Singleton Parish Council Minutes

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Singleton Parish Council Minutes

Singleton Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 12th February 2009 at 7.30pm in the Vestry, St Anne’s Church, Singleton.

1. Notice Convening Meeting Taken as read

Present Councillors Boyd (Chair) Barnden (Vice Chair), Gallagher, Davies –Ward, Chew, Clerk G. Mason. David Kay from the Puzzle wood project.

2. Apologies None

3. Minutes from previous meeting were read, approved and signed as a true record.

4. Matters arising None

5. Green Award Application – David Kay David Kay has asked the children at the local school to design parts of the wood, which will be integrated when the work commences. Local groups and individuals are supporting the project. A spring bulbs donation from Mr and Mrs Pawson, planting of the hedge by Mr George Loftus, bark chipping and weed suppressant donated by Cllr Chew and safety equipment donated by Cllr Gallagher. The Parish Council will pay for the skip. The cost is £50 which, is at a reduced rate. Proposed by Cllr Chew and seconded by Cllr Barnden. Hedging is to be supplied by Hedges Direct in Chorley at a cost of £231 + vat. The hedging will be 50% Hawthorne and the rest native hedging. The Parish Council are to loan £500 to the project until the grant is received. Proposed by Cllr Gallagher, seconded by Cllr Davies-Ward. A cheque for £265.65 was signed by Cllrs Chew and Gallagher and given to Mr Kay for the purchase of hedging. A sign that no dogs are allowed in Puzzle Wood, now that work has commenced, has been requested by David Kay. The dogs will also be prohibited when the work is complete. Letters to local residents to accompany the sign are to be written by the Clerk on behalf of the Parish Council.

6. TAAP Update Councillors have received the dates and times for the hearings. Cllr Gallagher will represent the Parish Council for the legal hearing and Cllr Barnden will represent the Parish Council for the movement, access and transport hearing. Clerk to confirm the attendance of the representatives with Yvonne Parker the Programme Officer. 7. Parish Council Notice Boards To be discussed at next agenda.

8. Singleton Parish Councillors – Areas of responsibility Cllr Davies – Ward is to collate and update the new residents Welcome Pack. Cllr Chew will continue with the ongoing Puzzle Wood grants and maintenance funds and on the Lodge Lane Lay-by closure. Cllr Barnden will continue to update the Parish Council blog and new website. Cllr Boyd will lead the car park repairs , support the church’s 150 years celebration on behalf of the Parish Council and report on the litter and bin problems to the Report it –Sort it dept at FBC on T:658658. All six litter bins should be emptied weekly. Cllr Gallagher will continue to work on the Windy Harbour Golf Village issues, create the Parish Council logo and letterheads and set up Parish Councillor access to files and documents online.

9.Planning i)09/0044 Kirkstiles, 62 Main Lane, Singleton. Single storey extension The Council have no specific observations to make upon the proposal. ii)09/0008 Land surrounding Shard Bridge Farm, Shard Lane, Singleton. Agricultural storage and livestock building. The Council wish to make the observations recorded below. If the planning is minded to approve the landscaping and respect the countryside setting of the site. The preference of using wooden stables not concrete blocks as designed.

10. Correspondence Unmetered energy supply for festive lighting notification – noted. A note of thanks from Fylde Civic Awareness Group – noted.

11. Accounts On the proposition of Cllr’s Chew and Boyd £212.42 for Clerks’ Salary and expenses. On the proposition of Cllr’s Chew and Gallagher £265.65 for Puzzle wood loan. On the proposition of Cllr’s Davies – Ward and Barnden £80.00 for Tom Boyds landscapes for repair of the Car Park.

12. A.O.U.B Cllr Chew will take and repair the seat in the play area which is in need of drying, sanding and treating. PC Lyons has been off work on sick leave and is now part time. Any incidents can be reported to Kirkham Police Station. The public were excluded from the rest of the meeting due to a sensitive and financial nature and the meeting closed at 9.21pm

Date of next meeting Thursday 19th February 2009 at 7.30pm


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