experience you’ll never forget. Eleventh grade is a special time in your life, and I am so fortunate to be sharing it with you. Juniors are my favorite students to teach, because you guys are heading into the college mode of thinking but you’re also super-fun! The eleventh grade year in English is centered around American literature from 1865-Present. This time period was chocked full of amazing moments in history (as you will soon see in your history class), and all this comes through in the vibrant literature of the period. The literature that we will read this year will provide a colorful tapestry of the American experience, while asking you to question what it truly means to be an American. Let the reading begin….

Classroom Rules- Disciplinary Actions-

1. Be Punctual. 1. Break

2. Be Respectful. 2. Parental Contact

3. Be Hardworking. 3. Office Referral

4. Be Responsible.

5. Be Fabulous!

Classroom Expectations Manners- Consider yourself at home. How would you want someone to treat your domain? o Please pick up and throw away all the trash and keep the room clean. o Wait until I dismiss you before leaving class and/or packing up your materials and bags. Please do not enter class loudly or as if in a race. o Do not throw anything during class, even if it is to throw it in the trashcan.

Student Involvement and Participation o Students will be responsible for questioning, discussing and commenting during class time; all students will be called on in class, whether a hand is raised or not. o Quality and engaged responses are expected; “I don’t know” or “I was going to say what s/he said” is not acceptable. Please attempt to make an insightful comment, ask a thoughtful question, or make an educated guess. “YOU CAN DO IT!”


1. American Lit text book or Grammar book (and other material handed out during the year) 2. Binder with dividers and college rule paper 3. Pen and pencil 4. DOL/Vocabulary/Journal (red or blue folder with dividers) Kept in class 5. Flash Drive (suggested) 6. Yourself 7. Your energetic mind

Grading/Evaluation Policy Your grade for the class will be determined from the following:

1. Vocab quizzes/tests 2. In class work 3. DOL/Vocabulary/Journal folders 4. Written papers 5. Projects 6. Oral Presentations 7. Class participation 8. Grades will be the following: A (92.5 – 100), A- (89 – 92.4), B+ ( 86.5 – 88.9), B (82 – 86.4), B- ( 79 – 81.9), C+ ( 76.5 – 78.9), C ( 72 – 76.4), C- ( 69 – 71.9), D+ (66.5 – 69.9), D ( 60 – 66.4), F ( 59.9 – below) 9. Grades are based on 50% for exams, 30% for homework, and 20% for classwork. 10. Late Assignments-Homework and project assignments will be given with plenty of time to complete, so you may learn to the best of your ability. For each day an assignment or a project is late, there will be a 10% reduction in the grade up to 50 %. This policy may be revoked on certain assignments. You will be notified beforehand. Bathroom Policy Each student will receive 2 BR passes per semester. Please go to the bathroom before coming to class.

Extra Help If at any time you do not understand a concept being taught or having difficulty in any other aspect being taught during this class, see me immediately. Please make an appointment with me for before school or after school and I will help you understand the material you feel is difficult.

Makeup Work

This is your responsibility!!! According to Calhoun County Board policy, if you miss an assignment/test, you have three days from the day you return to make arrangements with the teacher to make up your work. DO NOT ASK ME IN CLASS WHAT YOU’VE MISSED!!! You must fill out a makeup work slip before or after class, and put it in the box. You make look on the calendar to see assignments that you missed. If you have questions about those assignments or if you missed an exam, you may write this on your makeup work slip. I will check these and get back with you as soon as possible to set up an appointment before or after school to discuss these issues or make up the exam. Please be aware that when making up exams, you will not be getting the same test as the rest of the class. Therefore, it is imperative to be at school.

Plagiarism—using someone’s thoughts, words or work and not giving the person credit. This action occurs when you have put just your name on the paper and represent it as your own. Blatant plagiarism is cheating and will have serious consequences.

Thinking: Each student must come prepared to class everyday ready to exercise their minds. Students need to actively think while they read, write, and speak. Developing effective habits of mind will contribute toward their growth:

About Perspective: “From whose perspective is something being presented?” About Evidence: “How do you know what you know? What is the evidence for what you are considering?” About Connection: “Where did those ideas come from? How is the thing being said considered connected to other things? Text to text? Text to self? Text to world?” About Supposition?: “What if things were different?” About Significance: “Why do these ideas matter? To whom do they matter? Why are we considering them?”

Tentative Outline of the Course 1st Nine Weeks- 3rd Nine Weeks-

Me Quilts Debate

Daily Grammar Practice Daily Grammar Practice

The Great Gatsby Research

Regionalism and Realism The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare 2nd Nine Weeks- 4th Nine Weeks- Research Poetry Of Mice and Men Daily Grammar Practice Their Eyes were Watching God Research Daily Grammar Practice For One More Day The Modern Age Please keep this portion-

Contact information- Charissa Lambert- [email protected]

Phone- 256-741-4935 Planning Period- 5th Period

Possible donation items-

*Markers, crayons, or colored pencils


*Paper towels

*Masking Tape

*Colored paper or construction paper

*Craft Items (rhinestones, pipe cleaners, fabric, etc.)

*Clorox Wipes

*Monetary Donation- Any sum is helpful. Make checks payable to OHS.


(Please sign and return this portion.)

I have read and understand the classroom policies and procedures as outlined in the 11th grade English syllabus.


Student’s printed name Student’s signature Date ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s printed name Parent’s/Guardian’s signature Date


Parent’s/Guardian’s email (optional)

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