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Picnic Point High School


Subject: Yr 12 Senior Science

Date Due: ______

 TYPE OF TASK Research assignment, speech  WEIGHTING 20%  TOPIC The bionic heart  HSC COURSE OUTCOMES TO BE ASSESSED

 H1. discusses advances in scientific understanding and technology that have changed the direction or nature of scientific thinking  H3. assesses the contribution of scientific advances on the development of technologies  H4. assesses the impacts of applications of science on society and the environment  H9. relates the structure of body organs and systems to their function  H12.3 Identifies practicing male and female Australian scientists, the areas in which they are currently working and information about their research.  H13.1 uses terminology and reporting styles appropriately and successfully to communicate information and understanding

Specific Syllabus Outcome

 identify data sources, gather, process and analyse information to outline the historical development of pacemakers and use available evidence to identify types of technological advances that have made their development possible  process information to identify different types and functions of artificial valves in the heart  gather, process and analyse information to outline areas of current research in heart transplants and/or artificial hearts and their impact on society


Bionics is a groundbreaking field that is constantly being pushed into new frontiers by Australian scientists. These scientists, engineers, computer technicians along with other specialities are pooling together their talents to produce new replacement biomaterials. Most impressive of all is the ability to create a whole new artificial organ which has been successfully realised through the bionic ear, eye and now heart.

It is hoped that in your research you will find examples of technological advances throughout history that have served as stepping stones in delivering the bionics of today. One such example you will research is the pacemaker. The development of pacemakers over time revealed that electricity had to be discovered and successfully produced for the first developments to take place. You will research all the inventions and discoveries that were made, enabling the development of pacemaker models we see today.

It is expected that when you are researching you will be comparing sources, for example, there are different medical opinions on the two main types of artificial valves available for the heart. You are expected to assess the information you scour yourselves and come to a conclusion.

Finally, the current research that is being conducted is on artificial or bionic hearts. In this assignment it is expected that you not only read about the research, but identify the Australian scientists that are working on these projects for your future.


The assignment and presentation are to be word processed (recommended) or hand written. A hard copy of the report are to be submitted in some kind of display folder.

The presentation is to be brought in on a USB in the morning to be loaded onto the computer.

Computer or printer failure will not be accepted as an excuse for late submission.

Requests for extensions must be made before the due date and be accompanied by a medical certificate.

The penalty for a late assignment will be a zero mark.

Part 1 & 2 – Pacemakers and artificial heart valves – 55%

You will write a short report addressing the questions for Part 1 & 2 which will be a maximum of roughly 700 - 900 words. (2 pages with diagrams)

Part 3 – Artificial Heart Research – Presentation – 45%

You will present a 5 min presentation on the most recent research that is being conducted into artificial hearts. It is expected that you will present how they work, the advantages and limitations


Each part is explained in full on pages 3-4


BOS Glossary of Terms

Explain Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how

Outline Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of

Assess Make a judgment of value, quality, outcomes, results or size

Discuss Identify issues and provide points for and/or against

Describe Provide characteristics and features

Identify Recognise and name


Your secondary source information that you access should include at least one of each of the following:  Reliable websites  Journal or newspaper articles  Conversations with relevant water  Textbooks and/or other relevant books authorities

Ensure all sources are RECENT

2 Assessment Task

Part 1 – The Pacemaker 14 MARKS (500 words) 35%

Q1. Explain the functions of the pacemaker. In your answer, describe how the biomaterials are used to replace tissue. Use diagrams where relevant (50 -100 words) 3 MARKS (H9)

Q2. Outline the key stages of development of the pacemaker using a framework similar to the below timeline. You will need to refer to significant technological advances. (50- 100 words) 4 MARKS (H3)

Q3. Assess the contribution of technological advances on the development of the pacemaker (100- 200 words) 4 MARKS (H3)

Q4. Discuss how the development of the pacemaker changed the direction and nature of bionics (100 words) 4 MARKS (H1)

Part 2 – Artificial heart valves 7 MARKS (200 words) – 20%

Q1. Explain how artificial valves function within the heart. In your answer, describe how the biomaterials are used to replace tissue. Use diagrams where relevant (50-100 words) 3 MARKS (H9)

Q2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of artificial valves that are used in modern bionics. 3 MARKS (50-100 words)

Parts 1 & 2: Bibliography – 2 MARKS – 5%

You must write all the sources you have accessed and where relevant, mention them in your assignment to make your work more credible. An easy way of doing this is writing the author and year of publishing in brackets after the sentence you have written Eg. (Elwell 2010).

Part 3 – The bionic heart (10-15 PowerPoint slides) 18 MARKS – 45% 3 In this part you will describe the most recent technological research that Australians have contributed to the bionic heart. You need to answer the research questions in your PowerPoint presentation. How you set that out is up to you (see “How to make a good PowerPoint” for tips).

1. Describe the most recent research that has been completed by Australian researchers in the field of the artificial heart. (1- 2 slides) 2 MARKS 2. Identify one of the Australian researchers (preferably young) who had a prominent role in the research by providing the following information in profile form;

Name/Title Age University or Institution Area of study/expertise eg: biologist, engineer, computer technician etc What was their contribution to the research? Do they have any other research areas? Any interesting information: i.e. what is inspired them to work on the heart Picture – if available

(1- 2 slides) 3 MARKS

3. Outline the structure of the artificial heart and how it works (1-3 slides) 3 MARKS 4. Discuss the advantages and limitations of the artificial heart/s that you have researched. (1-3 slides) 4 MARKS 5. Overall presentation (see marking guidelines) 4 MARKS

Explanation of marking criteria

Each marking criteria is linked to an outcome in the Senior Science syllabus. The marking criteria will tell you exactly what I am looking for in each part, so if you can tick that off, you can score great marks for 20% of your Year 12 course.

How to make a good PowerPoint presentation

 Keep it simple – do not spend hours on custom animation, timing or music you will not receive any extra marks for this. Each slide should only have a few sentences – accompanied by a visual (diagram, picture, graph etc)  Slides provide a summary & visuals – do not use huge amounts of text. You are not reading from the slide. If you want to read from something use palm cards or a print out of what you are going to say. Simply reading the slides is not a presentation, is dull to listen to and will receive a poor mark.  References: Take time to provide the website you got your photos and visuals from (you can put them in small font in a textbox beneath or near the picture

Marking Criteria Assessment Task

4 Outcomes Marks assessed Assessment Criteria – PART 1 P1: Q1  Identifies the tissue that is replaced by a pacemaker and relates how 3 the structure of the pacemaker’s biomaterials are designed to suit the normal functioning of the heart, relevant diagrams are included and annotated  Explains the function of the pacemaker with connections to how it 2 functions within the heart  Little or no connection of how the pacemaker functions in relation to the heart. 1 H9 Q2  All key stages in the development of the pacemaker are outlined using 3 an annotated timeline. Significant advances in technology are identified and linked to Q3.  Most key stages are outlined on a timeline within the pacemaker with 2 reference to some or most of the significant advances in technology H3  Limited knowledge of key stages provided 1

Q3  A clear and scientifically sound judgement is made on the impact of 4 each significant advance in technology that has contributed to the modern pacemaker. Links are made to Q2  A scientifically sound judgement is made on most of the significant 3 advances in technology that have contributed to the modern pacemaker  A satisfactory judgement is made on most of the significant advances in 2 technology that have contributed to the modern pacemaker  A weak judgement is made on some of the significant advances in H3 technology that have contributed to the modern pacemaker 1

Q4  Identifies the major issues associated with the advances in technology in relation to the pacemaker and in general, heart bionics by discussing 4 advantages and limitations. Displays strong understanding of how this has changed the direction or nature of scientific thinking for the future  Identifies some issues associated with the advances in technology in relation to the pacemaker and in general, heart bionics by discussing 3 advantages and limitations. Displays good understanding of how this has changed the direction or nature of scientific thinking for the future  Identifies some issues associated with the advances in technology in 2 relation to the pacemaker and/or in general, heart bionics by discussing advantages and limitations. Displays satisfactory understanding of how this has changed the direction or nature of scientific thinking for the future  Identifies issues associated with the advances in technology in relation to the pacemaker and/or in general, heart bionics. Displays weak 1 understanding of how this has changed the direction or nature of H1, H4 scientific thinking for the future

Total /14 Comments: ______

5 ______

Assessment Criteria – PART 2 P2: Q1  Identifies the tissue that is replaced by artificial valves and relates how 3 the structure of the valve’s biomaterials are designed to suit the normal functioning of the heart, relevant diagrams are included and annotated  Explains the function of artificial valves with connections to how they 2 functions within the heart  Little or no connection of how artificial valves function in relation to the H9 heart. 1

Q2  Accurately identifies the two types of artificial heart valves and provides 3 at least one example for each. Provides valid and scientifically sound discussion of the advantages and limitations for each type of valve  Accurately identifies the two types of artificial heart valves and provides 2 at least one example for each. Provides satisfactory discussion of the advantages and limitations for each or some of the valves.  Identifies the two types of artificial heart valves. Provides weak 1 H9 discussion of the advantages and limitations for each or some of the valves. P1 & 2  Identifies appropriate secondary materials from a wide variety of 2 Bibliography sources and has referenced them with their support evidence.  Identifies secondary sources and has referenced some or none of them throughout their assignment 1 H12.3 a

Total /9

Comments: ______

Marks Assessment Criteria – PART 3 P3: Q1  Describes the most recent Australian research in the field of the 2

6 artificial heart. Relevant diagrams are used and explanations are clear  Describes recent Australian research in the field of the artificial heart. 1 Some or no diagrams are used. H12.3 e Q2  Identifies an Australian researcher that has a prominent role in the 3 artificial heart. Identifies their research and their contribution to the field. Fills in all available relevant fields of profile.  Identifies an Australian researcher that has a prominent role in the 2 artificial heart. Identifies their research and their contribution to the field. Fills in most fields of profile.  Identifies an Australian researcher for the artificial heart. Provides 1 limited information their research and their contribution to the field. H12.3 e Q3  Accurately outlines the structure of the bionic heart displaying strong 3 understanding of how the bionic and natural heart functions  Outlines the structure of the bionic heart displaying satisfactory 2 understanding of how the bionic and/or natural heart functions  Outlines the structure of the bionic heart displaying weak understanding H9 of how the bionic and/or natural heart functions 1

Q4  Identifies the major issues associated with the bionic heart by 4 discussing some of the clearly stated social, economical and biological advantages and limitations  Identifies some issues associated with the bionic heart by discussing some of the social, economical and biological advantages and 3 limitations  Identifies some issues associated with the bionic heart by discussing 2 some of the advantages and limitations  Identifies issues associated with the bionic heart. Discussing some or none of the advantages and limitations 1 H4

Overall  Presentation is clearly and concisely communicated, relevant diagrams 4 presentation are used and explanations are clear showing thorough understanding of current bionic heart research 3  Presentation is communicated clearly, diagrams used, showing good understanding of bionic heart research 2  Presentation is communicated satisfactorily, some diagrams used, showing basic understanding of bionic heart research 1  Presentation is communicated poorly, some or no diagrams, minimal H13.1 understanding of bionic heart research  TOTAL /18

Comments: ______

7 ______

Total mark /41

Year 12 Senior Science Research Task Keep this and put it on your notice board or fridge

8 DUE DATE: Research Task Handed in I am aware that this is an individual research task and that I am not to copy the work of any student, or to seek help from other students, teachers, parents or tutors.

I am also aware that if I cannot meet the due date due to illness, then a doctor’s certificate will be provided.

Failure to meet the due date will result in a zero mark being recorded.

Year 12 Senior Science Research Task Please tear off and complete this section and return to your teacher

I ______Roll Class ______Have read this assignment and am aware of the Due Date.

Research task due:

I am aware that this is an individual research task and that I am not to copy the work of any student, or to seek help from other students, teachers, parents or tutors.

I am also aware that if I cannot meet the due date due to illness, then a doctor’s certificate will be provided.

Failure to meet the due date will result in a zero mark being recorded.

Signed ______Date ______


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