Cadas User Guide

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Cadas User Guide


1. LOGGING ON...... 2 2. MAIN PAGE OVERVIEW...... 3 3. DIAL SCHEDULE...... 4 LARC...... 4 SUTRON...... 7 4. ADD GAUGE...... 9 LARC...... 10 SUTRON...... 13 4. DELETE GAUGE...... 17 LARC...... 17 SUTRON...... 21 5. ADHOC REQUESTS...... 24 LARC...... 24 Add...... 24 View...... 28 Delete...... 29 SUTRON...... 31 Add...... 31 View...... 35 Delete...... 36 6. HISTORY...... 38 LARC...... 38 SUTRON...... 41 7. SEARCH...... 44 LARC...... 44 SUTRON...... 47 8. USERS...... 50 9. INFORMATION LINKS...... 51

HEADERS...... 51 DOX...... 51 SETUP...... 51 ABOUT...... 51 1. Logging On 1. Open your web browser. 2. Enter the CADAS URL in the address space: https:// 3. If the page below does not appear, contact the CADAS administrator: [email protected] 4. Press Enter to proceed to the CADAS login page (Figure 1).

Figure 1 – CADAS Login Page

5. Enter your user name in the Username field (Figure 1). 6. Enter your password in the Password field (Figure 1). 7. If login was successful, the CADAS main page will be displayed. (Figures 2 and 3) 8. If login fails, contact the CADAS administrator: [email protected]

2 2. Main Page Overview

Figure 2 - CADAS Main Page

3 Figure 3 - CADAS Main Page 2

1. The CADAS Main Page provides links to all user functionality 2. As shown in Figures 2 and 3 above, the user may view dial schedules, add gauges, view historical information, perform customized searches, submit and track adhoc requests, display users, and view informational links. 3. NOTE: A user may only be logged in once. If a user is logged in more than once, the latest session will supersede all previous sessions and render their links from the CADAS Main Page useless.

3. Dial Schedule 1. Dial schedule information can be displayed for both LARC and Sutron gauges. 2. Separate links for LARC and Sutron dial schedules are provided.

LARC 1. To view the LARC dial schedule click the Dial Schedule link under the LARC section of the CADAS Main Page (Figure 2) 2. The LARC dial schedule page should be displayed. (Figure 4)

4 Figure 4 - LARC Dial Schedule

3. The number of LARC gauges is displayed along the top of the table (Figure 4) 4. Delete – The checkboxes for the Delete column are ONLY accessible to the user listed as the POC for the corresponding gauge ID. User root may use the delete capability as well. 5. Gauge ID – The Gauge ID column shows the gauge IDs for all LARC gauges. 6. Region – The Region column displays the region ID associated with each gauge. NOTE: The user may display gauge information for a specific region by selecting it from the drop down menu below the Region heading. 7. Minute – The Minute column shows the minute past the hour the gauge is scheduled for polling. 8. Hour – The Hour column shows the hour(s) the gauge is scheduled for polling. 9. DOM - The DOM (Day(s) of the Month) column shows the day(s) of the month the gauge is scheduled for polling. NOTE: An asterisk (*) in this column indicates everyday. 10. Month – The Month column shows the month(s) the gauge is scheduled for polling. NOTE: An asterisk (*) in this column indicates every month. 11. Phone Number – The Phone Number column shows the phone numbers for each gauge.

5 12. WFO HSA – The WFO HSA column shows the WFO ID associated with each gauge. NOTE: The user may display gauge information for a specific WFO HSA by selecting it from the drop down menu below the WFO HSA heading. 13. RFC HSA – The RFC HSA column shows the RFC ID associated with each gauge, where applicable. NOTE: The user may display gauge information for a specific RFC HSA by selecting it from the drop down menu below the RFC HSA heading. 14. Data Type – The Data Type column shows the type of data received from the gauge. 15. Location – The Location column shows the city and state for each gauge.

Figure 5 - LARC Dial Schedule 2

16. POC – The POC (point of contact) column shows the point of contact information for a gauge, where applicable (Figure 5). NOTE: The user may display gauge information for a specific POC by selecting that POC from the drop down menu below the POC heading. Also, by clicking on the POC link, the user will be directed to a page displaying all contacts (See 8. Users, Figure 50) 17. cDate – The cDate column shows the creation date for the POC (Figure 5). 18. cTime – The cTime column shows the creation time for the POC (Figure 5).

6 Figure 6 - LARC Dial Schedule 3

19. Update – The Update button (Figure 6) is used when changes are made to the LARC dial schedule (i.e. when a gauge is flagged for deletion). The Update button can be found by scrolling to the very bottom of the LARC dial schedule page. 20. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page (Figure 4) allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 21. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page (Figure 4) allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

Sutron 1. To view the Sutron dial schedule click the Dial Schedule link under the Sutron section of the CADAS Main Page (Figure 2) 2. The Sutron dial schedule page should be displayed. (Figure 7)

7 Figure 7 - Sutron Dial Schedule

3. Gauge ID – The Gauge ID column shows the gauge IDs for all Sutron gauges. 4. Delete – The checkboxes for the Delete column are ONLY accessible to the user listed as the POC for the corresponding gauge ID. User root may use the delete capability as well. 5. Minute – The Minute column shows the minute past the hour the gauge is scheduled for polling. 6. Hour – The Hour column shows the hour(s) the gauge is scheduled for polling. 7. DOM - The DOM (Day(s) of the Month) column shows the day(s) of the month the gauge is scheduled for polling. NOTE: An asterisk (*) in this column indicates everyday. 8. Month – The Month column shows the month(s) the gauge is scheduled for polling. NOTE: An asterisk (*) in this column indicates every month. 9. RFC – The RFC column shows the RFC ID associated with each gauge, where applicable. 10. WFO – The WFO column shows the WFO ID associated with each gauge. 11. Data Type – The Data Type column shows the type of data received from the gauge. 12. Phone # – The Phone # column shows the phone numbers for each gauge.

8 13. Owner (POC) – The Owner (POC) (point of contact) column shows the point of contact information for a gauge, where applicable. NOTE: By clicking on the Owner (POC) link, the user will be directed to a page displaying all contacts (See 8. Users, Figure 50)

Figure 8 - Sutron Dial Schedule 2

14. Update – The Update button (Figure 8) is used when changes are made to the Sutron dial schedule (i.e. when a gauge is flagged for deletion). The Update button can be found by scrolling to the very bottom of the Sutron dial schedule page. 15. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 16. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

4. Add Gauge 1. Both LARC and Sutron gauges can be added to their respective dial schedules. 2. Separate links, for LARC and Sutron add gauge functionality, are provided.

9 LARC 1. To add a LARC gauge to the LARC dial schedule click the Add Gauge link under the LARC section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 2) 2. The Schedule LARC Gauge page should be displayed. (Figure 9)

Figure 9 - Add LARC Gauge

3. Enter the site ID (required) for the gauge in the Site ID field. 4. Enter the city and state in the Location field. 5. Enter the gauge phone number (required) in the Phone Number field. 6. Select the correct data types (required) from the 4 drop down menus corresponding to channels 1 through 4, under the Data Type section. 7. Select the WFO (required) and RFC from their respective drop down menus under the Hydrologic Service Area section. 8. See Figure 10 for the remaining add gauge parameters.

10 Figure 10 - Add LARC Gauge 2

9. The Desired Dial Schedule section allows you to select the minute, hour, days and months for scheduled polling of the added gauge. 10. In the Minute section, check the box next to the number of minutes past the hour you wish to poll the gauge. For example: Checking 30 will cause the gauge to be polled 30 minutes past the hour you select. 11. In the Hour section, check the boxes next to the hours of the day you wish the gauge to be polled. The default hours are midnight, 6 am, noon, and 6pm. NOTE: All hours are in GMT. 12. In the Day of Month section, check the boxes next to the days you wish the gauge to be polled. Typically, the All box will be checked, as most gauges are polled daily. 13. In the Month section, check the boxes next to the months of the year you wish the gauge to be polled. Typically, the All box will be checked, as most gauges will be polled daily. 14. Click the Submit Request button when you are finished entering data for the new gauge. 15. An OK/Cancel message box will pop up for confirmation of add gauge request (Figure 11)

11 Figure 11 - Add LARC Gauge 3

16. After clicking OK to confirm the addition of the gauge to the dial schedule, a confirmation page will be displayed (Figure 12).

12 Figure 12 - Add LARC Gauge 4

17. The confirmation page will display all relevant data for the added gauge, including Region, Schedule, Phone number, WFO HAS, RFC HAS, Data Type, Location, POC (point of contact), cDate (creation date), cTime (creation time). 18. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 19. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

Sutron 1. To add a Sutron gauge to the Sutron dial schedule click the Add Gauge link under the Sutron section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 2) 2. The Schedule Sutron Gauge page should be displayed. (Figure 13)

13 Figure 13 - Add Sutron Gauge

3. Enter the site ID (required) for the gauge in the Site ID field. 4. Enter the city and state in the Location field. 5. Enter the gauge phone number (required) in the Phone Number field. 6. Enter the latitude (optional) in the Lat field. 7. Enter the longitude (optional) in the Lon field. 8. Select the correct data types (required) from the 4 drop down menus corresponding to channels 1 through 4, under the Data Type section. 9. Select the WFO (required) and RFC from their respective drop down menus under the Hydrologic Service Area section. 10. See Figure 14 for the remaining add gauge parameters.

14 Figure 14 - Add Sutron Gauge 2

11. The Desired Dial Schedule section allows you to select the minute, hour, days and months for scheduled polling of the added gauge. 12. In the Minute section, check the box next to the number of minutes past the hour you wish to poll the gauge. For example: Checking 30 will cause the gauge to be polled 30 minutes past the hour you select. 13. In the Hour section, check the boxes next to the hours of the day you wish the gauge to be polled. The default hours are midnight, 6 am, noon, and 6pm. NOTE: All hours are in GMT. 14. In the Day of Month section, check the boxes next to the days you wish the gauge to be polled. Typically, the All box will be checked, as most gauges are polled daily. 15. In the Month section, check the boxes next to the months of the year you wish the gauge to be polled. Typically, the All box will be checked, as most gauges will be polled daily. 16. Click the Submit Request button when you are finished entering data for the new gauge. 17. An OK/Cancel message box will pop up for confirmation of add gauge request (Figure 15)

15 Figure 15 - Add Sutron Gauge 3

18. After clicking OK to confirm the addition of the gauge to the dial schedule, a confirmation page will be displayed (Figure 16).

16 Figure 16 – Add Sutron Gauge 4

19. The confirmation page will display a message indicating successful addition of new gauge ID to the Sutron dial schedule. 20. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 21. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

4. Delete Gauge 1. Both LARC and Sutron gauges may be deleted from their respective dial schedules. 2. Separate links for LARC and Sutron delete gauge functionality are provided.

LARC 1. To delete a LARC gauge from the LARC dial schedule click the Dial Schedule link under the LARC section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 2) 2. The LARC dial schedule page will be displayed (Figure 4). 3. Scroll down to the gauge ID you wish to remove. For this example, I’m removing gauge ID: FAKE1 (see Figure 17)

17 Figure 17 - LARC Delete Gauge

4. Place a check in the checkbox next to the gauge ID you wish to remove (Figure 17). NOTE: You will only be allowed to assess the checkbox if you are the POC for the gauge in question or you are logged on as root. 5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and locate the Update button (Figure 18).

18 Figure 18 - LARC Delete Gauge 2

6. Click the Update button to remove the gauge ID from the LARC dial schedule. 7. Confirm/Cancel your selection by clicking OK/Cancel in the message box (Figure 19).

19 Figure 19 - LARC Delete Gauge 3

8. Scroll back to the location where the gauge ID previously resided and visually confirm that it was removed from the LARC dial schedule. (For this example, the removed gauge ID: FAKE1 was located between ETTG1 and FARC1) (Figure 20)

20 Figure 20 - LARC Delete Gauge 4

9. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 10. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

Sutron 1. To delete a Sutron gauge from the Sutron dial schedule click the Dial Schedule link under the Sutron section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 2) 2. The Sutron dial schedule page will be displayed (Figure 7). 3. Scroll down to the gauge ID you wish to remove. For this example, I’m removing gauge ID: FAKE2 (see Figure 21)

21 Figure 21 - Sutron Delete Gauge

4. Place a check in the checkbox next to the gauge ID you wish to remove (Figure 21). NOTE: You will only be allowed to assess the checkbox if you are the POC for the gauge in question or you are logged on as root. 5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and locate the Update button (Figure 21). 6. Click the Update button to remove the gauge ID from the Sutron dial schedule. 7. Confirm/Cancel your selection by clicking OK/Cancel in the message box (Figure 22).

22 Figure 22 - Sutron Delete Gauge

8. Scroll back to the location where the gauge ID previously resided and visually confirm that it was removed from the Sutron dial schedule. (For this example, the removed gauge ID: FAKE2 was located at the end/bottom of the table) (Figure 23)

23 Figure 23 - Sutron Delete Gauge

9. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 10. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system. 5. AdHoc Requests 1. Both LARC and Sutron adhoc requests can be submitted. 2. Separate links for LARC and Sutron adhoc requests are provided.


Add 1. To submit a LARC adhoc request click the Add link under the LARC - AdHoc Requests section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 2) 2. The LARC AdHoc Request page should be displayed. (Figure 24)

24 Figure 24 - LARC Add AdHoc Request

3. In Figure 24, notice that the gauge IDs in the Gauge ID column are links. Click on the gauge ID for the gauge you wish to submit an adhoc request for. 4. Selecting gauge ID CRHI3, will render the page shown in Figure 25 below. (This is the ID used for this example. Your selection may differ)

25 Figure 25 - LARC Add AdHoc Request 2

5. Note the information displayed for gauge ID CRHI3. 6. To schedule the gauge for an adhoc request, you must complete the Interval and Duration information. As shown in Figure 25, the defaults are 15 minute intervals, for 0 days, every 3 hours. In other words, this gauge would be polled every 15 minutes, over the course of 3 hours. 7. For this example, I’ve scheduled an interval of 1 hour with a duration of 2 hours. This gauge will be polled once an hour for 2 hours. (Figure 26)

26 Figure 26 - LARC Add AdHoc Request 3

8. Note the interval of 1 hour with the duration of 2 hours for gauge ID CRHI3. 9. Click the Send button when interval and duration information has been completed. 10. Your adhoc request will be submitted and a confirmation page will be displayed. (Figure 27)

27 Figure 27 - LARC Add AdHoc Request 4

11. The confirmation page shows that the adhoc request was successful and lists the gauge data and corresponding interval, duration, and expiration time for the adhoc request. 12. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 13. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

View 1. The View link under the LARC – AdHoc Requests section of the CADAS Main Page (Figure 2) allows you to view all pending LARC adhoc requests. This link is active ONLY if there are pending LARC adhoc requests. 2. If there are pending LARC adhoc requests, click the View link and the page displaying any pending LARC adhoc requests will be displayed (Figure 28).

28 Figure 28 - View LARC AdHoc Request(s)

3. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 4. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

Delete 1. The Delete link under the LARC – AdHoc Requests section of the CADAS Main Page (Figure 2) allows you to view all pending LARC adhoc requests and delete them if necessary. This link is active ONLY if there are pending LARC adhoc requests. 2. If there are pending LARC adhoc request(s) that require deletion click the Delete link under the LARC – AdHoc Requests section and the delete page will be displayed (Figure 29).

29 Figure 29 - Delete LARC AdHoc Request(s) 0

3. Click on the link for the gauge ID of the adhoc request you wish to delete. From Figure 29, the highlighted link is for gauge ID CRHI3. 4. Clicking on this link will result in display of a LARC AdHoc Requests table with NO entries (Figure 30 below).

30 Figure 30 - Delete LARC AdHoc Request(s) 0

5. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 6. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.


Add 1. To submit a Sutron adhoc request click the Add link under the Sutron - AdHoc Requests section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 3) 2. The Sutron AdHoc Request page should be displayed. (Figure 31)

31 Figure 31 - Sutron Add AdHoc Request

3. In Figure 31, notice that the gauge IDs in the Gauge ID column are links. Click on the gauge ID for the gauge you wish to submit an adhoc request for. 4. Selecting gauge ID GOWN6, will render the page shown in Figure 32 below. (This is the ID used for this example. Your selection may differ)

32 Figure 32 - Sutron Add AdHoc Request 2

5. Note the information displayed for gauge ID GOWN6. 6. To schedule the gauge for an adhoc request, you must complete the Interval and Duration information. As shown in Figure 32, the defaults are 15 minute intervals, for 0 days, every 3 hours. In other words, this gauge would be polled every 15 minutes, over the course of 3 hours. 7. For this example, I’ve scheduled an interval of 30 minutes with the duration of 2 hours. This gauge will be polled every half an hour for 2 hours. (Figure 33)

33 Figure 33 - Sutron Add AdHoc Request 3

8. Note the interval of 30 minutes with the duration of 2 hours for gauge ID GOWN6. 9. Click the Send button when interval and duration information has been completed. 10. Your adhoc request will be submitted and a confirmation page will be displayed. (Figure 34)

34 Figure 34 - Sutron Add AdHoc Request 4

11. The confirmation page shows that the adhoc request was successful and lists the gauge data and corresponding interval, duration, and expiration time for the adhoc request. 12. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 13. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

View 1. The View link under the Sutron – AdHoc Requests section of the CADAS Main Page (Figure 3) allows you to view all pending Sutron adhoc requests. This link is active ONLY if there are pending Sutron adhoc requests. 2. If there are pending Sutron adhoc requests, click the View link and the page displaying any pending Sutron adhoc requests will be displayed (Figure 35).

35 Figure 35 - View Sutron AdHoc Request(s)

3. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 4. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

Delete 1. The Delete link under the Sutron – AdHoc Requests section of the CADAS Main Page (Figure 3) allows you to view all pending Sutron adhoc requests and delete them if necessary. This link is active ONLY if there are pending Sutron adhoc requests. 2. If there are pending Sutron adhoc request(s) that require deletion click the Delete link under the Sutron – AdHoc Requests section and the delete page will be displayed.

36 Figure 36 - Delete Sutron AdHoc Request

3. Click on the link for the gauge ID of the adhoc request you wish to delete. From Figure 36, the highlighted link is for gauge ID GOWN6. 4. Clicking on this link will result in display of a Sutron AdHoc Requests table with NO entries (Figure 37 below).

37 Figure 37 - Delete Sutron AdHoc Request 2

5. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 6. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

6. History 1. Dial history statistics are kept for LARC, Sutron, and AMOS gauges. 2. Separate history links for each gauge type are provided.

LARC 1. To view LARC dial history statistics click the History link under the LARC section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 2) 2. The LARC Dial History page should be displayed along with a Summary table. (Figure 38)

38 Figure 38 - LARC Dial History

3. The Gauge ID drop down menu allows you to select all gauges or an individual gauge. 4. The Begin drop down menu allows you to select a begin (start) date for the range of your search. 5. The End drop down menu allows you to select an end (finish) date for the range of your search. 6. The Result drop down menu allows you to specify all dial results or an individual result, including good, busy, no answer, bad data, or bad time tag. 7. The Modem drop down menu allows you to view statistics for all modems or for an individual modem. 8. The following selections were made for this selection: Gauge ID = ALBW3; Begin = 2005-03-15; End = 2005-05-06; Result = Good; Modem = All 9. After any of the search parameters have been set, the Display button will appear at the bottom of the page (Figure 39).

39 Figure 39 - LARC Dial History 2

10. Click the Display button to show the results of the history search. 11. A Detail table will be displayed showing the results for the statistical search parameter(s) entered (Figure 40).

40 Figure 40 - LARC Dial History 3

12. The Detail table will display a Gauge ID, Date Queued, Time Queued, Time Dialed, Time Dial Complete, Adhoc Request (T or F), Result (Good, Busy, No Answer, Bad Data, Bad Time Tag), Modem Used, and Report (name of the report containing data from that dial). 13. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 14. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

Sutron 1. To view Sutron dial history statistics click the History link under the Sutron section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 3) 2. The Sutron Dial Summary page should be displayed along with a Summary table. (Figure 41)

41 Figure 41 - Sutron Dial Summary

3. The Gauge ID drop down menu allows you to select all gauges or an individual gauge. 4. The Begin drop down menu allows you to select a beginning (start) date for the range of your search. 5. The End drop down menu allows you to select an end (finish) date for the range of your search. 6. The Result drop down menu allows you to specify all dial results or an individual result, including good, busy, no answer, bad data, or bad time tag. 7. The Modem drop down menu allows you to view statistics for all modems or for an individual modem. 8. The following selections were made for this selection: Gauge ID = CKLN6; Begin = 2005-04-01; End = 2005-04-18; Result = Good; Modem = All 9. After any of the search parameters have been set, the Display button will appear at the bottom of the page (Figure 42).

42 Figure 42 - Sutron Dial Summary 2

10. Click the Display button to show the results of the dial summary search. 11. A Detail table will be displayed showing the results for the dial summary search parameter(s) entered (Figure 43).

43 Figure 43 - Sutron Dial Summary 3

12. The Detail table will display a Gauge ID, Date Queued, Time Queued, Time Dialed, Time Dial Complete, Adhoc Request (T or F), Result (Good, Busy, No Answer, Bad Data, Bad Time Tag), Modem Used, and Report (name of the report containing data from that dial). 13. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 14. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

7. Search 1. LARC dial history searches can be conducted for LARC and Sutron gauges. 2. Separate search links for both gauge type are provided.

LARC 1. To conduct a LARC dial history search click the Search link under the LARC section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 2) 2. The Search LARC Dial History page should be displayed. (Figure 44)

44 Figure 44 - Search LARC Dial History

3. The Search LARC Dial History page allows you to specify a date range (Begin and End drop down menus), a result (Good, No Answer, Busy, Bad Data, Bad Time Tag), and a Less than or Greater than percentage. 4. For this example the following selections were made: Begin = 2005-03-15; End = 2005-04-15, No Answer, Greater than 75%. (Figure 45)

45 Figure 45 - Search LARC Dial History 2

5. Once search parameters are set, click on the Submit button to execute the search. 6. The search results will be displayed as shown in Figure 46.

46 Figure 46 - Search LARC Dial History 3

7. The search results are displayed with the LARC History Search Parameters and a Search Results table. 8. Clicking on the hyperlink for a gauge ID will display all results for that gauge ID within the search timeframe. 9. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 10. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

Sutron 1. To conduct a Sutron dial history search click the Search link under the Sutron section of the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 3) 2. The Search Sutron Dial History page should be displayed. (Figure 47)

47 Figure 47 - Search Sutron Dial History

3. The Search Sutron Dial History page allows you to specify a date range (Begin and End drop down menus), a result (Good, No Answer, Busy, Bad Data, Bad Time Tag), and a Less than or Greater than percentage. 4. For this example the following selections were made: Begin = 2004-04-08; End = 2005-05-08, Bad Data, Greater than 5%. (Figure 48)

48 Figure 48 - Search Sutron Dial History 2

5. Once search parameters are set, click on the Submit button to execute the search. 6. The search results will be displayed as shown in Figure 49.

49 Figure 49 - Search Sutron Dial History 3

7. The search results are displayed with the Sutron History Search Parameters and a Search Results table. 8. Clicking on the hyperlink for a gauge ID will display all results for that gauge ID within the search timeframe. 9. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 10. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system. 8. Users 1. To view a list of valid CADAS users click the Users link on the CADAS Main Page. (Figure 3) 2. A page showing valid CADAS users will be displayed. (Figure 50)

50 Figure 50 – Users

3. User information will include Email Address, Phone Number, Ext (extension), Created (creation date and time), and Disable (Yes or No). 4. CADAS – The CADAS link at the very top of the page allows the user to return to the CADAS main page. 5. logout – The logout link in the upper right hand corner of the page allows the user to logout of the CADAS system.

9. Information Links




About [email protected] – CADAS Administrator


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