Tender Ref: No:ZO:BKR:IT:VS:2012-13:08
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Tender Ref:Tender No:ZO:BKR:IT:VS:2012-13:08 Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems SUPPLY, INSTALLATION,COMMISSIONING AND TESTING OF Information Technology Department, Technology Information Information TechnologyDepartment E-17, 1 VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN Bokaro ZonalOffice DATED 10.12.2012 Sector-4, B.S. CitySector-4, B.S. BANK OFBANK INDIA Bokaro-827004 BANK OF INDIABANK OF BOKARO ZONE st floor, City Centre UPS AT FOR Bokaro Zone Bokaro in specified as ofRequirement.Schedules Systems Hardware/Software/UPS of commissioning installation, supply, for Bokaro in available infrastructure own their having vendors empanelled from Tender/Bids Sealed invites Zone Bokaro India, of Bank for Tender/Bids:Invitation 2 6. 5. Contact Person Contact of Address Communication Date andLast Timeoftender/bid forreceipts Date forsaleLast document ofBidding tender of document sale of commencement of Date Price ofBidding Document Tender Reference City, Bokaro -827004. -827004. Bokaro City, Steel Bokaro Centre, City floor, 1st E-17, Office, Zonal Bokaro Department, Technology Information Office, Zonal India, of Bank of Office the to submitted be should bid the and from obtained be may document Bidding The 3 1. Page12 4. Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque in favour of Bank Of India, payable at Ofpayable Chequeinfavour Draft/Banker’s India, Bokaro. ofBank Demand a of form the 500/-in Rs of fee non-refundable a of payment upon and office above the to application written a of submission on Bidder eligible interested any by purchased be may documents Bidding of set complete A Bokaro -827004. Bokaro City, Steel Bokaro the Centre, City at floor, 1st E-17, Office, Zonal Bokaro documents Department, Technology Information India, Of Bank bidding of office the inspect and from information further obtain may Bidders eligible Interested therefor. reasons any assigning without offers the all or any full or part in accept to right the reserves India of Bank Thirty (Rupees Bokaro. “ DEPOSIT” MONEY third cover as EARNEST Such Draft/payslipshouldbe marked in separate 30,000/- at Payable , Rs India Of Bank of of favour (EMD) in payslip or Deposit draft demand Money a of form the in Earnest Only) Thousand an by accompanied be to has Bid The the of price the and enclosed envelope. documentmust Bidding be in a separate Document Bidding of price the of payment the without valid accepted/considered be would website through forms downloaded No document. and bid form application ofthe Submission PriceofBidding The (non-refundable)form shall be in the ofDD/Document payable also documentmay be Bidding from The obtained our website Banker’s Cheque in favour of Bank of India payable at timeof atBanker’s ofIndia Chequeinfavourthe ofBank at payable Bokaro, Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information 10.12.2012 Rs 500/- DATEDZO:BKR:IT:VS:12-13:08 10.12.2012 Tel NoTel 06542-231203Fax-06542-231573 Shri B.K. Tewary Shri Vivek Singh Bokaro -827004. City, Steel Bokaro Sector-4, Centre, City floor, 1 Bokaro E-17, Dept., Technology Information India, Zone, of Bank Manager, Zonal The 18.12.2012 2.00 p.mupto 18.12.2012 11.00 a.m.upto BOKARO ZONE Bokaro Zone Bokaro www.bankofindia.com
ZONAL MANAGER st Documents comprising the Technical Proposal Envelope, should : should: ProposalEnvelope, the comprising Technical Documents Zone) Bokaro under be. case may Proposal” Proposal”the andas “Price “Technical branches/offices various for Software for Hardware/System (Proposal Project of the of Procurement name the with super-scribed each covers, separate two in be should parts two Proposal Commercial ‘ Technical, as to the referred hereinafter covering aspects Qualification I and charges) AMC Part and price – equipment (except envelopes separate two in submitted be shall Proposal The Submission ofProposals(Methodology) Page12 : Price shouldbe comprising ProposalEnvelope, Documents Proposal Technical Any Proposal Technical Any
(d) DD/Banker’s Cheque ofRs. Cheque 500/-(d) DD/Banker’s dulyvendor signed by the be (Annexure-C) ofeach item Specifications Technical with(b) Comply the Complythe TCC with (Annexure-B) (a) Proposals must be received by the Bank at the address specified, no later than the date & time & date the than later no specified, address the at Request forProposal. in specified Bank the by received be must Proposals (b) (a) shall: “ the seal shall vendors The twoparts,mentioned as below. Proposal shouldbe copyin ofthe Each SystemServices ScheduleGoods Full Price ofthe and/or (a) (c) Be accompanied by duly filled in Proposal Form Form Proposal in filled duly by accompanied Be (c) ’
and Part II covering only the price schedules hereinafter referred to as the ‘ the as to referred hereinafter schedules pricethe only II covering Part and er te Nm POOA O RCRMN F US SSE FOR SYSTEM UPS OF statement: PROCUREMENT a and FOR ” INDIA, “PROPOSAL 21/12/2012”. IN Name BRANCHES/OFFICES the bear and given; Bankaddress at addressedto the be Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems containing containingnot Information Technology Department, Technology Information any price information will price any berejected. information Technical Proposal Technical Instructions toInstructions Vendors theabove,will berejected Annexure-A ” and “ and ” (FORM-1 Price Proposal Price Bokaro Zone Bokaro . ) and and ) D O PN BEFORE OPEN NOT “DO (FORM-3) ( FORM-2 ) FORM-2 ( ” separately and the same the and separately ” Price Proposal Price the forms must forms the as well as well as Technical ’. The ’. 1.1. 1. Page12 4.3 4.2 4.1 4. 3.1 3. 2.2 2.1 2. (f) (e) (d) (c) (b) is Supplier the which materials other and/or machinery, equipment, the of all means Goods” “The (a) following the interpretedas Contract,terms shall indicated:In be this Bank. the by required so if Contract, the under performance Supplier’s the of completion on Bank the to copies) all (in returned be shall and Bank the of property the remain shall itself, Contract the than other document, Any information or document any documentenumeratedin this except for of Contract.purposestheperforming of use make consent, written prior Bank’s the without not, shall Supplier The as far be formay necessary purposes of such performance. so only extend shall and confidence in made be shall person employed such any to Disclosure Contract. the of provision performanceany the the in Supplier the by employed of person a than other or person behalf any to therewith, connection in Bank on Contract, or by the furnished information or disclose sample pattern, consent, drawing, plan, written specification, any prior or thereof, Bank’s the without not, shall Supplier The the related services are supplied. Goods are produced when, through manufacturing, processing orsubstantial processing manufacturing, through produced when, are supplied.Goods servicesrelatedare the which from place the or produced, are goods the where place the means “origin” clause, this of purposes For source eligible in origin their have shall Contract as perprevailingthe countries, Import Regulations in Trade India.Control the under supplied be to services related and goods All h od upid udr ti otat sal cnom t h tnad etoe n te Technical the in mentioned standards the to country the Goods’ Such of be issuedorigin. standards institution thelatest shall by concerned. conform to appropriate standards authoritative shall the to mentioned, is Contract standard applicable no when this and, Specifications, under supplied Goods The characteristicsorin basicin purposeor its utility fromcomponents. different substantially is that results product commercially-recognized a components, of assembly major and Definitions Use of Contract DocumentsInformation ofContract and Use Standards ofOriginCountry “The Project Site” various “The means branches/administrativeofficesof BankIndia. the supply to intending or supplying underand Goods this Services and Contract; firm or individual the means Vendor” “the or Supplier” “The containedTerms Conditions inthis theof means section; and Contract “TCC” of provision commissioning, installation, Purchase the Contract; under as covered Supplier the such of obligations such services, other and training incidental assistance, technical other any and insurance, and transportation as such Goods, the of supply the to ancillary services those means Services” “The Bank means of ” “The the BankIndia; required to supply to the Bank; Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Terms AndTerms Conditions Of (TCC) Contract Information Technology Department, Technology Information
Bokaro Zone Bokaro Annexure-B 6.2 6.1 6. 5.1 5. Page12 7.1 7. 6.5 6.4 6.3
In the event of any contract amendment, the Supplier shall, within 7 days of receipt of such amendment, such of receipt of days 7 within shall, Supplier the amendment, contract any of event the In warranty any or undercontract.theAMC obligations including Contract, the under obligations performance Supplier’s the of completion of date the following days (30) laterthanthirty not Supplier the returnedto and Bank dischargedthe by be will security performance The Performanceshall be The Rupeesin be denominatedIndianSecurity and the in one forms: shall of following the loss/damage. cover fully to enough not being security the of event the in Supplier the against proceed to right Bank’s the to prejudice without is This contract. the under obligations its complete to failure supplier’s the to due sustained any, if loss, the towards security performance the of proceeds the off/adjust set to liberty at be shall Bank The contract purchase the of goods sole and, at its discretion, waive guaranteethe performance the of nature and/or value the to regard having may, Bank the that Provided Performance the Bank, the to of obligations performanceobligations. including warranty furnish completion of date shall the after days Supplier 60 to up valid advance of the amount of , equivalent amount order an for Security Purchase of award the of days 7 Within partor India.any thereof in agreement, Goods the of license use from arising etc. of rights copy or infringement property intellectual design, industrial of or trademark, patent, claims third-party all against Bank the indemnify shall Supplier The (ii) (i) final of time the at and Goods acceptance are as follows: of shipment to prior evaluation, before tests Control Quality and Inspection be by extendeddays over the 60 and period.above warrantyshall extended value proportionate a for guarantee performance The months. 12 of period further a to extended be shall equipment replaced / corrected the for warranty the period, warranty the during equipment defective of replacement or defects of correction any of event the In thereafter. days 60 of period further for amended as Contract, the of duration the for valid same the rendering Security, Performance the to amendment the furnish (b) (a) Performance SecurityPerformance Patent RightsPatent Inspection and ControlInspection Tests Quality sole Bankwaiverthe discretion suchsole inspectiongoods.meriting of of of the to regard having the at goods decided be may as basis such other of any and/or goods the of nature the and/or order inspection the of value waive discretion, sole its at may, Bank the that Provided and before Supplier theaward of by Purchase Contract, / Bank’s the Bank Consultants; tests burn-in testing, functional including the of site factory formats at done be may standards the per as etc., facilities load, full at test fluctuation mains control quality per as Goods of Inspection Banker’s /Demand a Draft. Cheque India” FavoringOf “Bank andFormOther Formats; Bid in provided form the in Bank, the to acceptable India, in bank reputable a by issued guarantee bank a h upir wl ipth te gos t h liae cnine atr itra inspection/testing internal after Bank’s / consignee Bank The ultimate certificate. warranty the manufacturer’s report, to inspection Supplier’s goods the alongwith the dispatch will technical Supplier the with The Supplier. conformity the by in submitted Quotation are the or Goods Quotation for the Invitation the whether in mentioned check specifications to is Goods the of inspection The Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information or Bokaro Zone Bokaro Page12 7.5.2 7.5.1 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 (vi) (v) (iv) (iii) maintenance manuals together with drawings, wherever applicable, of the goods. The manuals and manuals The inEnglish. drawings shall be goods. the of applicable, wherever drawings, with together manuals maintenance and operation supply shall Supplier the Bank, the by over taken are equipment and goods the Before other or Manuals Drawingsand warranty any from Supplier the release way any under this Contract. obligations in shall hereinabove stated Nothing requirements, specification of free cost, to the Bank. meet to necessary alterations make or Goods rejected the replace either shall Supplier the the and Goods, reject may Bank the Specifications, the to conform to fail Goods tested or inspected any Should be shall data, production and Supplier, the drawings of to premises the access on atfurnished Bank. tothe chargeto the inspectors, no including conducted assistance, If and destination. facilities final Goods’ reasonable the at or / and delivery control inspections qualitytests be The may on and of conducted of pointthe premises at the Supplier, andofbe costalso theSupplier.attheresponsibility the sole shall equipment and goods installed the for tests acceptance the of conclusion and conduct Successful Bank the togetthe reserves the right replaced extra equipment theSupplier Bank; tothebyat no and cost which, failing test, acceptance the clear and defects the rectify to given be will weeks two exceeding not period a test, acceptance the pass to failing software and hardware the of event the In the to the establish conduct to representative(s) and conformity Bank’s in devise laid with the specifications down contract.in the purchase are of supplied to goods the presence of Supplier configuration/performance the the that the Bank in the of cost, require satisfaction own discretion, his its at at test, may, acceptance Bank the that Provided of98% efficiency forduration theof considered test shall as satisfactory;periodbe uptime average An specified. test the of completion successful the Bank, the of satisfaction entire the the in to establish bugs to tests the of results the or of respect in log necessary etc. maintain shall Supplier The allowed. drivers printers, to any attached motors be of not occur.shouldsoftware shouldbe All and missingthe softwarebe complete no/sectionswill modules heating shall excessive There or days. hardware of consecutive part seven exceeding person not other but any Bank, charges additional for carrying out acceptance Nomalfunction, tests. or offailurepartial completeany or the by Consultants decided Bank’s be / to Bank period the a for operation trouble-free involve by will acceptance The option. its conducted at Bank, the by nominated be will test acceptance The Bank the performance of to tests;commencement to details all prior Supplier the by furnish properly commissioned and installed supplied, be should software and hardware should Complete equipment). the Supplier of receipt before completed the works the get preparation, to as so advance site in sufficiently (for installation the of site the at commissioning and installation the of completion after equipment the test will Bank the Also, the of responsibility Supplier; sole the be shall inspection pre-dispatch of conclusion and conduct Successful such of cost entire inspection. the of duration complete the the for Supplier, the by borne be totally shall case, Consultants, and/or a such In representatives Bank’s the of expenses incidental travelling, lodging, board, inspection. the including inspection, pre-dispatch out carry also may Consultants purpose such purpose over,manuals of and taking drawings Bank.until have tothe been supplied otherwiseUnless agreed, and shall equipmentthegoods not be for and considered completed to be the Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information Bokaro Zone Bokaro 8.1 8. 7.7.1 7.7 9.1 9. 8.2 Page12 7.6 details and/orof details shipping documents to byotherbe furnished theSupplier hereunder:are specified ofshallGoods thebe Delivery by made the Supplier Contract (iii) No.; Name(i) (ii) Name;(iv) Supplier’sReference Consignee’s Packing List number. Each Consignee. each for packages separate make to be on package will marked three inkwith thefollowing with paint/indelibleproper sides : required be will Supplier The Instructions: Packing finaldestination the Goods’ and the absence of points facilities heavy at all in transit. handling of remoteness the appropriate, where consideration, into take shall case packing of weights and open Size and storage. transit during precipitation and salt temperatures, extreme to exposure and transit during handling rough limitation, without withstand, to sufficient be shall packing The destination. final their to transit during deterioration or damage their prevent to required is as Goods the of packing such provide shall Supplier The Packing of date the from months two within and on up agreed acceptance of supply. mutually dates the on conducted be shall Training be shall for) provided otherwise (unless signed is certificate tobe deemedof the the dateofsuccessful commissioningthesystems. such of which representative on the date and The Supplier issued. the be by will signed Bank certificate acceptance the system, the on working the with satisfied is Bank the after and etc., deliverables, of receipt test, acceptability of completion successful On Acceptance Certificates: the indemnify also shall Supplier The against any Bankaccountany levies/penalties on defaultinthis of regard. others. from acquired or it all by for developed software whether licensed products, provide software also shall Supplier The software. other the and software system compiler, systems, operating subsystems, all hardware, of documentation legal and complete provide shall Supplier The System the & For Other will Software, the following apply: (vi) (v) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) Delivery and Documents and Delivery The above documents shall be received by the Bank before arrival of Goods (except where it is it where (except Goods of arrival before Bank the by received be shall documents above The factory Supplier’s the and report Quality Certificates,Testinspection Controland any, if agency, inspection nominated the by issued certificate Inspection Manufacturer’s / warrantySupplier’s certificate; Insurance certificate; Copiesof eachidentifying package;listpacking2 contents of andfreight prepaidtwo of billof copiesnon-negotiable lading; marked lading of bill on-board clean, negotiable, the of copies two and original abroad, from goods of case in or Consignee the from goods of receipt of acknowledgement or receipt Railway note, Delivery and price total amount; unit quantity, description, goods number, contract showing invoice Supplier’s of copies 3 add oe o te Cnine wt l ouet) ad f nt rcie, te Sple il be will Supplier the received, not if and, documents) all with Consignee forresponsibleany expenses. consequent the to over handed Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information with with weeksin 3 from the purchase date Order of Bokaro Zone Bokaro . The 12.1 12. in specified arranged shall the Contract, relatedbe theby included shall and in Supplier, theContract costsbe Price. be shall as storage, and insurance including India, in destination of place such to transport India, within 11.1 11. 10.1 10. Page12 13.1 13.
(e) (d) (b)
and equipment; and goods supplied the of unit appropriate each for manual maintenance and operations detailed a of Furnishing the proposed operating system. for software driver device a having and performance comparable with another with component hardware the new substitute should Supplier the the available, being not drivers in device such of satisfactorily event the In function environment. operating to them for order in components hardware the for required drivers device the provide shall Supplier the cases, such in and system operating other any with hardware the use date, future any at may, Bank the System(s), Operating particular with use for purchased initially is hardware the if Even for required services programming and maintenance and/or development of the supplied Goods; design system drivers, device hardware, appropriate of Furnishing (a) incidental services The to be areas provided under: (b) (a) (ii) (i) (b) (a) materials, following the of all or any provide to required be may informationpertaining notifications, and to spare parts orSupplierthemanufactureddistributed : by Supplier the TCC, the in specified As the computer software,hardware, contracted and specified38. Clauseall utilities as in TCC of operation and installation the in facility, other or office Supplier’s the at personnel Bank’s the of Training this under obligations Warranty any of Supplier the and Contract; relieve not shall service this that provided, warranty, the of expiry after years three of period a for Goods supplied the of updates software and repair Maintenance,
Where the Supplier is required under the Contract to transport the Goods to a specified place of destination of place specified a to Goods the transport to Contract the under required is Supplier the Where
Transportation Spare Parts Incidental Services
In the event In of thethe event of termination production of spare parts: any not relieve the Supplier warrantyof and under theContract; obligations shall election this that provided, Supplier, the from purchase to elect may Bank the as parts spare Such
Performance of on-site assembly and start-up of the supplied computer hardware, operating system operating other packages;and software hardware, computer supplied the of start-up and assembly on-site of Performance underwriters. theof by settlement claim of irrespective item/s damaged any of replacement and/or repair for arrangements make promptly and pursueclaim settlement, initiate and till anyor lossdamage Supplier theShould shall occur, – and installation after months 1 than less not issue commissioning and of by acceptance certificate theBank. period a for valid Risks” “All on destination” final to “Warehouse from Goods the of value the of percent 100 to equal amount an in be shall insurance The Insurance specifications ofparts,thesparespecifications requested.if procure needed and requirements;
olwn uh triain unsig a o cs o te Bn, te bupit, daig, and drawings, blueprints, the Bank, the to cost no at furnishing termination, such following advance notification to the Bank of the pending termination, in sufficient time to permit the Bank to Bank the permit to time sufficient in termination, pending the of Bank the to notification advance Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information Bokaro Zone Bokaro 14.2 14.1 14. Page12 14.7.2 14.7.1 14.7 14.6 14.5 14.4 14.4 14.3
the in use to without of absencetheBank’s the originals/replacements disrupting regular work. put be can equipments the that so equipment standby similar a provide shall vendor the repairs, for away taken are etc. printers monitors, CPU, as (such components or peripheral equipment, an case In
Contract. risk Supplier’s the expense without and other and prejudice to any BankSupplier therights under theat have which may against necessary, be may as action remedial such take to proceed may ofBank receipt the of , notice the such from days (two) 2 within defect(s) the remedy to fails notified, been having Supplier the If replace defectivetherepair or or parts goods without thereof, to cost the Bank. further out carry to Bankpromptlynotify of The theSupplier any shall in arisingunder writing this claims warranty. and expense and cost own its at changes, Contract such testsClauseinaccordance performance with TCC 7. the make the in shall, attain to specified Supplier order in necessary the guarantees be may part, contractual as thereof in part any or or Goods whole the the to in additions to and/or attained attributable modifications, reasons not addition, for in are If, shall, guarantees Supplier Contract. these The the Supplier, under delivery. specified of guarantees date performance the the with from comply months 13 after terminate shall warranty the Bank, the to solely attributable reason any for or ready being not the site the wherever to due that installed be Provided not could Goods Goods. the of acceptance of date from months 12 be shall period warranty The inIndia.in Goods the conditionsprevailing supplied the of use normal under or develop may that materials Supplier the design, of omission or from act any arising from or workmanship defect, no have shall Contract this under supplied Goods all or that recent warrants most the of unused, new, are Contract the and they and current indesign thatmaterials. all improvements Supplier models incorporate recentThefurther under supplied Goods the that warrants Supplier The (iii) at the same location where locationhardware/software theat the same areinstalled and (one)day cases.in 1 other situated is centre service the case in communication such of receipt the from hours (Three) 3 exceed not shall written) maintenance is letter or Supplier’s made is /e-mail for fax / required telegram / call time request a after (i.e. installations the to report to engineers complaint maintenance a for time response maximum The software & hardware such of AMC for rate the quote related may bid.incommercialseparately & you hardware so the If support vendors. to other willingness by your supplied indicate software also may You commercials. the in quoted be to is supplied peripherals & hardware the for Contract Maintenance Annual for rate The bid. commercial the in separately quoted be should charges AMC The Bank. the viz. of discretion the equipments at warranty, yearsof of expiry 3 the than period after less warranty not period the a for of software other expiry & Software the Systems UPS, after Peripherals, Systems, bank Computer the with agreement AMC into enter will vendor The warranty. of period the during Supplier the by provided be shall services maintenance on-site Free of component of performancethe unit least with atanother the same no and at to quality, cost the Bank. replace shall Supplier the MTBF, specified the of percent) (seventy 70% within be to prove not does thereof component or equipment of piece any of (MTBF) Failures Between Time Mean real the operation, during If Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall, with all reasonable speed, in any case not later than 2 days, 2 than later not case any in speed, reasonable all with shall, Supplier the notice, such of receipt Upon Warranty Maintenance Service: Maintenance
ensure a better uptime, at no cost no a atensure thebank. better cost uptime, The vendor shall stock adequate spares as indented by the Bank at their respective Zonal Offices to Offices Zonal respective their at Bank the by indented as spares adequate stock shall vendor The Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information Bokaro Zone Bokaro 15.1 15. 14.7.3 Page12 15.2 (iii) (ii) (i) shall following inthe Rupees, be manner:in Indian Payment made Payment the of recovery for Supplier the asbe maybalance advised. against proceed to liberty at be shall Bank the head this under Supplier the of liability the off set to sufficient not amount Guarantee Bank or the Deposit of event the by In be. may case made the as deposit the or guarantee, Supplier, the against claim Bank a lodging by from and/or charges maintenance recovered annual and/or warranty during be Supplier, will penalty of amount stipulated The the item. per beyond day usable not is per Rs.500/- of item penalty for liable be will replacement / repair an immediate the for arrange to Failure repaired. is case In it Details. till same the of replacement Technical immediate an for arrange to of required be will Supplier form the downtime maximum the in mentioned as it) repair to Supplier the of inability of because usable not is equipment of item an which for days of number as defined (i.e. downtime maximum the half than less be will item an of downtime average the that expected is It goods the Bank.their without tothe atother locationcostmaintain new any additional or warrant to continue to undertakes Supplier the case such in and Country the within location(s) other to part orin wholly goods the shift AMC, or thewarranty of thecurrency during may, Bank the that provided Further or of ofpart or the Goods AMC. thecompletely opt out the option thethat Provided shall Bank of have AMC entering in into respect thegoods of all releasedwill onlyafter be Payment receipt of the above ( ratesperiod. warranty the of completion of date the the from months 24 at system the of acceptance and commissioning schedule,on quoted in the price receiptof guaranteefor4%Bank (four Pricepercent) of for the Contract valid installation, of date satisfactory to the subject from period, half-yearly rendered, respective services of completion of date the from days (30) thirty within installments half-yearly equal in paid be shall period) warranty (after cost repair and maintenance annual The forannual charges: Payment maintenance
Blnepyet aac 0 ilb adete either paid be will 10% Balance payment: Balance Hardware the of commissioning and installation on value order the of (65)% five Sixty Delivery: On equivalent amount equivalent an for Bank, the to acceptable Bank, reputed a of Guarantee Bank Performance of submission against period vendor of absence the in and/or damages liquidated Bank the herein, the be stated above.; would levied mentioned and as as to period stipulated attributable the within not certificate the installation submitting in for delays stated, already As of ready. reasons is site the that informed being of Bank’s week a the within installation by complete affixed) to undertaking an office-seal give to has Vendor the the case, a such In (with ready. not is signed site a that concerned authorities of duly submission concerned, Vendor’s location upon the released be from would certificate payment delivery the for date order, last purchase the after the days 30 in after mentioned even ready being not site the to due vendor the by out carried be not could installation Wherever ordered. Hardware the of acceptance Bank's and ordered, form the in and delivered is goods of consignment entire to acceptabletheBank; the until valid amount of days equivalent 7 the within paid be forshall guarantee bank a and receipt Price simple a against claim Contract of submission upon and order total of placement the of (25)% five Twenty Payment: Advance Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems
Information Technology Department, Technology Information valid valid offor the periodwarranty + yearsof years.three AMC upto 2 or ). after the expiry of Warranty + 2 years’ AMC years’ 2 + Warranty of expiry the after Bokaro Zone Bokaro The Bank guarantee submitted towards Final towards submitted guarantee Bank The
17.1 17. 16. Scheduled a by issued be shall guarantees bank the guarantees, bank against made be to payments the all For (i) 15.3 20.1 20. 19.1 19. 18.1 18. 17.2 Page12 20.2
(ii) guaranteesfor(ii) advance releasedBankpayment shall laterthan be days after not 30 the of date completion
adjustment under this clause must be asserted within 7 days from the date of Supplier’s receipt of Bank’s of receipt Supplier’s of date the from days 7 within asserted be must clause this under adjustment Supplier’s the for Supplier for the by claims Any amended. required be accordingly shall Contract time the and both, or the schedule, delivery or or of, cost the in decrease Price Contract the in or made be adjustmentshall equitable an Contract,the provisionsunder any of performance increase an causes change such any If (d) (c) (b) (a) inany one the Contract of or the following more : any Bankatby writtenorder The time, may, a changeswithin scopeofgiven to makethe Supplier, the general during adjustment to subject not and firm be shall Contract the in stated as Supplier the to payable Prices of destination.the goods of installation at their final The enclosed. format the in Bank, the in India, acceptable to the Bank. to acceptable India, in operating operating bank foreign a or Bank Indian scheduled a by confirmed be should banks other by issued guarantees bank Foreign a or Bank Indian Subcontracts comply Subcontracts must with the provisions of TCC. assemblies. sub- and items bought-out for only be shall Sub-contract Contract. the Supplier under the obligation or relieve liability not any from shall later, or quotation original the in notification, Such already not quotation. if the Contract, in the specified under awarded subcontracts all of writing in Bank the notify shall Supplier The writtenthe Bank’s consent. prior amendment, written by except made, be shall Contract theby signed parties. the of terms the of modification or in variation No changed order. The Supplier shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under the Contract, except with except Contract, the under perform to obligations its part, in or whole in assign, not shall Supplier The Prices Subcontracts Assignment AmendmentsContract OrdersChange the bethe Services provided to theSupplier.by and/orofthe placedelivery; ofshipmentorthe method packing; specifications; changes in taxes, chargeslevies,duties, etc. fluctuations, rate exchange including whatsoever, reasons of irrespective Contract, the of performance Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information Bokaro Zone Bokaro 22.1 22. 21.3 21.2 21.1 21. Page12 24.3 24.2 24.1 24. 23.2 23.1 23. (a) orterminatetheContract mayinpart:the Supplier, in whole to sent default of notice written a by Contract, of breach for remedy other any to prejudice without Bank, The or Goods delayed the of price delivered the the Once reached,isBank the termination themaximum consider may of Contract. performance. or of delivery actual until 10% delay, of thereof of part or week each deduction for services unperformed maximum to subject price contract of thereof part period(s)or week per time percent 1.00 to the equivalent sum a within damages, liquidated deduct as Services Contract, Price, Contract the the the under from remedies perform other its or to prejudice Goods without shall, the Bank the of Contract, all the in or specified any deliver to fails Supplier the If ofwithout liquidated upon the application damages. agreed is time of extension an unless damages, liquidated of imposition the to liable Supplier the render shall obligations delivery its of performance the in Supplier the by delay a clause, above the in provided as Except by byratified theparties of amendment the Contract. extend discretion, be shall extension the case, which its in damages, liquidated without or with performance, at for time Suppliers’ the may, and situation the evaluate shall Bank the notice, Supplier’s the of receipt after practicable as soon As encounter cause(s). its and duration likely should its delay, the of fact subcontractor(s) the of writing in Bank its promptly the notify shall or Supplier the Services, Supplier of performance the and Goods Contract, the of delivery the timely impeding of conditions performance during time any at If prescribedschedule . theBank by time the with accordance in Supplier the by made be shall Services of performance and Goods the of Delivery its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative reasonable all seek shall and practical, forperformance means not prevented theForceMajeurebyevent. reasonably is as far as Contract the under obligations its condition such causethe and Unlessotherwise thereof.the directed by continue in theSupplier to writing, performBank of shall writing in Bank the notify promptly shall Supplier the arises, situation Majeure Force a If sovereign its in Govt. the of acts not as and such Supplier foreseeable wars capacity, or revolutions, floods,epidemics, fires,quarantinerestrictions,and freight embargoes. the not of and control negligence or the fault beyond Supplier’s event the an involving means Majeure” “Force clause, this of purposes For or performance performance in delay its its of that toperformunderfailure its theresultoftheother is an obligations of eventContract Force Majeure. extent forfeiture the to for and if liable default for be termination not or damages, shall liquidated security, Supplier the TCC, of provisions the Notwithstanding shall Supplier the However, Services. or Goods similar such for costs performance thecontinue of not terminated.the Contract to extent excess any for Bank the be shall to Supplier the liable and undelivered, those to similar Services and Goods appropriate, deems it as manner such in and terms such upon procure, may it part, in or whole in Contract the terminates Bank the event the In (b) Delays inPerformance Delays theSupplier’s Force MajeureForce for Default Termination Liquidated Damages
if theSupplier if fails other to perform any under obligation(s) theContract. or any the Contract, within extension by thereof granted the Bank; in specified period(s) the within Services and Goods the of all or any deliver to fails Supplier the if Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information or Bokaro Zone Bokaro 26.2 26.1 26. 25.1 25. Page12 28.1 28. 27.3 27.2 27.1 27. d) a) dispute mechanism applied The resolutionasto shall follows:be be mediated conciliation party,a restricted to,adjudication by third in an forum.agreed national not are but include, may mechanisms These below. herein specified mechanisms formal the to resolution for referred Supplier be dispute the that the require may and party either dispute, Contract Bank a amicably the resolve to unable negotiations, been have informal such of commencement the from days (30) thirty after If, any negotiation, informal direct by amicably dispute inconnectionContract.disagreement arisingbetween withthe them or under or resolve to effort every make shall Supplier the and Bank The and Goods remaining the For prices. and terms Contract elect tohavemaycompleted any Services, theBank at delivered termsand portion and prices.the Contract the of at notice Bank of the receipt Supplier’s by the accepted after be days shall 7 termination within delivery for ready and complete are that Goods The becomes termination effective. such which upon date the and terminated, is Contract the under Supplier the of performance which to extent the convenience, Bank’s the for is termination that specify shall termination of notice The convenience. its for time any at part, in or whole in Contract, the terminate may Supplier, the to sent notice written by Bank, The the accrueor accruedwill thereafter to the Bank. to has which compensation remedy or action without of right any be affect or will prejudice not will termination termination such that event, provided Supplier, this In Supplier the if insolvent. Supplier otherwise the to or notice bankrupt written becomes giving by Contract the terminate time, any at may, Bank The The governing English.The shall language be referred to The theSole Arbitrator. beshould Sole Arbitrator appointed agreement by between the parties. the itself; and party However, tribunal. arbitral as proceedings its the of andthefeesalso arbitratorexpensespaidtothe by appointed such its shallor be party on behalf each borne by etc., by presentation, preparation, determined the with connection as in party paid each by incurred be expenses will proceedings Arbitration of expenses c) that documents of and and all between communications shall theparties be English; b) third The Supplier. the and Bank the by appointed be to each shall Arbitrator be mutual chosen discussion andbetween by theBanktheSupplier. one arbitral the arbitrators the Crore, 3 with 1 of Rs. accordance above consist in is shall contract settled the tribunal of be value shall the Where difference 1996. or Act, Conciliation disputes and such Arbitration agreement, this with connected or of
Termination for Convenience Termination for InsolvencyTermination Governing LanguageGoverning ofDisputesResolution
Where the value of the contract is Rs. 1 Crore and below, the disputes or differences arising shall be shall arising differences or disputes the below, and Crore 1 Rs. is contract the of value the Where
In case of Dispute or difference arising between the Bank and a Supplier relating to any matter arising out arising matter any to relating Supplier a and Bank the between arising difference or Dispute of case In The decision of the majority of arbitrators shall be final and binding upon both parties. The cost and cost The parties. both upon binding and final be shall arbitrators of majority the of decision The Arbitration proceedings shall be held at Mumbai, India, and the language of the arbitration proceedings arbitration the of language the and India, Mumbai, at held be shall proceedings Arbitration Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information Bokaro Zone Bokaro 30.1 30. 29.1 29. Page12 32.1 32. 31.4 31.3 31.2 31.1 31. 30.2
Income /Corporate Income Taxes in India: and services incidental including site at goods of evidencepayment suitable by of the Supplier. of production on delivery actuals, at made be with will applicable, if alone, connection entry-tax, Octroi, of Payment in commissioning. etc. permits road fees, license charges, levies, duties, taxes, future and present applicable all for responsible entirely be will Supplier shall be when A notice effective notice’seffectivethedelivered or whichever on date is later...... 004 Bokaro, Jharkhand-827 Sector-4, CityBokaro Steel City E-17, 1st CentreFloor, Department, Information Technology Office Bokaro Zonal India, Bank of Bank’s for notice address : purposes shall Supplier the and India of Union the of underto whoseagreesubmit to the courts RegisteredOfficetheexclusive jurisdiction of falls.the Bank laws the with accordance in interpreted be shall Contract The using state-of-the-art methods and economic principles and exercising all means available to achieve the achieve to available means all exercising specifiedperformance in the Contract. and principles economic and methods state-of-the-art using contract the with accordance in activities contracted all conduct to obliged and for responsible is Supplier The and such regulations. laws by him on imposed be may as thereof deductions such to regard in duties such perform shall Supplier the and force, in being time the for regulations and laws the under chargeable of are respect as wages in and salaries India their of in such taxes income personal pay to liable be will labour and personnel staff, Supplier’s The and by on profitsmadeofIndia the Supplier income this in respect contract. in levied be may that tax any pay to responsibility his from Supplier the relieve shall Contract the in Nothing and deducted so amounts force. in of regulations and laws the per remittance as Bank the by made The be shall deductions such for Supplier. certificate of issuance the to due payment the from deductions shall such Bank effect the payment, of source the at taxes such of deduction require regulations and laws the Wherever such inthecontractprice.taxes all include shall Supplier the by bid price the and India in time to time from applicable regulations and corporatetaxesbeSupplier topay liablethat taxshall all levied theThe and shall be according income to laws
Supplier’s addressSupplier’s fornotice purposes: The following shallThe be offollowing the addressBankthe Supplier. and Notices LawApplicable Supplier Integrity: Schedule) asprice DutiesTaxtobecleared and per Taxes (Sale Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information Bokaro Zone Bokaro 34. 33. Page12 37. 36. 35. the installation the sites of before the hardware. of appropriateness the verify to inspection site a perform to Supplier the allow to date, installation scheduled the before sites installation the designate will Bank The Supplier. the by defined specifications environmental and technical the with compliance in sites hardware the of construction the for responsible solely is Bank The demand. act shall the Supplier of receipt of days 7 of period for a within regard, pay this in Bank the by incurred expenses responsible whatever reimburse the Bank to be required India, shall is Supplier in Bank the infringement, the thereof such the bydemand mere a on and Supplier shall The lawyerfees. and costs court expenses, all including compensation part from comply resulting any to party fails third or a Supplier to Goods the compensation If the claim. of such extinguish use to the expeditiously from arising rights design industrial or trademark patent, copyright, of infringement of party third a assertedby claim any of event the In the without party other any to writtenapproval prior of the Bank. information such reveal not will and confidence strict in of responsibilities, execution his the in obtained Bank, the about information and data all confidential as treat will Supplier The forresponsiblehold itself misdemeanours.willany and personnel sub-contracted or personnel its of activities the managing for responsible is Supplier The or responsible Bank the hold not will and incidents such from obligated. arising indemnities all pay will Supplier The negligence. Supplier’s the is which of cause the life, of loss or accidents from arising responsibilities or demands all from Bank the free will and India in prevalent measures safety job the by abide will Supplier The by abide and authority own its within act staff, Bank’s the with issuedactivities. Bankthe implementation directives by and closely work to obliged is Supplier The in Bid Form and and Form Other in Formats.Bid given format the per as contract AMC an sign to required be will Bank the AMC, into entering of time the At performabove,provided quarterPreventive Maintenance once on mutually a a convenient day. as calls service the attending to addition in will, Supplier the period, AMC during later and warranty During of malfunction.being notifiedequipment of hours (2) two within equipment the on work repair commence and visit site a to respond will Supplier The its at own cost. immediately same the replace or unit defective the replace immediately or hours 24 within unit defective the repair either shall Supplier the day, a than more for service of out is configuration entire the of component critical any If of worked the machine, a basis. on quarterly operation of week a days 7 day, a hours 24 hardware for uptime 98% all least at for that interruption or defect ensure without execute to activities maintenance breakdown and preventive accomplish will Supplier The all accomplish and operations hardware all test will foradjustments necessary continuous operationof sites.successful and thehardwareall at installation Supplier The supplies. hardware power between to cabling connecting installations, and wiring, units assembling, unpacking, all for responsible is Supplier The Supplier’s obligations:Supplier’s Hardware &System Maintenance:Hardware Software Installation:Hardware preparation andSite installation: Rights: Patent Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information Bokaro Zone Bokaro 40. 39. 38. 44 Right Bank’s to AllBids Reject Any or 43 42 Award Criteria Page12 41 Invitation for Quotation, who has been determined to qualify to perform the Contract satisfactorily, and whose and satisfactorily, Contract the toperform toqualify determined been whohas forQuotation, Invitation Bank's to responded have who Bidders the of out Bidder, successful the to Contract the award will Bank The regard. this in vendor requested model to quote only one against each item. the with correspondence any into enter not will Bank the and rejected be to likely is formats specified the in information above the provide not does which quotation any that note Please ANSI, ISO, like IEEE, etc. X/Open standards acceptable other or specifications (BIS) Standards Indian of Bureau to adhere will followed be to standards All complete or Standards: partial by or repair by omissions or errors Bank’sinterferingwiththe operation.replacement without is made defects, of rectification until equipment use or such operate to continue to right the have shall Bank the unsatisfactory, be to or proves operation equipment the the of period, use warranty and guarantee the within and installation and acceptance delivery, after If of with every theequipmentsupplied.The unit of languagethedocumentation should be English. delivered be to is maintenance and operation for instruction detailed involving Documentation Technical The Invitation asintheforQuotation.shall specified training be the for costs and hardware/software of provision for arrangements venue, The Quotation. his in Bank the by quoted as or Quotation for Invitation the in specified as be shall training the of duration the and trained be to users of number The system. total the operate effectively to them enable to personnel end-user and technical Bank’s designated the train to required is Supplier the installed, component software and hardware each For the or the affectedBidderofBidders thegrounds forBank’sthe action inform to obligation any or Bidders or Bidder affected the to liability any incurring thereby without time, any at Bids all reject and process Bidding the annul to and Bid, any reject or accept to right the reserves Bank The fresh for calling without Contract Purchase first the of date the from months (six) 6 quotations. of period a to up prices same/reduced the at him by quoted originally goods the of all/some for Supplier Purchase same the further to Contracts award discretion, his at may, Bank the Supplier, a to awarded is Contract Purchase a After Orders Repeat L3 & L1,L2 amongst manner equitable also and Bank transparent vendors written subject consentL3to L2 of vendors to & match L1 the rates quoted by vendor. the fair, However, bidder. in lowest orders of the evaluation distribute for to right taken the reserves be will item evaluation individual For of Bid. cost total evaluated The lowest the is and responsive, in mentioned as quantity approximate by multiplied be will item each of substantially price unit the purpose be to determined been has Bid Right to use defective equipment: defective touse Right Documentation: Technical Training:
Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information Bokaro Zone Bokaro . Annexure A1 Annexure You are You . Gentlemen, Gentlemen, To: Page12 ______toof signProposal forand onbehalf Duly authorized of) (in the(signature) capacity ______this ...... day of...... 20….. Dated of “Prevention namely India orany Proposal you the may lowest receive. not bound to understandyou accept are that We in force in corruption and fraud against laws Act 1988”. Corruption the observe strictly we contract, will above the executing) in us, to made is award the if (and, for competing in that, undertake We acceptance written your with together Proposal, this executed, and us. between Contract a ofaward,binding shall constitute and your notification thereof prepared is contract formal a Until quoted thetherein. bytherates to abide Proposaland agree We Bank. bythe form inprescribed Contract, the due performanceofthe forthe Price Contract the of percent 10 to equivalent sum a for bank a of guarantee the obtain will we accepted, is Proposal our If in specified schedule delivery the Proposal said with accordance in system the commission and install deliver, to the accepted, is Proposal our if undertake, We with conformity in Hardware/Software, deliver the and we, acknowledged, documents. supply duly hereby to is which offer of receipt undersigned, the Documents, Proposal the examined Having
Bokaro, 004 Bokaro, Jharkhand-827 Sector-4, CityBokaro Steel City E-17, 1st CentreFloor, Department, Information Technology Office Bokaro Zonal India, Bank of Manager Zonal The at the Bank’s Branches/ Offices in Bokaro Zone. Offices attheBank’s Branches/ for Proposal Software forSystem Request UPS Re: Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems PROPOSAL FORM (TECHNICALPROPOSAL)PROPOSAL Information Technology Department, Technology Information (to be kept in the Technical Proposal in(to bekept theTechnical Envelope) clause 9.1ofAnnexureclause B ______Date :...... Date . Bokaro Zone Bokaro FORM 1 FORM Gentlemen, Gentlemen, To: (Signature) ______2012 of ...... day this Dated ...... Peripheral and Hardware the of Specifications minimum desired deviations. forcolumn explicitly have the items been specified in the in any, if Deviations Further form. declaration this to annexed is which letter, a of way by out spelled separately been have any, if Deviations and Conditions. BidTermschanges thedocument of inthe / textany Page12 ______on behalf authorized of and for Proposal Duly to sign Bokaro, 004 Bokaro, Jharkhand-827 Sector-4, CityBokaro Steel City E-17, 1st CentreFloor, Department, Information Technology Office Bokaro Zonal India, Bank of Manager Zonal The We accept all the Terms and Conditions of specified in the Bid document theof specified in the and Conditions accept Termsall We made not have we that confirm and declare ______M/s We, for Bank’s various for departmentsbranches/ Zonein Bokaro Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Request for Proposal for for of procurement Request Proposal UPS Systems (to be included in Technical Proposal Envelope) Technical included be in (to
DECLARATION FORM DECLARATION (TECHNICAL PROPOSAL) Information Technology Department, Technology Information ***** OR ______Bokaro Zone Bokaro (in the capacityof) the (in Date :...... :...... Date FORM 1A FORM 1A To: Duly authorized to of signProposal forand onbehalf Duly authorized of) (in the(signature) capacity ______this ...... day of ...... 2012 Dated of “Prevention namely India orany Proposal you the may lowest receive. not bound to understandyou accept are that We in force in corruption and fraud against laws Act 1988”. Corruption the observe strictly we contract, will above the executing) in us, to made is award the if (and, for competing in that, undertake We acceptance written your with together Proposal, this executed, and us. between Contract a of award,binding shall constitute and your notification thereof prepared is contract formal a Until Bank. awarded orders by the quoted forthe thetherein bytherates to abide Proposaland agree We Bank. bythe form inprescribed Contract, the due performanceofthe forthe Price Contract the of percent 10 to equivalent sum a for bank a of guarantee the obtain will we accepted, is Proposal our If in specified schedule delivery the with accordance in system the commission and install deliver, to accepted, is Proposal our if undertake, We this of part made and Proposal herewith attached said Prices of the Schedule Proposal. the with with accordance conformity in ascertained in be may Hardware/Software, deliver the and we, ...... of sum the for acknowledged, documents supply duly hereby to is which offer of receipt undersigned, the Documents, Proposal the examined Having Gentlemen,
Page12 The Zonal Zonal The Manager Bokaro, 004 Bokaro, Jharkhand-827 Sector-4, CityBokaro Steel City E-17, 1st CentreFloor, InformationTechnology Dept., Office Bokaro Zonal India, Bank of Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems
Information Technology Department, Technology Information at the Bank’s Branches/Offices in Bokaro Zone.at theBank’s Branches/Offices (to be kept in(to bekept the PriceProposal Envelope) PROPOSAL FORM (PRICE PROPOSAL) FORM (PRICE PROPOSAL Re: RequestRe: forSystem UPS for Proposal clause 8.1ofAnnexureclause B (Total Proposal amount in words and figures) and words in amount Proposal (Total ______. Bokaro Zone Bokaro Date:...... or such other sums as sums other such or FORM 2 FORM Page12 ______Request for Proposal for UPS Systems at the Bank’s Branches under Bokaro Branches Proposal Zone for the Bank’s at under UPSRequest for Systems Information Technology Department, Technology Information ***** Bokaro Zone Bokaro Request for Proposal for Hardware at the Bank’s Branches / Office under Dhanbad Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Item Description Country of Unit price Warranty For Comprehensive on-site Annual Total Unit Price (In Figures) Total Unit Price in Words (with Item No. as shown in Technical Origin Rs. 3 years Maintenance Cost for 2 years inclusive of Warranty / AMC for Column 6 Specifications) (post-warranty) total period of 5 years In Words Rupees. Rs. Rs. UPS 3 KVA UPS 5 KVA
Notes: 1.Unit Price quoted should be inclusive of all costs, duties, levies, taxes and all other applicable charges except Sales tax applicable in respective State. Octroi or entry-tax, if applicable, shall be reimbursed extra at actuals, against proof of payment in original. The price so quoted, shall be valid for 180 days from the date of award of Contract. 2. No increase in costs, duties, levies, taxes, charges, etc., irrespective of reasons (including exchange rate fluctuations) whatsoever, shall be admissible during the Price validity Period. 3.Warranty period will be minimum 3 years. Post warranty Comprehensive onsite Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) will be 2 years. 4. Vendor will be responsible for obtaining necessary clearance/approval from the local sales tax authorities (at destination place)
Signature of Bidder
Business Address
Page 21 of 28 Annexure-C
Hardware Technical Specifications (Minimum) 3KVA True On Line UPS
Technical Sr.No Parameter Specification à 3 K V A Deviation if Any 1 Output Power Drawn 2 Capacity KVA capacity(2400KW) of 3 Output power offered product Must be Specified 4 Model/Make True online 5 Technology Microprocessor based UPS system with IGBT based rectifier and inverter. Generator Compatibility Generator Required Rack/Tower Convertible with Parallel 6 Physical Redundancy Feature True Galvanic Isolation 7 Isolation both at Input & Bypass, Isolation transformer of same KVA must be provided separately 8 INPUT Input Power >.99 (With p.f. Factor correction) 230 V AC, Single Input Voltage Phase, 3 wire 160 V AC to 270 V AC Range on full load Input Frequency Range 44 Hz to 65 Hz Input Over Voltage Protection 270VAC Input Under Voltage 120VAC 9 OUTPUT 220/230 /240/250VAC single phase +1% Output Voltage Selectable
50 Hz /60 Hz+ 1% (Frequency Converter Frequency Mode) Output Over Voltage Protection 233 V AC single phase Output Under Voltage Protection 227 V AC single phase Over load 125% of rated load for capacity 1 min Total Harmonic Less than 3% on full Distortion load Soft shut down should Short circuit occur without blowing protection any fuse Automatic Bypass to be Bypass Feature provided
Page 22 of 28 Manual Bypass for 4900Watts & 8000Watts Transfer time 0 m sec Crest Factor 3:1 10 Indicator OverTemperature Required Load on Battery Required Battery on Charge Required Battery Low Required Mains on Required DC on Required Inverter on Required 11 Efficiency Overall efficiency > 90% Inverter Efficiency > 95% 12 LCD Panel DC Voltage Required Required DC Current Required Charge/discharge Required Output voltage Required Output Current Required Input Voltage Required 13 Battery Battery Sealed Battery Type Maintenance Free Valve regulated Lead Acid Battery CPRI approved Batteries Make batteries like Exide Battery Management System Automatic Weekly Test DC Bus Ripple <1% time from fully discharge condition Battery recharge to100% charged condition <12 Hrs Total DC Bus Voltage No. of Battery Rack Total 9600 VAH *** Required min Guarantee Audible Alarm for Following 14 Conditions Battery Low Required Mains Failure Required Inverter Under voltage Required Inverter Over Voltage Required Over temperature Required Page 23 of 28 Inverter Overload Required Environmental 15 Conditions Operating Temperature <45 Deg C 10-90 % (non- Humidity condensing) <50 dB at full Load Noise Level from 1 mtr UPS should be 16 Compatibility generator compatible UPS should have cold 17 Cold Start start facility in absence of mains supply 1.ISO 9001, 14001, 2.GB4931,IEC62040-2 3. EN 5022,IEC 61000 4. CE,TuvGS,CB Reports,UL1778, Cul CSA22 5. ERTL or Sameer 18 Certification Additional if any
Page 24 of 28 Hardware Technical Specifications (Minimum) 5KVA True On Line UPS
Technical Sr.No Parameter Specification à 5 K V A Deviation if Any 1 Output Power Drawn 2 Capacity KVA capacity(4000KW) of 3 Output power offered product Must be Specified 4 Model/Make True online 5 Technology Microprocessor based UPS system with IGBT based rectifier and inverter. Generator Compatibility Generator Required Rack/Tower Convertible with Parallel 6 Physical Redundancy Feature True Galvanic Isolation 7 Isolation both at Input & Bypass, Isolation transformer of same KVA must be provided separately 8 INPUT Input Power >.99 (With p.f. Factor correction) 230 V AC, Single Input Voltage Phase, 3 wire 160 V AC to 270 V AC Range on full load Input Frequency Range 44 Hz to 65 Hz Input Over Voltage Protection 270VAC Input Under Voltage 120VAC 9 OUTPUT 220/230 /240/250VAC single phase +1% Output Voltage Selectable
50 Hz /60 Hz+ 1% (Frequency Converter Frequency Mode) Output Over Voltage Protection 233 V AC single phase Output Under Voltage Protection 227 V AC single phase Over load 125% of rated load for capacity 1 min Total Harmonic Less than 3% on full Distortion load Short circuit Soft shut down should protection occur without blowing Page 25 of 28 any fuse Automatic Bypass to be Bypass Feature provided Manual Bypass for 4900Watts & 8000Watts Transfer time 0 m sec Crest Factor 3:1 10 Indicator OverTemperature Required Load on Battery Required Battery on Charge Required Battery Low Required Mains on Required DC on Required Inverter on Required 11 Efficiency Overall efficiency > 90% Inverter Efficiency > 95% 12 LCD Panel DC Voltage Required Required DC Current Required Charge/discharge Required Output voltage Required Output Current Required Input Voltage Required 13 Battery Battery Sealed Battery Type Maintenance Free Valve regulated Lead Acid Battery CPRI approved Batteries Make batteries like Exide Battery Management System Automatic Weekly Test DC Bus Ripple <1% time from fully discharge condition Battery recharge to100% charged condition <12 Hrs Total DC Bus Voltage No. of Battery Rack Total 12000VAH *** Required min Guarantee Audible Alarm for Following 14 Conditions Battery Low Required Mains Failure Required Inverter Under voltage Required Page 26 of 28 Inverter Over Voltage Required Over temperature Required Inverter Overload Required Environmental 15 Conditions Operating Temperature <45 Deg C 10-90 % (non- Humidity condensing) <50 dB at full Load Noise Level from 1 mtr UPS should be 16 Compatibility generator compatible UPS should have cold 17 Cold Start start facility in absence of mains supply 1.ISO 9001, 14001, 2.GB4931,IEC62040-2 3. EN 5022,IEC 61000 4. CE,TuvGS,CB Reports,UL1778, Cul CSA22 5. ERTL or Sameer 18 Certification Additional if any
Page 27 of 28 All items/components should be separately and clearly mentioned. Detailed cost breakup should be furnished in the Price Schedule as per the format prescribed.
Technical specifications of the equipment offered (against the requirements specified) as well as the Technical Details (in the prescribed format) should be furnished along with the Bid, for all the items offered. Otherwise the offer would be treated as Non-responsive.
Detailed product brochures, catalogues, technical literature, system/reference manuals, instruction booklets and all supporting documentation (in the English language) specific to the make/model(s) of the equipment offered should be submitted along with the offer. Otherwise the offer would be treated as Non-responsive.
Hard copies (in original) of as many – product brochures, catalogues, technical literature, system/reference manuals, instruction booklets, supporting documentation, installation and user manuals for all the components like Mother Board, SCSI Controllers, Disk Drives, IDE/EIDE Controller, Display Controller, Ethernet Interface, CD-ROM, DAT Drive, ZIP Drive, etc. Monitor, Keyboard, etc., - as the number of units being indented as per the Schedule of requirements, should be included in the offer.
All software supplied should be legal and licensed and supplied on standard CD-ROM media, with user documentation (English language versions).
Any deviation from the above specifications in the offered products should be separately brought out explicitly, in the column provided therefor.
Hard copies (in original) of as many – product brochures, catalogues, technical literature, system/reference manuals, instruction booklets, supporting documentation, installation and user manuals for all the components like Mother Board, Disk Drives, IDE/EIDE Controller, Display Controller, Ethernet Interface, CD-ROM, etc. Monitor, Keyboard, etc., - should be included in the offer.
All software supplied should be legal and licensed and supplied on standard CD-ROM media, with user documentation (English language versions).
Page 28 of 28